
     1  package parsing
     3  import (
     4  	"errors"
     5  	"fmt"
     7  	""
     8  	""
     9  	""
    11  	""
    12  )
    14  // Parser can parse lua statements or expressions
    15  type Parser struct {
    16  	scanner Scanner
    17  }
    19  type Scanner interface {
    20  	Scan() *token.Token
    21  	ErrorMsg() string
    22  }
    24  type Error struct {
    25  	Got      *token.Token
    26  	Expected string
    27  }
    29  func (e Error) Error() string {
    30  	expected := e.Expected
    31  	if e.Got.Type == token.INVALID {
    32  		expected = "invalid token: " + expected
    33  	} else if e.Got.Type == token.UNFINISHED {
    34  		expected = "unexpected <eof>"
    35  	} else if expected == "" {
    36  		expected = "unexpected symbol"
    37  	} else {
    38  		expected = "expected " + expected
    39  	}
    40  	var tok string
    41  	if e.Got.Type == token.EOF {
    42  		tok = "<eof>"
    43  	} else {
    44  		tok = luastrings.Quote(string(e.Got.Lit), '\'')
    45  	}
    46  	return fmt.Sprintf("%d:%d: %s near %s", e.Got.Line, e.Got.Column, expected, tok)
    47  }
    49  // ParseExp takes in a function that returns tokens and builds an ExpNode for it
    50  // (or returns an error).
    51  func ParseExp(scanner Scanner) (exp ast.ExpNode, err error) {
    52  	defer func() {
    53  		if r := recover(); r != nil {
    54  			exp = nil
    55  			var ok bool
    56  			err, ok = r.(error)
    57  			if !ok {
    58  				err = errors.New("Unknown error")
    59  			}
    60  		}
    61  	}()
    62  	parser := &Parser{scanner}
    63  	var t *token.Token
    64  	exp, t = parser.Exp(parser.Scan())
    65  	expectType(t, token.EOF, "<eof>")
    66  	return
    67  }
    69  // ParseChunk takes in a function that returns tokens and builds a BlockStat for it
    70  // (or returns an error).
    71  func ParseChunk(scanner Scanner) (stat ast.BlockStat, err error) {
    72  	defer func() {
    73  		if r := recover(); r != nil {
    74  			stat = ast.BlockStat{}
    75  			var ok bool
    76  			err, ok = r.(error)
    77  			if !ok {
    78  				err = errors.New("Unknown error")
    79  			}
    80  		}
    81  	}()
    82  	parser := &Parser{scanner}
    83  	var t *token.Token
    84  	stat, t = parser.Block(parser.Scan())
    85  	expectType(t, token.EOF, "<eof>")
    86  	return
    87  }
    89  // Scan returns the next token.
    90  func (p *Parser) Scan() *token.Token {
    91  	tok := p.scanner.Scan()
    92  	if tok.Type == token.INVALID {
    93  		panic(Error{Got: tok, Expected: p.scanner.ErrorMsg()})
    94  	}
    95  	return tok
    96  }
    98  // Stat parses any statement.
    99  func (p *Parser) Stat(t *token.Token) (ast.Stat, *token.Token) {
   100  	switch t.Type {
   101  	case token.SgSemicolon:
   102  		return ast.NewEmptyStat(t), p.Scan()
   103  	case token.KwBreak:
   104  		return ast.NewBreakStat(t), p.Scan()
   105  	case token.KwGoto:
   106  		dest := p.Scan()
   107  		expectIdent(dest)
   108  		return ast.NewGotoStat(t, ast.NewName(dest)), p.Scan()
   109  	case token.KwDo:
   110  		stat, closer := p.Block(p.Scan())
   111  		expectType(closer, token.KwEnd, "'end'")
   112  		return stat, p.Scan()
   113  	case token.KwWhile:
   114  		cond, doTok := p.Exp(p.Scan())
   115  		expectType(doTok, token.KwDo, "'do'")
   116  		body, endTok := p.Block(p.Scan())
   117  		expectType(endTok, token.KwEnd, "'end'")
   118  		return ast.NewWhileStat(t, endTok, cond, body), p.Scan()
