
     1  # Contributing to rclone
     3  This is a short guide on how to contribute things to rclone.
     5  ## Reporting a bug
     7  If you've just got a question or aren't sure if you've found a bug
     8  then please use the [rclone forum]( instead
     9  of filing an issue.
    11  When filing an issue, please include the following information if
    12  possible as well as a description of the problem.  Make sure you test
    13  with the [latest beta of rclone](
    15  - Rclone version (e.g. output from `rclone version`)
    16  - Which OS you are using and how many bits (e.g. Windows 10, 64 bit)
    17  - The command you were trying to run (e.g. `rclone copy /tmp remote:tmp`)
    18  - A log of the command with the `-vv` flag (e.g. output from `rclone -vv copy /tmp remote:tmp`)
    19      - if the log contains secrets then edit the file with a text editor first to obscure them
    21  ## Submitting a new feature or bug fix
    23  If you find a bug that you'd like to fix, or a new feature that you'd
    24  like to implement then please submit a pull request via GitHub.
    26  If it is a big feature, then [make an issue]( first so it can be discussed.
    28  To prepare your pull request first press the fork button on [rclone's GitHub
    29  page](
    31  Then [install Git]( and set your public contribution [name]( and [email](
    33  Next open your terminal, change directory to your preferred folder and initialise your local rclone project:
    35      git clone
    36      cd rclone
    37      git remote rename origin upstream
    38        # if you have SSH keys setup in your GitHub account:
    39      git remote add origin
    40        # otherwise:
    41      git remote add origin
    43  Note that most of the terminal commands in the rest of this guide must be executed from the rclone folder created above.
    45  Now [install Go]( and verify your installation:
    47      go version
    49  Great, you can now compile and execute your own version of rclone:
    51      go build
    52      ./rclone version
    54  (Note that you can also replace `go build` with `make`, which will include a
    55  more accurate version number in the executable as well as enable you to specify
    56  more build options.) Finally make a branch to add your new feature
    58      git checkout -b my-new-feature
    60  And get hacking.
    62  You may like one of the [popular editors/IDE's for Go]( and a quick view on the rclone [code organisation](#code-organisation).
    64  When ready - test the affected functionality and run the unit tests for the code you changed
    66      cd folder/with/changed/files
    67      go test -v
    69  Note that you may need to make a test remote, e.g. `TestSwift` for some
    70  of the unit tests.
    72  This is typically enough if you made a simple bug fix, otherwise please read the rclone [testing](#testing) section too.
    74  Make sure you
    76  - Add [unit tests](#testing) for a new feature.
    77  - Add [documentation](#writing-documentation) for a new feature.
    78  - [Commit your changes](#committing-your-changes) using the [commit message guidelines](#commit-messages).
    80  When you are done with that push your changes to GitHub:
    82      git push -u origin my-new-feature
    84  and open the GitHub website to [create your pull
    85  request](
    87  Your changes will then get reviewed and you might get asked to fix some stuff. If so, then make the changes in the same branch, commit and push your updates to GitHub.
    89  You may sometimes be asked to [base your changes on the latest master](#basing-your-changes-on-the-latest-master) or [squash your commits](#squashing-your-commits).
    91  ## Using Git and GitHub
    93  ### Committing your changes
    95  Follow the guideline for [commit messages](#commit-messages) and then:
    97      git checkout my-new-feature      # To switch to your branch
    98      git status                       # To see the new and changed files
    99      git add FILENAME                 # To select FILENAME for the commit
   100      git status                       # To verify the changes to be committed
   101      git commit                       # To do the commit
   102      git log                          # To verify the commit. Use q to quit the log
   104  You can modify the message or changes in the latest commit using:
   106      git commit --amend
   108  If you amend to commits that have been pushed to GitHub, then you will have to [replace your previously pushed commits](#replacing-your-previously-pushed-commits).
   110  ### Replacing your previously pushed commits
   112  Note that you are about to rewrite the GitHub history of your branch. It is good practice to involve your collaborators before modifying commits that have been pushed to GitHub.
   114  Your previously pushed commits are replaced by:
   116      git push --force origin my-new-feature 
   118  ### Basing your changes on the latest master
   120  To base your changes on the latest version of the [rclone master]( (upstream):
   122      git checkout master
   123      git fetch upstream
   124      git merge --ff-only
   125      git push origin --follow-tags    # optional update of your fork in GitHub
   126      git checkout my-new-feature
   127      git rebase master
   129  If you rebase commits that have been pushed to GitHub, then you will have to [replace your previously pushed commits](#replacing-your-previously-pushed-commits).
