
     1  // Package compress provides wrappers for Fs and Object which implement compression.
     2  package compress
     4  import (
     5  	"bufio"
     6  	"bytes"
     7  	"context"
     8  	"crypto/md5"
     9  	"encoding/base64"
    10  	"encoding/binary"
    11  	"encoding/hex"
    12  	"encoding/json"
    13  	"errors"
    14  	"fmt"
    15  	"io"
    16  	"os"
    17  	"path"
    18  	"regexp"
    19  	"strings"
    20  	"time"
    22  	""
    23  	""
    25  	""
    26  	""
    27  	""
    28  	""
    29  	""
    30  	""
    31  	""
    32  	""
    33  	""
    34  	""
    35  )
    37  // Globals
    38  const (
    39  	initialChunkSize = 262144  // Initial and max sizes of chunks when reading parts of the file. Currently
    40  	maxChunkSize     = 8388608 // at 256 KiB and 8 MiB.
    42  	bufferSize          = 8388608
    43  	heuristicBytes      = 1048576
    44  	minCompressionRatio = 1.1
    46  	gzFileExt           = ".gz"
    47  	metaFileExt         = ".json"
    48  	uncompressedFileExt = ".bin"
    49  )
    51  // Compression modes
    52  const (
    53  	Uncompressed = 0
    54  	Gzip         = 2
    55  )
    57  var nameRegexp = regexp.MustCompile(`^(.+?)\.([A-Za-z0-9-_]{11})$`)
    59  // Register with Fs
    60  func init() {
    61  	// Build compression mode options.
    62  	compressionModeOptions := []fs.OptionExample{
    63  		{ // Default compression mode options {
    64  			Value: "gzip",
    65  			Help:  "Standard gzip compression with fastest parameters.",
    66  		},
    67  	}
    69  	// Register our remote
    70  	fs.Register(&fs.RegInfo{
    71  		Name:        "compress",
    72  		Description: "Compress a remote",
    73  		NewFs:       NewFs,
    74  		MetadataInfo: &fs.MetadataInfo{
    75  			Help: `Any metadata supported by the underlying remote is read and written.`,
    76  		},
    77  		Options: []fs.Option{{
    78  			Name:     "remote",
    79  			Help:     "Remote to compress.",
    80  			Required: true,
    81  		}, {
    82  			Name:     "mode",
    83  			Help:     "Compression mode.",
    84  			Default:  "gzip",
    85  			Examples: compressionModeOptions,
    86  		}, {
    87  			Name: "level",
    88  			Help: `GZIP compression level (-2 to 9).
    90  Generally -1 (default, equivalent to 5) is recommended.
    91  Levels 1 to 9 increase compression at the cost of speed. Going past 6 
    92  generally offers very little return.
    94  Level -2 uses Huffman encoding only. Only use if you know what you
    95  are doing.
    96  Level 0 turns off compression.`,
    97  			Default:  sgzip.DefaultCompression,
    98  			Advanced: true,
    99  		}, {
   100  			Name: "ram_cache_limit",
   101  			Help: `Some remotes don't allow the upload of files with unknown size.
   102  In this case the compressed file will need to be cached to determine
   103  it's size.
   105  Files smaller than this limit will be cached in RAM, files larger than 
   106  this limit will be cached on disk.`,
   107  			Default:  fs.SizeSuffix(20 * 1024 * 1024),
   108  			Advanced: true,
   109  		}},
   110  	})
   111  }
   113  // Options defines the configuration for this backend
   114  type Options struct {
   115  	Remote           string        `config:"remote"`
   116  	CompressionMode  string        `config:"mode"`
   117  	CompressionLevel int           `config:"level"`
   118  	RAMCacheLimit    fs.SizeSuffix `config:"ram_cache_limit"`
   119  }
   121  /*** FILESYSTEM FUNCTIONS ***/
   123  // Fs represents a wrapped fs.Fs
   124  type Fs struct {
   125  	fs.Fs
   126  	wrapper  fs.Fs
   127  	name     string
   128  	root     string
   129  	opt      Options
   130  	mode     int          // compression mode id
   131  	features *fs.Features // optional features
   132  }
   134  // NewFs constructs an Fs from the path, container:path
   135  func NewFs(ctx context.Context, name, rpath string, m configmap.Mapper) (fs.Fs, error) {
   136  	// Parse config into Options struct
   137  	opt := new(Options)
   138  	err := configstruct.Set(m, opt)
   139  	if err != nil {
   140  		return nil, err
   141  	}
   143  	remote := opt.Remote
   144  	if strings.HasPrefix(remote, name+":") {
   145  		return nil, errors.New("can't point press remote at itself - check the value of the remote setting")
   146  	}
   148  	wInfo, wName, wPath, wConfig, err := fs.ConfigFs(remote)
   149  	if err != nil {
   150  		return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to parse remote %q to wrap: %w", remote, err)
   151  	}
   153  	// Strip trailing slashes if they exist in rpath
   154  	rpath = strings.TrimRight(rpath, "\\/")
   156  	// First, check for a file
   157  	// If a metadata file was found, return an error. Otherwise, check for a directory
   158  	remotePath := fspath.JoinRootPath(wPath, makeMetadataName(rpath))
   159  	wrappedFs, err := wInfo.NewFs(ctx, wName, remotePath, wConfig)
   160  	if err != fs.ErrorIsFile {
   161  		remotePath = fspath.JoinRootPath(wPath, rpath)
   162  		wrappedFs, err = wInfo.NewFs(ctx, wName, remotePath, wConfig)
   163  	}
   164  	if err != nil && err != fs.ErrorIsFile {
   165  		return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to make remote %s:%q to wrap: %w", wName, remotePath, err)
   166  	}
   168  	// Create the wrapping fs
   169  	f := &Fs{
   170  		Fs:   wrappedFs,
   171  		name: name,
   172  		root: rpath,
   173  		opt:  *opt,
   174  		mode: compressionModeFromName(opt.CompressionMode),
   175  	}
   176  	// Correct root if definitely pointing to a file
   177  	if err == fs.ErrorIsFile {
   178  		f.root = path.Dir(f.root)
   179  		if f.root == "." || f.root == "/" {
   180  			f.root = ""
   181  		}
   182  	}
   183  	// the features here are ones we could support, and they are
   184  	// ANDed with the ones from wrappedFs
   185  	f.features = (&fs.Features{
   186  		CaseInsensitive:          true,
   187  		DuplicateFiles:           false,
   188  		ReadMimeType:             false,
   189  		WriteMimeType:            false,
   190  		GetTier:                  true,
   191  		SetTier:                  true,
   192  		BucketBased:              true,
   193  		CanHaveEmptyDirectories:  true,
   194  		ReadMetadata:             true,
   195  		WriteMetadata:            true,
   196  		UserMetadata:             true,
   197  		ReadDirMetadata:          true,
   198  		WriteDirMetadata:         true,
   199  		WriteDirSetModTime:       true,
   200  		UserDirMetadata:          true,
   201  		DirModTimeUpdatesOnWrite: true,
   202  		PartialUploads:           true,
   203  	}).Fill(ctx, f).Mask(ctx, wrappedFs).WrapsFs(f, wrappedFs)
   204  	// We support reading MIME types no matter the wrapped fs
   205  	f.features.ReadMimeType = true
   206  	// We can only support putstream if we have serverside copy or move
   207  	if !operations.CanServerSideMove(wrappedFs) {
   208  		f.features.Disable("PutStream")
   209  	}
   211  	return f, err
   212  }
   214  func compressionModeFromName(name string) int {
   215  	switch name {
   216  	case "gzip":
   217  		return Gzip
   218  	default:
   219  		return Uncompressed
   220  	}
   221  }
   223  // Converts an int64 to base64
   224  func int64ToBase64(number int64) string {
   225  	intBytes := make([]byte, 8)
   226  	binary.LittleEndian.PutUint64(intBytes, uint64(number))
   227  	return base64.RawURLEncoding.EncodeToString(intBytes)
   228  }
   230  // Converts base64 to int64
   231  func base64ToInt64(str string) (int64, error) {
   232  	intBytes, err := base64.RawURLEncoding.DecodeString(str)
   233  	if err != nil {
   234  		return 0, err
   235  	}
   236  	return int64(binary.LittleEndian.Uint64(intBytes)), nil
   237  }
   239  // Processes a file name for a compressed file. Returns the original file name, the extension, and the size of the original file.