   119  	case token.KwRepeat:
   120  		body, untilTok := p.Block(p.Scan())
   121  		expectType(untilTok, token.KwUntil, "'until'")
   122  		cond, next := p.Exp(p.Scan())
   123  		return ast.NewRepeatStat(t, body, cond), next
   124  	case token.KwIf:
   125  		return p.If(t)
   126  	case token.KwFor:
   127  		return p.For(t)
   128  	case token.KwFunction:
   129  		return p.FunctionStat(t)
   130  	case token.KwLocal:
   131  		return p.Local(t)
   132  	case token.SgDoubleColon:
   133  		name, t := p.Name(p.Scan())
   134  		expectType(t, token.SgDoubleColon, "'::'")
   135  		return ast.NewLabelStat(name), p.Scan()
   136  	default:
   137  		var exp ast.ExpNode
   138  		exp, t = p.PrefixExp(t)
   139  		switch e := exp.(type) {
   140  		case ast.Stat:
   141  			// This is a function call
   142  			return e, t
   143  		case ast.Var:
   144  			// This should be the start of 'varlist = explist'
   145  			vars := []ast.Var{e}
   146  			var pexp ast.ExpNode
   147  			for t.Type == token.SgComma {
   148  				pexp, t = p.PrefixExp(p.Scan())
   149  				if v, ok := pexp.(ast.Var); ok {
   150  					vars = append(vars, v)
   151  				} else {
   152  					tokenError(t, "expected variable")
   153  				}
   154  			}
   155  			expectType(t, token.SgAssign, "'='")
   156  			exps, t := p.ExpList(p.Scan())
   157  			return ast.NewAssignStat(vars, exps), t
   158  		default:
   159  			tokenError(t, "")
   160  		}
   161  	}
   162  	return nil, nil
   163  }
   165  // If parses an if / then / else statement.  It assumes that t is the "if"
   166  // token.
   167  func (p *Parser) If(t *token.Token) (ast.IfStat, *token.Token) {
   168  	cond, thenTok := p.Exp(p.Scan())
   169  	expectType(thenTok, token.KwThen, "'then'")
   170  	thenBlock, endTok := p.Block(p.Scan())
   171  	ifStat := ast.NewIfStat(t, cond, thenBlock)
   172  	for {
   173  		switch endTok.Type {
   174  		case token.KwElseIf:
   175  			cond, thenTok = p.Exp(p.Scan())
   176  			expectType(thenTok, token.KwThen, "'then'")
   177  			thenBlock, endTok = p.Block(p.Scan())
   178  			ifStat = ifStat.AddElseIf(cond, thenBlock)
   179  		case token.KwEnd:
   180  			return ifStat, p.Scan()
   181  		case token.KwElse:
   182  			elseBlock, elseTok := p.Block(p.Scan())
   183  			expectType(elseTok, token.KwEnd, "'end'")
   184  			ifStat = ifStat.WithElse(endTok, elseBlock)
   185  			return ifStat, p.Scan()
   186  		default:
   187  			tokenError(t, "'elseif' or 'end' or 'else'")
   188  		}
   189  	}
   190  }
   192  // For parses a for in / for = statement.  It assumes that t is the "for" token.
   193  func (p *Parser) For(t *token.Token) (ast.Stat, *token.Token) {
   194  	name, nextTok := p.Name(p.Scan())
   195  	if nextTok.Type == token.SgAssign {
   196  		// Parse for Name = ...
   197  		params := make([]ast.ExpNode, 3)
   198  		params[0], nextTok = p.Exp(p.Scan())
   199  		expectType(nextTok, token.SgComma, "','")
   200  		params[1], nextTok = p.Exp(p.Scan())
   201  		if nextTok.Type == token.SgComma {
   202  			params[2], nextTok = p.Exp(p.Scan())
   203  		} else {
   204  			params[2] = ast.NewInt(1)
   205  		}
   206  		expectType(nextTok, token.KwDo, "'do'")
   207  		body, endTok := p.Block(p.Scan())
   208  		expectType(endTok, token.KwEnd, "'end'")
   209  		forStat := ast.NewForStat(t, endTok, name, params, body)
   210  		return forStat, p.Scan()
   211  	}
   212  	// Parse for namelist in explist ...
