
     1  [
     2     {
     3        "id": "\n\nTIP:\n",
     4        "translation": "\n\n小贴士:\n",
     5        "modified": false
     6     },
     7     {
     8        "id": "\n\nYour JSON string syntax is invalid.  Proper syntax is this:  cf set-running-environment-variable-group '{\"name\":\"value\",\"name\":\"value\"}'",
     9        "translation": "\n\nYour JSON string syntax is invalid.  Proper syntax is this:  cf set-running-environment-variable-group '{\"name\":\"value\",\"name\":\"value\"}'",
    10        "modified": false
    11     },
    12     {
    13        "id": "\n\nYour JSON string syntax is invalid.  Proper syntax is this:  cf set-staging-environment-variable-group '{\"name\":\"value\",\"name\":\"value\"}'",
    14        "translation": "\n\nYour JSON string syntax is invalid.  Proper syntax is this:  cf set-staging-environment-variable-group '{\"name\":\"value\",\"name\":\"value\"}'",
    15        "modified": false
    16     },
    17     {
    18        "id": "\n* These service plans have an associated cost. Creating a service instance will incur this cost.",
    19        "translation": "* The denoted service plans have specific costs associated with them. If a service instance of this type is created, a cost will be incurred.",
    20        "modified": true
    21     },
    22     {
    23        "id": "\nApp started\n",
    24        "translation": "\n应用程序已启动\n",
    25        "modified": false
    26     },
    27     {
    28        "id": "\nApp {{.AppName}} was started using this command `{{.Command}}`\n",
    29        "translation": "\nApp {{.AppName}} was started using this command `{{.Command}}`\n",
    30        "modified": false
    31     },
    32     {
    33        "id": "\nNo api endpoint set.",
    34        "translation": "\nNo api endpoint set.",
    35        "modified": false
    36     },
    37     {
    38        "id": "\nRoute to be unmapped is not currently mapped to the application.",
    39        "translation": "\nRoute to be unmapped is not currently mapped to the application.",
    40        "modified": false
    41     },
    42     {
    43        "id": "\nTIP:  Use 'cf marketplace -s SERVICE' to view descriptions of individual plans of a given service.",
    44        "translation": "\nTIP:  Use 'cf marketplace -s SERVICE' to view descriptions of individual plans of a given service.",
    45        "modified": false
    46     },
    47     {
    48        "id": "\nTIP: Assign roles with '{{.CurrentUser}} set-org-role' and '{{.CurrentUser}} set-space-role'",
    49        "translation": "\n小贴士: 为用户{{.CurrentUser}}分配 '组织权限'及'空间权限",
    50        "modified": false
    51     },
    52     {
    53        "id": "\nTIP: Use '{{.CFTargetCommand}}' to target new space",
    54        "translation": "\n小贴士: 使用'{{.CFTargetCommand}}'指定新空间",
    55        "modified": false
    56     },
    57     {
    58        "id": "\nTIP: Use '{{.Command}}' to target new org",
    59        "translation": "\n小贴士: 使用'{{.Command}}'选择新组织",
    60        "modified": false
    61     },
    62     {
    63        "id": "\nTIP: use 'cf login -a API --skip-ssl-validation' or 'cf api API --skip-ssl-validation' to suppress this error",
    64        "translation": "\n小贴士: 通过cf login或者cf api命令来忽略'--skip-ssl-validation'错误",
    65        "modified": false
    66     },
    67     {
    68        "id": "   BillingManager - Create and manage the billing account and payment info\n",
    69        "translation": "   BillingManager - 创建和管理计费账户和付款信息\n",
    70        "modified": false
    71     },
    72     {
    73        "id": "   CF_NAME auth \"\\\"password\\\"\" (escape quotes if used in password)",
    74        "translation": "   CF_NAME auth \"\\\"密码\\\"\" (密码中若有引号,需采用转义引号)",
    75        "modified": false
    76     },
    77     {
    78        "id": "   CF_NAME auth \"my password\" (use quotes for passwords with a space)\n",
    79        "translation": "   CF_NAME auth \"my password\" (密码中若有空格,需要转义空格)\n",
    80        "modified": false
    81     },
    82     {
    83        "id": "   CF_NAME copy-source SOURCE-APP TARGET-APP [-o TARGET-ORG] [-s TARGET-SPACE] [--no-restart]\n",
    84        "translation": "   CF_NAME copy-source SOURCE-APP TARGET-APP [-o TARGET-ORG] [-s TARGET-SPACE] [--no-restart]\n",
    85        "modified": false
    86     },
    87     {
    88        "id": "   CF_NAME login (omit username and password to login interactively -- CF_NAME will prompt for both)\n",
    89        "translation": "   CF_NAME login (不指定用户名和密码参数,CF_NAME将进一步提示你输入用户名和密码)\n",
    90        "modified": false
    91     },
    92     {
    93        "id": "   CF_NAME login --sso (CF_NAME will provide a url to obtain a one-time password to login)",
    94        "translation": "   CF_NAME login --sso (CF_NAME 将提供一个可以获得一次性密码的链接)\n",
    95        "modified": false
    96     },
    97     {
    98        "id": "   CF_NAME login -u -p \"\\\"password\\\"\" (escape quotes if used in password)",
    99        "translation": "   CF_NAME login -u -p \"\\\"password\\\"\" (密码中若有引号,需采用转义引号)\n",
   100        "modified": false
   101     },
   102     {
   103        "id": "   CF_NAME login -u -p \"my password\" (use quotes for passwords with a space)\n",
   104        "translation": "   CF_NAME login -u -p \"my password\" (密码中若有空格,需要转义空格)\n",
   105        "modified": false
   106     },
   107     {
   108        "id": "   CF_NAME login -u -p pa55woRD (specify username and password as arguments)\n",
   109        "translation": "   CF_NAME login -u -p pa55woRD (指定用户名和密码作为参数)\n",
   110        "modified": false
   111     },
   112     {
   113        "id": "   CF_NAME push APP_NAME [-b BUILDPACK_NAME] [-c COMMAND] [-d DOMAIN] [-f MANIFEST_PATH]\n",
   114        "translation": "   CF_NAME push 应用程序[-b 包名] [-c 命令] [-d 域名] [-f 部署描述文件路径]\n",
   115        "modified": true
   116     },
   117     {
   118        "id": "   CF_NAME push [-f MANIFEST_PATH]\n",
   119        "translation": "   CF_NAME push 应用程序 [-f 部署描述文件路径]\n",
   120        "modified": false
   121     },
   122     {
   123        "id": "   OrgAuditor - Read-only access to org info and reports\n",
   124        "translation": "   OrgAuditor - 只能访问组织的信息和报告\n",
   125        "modified": false
   126     },
   127     {
   128        "id": "   OrgManager - Invite and manage users, select and change plans, and set spending limits\n",
   129        "translation": "   OrgManager - 邀请和管理用户,选择和改变服务计划,设置配额限制\n",
   130        "modified": false
   131     },
   132     {
   133        "id": "   Path should be a zip file, a url to a zip file, or a local directory. Position is a positive integer, sets priority, and is sorted from lowest to highest.",
   134        "translation": "   路径应该是一个zip文件,一个URL到一个zip文件,或本地目录。位置是一个整数,设置优先级,并进行排序,从最低到最高",
   135        "modified": true
   136     },
   137     {
   138        "id": "   Push multiple apps with a manifest:\n",
   139        "translation": "   使用部署描述文件部署多个应用程序:\n",
   140        "modified": false
   141     },
   142     {
   143        "id": "   SpaceAuditor - View logs, reports, and settings on this space\n",
   144        "translation": "   SpaceAuditor - 查看此空间中的日志,报告和设置信息\n",
   145        "modified": false
   146     },
   147     {
   148        "id": "   SpaceDeveloper - Create and manage apps and services, and see logs and reports\n",
   149        "translation": "   SpaceDeveloper - 创建和管理应用程序和服务,查看日志和报告\n",
   150        "modified": false
   151     },
   152     {
   153        "id": "   SpaceManager - Invite and manage users, and enable features for a given space\n",
   154        "translation": "   SpaceManager - 邀请和管理用户,针对一个指定的空间启用各项功能\n",
   155        "modified": false
   156     },
   157     {
   158        "id": "   The provided path can be an absolute or relative path to a file.\n   It should have a single array with JSON objects inside describing the rules.",
   159        "translation": "   The provided path can be an absolute or relative path to a file.\n   It should have a single array with JSON objects inside describing the rules.",
   160        "modified": false
   161     },
   162     {
   163        "id": "   The provided path can be an absolute or relative path to a file.  The file should have\n   a single array with JSON objects inside describing the rules.  The JSON Base Object is \n   omitted and only the square brackets and associated child object are required in the file.  \n\n   Valid json file example:\n   [\n     {\n       \"protocol\": \"tcp\",\n       \"destination\": \"\",\n       \"ports\": \"3306\"\n     }\n   ]",
   164        "translation": "   The provided path can be an absolute or relative path to a file.  The file should have\n   a single array with JSON objects inside describing the rules.  The JSON Base Object is \n   omitted and only the square brackets and associated child object are required in the file.  \n\n   Valid json file example:\n   [\n     {\n       \"protocol\": \"tcp\",\n       \"destination\": \"\",\n       \"ports\": \"3306\"\n     }\n   ]",
   165        "modified": false
   166     },
   167     {
   168        "id": "   View allowable quotas with 'CF_NAME quotas'",
   169        "translation": "   查看允许配额而'CF_NAME quotas'",
   170        "modified": false
   171     },
   172     {
   173        "id": "   [-i NUM_INSTANCES] [-k DISK] [-m MEMORY] [-n HOST] [-p PATH] [-s STACK] [-t TIMEOUT]\n",
   174        "translation": "   [-i 实例数] [-k 磁盘配额] [-m 内存配额] [-n 主机] [-p 应用本地包所在路径] [-s 栈深度] [-t 超时时间]\n",
   175        "modified": false
   176     },
   177     {
   178        "id": " is already started",
   179        "translation": " 已启动",
   180        "modified": false
   181     },
   182     {
   183        "id": " is already stopped",
   184        "translation": " 已停止",
   185        "modified": false
   186     },
   187     {
   188        "id": " is empty",
   189        "translation": " 是空的",
   190        "modified": false
   191     },
   192     {
   193        "id": " not found",
   194        "translation": " 未找到",
   195        "modified": false
   196     },
   197     {
   198        "id": "A command line tool to interact with Cloud Foundry",
   199        "translation": "与Cloud Foundry交互的命令行工具",
   200        "modified": false
   201     },
   202     {
   203        "id": "ADVANCED",
   204        "translation": "高级",
   205        "modified": false
   206     },
   207     {
   208        "id": "API endpoint",
   209        "translation": "API 终端",
   210        "modified": false
   211     },
   212     {
   213        "id": "API endpoint (e.g.",
   214        "translation": "API 终端 (e.g.",
   215        "modified": false
   216     },
   217     {
   218        "id": "API endpoint:",
   219        "translation": "API 终端:",
   220        "modified": false
   221     },
   222     {
   223        "id": "API endpoint: {{.ApiEndpoint}}",
   224        "translation": "API 终端: {{.ApiEndpoint}}",
   225        "modified": false
   226     },
   227     {
   228        "id": "API endpoint: {{.ApiEndpoint}} (API version: {{.ApiVersion}})",
   229        "translation": "API 终端: {{.ApiEndpoint}} (API 版本: {{.ApiVersion}})",
   230        "modified": false
   231     },
   232     {
   233        "id": "API endpoint: {{.Endpoint}}",
   234        "translation": "API 终端: {{.Endpoint}}",
   235        "modified": false
   236     },
   237     {
   238        "id": "APPS",
   239        "translation": "应用程序",
   240        "modified": false
   241     },
   242     {
   243        "id": "Acquiring running security groups as '{{.username}}'",
   244        "translation": "Acquiring running security groups as '{{.username}}'",
   245        "modified": false
   246     },
   247     {
   248        "id": "Acquiring staging security group as {{.username}}",
   249        "translation": "Acquiring staging security group as {{.username}}",
   250        "modified": false
   251     },
   252     {
   253        "id": "Add a url route to an app",
   254        "translation": "Add a url route to an app",
   255        "modified": false
   256     },
   257     {
   258        "id": "Adding route {{.URL}} to app {{.AppName}} in org {{.OrgName}} / space {{.SpaceName}} as {{.Username}}...",
   259        "translation": "Adding route {{.URL}} to app {{.AppName}} in org {{.OrgName}} / space {{.SpaceName}} as {{.Username}}...",
   260        "modified": false
   261     },
   262     {
   263        "id": "Alias `{{.Command}}` in the plugin being installed is a native CF command/alias.  Rename the `{{.Command}}` command in the plugin being installed in order to enable its installation and use.",
   264        "translation": "Alias `{{.Command}}` in the plugin being installed is a native CF command/alias.  Rename the `{{.Command}}` command in the plugin being installed in order to enable its installation and use.",
   265        "modified": false
   266     },
   267     {
   268        "id": "Alias `{{.Command}}` is a command/alias in plugin '{{.PluginName}}'.  You could try uninstalling plugin '{{.PluginName}}' and then install this plugin in order to invoke the `{{.Command}}` command.  However, you should first fully understand the impact of uninstalling the existing '{{.PluginName}}' plugin.",
   269        "translation": "`Alias {{.Command}}` is a command/alias in plugin '{{.PluginName}}'.  You could try uninstalling plugin '{{.PluginName}}' and then install this plugin in order to invoke the `{{.Command}}` command.  However, you should first fully understand the impact of uninstalling the existing '{{.PluginName}}' plugin.",
   270        "modified": true
   271     },
   272     {
   273        "id": "All plans of the service are already accessible for all orgs",
   274        "translation": "All plans of the service are already accessible for all orgs",
   275        "modified": false
   276     },
   277     {
   278        "id": "All plans of the service are already accessible for this org",
   279        "translation": "All plans of the service are already accessible for the org",
   280        "modified": true
   281     },
   282     {
   283        "id": "All plans of the service are already inaccessible for all orgs",
   284        "translation": "All plans of the service are already inaccessible for all orgs",
   285        "modified": false
   286     },
   287     {
   288        "id": "All plans of the service are already inaccessible for this org",
   289        "translation": "All plans of the service are already inaccessible for the org",
   290        "modified": true
   291     },
   292     {
   293        "id": "Also delete any mapped routes",
   294        "translation": "同时删除所有绑定的域名",
   295        "modified": false
   296     },
   297     {
   298        "id": "An org must be targeted before targeting a space",
   299        "translation": "在选择空间之前必须选择一个组织",
   300        "modified": false
   301     },
   302     {
   303        "id": "App ",
   304        "translation": "应用程序 ",
   305        "modified": false
   306     },
   307     {
   308        "id": "App name is a required field",
   309        "translation": "应用程序名称为必填字段",
   310        "modified": false
   311     },
   312     {
   313        "id": "App {{.AppName}} does not exist.",
   314        "translation": "应用程序{{.AppName}}不存在",
   315        "modified": false
   316     },
   317     {
   318        "id": "App {{.AppName}} is a worker, skipping route creation",
   319        "translation": "应用程序 {{.AppName}}是一个worker程序,跳过路由的创建",
   320        "modified": false
   321     },
   322     {
   323        "id": "App {{.AppName}} is already bound to {{.ServiceName}}.",
   324        "translation": "应用{{.AppName}}已经与服务{{.ServiceName}}绑定了.",
   325        "modified": false
   326     },
   327     {
   328        "id": "Append API request diagnostics to a log file",
   329        "translation": "追加API请求诊断信息到日志文件",
   330        "modified": false
   331     },
   332     {
   333        "id": "Apps:",
   334        "translation": "应用程序:",
   335        "modified": false
   336     },
   337     {
   338        "id": "Assign a quota to an org",
   339        "translation": "给组织分配配额",
   340        "modified": false
   341     },
   342     {
   343        "id": "Assign a space quota definition to a space",
   344        "translation": "Assign a space quota definition to a space",
   345        "modified": false
   346     },
   347     {
   348        "id": "Assign a space role to a user",
   349        "translation": "给用户分配空间角色",
   350        "modified": false
   351     },
   352     {
   353        "id": "Assign an org role to a user",
   354        "translation": "给用户分配组织角色",
   355        "modified": false
   356     },
   357     {
   358        "id": "Assigned Value",
   359        "translation": "Assigned Value",
   360        "modified": false
   361     },
   362     {
   363        "id": "Assigning role {{.Role}} to user {{.TargetUser}} in org {{.TargetOrg}} / space {{.TargetSpace}} as {{.CurrentUser}}...",
   364        "translation": "分配角色:{{.Role}}在组织{{.TargetOrg}}或空间{{.TargetSpace}}中分配权限给用户{{.TargetUser}} (作为用户{{.CurrentUser}}) ...",
   365        "modified": false
   366     },
   367     {
   368        "id": "Assigning role {{.Role}} to user {{.TargetUser}} in org {{.TargetOrg}} as {{.CurrentUser}}...",
   369        "translation": "分配角色:{{.Role}}在组织{{.TargetOrg}}中分配权限给用户{{.TargetUser}} (作为用户{{.CurrentUser}})...",
   370        "modified": false
   371     },
   372     {
   373        "id": "Assigning security group {{.security_group}} to space {{.space}} in org {{.organization}} as {{.username}}...",
   374        "translation": "Assigning security group {{.security_group}} to space {{.space}} in org {{.organization}} as {{.username}}...",
   375        "modified": false
   376     },
   377     {
   378        "id": "Assigning space quota {{.QuotaName}} to space {{.SpaceName}} as {{.Username}}...",
   379        "translation": "Assigning space quota {{.QuotaName}} to space {{.SpaceName}} as {{.Username}}...",
   380        "modified": false
   381     },
   382     {
   383        "id": "Attempting to migrate {{.ServiceInstanceDescription}}...",
   384        "translation": "正尝试迁移{{.ServiceInstanceDescription}}...",
   385        "modified": false
   386     },
   387     {
   388        "id": "Attention: The plan `{{.PlanName}}` of service `{{.ServiceName}}` is not free.  The instance `{{.ServiceInstanceName}}` will incur a cost.  Contact your administrator if you think this is in error.",
   389        "translation": "Attention: The plan `{{.PlanName}}` of service `{{.ServiceName}}` is not free.  The instance `{{.ServiceInstanceName}}` will incur a cost.  Contact your administrator if you think this is in error.",
   390        "modified": false
   391     },
   392     {
   393        "id": "Authenticate user non-interactively",
   394        "translation": "非交互式用户身份验证",
   395        "modified": false
   396     },
   397     {
   398        "id": "Authenticating...",
   399        "translation": "正在验证,请等待...",
   400        "modified": false
   401     },
   402     {
   403        "id": "Authentication has expired.  Please log back in to re-authenticate.\n\nTIP: Use `cf login -a \u003cendpoint\u003e -u \u003cuser\u003e -o \u003corg\u003e -s \u003cspace\u003e` to log back in and re-authenticate.",
   404        "translation": "Authentication has expired.  Please log back in to re-authenticate.\n\nTIP: Use `cf login -a \u003cendpoint\u003e -u \u003cuser\u003e -o \u003corg\u003e -s \u003cspace\u003e` to log back in and re-authenticate.",
   405        "modified": false
   406     },
   407     {
   408        "id": "BILLING MANAGER",
   409        "translation": "计费管理",
   410        "modified": false
   411     },
   412     {
   413        "id": "BUILD TIME:",
   414        "translation": "构建时间:",
   415        "modified": false
   416     },
   417     {
   418        "id": "BUILDPACKS",
   419        "translation": "BUILDPACKS",
   420        "modified": false
   421     },
   422     {
   423        "id": "Bind a security group to a space",
   424        "translation": "Bind a security group to a space",
   425        "modified": false
   426     },
   427     {
   428        "id": "Bind a security group to the list of security groups to be used for running applications",
   429        "translation": "Bind a security group to the list of security groups to be used for running applications",
   430        "modified": false
   431     },
   432     {
   433        "id": "Bind a security group to the list of security groups to be used for staging applications",
   434        "translation": "Bind a security group to the list of security groups to be used for staging applications",
   435        "modified": false
   436     },
   437     {
   438        "id": "Bind a service instance to an app",
   439        "translation": "绑定一个服务实例到应用程序",
   440        "modified": false
   441     },
   442     {
   443        "id": "Binding between {{.InstanceName}} and {{.AppName}} did not exist",
   444        "translation": "{{.InstanceName}}和{{.AppName}}之间没有绑定关系",
   445        "modified": false
   446     },
   447     {
   448        "id": "Binding security group {{.security_group}} to defaults for running as {{.username}}",
   449        "translation": "Binding security group {{.security_group}} to defaults for running as {{.username}}",
   450        "modified": false
   451     },
   452     {
   453        "id": "Binding security group {{.security_group}} to staging as {{.username}}",
   454        "translation": "Binding security group {{.security_group}} to staging as {{.username}}",
   455        "modified": false
   456     },
   457     {
   458        "id": "Binding service {{.ServiceInstanceName}} to app {{.AppName}} in org {{.OrgName}} / space {{.SpaceName}} as {{.CurrentUser}}...",
   459        "translation": "用户{{.CurrentUser}}正在绑定服务{{.ServiceInstanceName}}到属于组织{{.OrgName}}和空间{{.SpaceName}}中的应用程序{{.AppName}}...",
   460        "modified": false
   461     },
   462     {
   463        "id": "Binding service {{.ServiceName}} to app {{.AppName}} in org {{.OrgName}} / space {{.SpaceName}} as {{.Username}}...",
   464        "translation": "通过用户{{.Username}}给到组织{{.OrgName}}/空间{{.SpaceName}}下的应用 {{.AppName}} 绑定服务 {{.ServiceName}}...",
   465        "modified": false
   466     },
   467     {
   468        "id": "Binding {{.URL}} to {{.AppName}}...",
   469        "translation": "绑定{{.URL}}到{{.AppName}}...",
   470        "modified": false
   471     },
   472     {
   473        "id": "Buildpack {{.BuildpackName}} already exists",
   474        "translation": "buildpack {{.BuildpackName}} 已经存在",
   475        "modified": false
   476     },
   477     {
   478        "id": "Buildpack {{.BuildpackName}} does not exist.",
   479        "translation": "buildpack {{.BuildpackName}} 不存在",
   480        "modified": false
   481     },
   482     {
   483        "id": "Byte quantity must be an integer with a unit of measurement like M, MB, G, or GB",
   484        "translation": "字节数量,必须是以M,MB,G或GB为单位的正整数",
   485        "modified": true
   486     },
   487     {
   488        "id": "CF_NAME api [URL]",
   489        "translation": "CF_NAME api [URL]",
   490        "modified": false
   491     },
   492     {
   493        "id": "CF_NAME app APP_NAME",
   494        "translation": "CF_NAME app 应用程序名",
   495        "modified": true
   496     },
   497     {
   498        "id": "CF_NAME auth USERNAME PASSWORD\n\n",
   499        "translation": "CF_NAME auth 用户名 密码\n\n",
   500        "modified": false
   501     },
   502     {
   503        "id": "CF_NAME bind-running-security-group SECURITY_GROUP",
   504        "translation": "CF_NAME bind-running-security-group SECURITY_GROUP",
   505        "modified": false
   506     },
   507     {
   508        "id": "CF_NAME bind-security-group SECURITY_GROUP ORG SPACE",
   509        "translation": "CF_NAME bind-security-group SECURITY_GROUP ORG SPACE",
   510        "modified": false
   511     },
   512     {
   513        "id": "CF_NAME bind-service APP_NAME SERVICE_INSTANCE",
   514        "translation": "CF_NAME bind-service 应用程序 服务实例",
   515        "modified": true
   516     },
   517     {
   518        "id": "CF_NAME bind-staging-security-group SECURITY_GROUP",
   519        "translation": "CF_NAME bind-staging-security-group SECURITY_GROUP",