   240  // Returns -2 for the original size if the file is uncompressed.
   241  func processFileName(compressedFileName string) (origFileName string, extension string, origSize int64, err error) {
   242  	// Separate the filename and size from the extension
   243  	extensionPos := strings.LastIndex(compressedFileName, ".")
   244  	if extensionPos == -1 {
   245  		return "", "", 0, errors.New("file name has no extension")
   246  	}
   247  	extension = compressedFileName[extensionPos:]
   248  	nameWithSize := compressedFileName[:extensionPos]
   249  	if extension == uncompressedFileExt {
   250  		return nameWithSize, extension, -2, nil
   251  	}
   252  	match := nameRegexp.FindStringSubmatch(nameWithSize)
   253  	if match == nil || len(match) != 3 {
   254  		return "", "", 0, errors.New("invalid filename")
   255  	}
   256  	size, err := base64ToInt64(match[2])
   257  	if err != nil {
   258  		return "", "", 0, errors.New("could not decode size")
   259  	}
   260  	return match[1], gzFileExt, size, nil
   261  }
   263  // Generates the file name for a metadata file
   264  func makeMetadataName(remote string) (newRemote string) {
   265  	return remote + metaFileExt
   266  }
   268  // Checks whether a file is a metadata file
   269  func isMetadataFile(filename string) bool {
   270  	return strings.HasSuffix(filename, metaFileExt)
   271  }
   273  // Checks whether a file is a metadata file and returns the original
   274  // file name and a flag indicating whether it was a metadata file or
   275  // not.
   276  func unwrapMetadataFile(filename string) (string, bool) {
   277  	if !isMetadataFile(filename) {
   278  		return "", false
   279  	}
   280  	return filename[:len(filename)-len(metaFileExt)], true
   281  }
   283  // makeDataName generates the file name for a data file with specified compression mode
   284  func makeDataName(remote string, size int64, mode int) (newRemote string) {
   285  	if mode != Uncompressed {
   286  		newRemote = remote + "." + int64ToBase64(size) + gzFileExt
   287  	} else {
   288  		newRemote = remote + uncompressedFileExt
   289  	}
   290  	return newRemote
   291  }
   293  // dataName generates the file name for data file
   294  func (f *Fs) dataName(remote string, size int64, compressed bool) (name string) {
   295  	if !compressed {
   296  		return makeDataName(remote, size, Uncompressed)
   297  	}
   298  	return makeDataName(remote, size, f.mode)
   299  }
   301  // addData parses an object and adds it to the DirEntries
   302  func (f *Fs) addData(entries *fs.DirEntries, o fs.Object) {
   303  	origFileName, _, size, err := processFileName(o.Remote())
   304  	if err != nil {
   305  		fs.Errorf(o, "Error on parsing file name: %v", err)
   306  		return
   307  	}
   308  	if size == -2 { // File is uncompressed
   309  		size = o.Size()
   310  	}
   311  	metaName := makeMetadataName(origFileName)
   312  	*entries = append(*entries, f.newObjectSizeAndNameOnly(o, metaName, size))
   313  }
   315  // addDir adds a dir to the dir entries
   316  func (f *Fs) addDir(entries *fs.DirEntries, dir fs.Directory) {
   317  	*entries = append(*entries, f.newDir(dir))
   318  }
   320  // newDir returns a dir
   321  func (f *Fs) newDir(dir fs.Directory) fs.Directory {
   322  	return dir // We're using the same dir
   323  }
   325  // processEntries parses the file names and adds metadata to the dir entries
   326  func (f *Fs) processEntries(entries fs.DirEntries) (newEntries fs.DirEntries, err error) {
   327  	newEntries = entries[:0] // in place filter
   328  	for _, entry := range entries {
   329  		switch x := entry.(type) {
   330  		case fs.Object:
   331  			if !isMetadataFile(x.Remote()) {
   332  				f.addData(&newEntries, x) // Only care about data files for now; metadata files are redundant.
   333  			}
   334  		case fs.Directory:
   335  			f.addDir(&newEntries, x)
   336  		default:
   337  			return nil, fmt.Errorf("unknown object type %T", entry)
   338  		}
   339  	}
   340  	return newEntries, nil
   341  }
   343  // List the objects and directories in dir into entries.  The
   344  // entries can be returned in any order but should be for a
   345  // complete directory.
   346  //
   347  // dir should be "" to list the root, and should not have
   348  // trailing slashes.
   349  //
   350  // This should return ErrDirNotFound if the directory isn't
   351  // found.
   352  // List entries and process them
   353  func (f *Fs) List(ctx context.Context, dir string) (entries fs.DirEntries, err error) {
   354  	entries, err = f.Fs.List(ctx, dir)
   355  	if err != nil {
   356  		return nil, err
   357  	}
   358  	return f.processEntries(entries)
   359  }
   361  // ListR lists the objects and directories of the Fs starting
   362  // from dir recursively into out.
   363  //
   364  // dir should be "" to start from the root, and should not
   365  // have trailing slashes.
   366  //
   367  // This should return ErrDirNotFound if the directory isn't
   368  // found.
   369  //
   370  // It should call callback for each tranche of entries read.
   371  // These need not be returned in any particular order.  If
   372  // callback returns an error then the listing will stop
   373  // immediately.
   374  //
   375  // Don't implement this unless you have a more efficient way
   376  // of listing recursively that doing a directory traversal.
   377  func (f *Fs) ListR(ctx context.Context, dir string, callback fs.ListRCallback) (err error) {
   378  	return f.Fs.Features().ListR(ctx, dir, func(entries fs.DirEntries) error {
   379  		newEntries, err := f.processEntries(entries)
   380  		if err != nil {
   381  			return err
   382  		}
   383  		return callback(newEntries)
   384  	})
   385  }
   387  // NewObject finds the Object at remote.