   213  	names := []ast.Name{name}
   214  	for nextTok.Type == token.SgComma {
   215  		name, nextTok = p.Name(p.Scan())
   216  		names = append(names, name)
   217  	}
   218  	expected := "'in'"
   219  	if len(names) == 1 {
   220  		expected = "'=' or 'in'"
   221  	}
   222  	expectType(nextTok, token.KwIn, expected)
   223  	exp, nextTok := p.Exp(p.Scan())
   224  	params := []ast.ExpNode{exp}
   225  	for nextTok.Type == token.SgComma {
   226  		exp, nextTok = p.Exp(p.Scan())
   227  		params = append(params, exp)
   228  	}
   229  	expectType(nextTok, token.KwDo, "'do'")
   230  	body, endTok := p.Block(p.Scan())
   231  	expectType(endTok, token.KwEnd, "'end'")
   232  	forInStat := ast.NewForInStat(t, endTok, names, params, body)
   233  	return forInStat, p.Scan()
   235  }
   237  // Local parses a "local" statement (function definition of variable
   238  // declaration).  It assumes that t is the "local" token.
   239  func (p *Parser) Local(*token.Token) (ast.Stat, *token.Token) {
   240  	t := p.Scan()
   241  	if t.Type == token.KwFunction {
   242  		name, t := p.Name(p.Scan())
   243  		fx, t := p.FunctionDef(t)
   244  		return ast.NewLocalFunctionStat(name, fx), t
   245  	}
   246  	// local namelist ['=' explist]
   247  	nameAttrib, t := p.NameAttrib(t)
   248  	nameAttribs := []ast.NameAttrib{nameAttrib}
   249  	for t.Type == token.SgComma {
   250  		nameAttrib, t = p.NameAttrib(p.Scan())
   251  		nameAttribs = append(nameAttribs, nameAttrib)
   252  	}
   253  	var values []ast.ExpNode
   254  	if t.Type == token.SgAssign {
   255  		values, t = p.ExpList(p.Scan())
   256  	}
   257  	return ast.NewLocalStat(nameAttribs, values), t
   258  }
   260  // FunctionStat parses a function definition statement. It assumes that t is the
   261  // "function" token.
   262  func (p *Parser) FunctionStat(*token.Token) (ast.Stat, *token.Token) {
   263  	name, t := p.Name(p.Scan())
   264  	var v ast.Var = name
   265  	var method ast.Name
   266  	for t.Type == token.SgDot {
   267  		name, t = p.Name(p.Scan())
   268  		v = ast.NewIndexExp(v, name.AstString())
   269  	}
   270  	if t.Type == token.SgColon {
   271  		method, t = p.Name(p.Scan())
   272  	}
   273  	fx, t := p.FunctionDef(t)
   274  	return ast.NewFunctionStat(v, method, fx), t
   275  }
   277  // Block parses a block whose starting token (e.g. "do") has already been
   278  // consumed. Returns the token that closes the block (e.g. "end"). So the caller
   279  // should check that this is the right kind of closing token.
   280  func (p *Parser) Block(t *token.Token) (ast.BlockStat, *token.Token) {
   281  	var stats []ast.Stat
   282  	var next ast.Stat
   283  	for {
   284  		switch t.Type {
   285  		case token.KwReturn:
   286  			ret, t := p.Return(t)
   287  			return ast.NewBlockStat(stats, ret), t
   288  		case token.KwEnd, token.KwElse, token.KwElseIf, token.KwUntil, token.EOF:
   289  			return ast.NewBlockStat(stats, nil), t
   290  		default:
   291  			next, t = p.Stat(t)
   292  			stats = append(stats, next)
   293  		}
   294  	}
   295  }
   297  // Return parses a return statement.
   298  func (p *Parser) Return(*token.Token) ([]ast.ExpNode, *token.Token) {
   299  	t := p.Scan()
   300  	switch t.Type {
   301  	case token.SgSemicolon:
   302  		return []ast.ExpNode{}, p.Scan()
   303  	case token.KwEnd, token.KwElse, token.KwElseIf, token.KwUntil, token.EOF:
   304  		return []ast.ExpNode{}, t
   305  	default:
   306  		exps, t := p.ExpList(t)
   307  		if t.Type == token.SgSemicolon {
   308  			t = p.Scan()
   309  		}
   310  		return exps, t
   311  	}
   312  }
   314  type item struct {
   315  	exp ast.ExpNode
   316  	op  ops.Op
   317  	tok *token.Token
   318  }
   320  func mergepop(stack []item, it item) ([]item, item) {
   321  	i := len(stack) - 1
   322  	top := stack[i]
   323  	top.exp = ast.NewBinOp(top.exp, it.op, it.tok, it.exp)
   324  	return stack[:i], top
   325  }
   327  // Exp parses any expression.