   520        "modified": false
   521     },
   522     {
   523        "id": "CF_NAME buildpacks",
   524        "translation": "CF_NAME buildpacks",
   525        "modified": false
   526     },
   527     {
   528        "id": "CF_NAME check-route HOST DOMAIN",
   529        "translation": "CF_NAME check-route HOST DOMAIN",
   530        "modified": false
   531     },
   532     {
   533        "id": "CF_NAME config [--async-timeout TIMEOUT_IN_MINUTES] [--trace true | false | path/to/file] [--color true | false] [--locale (LOCALE | CLEAR)]",
   534        "translation": "CF_NAME config [--async-timeout 超时_以分钟为单位] [--trace true | false | 文件访问路径] [--color true | false]",
   535        "modified": true
   536     },
   537     {
   538        "id": "CF_NAME create-app-manifest APP [-p /path/to/\u003capp-name\u003e-manifest.yml ]",
   539        "translation": "CF_NAME create-app-manifest [-p /path/to/\u003capp-name\u003e-manifest.yml ]",
   540        "modified": true
   541     },
   542     {
   543        "id": "CF_NAME create-buildpack BUILDPACK PATH POSITION [--enable|--disable]",
   544        "translation": "CF_NAME create-buildpack \u003cBUILDPACK\u003e \u003c路径\u003e \u003c位置\u003e [--enable|--disable]",
   545        "modified": false
   546     },
   547     {
   548        "id": "CF_NAME create-domain ORG DOMAIN",
   549        "translation": "CF_NAME create-domain ORG DOMAIN",
   550        "modified": false
   551     },
   552     {
   553        "id": "CF_NAME create-org ORG",
   554        "translation": "CF_NAME create-org 组织",
   555        "modified": false
   556     },
   557     {
   558        "id": "CF_NAME create-quota QUOTA [-m TOTAL_MEMORY] [-i INSTANCE_MEMORY] [-r ROUTES] [-s SERVICE_INSTANCES] [--allow-paid-service-plans]",
   559        "translation": "CF_NAME create-quota QUOTA [-m MEMORY] [-r ROUTES] [-s SERVICE_INSTANCES] [--allow-paid-service-plans]",
   560        "modified": true
   561     },
   562     {
   563        "id": "CF_NAME create-route SPACE DOMAIN [-n HOSTNAME]",
   564        "translation": "CF_NAME create-route SPACE DOMAIN [-n HOSTNAME]",
   565        "modified": false
   566     },
   567     {
   568        "id": "CF_NAME create-security-group SECURITY_GROUP PATH_TO_JSON_RULES_FILE",
   569        "translation": "CF_NAME create-security-group SECURITY_GROUP PATH_TO_JSON_RULES_FILE",
   570        "modified": false
   571     },
   572     {
   573        "id": "CF_NAME create-service SERVICE PLAN SERVICE_INSTANCE\n\nEXAMPLE:\n   CF_NAME create-service cleardb spark clear-db-mine\n\nTIP:\n   Use 'CF_NAME create-user-provided-service' to make user-provided services available to cf apps",
   574        "translation": "CF_NAME create-service 服务类型 服务计划 实例名称\n\n示例:\n   CF_NAME create-service cleardb spark clear-db-mine\n\n小贴士:\n   使用'CF_NAME create-user-provided-service'来创建由用户提供的服务供应用使用。",
   575        "modified": false
   576     },
   577     {
   578        "id": "CF_NAME create-service-auth-token LABEL PROVIDER TOKEN",
   579        "translation": "CF_NAME create-service-auth-token LABEL PROVIDER TOKEN",
   580        "modified": false
   581     },
   582     {
   583        "id": "CF_NAME create-service-broker SERVICE_BROKER USERNAME PASSWORD URL",
   584        "translation": "CF_NAME create-service-broker SERVICE_BROKER USERNAME PASSWORD URL",
   585        "modified": false
   586     },
   587     {
   588        "id": "CF_NAME create-shared-domain DOMAIN",
   589        "translation": "CF_NAME create-shared-domain DOMAIN",
   590        "modified": false
   591     },
   592     {
   593        "id": "CF_NAME create-space SPACE [-o ORG] [-q SPACE-QUOTA]",
   594        "translation": "CF_NAME create-space 空间 [-o 组织]",
   595        "modified": true
   596     },
   597     {
   598        "id": "CF_NAME create-space-quota QUOTA [-i INSTANCE_MEMORY] [-m MEMORY] [-r ROUTES] [-s SERVICE_INSTANCES] [--allow-paid-service-plans]",
   599        "translation": "CF_NAME create-space-quota QUOTA [-i INSTANCE_MEMORY] [-m MEMORY] [-r ROUTES] [-s SERVICE_INSTANCES] [--allow-paid-service-plans]",
   600        "modified": false
   601     },
   602     {
   603        "id": "CF_NAME create-user USERNAME PASSWORD",
   604        "translation": "CF_NAME create-user 用户名 密码",
   605        "modified": false
   606     },
   607     {
   608        "id": "CF_NAME create-user-provided-service SERVICE_INSTANCE [-p CREDENTIALS] [-l SYSLOG-DRAIN-URL]\n\n   Pass comma separated credential parameter names to enable interactive mode:\n   CF_NAME create-user-provided-service SERVICE_INSTANCE -p \"comma, separated, parameter, names\"\n\n   Pass credential parameters as JSON to create a service non-interactively:\n   CF_NAME create-user-provided-service SERVICE_INSTANCE -p '{\"name\":\"value\",\"name\":\"value\"}'\n\nEXAMPLE:\n   CF_NAME create-user-provided-service oracle-db-mine -p \"username, password\"\n   CF_NAME create-user-provided-service oracle-db-mine -p '{\"username\":\"admin\",\"password\":\"pa55woRD\"}'\n   CF_NAME create-user-provided-service my-drain-service -l syslog://\n",
   609        "translation": "CF_NAME create-user-provided-service 服务实例 [-p 参数] [-l SYSLOG-syslog转发地址]\n\n   通过逗号分隔参数来使用交互模式:\n   CF_NAME create-user-provided-service 服务实例 -p \"逗号,分隔的,参数,名称\"\n\n   传递JSON格式的参数来使用非交互方式创建服务:\n   CF_NAME create-user-provided-service 服务实例 -p '{\"名称\":\"值\",\"名称\":\"值\"}'\n\n示例:\n   CF_NAME create-user-provided-service oracle-db-mine -p \"主机, 端口, 数据库名, 用户名, 密码\"\n   CF_NAME create-user-provided-service oracle-db-mine -p '{\"用户名\":\"admin\",\"密码\":\"pa55woRD\"}'\n   CF_NAME create-user-provided-service my-drain-service -l syslog://\n",
   610        "modified": true
   611     },
   612     {
   613        "id": "CF_NAME curl PATH [-iv] [-X METHOD] [-H HEADER] [-d DATA] [--output FILE]",
   614        "translation": "CF_NAME curl PATH [-iv] [-X METHOD] [-H HEADER] [-d DATA] [--output FILE]",
   615        "modified": false
   616     },
   617     {
   618        "id": "CF_NAME delete APP_NAME [-f -r]",
   619        "translation": "CF_NAME delete 应用程序名 [-f -r]",
   620        "modified": true
   621     },
   622     {
   623        "id": "CF_NAME delete-buildpack BUILDPACK [-f]",
   624        "translation": "CF_NAME delete-buildpack BUILDPACK [-f]",
   625        "modified": false
   626     },
   627     {
   628        "id": "CF_NAME delete-domain DOMAIN [-f]",
   629        "translation": "CF_NAME delete-domain DOMAIN [-f]",
   630        "modified": false
   631     },
   632     {
   633        "id": "CF_NAME delete-org ORG [-f]",
   634        "translation": "CF_NAME delete-org 组织 [-f]",
   635        "modified": false
   636     },
   637     {
   638        "id": "CF_NAME delete-orphaned-routes [-f]",
   639        "translation": "CF_NAME delete-orphaned-routes [-f]",
   640        "modified": false
   641     },
   642     {
   643        "id": "CF_NAME delete-quota QUOTA [-f]",
   644        "translation": "CF_NAME delete-quota QUOTA [-f]",
   645        "modified": false
   646     },
   647     {
   648        "id": "CF_NAME delete-route DOMAIN [-n HOSTNAME] [-f]",
   649        "translation": "CF_NAME delete-route DOMAIN [-n HOSTNAME] [-f]",
   650        "modified": false
   651     },
   652     {
   653        "id": "CF_NAME delete-security-group SECURITY_GROUP [-f]",
   654        "translation": "CF_NAME delete-security-group SECURITY_GROUP [-f]",
   655        "modified": false
   656     },
   657     {
   658        "id": "CF_NAME delete-service SERVICE_INSTANCE [-f]",
   659        "translation": "CF_NAME delete-service 服务实例 [-f]",
   660        "modified": false
   661     },
   662     {
   663        "id": "CF_NAME delete-service-auth-token LABEL PROVIDER [-f]",
   664        "translation": "CF_NAME delete-service-auth-token LABEL PROVIDER [-f]",
   665        "modified": false
   666     },
   667     {
   668        "id": "CF_NAME delete-service-broker SERVICE_BROKER [-f]",
   669        "translation": "CF_NAME delete-service-broker SERVICE_BROKER [-f]",
   670        "modified": false
   671     },
   672     {
   673        "id": "CF_NAME delete-shared-domain DOMAIN [-f]",
   674        "translation": "CF_NAME delete-shared-domain DOMAIN [-f]",
   675        "modified": false
   676     },
   677     {
   678        "id": "CF_NAME delete-space SPACE [-f]",
   679        "translation": "CF_NAME delete-space 空间 [-f]",
   680        "modified": false
   681     },
   682     {
   683        "id": "CF_NAME delete-space-quota SPACE-QUOTA-NAME",
   684        "translation": "CF_NAME delete-space-quota SPACE-QUOTA-NAME",
   685        "modified": false
   686     },
   687     {
   688        "id": "CF_NAME delete-user USERNAME [-f]",
   689        "translation": "CF_NAME delete-user 用户名 [-f]",
   690        "modified": false
   691     },
   692     {
   693        "id": "CF_NAME disable-feature-flag FEATURE_NAME",
   694        "translation": "CF_NAME disable-feature-flag FEATURE_NAME",
   695        "modified": false
   696     },
   697     {
   698        "id": "CF_NAME enable-feature-flag FEATURE_NAME",
   699        "translation": "CF_NAME enable-feature-flag FEATURE_NAME",
   700        "modified": false
   701     },
   702     {
   703        "id": "CF_NAME env APP_NAME",
   704        "translation": "CF_NAME env 应用程序名",
   705        "modified": true
   706     },
   707     {
   708        "id": "CF_NAME events APP_NAME",
   709        "translation": "CF_NAME events 应用程序名",
   710        "modified": true
   711     },
   712     {
   713        "id": "CF_NAME feature-flag FEATURE_NAME",
   714        "translation": "CF_NAME feature-flag FEATURE_NAME",
   715        "modified": false
   716     },
   717     {
   718        "id": "CF_NAME feature-flags",
   719        "translation": "CF_NAME feature-flags",
   720        "modified": false
   721     },
   722     {
   723        "id": "CF_NAME files APP_NAME [PATH] [-i INSTANCE]",
   724        "translation": "CF_NAME files 应用程序名 [路径]",
   725        "modified": true
   726     },
   727     {
   728        "id": "CF_NAME install-plugin URL or LOCAL-PATH/TO/PLUGIN\n\nEXAMPLE:\n   cf install-plugin\n   cf install-plugin ~/Downloads/plugin-foobar\n",
   729        "translation": "CF_NAME install-plugin PATH/TO/PLUGIN",
   730        "modified": true
   731     },
   732     {
   733        "id": "CF_NAME login [-a API_URL] [-u USERNAME] [-p PASSWORD] [-o ORG] [-s SPACE]\n\n",
   734        "translation": "CF_NAME login [-a API_URL] [-u 用户名] [-p 密码] [-o 组织] [-s 空间]\n\n",
   735        "modified": false
   736     },
   737     {
   738        "id": "CF_NAME logout",
   739        "translation": "CF_NAME logout",
   740        "modified": false
   741     },
   742     {
   743        "id": "CF_NAME logs APP_NAME",
   744        "translation": "CF_NAME logs 应用程序名",
   745        "modified": true
   746     },
   747     {
   748        "id": "CF_NAME map-route APP_NAME DOMAIN [-n HOSTNAME]",
   749        "translation": "CF_NAME map-route APP DOMAIN [-n HOSTNAME]",
   750        "modified": true
   751     },
   752     {
   753        "id": "CF_NAME migrate-service-instances v1_SERVICE v1_PROVIDER v1_PLAN v2_SERVICE v2_PLAN\n\n",
   754        "translation": "CF_NAME migrate-service-instances v1_服务名称 v1_提供者 v1_服务计划 v2_服务名称 v2_服务计划\n\n",
   755        "modified": false
   756     },
   757     {
   758        "id": "CF_NAME oauth-token",
   759        "translation": "CF_NAME oauth-token",
   760        "modified": false
   761     },
   762     {
   763        "id": "CF_NAME org ORG",
   764        "translation": "CF_NAME org 组织",
   765        "modified": false
   766     },
   767     {
   768        "id": "CF_NAME org-users ORG",
   769        "translation": "CF_NAME org-users 组织",
   770        "modified": false
   771     },
   772     {
   773        "id": "CF_NAME passwd",
   774        "translation": "CF_NAME passwd",
   775        "modified": false
   776     },
   777     {
   778        "id": "CF_NAME plugins",
   779        "translation": "CF_NAME plugins",
   780        "modified": false
   781     },
   782     {
   783        "id": "CF_NAME purge-service-offering SERVICE [-p PROVIDER]",
   784        "translation": "CF_NAME purge-service-offering 服务 [-p 提供者]",
   785        "modified": false
   786     },
   787     {
   788        "id": "CF_NAME quota QUOTA",
   789        "translation": "CF_NAME quota QUOTA",
   790        "modified": false
   791     },
   792     {
   793        "id": "CF_NAME quotas",
   794        "translation": "CF_NAME quotas",
   795        "modified": false
   796     },
   797     {
   798        "id": "CF_NAME rename APP_NAME NEW_APP_NAME",
   799        "translation": "CF_NAME rename 应用程序名 新应用程序名",
   800        "modified": false
   801     },
   802     {
   803        "id": "CF_NAME rename-buildpack BUILDPACK_NAME NEW_BUILDPACK_NAME",
   804        "translation": "CF_NAME rename-buildpack buildpack名称 新的buildpack名称",
   805        "modified": false
   806     },
   807     {
   808        "id": "CF_NAME rename-org ORG NEW_ORG",
   809        "translation": "CF_NAME rename-org 组织 新组织",
   810        "modified": false
   811     },
   812     {
   813        "id": "CF_NAME rename-service SERVICE_INSTANCE NEW_SERVICE_INSTANCE",
   814        "translation": "CF_NAME rename-service 原服务实例名称 新服务实例名称",
   815        "modified": false
   816     },
   817     {
   818        "id": "CF_NAME rename-service-broker SERVICE_BROKER NEW_SERVICE_BROKER",
   819        "translation": "CF_NAME rename-service-broker SERVICE_BROKER NEW_SERVICE_BROKER",
   820        "modified": false
   821     },
   822     {
   823        "id": "CF_NAME rename-space SPACE NEW_SPACE",
   824        "translation": "CF_NAME rename-space 空间 新空间",
   825        "modified": false
   826     },
   827     {
   828        "id": "CF_NAME restage APP_NAME",
   829        "translation": "CF_NAME restage 应用程序名",
   830        "modified": true
   831     },
   832     {
   833        "id": "CF_NAME restart APP_NAME",
   834        "translation": "CF_NAME restart 应用程序名",
   835        "modified": true
   836     },
   837     {
   838        "id": "CF_NAME restart-app-instance APP_NAME INDEX",
   839        "translation": "CF_NAME restart-app-instance APP INDEX",
   840        "modified": true
   841     },
   842     {
   843        "id": "CF_NAME running-environment-variable-group",
   844        "translation": "cf running-environment-variable-group",
   845        "modified": true
   846     },
   847     {
   848        "id": "CF_NAME scale APP_NAME [-i INSTANCES] [-k DISK] [-m MEMORY] [-f]",
   849        "translation": "CF_NAME scale 应用程序 [-i 实例数] [-k 磁盘] [-m 内存] [-f]",
   850        "modified": true
   851     },
   852     {
   853        "id": "CF_NAME security-group SECURITY_GROUP",
   854        "translation": "CF_NAME security-group SECURITY_GROUP",
   855        "modified": false
   856     },
   857     {
   858        "id": "CF_NAME service SERVICE_INSTANCE",
   859        "translation": "CF_NAME service 服务实例",
   860        "modified": false
   861     },
   862     {
   863        "id": "CF_NAME service-auth-tokens",
   864        "translation": "CF_NAME service-auth-tokens",
   865        "modified": false
   866     },
   867     {
   868        "id": "CF_NAME set-env APP_NAME ENV_VAR_NAME ENV_VAR_VALUE",
   869        "translation": "CF_NAME set-env 应用程序名 环境名 值",
   870        "modified": true
   871     },
   872     {
   873        "id": "CF_NAME set-org-role USERNAME ORG ROLE\n\n",
   874        "translation": "CF_NAME set-org-role 用户名 组织 角色\n\n",
   875        "modified": false
   876     },
   877     {
   878        "id": "CF_NAME set-quota ORG QUOTA\n\n",
   879        "translation": "CF_NAME set-quota 组织 配额\n\n",
   880        "modified": false
   881     },
   882     {
   883        "id": "CF_NAME set-running-environment-variable-group '{\"name\":\"value\",\"name\":\"value\"}'",
   884        "translation": "CF_NAME set-running-environment-variable-group '{\"name\":\"value\",\"name\":\"value\"}'",
   885        "modified": false
   886     },
   887     {
   888        "id": "CF_NAME set-space-quota SPACE-NAME SPACE-QUOTA-NAME",
   889        "translation": "CF_NAME set-space-quota SPACE-NAME SPACE-QUOTA-NAME",
   890        "modified": false
   891     },
   892     {
   893        "id": "CF_NAME set-space-role USERNAME ORG SPACE ROLE\n\n",
   894        "translation": "CF_NAME set-space-role 用户名 组织 空间 角色\n\n",
   895        "modified": false
   896     },
   897     {
   898        "id": "CF_NAME set-staging-environment-variable-group '{\"name\":\"value\",\"name\":\"value\"}'",
   899        "translation": "CF_NAME set-staging-environment-variable-group '{\"name\":\"value\",\"name\":\"value\"}'",
   900        "modified": false
   901     },
   902     {
   903        "id": "CF_NAME space SPACE",
   904        "translation": "CF_NAME space 空间",
   905        "modified": false
   906     },
   907     {
   908        "id": "CF_NAME space-quota SPACE_QUOTA_NAME",
   909        "translation": "CF_NAME space-quota SPACE_QUOTA_NAME",
   910        "modified": false
   911     },
   912     {
   913        "id": "CF_NAME space-quotas",
   914        "translation": "CF_NAME space-quotas",
   915        "modified": false
   916     },
   917     {
   918        "id": "CF_NAME space-users ORG SPACE",
   919        "translation": "CF_NAME space-users 组织 空间",
   920        "modified": false
   921     },
   922     {
   923        "id": "CF_NAME spaces",
   924        "translation": "CF_NAME spaces",
   925        "modified": false
   926     },
   927     {
   928        "id": "CF_NAME stacks",
   929        "translation": "CF_NAME stacks",
   930        "modified": false
   931     },
   932     {
   933        "id": "CF_NAME staging-environment-variable-group",
   934        "translation": "CF_NAME staging-environment-variable-group",
   935        "modified": false
   936     },
   937     {
   938        "id": "CF_NAME start APP_NAME",
   939        "translation": "CF_NAME start 应用程序名",
   940        "modified": true
   941     },
   942     {
   943        "id": "CF_NAME stop APP_NAME",
   944        "translation": "CF_NAME stop 应用程序",
   945        "modified": true
   946     },
   947     {
   948        "id": "CF_NAME target [-o ORG] [-s SPACE]",
   949        "translation": "CF_NAME target [-o 组织] [-s 空间]",
   950        "modified": false
   951     },
   952     {
   953        "id": "CF_NAME unbind-running-security-group SECURITY_GROUP",
   954        "translation": "CF_NAME unbind-running-security-group SECURITY_GROUP",
   955        "modified": false
   956     },
   957     {
   958        "id": "CF_NAME unbind-security-group SECURITY_GROUP ORG SPACE",
   959        "translation": "CF_NAME unbind-security-group SECURITY_GROUP ORG SPACE",
   960        "modified": false
   961     },
   962     {
   963        "id": "CF_NAME unbind-service APP_NAME SERVICE_INSTANCE",
   964        "translation": "CF_NAME unbind-service 应用程序 服务实例",
   965        "modified": true
   966     },
   967     {
   968        "id": "CF_NAME unbind-staging-security-group SECURITY_GROUP",
   969        "translation": "CF_NAME unbind-staging-security-group SECURITY_GROUP",
   970        "modified": false
   971     },
   972     {
   973        "id": "CF_NAME uninstall-plugin PLUGIN-NAME",
   974        "translation": "CF_NAME uninstall-plugin PLUGIN-NAME",
   975        "modified": false
   976     },
   977     {
   978        "id": "CF_NAME unmap-route APP_NAME DOMAIN [-n HOSTNAME]",
   979        "translation": "CF_NAME unmap-route APP DOMAIN [-n HOSTNAME]",
   980        "modified": true
   981     },
   982     {
   983        "id": "CF_NAME unset-env APP_NAME ENV_VAR_NAME",
   984        "translation": "CF_NAME unset-env 应用程序 名称",
   985        "modified": true
   986     },
   987     {
   988        "id": "CF_NAME unset-org-role USERNAME ORG ROLE\n\n",
   989        "translation": "CF_NAME unset-org-role 用户名 组织 角色\n\n",
   990        "modified": false
   991     },
   992     {
   993        "id": "CF_NAME unset-space-quota SPACE QUOTA\n\n",
   994        "translation": "CF_NAME unset-space-quota SPACE QUOTA\n\n",
   995        "modified": false
   996     },
   997     {
   998        "id": "CF_NAME unset-space-role USERNAME ORG SPACE ROLE\n\n",
   999        "translation": "CF_NAME unset-space-role 用户名 组织 空间 角色\n\n",
  1000        "modified": false
  1001     },
  1002     {
  1003        "id": "CF_NAME update-buildpack BUILDPACK [-p PATH] [-i POSITION] [--enable|--disable] [--lock|--unlock]",
  1004        "translation": "CF_NAME update-buildpack BUILDPACK [-p 路径] [-i 位置] [--enable|--disable] [--lock|--unlock]",
  1005        "modified": false
  1006     },
  1007     {
  1008        "id": "CF_NAME update-quota QUOTA [-m TOTAL_MEMORY] [-i INSTANCE_MEMORY][-n NEW_NAME] [-r ROUTES] [-s SERVICE_INSTANCES] [--allow-paid-service-plans | --disallow-paid-service-plans]",
  1009        "translation": "CF_NAME update-quota QUOTA [-m MEMORY] [-n NEW_NAME] [-r ROUTES] [-s SERVICE_INSTANCES] [--allow-paid-service-plans | --disallow-paid-service-plans]",
  1010        "modified": true
  1011     },
  1012     {
  1013        "id": "CF_NAME update-security-group SECURITY_GROUP PATH_TO_JSON_RULES_FILE",
  1014        "translation": "CF_NAME update-security-group SECURITY_GROUP PATH_TO_JSON_RULES_FILE",
  1015        "modified": false
  1016     },
  1017     {
  1018        "id": "CF_NAME update-service SERVICE [-p NEW_PLAN]",
  1019        "translation": "CF_NAME update-service SERVICE [-p NEW_PLAN]",
  1020        "modified": false
  1021     },
  1022     {
  1023        "id": "CF_NAME update-service-auth-token LABEL PROVIDER TOKEN",
  1024        "translation": "CF_NAME update-service-auth-token LABEL PROVIDER TOKEN",
  1025        "modified": false
  1026     },
  1027     {
  1028        "id": "CF_NAME update-service-broker SERVICE_BROKER USERNAME PASSWORD URL",
  1029        "translation": "CF_NAME update-service-broker SERVICE_BROKER USERNAME PASSWORD URL",
  1030        "modified": true
  1031     },
  1032     {
  1033        "id": "CF_NAME update-space-quota SPACE-QUOTA-NAME [-i MAX-INSTANCE-MEMORY] [-m MEMORY] [-n NEW_NAME] [-r ROUTES] [-s SERVICES] [--allow-paid-service-plans | --disallow-paid-service-plans]",
  1034        "translation": "CF_NAME update-space-quota SPACE-QUOTA-NAME [-i MAX-INSTANCE-MEMORY] [-m MEMORY] [-n NEW_NAME] [-r ROUTES] [-s SERVICES] [--allow-non-basic-services | --disallow-non-basic-services]",
  1035        "modified": true
  1036     },
  1037     {
  1038        "id": "CF_NAME update-user-provided-service SERVICE_INSTANCE [-p CREDENTIALS] [-l SYSLOG-DRAIN-URL]'\n\nEXAMPLE:\n   CF_NAME update-user-provided-service oracle-db-mine -p '{\"username\":\"admin\",\"password\":\"pa55woRD\"}'\n   CF_NAME update-user-provided-service my-drain-service -l syslog://",
  1039        "translation": "CF_NAME update-user-provided-service 服务实例 [-p 参数] [-l SYSLOG-syslog转发地址]'\n\n示例:\n   CF_NAME update-user-provided-service oracle-db-mine -p '{\"用户名\":\"admin\",\"密码\":\"pa55woRD\"}'\n   CF_NAME update-user-provided-service my-drain-service -l syslog://",
  1040        "modified": true
  1041     },
  1042     {
  1043        "id": "CF_TRACE ERROR CREATING LOG FILE {{.Path}}:\n{{.Err}}",
  1044        "translation": "CF_TRACE 创建日志文件错误 {{.Path}}:\n{{.Err}}",
  1045        "modified": false
  1046     },
  1047     {
  1048        "id": "Can not provision instances of paid service plans",
  1049        "translation": "Can not provision instances of paid service plans",
  1050        "modified": false
  1051     },
  1052     {
  1053        "id": "Can provision instances of paid service plans",
  1054        "translation": "Can provision instances of paid service plans",
  1055        "modified": false
  1056     },
  1057     {
  1058        "id": "Can provision instances of paid service plans (Default: disallowed)",
  1059        "translation": "Can provision instances of paid service plans (Default: disallowed)",
  1060        "modified": false
  1061     },
  1062     {
  1063        "id": "Cannot list marketplace services without a targeted space",
  1064        "translation": "在没有指定空间的情况下无法获取服务列表",
  1065        "modified": false
  1066     },
  1067     {
  1068        "id": "Cannot list plan information for {{.ServiceName}} without a targeted space",