   388  func (f *Fs) NewObject(ctx context.Context, remote string) (fs.Object, error) {
   389  	// Read metadata from metadata object
   390  	mo, err := f.Fs.NewObject(ctx, makeMetadataName(remote))
   391  	if err != nil {
   392  		return nil, err
   393  	}
   394  	meta, err := readMetadata(ctx, mo)
   395  	if err != nil {
   396  		return nil, fmt.Errorf("error decoding metadata: %w", err)
   397  	}
   398  	// Create our Object
   399  	o, err := f.Fs.NewObject(ctx, makeDataName(remote, meta.CompressionMetadata.Size, meta.Mode))
   400  	if err != nil {
   401  		return nil, err
   402  	}
   403  	return f.newObject(o, mo, meta), nil
   404  }
   406  // checkCompressAndType checks if an object is compressible and determines it's mime type
   407  // returns a multireader with the bytes that were read to determine mime type
   408  func checkCompressAndType(in io.Reader) (newReader io.Reader, compressible bool, mimeType string, err error) {
   409  	in, wrap := accounting.UnWrap(in)
   410  	buf := make([]byte, heuristicBytes)
   411  	n, err := in.Read(buf)
   412  	buf = buf[:n]
   413  	if err != nil && err != io.EOF {
   414  		return nil, false, "", err
   415  	}
   416  	mime := mimetype.Detect(buf)
   417  	compressible, err = isCompressible(bytes.NewReader(buf))
   418  	if err != nil {
   419  		return nil, false, "", err
   420  	}
   421  	in = io.MultiReader(bytes.NewReader(buf), in)
   422  	return wrap(in), compressible, mime.String(), nil
   423  }
   425  // isCompressible checks the compression ratio of the provided data and returns true if the ratio exceeds
   426  // the configured threshold
   427  func isCompressible(r io.Reader) (bool, error) {
   428  	var b bytes.Buffer
   429  	w, err := sgzip.NewWriterLevel(&b, sgzip.DefaultCompression)
   430  	if err != nil {
   431  		return false, err
   432  	}
   433  	n, err := io.Copy(w, r)
   434  	if err != nil {
   435  		return false, err
   436  	}
   437  	err = w.Close()
   438  	if err != nil {
   439  		return false, err
   440  	}
   441  	ratio := float64(n) / float64(b.Len())
   442  	return ratio > minCompressionRatio, nil
   443  }
   445  // verifyObjectHash verifies the Objects hash
   446  func (f *Fs) verifyObjectHash(ctx context.Context, o fs.Object, hasher *hash.MultiHasher, ht hash.Type) error {
   447  	srcHash := hasher.Sums()[ht]
   448  	dstHash, err := o.Hash(ctx, ht)
   449  	if err != nil {
   450  		return fmt.Errorf("failed to read destination hash: %w", err)
   451  	}
   452  	if srcHash != "" && dstHash != "" && srcHash != dstHash {
   453  		// remove object
   454  		err = o.Remove(ctx)
   455  		if err != nil {
   456  			fs.Errorf(o, "Failed to remove corrupted object: %v", err)
   457  		}
   458  		return fmt.Errorf("corrupted on transfer: %v compressed hashes differ src(%s) %q vs dst(%s) %q", ht, f.Fs, srcHash, o.Fs(), dstHash)
   459  	}
   460  	return nil
   461  }
   463  type putFn func(ctx context.Context, in io.Reader, src fs.ObjectInfo, options ...fs.OpenOption) (fs.Object, error)
   465  type compressionResult struct {
   466  	err  error
   467  	meta sgzip.GzipMetadata
   468  }
   470  // replicating some of operations.Rcat functionality because we want to support remotes without streaming
   471  // support and of course cannot know the size of a compressed file before compressing it.
   472  func (f *Fs) rcat(ctx context.Context, dstFileName string, in io.ReadCloser, modTime time.Time, options []fs.OpenOption) (o fs.Object, err error) {
   474  	// cache small files in memory and do normal upload
   475  	buf := make([]byte, f.opt.RAMCacheLimit)
   476  	if n, err := io.ReadFull(in, buf); err == io.EOF || err == io.ErrUnexpectedEOF {
   477  		src := object.NewStaticObjectInfo(dstFileName, modTime, int64(len(buf[:n])), false, nil, f.Fs)
   478  		return f.Fs.Put(ctx, bytes.NewBuffer(buf[:n]), src, options...)
   479  	}
   481  	// Need to include what we already read
   482  	in = &ReadCloserWrapper{
   483  		Reader: io.MultiReader(bytes.NewReader(buf), in),
   484  		Closer: in,
   485  	}
   487  	canStream := f.Fs.Features().PutStream != nil
   488  	if canStream {
   489  		src := object.NewStaticObjectInfo(dstFileName, modTime, -1, false, nil, f.Fs)
   490  		return f.Fs.Features().PutStream(ctx, in, src, options...)
   491  	}
   493  	fs.Debugf(f, "Target remote doesn't support streaming uploads, creating temporary local file")
   494  	tempFile, err := os.CreateTemp("", "rclone-press-")
   495  	defer func() {
   496  		// these errors should be relatively uncritical and the upload should've succeeded so it's okay-ish
   497  		// to ignore them
   498  		_ = tempFile.Close()
   499  		_ = os.Remove(tempFile.Name())
   500  	}()
   501  	if err != nil {
   502  		return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to create temporary local FS to spool file: %w", err)
   503  	}
   504  	if _, err = io.Copy(tempFile, in); err != nil {
   505  		return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to write temporary local file: %w", err)
   506  	}
   507  	if _, err = tempFile.Seek(0, 0); err != nil {
   508  		return nil, err
   509  	}
   510  	finfo, err := tempFile.Stat()
   511  	if err != nil {
   512  		return nil, err
   513  	}
   514  	return f.Fs.Put(ctx, tempFile, object.NewStaticObjectInfo(dstFileName, modTime, finfo.Size(), false, nil, f.Fs))
   515  }
   517  // Put a compressed version of a file. Returns a wrappable object and metadata.
   518  func (f *Fs) putCompress(ctx context.Context, in io.Reader, src fs.ObjectInfo, options []fs.OpenOption, mimeType string) (fs.Object, *ObjectMetadata, error) {
   519  	// Unwrap reader accounting
   520  	in, wrap := accounting.UnWrap(in)
   522  	// Add the metadata hasher
   523  	metaHasher := md5.New()
   524  	in = io.TeeReader(in, metaHasher)
   526  	// Compress the file
   527  	pipeReader, pipeWriter := io.Pipe()
   528  	results := make(chan compressionResult)
   529  	go func() {
   530  		gz, err := sgzip.NewWriterLevel(pipeWriter, f.opt.CompressionLevel)
   531  		if err != nil {
   532  			results <- compressionResult{err: err, meta: sgzip.GzipMetadata{}}
   533  			return
   534  		}
   535  		_, err = io.Copy(gz, in)
   536  		gzErr := gz.Close()
   537  		if gzErr != nil {
   538  			fs.Errorf(nil, "Failed to close compress: %v", gzErr)
   539  			if err == nil {
   540  				err = gzErr
   541  			}
   542  		}
   543  		closeErr := pipeWriter.Close()
   544  		if closeErr != nil {
   545  			fs.Errorf(nil, "Failed to close pipe: %v", closeErr)
   546  			if err == nil {
   547  				err = closeErr
   548  			}
   549  		}
   550  		results <- compressionResult{err: err, meta: gz.MetaData()}
   551  	}()
   552  	wrappedIn := wrap(bufio.NewReaderSize(pipeReader, bufferSize)) // Probably no longer needed as sgzip has it's own buffering
   554  	// Find a hash the destination supports to compute a hash of
   555  	// the compressed data.
   556  	ht := f.Fs.Hashes().GetOne()
   557  	var hasher *hash.MultiHasher
   558  	var err error
   559  	if ht != hash.None {
   560  		// unwrap the accounting again
   561  		wrappedIn, wrap = accounting.UnWrap(wrappedIn)
   562  		hasher, err = hash.NewMultiHasherTypes(hash.NewHashSet(ht))
   563  		if err != nil {
   564  			return nil, nil, err
   565  		}
   566  		// add the hasher and re-wrap the accounting
   567  		wrappedIn = io.TeeReader(wrappedIn, hasher)
   568  		wrappedIn = wrap(wrappedIn)
   569  	}
   571  	// Transfer the data
   572  	o, err := f.rcat(ctx, makeDataName(src.Remote(), src.Size(), f.mode), io.NopCloser(wrappedIn), src.ModTime(ctx), options)
   573  	//o, err := operations.Rcat(ctx, f.Fs, makeDataName(src.Remote(), src.Size(), f.mode), io.NopCloser(wrappedIn), src.ModTime(ctx))
   574  	if err != nil {
   575  		if o != nil {
   576  			removeErr := o.Remove(ctx)
   577  			if removeErr != nil {
   578  				fs.Errorf(o, "Failed to remove partially transferred object: %v", err)
   579  			}
   580  		}
   581  		return nil, nil, err
   582  	}
   583  	// Check whether we got an error during compression
   584  	result := <-results
   585  	err = result.err
   586  	if err != nil {
   587  		if o != nil {
   588  			removeErr := o.Remove(ctx)
   589  			if removeErr != nil {
   590  				fs.Errorf(o, "Failed to remove partially compressed object: %v", err)
   591  			}
   592  		}
   593  		return nil, nil, err
   594  	}
   596  	// Generate metadata
   597  	meta := newMetadata(result.meta.Size, f.mode, result.meta, hex.EncodeToString(metaHasher.Sum(nil)), mimeType)
   599  	// Check the hashes of the compressed data if we were comparing them
   600  	if ht != hash.None && hasher != nil {
   601  		err = f.verifyObjectHash(ctx, o, hasher, ht)
   602  		if err != nil {
   603  			return nil, nil, err
   604  		}
   605  	}
   607  	return o, meta, nil
   608  }
   610  // Put an uncompressed version of a file. Returns a wrappable object and metadata.
