(about) 1 local function apply(f, ...) 2 return f(...) 3 end 4 5 apply(print, 1, 2) 6 --> =1 2 7 8 print(apply(rawlen, "abc")) 9 --> =3 10 11 print(pcall(apply, rawequal, 1)) 12 --> ~^false 13 14 local function errtest(...) 15 local ok, err = pcall(...) 16 if ok then 17 print "OK" 18 else 19 print(err) 20 end 21 end 22 23 print(type(string.dump(apply))) 24 --> =string 25 26 print(math.sin(0)) 27 --> =0 28 29 print(string.byte("A", 1)) 30 --> =65 31 32 errtest(string.dump, 1) 33 --> ~must be a lua function 34 35 errtest(string.len, 1) 36 --> ~must be a string 37 38 errtest(string.len) 39 --> ~value needed 40 41 errtest(coroutine.create, "wrong!") 42 --> ~must be a callable 43 44 errtest(coroutine.resume, {}) 45 --> ~must be a thread 46 47 errtest(string.byte, "x", {}) 48 --> ~must be an integer 49 50 errtest(math.cos, true) 51 --> ~must be a number 52 53 errtest(rawget, 1, 2) 54 --> ~must be a table 55 56 errtest(dofile, 1, 2, 3) 57 --> ~must be a string