  1069        "translation": "Cannot list plan information for {{.ServiceName}} without a targeted space",
  1070        "modified": false
  1071     },
  1072     {
  1073        "id": "Cannot provision instances of paid service plans",
  1074        "translation": "Cannot provision instances of paid service plans",
  1075        "modified": false
  1076     },
  1077     {
  1078        "id": "Cannot specify both lock and unlock options.",
  1079        "translation": "不能同时指定锁定和解锁选项",
  1080        "modified": false
  1081     },
  1082     {
  1083        "id": "Cannot specify both {{.Enabled}} and {{.Disabled}}.",
  1084        "translation": "不能同时指定{{.Enabled}}和{{.Disabled}}.",
  1085        "modified": false
  1086     },
  1087     {
  1088        "id": "Cannot specify buildpack bits and lock/unlock.",
  1089        "translation": "无法指定buildpack以及对其加锁/解锁",
  1090        "modified": false
  1091     },
  1092     {
  1093        "id": "Change or view the instance count, disk space limit, and memory limit for an app",
  1094        "translation": "更改或查看应用程序的实例个数,磁盘空间配额和内存配额",
  1095        "modified": false
  1096     },
  1097     {
  1098        "id": "Change service plan for a service instance",
  1099        "translation": "Change service plan for a service instance",
  1100        "modified": false
  1101     },
  1102     {
  1103        "id": "Change user password",
  1104        "translation": "更改用户密码",
  1105        "modified": false
  1106     },
  1107     {
  1108        "id": "Changing password...",
  1109        "translation": "正在更改密码...",
  1110        "modified": false
  1111     },
  1112     {
  1113        "id": "Checking for route...",
  1114        "translation": "Checking for route...",
  1115        "modified": false
  1116     },
  1117     {
  1118        "id": "Command Help",
  1119        "translation": "Command Help",
  1120        "modified": false
  1121     },
  1122     {
  1123        "id": "Command Name",
  1124        "translation": "Command name",
  1125        "modified": true
  1126     },
  1127     {
  1128        "id": "Command `{{.Command}}` in the plugin being installed is a native CF command/alias.  Rename the `{{.Command}}` command in the plugin being installed in order to enable its installation and use.",
  1129        "translation": "Command `{{.Command}}` in the plugin being installed is a native CF command.  Rename the `{{.Command}}` command in the plugin being installed in order to enable its installation and use.",
  1130        "modified": true
  1131     },
  1132     {
  1133        "id": "Command `{{.Command}}` is a command/alias in plugin '{{.PluginName}}'.  You could try uninstalling plugin '{{.PluginName}}' and then install this plugin in order to invoke the `{{.Command}}` command.  However, you should first fully understand the impact of uninstalling the existing '{{.PluginName}}' plugin.",
  1134        "translation": "`{{.Command}}` is a command in plugin '{{.PluginName}}'.  You could try uninstalling plugin '{{.PluginName}}' and then install this plugin in order to invoke the `{{.Command}}` command.  However, you should first fully understand the impact of uninstalling the existing '{{.PluginName}}' plugin.",
  1135        "modified": true
  1136     },
  1137     {
  1138        "id": "Command not found",
  1139        "translation": "无效命令",
  1140        "modified": false
  1141     },
  1142     {
  1143        "id": "Connected, dumping recent logs for app {{.AppName}} in org {{.OrgName}} / space {{.SpaceName}} as {{.Username}}...\n",
  1144        "translation": "已连接,用户{{.Username}}生成组织 {{.OrgName}} / 空间 {{.SpaceName}}下应用程序{{.AppName}} 的日志...\n",
  1145        "modified": false
  1146     },
  1147     {
  1148        "id": "Connected, tailing logs for app {{.AppName}} in org {{.OrgName}} / space {{.SpaceName}} as {{.Username}}...\n",
  1149        "translation": "已连接,用户{{.Username}}读取组织 {{.OrgName}} / 空间 {{.SpaceName}}下应用程序{{.AppName}} 的日志...\n",
  1150        "modified": false
  1151     },
  1152     {
  1153        "id": "Copying source from app {{.SourceApp}} to target app {{.TargetApp}} in org {{.OrgName}} / space {{.SpaceName}} as {{.Username}}...",
  1154        "translation": "Copying source from app {{.SourceApp}} to target app {{.TargetApp}} in org {{.OrgName}} / space {{.SpaceName}} as {{.Username}}...",
  1155        "modified": false
  1156     },
  1157     {
  1158        "id": "Could not bind to service {{.ServiceName}}\nError: {{.Err}}",
  1159        "translation": "无法绑定到服务{{.ServiceName}}\n错误为: {{.Err}}",
  1160        "modified": false
  1161     },
  1162     {
  1163        "id": "Could not copy plugin binary: \n{{.Error}}",
  1164        "translation": "Could not copy plugin binary: \n{{.Error}}",
  1165        "modified": false
  1166     },
  1167     {
  1168        "id": "Could not determine the current working directory!",
  1169        "translation": "无法确定当前的工作目录!",
  1170        "modified": false
  1171     },
  1172     {
  1173        "id": "Could not find a default domain",
  1174        "translation": "找不到默认域名",
  1175        "modified": false
  1176     },
  1177     {
  1178        "id": "Could not find app named '{{.AppName}}' in manifest",
  1179        "translation": "无法在部署描述文件中找到名为'{{.AppName}}'的应用程序",
  1180        "modified": false
  1181     },
  1182     {
  1183        "id": "Could not find plan with name {{.ServicePlanName}}",
  1184        "translation": "无法找到名为{{.ServicePlanName}}的服务计划",
  1185        "modified": false
  1186     },
  1187     {
  1188        "id": "Could not find service {{.ServiceName}} to bind to {{.AppName}}",
  1189        "translation": "无法找到可用服务{{.ServiceName}}绑定到{{.AppName}}",
  1190        "modified": false
  1191     },
  1192     {
  1193        "id": "Could not find space {{.Space}} in organization {{.Org}}",
  1194        "translation": "Could not find space {{.Space}} in organization {{.Org}}",
  1195        "modified": false
  1196     },
  1197     {
  1198        "id": "Could not parse version number: {{.Input}}",
  1199        "translation": "无法解析版本号: {{.Input}}",
  1200        "modified": false
  1201     },
  1202     {
  1203        "id": "Could not serialize information",
  1204        "translation": "无法序列化信息",
  1205        "modified": false
  1206     },
  1207     {
  1208        "id": "Could not serialize updates.",
  1209        "translation": "无法序列化更新部分",
  1210        "modified": false
  1211     },
  1212     {
  1213        "id": "Could not target org.\n{{.ApiErr}}",
  1214        "translation": "无法选择组织.\n{{.ApiErr}}",
  1215        "modified": false
  1216     },
  1217     {
  1218        "id": "Couldn't create temp file for upload",
  1219        "translation": "无法创建上传所需的临时文件",
  1220        "modified": false
  1221     },
  1222     {
  1223        "id": "Couldn't open buildpack file",
  1224        "translation": "无法打开buildpack文件",
  1225        "modified": false
  1226     },
  1227     {
  1228        "id": "Couldn't write zip file",
  1229        "translation": "无法写入zip文件",
  1230        "modified": false
  1231     },
  1232     {
  1233        "id": "Create a buildpack",
  1234        "translation": "创建 buildpack",
  1235        "modified": false
  1236     },
  1237     {
  1238        "id": "Create a domain in an org for later use",
  1239        "translation": "Create a domain in an org for later use",
  1240        "modified": false
  1241     },
  1242     {
  1243        "id": "Create a domain that can be used by all orgs (admin-only)",
  1244        "translation": "Create a domain that can be used by all orgs (admin-only)",
  1245        "modified": false
  1246     },
  1247     {
  1248        "id": "Create a new user",
  1249        "translation": "创建一个新用户",
  1250        "modified": false
  1251     },
  1252     {
  1253        "id": "Create a random route for this app",
  1254        "translation": "为当前应用程序创建随机路由",
  1255        "modified": false
  1256     },
  1257     {
  1258        "id": "Create a security group",
  1259        "translation": "Create a security group",
  1260        "modified": false
  1261     },
  1262     {
  1263        "id": "Create a service auth token",
  1264        "translation": "Create a service auth token",
  1265        "modified": false
  1266     },
  1267     {
  1268        "id": "Create a service broker",
  1269        "translation": "Create a service broker",
  1270        "modified": false
  1271     },
  1272     {
  1273        "id": "Create a service instance",
  1274        "translation": "创建服务实例",
  1275        "modified": false
  1276     },
  1277     {
  1278        "id": "Create a space",
  1279        "translation": "创造空间",
  1280        "modified": false
  1281     },
  1282     {
  1283        "id": "Create a url route in a space for later use",
  1284        "translation": "Create a url route in a space for later use",
  1285        "modified": false
  1286     },
  1287     {
  1288        "id": "Create an app manifest for an app that has been pushed successfully.",
  1289        "translation": "Create an app manifest for an app that has been pushed successfully.",
  1290        "modified": false
  1291     },
  1292     {
  1293        "id": "Create an org",
  1294        "translation": "创建组织",
  1295        "modified": false
  1296     },
  1297     {
  1298        "id": "Creating an app manifest from current settings of app ",
  1299        "translation": "Creating an app manifest from current settings of app ",
  1300        "modified": false
  1301     },
  1302     {
  1303        "id": "Creating app {{.AppName}} in org {{.OrgName}} / space {{.SpaceName}} as {{.Username}}...",
  1304        "translation": "用户{{.Username}}在组织{{.OrgName}}/空间{{.SpaceName}}中创建应用程序{{.AppName}}...",
  1305        "modified": false
  1306     },
  1307     {
  1308        "id": "Creating buildpack {{.BuildpackName}}...",
  1309        "translation": "创建buildpack {{.BuildpackName}}...",
  1310        "modified": false
  1311     },
  1312     {
  1313        "id": "Creating domain {{.DomainName}} for org {{.OrgName}} as {{.Username}}...",
  1314        "translation": "Creating domain {{.DomainName}} for org {{.OrgName}} as {{.Username}}...",
  1315        "modified": false
  1316     },
  1317     {
  1318        "id": "Creating org {{.OrgName}} as {{.Username}}...",
  1319        "translation": "用户{{.Username}}创建组织{{.OrgName}}...",
  1320        "modified": false
  1321     },
  1322     {
  1323        "id": "Creating quota {{.QuotaName}} as {{.Username}}...",
  1324        "translation": "Creating quota {{.QuotaName}} as {{.Username}}...",
  1325        "modified": false
  1326     },
  1327     {
  1328        "id": "Creating route {{.Hostname}} for org {{.OrgName}} / space {{.SpaceName}} as {{.Username}}...",
  1329        "translation": "Creating route {{.Hostname}} for org {{.OrgName}} / space {{.SpaceName}} as {{.Username}}...",
  1330        "modified": false
  1331     },
  1332     {
  1333        "id": "Creating route {{.Hostname}}...",
  1334        "translation": "创建路由 {{.Hostname}}...",
  1335        "modified": false
  1336     },
  1337     {
  1338        "id": "Creating security group {{.security_group}} as {{.username}}",
  1339        "translation": "Creating security group {{.security_group}} as {{.username}}",
  1340        "modified": false
  1341     },
  1342     {
  1343        "id": "Creating service auth token as {{.CurrentUser}}...",
  1344        "translation": "Creating service auth token as {{.CurrentUser}}...",
  1345        "modified": false
  1346     },
  1347     {
  1348        "id": "Creating service broker {{.Name}} as {{.Username}}...",
  1349        "translation": "Creating service broker {{.Name}} as {{.Username}}...",
  1350        "modified": false
  1351     },
  1352     {
  1353        "id": "Creating service {{.ServiceName}} in org {{.OrgName}} / space {{.SpaceName}} as {{.CurrentUser}}...",
  1354        "translation": "用户{{.CurrentUser}}在组织{{.OrgName}}/空间{{.SpaceName}}中创建服务{{.ServiceName}}...",
  1355        "modified": false
  1356     },
  1357     {
  1358        "id": "Creating shared domain {{.DomainName}} as {{.Username}}...",
  1359        "translation": "Creating shared domain {{.DomainName}} as {{.Username}}...",
  1360        "modified": false
  1361     },
  1362     {
  1363        "id": "Creating space quota {{.QuotaName}} for org {{.OrgName}} as {{.Username}}...",
  1364        "translation": "Creating quota {{.QuotaName}} for org {{.OrgName}} as {{.Username}}...",
  1365        "modified": true
  1366     },
  1367     {
  1368        "id": "Creating space {{.SpaceName}} in org {{.OrgName}} as {{.CurrentUser}}...",
  1369        "translation": "创建空间中:用户{{.CurrentUser}}在组织{{.OrgName}}中创建空间{{.SpaceName}}...",
  1370        "modified": false
  1371     },
  1372     {
  1373        "id": "Creating user provided service {{.ServiceName}} in org {{.OrgName}} / space {{.SpaceName}} as {{.CurrentUser}}...",
  1374        "translation": "用户{{.CurrentUser}}在组织{{.OrgName}}/空间{{.SpaceName}}中创建由用户提供的服务{{.ServiceName}}...",
  1375        "modified": false
  1376     },
  1377     {
  1378        "id": "Creating user {{.TargetUser}} as {{.CurrentUser}}...",
  1379        "translation": "创建用户中:当前用户{{.CurrentUser}}正在创建新用户{{.TargetUser}}...",
  1380        "modified": false
  1381     },
  1382     {
  1383        "id": "Credentials",
  1384        "translation": "Credentials",
  1385        "modified": false
  1386     },
  1387     {
  1388        "id": "Credentials were rejected, please try again.",
  1389        "translation": "验证失败,请重试",
  1390        "modified": false
  1391     },
  1392     {
  1393        "id": "Current CF API version {{.ApiVersion}}",
  1394        "translation": "Current CF API version {{.ApiVersion}}",
  1395        "modified": false
  1396     },
  1397     {
  1398        "id": "Current CF CLI version {{.Version}}",
  1399        "translation": "Current CF CLI version {{.Version}}",
  1400        "modified": false
  1401     },
  1402     {
  1403        "id": "Current Password",
  1404        "translation": "当前密码",
  1405        "modified": false
  1406     },
  1407     {
  1408        "id": "Current password did not match",
  1409        "translation": "密码不匹配",
  1410        "modified": false
  1411     },
  1412     {
  1413        "id": "Custom buildpack by name (e.g. my-buildpack) or GIT URL (e.g. '') or GIT BRANCH URL (e.g. '' for 'develop' branch) ",
  1414        "translation": "使用名称(e.g. my-buildpack)或GIT网址(e.g. 自定义buildpack",
  1415        "modified": true
  1416     },
  1417     {
  1418        "id": "Custom headers to include in the request, flag can be specified multiple times",
  1419        "translation": "在请求中自定义HTTP报头, 可以多次使用",
  1420        "modified": false
  1421     },
  1422     {
  1423        "id": "DOMAINS",
  1424        "translation": "域",
  1425        "modified": false
  1426     },
  1427     {
  1428        "id": "Dashboard: {{.URL}}",
  1429        "translation": "Dashboard: {{.URL}}",
  1430        "modified": false
  1431     },
  1432     {
  1433        "id": "Define a new resource quota",
  1434        "translation": "Define a new resource quota",
  1435        "modified": false
  1436     },
  1437     {
  1438        "id": "Define a new space resource quota",
  1439        "translation": "Define a new space resource quota",
  1440        "modified": false
  1441     },
  1442     {
  1443        "id": "Delete a buildpack",
  1444        "translation": "删除buildpack",
  1445        "modified": false
  1446     },
  1447     {
  1448        "id": "Delete a domain",
  1449        "translation": "Delete a domain",
  1450        "modified": false
  1451     },
  1452     {
  1453        "id": "Delete a quota",
  1454        "translation": "Delete a quota",
  1455        "modified": false
  1456     },
  1457     {
  1458        "id": "Delete a route",
  1459        "translation": "Delete a route",
  1460        "modified": false
  1461     },
  1462     {
  1463        "id": "Delete a service auth token",
  1464        "translation": "Delete a service auth token",
  1465        "modified": false
  1466     },
  1467     {
  1468        "id": "Delete a service broker",
  1469        "translation": "Delete a service broker",
  1470        "modified": false
  1471     },
  1472     {
  1473        "id": "Delete a service instance",
  1474        "translation": "删除服务实例",
  1475        "modified": false
  1476     },
  1477     {
  1478        "id": "Delete a shared domain",
  1479        "translation": "Delete a shared domain",
  1480        "modified": false
  1481     },
  1482     {
  1483        "id": "Delete a space",
  1484        "translation": "删除空间",
  1485        "modified": false
  1486     },
  1487     {
  1488        "id": "Delete a space quota definition and unassign the space quota from all spaces",
  1489        "translation": " Delete a space quota definition and unassign the space quota from all spaces",
  1490        "modified": true
  1491     },
  1492     {
  1493        "id": "Delete a user",
  1494        "translation": "删除用户",
  1495        "modified": false
  1496     },
  1497     {
  1498        "id": "Delete all orphaned routes (e.g.: those that are not mapped to an app)",
  1499        "translation": "Delete all orphaned routes (e.g.: those that are not mapped to an app)",
  1500        "modified": false
  1501     },
  1502     {
  1503        "id": "Delete an app",
  1504        "translation": "删除一个应用程序",
  1505        "modified": false
  1506     },
  1507     {
  1508        "id": "Delete an org",
  1509        "translation": "删除组织",
  1510        "modified": false
  1511     },
  1512     {
  1513        "id": "Delete cancelled",
  1514        "translation": "撤销删除",
  1515        "modified": false
  1516     },
  1517     {
  1518        "id": "Deletes a security group",
  1519        "translation": "Deletes a security group",
  1520        "modified": false
  1521     },
  1522     {
  1523        "id": "Deleting app {{.AppName}} in org {{.OrgName}} / space {{.SpaceName}} as {{.Username}}...",
  1524        "translation": "作为用户{{.Username}}在组织{{.OrgName}}/空间{{.SpaceName}}中删除应用程序{{.AppName}} ...",
  1525        "modified": false
  1526     },
  1527     {
  1528        "id": "Deleting buildpack {{.BuildpackName}}...",
  1529        "translation": "删除buildpack {{.BuildpackName}}...",
  1530        "modified": false
  1531     },
  1532     {
  1533        "id": "Deleting domain {{.DomainName}} as {{.Username}}...",
  1534        "translation": "Deleting domain {{.DomainName}} as {{.Username}}...",
  1535        "modified": false
  1536     },
  1537     {
  1538        "id": "Deleting org {{.OrgName}} as {{.Username}}...",
  1539        "translation": "用户{{.Username}}删除组织{{.OrgName}}...",
  1540        "modified": false
  1541     },
  1542     {
  1543        "id": "Deleting quota {{.QuotaName}} as {{.Username}}...",
  1544        "translation": "Deleting quota {{.QuotaName}} as {{.Username}}...",
  1545        "modified": false
  1546     },
  1547     {
  1548        "id": "Deleting route {{.Route}}...",
  1549        "translation": "Deleting route {{.Route}}...",
  1550        "modified": false
  1551     },
  1552     {
  1553        "id": "Deleting route {{.URL}}...",
  1554        "translation": "Deleting route {{.URL}}...",
  1555        "modified": false
  1556     },
  1557     {
  1558        "id": "Deleting security group {{.security_group}} as {{.username}}",
  1559        "translation": "Deleting security group {{.security_group}} as {{.username}}",
  1560        "modified": false
  1561     },
  1562     {
  1563        "id": "Deleting service auth token as {{.CurrentUser}}",
  1564        "translation": "Deleting service auth token as {{.CurrentUser}}",
  1565        "modified": false
  1566     },
  1567     {
  1568        "id": "Deleting service broker {{.Name}} as {{.Username}}...",
  1569        "translation": "Deleting service broker {{.Name}} as {{.Username}}...",
  1570        "modified": false
  1571     },
  1572     {
  1573        "id": "Deleting service {{.ServiceName}} in org {{.OrgName}} / space {{.SpaceName}} as {{.CurrentUser}}...",
  1574        "translation": "删除用户{{.CurrentUser}}在组织{{.OrgName}}/空间{{.ServiceName}}中的服务{{.SpaceName}}...",
  1575        "modified": false
  1576     },
  1577     {
  1578        "id": "Deleting space quota {{.QuotaName}} as {{.Username}}...",
  1579        "translation": "Deleting space quota {{.QuotaName}} as {{.Username}}...",
  1580        "modified": false
  1581     },
  1582     {
  1583        "id": "Deleting space {{.TargetSpace}} in org {{.TargetOrg}} as {{.CurrentUser}}...",
  1584        "translation": "用户{{.CurrentUser}}删除组织{{.TargetOrg}}中的空间{{.TargetSpace}}...",
  1585        "modified": false
  1586     },
  1587     {
  1588        "id": "Deleting user {{.TargetUser}} as {{.CurrentUser}}...",
  1589        "translation": "删除用户中:当前用户{{.CurrentUser}}正在删除用户{{.TargetUser}}...",
  1590        "modified": false
  1591     },
  1592     {
  1593        "id": "Description: {{.ServiceDescription}}",
  1594        "translation": "描述: {{.ServiceDescription}}",
  1595        "modified": false
  1596     },
  1597     {
  1598        "id": "Disable access for a specified organization",
  1599        "translation": "Disable access for a specified organization",
  1600        "modified": false
  1601     },
  1602     {
  1603        "id": "Disable access to a service or service plan for one or all orgs",
  1604        "translation": "Disable access to a service or service plan for one or all orgs",
  1605        "modified": false
  1606     },
  1607     {
  1608        "id": "Disable access to a specified service plan",
  1609        "translation": "Disable access to a specified service plan",
  1610        "modified": false
  1611     },
  1612     {
  1613        "id": "Disable the buildpack from being used for staging",
  1614        "translation": "禁用buildpack",
  1615        "modified": true
  1616     },
  1617     {
  1618        "id": "Disable the use of a feature so that users have access to and can use the feature.",
  1619        "translation": "Disable the use of a feature so that users have access to and can use the feature.",
  1620        "modified": false
  1621     },
  1622     {
  1623        "id": "Disabling access of plan {{.PlanName}} for service {{.ServiceName}} as {{.Username}}...",
  1624        "translation": "Disabling access of plan {{.PlanName}} for service {{.ServiceName}} as {{.Username}}...",
  1625        "modified": false
  1626     },
  1627     {
  1628        "id": "Disabling access to all plans of service {{.ServiceName}} for all orgs as {{.UserName}}...",
  1629        "translation": "Disabling access to all plans of service {{.ServiceName}} for all orgs as {{.UserName}}...",
  1630        "modified": false
  1631     },
  1632     {
  1633        "id": "Disabling access to all plans of service {{.ServiceName}} for the org {{.OrgName}} as {{.Username}}...",
  1634        "translation": "Disabling access to all plans of service {{.ServiceName}} for the org {{.OrgName}} as {{.Username}}...",
  1635        "modified": false
  1636     },
  1637     {
  1638        "id": "Disabling access to plan {{.PlanName}} of service {{.ServiceName}} for org {{.OrgName}} as {{.Username}}...",
  1639        "translation": "Disabling access to plan {{.PlanName}} of service {{.ServiceName}} for org {{.OrgName}} as {{.Username}}...",
  1640        "modified": false
  1641     },
  1642     {
  1643        "id": "Disk limit (e.g. 256M, 1024M, 1G)",
  1644        "translation": "磁盘限额(例如256M,1024M,1G)",
  1645        "modified": false
  1646     },
  1647     {
  1648        "id": "Display health and status for app",
  1649        "translation": "显示应用程序的健康状态",
  1650        "modified": false
  1651     },
  1652     {
  1653        "id": "Do not colorize output",
  1654        "translation": "禁止彩色输出",
  1655        "modified": false
  1656     },
  1657     {
  1658        "id": "Do not map a route to this app and remove routes from previous pushes of this app.",
  1659        "translation": "不为这个应用映射一个路由",
  1660        "modified": true
  1661     },
  1662     {
  1663        "id": "Do not start an app after pushing",
  1664        "translation": "推送后不启动应用",
  1665        "modified": false
  1666     },
  1667     {
  1668        "id": "Documentation url: {{.URL}}",