   611  func (f *Fs) putUncompress(ctx context.Context, in io.Reader, src fs.ObjectInfo, put putFn, options []fs.OpenOption, mimeType string) (fs.Object, *ObjectMetadata, error) {
   612  	// Unwrap the accounting, add our metadata hasher, then wrap it back on
   613  	in, wrap := accounting.UnWrap(in)
   615  	hs := hash.NewHashSet(hash.MD5)
   616  	ht := f.Fs.Hashes().GetOne()
   617  	if !hs.Contains(ht) {
   618  		hs.Add(ht)
   619  	}
   620  	metaHasher, err := hash.NewMultiHasherTypes(hs)
   621  	if err != nil {
   622  		return nil, nil, err
   623  	}
   624  	in = io.TeeReader(in, metaHasher)
   625  	wrappedIn := wrap(in)
   627  	// Put the object
   628  	o, err := put(ctx, wrappedIn, f.wrapInfo(src, makeDataName(src.Remote(), src.Size(), Uncompressed), src.Size()), options...)
   629  	if err != nil {
   630  		if o != nil {
   631  			removeErr := o.Remove(ctx)
   632  			if removeErr != nil {
   633  				fs.Errorf(o, "Failed to remove partially transferred object: %v", err)
   634  			}
   635  		}
   636  		return nil, nil, err
   637  	}
   638  	// Check the hashes of the compressed data if we were comparing them
   639  	if ht != hash.None {
   640  		err := f.verifyObjectHash(ctx, o, metaHasher, ht)
   641  		if err != nil {
   642  			return nil, nil, err
   643  		}
   644  	}
   646  	// Return our object and metadata
   647  	sum, err := metaHasher.Sum(hash.MD5)
   648  	if err != nil {
   649  		return nil, nil, err
   650  	}
   651  	return o, newMetadata(o.Size(), Uncompressed, sgzip.GzipMetadata{}, hex.EncodeToString(sum), mimeType), nil
   652  }
   654  // This function will write a metadata struct to a metadata Object for an src. Returns a wrappable metadata object.
   655  func (f *Fs) putMetadata(ctx context.Context, meta *ObjectMetadata, src fs.ObjectInfo, options []fs.OpenOption, put putFn) (mo fs.Object, err error) {
   656  	// Generate the metadata contents
   657  	data, err := json.Marshal(meta)
   658  	if err != nil {
   659  		return nil, err
   660  	}
   661  	metaReader := bytes.NewReader(data)
   663  	// Put the data
   664  	mo, err = put(ctx, metaReader, f.wrapInfo(src, makeMetadataName(src.Remote()), int64(len(data))), options...)
   665  	if err != nil {
   666  		if mo != nil {
   667  			removeErr := mo.Remove(ctx)
   668  			if removeErr != nil {
   669  				fs.Errorf(mo, "Failed to remove partially transferred object: %v", err)
   670  			}
   671  		}
   672  		return nil, err
   673  	}
   675  	return mo, nil
   676  }
   678  // This function will put both the data and metadata for an Object.
   679  // putData is the function used for data, while putMeta is the function used for metadata.
   680  // The putData function will only be used when the object is not compressible if the
   681  // data is compressible this parameter will be ignored.
   682  func (f *Fs) putWithCustomFunctions(ctx context.Context, in io.Reader, src fs.ObjectInfo, options []fs.OpenOption,
   683  	putData putFn, putMeta putFn, compressible bool, mimeType string) (*Object, error) {
   684  	// Put file then metadata
   685  	var dataObject fs.Object
   686  	var meta *ObjectMetadata
   687  	var err error
   688  	if compressible {
   689  		dataObject, meta, err = f.putCompress(ctx, in, src, options, mimeType)
   690  	} else {
   691  		dataObject, meta, err = f.putUncompress(ctx, in, src, putData, options, mimeType)
   692  	}
   693  	if err != nil {
   694  		return nil, err
   695  	}
   697  	mo, err := f.putMetadata(ctx, meta, src, options, putMeta)
   699  	// meta data upload may fail. in this case we try to remove the original object
   700  	if err != nil {
   701  		removeError := dataObject.Remove(ctx)
   702  		if removeError != nil {
   703  			return nil, removeError
   704  		}
   705  		return nil, err
   706  	}
   707  	return f.newObject(dataObject, mo, meta), nil
   708  }
   710  // Put in to the remote path with the modTime given of the given size
   711  //
   712  // May create the object even if it returns an error - if so
   713  // will return the object and the error, otherwise will return
   714  // nil and the error
   715  func (f *Fs) Put(ctx context.Context, in io.Reader, src fs.ObjectInfo, options ...fs.OpenOption) (fs.Object, error) {
   716  	// If there's already an existent objects we need to make sure to explicitly update it to make sure we don't leave
   717  	// orphaned data. Alternatively we could also deleted (which would simpler) but has the disadvantage that it
   718  	// destroys all server-side versioning.
   719  	o, err := f.NewObject(ctx, src.Remote())
   720  	if err == fs.ErrorObjectNotFound {
   721  		// Get our file compressibility
   722  		in, compressible, mimeType, err := checkCompressAndType(in)
   723  		if err != nil {
   724  			return nil, err
   725  		}
   726  		return f.putWithCustomFunctions(ctx, in, src, options, f.Fs.Put, f.Fs.Put, compressible, mimeType)
   727  	}
   728  	if err != nil {
   729  		return nil, err
   730  	}
   731  	return o, o.Update(ctx, in, src, options...)
   732  }
   734  // PutStream uploads to the remote path with the modTime given of indeterminate size
   735  func (f *Fs) PutStream(ctx context.Context, in io.Reader, src fs.ObjectInfo, options ...fs.OpenOption) (fs.Object, error) {
   736  	oldObj, err := f.NewObject(ctx, src.Remote())
   737  	if err != nil && err != fs.ErrorObjectNotFound {
   738  		return nil, err
   739  	}
   740  	found := err == nil
   742  	in, compressible, mimeType, err := checkCompressAndType(in)
   743  	if err != nil {
   744  		return nil, err
   745  	}
   746  	newObj, err := f.putWithCustomFunctions(ctx, in, src, options, f.Fs.Features().PutStream, f.Fs.Put, compressible, mimeType)
   747  	if err != nil {
   748  		return nil, err
   749  	}
   751  	// Our transfer is now complete. We have to make sure to remove the old object because our new object will
   752  	// have a different name except when both the old and the new object where uncompressed.