   328  func (p *Parser) Exp(t *token.Token) (ast.ExpNode, *token.Token) {
   329  	var exp ast.ExpNode
   330  	exp, t = p.ShortExp(t)
   331  	var op ops.Op
   332  	var opTok *token.Token
   333  	var stack []item
   334  	last := item{exp: exp}
   335  	for t.Type.IsBinOp() {
   336  		op = binopMap[t.Type]
   337  		opTok = t
   338  		exp, t = p.ShortExp(p.Scan())
   339  		for len(stack) > 0 {
   340  			pdiff := op.Precedence() - last.op.Precedence()
   341  			if pdiff > 0 || (pdiff == 0 && op == ops.OpConcat) {
   342  				break
   343  			}
   344  			stack, last = mergepop(stack, last)
   345  		}
   346  		stack = append(stack, last)
   347  		last = item{exp: exp, op: op, tok: opTok}
   348  	}
   349  	// We are left with a stack of strictly increasing precedence
   350  	for len(stack) > 0 {
   351  		stack, last = mergepop(stack, last)
   352  	}
   353  	return last.exp, t
   354  }
   356  // ShortExp parses an expression which is either atomic, a unary operation, a
   357  // prefix expression or a power operation (right associatively composed). In
   358  // other words, any expression that doesn't contain a binary operator.
   359  func (p *Parser) ShortExp(t *token.Token) (ast.ExpNode, *token.Token) {
   360  	var exp ast.ExpNode
   361  	switch t.Type {
   362  	case token.KwNil:
   363  		exp, t = ast.NewNil(t), p.Scan()
   364  	case token.KwTrue:
   365  		exp, t = ast.True(t), p.Scan()
   366  	case token.KwFalse:
   367  		exp, t = ast.False(t), p.Scan()
   368  	case token.NUMDEC, token.NUMHEX:
   369  		n, err := ast.NewNumber(t)
   370  		if err != nil {
   371  			panic(err)
   372  		}
   373  		exp, t = n, p.Scan()
   374  	case token.STRING:
   375  		s, err := ast.NewString(t)
   376  		if err != nil {
   377  			panic(err)
   378  		}
   379  		exp, t = s, p.Scan()
   380  	case token.LONGSTRING:
   381  		exp, t = ast.NewLongString(t), p.Scan()
   382  	case token.SgOpenBrace:
   383  		exp, t = p.TableConstructor(t)
   384  	case token.SgEtc:
   385  		exp, t = ast.NewEtc(t), p.Scan()
   386  	case token.KwFunction:
   387  		exp, t = p.FunctionDef(p.Scan())
   388  	case token.SgMinus, token.KwNot, token.SgHash, token.SgTilde:
   389  		// A unary operator!
   390  		opTok := t
   391  		exp, t = p.ShortExp(p.Scan())
   392  		exp = ast.NewUnOp(opTok, unopMap[opTok.Type], exp)
   393  	default:
   394  		exp, t = p.PrefixExp(t)
   395  	}
   396  	if t.Type == token.SgHat {
   397  		var pow ast.ExpNode
   398  		pow, t = p.ShortExp(p.Scan())
   399  		exp = ast.NewBinOp(exp, ops.OpPow, t, pow)
   400  	}
   401  	return exp, t
   402  }
   404  var unopMap = map[token.Type]ops.Op{
   405  	token.SgMinus: ops.OpNeg,
   406  	token.KwNot:   ops.OpNot,
   407  	token.SgHash:  ops.OpLen,
   408  	token.SgTilde: ops.OpBitNot,
   409  }
   411  var binopMap = map[token.Type]ops.Op{
   412  	token.KwOr:  ops.OpOr,
   413  	token.KwAnd: ops.OpAnd,
   415  	token.SgLess:         ops.OpLt,
   416  	token.SgLessEqual:    ops.OpLeq,
   417  	token.SgGreater:      ops.OpGt,
   418  	token.SgGreaterEqual: ops.OpGeq,
   419  	token.SgEqual:        ops.OpEq,
   420  	token.SgNotEqual:     ops.OpNeq,
   422  	token.SgPipe:      ops.OpBitOr,
   423  	token.SgTilde:     ops.OpBitXor,
   424  	token.SgAmpersand: ops.OpBitAnd,
   426  	token.SgShiftLeft:  ops.OpShiftL,
   427  	token.SgShiftRight: ops.OpShiftR,
   429  	token.SgConcat: ops.OpConcat,
   431  	token.SgPlus:  ops.OpAdd,
   432  	token.SgMinus: ops.OpSub,
   434  	token.SgStar:       ops.OpMul,
   435  	token.SgSlash:      ops.OpDiv,
   436  	token.SgSlashSlash: ops.OpFloorDiv,
   437  	token.SgPct:        ops.OpMod,
   439  	token.SgHat: ops.OpPow,
   440  }
   442  // FunctionDef parses a function definition expression.