  1669        "translation": "文档URL: {{.URL}}",
  1670        "modified": false
  1671     },
  1672     {
  1673        "id": "Domain (e.g.",
  1674        "translation": "域名(例如",
  1675        "modified": false
  1676     },
  1677     {
  1678        "id": "Domains:",
  1679        "translation": "域名:",
  1680        "modified": false
  1681     },
  1682     {
  1683        "id": "Download attempt failed: {{.Error}}\n\nUnable to install, plugin is not available from local/internet.",
  1684        "translation": "Download attempt failed: {{.Error}}\nUnable to install, plugin is not available from local/internet.",
  1685        "modified": true
  1686     },
  1687     {
  1688        "id": "Dump recent logs instead of tailing",
  1689        "translation": "生成最近的日志文件,而非读取日志内容",
  1690        "modified": false
  1691     },
  1692     {
  1693        "id": "ENVIRONMENT VARIABLE GROUPS",
  1694        "translation": "ENVIRONMENT VARIABLE GROUPS",
  1695        "modified": false
  1696     },
  1697     {
  1698        "id": "ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES:",
  1699        "translation": "环境变量:",
  1700        "modified": true
  1701     },
  1702     {
  1703        "id": "EXAMPLE:\n",
  1704        "translation": "例子:\n",
  1705        "modified": false
  1706     },
  1707     {
  1708        "id": "Enable CF_TRACE output for all requests and responses",
  1709        "translation": "启动CF_TRACE输出所有请求和响应",
  1710        "modified": false
  1711     },
  1712     {
  1713        "id": "Enable HTTP proxying for API requests",
  1714        "translation": "为API请求启用HTTP代理",
  1715        "modified": false
  1716     },
  1717     {
  1718        "id": "Enable access for a specified organization",
  1719        "translation": "Enable access for a specified organization",
  1720        "modified": false
  1721     },
  1722     {
  1723        "id": "Enable access to a service or service plan for one or all orgs",
  1724        "translation": "Enable access to a service or service plan for one or all orgs",
  1725        "modified": false
  1726     },
  1727     {
  1728        "id": "Enable access to a specified service plan",
  1729        "translation": "Enable access to a specified service plan",
  1730        "modified": false
  1731     },
  1732     {
  1733        "id": "Enable or disable color",
  1734        "translation": "启用或禁用彩打输出",
  1735        "modified": false
  1736     },
  1737     {
  1738        "id": "Enable the buildpack to be used for staging",
  1739        "translation": "启用buildpack",
  1740        "modified": true
  1741     },
  1742     {
  1743        "id": "Enable the use of a feature so that users have access to and can use the feature.",
  1744        "translation": "Enable the use of a feature so that users have access to and can use the feature.",
  1745        "modified": false
  1746     },
  1747     {
  1748        "id": "Enabling access of plan {{.PlanName}} for service {{.ServiceName}} as {{.Username}}...",
  1749        "translation": "Enabling access of plan {{.PlanName}} for service {{.ServiceName}} as {{.Username}}...",
  1750        "modified": false
  1751     },
  1752     {
  1753        "id": "Enabling access to all plans of service {{.ServiceName}} for all orgs as {{.Username}}...",
  1754        "translation": "Enabling access to all plans of service {{.ServiceName}} for all orgs as {{.Username}}...",
  1755        "modified": false
  1756     },
  1757     {
  1758        "id": "Enabling access to all plans of service {{.ServiceName}} for the org {{.OrgName}} as {{.Username}}...",
  1759        "translation": "Enabling access to all plans of service {{.ServiceName}} for the org {{.OrgName}} as {{.Username}}...",
  1760        "modified": false
  1761     },
  1762     {
  1763        "id": "Enabling access to plan {{.PlanName}} of service {{.ServiceName}} for org {{.OrgName}} as {{.Username}}...",
  1764        "translation": "Enabling access to plan {{.PlanName}} of service {{.ServiceName}} for org {{.OrgName}} as {{.Username}}...",
  1765        "modified": false
  1766     },
  1767     {
  1768        "id": "Env variable {{.VarName}} was not set.",
  1769        "translation": "环境变量{{.VarName}}未设置",
  1770        "modified": false
  1771     },
  1772     {
  1773        "id": "Error building request",
  1774        "translation": "生成请求错误",
  1775        "modified": false
  1776     },
  1777     {
  1778        "id": "Error creating manifest file: ",
  1779        "translation": "Error creating manifest file: ",
  1780        "modified": false
  1781     },
  1782     {
  1783        "id": "Error creating request:\n{{.Err}}",
  1784        "translation": "创建请求错误:\n{{.Err}}",
  1785        "modified": false
  1786     },
  1787     {
  1788        "id": "Error creating tmp file: {{.Err}}",
  1789        "translation": "无法创建临时文件: {{.Err}}",
  1790        "modified": false
  1791     },
  1792     {
  1793        "id": "Error creating upload",
  1794        "translation": "创建上传任务错误",
  1795        "modified": false
  1796     },
  1797     {
  1798        "id": "Error creating user {{.TargetUser}}.\n{{.Error}}",
  1799        "translation": "创建用户{{.TargetUser}}错误.\n错误: {{.Error}}",
  1800        "modified": false
  1801     },
  1802     {
  1803        "id": "Error deleting buildpack {{.Name}}\n{{.Error}}",
  1804        "translation": "删除 buildpack {{.Name}},\n错误:{{.Error}}",
  1805        "modified": false
  1806     },
  1807     {
  1808        "id": "Error deleting domain {{.DomainName}}\n{{.ApiErr}}",
  1809        "translation": "Error deleting domain {{.DomainName}}\n{{.ApiErr}}",
  1810        "modified": false
  1811     },
  1812     {
  1813        "id": "Error dumping request\n{{.Err}}\n",
  1814        "translation": "打印请求体错误\n{{.Err}}\n",
  1815        "modified": false
  1816     },
  1817     {
  1818        "id": "Error dumping response\n{{.Err}}\n",
  1819        "translation": "打印响应错误\n{{.Err}}\n",
  1820        "modified": false
  1821     },
  1822     {
  1823        "id": "Error finding available orgs\n{{.ApiErr}}",
  1824        "translation": "无法找到可用的组织\n{{.ApiErr}}",
  1825        "modified": false
  1826     },
  1827     {
  1828        "id": "Error finding available spaces\n{{.Err}}",
  1829        "translation": "无法找到可用的空间\n{{.Err}}",
  1830        "modified": false
  1831     },
  1832     {
  1833        "id": "Error finding command {{.CmdName}}\n",
  1834        "translation": "未找到命令 {.CmdName}}\n",
  1835        "modified": false
  1836     },
  1837     {
  1838        "id": "Error finding domain {{.DomainName}}\n{{.ApiErr}}",
  1839        "translation": "Error finding domain {{.DomainName}}\n{{.ApiErr}}",
  1840        "modified": false
  1841     },
  1842     {
  1843        "id": "Error finding manifest",
  1844        "translation": "无法找到 manifest",
  1845        "modified": false
  1846     },
  1847     {
  1848        "id": "Error finding org {{.OrgName}}\n{{.ErrorDescription}}",
  1849        "translation": "找不到组织{{.OrgName}}\n错误信息: {{.ErrorDescription}}",
  1850        "modified": false
  1851     },
  1852     {
  1853        "id": "Error finding org {{.OrgName}}\n{{.Err}}",
  1854        "translation": "无法找到组织 {{.OrgName}}\n{{.Err}}",
  1855        "modified": false
  1856     },
  1857     {
  1858        "id": "Error finding space {{.SpaceName}}\n{{.Err}}",
  1859        "translation": "无法找到空间 {{.SpaceName}}\n{{.Err}}",
  1860        "modified": false
  1861     },
  1862     {
  1863        "id": "Error getting application summary: ",
  1864        "translation": "Error getting application summary: ",
  1865        "modified": false
  1866     },
  1867     {
  1868        "id": "Error getting command list from plugin {{.FilePath}}",
  1869        "translation": "Error getting command list from plugin {{.FilePath}}",
  1870        "modified": false
  1871     },
  1872     {
  1873        "id": "Error getting file info",
  1874        "translation": "Error getting file info",
  1875        "modified": false
  1876     },
  1877     {
  1878        "id": "Error in requirement",
  1879        "translation": "请求错误",
  1880        "modified": false
  1881     },
  1882     {
  1883        "id": "Error marshaling JSON",
  1884        "translation": "转换JSON格式错误",
  1885        "modified": false
  1886     },
  1887     {
  1888        "id": "Error opening buildpack file",
  1889        "translation": "打开buildpack文件时出错",
  1890        "modified": false
  1891     },
  1892     {
  1893        "id": "Error parsing JSON",
  1894        "translation": "解析JSON错误",
  1895        "modified": false
  1896     },
  1897     {
  1898        "id": "Error parsing headers",
  1899        "translation": "头域解析错误",
  1900        "modified": false
  1901     },
  1902     {
  1903        "id": "Error performing request",
  1904        "translation": "执行请求错误",
  1905        "modified": false
  1906     },
  1907     {
  1908        "id": "Error reading manifest file:\n{{.Err}}",
  1909        "translation": "读取部署描述文件错误:\n{{.Err}}",
  1910        "modified": false
  1911     },
  1912     {
  1913        "id": "Error reading response",
  1914        "translation": "读取响应错误",
  1915        "modified": false
  1916     },
  1917     {
  1918        "id": "Error renaming buildpack {{.Name}}\n{{.Error}}",
  1919        "translation": "重命名buildpack {{.Name}}\n错误:{{.Error}}",
  1920        "modified": false
  1921     },
  1922     {
  1923        "id": "Error resolving route:\n{{.Err}}",
  1924        "translation": "Error resolving route:\n{{.Err}}",
  1925        "modified": false
  1926     },
  1927     {
  1928        "id": "Error updating buildpack {{.Name}}\n{{.Error}}",
  1929        "translation": "更新错误 buildpack {{.Name}}\n错误:{{.Error}}",
  1930        "modified": false
  1931     },
  1932     {
  1933        "id": "Error uploading application.\n{{.ApiErr}}",
  1934        "translation": "上传应用程序:\n{{.ApiErr}}错误",
  1935        "modified": false
  1936     },
  1937     {
  1938        "id": "Error uploading buildpack {{.Name}}\n{{.Error}}",
  1939        "translation": "上传buildpack {{.Name}},\n错误:{{.Error}}",
  1940        "modified": false
  1941     },
  1942     {
  1943        "id": "Error writing to tmp file: {{.Err}}",
  1944        "translation": "临时文件写入错误: {{.Err}}",
  1945        "modified": false
  1946     },
  1947     {
  1948        "id": "Error zipping application",
  1949        "translation": "压缩应用程序错误",
  1950        "modified": false
  1951     },
  1952     {
  1953        "id": "Error: No name found for app",
  1954        "translation": "错误: 没有找到该应用程序名",
  1955        "modified": false
  1956     },
  1957     {
  1958        "id": "Error: timed out waiting for async job '{{.ErrURL}}' to finish",
  1959        "translation": "错误: timed out waiting for async job '{{.ErrURL}}' to finish",
  1960        "modified": false
  1961     },
  1962     {
  1963        "id": "Error: {{.Err}}",
  1964        "translation": "错误: {{.Err}}",
  1965        "modified": false
  1966     },
  1967     {
  1968        "id": "Executes a raw request, content-type set to application/json by default",
  1969        "translation": "执行原始请求,content-type默认设置为application / json",
  1970        "modified": false
  1971     },
  1972     {
  1973        "id": "Expected application to be a list of key/value pairs\nError occurred in manifest near:\n'{{.YmlSnippet}}'",
  1974        "translation": "预计申请成为键/值pairs\n错误列表发生在舱单附近:\n'{{.YmlSnippet}}'",
  1975        "modified": false
  1976     },
  1977     {
  1978        "id": "Expected applications to be a list",
  1979        "translation": "应用程序集应该是一个列表",
  1980        "modified": false
  1981     },
  1982     {
  1983        "id": "Expected {{.Name}} to be a set of key =\u003e value, but it was a {{.Type}}.",
  1984        "translation": "预期令{{.Name}}为一组关键=\u003e 价值,但它是一{{.Type}}",
  1985        "modified": false
  1986     },
  1987     {
  1988        "id": "Expected {{.PropertyName}} to be a boolean.",
  1989        "translation": "{{.PropertyName}} 应为布尔变量",
  1990        "modified": false
  1991     },
  1992     {
  1993        "id": "Expected {{.PropertyName}} to be a list of strings.",
  1994        "translation": "{{.PropertyName}} 应为字符串",
  1995        "modified": false
  1996     },
  1997     {
  1998        "id": "Expected {{.PropertyName}} to be a number, but it was a {{.PropertyType}}.",
  1999        "translation": "{{.PropertyName}} 应为数字,不是{{.PropertyType}}.",
  2000        "modified": false
  2001     },
  2002     {
  2003        "id": "FAILED",
  2004        "translation": "失败",
  2005        "modified": false
  2006     },
  2007     {
  2008        "id": "FEATURE FLAGS",
  2009        "translation": "FEATURE FLAGS",
  2010        "modified": false
  2011     },
  2012     {
  2013        "id": "Failed fetching buildpacks.\n{{.Error}}",
  2014        "translation": "抓取buildpack失败\n错误:{{.Error}}",
  2015        "modified": false
  2016     },
  2017     {
  2018        "id": "Failed fetching domains.\n{{.ApiErr}}",
  2019        "translation": "Failed fetching domains.\n{{.ApiErr}}",
  2020        "modified": false
  2021     },
  2022     {
  2023        "id": "Failed fetching events.\n{{.ApiErr}}",
  2024        "translation": "提取事件失败\n错误: {{.ApiErr}}",
  2025        "modified": false
  2026     },
  2027     {
  2028        "id": "Failed fetching org-users for role {{.OrgRoleToDisplayName}}.\n{{.Error}}",
  2029        "translation": "无法获取组织用户的角色{{.OrgRoleToDisplayName}}.\n错误: {{.Error}}",
  2030        "modified": false
  2031     },
  2032     {
  2033        "id": "Failed fetching orgs.\n{{.ApiErr}}",
  2034        "translation": "提取组织失败.\n错误: {{.ApiErr}}",
  2035        "modified": false
  2036     },
  2037     {
  2038        "id": "Failed fetching routes.\n{{.Err}}",
  2039        "translation": "Failed fetching routes.\n{{.Err}}",
  2040        "modified": false
  2041     },
  2042     {
  2043        "id": "Failed fetching service brokers.\n{{.Error}}",
  2044        "translation": "Failed fetching service brokers.\n{{.Error}}",
  2045        "modified": false
  2046     },
  2047     {
  2048        "id": "Failed fetching space-users for role {{.SpaceRoleToDisplayName}}.\n{{.Error}}",
  2049        "translation": "未能获取空间用户的角色{{.SpaceRoleToDisplayName}}.\n错误: {{.Error}}",
  2050        "modified": false
  2051     },
  2052     {
  2053        "id": "Failed fetching spaces.\n{{.ErrorDescription}}",
  2054        "translation": "获取不到空间.\n错误信息: {{.ErrorDescription}}",
  2055        "modified": false
  2056     },
  2057     {
  2058        "id": "Failed to create json for resource_match request",
  2059        "translation": "无法创建JSON格式的resource_match请求",
  2060        "modified": false
  2061     },
  2062     {
  2063        "id": "Failed to create manifest, unable to parse environment variable: ",
  2064        "translation": "Failed to create manifest, unable to parse environment variable: ",
  2065        "modified": false
  2066     },
  2067     {
  2068        "id": "Failed to marshal JSON",
  2069        "translation": "转换JSON格式错误",
  2070        "modified": false
  2071     },
  2072     {
  2073        "id": "Failed to start oauth request",
  2074        "translation": "无法启动开放授权请求",
  2075        "modified": false
  2076     },
  2077     {
  2078        "id": "Feature {{.FeatureFlag}} Disabled.",
  2079        "translation": "Feature {{.FeatureFlag}} Disabled.",
  2080        "modified": false
  2081     },
  2082     {
  2083        "id": "Feature {{.FeatureFlag}} Enabled.",
  2084        "translation": "Feature {{.FeatureFlag}} Enabled.",
  2085        "modified": false
  2086     },
  2087     {
  2088        "id": "Features",
  2089        "translation": "Features",
  2090        "modified": false
  2091     },
  2092     {
  2093        "id": "File not found locally, attempting to download binary file from internet ...",
  2094        "translation": "File not found locally, attempting to download binary file from internet ...",
  2095        "modified": false
  2096     },
  2097     {
  2098        "id": "Force delete (do not prompt for confirmation)",
  2099        "translation": "Force delete (do not prompt for confirmation)",
  2100        "modified": false
  2101     },
  2102     {
  2103        "id": "Force deletion without confirmation",
  2104        "translation": "不通过确认强制删除",
  2105        "modified": false
  2106     },
  2107     {
  2108        "id": "Force migration without confirmation",
  2109        "translation": "强制迁移",
  2110        "modified": false
  2111     },
  2112     {
  2113        "id": "Force restart of app without prompt",
  2114        "translation": "无推送强制重启应用",
  2115        "modified": false
  2116     },
  2117     {
  2118        "id": "GETTING STARTED",
  2119        "translation": "入门",
  2120        "modified": false
  2121     },
  2122     {
  2123        "id": "GLOBAL OPTIONS:",
  2124        "translation": "全局选项:",
  2125        "modified": true
  2126     },
  2127     {
  2128        "id": "Getting OAuth token...",
  2129        "translation": "Getting OAuth token...",
  2130        "modified": false
  2131     },
  2132     {
  2133        "id": "Getting all services from marketplace...",
  2134        "translation": "从服务市场获取所有服务...",
  2135        "modified": false
  2136     },
  2137     {
  2138        "id": "Getting apps in org {{.OrgName}} / space {{.SpaceName}} as {{.Username}}...",
  2139        "translation": "作为用户{{.Username}}获取在组织 {{.OrgName}} / 空间 {{.SpaceName}} 中的应用列表...",
  2140        "modified": false
  2141     },
  2142     {
  2143        "id": "Getting buildpacks...\n",
  2144        "translation": "获取buildpacks...\n",
  2145        "modified": false
  2146     },
  2147     {
  2148        "id": "Getting domains in org {{.OrgName}} as {{.Username}}...",
  2149        "translation": "Getting domains in org {{.OrgName}} as {{.Username}}...",
  2150        "modified": false
  2151     },
  2152     {
  2153        "id": "Getting env variables for app {{.AppName}} in org {{.OrgName}} / space {{.SpaceName}} as {{.Username}}...",
  2154        "translation": "作为用户{{.Username}}获取在组织{{.OrgName}} / 空间{{.SpaceName}} 中的应用{{.AppName}} 的环境变量 ...",
  2155        "modified": false
  2156     },
  2157     {
  2158        "id": "Getting events for app {{.AppName}} in org {{.OrgName}} / space {{.SpaceName}} as {{.Username}}...\n",
  2159        "translation": "作为用户{{.Username}}获取在组织{{.OrgName}} / 空间{{.SpaceName}} 中的应用{{.AppName}} 的事件信息 ...",
  2160        "modified": false
  2161     },
  2162     {
  2163        "id": "Getting files for app {{.AppName}} in org {{.OrgName}} / space {{.SpaceName}} as {{.Username}}...",
  2164        "translation": "作为用户{{.Username}}获取在组织{{.OrgName}} / 空间{{.SpaceName}} 中的应用{{.AppName}} 的文件信息 ...",
  2165        "modified": false
  2166     },
  2167     {
  2168        "id": "Getting info for org {{.OrgName}} as {{.Username}}...",
  2169        "translation": "用户{{.Username}}请求组织{{.OrgName}}的信息...",
  2170        "modified": false
  2171     },
  2172     {
  2173        "id": "Getting info for security group {{.security_group}} as {{.username}}",
  2174        "translation": "Getting info for security group {{.security_group}} as {{.username}}",
  2175        "modified": false
  2176     },
  2177     {
  2178        "id": "Getting info for space {{.TargetSpace}} in org {{.OrgName}} as {{.CurrentUser}}...",
  2179        "translation": "获取空间信息中:用户{{.CurrentUser}}在组织{{.OrgName}}中的空间{{.TargetSpace}}信息...",
  2180        "modified": false
  2181     },
  2182     {
  2183        "id": "Getting orgs as {{.Username}}...\n",
  2184        "translation": "用户{{.Username}}请求组织...\n",
  2185        "modified": false
  2186     },
  2187     {
  2188        "id": "Getting quota {{.QuotaName}} info as {{.Username}}...",
  2189        "translation": "Getting quota {{.QuotaName}} info as {{.Username}}...",
  2190        "modified": false
  2191     },
  2192     {
  2193        "id": "Getting quotas as {{.Username}}...",
  2194        "translation": "Getting quotas as {{.Username}}...",
  2195        "modified": false
  2196     },
  2197     {
  2198        "id": "Getting routes as {{.Username}} ...\n",
  2199        "translation": "Getting routes as {{.Username}} ...\n",
  2200        "modified": false
  2201     },
  2202     {
  2203        "id": "Getting security groups as {{.username}}",
  2204        "translation": "Getting security groups as {{.username}}",
  2205        "modified": false
  2206     },
  2207     {
  2208        "id": "Getting service access as {{.Username}}...",
  2209        "translation": "getting service access as {{.Username}}...",
  2210        "modified": true
  2211     },
  2212     {
  2213        "id": "Getting service access for broker {{.Broker}} and organization {{.Organization}} as {{.Username}}...",
  2214        "translation": "getting service access for broker {{.Broker}} and organization {{.Organization}} as {{.Username}}...",
  2215        "modified": true
  2216     },
  2217     {
  2218        "id": "Getting service access for broker {{.Broker}} and service {{.Service}} and organization {{.Organization}} as {{.Username}}...",
  2219        "translation": "getting service access for broker {{.Broker}} and service {{.Service}} and organization {{.Organization}} as {{.Username}}...",
  2220        "modified": true
  2221     },
  2222     {
  2223        "id": "Getting service access for broker {{.Broker}} and service {{.Service}} as {{.Username}}...",
  2224        "translation": "getting service access for broker {{.Broker}} and service {{.Service}} as {{.Username}}...",
  2225        "modified": true
  2226     },
  2227     {
  2228        "id": "Getting service access for broker {{.Broker}} as {{.Username}}...",
  2229        "translation": "getting service access for broker {{.Broker}} as {{.Username}}...",
  2230        "modified": true
  2231     },
  2232     {
  2233        "id": "Getting service access for organization {{.Organization}} as {{.Username}}...",
  2234        "translation": "getting service access for organization {{.Organization}} as {{.Username}}...",
  2235        "modified": true
  2236     },
  2237     {
  2238        "id": "Getting service access for service {{.Service}} and organization {{.Organization}} as {{.Username}}...",
  2239        "translation": "getting service access for service {{.Service}} and organization {{.Organization}} as {{.Username}}...",
  2240        "modified": true
  2241     },
  2242     {
  2243        "id": "Getting service access for service {{.Service}} as {{.Username}}...",
  2244        "translation": "getting service access for service {{.Service}} as {{.Username}}...",
  2245        "modified": true
  2246     },
  2247     {
  2248        "id": "Getting service auth tokens as {{.CurrentUser}}...",
  2249        "translation": "Getting service auth tokens as {{.CurrentUser}}...",
  2250        "modified": false
  2251     },
  2252     {
  2253        "id": "Getting service brokers as {{.Username}}...\n",
  2254        "translation": "Getting service brokers as {{.Username}}...\n",
  2255        "modified": false
  2256     },
  2257     {
  2258        "id": "Getting service plan information for service {{.ServiceName}} as {{.CurrentUser}}...",
  2259        "translation": "Getting service plan information for service {{.ServiceName}} as {{.CurrentUser}}...",
  2260        "modified": false
  2261     },
  2262     {
  2263        "id": "Getting service plan information for service {{.ServiceName}}...",
  2264        "translation": "Getting service plan information for service {{.ServiceName}}...",
  2265        "modified": false
  2266     },
  2267     {
  2268        "id": "Getting services from marketplace in org {{.OrgName}} / space {{.SpaceName}} as {{.CurrentUser}}...",
  2269        "translation": "从服务市场获取用户{{.CurrentUser}}分配在组织{{.OrgName}}/空间{{.SpaceName}}中的服务...",
  2270        "modified": false
  2271     },
  2272     {
  2273        "id": "Getting services in org {{.OrgName}} / space {{.SpaceName}} as {{.CurrentUser}}...",
  2274        "translation": "获取用户{{.CurrentUser}}在组织{{.OrgName}}/空间{{.SpaceName}}中的服务...",
  2275        "modified": false
  2276     },
  2277     {
  2278        "id": "Getting space quota {{.Quota}} info as {{.Username}}...",
  2279        "translation": "Getting space quota {{.Quota}} info as {{.Username}}...",