   753  	if found && (oldObj.(*Object).meta.Mode != Uncompressed || compressible) {
   754  		err = oldObj.(*Object).Object.Remove(ctx)
   755  		if err != nil {
   756  			return nil, fmt.Errorf("couldn't remove original object: %w", err)
   757  		}
   758  	}
   760  	// If our new object is compressed we have to rename it with the correct size.
   761  	// Uncompressed objects don't store the size in the name so we they'll already have the correct name.
   762  	if compressible {
   763  		wrapObj, err := operations.Move(ctx, f.Fs, nil, f.dataName(src.Remote(), newObj.size, compressible), newObj.Object)
   764  		if err != nil {
   765  			return nil, fmt.Errorf("couldn't rename streamed object: %w", err)
   766  		}
   767  		newObj.Object = wrapObj
   768  	}
   769  	return newObj, nil
   770  }
   772  // Temporarily disabled. There might be a way to implement this correctly but with the current handling metadata duplicate objects
   773  // will break stuff. Right no I can't think of a way to make this work.
   775  // PutUnchecked uploads the object
   776  //
   777  // This will create a duplicate if we upload a new file without
   778  // checking to see if there is one already - use Put() for that.
   780  // Hashes returns the supported hash sets.
   781  func (f *Fs) Hashes() hash.Set {
   782  	return hash.Set(hash.MD5)
   783  }
   785  // Mkdir makes the directory (container, bucket)
   786  //
   787  // Shouldn't return an error if it already exists
   788  func (f *Fs) Mkdir(ctx context.Context, dir string) error {
   789  	return f.Fs.Mkdir(ctx, dir)
   790  }
   792  // MkdirMetadata makes the root directory of the Fs object
   793  func (f *Fs) MkdirMetadata(ctx context.Context, dir string, metadata fs.Metadata) (fs.Directory, error) {
   794  	if do := f.Fs.Features().MkdirMetadata; do != nil {
   795  		return do(ctx, dir, metadata)
   796  	}
   797  	return nil, fs.ErrorNotImplemented
   798  }
   800  // Rmdir removes the directory (container, bucket) if empty
   801  //
   802  // Return an error if it doesn't exist or isn't empty
   803  func (f *Fs) Rmdir(ctx context.Context, dir string) error {
   804  	return f.Fs.Rmdir(ctx, dir)
   805  }
   807  // Purge all files in the root and the root directory
   808  //
   809  // Implement this if you have a way of deleting all the files
   810  // quicker than just running Remove() on the result of List()
   811  //
   812  // Return an error if it doesn't exist
   813  func (f *Fs) Purge(ctx context.Context, dir string) error {
   814  	do := f.Fs.Features().Purge
   815  	if do == nil {
   816  		return fs.ErrorCantPurge
   817  	}
   818  	return do(ctx, dir)
   819  }
   821  // Copy src to this remote using server side copy operations.
   822  //
   823  // This is stored with the remote path given.
   824  //
   825  // It returns the destination Object and a possible error.
   826  //
   827  // Will only be called if src.Fs().Name() == f.Name()
   828  //
   829  // If it isn't possible then return fs.ErrorCantCopy
   830  func (f *Fs) Copy(ctx context.Context, src fs.Object, remote string) (fs.Object, error) {
   831  	do := f.Fs.Features().Copy
   832  	if do == nil {
   833  		return nil, fs.ErrorCantCopy
   834  	}
   835  	o, ok := src.(*Object)
   836  	if !ok {
   837  		return nil, fs.ErrorCantCopy
   838  	}
   839  	// We might be trying to overwrite a file with a newer version but due to size difference the name
   840  	// is different. Therefore we have to remove the old file first (if it exists).
   841  	dstFile, err := f.NewObject(ctx, remote)
   842  	if err != nil && err != fs.ErrorObjectNotFound {
   843  		return nil, err
   844  	}
   845  	if err == nil {
   846  		err := dstFile.Remove(ctx)
   847  		if err != nil {
   848  			return nil, err
   849  		}
   850  	}
   852  	// Copy over metadata
   853  	err = o.loadMetadataIfNotLoaded(ctx)
   854  	if err != nil {
   855  		return nil, err
   856  	}
   857  	newFilename := makeMetadataName(remote)
   858  	moResult, err := do(ctx,, newFilename)
   859  	if err != nil {
   860  		return nil, err
   861  	}
   862  	// Copy over data
   863  	newFilename = makeDataName(remote, src.Size(), o.meta.Mode)
   864  	oResult, err := do(ctx, o.Object, newFilename)
   865  	if err != nil {
   866  		return nil, err
   867  	}
   868  	return f.newObject(oResult, moResult, o.meta), nil
   869  }
   871  // Move src to this remote using server side move operations.
   872  //
   873  // This is stored with the remote path given.
   874  //
   875  // It returns the destination Object and a possible error.
   876  //
   877  // Will only be called if src.Fs().Name() == f.Name()
   878  //
   879  // If it isn't possible then return fs.ErrorCantMove
   880  func (f *Fs) Move(ctx context.Context, src fs.Object, remote string) (fs.Object, error) {
   881  	do := f.Fs.Features().Move
   882  	if do == nil {
   883  		return nil, fs.ErrorCantMove
   884  	}
   885  	o, ok := src.(*Object)
   886  	if !ok {
   887  		return nil, fs.ErrorCantMove
   888  	}
   889  	// We might be trying to overwrite a file with a newer version but due to size difference the name
   890  	// is different. Therefore we have to remove the old file first (if it exists).
   891  	dstFile, err := f.NewObject(ctx, remote)
   892  	if err != nil && err != fs.ErrorObjectNotFound {
   893  		return nil, err
   894  	}
   895  	if err == nil {
   896  		err := dstFile.Remove(ctx)
   897  		if err != nil {
   898  			return nil, err
   899  		}
   900  	}
   902  	// Move metadata
   903  	err = o.loadMetadataIfNotLoaded(ctx)
   904  	if err != nil {
   905  		return nil, err
   906  	}
   907  	newFilename := makeMetadataName(remote)
   908  	moResult, err := do(ctx,, newFilename)
   909  	if err != nil {
   910  		return nil, err
   911  	}
   913  	// Move data
   914  	newFilename = makeDataName(remote, src.Size(), o.meta.Mode)
   915  	oResult, err := do(ctx, o.Object, newFilename)
   916  	if err != nil {
   917  		return nil, err
   918  	}
   919  	return f.newObject(oResult, moResult, o.meta), nil
   920  }
   922  // DirMove moves src, srcRemote to this remote at dstRemote
   923  // using server side move operations.
   924  //
   925  // Will only be called if src.Fs().Name() == f.Name()
   926  //
   927  // If it isn't possible then return fs.ErrorCantDirMove
   928  //
   929  // If destination exists then return fs.ErrorDirExists
   930  func (f *Fs) DirMove(ctx context.Context, src fs.Fs, srcRemote, dstRemote string) error {
   931  	do := f.Fs.Features().DirMove
   932  	if do == nil {
   933  		return fs.ErrorCantDirMove
   934  	}
   935  	srcFs, ok := src.(*Fs)
   936  	if !ok {
   937  		fs.Debugf(srcFs, "Can't move directory - not same remote type")
   938  		return fs.ErrorCantDirMove
   939  	}
   940  	return do(ctx, srcFs.Fs, srcRemote, dstRemote)
   941  }
   943  // DirSetModTime sets the directory modtime for dir
   944  func (f *Fs) DirSetModTime(ctx context.Context, dir string, modTime time.Time) error {
   945  	if do := f.Fs.Features().DirSetModTime; do != nil {
   946  		return do(ctx, dir, modTime)
   947  	}
   948  	return fs.ErrorNotImplemented
   949  }
   951  // CleanUp the trash in the Fs
   952  //
   953  // Implement this if you have a way of emptying the trash or
   954  // otherwise cleaning up old versions of files.