   443  func (p *Parser) FunctionDef(startTok *token.Token) (ast.Function, *token.Token) {
   444  	expectType(startTok, token.SgOpenBkt, "'('")
   445  	t := p.Scan()
   446  	var names []ast.Name
   447  	hasEtc := false
   448  ParamsLoop:
   449  	for {
   450  		switch t.Type {
   451  		case token.IDENT:
   452  			names = append(names, ast.NewName(t))
   453  			t = p.Scan()
   454  			if t.Type != token.SgComma {
   455  				break ParamsLoop
   456  			}
   457  			t = p.Scan()
   458  		case token.SgEtc:
   459  			hasEtc = true
   460  			t = p.Scan()
   461  			break ParamsLoop
   462  		case token.SgCloseBkt:
   463  			break ParamsLoop
   464  		default:
   465  			tokenError(t, "")
   466  		}
   467  	}
   468  	expectType(t, token.SgCloseBkt, "')'")
   469  	body, endTok := p.Block(p.Scan())
   470  	expectType(endTok, token.KwEnd, "'end'")
   471  	def := ast.NewFunction(startTok, endTok, ast.NewParList(names, hasEtc), body)
   472  	return def, p.Scan()
   473  }
   475  // PrefixExp parses an expression made of a name or and expression in brackets
   476  // followed by zero or more indexing operations or function applications.
   477  func (p *Parser) PrefixExp(t *token.Token) (ast.ExpNode, *token.Token) {
   478  	var exp ast.ExpNode
   479  	switch t.Type {
   480  	case token.SgOpenBkt:
   481  		exp, t = p.Exp(p.Scan())
   482  		if f, ok := exp.(ast.FunctionCall); ok {
   483  			exp = f.InBrackets()
   484  		}
   485  		expectType(t, token.SgCloseBkt, "')'")
   486  	case token.IDENT:
   487  		exp = ast.NewName(t)
   488  	default:
   489  		tokenError(t, "")
   490  	}
   491  	t = p.Scan()
   492  	for {
   493  		switch t.Type {
   494  		case token.SgOpenSquareBkt:
   495  			var idxExp ast.ExpNode
   496  			idxExp, t = p.Exp(p.Scan())
   497  			expectType(t, token.SgCloseSquareBkt, "']'")
   498  			t = p.Scan()
   499  			exp = ast.NewIndexExp(exp, idxExp)
   500  		case token.SgDot:
   501  			var name ast.Name
   502  			name, t = p.Name(p.Scan())
   503  			exp = ast.NewIndexExp(exp, name.AstString())
   504  		case token.SgColon:
   505  			var name ast.Name
   506  			var args []ast.ExpNode
   507  			name, t = p.Name(p.Scan())
   508  			args, t = p.Args(t)
   509  			if args == nil {
   510  				tokenError(t, "expected function arguments")
   511  			}
   512  			exp = ast.NewFunctionCall(exp, name, args)
   513  		default:
   514  			var args []ast.ExpNode
   515  			args, t = p.Args(t)
   516  			if args == nil {
   517  				return exp, t
   518  			}
   519  			exp = ast.NewFunctionCall(exp, ast.Name{}, args)
   520  		}
   521  	}
   522  }
   524  // Args parses the arguments of a function call. It returns nil rather than
   525  // panicking if it couldn't parse arguments.