  2280        "modified": false
  2281     },
  2282     {
  2283        "id": "Getting space quotas as {{.Username}}...",
  2284        "translation": "Getting space quotas as {{.Username}}...",
  2285        "modified": false
  2286     },
  2287     {
  2288        "id": "Getting spaces in org {{.TargetOrgName}} as {{.CurrentUser}}...\n",
  2289        "translation": "获取空间:用户{{.CurrentUser}}在组织{{.TargetOrgName}}中获取空间...\n",
  2290        "modified": false
  2291     },
  2292     {
  2293        "id": "Getting stacks in org {{.OrganizationName}} / space {{.SpaceName}} as {{.Username}}...",
  2294        "translation": "用户{{.Username}}请求分配组织{{.OrganizationName}}/空间{{.SpaceName}}中的stacks...",
  2295        "modified": false
  2296     },
  2297     {
  2298        "id": "Getting users in org {{.TargetOrg}} / space {{.TargetSpace}} as {{.CurrentUser}}",
  2299        "translation": "用户{{.CurrentUser}}请求分配组织{{.TargetOrg}}/空间{{.TargetSpace}}中的用户",
  2300        "modified": false
  2301     },
  2302     {
  2303        "id": "Getting users in org {{.TargetOrg}} as {{.CurrentUser}}...",
  2304        "translation": "用户{{.CurrentUser}}请求分配组织{{.TargetOrg}}中的用户...",
  2305        "modified": false
  2306     },
  2307     {
  2308        "id": "HTTP data to include in the request body",
  2309        "translation": "包含到请求语句中的HTTP数据",
  2310        "modified": false
  2311     },
  2312     {
  2313        "id": "HTTP method (GET,POST,PUT,DELETE,etc)",
  2314        "translation": "HTTP method (GET,POST,PUT,DELETE,etc)",
  2315        "modified": false
  2316     },
  2317     {
  2318        "id": "Hostname",
  2319        "translation": "Hostname",
  2320        "modified": false
  2321     },
  2322     {
  2323        "id": "Hostname (e.g. my-subdomain)",
  2324        "translation": "域名前缀 (例如: my-subdomain)",
  2325        "modified": false
  2326     },
  2327     {
  2328        "id": "Ignore manifest file",
  2329        "translation": "忽略部署描述文件",
  2330        "modified": false
  2331     },
  2332     {
  2333        "id": "Include response headers in the output",
  2334        "translation": "输出包含HTTP响应头",
  2335        "modified": false
  2336     },
  2337     {
  2338        "id": "Incorrect Usage",
  2339        "translation": "Incorrect Usage",
  2340        "modified": false
  2341     },
  2342     {
  2343        "id": "Incorrect Usage.\n",
  2344        "translation": "不正确的使用\n",
  2345        "modified": false
  2346     },
  2347     {
  2348        "id": "Incorrect Usage. Command line flags (except -f) cannot be applied when pushing multiple apps from a manifest file.",
  2349        "translation": "不正确使用方法。利用部署描述文件部署多个应用程序时,不能使用命令行标志(除了-f)",
  2350        "modified": false
  2351     },
  2352     {
  2353        "id": "Incorrect json format: file: {{.JSONFile}}\n\u0009\u0009\nValid json file example:\n[\n  {\n    \"protocol\": \"tcp\",\n    \"destination\": \"\",\n    \"ports\": \"3306\"\n  }\n]",
  2354        "translation": "Incorrect json format: file: {{.JSONFile}}\n\u0009\u0009\nValid json file example:\n[\n  {\n    \"protocol\": \"tcp\",\n    \"destination\": \"\",\n    \"ports\": \"3306\"\n  }\n]",
  2355        "modified": false
  2356     },
  2357     {
  2358        "id": "Incorrect number of arguments",
  2359        "translation": "参数个数错误",
  2360        "modified": false
  2361     },
  2362     {
  2363        "id": "Incorrect usage",
  2364        "translation": "不正确的使用",
  2365        "modified": false
  2366     },
  2367     {
  2368        "id": "Install the plugin defined in command argument",
  2369        "translation": "install-plugin PATH/TO/PLUGIN-NAME  - Install the plugin defined in command argument",
  2370        "modified": true
  2371     },
  2372     {
  2373        "id": "Installing plugin {{.PluginPath}}...",
  2374        "translation": "Installing plugin {{.PluginPath}}...",
  2375        "modified": false
  2376     },
  2377     {
  2378        "id": "Instance",
  2379        "translation": "Instance",
  2380        "modified": false
  2381     },
  2382     {
  2383        "id": "Instance Memory",
  2384        "translation": "Instance Memory",
  2385        "modified": false
  2386     },
  2387     {
  2388        "id": "Instance must be a non-negative integer",
  2389        "translation": "Instance must be a non-negative integer",
  2390        "modified": false
  2391     },
  2392     {
  2393        "id": "Instance status is unavailable (creating). Check status using cf services or cf service {{.ServiceInstanceName}}.",
  2394        "translation": "Instance status is unavailable (creating). Check status using cf services or cf service {{.ServiceInstanceName}}.",
  2395        "modified": false
  2396     },
  2397     {
  2398        "id": "Invalid JSON response from server",
  2399        "translation": "无效的服务器JSON响应",
  2400        "modified": false
  2401     },
  2402     {
  2403        "id": "Invalid Role {{.Role}}",
  2404        "translation": "无效的角色 {{.Role}}",
  2405        "modified": false
  2406     },
  2407     {
  2408        "id": "Invalid SSL Cert for {{.URL}}\n{{.TipMessage}}",
  2409        "translation": "访问{{.URL}}的无效SSL证书\n{{.TipMessage}}",
  2410        "modified": false
  2411     },
  2412     {
  2413        "id": "Invalid async response from server",
  2414        "translation": "服务器无效的异步响应",
  2415        "modified": false
  2416     },
  2417     {
  2418        "id": "Invalid auth token: ",
  2419        "translation": "无效的身份验证令牌: ",
  2420        "modified": false
  2421     },
  2422     {
  2423        "id": "Invalid disk quota: {{.DiskQuota}}\n{{.ErrorDescription}}",
  2424        "translation": "无效的磁盘配额: {{.DiskQuota}}\n{{.ErrorDescription}}",
  2425        "modified": false
  2426     },
  2427     {
  2428        "id": "Invalid disk quota: {{.DiskQuota}}\n{{.Err}}",
  2429        "translation": "无效的磁盘配额: {{.DiskQuota}}\n{{.Err}}",
  2430        "modified": false
  2431     },
  2432     {
  2433        "id": "Invalid instance count: {{.InstanceCount}}\nInstance count must be a positive integer",
  2434        "translation": "无效的实例数: {{.InstanceCount}}\n实例数必须是正整数",
  2435        "modified": false
  2436     },
  2437     {
  2438        "id": "Invalid instance count: {{.InstancesCount}}\nInstance count must be a positive integer",
  2439        "translation": "无效的实例数: {{.InstancesCount}}\n实例数量必须是个正整数",
  2440        "modified": false
  2441     },
  2442     {
  2443        "id": "Invalid instance memory limit: {{.MemoryLimit}}\n{{.Err}}",
  2444        "translation": "Invalid instance memory limit: {{.MemoryLimit}}\n{{.Err}}",
  2445        "modified": false
  2446     },
  2447     {
  2448        "id": "Invalid instance: {{.Instance}}\nInstance must be a positive integer",
  2449        "translation": "Invalid instance: {{.Instance}}\nInstance must be a positive integer",
  2450        "modified": false
  2451     },
  2452     {
  2453        "id": "Invalid instance: {{.Instance}}\nInstance must be less than {{.InstanceCount}}",
  2454        "translation": "Invalid instance: {{.Instance}}\nInstance must be less than {{.InstanceCount}}",
  2455        "modified": false
  2456     },
  2457     {
  2458        "id": "Invalid manifest. Expected a map",
  2459        "translation": "无效的配置",
  2460        "modified": false
  2461     },
  2462     {
  2463        "id": "Invalid memory limit: {{.MemLimit}}\n{{.Err}}",
  2464        "translation": "无效的内存配额: {{.MemLimit}}\n{{.Err}}",
  2465        "modified": false
  2466     },
  2467     {
  2468        "id": "Invalid memory limit: {{.MemoryLimit}}\n{{.Err}}",
  2469        "translation": "Invalid memory limit: {{.MemoryLimit}}\n{{.Err}}",
  2470        "modified": false
  2471     },
  2472     {
  2473        "id": "Invalid memory limit: {{.Memory}}\n{{.ErrorDescription}}",
  2474        "translation": "无效的内存配额: {{.Memory}}\n{{.ErrorDescription}}",
  2475        "modified": false
  2476     },
  2477     {
  2478        "id": "Invalid position. {{.ErrorDescription}}",
  2479        "translation": "Invalid position. {{.ErrorDescription}}",
  2480        "modified": false
  2481     },
  2482     {
  2483        "id": "Invalid timeout param: {{.Timeout}}\n{{.Err}}",
  2484        "translation": "无效的超时参数设定: {{.Timeout}}\n{{.Err}}",
  2485        "modified": false
  2486     },
  2487     {
  2488        "id": "Invalid usage",
  2489        "translation": "无效使用",
  2490        "modified": false
  2491     },
  2492     {
  2493        "id": "Invalid value for '{{.PropertyName}}': {{.StringVal}}\n{{.Error}}",
  2494        "translation": "非法{{.PropertyName}}值:\n错误: {{.Error}}",
  2495        "modified": true
  2496     },
  2497     {
  2498        "id": "JSON is invalid: {{.ErrorDescription}}",
  2499        "translation": "无效的JSON: {{.ErrorDescription}}",
  2500        "modified": false
  2501     },
  2502     {
  2503        "id": "List all apps in the target space",
  2504        "translation": "列出目标空间中的所有应用程序",
  2505        "modified": false
  2506     },
  2507     {
  2508        "id": "List all buildpacks",
  2509        "translation": "列出所有buildpacks",
  2510        "modified": false
  2511     },
  2512     {
  2513        "id": "List all orgs",
  2514        "translation": "列出所有组织",
  2515        "modified": false
  2516     },
  2517     {
  2518        "id": "List all routes in the current space",
  2519        "translation": "List all routes in the current space",
  2520        "modified": false
  2521     },
  2522     {
  2523        "id": "List all security groups",
  2524        "translation": "List all security groups",
  2525        "modified": false
  2526     },
  2527     {
  2528        "id": "List all service instances in the target space",
  2529        "translation": "列出目标空间中的所有服务实例",
  2530        "modified": false
  2531     },
  2532     {
  2533        "id": "List all spaces in an org",
  2534        "translation": "列出组织中所有的空间",
  2535        "modified": false
  2536     },
  2537     {
  2538        "id": "List all stacks (a stack is a pre-built file system, including an operating system, that can run apps)",
  2539        "translation": "列出所有stacks (stack是预先建立好的文件系统, 包含可以运行应用程序的操作系统)",
  2540        "modified": false
  2541     },
  2542     {
  2543        "id": "List all users in the org",
  2544        "translation": "列出组织中所有的机构",
  2545        "modified": false
  2546     },
  2547     {
  2548        "id": "List available offerings in the marketplace",
  2549        "translation": "列出所有可用的服务",
  2550        "modified": false
  2551     },
  2552     {
  2553        "id": "List available space resource quotas",
  2554        "translation": "List available space resource quotas",
  2555        "modified": false
  2556     },
  2557     {
  2558        "id": "List available usage quotas",
  2559        "translation": "List available usage quotas",
  2560        "modified": false
  2561     },
  2562     {
  2563        "id": "List domains in the target org",
  2564        "translation": "List domains in the target org",
  2565        "modified": false
  2566     },
  2567     {
  2568        "id": "List security groups in the set of security groups for running applications",
  2569        "translation": "List security groups in the set of security groups for running applications",
  2570        "modified": false
  2571     },
  2572     {
  2573        "id": "List security groups in the staging set for applications",
  2574        "translation": "List security groups in the staging set for applications",
  2575        "modified": false
  2576     },
  2577     {
  2578        "id": "List service access settings",
  2579        "translation": "List service access settings",
  2580        "modified": false
  2581     },
  2582     {
  2583        "id": "List service auth tokens",
  2584        "translation": "List service auth tokens",
  2585        "modified": false
  2586     },
  2587     {
  2588        "id": "List service brokers",
  2589        "translation": "List service brokers",
  2590        "modified": false
  2591     },
  2592     {
  2593        "id": "Listing Installed Plugins...",
  2594        "translation": "Listing Installed Plugins...",
  2595        "modified": false
  2596     },
  2597     {
  2598        "id": "Lock the buildpack to prevent updates",
  2599        "translation": "锁定该 buildpack",
  2600        "modified": true
  2601     },
  2602     {
  2603        "id": "Log user in",
  2604        "translation": "用户登录",
  2605        "modified": false
  2606     },
  2607     {
  2608        "id": "Log user out",
  2609        "translation": "用户退出",
  2610        "modified": false
  2611     },
  2612     {
  2613        "id": "Logging out...",
  2614        "translation": "正在退出...",
  2615        "modified": false
  2616     },
  2617     {
  2618        "id": "Loggregator endpoint missing from config file",
  2619        "translation": "配置文件中没有loggregator地址信息",
  2620        "modified": false
  2621     },
  2622     {
  2623        "id": "Make a copy of app source code from one application to another.  Unless overridden, the copy-source command will restart the application.",
  2624        "translation": "Make a copy of app source code from one application to another.  Unless overridden, the copy-source command will restart the application.",
  2625        "modified": false
  2626     },
  2627     {
  2628        "id": "Make a user-provided service instance available to cf apps",
  2629        "translation": "使这个由用户提供的服务实例对应用生效",
  2630        "modified": false
  2631     },
  2632     {
  2633        "id": "Manifest file created successfully at ",
  2634        "translation": "Manifest file created successfully at ",
  2635        "modified": false
  2636     },
  2637     {
  2638        "id": "Manifest file is not found in the current directory, please provide either an app name or manifest",
  2639        "translation": "Manifest file is not found in the current directory, please provide either an app name or manifest",
  2640        "modified": false
  2641     },
  2642     {
  2643        "id": "Map the root domain to this app",
  2644        "translation": "映射根域名到此应用程序",
  2645        "modified": false
  2646     },
  2647     {
  2648        "id": "Max wait time for app instance startup, in minutes",
  2649        "translation": "应用实例启动的最长等待时间,以分钟为单位",
  2650        "modified": false
  2651     },
  2652     {
  2653        "id": "Max wait time for buildpack staging, in minutes",
  2654        "translation": "buildpack打包的最长等待时间,以分钟为单位",
  2655        "modified": false
  2656     },
  2657     {
  2658        "id": "Maximum amount of memory an application instance can have (e.g. 1024M, 1G, 10G)",
  2659        "translation": "Maximum amount of memory an application instance can have (e.g. 1024M, 1G, 10G)",
  2660        "modified": false
  2661     },
  2662     {
  2663        "id": "Maximum amount of memory an application instance can have (e.g. 1024M, 1G, 10G). -1 represents an unlimited amount.",
  2664        "translation": "Maximum amount of memory an application instance can have (e.g. 1024M, 1G, 10G). -1 represents an unlimited amount.",
  2665        "modified": false
  2666     },
  2667     {
  2668        "id": "Maximum amount of memory an application instance can have (e.g. 1024M, 1G, 10G). -1 represents an unlimited amount. (Default: unlimited)",
  2669        "translation": "Maximum amount of memory an application instance can have(e.g. 1024M, 1G, 10G). -1 represents an unlimited amount. (Default: unlimited)",
  2670        "modified": true
  2671     },
  2672     {
  2673        "id": "Maximum time (in seconds) for CLI to wait for application start, other server side timeouts may apply",
  2674        "translation": "在数秒内启动超时",
  2675        "modified": true
  2676     },
  2677     {
  2678        "id": "Memory limit (e.g. 256M, 1024M, 1G)",
  2679        "translation": "内存配额(例如256M,1024M,1G)",
  2680        "modified": false
  2681     },
  2682     {
  2683        "id": "Message: {{.Message}}",
  2684        "translation": "Message: {{.Message}}",
  2685        "modified": false
  2686     },
  2687     {
  2688        "id": "Migrate service instances from one service plan to another",
  2689        "translation": "将服务实例从一个服务计划迁移到另一个",
  2690        "modified": false
  2691     },
  2692     {
  2693        "id": "NAME:",
  2694        "translation": "名称:",
  2695        "modified": false
  2696     },
  2697     {
  2698        "id": "Name",
  2699        "translation": "Name",
  2700        "modified": false
  2701     },
  2702     {
  2703        "id": "New Password",
  2704        "translation": "新的密码",
  2705        "modified": false
  2706     },
  2707     {
  2708        "id": "New name",
  2709        "translation": "New name",
  2710        "modified": false
  2711     },
  2712     {
  2713        "id": "No API endpoint set. Use '{{.LoginTip}}' or '{{.APITip}}' to target an endpoint.",
  2714        "translation": "没有指定API终端。使用'{{.LoginTip}}'或'{{.APITip}}'选择终端",
  2715        "modified": true
  2716     },
  2717     {
  2718        "id": "No action taken.  You must disable access to all plans of {{.ServiceName}} service for all orgs and then grant access for all orgs except the {{.OrgName}} org.",
  2719        "translation": "Plans are accessible for all orgs. Try removing access for all orgs, then enable access for select orgs.",
  2720        "modified": true
  2721     },
  2722     {
  2723        "id": "No action taken.  You must disable access to the {{.PlanName}} plan of {{.ServiceName}} service for all orgs and then grant access for all orgs except the {{.OrgName}} org.",
  2724        "translation": "The plan {{.PlaneName}} of service {{.ServiceName}} is already inaccessible for org {{.OrgName}}",
  2725        "modified": true
  2726     },
  2727     {
  2728        "id": "No api endpoint set. Use '{{.Name}}' to set an endpoint",
  2729        "translation": "No api endpoint set. Use '{{.Name}}' to set an endpoint",
  2730        "modified": false
  2731     },
  2732     {
  2733        "id": "No apps found",
  2734        "translation": "没有找到应用程序",
  2735        "modified": false
  2736     },
  2737     {
  2738        "id": "No buildpacks found",
  2739        "translation": "buildpack未找到",
  2740        "modified": false
  2741     },
  2742     {
  2743        "id": "No changes were made",
  2744        "translation": "No changes were made",
  2745        "modified": false
  2746     },
  2747     {
  2748        "id": "No domains found",
  2749        "translation": "No domains found",
  2750        "modified": false
  2751     },
  2752     {
  2753        "id": "No events for app {{.AppName}}",
  2754        "translation": "没有找到应用程序{{.AppName}}的事件",
  2755        "modified": false
  2756     },
  2757     {
  2758        "id": "No flags specified. No changes were made.",
  2759        "translation": "没有指定的参数。未进行任何更改。",
  2760        "modified": false
  2761     },
  2762     {
  2763        "id": "No org and space targeted, use '{{.Command}}' to target an org and space",
  2764        "translation": "没有指定组织和空间,使用'{{.Command}}'选择组织和空间",
  2765        "modified": false
  2766     },
  2767     {
  2768        "id": "No org or space targeted, use '{{.CFTargetCommand}}'",
  2769        "translation": "没有指定组织或空间,使用'{{.CFTargetCommand}}'选择组织或空间",
  2770        "modified": false
  2771     },
  2772     {
  2773        "id": "No org targeted, use '{{.CFTargetCommand}}'",
  2774        "translation": "没有指定组织,使用'{{.CFTargetCommand}}'选择组织",
  2775        "modified": false
  2776     },
  2777     {
  2778        "id": "No org targeted, use '{{.Command}}' to target an org.",
  2779        "translation": "没有指定组织,使用'{{.Command}}'选择组织.",
  2780        "modified": false
  2781     },
  2782     {
  2783        "id": "No orgs found",
  2784        "translation": "没有找到任何组织",
  2785        "modified": false
  2786     },
  2787     {
  2788        "id": "No routes found",
  2789        "translation": "No routes found",
  2790        "modified": false
  2791     },
  2792     {
  2793        "id": "No running env variables have been set",
  2794        "translation": "No running env variables have been set",
  2795        "modified": false
  2796     },
  2797     {
  2798        "id": "No running security groups set",
  2799        "translation": "No running security groups set",
  2800        "modified": false
  2801     },
  2802     {
  2803        "id": "No security groups",
  2804        "translation": "No security groups",
  2805        "modified": false
  2806     },
  2807     {
  2808        "id": "No service brokers found",
  2809        "translation": "No service brokers found",
  2810        "modified": false
  2811     },
  2812     {
  2813        "id": "No service offerings found",
  2814        "translation": "没有找到服务",
  2815        "modified": false
  2816     },
  2817     {
  2818        "id": "No services found",
  2819        "translation": "没有找到服务",
  2820        "modified": false
  2821     },
  2822     {
  2823        "id": "No space targeted, use '{{.CFTargetCommand}}'",
  2824        "translation": "没有指定空间,使用'{{.CFTargetCommand}}'指定空间",
  2825        "modified": false
  2826     },
  2827     {
  2828        "id": "No space targeted, use '{{.Command}}' to target a space",
  2829        "translation": "没有指定空间,使用'{{.Command}}'指定空间",
  2830        "modified": false
  2831     },
  2832     {
  2833        "id": "No spaces assigned",
  2834        "translation": "No spaces assigned",
  2835        "modified": false
  2836     },
  2837     {
  2838        "id": "No spaces found",
  2839        "translation": "没有找到空间",
  2840        "modified": false
  2841     },
  2842     {
  2843        "id": "No staging env variables have been set",
  2844        "translation": "No staging env variables have been set",
  2845        "modified": false
  2846     },
  2847     {
  2848        "id": "No staging security group set",
  2849        "translation": "No staging security group set",
  2850        "modified": false
  2851     },
  2852     {
  2853        "id": "No system-provided env variables have been set",
  2854        "translation": "系统提供的环境变量未设置",
  2855        "modified": false
  2856     },
  2857     {
  2858        "id": "No user-defined env variables have been set",
  2859        "translation": "用户定义的环境变量未设置",
  2860        "modified": false
  2861     },
  2862     {
  2863        "id": "None of your application files have changed. Nothing will be uploaded.",
  2864        "translation": "你的应用程序文件没有发生变动,不会上传任何内容",
  2865        "modified": false
  2866     },
  2867     {
  2868        "id": "Not logged in. Use '{{.CFLoginCommand}}' to log in.",
  2869        "translation": "尚未登录,请使用'{{.CFLoginCommand}}'来登录",
  2870        "modified": false
  2871     },
  2872     {
  2873        "id": "Note: this may take some time",
  2874        "translation": "Note: this may take some time",
  2875        "modified": false
  2876     },
  2877     {
  2878        "id": "Number of instances",
  2879        "translation": "实例数",
  2880        "modified": false
  2881     },
  2882     {
  2883        "id": "OK",
  2884        "translation": "通过",
  2885        "modified": false
  2886     },
  2887     {
  2888        "id": "ORG ADMIN",
  2889        "translation": "组织管理员",
  2890        "modified": false
  2891     },
  2892     {
  2893        "id": "ORG AUDITOR",
  2894        "translation": "组织审计",
  2895        "modified": false
  2896     },
  2897     {
  2898        "id": "ORG MANAGER",
  2899        "translation": "组织管理",
  2900        "modified": false
  2901     },
  2902     {
  2903        "id": "ORGS",
  2904        "translation": "组织",
  2905        "modified": false
  2906     },
  2907     {
  2908        "id": "Org",
  2909        "translation": "组织",
  2910        "modified": false
  2911     },
  2912     {
  2913        "id": "Org that contains the target application",
  2914        "translation": "Org that contains the target application",
  2915        "modified": false
  2916     },
  2917     {
  2918        "id": "Org {{.OrgName}} already exists",
  2919        "translation": "组织{{.OrgName}}已经存在",
  2920        "modified": false
  2921     },
  2922     {
  2923        "id": "Org {{.OrgName}} does not exist or is not accessible",
  2924        "translation": "组织{{.OrgName}}不存在或无法访问",