   955  func (f *Fs) CleanUp(ctx context.Context) error {
   956  	do := f.Fs.Features().CleanUp
   957  	if do == nil {
   958  		return errors.New("not supported by underlying remote")
   959  	}
   960  	return do(ctx)
   961  }
   963  // About gets quota information from the Fs
   964  func (f *Fs) About(ctx context.Context) (*fs.Usage, error) {
   965  	do := f.Fs.Features().About
   966  	if do == nil {
   967  		return nil, errors.New("not supported by underlying remote")
   968  	}
   969  	return do(ctx)
   970  }
   972  // UnWrap returns the Fs that this Fs is wrapping
   973  func (f *Fs) UnWrap() fs.Fs {
   974  	return f.Fs
   975  }
   977  // WrapFs returns the Fs that is wrapping this Fs
   978  func (f *Fs) WrapFs() fs.Fs {
   979  	return f.wrapper
   980  }
   982  // SetWrapper sets the Fs that is wrapping this Fs
   983  func (f *Fs) SetWrapper(wrapper fs.Fs) {
   984  	f.wrapper = wrapper
   985  }
   987  // MergeDirs merges the contents of all the directories passed
   988  // in into the first one and rmdirs the other directories.
   989  func (f *Fs) MergeDirs(ctx context.Context, dirs []fs.Directory) error {
   990  	do := f.Fs.Features().MergeDirs
   991  	if do == nil {
   992  		return errors.New("MergeDirs not supported")
   993  	}
   994  	out := make([]fs.Directory, len(dirs))
   995  	for i, dir := range dirs {
   996  		out[i] = fs.NewDirCopy(ctx, dir).SetRemote(dir.Remote())
   997  	}
   998  	return do(ctx, out)
   999  }
  1001  // DirCacheFlush resets the directory cache - used in testing
  1002  // as an optional interface
  1003  func (f *Fs) DirCacheFlush() {
  1004  	do := f.Fs.Features().DirCacheFlush
  1005  	if do != nil {
  1006  		do()
  1007  	}
  1008  }
  1010  // ChangeNotify calls the passed function with a path
  1011  // that has had changes. If the implementation
  1012  // uses polling, it should adhere to the given interval.
  1013  func (f *Fs) ChangeNotify(ctx context.Context, notifyFunc func(string, fs.EntryType), pollIntervalChan <-chan time.Duration) {
  1014  	do := f.Fs.Features().ChangeNotify
  1015  	if do == nil {
  1016  		return
  1017  	}
  1018  	wrappedNotifyFunc := func(path string, entryType fs.EntryType) {
  1019  		fs.Logf(f, "path %q entryType %d", path, entryType)
  1020  		var (
  1021  			wrappedPath    string
  1022  			isMetadataFile bool
  1023  		)
  1024  		switch entryType {
  1025  		case fs.EntryDirectory:
  1026  			wrappedPath = path
  1027  		case fs.EntryObject:
  1028  			// Note: All we really need to do to monitor the object is to check whether the metadata changed,
  1029  			// as the metadata contains the hash. This will work unless there's a hash collision and the sizes stay the same.
  1030  			wrappedPath, isMetadataFile = unwrapMetadataFile(path)
  1031  			if !isMetadataFile {
  1032  				return
  1033  			}
  1034  		default:
  1035  			fs.Errorf(path, "press ChangeNotify: ignoring unknown EntryType %d", entryType)
  1036  			return
  1037  		}
  1038  		notifyFunc(wrappedPath, entryType)
  1039  	}
  1040  	do(ctx, wrappedNotifyFunc, pollIntervalChan)
  1041  }
  1043  // PublicLink generates a public link to the remote path (usually readable by anyone)
  1044  func (f *Fs) PublicLink(ctx context.Context, remote string, duration fs.Duration, unlink bool) (string, error) {
  1045  	do := f.Fs.Features().PublicLink
  1046  	if do == nil {
  1047  		return "", errors.New("can't PublicLink: not supported by underlying remote")
  1048  	}
  1049  	o, err := f.NewObject(ctx, remote)
  1050  	if err != nil {
  1051  		// assume it is a directory
  1052  		return do(ctx, remote, duration, unlink)
  1053  	}
  1054  	return do(ctx, o.(*Object).Object.Remote(), duration, unlink)
  1055  }
  1057  /*** OBJECT FUNCTIONS ***/
  1059  // ObjectMetadata describes the metadata for an Object.
  1060  type ObjectMetadata struct {
  1061  	Mode                int    // Compression mode of the file.
  1062  	Size                int64  // Size of the object.
  1063  	MD5                 string // MD5 hash of the file.
  1064  	MimeType            string // Mime type of the file
  1065  	CompressionMetadata sgzip.GzipMetadata
  1066  }
  1068  // Object with external metadata
  1069  type Object struct {
  1070  	fs.Object                 // Wraps around data object for this object
  1071  	f         *Fs             // Filesystem object is in
  1072  	mo        fs.Object       // Metadata object for this object
  1073  	moName    string          // Metadata file name for this object
  1074  	size      int64           // Size of this object
  1075  	meta      *ObjectMetadata // Metadata struct for this object (nil if not loaded)
  1076  }
  1078  // This function generates a metadata object
  1079  func newMetadata(size int64, mode int, cmeta sgzip.GzipMetadata, md5 string, mimeType string) *ObjectMetadata {
  1080  	meta := new(ObjectMetadata)
  1081  	meta.Size = size
  1082  	meta.Mode = mode
  1083  	meta.CompressionMetadata = cmeta
  1084  	meta.MD5 = md5
  1085  	meta.MimeType = mimeType
  1086  	return meta
  1087  }
  1089  // This function will read the metadata from a metadata object.
  1090  func readMetadata(ctx context.Context, mo fs.Object) (meta *ObjectMetadata, err error) {
  1091  	// Open our meradata object
  1092  	rc, err := mo.Open(ctx)
  1093  	if err != nil {
  1094  		return nil, err
  1095  	}
  1096  	defer fs.CheckClose(rc, &err)
  1097  	jr := json.NewDecoder(rc)
  1098  	meta = new(ObjectMetadata)
  1099  	if err = jr.Decode(meta); err != nil {
  1100  		return nil, err
  1101  	}
  1102  	return meta, nil
  1103  }
  1105  // Remove removes this object
  1106  func (o *Object) Remove(ctx context.Context) error {
  1107  	err := o.loadMetadataObjectIfNotLoaded(ctx)
  1108  	if err != nil {
  1109  		return err
  1110  	}
  1111  	err =
  1112  	objErr := o.Object.Remove(ctx)
  1113  	if err != nil {
  1114  		return err
  1115  	}
  1116  	return objErr
  1117  }
  1119  // ReadCloserWrapper combines a Reader and a Closer to a ReadCloser
  1120  type ReadCloserWrapper struct {
  1121  	io.Reader
  1122  	io.Closer
  1123  }
  1125  // Update in to the object with the modTime given of the given size
  1126  func (o *Object) Update(ctx context.Context, in io.Reader, src fs.ObjectInfo, options ...fs.OpenOption) (err error) {
  1127  	err = o.loadMetadataIfNotLoaded(ctx) // Loads metadata object too
  1128  	if err != nil {
  1129  		return err
  1130  	}
  1131  	// Function that updates metadata object
  1132  	updateMeta := func(ctx context.Context, in io.Reader, src fs.ObjectInfo, options ...fs.OpenOption) (fs.Object, error) {
  1133  		return,, in, src, options...)