   131  ### Squashing your commits ###
   133  To combine your commits into one commit:
   135      git log                          # To count the commits to squash, e.g. the last 2
   136      git reset --soft HEAD~2          # To undo the 2 latest commits
   137      git status                       # To check everything is as expected
   139  If everything is fine, then make the new combined commit:
   141      git commit                       # To commit the undone commits as one
   143  otherwise, you may roll back using:
   145      git reflog                       # To check that HEAD{1} is your previous state
   146      git reset --soft 'HEAD@{1}'      # To roll back to your previous state
   148  If you squash commits that have been pushed to GitHub, then you will have to [replace your previously pushed commits](#replacing-your-previously-pushed-commits).
   150  Tip: You may like to use `git rebase -i master` if you are experienced or have a more complex situation.
   152  ### GitHub Continuous Integration
   154  rclone currently uses [GitHub Actions]( to build and test the project, which should be automatically available for your fork too from the `Actions` tab in your repository.
   156  ## Testing
   158  ### Code quality tests
   160  If you install [golangci-lint]( then you can run the same tests as get run in the CI which can be very helpful.
   162  You can run them with `make check` or with `golangci-lint run ./...`.
   164  Using these tests ensures that the rclone codebase all uses the same coding standards. These tests also check for easy mistakes to make (like forgetting to check an error return).
   166  ### Quick testing
   168  rclone's tests are run from the go testing framework, so at the top
   169  level you can run this to run all the tests.
   171      go test -v ./...
   173  You can also use `make`, if supported by your platform
   175      make quicktest
   177  The quicktest is [automatically run by GitHub](#github-continuous-integration) when you push your branch to GitHub.
   179  ### Backend testing
   181  rclone contains a mixture of unit tests and integration tests.
   182  Because it is difficult (and in some respects pointless) to test cloud
   183  storage systems by mocking all their interfaces, rclone unit tests can
   184  run against any of the backends.  This is done by making specially
   185  named remotes in the default config file.
   187  If you wanted to test changes in the `drive` backend, then you would
   188  need to make a remote called `TestDrive`.
   190  You can then run the unit tests in the drive directory.  These tests
   191  are skipped if `TestDrive:` isn't defined.
   193      cd backend/drive
   194      go test -v
   196  You can then run the integration tests which test all of rclone's
   197  operations.  Normally these get run against the local file system,
   198  but they can be run against any of the remotes.
   200      cd fs/sync
   201      go test -v -remote TestDrive:
   202      go test -v -remote TestDrive: -fast-list
   204      cd fs/operations
   205      go test -v -remote TestDrive:
   207  If you want to use the integration test framework to run these tests
   208  altogether with an HTML report and test retries then from the
   209  project root:
   211      go install
   212      test_all -backend drive
   214  ### Full integration testing
   216  If you want to run all the integration tests against all the remotes,
   217  then change into the project root and run
   219      make check
   220      make test
   222  The commands may require some extra go packages which you can install with
   224      make build_dep
   226  The full integration tests are run daily on the integration test server. You can
   227  find the results at
   229  ## Code Organisation
   231  Rclone code is organised into a small number of top level directories
   232  with modules beneath.
   234  - backend - the rclone backends for interfacing to cloud providers -
   235      - all - import this to load all the cloud providers
   236      - ...providers
   237  - bin - scripts for use while building or maintaining rclone
   238  - cmd - the rclone commands
   239      - all - import this to load all the commands
   240      - ...commands
   241  - cmdtest - end-to-end tests of commands, flags, environment variables,...
   242  - docs - the documentation and website
   243      - content - adjust these docs only - everything else is autogenerated
   244      - command - these are auto-generated - edit the corresponding .go file
   245  - fs - main rclone definitions - minimal amount of code
   246      - accounting - bandwidth limiting and statistics
   247      - asyncreader - an io.Reader which reads ahead
   248      - config - manage the config file and flags
   249      - driveletter - detect if a name is a drive letter
   250      - filter - implements include/exclude filtering
   251      - fserrors - rclone specific error handling
   252      - fshttp - http handling for rclone
   253      - fspath - path handling for rclone
   254      - hash - defines rclone's hash types and functions
   255      - list - list a remote
   256      - log - logging facilities
   257      - march - iterates directories in lock step
   258      - object - in memory Fs objects
   259      - operations - primitives for sync, e.g. Copy, Move
   260      - sync - sync directories
   261      - walk - walk a directory
   262  - fstest - provides integration test framework
   263      - fstests - integration tests for the backends
   264      - mockdir - mocks an fs.Directory
   265      - mockobject - mocks an fs.Object
   266      - test_all - Runs integration tests for everything
   267  - graphics - the images used in the website, etc.