  2925        "modified": false
  2926     },
  2927     {
  2928        "id": "Org {{.OrgName}} does not exist.",
  2929        "translation": "组织{{.OrgName}}不存在",
  2930        "modified": false
  2931     },
  2932     {
  2933        "id": "Org:",
  2934        "translation": "组织:",
  2935        "modified": false
  2936     },
  2937     {
  2938        "id": "Organization",
  2939        "translation": "Organization",
  2940        "modified": false
  2941     },
  2942     {
  2943        "id": "Override path to default config directory",
  2944        "translation": "修改cf配置文件config.json的路径(该路径默认为~/.cf)",
  2945        "modified": false
  2946     },
  2947     {
  2948        "id": "Override path to default plugin config directory",
  2949        "translation": "Override path to default plugin config directory",
  2950        "modified": false
  2951     },
  2952     {
  2953        "id": "Override restart of the application in target environment after copy-source completes",
  2954        "translation": "Override restart of the application in target environment after copy-source completes",
  2955        "modified": false
  2956     },
  2957     {
  2958        "id": "PLUGIN",
  2959        "translation": "PLUGIN",
  2960        "modified": false
  2961     },
  2962     {
  2963        "id": "PLUGIN COMMANDS",
  2964        "translation": "PLUGIN COMMANDS",
  2965        "modified": false
  2966     },
  2967     {
  2968        "id": "Paid service plans",
  2969        "translation": "Paid service plans",
  2970        "modified": false
  2971     },
  2972     {
  2973        "id": "Pass parameters as JSON to create a running environment variable group",
  2974        "translation": "Pass parameters as JSON to create a running environment variable group",
  2975        "modified": false
  2976     },
  2977     {
  2978        "id": "Pass parameters as JSON to create a staging environment variable group",
  2979        "translation": "Pass parameters as JSON to create a staging environment variable group",
  2980        "modified": false
  2981     },
  2982     {
  2983        "id": "Password",
  2984        "translation": "密码",
  2985        "modified": false
  2986     },
  2987     {
  2988        "id": "Password verification does not match",
  2989        "translation": "密码验证不匹配",
  2990        "modified": false
  2991     },
  2992     {
  2993        "id": "Path to app directory or file",
  2994        "translation": "应用程序目录或zip压缩文件路径",
  2995        "modified": true
  2996     },
  2997     {
  2998        "id": "Path to directory or zip file",
  2999        "translation": "目录或zip文件路径",
  3000        "modified": false
  3001     },
  3002     {
  3003        "id": "Path to manifest",
  3004        "translation": "部署描述文件的路径",
  3005        "modified": false
  3006     },
  3007     {
  3008        "id": "Perform a simple check to determine whether a route currently exists or not.",
  3009        "translation": "Perform a simple check to determine whether a route currently exists or not.",
  3010        "modified": false
  3011     },
  3012     {
  3013        "id": "Plan does not exist for the {{.ServiceName}} service",
  3014        "translation": "Plan does not exist for the {{.ServiceName}} service",
  3015        "modified": false
  3016     },
  3017     {
  3018        "id": "Plan {{.ServicePlanName}} cannot be found",
  3019        "translation": "无效的服务计划{{.ServicePlanName}}",
  3020        "modified": false
  3021     },
  3022     {
  3023        "id": "Plan {{.ServicePlanName}} has no service instances to migrate",
  3024        "translation": "服务计划{{.ServicePlanName}}没有服务实例可迁移",
  3025        "modified": false
  3026     },
  3027     {
  3028        "id": "Plan: {{.ServicePlanName}}",
  3029        "translation": "Plan: {{.ServicePlanName}}",
  3030        "modified": false
  3031     },
  3032     {
  3033        "id": "Please choose either allow or disallow. Both flags are not permitted to be passed in the same command.",
  3034        "translation": "Please choose either allow or disallow. Both flags are not permitted to be passed in the same command.",
  3035        "modified": false
  3036     },
  3037     {
  3038        "id": "Please don't",
  3039        "translation": "请不要",
  3040        "modified": false
  3041     },
  3042     {
  3043        "id": "Please log in again",
  3044        "translation": "请重新登录",
  3045        "modified": false
  3046     },
  3047     {
  3048        "id": "Please provide the space within the organization containing the target application",
  3049        "translation": "Please provide the space within the organization containing the target application",
  3050        "modified": false
  3051     },
  3052     {
  3053        "id": "Plugin Name",
  3054        "translation": "Plugin name",
  3055        "modified": true
  3056     },
  3057     {
  3058        "id": "Plugin name {{.PluginName}} does not exist",
  3059        "translation": "Plugin name {{.PluginName}} does not exist",
  3060        "modified": true
  3061     },
  3062     {
  3063        "id": "Plugin name {{.PluginName}} is already taken",
  3064        "translation": "Plugin name {{.PluginName}} is already taken",
  3065        "modified": false
  3066     },
  3067     {
  3068        "id": "Plugin {{.PluginName}} successfully uninstalled.",
  3069        "translation": "Plugin name {{.PluginName}} successfully uninstalled",
  3070        "modified": true
  3071     },
  3072     {
  3073        "id": "Plugin {{.PluginName}} v{{.Version}} successfully installed.",
  3074        "translation": "Plugin {{.PluginName}} successfully installed.",
  3075        "modified": true
  3076     },
  3077     {
  3078        "id": "Print API request diagnostics to stdout",
  3079        "translation": "打印API请求诊断信息到标准输出",
  3080        "modified": false
  3081     },
  3082     {
  3083        "id": "Print out a list of files in a directory or the contents of a specific file",
  3084        "translation": "打印目录下的文件清单,或者特定文件的内容",
  3085        "modified": false
  3086     },
  3087     {
  3088        "id": "Print the version",
  3089        "translation": "打印版本号",
  3090        "modified": false
  3091     },
  3092     {
  3093        "id": "Problem removing downloaded binary in temp directory: ",
  3094        "translation": "Problem removing downloaded binary in temp directory: ",
  3095        "modified": false
  3096     },
  3097     {
  3098        "id": "Property '{{.PropertyName}}' found in manifest. This feature is no longer supported. Please remove it and try again.",
  3099        "translation": "清单中有'{{.PropertyName}}'。不再支持此功能。请删除它,再试一次",
  3100        "modified": false
  3101     },
  3102     {
  3103        "id": "Provider",
  3104        "translation": "提供者",
  3105        "modified": false
  3106     },
  3107     {
  3108        "id": "Purging service {{.ServiceName}}...",
  3109        "translation": "清理服务{{.ServiceName}}...",
  3110        "modified": false
  3111     },
  3112     {
  3113        "id": "Push a new app or sync changes to an existing app",
  3114        "translation": "部署新的应用程序或同步更改已存在的应用程序",
  3115        "modified": false
  3116     },
  3117     {
  3118        "id": "Push a single app (with or without a manifest):\n",
  3119        "translation": "部署单一应用程序(带或不带部署描述文件):\n",
  3120        "modified": false
  3121     },
  3122     {
  3123        "id": "Quota Definition {{.QuotaName}} already exists",
  3124        "translation": "Quota Definition {{.QuotaName}} already exists",
  3125        "modified": false
  3126     },
  3127     {
  3128        "id": "Quota to assign to the newly created org (excluding this option results in assignment of default quota)",
  3129        "translation": "Quota to assign to the newly created org (excluding this option results in assignment of default quota)",
  3130        "modified": false
  3131     },
  3132     {
  3133        "id": "Quota to assign to the newly created space (excluding this option results in assignment of default quota)",
  3134        "translation": "Quota to assign to the newly created space (excluding this option results in assignment of default quota)",
  3135        "modified": false
  3136     },
  3137     {
  3138        "id": "Quota {{.QuotaName}} does not exist",
  3139        "translation": "Quota {{.QuotaName}} does not exist",
  3140        "modified": false
  3141     },
  3142     {
  3143        "id": "REQUEST:",
  3144        "translation": "请求:",
  3145        "modified": false
  3146     },
  3147     {
  3148        "id": "RESPONSE:",
  3149        "translation": "响应:",
  3150        "modified": false
  3151     },
  3152     {
  3153        "id": "ROLES:\n",
  3154        "translation": "角色:\n",
  3155        "modified": false
  3156     },
  3157     {
  3158        "id": "ROUTES",
  3159        "translation": "路由",
  3160        "modified": false
  3161     },
  3162     {
  3163        "id": "Really delete orphaned routes?{{.Prompt}}",
  3164        "translation": "Really delete orphaned routes?{{.Prompt}}",
  3165        "modified": false
  3166     },
  3167     {
  3168        "id": "Really delete the {{.ModelType}} {{.ModelName}} and everything associated with it?",
  3169        "translation": "确定删除{{.ModelType}} {{.ModelName}}以及所有相关数据和文件?",
  3170        "modified": false
  3171     },
  3172     {
  3173        "id": "Really delete the {{.ModelType}} {{.ModelName}}?",
  3174        "translation": "确定删除{{.ModelType}} {{.ModelName}}?",
  3175        "modified": false
  3176     },
  3177     {
  3178        "id": "Really migrate {{.ServiceInstanceDescription}} from plan {{.OldServicePlanName}} to {{.NewServicePlanName}}?\u003e",
  3179        "translation": "您确定要将服务{{.ServiceInstanceDescription}}从服务计划{{.OldServicePlanName}}迁移到计划{{.NewServicePlanName}}?\u003e",
  3180        "modified": false
  3181     },
  3182     {
  3183        "id": "Really purge service offering {{.ServiceName}} from Cloud Foundry?",
  3184        "translation": "确定要从Cloud Foundry的清理服务{{.ServiceName}}吗?",
  3185        "modified": false
  3186     },
  3187     {
  3188        "id": "Received invalid SSL certificate from ",
  3189        "translation": "接收到无效的SSL证书, 从: ",
  3190        "modified": false
  3191     },
  3192     {
  3193        "id": "Recursively remove a service and child objects from Cloud Foundry database without making requests to a service broker",
  3194        "translation": "不经过请求服务令牌,递归地从Cloud Foundry的数据库中删除一个服务对象和子对象",
  3195        "modified": false
  3196     },
  3197     {
  3198        "id": "Remove a space role from a user",
  3199        "translation": "删除用户在空间中的角色",
  3200        "modified": false
  3201     },
  3202     {
  3203        "id": "Remove a url route from an app",
  3204        "translation": "Remove a url route from an app",
  3205        "modified": false
  3206     },
  3207     {
  3208        "id": "Remove all api endpoint targeting",
  3209        "translation": "Remove all api endpoint targeting",
  3210        "modified": false
  3211     },
  3212     {
  3213        "id": "Remove an env variable",
  3214        "translation": "删除一个环境变量",
  3215        "modified": false
  3216     },
  3217     {
  3218        "id": "Remove an org role from a user",
  3219        "translation": "删除用户在组织中的角色",
  3220        "modified": false
  3221     },
  3222     {
  3223        "id": "Removing env variable {{.VarName}} from app {{.AppName}} in org {{.OrgName}} / space {{.SpaceName}} as {{.CurrentUser}}...",
  3224        "translation": "用户{{.CurrentUser}}删除组织{{.OrgName}}/空间{{.SpaceName}}中应用程序{{.AppName}}的环境变量{{.VarName}}...",
  3225        "modified": false
  3226     },
  3227     {
  3228        "id": "Removing role {{.Role}} from user {{.TargetUser}} in org {{.TargetOrg}} / space {{.TargetSpace}} as {{.CurrentUser}}...",
  3229        "translation": "删除角色:用户{{.CurrentUser}}在组织{{.TargetOrg}}或者空间{{.TargetSpace}}中删除用户{{.TargetUser}}的角色{{.Role}}...",
  3230        "modified": false
  3231     },
  3232     {
  3233        "id": "Removing role {{.Role}} from user {{.TargetUser}} in org {{.TargetOrg}} as {{.CurrentUser}}...",
  3234        "translation": "删除角色:用户{{.CurrentUser}}在组织中{{.TargetOrg}}中删除用户{{.TargetUser}}的角色{{.Role}}...",
  3235        "modified": false
  3236     },
  3237     {
  3238        "id": "Removing route {{.URL}} from app {{.AppName}} in org {{.OrgName}} / space {{.SpaceName}} as {{.Username}}...",
  3239        "translation": "Removing route {{.URL}} from app {{.AppName}} in org {{.OrgName}} / space {{.SpaceName}} as {{.Username}}...",
  3240        "modified": false
  3241     },
  3242     {
  3243        "id": "Removing route {{.URL}}...",
  3244        "translation": "删除路由 {{.URL}}...",
  3245        "modified": false
  3246     },
  3247     {
  3248        "id": "Rename a buildpack",
  3249        "translation": "重命名buildpack",
  3250        "modified": false
  3251     },
  3252     {
  3253        "id": "Rename a service broker",
  3254        "translation": "Rename a service broker",
  3255        "modified": false
  3256     },
  3257     {
  3258        "id": "Rename a service instance",
  3259        "translation": "重命名服务实例",
  3260        "modified": false
  3261     },
  3262     {
  3263        "id": "Rename a space",
  3264        "translation": "重命名空间",
  3265        "modified": false
  3266     },
  3267     {
  3268        "id": "Rename an app",
  3269        "translation": "重命名一个应用程序",
  3270        "modified": false
  3271     },
  3272     {
  3273        "id": "Rename an org",
  3274        "translation": "重命名一个组织",
  3275        "modified": false
  3276     },
  3277     {
  3278        "id": "Renaming app {{.AppName}} to {{.NewName}} in org {{.OrgName}} / space {{.SpaceName}} as {{.Username}}...",
  3279        "translation": "用户{{.Username}}将组织{{.OrgName}} /空间{{.SpaceName}}中的应用程序{{.AppName}}重命名为{{.NewName}}...",
  3280        "modified": false
  3281     },
  3282     {
  3283        "id": "Renaming buildpack {{.OldBuildpackName}} to {{.NewBuildpackName}}...",
  3284        "translation": "重命名 buildpack {{.OldBuildpackName}} 到 {{.NewBuildpackName}}...",
  3285        "modified": false
  3286     },
  3287     {
  3288        "id": "Renaming org {{.OrgName}} to {{.NewName}} as {{.Username}}...",
  3289        "translation": "重命名组织{{.OrgName}}到{{.NewName}}为用户{{.Username}}...",
  3290        "modified": false
  3291     },
  3292     {
  3293        "id": "Renaming service broker {{.OldName}} to {{.NewName}} as {{.Username}}",
  3294        "translation": "Renaming service broker {{.OldName}} to {{.NewName}} as {{.Username}}",
  3295        "modified": false
  3296     },
  3297     {
  3298        "id": "Renaming service {{.ServiceName}} to {{.NewServiceName}} in org {{.OrgName}} / space {{.SpaceName}} as {{.CurrentUser}}...",
  3299        "translation": "将服务{{.ServiceName}}重命名为{{.NewServiceName}},该服务属于组织{{.OrgName}} /空间{{.SpaceName}}的{{.CurrentUser}}用户...",
  3300        "modified": false
  3301     },
  3302     {
  3303        "id": "Renaming space {{.OldSpaceName}} to {{.NewSpaceName}} in org {{.OrgName}} as {{.CurrentUser}}...",
  3304        "translation": "重命名空间:用户{{.CurrentUser}}在组织{{.OrgName}}中将{{.OldSpaceName}}重命名为{{.NewSpaceName}}...",
  3305        "modified": false
  3306     },
  3307     {
  3308        "id": "Restage an app",
  3309        "translation": "重新装载一个应用程序",
  3310        "modified": false
  3311     },
  3312     {
  3313        "id": "Restaging app {{.AppName}} in org {{.OrgName}} / space {{.SpaceName}} as {{.CurrentUser}}...",
  3314        "translation": "用户{{.CurrentUser}},在组织{{.OrgName}}/空间{{.SpaceName}}中restaging 应用程序{{.AppName}}...",
  3315        "modified": false
  3316     },
  3317     {
  3318        "id": "Restart an app",
  3319        "translation": "重新启动一个应用程序",
  3320        "modified": false
  3321     },
  3322     {
  3323        "id": "Restarting instance {{.Instance}} of application {{.AppName}} as {{.Username}}",
  3324        "translation": "Restarting instance {{.Instance}} of application {{.AppName}} as {{.Username}}",
  3325        "modified": false
  3326     },
  3327     {
  3328        "id": "Retrieve an individual feature flag with status",
  3329        "translation": "Retrieve an individual feature flag with status",
  3330        "modified": false
  3331     },
  3332     {
  3333        "id": "Retrieve and display the OAuth token for the current session",
  3334        "translation": "Retrieve and display the OAuth token for the current session",
  3335        "modified": false
  3336     },
  3337     {
  3338        "id": "Retrieve and display the given app's guid.  All other health and status output for the app is suppressed.",
  3339        "translation": "Retrieve and display the given app's guid.  All other health and status output for the app is suppressed.",
  3340        "modified": false
  3341     },
  3342     {
  3343        "id": "Retrieve and display the given org's guid.  All other output for the org is suppressed.",
  3344        "translation": "Retrieve and display the given org's guid.  All other output for the org is suppressed.",
  3345        "modified": false
  3346     },
  3347     {
  3348        "id": "Retrieve and display the given service's guid.  All other output for the service is suppressed.",
  3349        "translation": "Retrieve and display the given service's guid.  All other output for the service is suppressed.",
  3350        "modified": false
  3351     },
  3352     {
  3353        "id": "Retrieve and display the given space's guid.  All other output for the space is suppressed.",
  3354        "translation": "Retrieve and display the given space's guid.  All other output for the space is suppressed.",
  3355        "modified": false
  3356     },
  3357     {
  3358        "id": "Retrieve list of feature flags with status of each flag-able feature",
  3359        "translation": "Retrieve list of feature flags with status of each flag-able feature",
  3360        "modified": false
  3361     },
  3362     {
  3363        "id": "Retrieve the contents of the running environment variable group",
  3364        "translation": "Retrieve the contents of the running environment variable group",
  3365        "modified": false
  3366     },
  3367     {
  3368        "id": "Retrieve the contents of the staging environment variable group",
  3369        "translation": "Retrieve the contents of the staging environment variable group",
  3370        "modified": false
  3371     },
  3372     {
  3373        "id": "Retrieving status of all flagged features as {{.Username}}...",
  3374        "translation": "Retrieving status of all flagged features as {{.Username}}...",
  3375        "modified": false
  3376     },
  3377     {
  3378        "id": "Retrieving status of {{.FeatureFlag}} as {{.Username}}...",
  3379        "translation": "Retrieving status of {{.FeatureFlag}} as {{.Username}}...",
  3380        "modified": false
  3381     },
  3382     {
  3383        "id": "Retrieving the contents of the running environment variable group as {{.Username}}...",
  3384        "translation": "Retrieving the contents of the running environment variable group as {{.Username}}...",
  3385        "modified": false
  3386     },
  3387     {
  3388        "id": "Retrieving the contents of the staging environment variable group as {{.Username}}...",
  3389        "translation": "Retrieving the contents of the staging environment variable group as {{.Username}}...",
  3390        "modified": false
  3391     },
  3392     {
  3393        "id": "Route {{.HostName}}.{{.DomainName}} does exist",
  3394        "translation": "Route {{.HostName}}.{{.DomainName}} does exist",
  3395        "modified": false
  3396     },
  3397     {
  3398        "id": "Route {{.HostName}}.{{.DomainName}} does not exist",
  3399        "translation": "Route {{.HostName}}.{{.DomainName}} does not exist",
  3400        "modified": false
  3401     },
  3402     {
  3403        "id": "Route {{.URL}} already exists",
  3404        "translation": "Route {{.URL}} already exists",
  3405        "modified": false
  3406     },
  3407     {
  3408        "id": "Routes",
  3409        "translation": "Routes",
  3410        "modified": false
  3411     },
  3412     {
  3413        "id": "Rules",
  3414        "translation": "Rules",
  3415        "modified": false
  3416     },
  3417     {
  3418        "id": "Running Environment Variable Groups:",
  3419        "translation": "Running Environment Variable Groups:",
  3420        "modified": false
  3421     },
  3422     {
  3423        "id": "SECURITY GROUP",
  3424        "translation": "SECURITY GROUP",
  3425        "modified": false
  3426     },
  3427     {
  3428        "id": "SERVICE ADMIN",
  3429        "translation": "服务管理员",
  3430        "modified": false
  3431     },
  3432     {
  3433        "id": "SERVICES",
  3434        "translation": "服务",
  3435        "modified": false
  3436     },
  3437     {
  3438        "id": "SPACE ADMIN",
  3439        "translation": "SPACE ADMIN",
  3440        "modified": false
  3441     },
  3442     {
  3443        "id": "SPACE AUDITOR",
  3444        "translation": "空间审计",
  3445        "modified": false
  3446     },
  3447     {
  3448        "id": "SPACE DEVELOPER",
  3449        "translation": "空间开发者",
  3450        "modified": false
  3451     },
  3452     {
  3453        "id": "SPACE MANAGER",
  3454        "translation": "空间管理者",
  3455        "modified": false
  3456     },
  3457     {
  3458        "id": "SPACES",
  3459        "translation": "空间",
  3460        "modified": false
  3461     },
  3462     {
  3463        "id": "Scaling app {{.AppName}} in org {{.OrgName}} / space {{.SpaceName}} as {{.CurrentUser}}...",
  3464        "translation": "用户{{.CurrentUser}}伸缩组织{{.OrgName}}/空间{{.SpaceName}}中的应用程序{{.AppName}}...",
  3465        "modified": false
  3466     },
  3467     {
  3468        "id": "Security Groups:",
  3469        "translation": "安全组:",
  3470        "modified": false
  3471     },
  3472     {
  3473        "id": "Security group {{.security_group}} does not exist",
  3474        "translation": "Security group {{.security_group}} does not exist",
  3475        "modified": false
  3476     },
  3477     {
  3478        "id": "Security group {{.security_group}} {{.error_message}}",
  3479        "translation": "Security group {{.security_group}} {{.error_message}}",
  3480        "modified": false
  3481     },
  3482     {
  3483        "id": "Select a space (or press enter to skip):",
  3484        "translation": "选择一个空间(或按回车继续):",
  3485        "modified": false
  3486     },
  3487     {
  3488        "id": "Select an org (or press enter to skip):",
  3489        "translation": "选择一个组织(或按回车继续):",
  3490        "modified": false
  3491     },
  3492     {
  3493        "id": "Server error, status code: 403: Access is denied.  You do not have privileges to execute this command.",
  3494        "translation": "Server error, status code: 403: Access is denied.  You do not have privileges to execute this command.",
  3495        "modified": false
  3496     },
  3497     {
  3498        "id": "Server error, status code: {{.ErrStatusCode}}, error code: {{.ErrApiErrorCode}}, message: {{.ErrDescription}}",
  3499        "translation": "服务器错误,状态代码: {{.ErrStatusCode}}, 错误代码: {{.ErrApiErrorCode}}, 信息: {{.ErrDescription}}",
  3500        "modified": false
  3501     },
  3502     {
  3503        "id": "Service Auth Token {{.Label}} {{.Provider}} does not exist.",
  3504        "translation": "Service Auth Token {{.Label}} {{.Provider}} does not exist.",
  3505        "modified": false
  3506     },
  3507     {
  3508        "id": "Service Broker {{.Name}} does not exist.",
  3509        "translation": "Service Broker {{.Name}} does not exist.",
  3510        "modified": false
  3511     },
  3512     {
  3513        "id": "Service Instance is not user provided",
  3514        "translation": "不是用户定义的服务实例",
  3515        "modified": false
  3516     },
  3517     {
  3518        "id": "Service instance: {{.ServiceName}}",
  3519        "translation": "服务实例: {{.ServiceName}}",
  3520        "modified": false
  3521     },
  3522     {
  3523        "id": "Service offering does not exist\nTIP: If you are trying to purge a v1 service offering, you must set the -p flag.",
  3524        "translation": "服务不存在\n小贴士: 如果你想清理一个v1的服务,请设置-p参数。",