  1134  	}
  1136  	in, compressible, mimeType, err := checkCompressAndType(in)
  1137  	if err != nil {
  1138  		return err
  1139  	}
  1141  	// Since we are storing the filesize in the name the new object may have different name than the old
  1142  	// We'll make sure to delete the old object in this case
  1143  	var newObject *Object
  1144  	origName := o.Remote()
  1145  	if o.meta.Mode != Uncompressed || compressible {
  1146  		newObject, err = o.f.putWithCustomFunctions(ctx, in, o.f.wrapInfo(src, origName, src.Size()), options, o.f.Fs.Put, updateMeta, compressible, mimeType)
  1147  		if err != nil {
  1148  			return err
  1149  		}
  1150  		if newObject.Object.Remote() != o.Object.Remote() {
  1151  			if removeErr := o.Object.Remove(ctx); removeErr != nil {
  1152  				return removeErr
  1153  			}
  1154  		}
  1155  	} else {
  1156  		// We can only support update when BOTH the old and the new object are uncompressed because only then
  1157  		// the filesize will be known beforehand and name will stay the same
  1158  		update := func(ctx context.Context, in io.Reader, src fs.ObjectInfo, options ...fs.OpenOption) (fs.Object, error) {
  1159  			return o.Object, o.Object.Update(ctx, in, src, options...)
  1160  		}
  1161  		// If we are, just update the object and metadata
  1162  		newObject, err = o.f.putWithCustomFunctions(ctx, in, src, options, update, updateMeta, compressible, mimeType)
  1163  		if err != nil {
  1164  			return err
  1165  		}
  1166  	}
  1167  	// Update object metadata and return
  1168  	o.Object = newObject.Object
  1169  	o.meta = newObject.meta
  1170  	o.size = newObject.size
  1171  	return nil
  1172  }
  1174  // This will initialize the variables of a new press Object. The metadata object, mo, and metadata struct, meta, must be specified.
  1175  func (f *Fs) newObject(o fs.Object, mo fs.Object, meta *ObjectMetadata) *Object {
  1176  	if o == nil {
  1177  		log.Trace(nil, "newObject(%#v, %#v, %#v) called with nil o", o, mo, meta)
  1178  	}
  1179  	return &Object{
  1180  		Object: o,
  1181  		f:      f,
  1182  		mo:     mo,
  1183  		moName: mo.Remote(),
  1184  		size:   meta.Size,
  1185  		meta:   meta,
  1186  	}
  1187  }
  1189  // This initializes the variables of a press Object with only the size. The metadata will be loaded later on demand.
  1190  func (f *Fs) newObjectSizeAndNameOnly(o fs.Object, moName string, size int64) *Object {
  1191  	if o == nil {
  1192  		log.Trace(nil, "newObjectSizeAndNameOnly(%#v, %#v, %#v) called with nil o", o, moName, size)
  1193  	}
  1194  	return &Object{
  1195  		Object: o,
  1196  		f:      f,
  1197  		mo:     nil,
  1198  		moName: moName,
  1199  		size:   size,
  1200  		meta:   nil,
  1201  	}
  1202  }
  1204  // Shutdown the backend, closing any background tasks and any
  1205  // cached connections.
  1206  func (f *Fs) Shutdown(ctx context.Context) error {
  1207  	do := f.Fs.Features().Shutdown
  1208  	if do == nil {
  1209  		return nil
  1210  	}
  1211  	return do(ctx)
  1212  }
  1214  // This loads the metadata of a press Object if it's not loaded yet
  1215  func (o *Object) loadMetadataIfNotLoaded(ctx context.Context) (err error) {
  1216  	err = o.loadMetadataObjectIfNotLoaded(ctx)
  1217  	if err != nil {
  1218  		return err
  1219  	}
  1220  	if o.meta == nil {
  1221  		o.meta, err = readMetadata(ctx,
  1222  	}
  1223  	return err
  1224  }
  1226  // This loads the metadata object of a press Object if it's not loaded yet
  1227  func (o *Object) loadMetadataObjectIfNotLoaded(ctx context.Context) (err error) {
  1228  	if == nil {
  1229, err = o.f.Fs.NewObject(ctx, o.moName)
  1230  	}
  1231  	return err
  1232  }
  1234  // Fs returns read only access to the Fs that this object is part of
  1235  func (o *Object) Fs() fs.Info {
  1236  	return o.f
  1237  }
  1239  // Return a string version
  1240  func (o *Object) String() string {
  1241  	if o == nil {
  1242  		return "<nil>"
  1243  	}
  1244  	return o.Remote()
  1245  }
  1247  // Remote returns the remote path
  1248  func (o *Object) Remote() string {
  1249  	origFileName, _, _, err := processFileName(o.Object.Remote())
  1250  	if err != nil {
  1251  		fs.Errorf(o.f, "Could not get remote path for: %s", o.Object.Remote())
  1252  		return o.Object.Remote()
  1253  	}
  1254  	return origFileName
  1255  }
  1257  // Size returns the size of the file
  1258  func (o *Object) Size() int64 {
  1259  	if o.meta == nil {
  1260  		return o.size
  1261  	}
  1262  	return o.meta.Size
  1263  }
  1265  // MimeType returns the MIME type of the file
  1266  func (o *Object) MimeType(ctx context.Context) string {
  1267  	err := o.loadMetadataIfNotLoaded(ctx)
  1268  	if err != nil {
  1269  		return "error/error"
  1270  	}
  1271  	return o.meta.MimeType
  1272  }
  1274  // Metadata returns metadata for an object
  1275  //
  1276  // It should return nil if there is no Metadata
  1277  func (o *Object) Metadata(ctx context.Context) (fs.Metadata, error) {
  1278  	err := o.loadMetadataIfNotLoaded(ctx)
  1279  	if err != nil {
  1280  		return nil, err
  1281  	}
  1282  	do, ok :=
  1283  	if !ok {
  1284  		return nil, nil
  1285  	}
  1286  	return do.Metadata(ctx)
  1287  }
  1289  // Hash returns the selected checksum of the file
  1290  // If no checksum is available it returns ""
  1291  func (o *Object) Hash(ctx context.Context, ht hash.Type) (string, error) {
  1292  	if ht != hash.MD5 {
  1293  		return "", hash.ErrUnsupported
  1294  	}
  1295  	err := o.loadMetadataIfNotLoaded(ctx)
  1296  	if err != nil {
  1297  		return "", err
  1298  	}
  1299  	return o.meta.MD5, nil
  1300  }
  1302  // SetTier performs changing storage tier of the Object if
  1303  // multiple storage classes supported
  1304  func (o *Object) SetTier(tier string) error {
  1305  	do, ok := o.Object.(fs.SetTierer)
  1306  	mdo, mok :=
  1307  	if !(ok && mok) {
  1308  		return errors.New("press: underlying remote does not support SetTier")
  1309  	}
  1310  	if err := mdo.SetTier(tier); err != nil {
  1311  		return err
  1312  	}
  1313  	return do.SetTier(tier)
  1314  }
  1316  // GetTier returns storage tier or class of the Object
  1317  func (o *Object) GetTier() string {
  1318  	do, ok :=
  1319  	if !ok {
  1320  		return ""
  1321  	}
  1322  	return do.GetTier()
  1323  }
  1325  // UnWrap returns the wrapped Object
  1326  func (o *Object) UnWrap() fs.Object {
  1327  	return o.Object
  1328  }
  1330  // Open opens the file for read.  Call Close() on the returned io.ReadCloser. Note that this call requires quite a bit of overhead.
  1331  func (o *Object) Open(ctx context.Context, options ...fs.OpenOption) (rc io.ReadCloser, err error) {
  1332  	err = o.loadMetadataIfNotLoaded(ctx)
  1333  	if err != nil {
  1334  		return nil, err
  1335  	}
  1336  	// If we're uncompressed, just pass this to the underlying object
  1337  	if o.meta.Mode == Uncompressed {
  1338  		return o.Object.Open(ctx, options...)