   526  func (p *Parser) Args(t *token.Token) ([]ast.ExpNode, *token.Token) {
   527  	switch t.Type {
   528  	case token.SgOpenBkt:
   529  		t = p.Scan()
   530  		if t.Type == token.SgCloseBkt {
   531  			return []ast.ExpNode{}, p.Scan()
   532  		}
   533  		args, t := p.ExpList(t)
   534  		expectType(t, token.SgCloseBkt, "')'")
   535  		return args, p.Scan()
   536  	case token.SgOpenBrace:
   537  		arg, t := p.TableConstructor(t)
   538  		return []ast.ExpNode{arg}, t
   539  	case token.STRING:
   540  		arg, err := ast.NewString(t)
   541  		if err != nil {
   542  			panic(err)
   543  		}
   544  		return []ast.ExpNode{arg}, p.Scan()
   545  	case token.LONGSTRING:
   546  		return []ast.ExpNode{ast.NewLongString(t)}, p.Scan()
   547  	}
   548  	return nil, t
   549  }
   551  // ExpList parses a comma separated list of expressions.
   552  func (p *Parser) ExpList(t *token.Token) ([]ast.ExpNode, *token.Token) {
   553  	var exp ast.ExpNode
   554  	exp, t = p.Exp(t)
   555  	exps := []ast.ExpNode{exp}
   556  	for t.Type == token.SgComma {
   557  		exp, t = p.Exp(p.Scan())
   558  		exps = append(exps, exp)
   559  	}
   560  	return exps, t
   561  }
   563  // TableConstructor parses a table constructor.
   564  func (p *Parser) TableConstructor(opTok *token.Token) (ast.TableConstructor, *token.Token) {
   565  	t := p.Scan()
   566  	var fields []ast.TableField
   567  	if t.Type != token.SgCloseBrace {
   568  		var field ast.TableField
   569  		field, t = p.Field(t)
   570  		fields = []ast.TableField{field}
   571  		for t.Type == token.SgComma || t.Type == token.SgSemicolon {
   572  			t = p.Scan()
   573  			if t.Type == token.SgCloseBrace {
   574  				break
   575  			}
   576  			field, t = p.Field(t)
   577  			fields = append(fields, field)
   578  		}
   579  	}
   580  	expectType(t, token.SgCloseBrace, "'}'")
   581  	return ast.NewTableConstructor(opTok, t, fields), p.Scan()
   582  }
   584  // Field parses a table constructor field.
   585  func (p *Parser) Field(t *token.Token) (ast.TableField, *token.Token) {
   586  	var key ast.ExpNode = ast.NoTableKey{}
   587  	var val ast.ExpNode
   588  	if t.Type == token.SgOpenSquareBkt {
   589  		key, t = p.Exp(p.Scan())
   590  		expectType(t, token.SgCloseSquareBkt, "']'")
   591  		expectType(p.Scan(), token.SgAssign, "'='")
   592  		val, t = p.Exp(p.Scan())
   593  	} else {
   594  		val, t = p.Exp(t)
   595  		if t.Type == token.SgAssign {
   596  			if name, ok := val.(ast.Name); !ok {
   597  				tokenError(t, "")
   598  			} else {
   599  				key = name.AstString()
   600  				val, t = p.Exp(p.Scan())
   601  			}
   602  		}
   603  	}
   604  	return ast.NewTableField(key, val), t
   605  }
   607  // Name parses a name.
   608  func (p *Parser) Name(t *token.Token) (ast.Name, *token.Token) {
   609  	expectIdent(t)
   610  	return ast.NewName(t), p.Scan()
   611  }
   613  func (p *Parser) NameAttrib(t *token.Token) (ast.NameAttrib, *token.Token) {
   614  	name, t := p.Name(t)
   615  	attrib := ast.NoAttrib
   616  	var attribName *ast.Name
   617  	if t.Type == token.SgLess {
   618  		attribTok := p.Scan()
   619  		attribName = new(ast.Name)
   620  		*attribName, t = p.Name(attribTok)
   621  		switch attribName.Val {
   622  		case "const":
   623  			attrib = ast.ConstAttrib
   624  		case "close":
   625  			attrib = ast.CloseAttrib
   626  		default:
   627  			tokenError(attribTok, "'const' or 'close'")
   628  		}
   629  		expectType(t, token.SgGreater, "'>'")
   630  		t = p.Scan()
   631  	}
   632  	return ast.NewNameAttrib(name, attribName, attrib), t
   633  }
   635  func expectIdent(t *token.Token) {
   636  	expectType(t, token.IDENT, "name")
   637  }
   639  func expectType(t *token.Token, tp token.Type, expected string) {
   640  	if t.Type != tp {
   641  		panic(Error{Got: t, Expected: expected})
   642  	}
   643  }
   645  func tokenError(t *token.Token, expected string) {
   646  	panic(Error{Got: t, Expected: expected})
   647  }