
     1  local c = 0
     2  local meta = {__gc = function() c = c + 1 end}
     3  local function mk()
     4      local t = {}
     5      setmetatable(t, meta)
     6      return t
     7  end
     9  -- Resource constraints forces finalizers to be called inside the context
    10  runtime.callcontext({kill = {cpu = 1000000}}, function()
    11      x = mk()
    12      -- No resource constraints do not
    13      runtime.callcontext({}, function()
    14          y = mk()
    15      end)
    16      print(c)
    17      --> =0
    18  end)
    19  print(c)
    20  --> =2
    23  local meta = {__gc = function(t) print(t.gc) end}
    25  runtime.callcontext({kill={millis=1000}}, function()
    26      local x = {gc = "local cx"}
    27      setmetatable(x, meta)
    28      local y = {gc = "local cy"}
    29      setmetatable(y, meta)
    30      local z = {gc = "local cz"}
    31      setmetatable(z, meta)
    32      print"leave"
    33  end)
    34  print"after"
    35  --> =leave
    36  --> =local cz
    37  --> =local cy
    38  --> =local cx
    39  --> =after