  3525        "modified": false
  3526     },
  3527     {
  3528        "id": "Service offering not found",
  3529        "translation": "Service offering not found",
  3530        "modified": false
  3531     },
  3532     {
  3533        "id": "Service {{.ServiceName}} does not exist.",
  3534        "translation": "服务{{.ServiceName}}不存在",
  3535        "modified": false
  3536     },
  3537     {
  3538        "id": "Service: {{.ServiceDescription}}",
  3539        "translation": "服务描述: {{.ServiceDescription}}",
  3540        "modified": false
  3541     },
  3542     {
  3543        "id": "Services",
  3544        "translation": "Services",
  3545        "modified": false
  3546     },
  3547     {
  3548        "id": "Services:",
  3549        "translation": "服务:",
  3550        "modified": false
  3551     },
  3552     {
  3553        "id": "Set an env variable for an app",
  3554        "translation": "为一个应用程序设置环境变量",
  3555        "modified": false
  3556     },
  3557     {
  3558        "id": "Set or view target api url",
  3559        "translation": "设置或查看指定的API网络地址",
  3560        "modified": false
  3561     },
  3562     {
  3563        "id": "Set or view the targeted org or space",
  3564        "translation": "设置或查看指定的组织或空间",
  3565        "modified": false
  3566     },
  3567     {
  3568        "id": "Setting api endpoint to {{.Endpoint}}...",
  3569        "translation": "将API终端设置为 {{.Endpoint}}...",
  3570        "modified": false
  3571     },
  3572     {
  3573        "id": "Setting env variable '{{.VarName}}' to '{{.VarValue}}' for app {{.AppName}} in org {{.OrgName}} / space {{.SpaceName}} as {{.CurrentUser}}...",
  3574        "translation": "作为用户{{.CurrentUser}}设置组织{{.OrgName}}/空间{{.SpaceName}}中的应用程序{{.AppName}}的环境变量'{{.VarName}}'为'{{.VarValue}}'...",
  3575        "modified": false
  3576     },
  3577     {
  3578        "id": "Setting quota {{.QuotaName}} to org {{.OrgName}} as {{.Username}}...",
  3579        "translation": "用户{{.Username}}为组织{{.OrgName}}设置配额{{.QuotaName}}...",
  3580        "modified": false
  3581     },
  3582     {
  3583        "id": "Setting status of {{.FeatureFlag}} as {{.Username}}...",
  3584        "translation": "Setting status of {{.FeatureFlag}} as {{.Username}}...",
  3585        "modified": false
  3586     },
  3587     {
  3588        "id": "Setting the contents of the running environment variable group as {{.Username}}...",
  3589        "translation": "Setting the contents of the running environment variable group as {{.Username}}...",
  3590        "modified": false
  3591     },
  3592     {
  3593        "id": "Setting the contents of the staging environment variable group as {{.Username}}...",
  3594        "translation": "Setting the contents of the staging environment variable group as {{.Username}}...",
  3595        "modified": false
  3596     },
  3597     {
  3598        "id": "Show a single security group",
  3599        "translation": "Show a single security group",
  3600        "modified": false
  3601     },
  3602     {
  3603        "id": "Show all env variables for an app",
  3604        "translation": "显示应用程序所有环境变量",
  3605        "modified": false
  3606     },
  3607     {
  3608        "id": "Show help",
  3609        "translation": "显示帮助",
  3610        "modified": false
  3611     },
  3612     {
  3613        "id": "Show org info",
  3614        "translation": "展示组织信息",
  3615        "modified": false
  3616     },
  3617     {
  3618        "id": "Show org users by role",
  3619        "translation": "通过角色展现组织的用户",
  3620        "modified": false
  3621     },
  3622     {
  3623        "id": "Show plan details for a particular service offering",
  3624        "translation": "Show plan details for a particular service offering",
  3625        "modified": false
  3626     },
  3627     {
  3628        "id": "Show quota info",
  3629        "translation": "Show quota info",
  3630        "modified": false
  3631     },
  3632     {
  3633        "id": "Show recent app events",
  3634        "translation": "显示应用程序最近的事件",
  3635        "modified": false
  3636     },
  3637     {
  3638        "id": "Show service instance info",
  3639        "translation": "显示服务实例的信息",
  3640        "modified": false
  3641     },
  3642     {
  3643        "id": "Show space info",
  3644        "translation": "显示空间信息",
  3645        "modified": false
  3646     },
  3647     {
  3648        "id": "Show space quota info",
  3649        "translation": "Show space quota info",
  3650        "modified": false
  3651     },
  3652     {
  3653        "id": "Show space users by role",
  3654        "translation": "通过角色展现空间的用户",
  3655        "modified": false
  3656     },
  3657     {
  3658        "id": "Showing current scale of app {{.AppName}} in org {{.OrgName}} / space {{.SpaceName}} as {{.CurrentUser}}...",
  3659        "translation": "用户{{.CurrentUser}}显示组织{{.OrgName}}/空间{{.SpaceName}}中应用程序{{.AppName}}的实例数 ...",
  3660        "modified": false
  3661     },
  3662     {
  3663        "id": "Showing health and status for app {{.AppName}} in org {{.OrgName}} / space {{.SpaceName}} as {{.Username}}...",
  3664        "translation": "作为用户{{.Username}}显示组织{{.OrgName}}/空间{{.SpaceName}}应用程序{{.AppName}}的健康状态...",
  3665        "modified": false
  3666     },
  3667     {
  3668        "id": "Space",
  3669        "translation": "Space",
  3670        "modified": false
  3671     },
  3672     {
  3673        "id": "Space Quota Definition {{.QuotaName}} already exists",
  3674        "translation": "Space Quota Definition {{.QuotaName}} already exists",
  3675        "modified": false
  3676     },
  3677     {
  3678        "id": "Space Quota:",
  3679        "translation": "Space Quota:",
  3680        "modified": false
  3681     },
  3682     {
  3683        "id": "Space that contains the target application",
  3684        "translation": "Space that contains the target application",
  3685        "modified": false
  3686     },
  3687     {
  3688        "id": "Space {{.SpaceName}} already exists",
  3689        "translation": "空间{{.SpaceName}}已经存在",
  3690        "modified": false
  3691     },
  3692     {
  3693        "id": "Space:",
  3694        "translation": "空间:",
  3695        "modified": false
  3696     },
  3697     {
  3698        "id": "Specify a path for file creation. If path not specified, manifest file is created in current working directory.",
  3699        "translation": "Specify a path for file creation.  If path not specified, file is create in root directory of the application source code.",
  3700        "modified": true
  3701     },
  3702     {
  3703        "id": "Stack to use (a stack is a pre-built file system, including an operating system, that can run apps)",
  3704        "translation": "堆栈使用(堆栈是一个预先构建的文件系统,包括一个操作系统,可以用来运行应用程序)",
  3705        "modified": false
  3706     },
  3707     {
  3708        "id": "Staging Environment Variable Groups:",
  3709        "translation": "Staging Environment Variable Groups:",
  3710        "modified": false
  3711     },
  3712     {
  3713        "id": "Start an app",
  3714        "translation": "启动应用程序",
  3715        "modified": false
  3716     },
  3717     {
  3718        "id": "Start app timeout\n\nTIP: use '{{.Command}}' for more information",
  3719        "translation": "启动应用程序超时\n\n小贴士: 使用'{{.Command}}'以获取更多信息",
  3720        "modified": false
  3721     },
  3722     {
  3723        "id": "Start unsuccessful\n\nTIP: use '{{.Command}}' for more information",
  3724        "translation": "启动不成功\n\n小贴士: 使用'{{.Command}}'以获取更多信息",
  3725        "modified": false
  3726     },
  3727     {
  3728        "id": "Starting app {{.AppName}} in org {{.OrgName}} / space {{.SpaceName}} as {{.CurrentUser}}...",
  3729        "translation": "作为用户{{.CurrentUser}}启动组织{{.OrgName}}/空间{{.SpaceName}}中的应用程序{{.AppName}}...",
  3730        "modified": false
  3731     },
  3732     {
  3733        "id": "Startup command, set to null to reset to default start command",
  3734        "translation": "启动命令,设置为null可以重置为默认启动命令",
  3735        "modified": false
  3736     },
  3737     {
  3738        "id": "State",
  3739        "translation": "State",
  3740        "modified": false
  3741     },
  3742     {
  3743        "id": "Status: {{.Status}}",
  3744        "translation": "Status: {{.Status}}",
  3745        "modified": false
  3746     },
  3747     {
  3748        "id": "Stop an app",
  3749        "translation": "停止一个应用程序",
  3750        "modified": false
  3751     },
  3752     {
  3753        "id": "Stopping app {{.AppName}} in org {{.OrgName}} / space {{.SpaceName}} as {{.CurrentUser}}...",
  3754        "translation": "作为用户{{.CurrentUser}}停止组织{{.OrgName}}中/空间{{.SpaceName}}中的应用程序{{.AppName}}...",
  3755        "modified": false
  3756     },
  3757     {
  3758        "id": "Syslog Drain Url",
  3759        "translation": "Syslog转发地址",
  3760        "modified": false
  3761     },
  3762     {
  3763        "id": "System-Provided:",
  3764        "translation": "系统提供的:",
  3765        "modified": false
  3766     },
  3767     {
  3768        "id": "TIP:\n",
  3769        "translation": "小贴士:\n",
  3770        "modified": false
  3771     },
  3772     {
  3773        "id": "TIP: Changes will not apply to existing running applications until they are restarted.",
  3774        "translation": "TIP: Changes will not apply to existing running applications until they are restarted.",
  3775        "modified": false
  3776     },
  3777     {
  3778        "id": "TIP: No space targeted, use '{{.CfTargetCommand}}' to target a space",
  3779        "translation": "小贴士: 没有指定空间,使用'{{.CfTargetCommand}}'指定空间",
  3780        "modified": false
  3781     },
  3782     {
  3783        "id": "TIP: To make these changes take effect, use '{{.CFUnbindCommand}}' to unbind the service, '{{.CFBindComand}}' to rebind, and then '{{.CFRestageCommand}}' to update the app with the new env variables",
  3784        "translation": "小贴士: 为了使这些更改生效, 使用'{{.CFUnbindCommand}}解除绑定的服务,使用'{{.CFBindComand}}重新绑定服务,然后使用'{{.CFRestageCommand}}'更新应用使环境变量生效。",
  3785        "modified": false
  3786     },
  3787     {
  3788        "id": "TIP: Use '{{.ApiCommand}}' to continue with an insecure API endpoint",
  3789        "translation": "小贴士: 使用'{{.ApiCommand}}'继续非安全的API终端访问",
  3790        "modified": false
  3791     },
  3792     {
  3793        "id": "TIP: Use '{{.CFCommand}}' to ensure your env variable changes take effect",
  3794        "translation": "小贴士: 使用'{{.CFCommand}}',来确保您的环境变量更改生效",
  3795        "modified": false
  3796     },
  3797     {
  3798        "id": "TIP: Use '{{.Command}}' to ensure your env variable changes take effect",
  3799        "translation": "小贴士: 使用'{{.Command}}'来确保你的环境变量更改生效",
  3800        "modified": false
  3801     },
  3802     {
  3803        "id": "TIP: use '{{.CfUpdateBuildpackCommand}}' to update this buildpack",
  3804        "translation": "小贴士: 使用'{{.CfUpdateBuildpackCommand}}' 来更新此buildpack",
  3805        "modified": false
  3806     },
  3807     {
  3808        "id": "Tail or show recent logs for an app",
  3809        "translation": "获取一个应用程序尾部信息或最近的日志",
  3810        "modified": false
  3811     },
  3812     {
  3813        "id": "Targeted org {{.OrgName}}\n",
  3814        "translation": "已选择组织 {{.OrgName}}\n",
  3815        "modified": false
  3816     },
  3817     {
  3818        "id": "Targeted space {{.SpaceName}}\n",
  3819        "translation": "已选择空间 {{.SpaceName}}\n",
  3820        "modified": false
  3821     },
  3822     {
  3823        "id": "Terminate the running application Instance at the given index and instantiate a new instance of the application with the same index",
  3824        "translation": "Terminate the running application Instance at the given index and instantiate a new instance of the application with the same index",
  3825        "modified": false
  3826     },
  3827     {
  3828        "id": "The file {{.PluginExecutableName}} already exists under the plugin directory.\n",
  3829        "translation": "The file {{.PluginExecutableName}} already exists under the plugin directory.\n",
  3830        "modified": false
  3831     },
  3832     {
  3833        "id": "The order in which the buildpacks are checked during buildpack auto-detection",
  3834        "translation": "其中buildpack buildpacks位置",
  3835        "modified": true
  3836     },
  3837     {
  3838        "id": "The plan is already accessible for all orgs",
  3839        "translation": "The plan is already accessible for all orgs",
  3840        "modified": false
  3841     },
  3842     {
  3843        "id": "The plan is already accessible for this org",
  3844        "translation": "The plan is already accessible for this org",
  3845        "modified": false
  3846     },
  3847     {
  3848        "id": "The plan is already inaccessible for all orgs",
  3849        "translation": "The plan {{.PlanName}} of service {{.ServiceName}} is already accessible for all orgs and no action has been taken at this time.",
  3850        "modified": true
  3851     },
  3852     {
  3853        "id": "The plan is already inaccessible for this org",
  3854        "translation": "The plan {{.PlanName}} of service {{.ServiceName}} is already inaccessible for all orgs",
  3855        "modified": true
  3856     },
  3857     {
  3858        "id": "The route {{.URL}} is already in use.\nTIP: Change the hostname with -n HOSTNAME or use --random-route to generate a new route and then push again.",
  3859        "translation": "路由 {{.URL}} 已被占用\n小贴士: 请使用-n HOSTNAME 命令行改变主机名称,或使用--random-route命令生成一个新路由,然后重新使用push命令",
  3860        "modified": false
  3861     },
  3862     {
  3863        "id": "There are no running instances of this app.",
  3864        "translation": "这个程序没有正在运行的实例",
  3865        "modified": false
  3866     },
  3867     {
  3868        "id": "There are too many options to display, please type in the name.",
  3869        "translation": "内容太多,无法显示,请输入名称",
  3870        "modified": false
  3871     },
  3872     {
  3873        "id": "This domain is shared across all orgs.\nDeleting it will remove all associated routes, and will make any app with this domain unreachable.\nAre you sure you want to delete the domain {{.DomainName}}? ",
  3874        "translation": "This domain is shared across all orgs.\nDeleting it will remove all associated routes, and will make any app with this domain unreachable.\nAre you sure you want to delete the domain {{.DomainName}}? ",
  3875        "modified": false
  3876     },
  3877     {
  3878        "id": "This space already has an assigned space quota.",
  3879        "translation": "This space already has an assigned space quota.",
  3880        "modified": false
  3881     },
  3882     {
  3883        "id": "This will cause the app to restart. Are you sure you want to scale {{.AppName}}?",
  3884        "translation": "这将导致应用程序重新启动。您确定要伸缩{{.AppName}}?",
  3885        "modified": false
  3886     },
  3887     {
  3888        "id": "Timeout for async HTTP requests",
  3889        "translation": "异步HTTP请求超时",
  3890        "modified": false
  3891     },
  3892     {
  3893        "id": "To use the {{.CommandName}} feature, you need to upgrade the CF API to at least {{.MinApiVersionMajor}}.{{.MinApiVersionMinor}}.{{.MinApiVersionPatch}}",
  3894        "translation": "To use the {{.CommandName}} feature, you need to upgrade the CF API to at least {{.MinApiVersionMajor}}.{{.MinApiVersionMinor}}.{{.MinApiVersionPatch}}",
  3895        "modified": false
  3896     },
  3897     {
  3898        "id": "Total Memory",
  3899        "translation": "Memory",
  3900        "modified": true
  3901     },
  3902     {
  3903        "id": "Total amount of memory (e.g. 1024M, 1G, 10G)",
  3904        "translation": "Total amount of memory (e.g. 1024M, 1G, 10G)",
  3905        "modified": false
  3906     },
  3907     {
  3908        "id": "Total amount of memory a space can have (e.g. 1024M, 1G, 10G)",
  3909        "translation": "Total amount of memory a space can have(e.g. 1024M, 1G, 10G)",
  3910        "modified": true
  3911     },
  3912     {
  3913        "id": "Total number of routes",
  3914        "translation": "Total number of routes",
  3915        "modified": false
  3916     },
  3917     {
  3918        "id": "Total number of service instances",
  3919        "translation": "Total number of service instances",
  3920        "modified": false
  3921     },
  3922     {
  3923        "id": "Trace HTTP requests",
  3924        "translation": "跟踪HTTP请求",
  3925        "modified": false
  3926     },
  3927     {
  3928        "id": "UAA endpoint missing from config file",
  3929        "translation": "配置文件中没有UAA API地址信息",
  3930        "modified": false
  3931     },
  3932     {
  3933        "id": "USAGE:",
  3934        "translation": "用法:",
  3935        "modified": false
  3936     },
  3937     {
  3938        "id": "USER ADMIN",
  3939        "translation": "用户管理员",
  3940        "modified": false
  3941     },
  3942     {
  3943        "id": "USERS",
  3944        "translation": "用户",
  3945        "modified": false
  3946     },
  3947     {
  3948        "id": "Unable to access space {{.SpaceName}}.\n{{.ApiErr}}",
  3949        "translation": "无法访问空间{{.SpaceName}},\n错误: {{.ApiErr}}",
  3950        "modified": false
  3951     },
  3952     {
  3953        "id": "Unable to authenticate.",
  3954        "translation": "无法验证.",
  3955        "modified": false
  3956     },
  3957     {
  3958        "id": "Unable to delete, route '{{.URL}}' does not exist.",
  3959        "translation": "Unable to delete, route '{{.URL}}' does not exist.",
  3960        "modified": false
  3961     },
  3962     {
  3963        "id": "Unable to obtain plugin name for executable {{.Executable}}",
  3964        "translation": "Unable to obtain plugin name for executable {{.Executable}}",
  3965        "modified": false
  3966     },
  3967     {
  3968        "id": "Unassign a quota from a space",
  3969        "translation": "Unassign a quota from a space",
  3970        "modified": false
  3971     },
  3972     {
  3973        "id": "Unassigning space quota {{.QuotaName}} from space {{.SpaceName}} as {{.Username}}...",
  3974        "translation": "Unassigning space quota {{.QuotaName}} from space {{.SpaceName}} as {{.Username}}...",
  3975        "modified": false
  3976     },
  3977     {
  3978        "id": "Unbind a security group from a space",
  3979        "translation": "Unbind a security group from a space",
  3980        "modified": false
  3981     },
  3982     {
  3983        "id": "Unbind a security group from the set of security groups for running applications",
  3984        "translation": "Unbind a security group from the set of security groups for running applications",
  3985        "modified": false
  3986     },
  3987     {
  3988        "id": "Unbind a security group from the set of security groups for staging applications",
  3989        "translation": "Unbind a security group from the set of security groups for staging applications",
  3990        "modified": false
  3991     },
  3992     {
  3993        "id": "Unbind a service instance from an app",
  3994        "translation": "从一个应用程序解绑一个服务实例",
  3995        "modified": false
  3996     },
  3997     {
  3998        "id": "Unbinding app {{.AppName}} from service {{.ServiceName}} in org {{.OrgName}} / space {{.SpaceName}} as {{.CurrentUser}}...",
  3999        "translation": "用户{{.CurrentUser}}正在将应用程序{{.AppName}}从属于组织{{.OrgName}}/空间{{.SpaceName}}的服务{{.ServiceName}}上解绑...",
  4000        "modified": false
  4001     },
  4002     {
  4003        "id": "Unbinding security group {{.security_group}} from defaults for running as {{.username}}",
  4004        "translation": "Unbinding security group {{.security_group}} from defaults for running as {{.username}}",
  4005        "modified": false
  4006     },
  4007     {
  4008        "id": "Unbinding security group {{.security_group}} from defaults for staging as {{.username}}",
  4009        "translation": "Unbinding security group {{.security_group}} from defaults for staging as {{.username}}",
  4010        "modified": false
  4011     },
  4012     {
  4013        "id": "Unbinding security group {{.security_group}} from {{.organization}}/{{.space}} as {{.username}}",
  4014        "translation": "Unbinding security group {{.security_group}} from {{.organization}}/{{.space}} as {{.username}}",
  4015        "modified": false
  4016     },
  4017     {
  4018        "id": "Unexpected error has occurred:\n{{.Error}}",
  4019        "translation": "Unexpected error has occurred:\n{{.Error}}",
  4020        "modified": false
  4021     },
  4022     {
  4023        "id": "Uninstall the plugin defined in command argument",
  4024        "translation": "PLUGIN-NAME - Uninstall the plugin defined in command argument",
  4025        "modified": true
  4026     },
  4027     {
  4028        "id": "Uninstalling plugin {{.PluginName}}...",
  4029        "translation": "Uninstalling plugin {{.PluginName}}...",
  4030        "modified": false
  4031     },
  4032     {
  4033        "id": "Unknown flag",
  4034        "translation": "Unknown flag",
  4035        "modified": false
  4036     },
  4037     {
  4038        "id": "Unknown flags:",
  4039        "translation": "Unknown flags:",
  4040        "modified": false
  4041     },
  4042     {
  4043        "id": "Unlock the buildpack to enable updates",
  4044        "translation": "解锁buildpack",
  4045        "modified": true
  4046     },
  4047     {
  4048        "id": "Unsetting api endpoint...",
  4049        "translation": "Unsetting api endpoint...",
  4050        "modified": false
  4051     },
  4052     {
  4053        "id": "Update a buildpack",
  4054        "translation": "更新buildpack",
  4055        "modified": false
  4056     },
  4057     {
  4058        "id": "Update a security group",
  4059        "translation": "Update a security group",
  4060        "modified": false
  4061     },
  4062     {
  4063        "id": "Update a service auth token",
  4064        "translation": "Update a service auth token",
  4065        "modified": false
  4066     },
  4067     {
  4068        "id": "Update a service broker",
  4069        "translation": "Update a service broker",
  4070        "modified": false
  4071     },
  4072     {
  4073        "id": "Update a service instance",
  4074        "translation": "Update a service instance",
  4075        "modified": false
  4076     },
  4077     {
  4078        "id": "Update an existing resource quota",
  4079        "translation": "Update an existing resource quota",
  4080        "modified": false
  4081     },
  4082     {
  4083        "id": "Update user-provided service instance name value pairs",
  4084        "translation": "更新用户提供的服务实例名称值对",
  4085        "modified": false
  4086     },
  4087     {
  4088        "id": "Updating app {{.AppName}} in org {{.OrgName}} / space {{.SpaceName}} as {{.Username}}...",
  4089        "translation": "作为用户{{.Username}}更新组织{{.OrgName}}/空间{{.SpaceName}}中的应用程序{{.AppName}}...",
  4090        "modified": false
  4091     },
  4092     {
  4093        "id": "Updating buildpack {{.BuildpackName}}...",
  4094        "translation": "更新buildpack {{.BuildpackName}}...",
  4095        "modified": false
  4096     },
  4097     {
  4098        "id": "Updating quota {{.QuotaName}} as {{.Username}}...",
  4099        "translation": "Updating quota {{.QuotaName}} as {{.Username}}...",
  4100        "modified": false
  4101     },
  4102     {
  4103        "id": "Updating security group {{.security_group}} as {{.username}}",
  4104        "translation": "Updating security group {{.security_group}} as {{.username}}",
  4105        "modified": false
  4106     },
  4107     {
  4108        "id": "Updating service auth token as {{.CurrentUser}}...",
  4109        "translation": "Updating service auth token as {{.CurrentUser}}...",
  4110        "modified": false
  4111     },
  4112     {
  4113        "id": "Updating service broker {{.Name}} as {{.Username}}...",
  4114        "translation": "Updating service broker {{.Name}} as {{.Username}}...",
  4115        "modified": false
  4116     },
  4117     {
  4118        "id": "Updating service instance {{.ServiceName}} as {{.UserName}}...",
  4119        "translation": "Updating service instance {{.ServiceName}} as {{.UserName}}...",