   268  - lib - libraries used by the backend
   269      - atexit - register functions to run when rclone exits
   270      - dircache - directory ID to name caching
   271      - oauthutil - helpers for using oauth
   272      - pacer - retries with backoff and paces operations
   273      - readers - a selection of useful io.Readers
   274      - rest - a thin abstraction over net/http for REST
   275  - librclone - in memory interface to rclone's API for embedding rclone
   276  - vfs - Virtual FileSystem layer for implementing rclone mount and similar
   278  ## Writing Documentation
   280  If you are adding a new feature then please update the documentation.
   282  If you add a new general flag (not for a backend), then document it in
   283  `docs/content/` - the flags there are supposed to be in
   284  alphabetical order.
   286  If you add a new backend option/flag, then it should be documented in
   287  the source file in the `Help:` field.
   289  - Start with the most important information about the option,
   290      as a single sentence on a single line.
   291      - This text will be used for the command-line flag help.
   292      - It will be combined with other information, such as any default value,
   293        and the result will look odd if not written as a single sentence.
   294      - It should end with a period/full stop character, which will be shown
   295        in docs but automatically removed when producing the flag help.
   296      - Try to keep it below 80 characters, to reduce text wrapping in the terminal.
   297  - More details can be added in a new paragraph, after an empty line (`"\n\n"`).
   298      - Like with docs generated from Markdown, a single line break is ignored
   299        and two line breaks creates a new paragraph.
   300      - This text will be shown to the user in `rclone config`
   301        and in the docs (where it will be added by `make backenddocs`,
   302        normally run some time before next release).
   303  - To create options of enumeration type use the `Examples:` field.
   304      - Each example value have their own `Help:` field, but they are treated
   305        a bit different than the main option help text. They will be shown
   306        as an unordered list, therefore a single line break is enough to
   307        create a new list item. Also, for enumeration texts like name of
   308        countries, it looks better without an ending period/full stop character.
   310  The only documentation you need to edit are the `docs/content/*.md`
   311  files.  The `MANUAL.*`, `rclone.1`, website, etc. are all auto-generated
   312  from those during the release process.  See the `make doc` and `make
   313  website` targets in the Makefile if you are interested in how.  You
   314  don't need to run these when adding a feature.
   316  Documentation for rclone sub commands is with their code, e.g.
   317  `cmd/ls/ls.go`. Write flag help strings as a single sentence on a single
   318  line, without a period/full stop character at the end, as it will be
   319  combined unmodified with other information (such as any default value).
   321  Note that you can use [GitHub's online editor](
   322  for small changes in the docs which makes it very easy.
   324  ## Making a release
   326  There are separate instructions for making a release in the
   327  file.
   329  ## Commit messages
   331  Please make the first line of your commit message a summary of the
   332  change that a user (not a developer) of rclone would like to read, and
   333  prefix it with the directory of the change followed by a colon.  The
   334  changelog gets made by looking at just these first lines so make it
   335  good!
   337  If you have more to say about the commit, then enter a blank line and
   338  carry on the description.  Remember to say why the change was needed -
   339  the commit itself shows what was changed.
   341  Writing more is better than less.  Comparing the behaviour before the
   342  change to that after the change is very useful.  Imagine you are
   343  writing to yourself in 12 months time when you've forgotten everything
   344  about what you just did and you need to get up to speed quickly.
   346  If the change fixes an issue then write `Fixes #1234` in the commit
   347  message.  This can be on the subject line if it will fit.  If you
   348  don't want to close the associated issue just put `#1234` and the
   349  change will get linked into the issue.
   351  Here is an example of a short commit message:
   353  ```
   354  drive: add team drive support - fixes #885
   355  ```
   357  And here is an example of a longer one:
   359  ```
   360  mount: fix hang on errored upload
   362  In certain circumstances, if an upload failed then the mount could hang
   363  indefinitely. This was fixed by closing the read pipe after the Put
   364  completed.  This will cause the write side to return a pipe closed
   365  error fixing the hang.