  1339  	}
  1340  	// Get offset and limit from OpenOptions, pass the rest to the underlying remote
  1341  	var openOptions = []fs.OpenOption{&fs.SeekOption{Offset: 0}}
  1342  	var offset, limit int64 = 0, -1
  1343  	for _, option := range options {
  1344  		switch x := option.(type) {
  1345  		case *fs.SeekOption:
  1346  			offset = x.Offset
  1347  		case *fs.RangeOption:
  1348  			offset, limit = x.Decode(o.Size())
  1349  		default:
  1350  			openOptions = append(openOptions, option)
  1351  		}
  1352  	}
  1353  	// Get a chunkedreader for the wrapped object
  1354  	chunkedReader := chunkedreader.New(ctx, o.Object, initialChunkSize, maxChunkSize)
  1355  	// Get file handle
  1356  	var file io.Reader
  1357  	if offset != 0 {
  1358  		file, err = sgzip.NewReaderAt(chunkedReader, &o.meta.CompressionMetadata, offset)
  1359  	} else {
  1360  		file, err = sgzip.NewReader(chunkedReader)
  1361  	}
  1362  	if err != nil {
  1363  		return nil, err
  1364  	}
  1366  	var fileReader io.Reader
  1367  	if limit != -1 {
  1368  		fileReader = io.LimitReader(file, limit)
  1369  	} else {
  1370  		fileReader = file
  1371  	}
  1372  	// Return a ReadCloser
  1373  	return ReadCloserWrapper{Reader: fileReader, Closer: chunkedReader}, nil
  1374  }
  1376  // ObjectInfo describes a wrapped fs.ObjectInfo for being the source
  1377  type ObjectInfo struct {
  1378  	src    fs.ObjectInfo
  1379  	fs     *Fs
  1380  	remote string
  1381  	size   int64
  1382  }
  1384  func (f *Fs) wrapInfo(src fs.ObjectInfo, newRemote string, size int64) *ObjectInfo {
  1385  	return &ObjectInfo{
  1386  		src:    src,
  1387  		fs:     f,
  1388  		remote: newRemote,
  1389  		size:   size,
  1390  	}
  1391  }
  1393  // Fs returns read only access to the Fs that this object is part of
  1394  func (o *ObjectInfo) Fs() fs.Info {
  1395  	if o.fs == nil {
  1396  		panic("stub ObjectInfo")
  1397  	}
  1398  	return o.fs
  1399  }
  1401  // String returns string representation
  1402  func (o *ObjectInfo) String() string {
  1403  	return o.src.String()
  1404  }
  1406  // Storable returns whether object is storable
  1407  func (o *ObjectInfo) Storable() bool {
  1408  	return o.src.Storable()
  1409  }
  1411  // Remote returns the remote path
  1412  func (o *ObjectInfo) Remote() string {
  1413  	if o.remote != "" {
  1414  		return o.remote
  1415  	}
  1416  	return o.src.Remote()
  1417  }
  1419  // Size returns the size of the file
  1420  func (o *ObjectInfo) Size() int64 {
  1421  	return o.size
  1422  }
  1424  // ModTime returns the modification time
  1425  func (o *ObjectInfo) ModTime(ctx context.Context) time.Time {
  1426  	return o.src.ModTime(ctx)
  1427  }
  1429  // Hash returns the selected checksum of the file
  1430  // If no checksum is available it returns ""
  1431  func (o *ObjectInfo) Hash(ctx context.Context, ht hash.Type) (string, error) {
  1432  	return "", nil // cannot know the checksum
  1433  }
  1435  // ID returns the ID of the Object if known, or "" if not
  1436  func (o *ObjectInfo) ID() string {
  1437  	do, ok := o.src.(fs.IDer)
  1438  	if !ok {
  1439  		return ""
  1440  	}
  1441  	return do.ID()
  1442  }
  1444  // MimeType returns the content type of the Object if
  1445  // known, or "" if not
  1446  func (o *ObjectInfo) MimeType(ctx context.Context) string {
  1447  	do, ok := o.src.(fs.MimeTyper)
  1448  	if !ok {
  1449  		return ""
  1450  	}
  1451  	return do.MimeType(ctx)
  1452  }
  1454  // UnWrap returns the Object that this Object is wrapping or
  1455  // nil if it isn't wrapping anything
  1456  func (o *ObjectInfo) UnWrap() fs.Object {
  1457  	return fs.UnWrapObjectInfo(o.src)
  1458  }
  1460  // Metadata returns metadata for an object
  1461  //
  1462  // It should return nil if there is no Metadata
  1463  func (o *ObjectInfo) Metadata(ctx context.Context) (fs.Metadata, error) {
  1464  	do, ok := o.src.(fs.Metadataer)
  1465  	if !ok {
  1466  		return nil, nil
  1467  	}
  1468  	return do.Metadata(ctx)
  1469  }
  1471  // GetTier returns storage tier or class of the Object
  1472  func (o *ObjectInfo) GetTier() string {
  1473  	do, ok := o.src.(fs.GetTierer)
  1474  	if !ok {
  1475  		return ""
  1476  	}
  1477  	return do.GetTier()
  1478  }
  1480  // ID returns the ID of the Object if known, or "" if not
  1481  func (o *Object) ID() string {
  1482  	do, ok := o.Object.(fs.IDer)
  1483  	if !ok {
  1484  		return ""
  1485  	}
  1486  	return do.ID()
  1487  }
  1489  // Name of the remote (as passed into NewFs)
  1490  func (f *Fs) Name() string {
  1491  	return
  1492  }
  1494  // Root of the remote (as passed into NewFs)
  1495  func (f *Fs) Root() string {
  1496  	return f.root
  1497  }
  1499  // Features returns the optional features of this Fs
  1500  func (f *Fs) Features() *fs.Features {
  1501  	return f.features
  1502  }
  1504  // Return a string version
  1505  func (f *Fs) String() string {
  1506  	return fmt.Sprintf("Compressed: %s:%s",, f.root)
  1507  }
  1509  // Precision returns the precision of this Fs
  1510  func (f *Fs) Precision() time.Duration {
  1511  	return f.Fs.Precision()
  1512  }
  1514  // Check the interfaces are satisfied
  1515  var (
  1516  	_ fs.Fs              = (*Fs)(nil)
  1517  	_ fs.Purger          = (*Fs)(nil)
  1518  	_ fs.Copier          = (*Fs)(nil)
  1519  	_ fs.Mover           = (*Fs)(nil)
  1520  	_ fs.DirMover        = (*Fs)(nil)
  1521  	_ fs.DirSetModTimer  = (*Fs)(nil)
  1522  	_ fs.MkdirMetadataer = (*Fs)(nil)
  1523  	_ fs.PutStreamer     = (*Fs)(nil)
  1524  	_ fs.CleanUpper      = (*Fs)(nil)
  1525  	_ fs.UnWrapper       = (*Fs)(nil)
  1526  	_ fs.ListRer         = (*Fs)(nil)
  1527  	_ fs.Abouter         = (*Fs)(nil)
  1528  	_ fs.Wrapper         = (*Fs)(nil)
  1529  	_ fs.MergeDirser     = (*Fs)(nil)
  1530  	_ fs.DirCacheFlusher = (*Fs)(nil)
  1531  	_ fs.ChangeNotifier  = (*Fs)(nil)
  1532  	_ fs.PublicLinker    = (*Fs)(nil)
  1533  	_ fs.Shutdowner      = (*Fs)(nil)
  1534  	_ fs.FullObjectInfo  = (*ObjectInfo)(nil)
  1535  	_ fs.FullObject      = (*Object)(nil)
  1536  )