  4120        "modified": false
  4121     },
  4122     {
  4123        "id": "Updating space quota {{.Quota}} as {{.Username}}...",
  4124        "translation": "Updating space quota {{.Quota}} as {{.Username}}...",
  4125        "modified": false
  4126     },
  4127     {
  4128        "id": "Updating user provided service {{.ServiceName}} in org {{.OrgName}} / space {{.SpaceName}} as {{.CurrentUser}}...",
  4129        "translation": "用户{{.CurrentUser}}正在更新属于组织{{.OrgName}}/空间{{.SpaceName}}的由用户提供的服务{{.ServiceName}}...",
  4130        "modified": false
  4131     },
  4132     {
  4133        "id": "Uploading app files from: {{.Path}}",
  4134        "translation": "上传应用程序文件,从: {{.Path}}",
  4135        "modified": false
  4136     },
  4137     {
  4138        "id": "Uploading buildpack {{.BuildpackName}}...",
  4139        "translation": "上传buildpack {{.BuildpackName}}...",
  4140        "modified": false
  4141     },
  4142     {
  4143        "id": "Uploading {{.AppName}}...",
  4144        "translation": "上传应用程序{{.AppName}}...",
  4145        "modified": false
  4146     },
  4147     {
  4148        "id": "Uploading {{.ZipFileBytes}}, {{.FileCount}} files",
  4149        "translation": "上传{{.ZipFileBytes}}, {{.FileCount}}文件",
  4150        "modified": false
  4151     },
  4152     {
  4153        "id": "Use '{{.Name}}' to view or set your target org and space",
  4154        "translation": "使用'{{.Name}}'来查看或设置你选择的组织和空间",
  4155        "modified": false
  4156     },
  4157     {
  4158        "id": "Use a one-time password to login",
  4159        "translation": "使用一次性密码登录",
  4160        "modified": false
  4161     },
  4162     {
  4163        "id": "User {{.TargetUser}} does not exist.",
  4164        "translation": "用户{{.TargetUser}}不存在.",
  4165        "modified": false
  4166     },
  4167     {
  4168        "id": "User-Provided:",
  4169        "translation": "用户提供的:",
  4170        "modified": false
  4171     },
  4172     {
  4173        "id": "User:",
  4174        "translation": "用户:",
  4175        "modified": false
  4176     },
  4177     {
  4178        "id": "Username",
  4179        "translation": "用户名",
  4180        "modified": false
  4181     },
  4182     {
  4183        "id": "Using manifest file {{.Path}}\n",
  4184        "translation": "使用配置文件{{.Path}}\n",
  4185        "modified": false
  4186     },
  4187     {
  4188        "id": "Using route {{.RouteURL}}",
  4189        "translation": "使用路由 {{.RouteURL}}",
  4190        "modified": false
  4191     },
  4192     {
  4193        "id": "Using stack {{.StackName}}...",
  4194        "translation": "使用堆栈{{.StackName}}...",
  4195        "modified": false
  4196     },
  4197     {
  4198        "id": "VERSION:",
  4199        "translation": "版本:",
  4200        "modified": false
  4201     },
  4202     {
  4203        "id": "Variable Name",
  4204        "translation": "Variable Name",
  4205        "modified": false
  4206     },
  4207     {
  4208        "id": "Verify Password",
  4209        "translation": "校验密码",
  4210        "modified": false
  4211     },
  4212     {
  4213        "id": "Version",
  4214        "translation": "Version",
  4215        "modified": false
  4216     },
  4217     {
  4218        "id": "WARNING:\n   Providing your password as a command line option is highly discouraged\n   Your password may be visible to others and may be recorded in your shell history\n\n",
  4219        "translation": "警告:\n   强烈建议不要在命令行参数里指定密码,\n   以防他人读取或通过命令历史记录查找到密码\n\n",
  4220        "modified": false
  4221     },
  4222     {
  4223        "id": "WARNING: This operation assumes that the service broker responsible for this service offering is no longer available, and all service instances have been deleted, leaving orphan records in Cloud Foundry's database. All knowledge of the service will be removed from Cloud Foundry, including service instances and service bindings. No attempt will be made to contact the service broker; running this command without destroying the service broker will cause orphan service instances. After running this command you may want to run either delete-service-auth-token or delete-service-broker to complete the cleanup.",
  4224        "translation": "警告: 此操作认为Service Broker所负责这项服务已经不再可用,所有服务实例已被删除,并且已经在Cloud Foundry的数据库中留下了孤儿记录。该操作执行后Cloud Foundry中所有有关该服务的信息都将被删除,包括服务实例和服务绑定。该操作不会尝试通知Service Brocker;所以在不删除Service Brocker的情况下运行此命令将会遗留孤儿服务实例。故运行此命令后,建议您执行delete-service-auth-token或者delete-service-broker来完成这次清理工作.",
  4225        "modified": false
  4226     },
  4227     {
  4228        "id": "WARNING: This operation is internal to Cloud Foundry; service brokers will not be contacted and resources for service instances will not be altered. The primary use case for this operation is to replace a service broker which implements the v1 Service Broker API with a broker which implements the v2 API by remapping service instances from v1 plans to v2 plans.  We recommend making the v1 plan private or shutting down the v1 broker to prevent additional instances from being created. Once service instances have been migrated, the v1 services and plans can be removed from Cloud Foundry.",
  4229        "translation": " 警告:这是一个Cloud Foundry内部操作;Service Broker不会被通知,服务实例所分配的资源也不会被改变。此项操作的主要适用场景是通过将服务实例从v1服务计划映射到v2服务计划,来将对应的v1 API的Service Broker替换为v2版本。我们建议您关闭v1的Service Brocker并设置v1的服务计划为私有,以防止后续操作创建额外的实例。一旦服务已经迁移完成,就可以从Cloud Foundry中删除v1的服务和服务计划。",
  4230        "modified": false
  4231     },
  4232     {
  4233        "id": "Warning: Insecure http API endpoint detected: secure https API endpoints are recommended\n",
  4234        "translation": "警告: 检测到不安全的HTTP APT终端,建议使用HTTP安全版 API终端\n",
  4235        "modified": false
  4236     },
  4237     {
  4238        "id": "Warning: error tailing logs",
  4239        "translation": "警告: 获取日志出错",
  4240        "modified": false
  4241     },
  4242     {
  4243        "id": "Write curl body to FILE instead of stdout",
  4244        "translation": "Write curl body to FILE instead of stdout",
  4245        "modified": false
  4246     },
  4247     {
  4248        "id": "Zip archive does not contain a buildpack",
  4249        "translation": "压缩文档中没有buildpack",
  4250        "modified": false
  4251     },
  4252     {
  4254        "translation": "[MULTIPART/FORM-DATA 数据内容隐藏]",
  4255        "modified": false
  4256     },
  4257     {
  4258        "id": "[PRIVATE DATA HIDDEN]",
  4259        "translation": "[私有数据隐藏]",
  4260        "modified": false
  4261     },
  4262     {
  4263        "id": "[environment variables]",
  4264        "translation": "[环境变量]",
  4265        "modified": false
  4266     },
  4267     {
  4268        "id": "[global options] command [arguments...] [command options]",
  4269        "translation": "[全局选项] 命令 [参数...] [命令选项]",
  4270        "modified": false
  4271     },
  4272     {
  4273        "id": "access",
  4274        "translation": "access",
  4275        "modified": false
  4276     },
  4277     {
  4278        "id": "access for plans of a particular broker",
  4279        "translation": "settings for a specific service",
  4280        "modified": true
  4281     },
  4282     {
  4283        "id": "access for plans of a particular service offering",
  4284        "translation": "settings for a specific broker",
  4285        "modified": true
  4286     },
  4287     {
  4288        "id": "actor",
  4289        "translation": "执行者",
  4290        "modified": false
  4291     },
  4292     {
  4293        "id": "all",
  4294        "translation": "all",
  4295        "modified": false
  4296     },
  4297     {
  4298        "id": "allowed",
  4299        "translation": "允许",
  4300        "modified": false
  4301     },
  4302     {
  4303        "id": "already exists",
  4304        "translation": "already exists",
  4305        "modified": false
  4306     },
  4307     {
  4308        "id": "app",
  4309        "translation": "应用程序",
  4310        "modified": false
  4311     },
  4312     {
  4313        "id": "app crashed",
  4314        "translation": "应用程序崩溃",
  4315        "modified": false
  4316     },
  4317     {
  4318        "id": "apps",
  4319        "translation": "apps",
  4320        "modified": false
  4321     },
  4322     {
  4323        "id": "auth request failed",
  4324        "translation": "身份验证请求失败",
  4325        "modified": false
  4326     },
  4327     {
  4328        "id": "available",
  4329        "translation": "available",
  4330        "modified": false
  4331     },
  4332     {
  4333        "id": "bound apps",
  4334        "translation": "已绑定的应用",
  4335        "modified": false
  4336     },
  4337     {
  4338        "id": "broker: {{.Name}}",
  4339        "translation": "broker: {{.Name}}",
  4340        "modified": false
  4341     },
  4342     {
  4343        "id": "bytes downloaded",
  4344        "translation": "bytes downloaded",
  4345        "modified": false
  4346     },
  4347     {
  4348        "id": "cpu",
  4349        "translation": "CPU内核",
  4350        "modified": false
  4351     },
  4352     {
  4353        "id": "crashing",
  4354        "translation": "崩溃",
  4355        "modified": false
  4356     },
  4357     {
  4358        "id": "description",
  4359        "translation": "描述",
  4360        "modified": false
  4361     },
  4362     {
  4363        "id": "disallowed",
  4364        "translation": "禁止",
  4365        "modified": false
  4366     },
  4367     {
  4368        "id": "disk",
  4369        "translation": "磁盘",
  4370        "modified": false
  4371     },
  4372     {
  4373        "id": "disk:",
  4374        "translation": "磁盘:",
  4375        "modified": false
  4376     },
  4377     {
  4378        "id": "does not exist.",
  4379        "translation": "does not exist.",
  4380        "modified": false
  4381     },
  4382     {
  4383        "id": "domain",
  4384        "translation": "domain",
  4385        "modified": false
  4386     },
  4387     {
  4388        "id": "domains:",
  4389        "translation": "域:",
  4390        "modified": true
  4391     },
  4392     {
  4393        "id": "down",
  4394        "translation": "没在运行",
  4395        "modified": false
  4396     },
  4397     {
  4398        "id": "enabled",
  4399        "translation": "已启用",
  4400        "modified": false
  4401     },
  4402     {
  4403        "id": "env var '{{.PropertyName}}' should not be null",
  4404        "translation": "环境变量'{{.PropertyName}}'不能为空",
  4405        "modified": false
  4406     },
  4407     {
  4408        "id": "event",
  4409        "translation": "事件",
  4410        "modified": false
  4411     },
  4412     {
  4413        "id": "failed ({{.State}})",
  4414        "translation": "failed ({{.State}})",
  4415        "modified": false
  4416     },
  4417     {
  4418        "id": "failed turning off console echo for password entry:\n{{.ErrorDescription}}",
  4419        "translation": "没有关闭输入显示,你的密码将被显示:\n{{.ErrorDescription}}",
  4420        "modified": false
  4421     },
  4422     {
  4423        "id": "filename",
  4424        "translation": "文件名",
  4425        "modified": false
  4426     },
  4427     {
  4428        "id": "free or paid",
  4429        "translation": "free or paid",
  4430        "modified": false
  4431     },
  4432     {
  4433        "id": "host",
  4434        "translation": "host",
  4435        "modified": false
  4436     },
  4437     {
  4438        "id": "incorrect usage",
  4439        "translation": "不正确的使用",
  4440        "modified": false
  4441     },
  4442     {
  4443        "id": "instance memory limit",
  4444        "translation": "instance memory limit",
  4445        "modified": false
  4446     },
  4447     {
  4448        "id": "instance: {{.InstanceIndex}}, reason: {{.ExitDescription}}, exit_status: {{.ExitStatus}}",
  4449        "translation": "实例: {{.InstanceIndex}}, 原因: {{.ExitDescription}}, 退出状态/返回码: {{.ExitStatus}}",
  4450        "modified": false
  4451     },
  4452     {
  4453        "id": "instances",
  4454        "translation": "实例",
  4455        "modified": false
  4456     },
  4457     {
  4458        "id": "instances:",
  4459        "translation": "实例:",
  4460        "modified": false
  4461     },
  4462     {
  4463        "id": "invalid inherit path in manifest",
  4464        "translation": "清单中无效继承路径",
  4465        "modified": false
  4466     },
  4467     {
  4468        "id": "invalid value for env var CF_STAGING_TIMEOUT\n{{.Err}}",
  4469        "translation": "无效的环境变量值CF_STAGING_TIMEOUT\n{{.Err}}",
  4470        "modified": false
  4471     },
  4472     {
  4473        "id": "invalid value for env var CF_STARTUP_TIMEOUT\n{{.Err}}",
  4474        "translation": "无效的环境变量值CF_STARTUP_TIMEOUT\n{{.Err}}",
  4475        "modified": false
  4476     },
  4477     {
  4478        "id": "label",
  4479        "translation": "label",
  4480        "modified": false
  4481     },
  4482     {
  4483        "id": "last uploaded:",
  4484        "translation": "package uploaded:",
  4485        "modified": true
  4486     },
  4487     {
  4488        "id": "limited",
  4489        "translation": "limited",
  4490        "modified": false
  4491     },
  4492     {
  4493        "id": "list all available plugin commands",
  4494        "translation": "list all available plugin commands",
  4495        "modified": false
  4496     },
  4497     {
  4498        "id": "locked",
  4499        "translation": "锁定",
  4500        "modified": false
  4501     },
  4502     {
  4503        "id": "memory",
  4504        "translation": "内存",
  4505        "modified": false
  4506     },
  4507     {
  4508        "id": "memory:",
  4509        "translation": "内存:",
  4510        "modified": false
  4511     },
  4512     {
  4513        "id": "name",
  4514        "translation": "名称",
  4515        "modified": false
  4516     },
  4517     {
  4518        "id": "non basic services",
  4519        "translation": "non basic services",
  4520        "modified": false
  4521     },
  4522     {
  4523        "id": "none",
  4524        "translation": "none",
  4525        "modified": false
  4526     },
  4527     {
  4528        "id": "not valid for the requested host",
  4529        "translation": "请求的主机名无效",
  4530        "modified": false
  4531     },
  4532     {
  4533        "id": "org",
  4534        "translation": "组织",
  4535        "modified": false
  4536     },
  4537     {
  4538        "id": "organization",
  4539        "translation": "组织",
  4540        "modified": false
  4541     },
  4542     {
  4543        "id": "orgs",
  4544        "translation": "orgs",
  4545        "modified": false
  4546     },
  4547     {
  4548        "id": "owned",
  4549        "translation": "owned",
  4550        "modified": false
  4551     },
  4552     {
  4553        "id": "paid service plans",
  4554        "translation": "paid service plans",
  4555        "modified": false
  4556     },
  4557     {
  4558        "id": "plan",
  4559        "translation": "服务计划",
  4560        "modified": false
  4561     },
  4562     {
  4563        "id": "plans",
  4564        "translation": "服务计划",
  4565        "modified": false
  4566     },
  4567     {
  4568        "id": "plans accessible by a particular organization",
  4569        "translation": "plans accessible by a particular organization",
  4570        "modified": false
  4571     },
  4572     {
  4573        "id": "position",
  4574        "translation": "位置",
  4575        "modified": false
  4576     },
  4577     {
  4578        "id": "provider",
  4579        "translation": "provider",
  4580        "modified": false
  4581     },
  4582     {
  4583        "id": "quota:",
  4584        "translation": "配额:",
  4585        "modified": true
  4586     },
  4587     {
  4588        "id": "requested state",
  4589        "translation": "请求状态",
  4590        "modified": false
  4591     },
  4592     {
  4593        "id": "requested state:",
  4594        "translation": "请求状态:",
  4595        "modified": false
  4596     },
  4597     {
  4598        "id": "routes",
  4599        "translation": "routes",
  4600        "modified": false
  4601     },
  4602     {
  4603        "id": "running",
  4604        "translation": "运行",
  4605        "modified": false
  4606     },
  4607     {
  4608        "id": "security group",
  4609        "translation": "security group",
  4610        "modified": false
  4611     },
  4612     {
  4613        "id": "service",
  4614        "translation": "服务",
  4615        "modified": false
  4616     },
  4617     {
  4618        "id": "service auth token",
  4619        "translation": "service auth token",
  4620        "modified": false
  4621     },
  4622     {
  4623        "id": "service instance",
  4624        "translation": "服务实例",
  4625        "modified": false
  4626     },
  4627     {
  4628        "id": "service instances",
  4629        "translation": "service instances",
  4630        "modified": false
  4631     },
  4632     {
  4633        "id": "service plan",
  4634        "translation": "service plan",
  4635        "modified": false
  4636     },
  4637     {
  4638        "id": "service-broker",
  4639        "translation": "service-broker",
  4640        "modified": false
  4641     },
  4642     {
  4643        "id": "services",
  4644        "translation": "services",
  4645        "modified": false
  4646     },
  4647     {
  4648        "id": "shared",
  4649        "translation": "shared",
  4650        "modified": false
  4651     },
  4652     {
  4653        "id": "since",
  4654        "translation": "从",
  4655        "modified": false
  4656     },
  4657     {
  4658        "id": "space",
  4659        "translation": "空间",
  4660        "modified": false
  4661     },
  4662     {
  4663        "id": "space quotas:",
  4664        "translation": "space quotas:",
  4665        "modified": false
  4666     },
  4667     {
  4668        "id": "spaces:",
  4669        "translation": "空间:",
  4670        "modified": true
  4671     },
  4672     {
  4673        "id": "starting",
  4674        "translation": "启动中",
  4675        "modified": false
  4676     },
  4677     {
  4678        "id": "state",
  4679        "translation": "状态",
  4680        "modified": false
  4681     },
  4682     {
  4683        "id": "status",
  4684        "translation": "status",
  4685        "modified": false
  4686     },
  4687     {
  4688        "id": "stopped",
  4689        "translation": "已停止",
  4690        "modified": false
  4691     },
  4692     {
  4693        "id": "stopped after 1 redirect",
  4694        "translation": "一次重定位后停止",
  4695        "modified": false
  4696     },
  4697     {
  4698        "id": "time",
  4699        "translation": "时间",
  4700        "modified": false
  4701     },
  4702     {
  4703        "id": "total memory limit",
  4704        "translation": "memory limit",
  4705        "modified": true
  4706     },
  4707     {
  4708        "id": "unavailable ({{.State}})",
  4709        "translation": "unavailable ({{.State}})",
  4710        "modified": false
  4711     },
  4712     {
  4713        "id": "unknown authority",
  4714        "translation": "未知的认证",
  4715        "modified": false
  4716     },
  4717     {
  4718        "id": "unlimited",
  4719        "translation": "unlimited",
  4720        "modified": false
  4721     },
  4722     {
  4723        "id": "update an existing space quota",
  4724        "translation": "update an existing space quota",
  4725        "modified": false
  4726     },
  4727     {
  4728        "id": "url",
  4729        "translation": "url",
  4730        "modified": false
  4731     },
  4732     {
  4733        "id": "urls",
  4734        "translation": "网址",
  4735        "modified": false
  4736     },
  4737     {
  4738        "id": "urls:",
  4739        "translation": "网址:",
  4740        "modified": false
  4741     },
  4742     {
  4743        "id": "usage:",
  4744        "translation": "用法:",
  4745        "modified": false
  4746     },
  4747     {
  4748        "id": "user",
  4749        "translation": "用户",
  4750        "modified": false
  4751     },
  4752     {
  4753        "id": "user-provided",
  4754        "translation": "由用户提供的",
  4755        "modified": false
  4756     },
  4757     {
  4758        "id": "write default values to the config",
  4759        "translation": "在配置文件中写入默认配置",
  4760        "modified": false
  4761     },
  4762     {
  4763        "id": "yes",
  4764        "translation": "是的",
  4765        "modified": false
  4766     },
  4767     {
  4768        "id": "{{.ApiEndpoint}} (API version: {{.ApiVersionString}})",
  4769        "translation": "{{.ApiEndpoint}} (API 版本: {{.ApiVersionString}})",
  4770        "modified": false
  4771     },
  4772     {
  4773        "id": "{{.CFName}} api",
  4774        "translation": "{{.CFName}} api",
  4775        "modified": false
  4776     },
  4777     {
  4778        "id": "{{.CFName}} login",
  4779        "translation": "{{.CFName}} login",
  4780        "modified": false
  4781     },
  4782     {
  4783        "id": "{{.Command}} help [COMMAND]",
  4784        "translation": "{{.Command}} help [命令]",
  4785        "modified": false
  4786     },
  4787     {
  4788        "id": "{{.CountOfServices}} migrated.",
  4789        "translation": "{{.CountOfServices}} 迁移.",
  4790        "modified": false
  4791     },
  4792     {
  4793        "id": "{{.DiskUsage}} of {{.DiskQuota}}",
  4794        "translation": "{{.DiskQuota}}中的{{.DiskUsage}}",
  4795        "modified": false
  4796     },
  4797     {
  4798        "id": "{{.DownCount}} down",
  4799        "translation": "{{.DownCount}} 失效",
  4800        "modified": false
  4801     },
  4802     {
  4803        "id": "{{.ErrorDescription}}\nTIP: Use '{{.CFServicesCommand}}' to view all services in this org and space.",
  4804        "translation": "{{.ErrorDescription}}\n小贴士: 使用'{{.CFServicesCommand}}'来查看这个组织和空间里的所有服务。",
  4805        "modified": false
  4806     },
  4807     {
  4808        "id": "{{.Err}}\n\nTIP: use '{{.Command}}' for more information",
  4809        "translation": "{{.Err}}\n\n小贴士: 使用'{{.Command}}'的更多信息",
  4810        "modified": false
  4811     },
  4812     {
  4813        "id": "{{.FlappingCount}} failing",
  4814        "translation": "{{.FlappingCount}} 失败",
  4815        "modified": false
  4816     },
  4817     {
  4818        "id": "{{.MemUsage}} of {{.MemQuota}}",
  4819        "translation": "{{.MemQuota}}中的{{.MemUsage}}",
  4820        "modified": false
  4821     },
  4822     {
  4823        "id": "{{.ModelType}} {{.ModelName}} already exists",
  4824        "translation": "{{.ModelType}} {{.ModelName}} 已存在",
  4825        "modified": false
  4826     },
  4827     {
  4828        "id": "{{.PropertyName}} must be a string or null value",
  4829        "translation": "{{.PropertyName}} 必须是一个字符串或空值",
  4830        "modified": false
  4831     },
  4832     {
  4833        "id": "{{.PropertyName}} must be a string value",
  4834        "translation": "{{.PropertyName}} 必须是一个字符串值",
  4835        "modified": false
  4836     },
  4837     {
  4838        "id": "{{.PropertyName}} should not be null",
  4839        "translation": "{{.PropertyName}} 不能为空",
  4840        "modified": false
  4841     },
  4842     {
  4843        "id": "{{.QuotaName}} ({{.MemoryLimit}}M memory limit, {{.InstanceMemoryLimit}} instance memory limit, {{.RoutesLimit}} routes, {{.ServicesLimit}} services, paid services {{.NonBasicServicesAllowed}})",
  4844        "translation": "{{.QuotaName}} ({{.MemoryLimit}}M 内存限制, {{.RoutesLimit}} 路由, {{.ServicesLimit}} 服务, 有偿服务 {{.NonBasicServicesAllowed}})",
  4845        "modified": true
  4846     },
  4847     {
  4848        "id": "{{.RunningCount}} of {{.TotalCount}} instances running",
  4849        "translation": "{{.TotalCount}}中的{{.RunningCount}}个实例正在运行",
  4850        "modified": false
  4851     },
  4852     {
  4853        "id": "{{.StartingCount}} starting",
  4854        "translation": "{{.StartingCount}}正在启动",
  4855        "modified": false
  4856     },
  4857     {
  4858        "id": "{{.Usage}} {{.FormattedMemory}} x {{.InstanceCount}} instances",
  4859        "translation": "{{.Usage}} {{.FormattedMemory}} 乘以 {{.InstanceCount}}实例数",
  4860        "modified": false
  4861     }
  4862  ]