   367  Fixes #1498
   368  ```
   370  ## Adding a dependency
   372  rclone uses the [go
   373  modules](
   374  support in go1.11 and later to manage its dependencies.
   376  rclone can be built with modules outside of the `GOPATH`.
   378  To add a dependency `` see the
   379  instructions below.  These will fetch the dependency and add it to
   380  `go.mod` and `go.sum`.
   382      go get
   384  You can add constraints on that package when doing `go get` (see the
   385  go docs linked above), but don't unless you really need to.
   387  Please check in the changes generated by `go mod` including `go.mod`
   388  and `go.sum` in the same commit as your other changes.
   390  ## Updating a dependency
   392  If you need to update a dependency then run
   394      go get
   396  Check in a single commit as above.
   398  ## Updating all the dependencies
   400  In order to update all the dependencies then run `make update`.  This
   401  just uses the go modules to update all the modules to their latest
   402  stable release. Check in the changes in a single commit as above.
   404  This should be done early in the release cycle to pick up new versions
   405  of packages in time for them to get some testing.
   407  ## Updating a backend
   409  If you update a backend then please run the unit tests and the
   410  integration tests for that backend.
   412  Assuming the backend is called `remote`, make create a config entry
   413  called `TestRemote` for the tests to use.
   415  Now `cd remote` and run `go test -v` to run the unit tests.
   417  Then `cd fs` and run `go test -v -remote TestRemote:` to run the
   418  integration tests.
   420  The next section goes into more detail about the tests.
   422  ## Writing a new backend
   424  Choose a name.  The docs here will use `remote` as an example.
   426  Note that in rclone terminology a file system backend is called a
   427  remote or an fs.
   429  ### Research
   431  - Look at the interfaces defined in `fs/types.go`
   432  - Study one or more of the existing remotes
   434  ### Getting going
   436  - Create `backend/remote/remote.go` (copy this from a similar remote)
   437      - box is a good one to start from if you have a directory-based remote (and shows how to use the directory cache)
   438      - b2 is a good one to start from if you have a bucket-based remote
   439  - Add your remote to the imports in `backend/all/all.go`
   440  - HTTP based remotes are easiest to maintain if they use rclone's [lib/rest]( module, but if there is a really good Go SDK from the provider then use that instead.
   441  - Try to implement as many optional methods as possible as it makes the remote more usable.
   442  - Use [lib/encoder]( to make sure we can encode any path name and `rclone info` to help determine the encodings needed
   443      - `rclone purge -v TestRemote:rclone-info`
   444      - `rclone test info --all --remote-encoding None -vv --write-json remote.json TestRemote:rclone-info`
   445      - `go run cmd/test/info/internal/build_csv/main.go -o remote.csv remote.json`
   446      - open `remote.csv` in a spreadsheet and examine
   448  ### Guidelines for a speedy merge
   450  - **Do** use [lib/rest]( if you are implementing a REST like backend and parsing XML/JSON in the backend.
   451  - **Do** use rclone's Client or Transport from [fs/fshttp]( if your backend is HTTP based - this adds features like `--dump bodies`, `--tpslimit`, `--user-agent` without you having to code anything!
   452  - **Do** follow your example backend exactly - use the same code order, function names, layout, structure. **Don't** move stuff around and **Don't** delete the comments.
   453  - **Do not** split your backend up into `fs.go` and `object.go` (there are a few backends like that - don't follow them!)
   454  - **Do** put your API type definitions in a separate file - by preference `api/types.go`
   455  - **Remember** we have >50 backends to maintain so keeping them as similar as possible to each other is a high priority!
   457  ### Unit tests
   459  - Create a config entry called `TestRemote` for the unit tests to use
   460  - Create a `backend/remote/remote_test.go` - copy and adjust your example remote
   461  - Make sure all tests pass with `go test -v`
   463  ### Integration tests
   465  - Add your backend to `fstest/test_all/config.yaml`
   466      - Once you've done that then you can use the integration test framework from the project root:
   467      - go install ./...
   468      - test_all -backends remote
   470  Or if you want to run the integration tests manually:
   472  - Make sure integration tests pass with
   473      - `cd fs/operations`
   474      - `go test -v -remote TestRemote:`
   475      - `cd fs/sync`
   476      - `go test -v -remote TestRemote:`
   477  - If your remote defines `ListR` check with this also
   478      - `go test -v -remote TestRemote: -fast-list`
   480  See the [testing](#testing) section for more information on integration tests.
   482  ### Backend documentation
   484  Add your backend to the docs - you'll need to pick an icon for it from
   485  [fontawesome](  Keep lists of remotes in
   486  alphabetical order of full name of remote (e.g. `drive` is ordered as
   487  `Google Drive`) but with the local file system last.
   489  - `` - main GitHub page
   490  - `docs/content/` - main docs page (note the backend options are automatically added to this file with `make backenddocs`)
   491      - make sure this has the `autogenerated options` comments in (see your reference backend docs)
   492      - update them in your backend with `bin/ remote`
   493  - `docs/content/` - overview docs
   494  - `docs/content/` - list of remotes in config section
   495  - `docs/content/` - front page of
   496  - `docs/layouts/chrome/navbar.html` - add it to the website navigation
   497  - `bin/` - add the page to the `docs` constant
   499  Once you've written the docs, run `make serve` and check they look OK
   500  in the web browser and the links (internal and external) all work.
   502  ## Adding a new s3 provider
   504  It is quite easy to add a new S3 provider to rclone.
   506  You'll need to modify the following files
   508  - `backend/s3/s3.go`
   509      - Add the provider to `providerOption` at the top of the file
   510      - Add endpoints and other config for your provider gated on the provider in `fs.RegInfo`.
   511      - Exclude your provider from genric config questions (eg `region` and `endpoint).
   512      - Add the provider to the `setQuirks` function - see the documentation there.
   513  - `docs/content/`
   514      - Add the provider at the top of the page.
   515      - Add a section about the provider linked from there.
   516      - Add a transcript of a trial `rclone config` session
   517          - Edit the transcript to remove things which might change in subsequent versions
   518      - **Do not** alter or add to the autogenerated parts of ``
   519      - **Do not** run `make backenddocs` or `bin/ s3`
   520  - `` - this is the home page in github
   521      - Add the provider and a link to the section you wrote in `docs/contents/`
   522  - `docs/content/` - this is the home page of
   523      - Add the provider and a link to the section you wrote in `docs/contents/`
   525  When adding the provider, endpoints, quirks, docs etc keep them in
   526  alphabetical order by `Provider` name, but with `AWS` first and
   527  `Other` last.
   529  Once you've written the docs, run `make serve` and check they look OK
   530  in the web browser and the links (internal and external) all work.
   532  Once you've written the code, test `rclone config` works to your
   533  satisfaction, and check the integration tests work `go test -v -remote
   534  NewS3Provider:`. You may need to adjust the quirks to get them to
   535  pass. Some providers just can't pass the tests with control characters
   536  in the names so if these fail and the provider doesn't support
   537  `urlEncodeListings` in the quirks then ignore them. Note that the
   538  `SetTier` test may also fail on non AWS providers.
   540  For an example of adding an s3 provider see [eb3082a1](
   542  ## Writing a plugin
   544  New features (backends, commands) can also be added "out-of-tree", through Go plugins.
   545  Changes will be kept in a dynamically loaded file instead of being compiled into the main binary.
   546  This is useful if you can't merge your changes upstream or don't want to maintain a fork of rclone.
   548  ### Usage
   550   - Naming
   551     - Plugins names must have the pattern ``.
   552     - `KIND` should be one of `backend`, `command` or `bundle`.
   553     - Example: A plugin with backend support for PiFS would be called
   554       ``.
   555   - Loading
   556     - Supported on macOS & Linux as of now. ([Go issue for Windows support](
   557     - Supported on rclone v1.50 or greater.
   558     - All plugins in the folder specified by variable `$RCLONE_PLUGIN_PATH` are loaded.
   559     - If this variable doesn't exist, plugin support is disabled.
   560     - Plugins must be compiled against the exact version of rclone to work.
   561       (The rclone used during building the plugin must be the same as the source of rclone)
   563  ### Building
   565  To turn your existing additions into a Go plugin, move them to an external repository
   566  and change the top-level package name to `main`.
   568  Check `rclone --version` and make sure that the plugin's rclone dependency and host Go version match.
   570  Then, run `go build -buildmode=plugin -o .` to build the plugin.
   572  [Go reference](
   574  [Minimal example](