
     1  ---
     2  layout: "docs"
     3  page_title: "Custom Command Development"
     4  description: |-
     5    Packer Commands are the components of Packer that add functionality to the `packer` application. Packer comes with a set of commands out of the box, such as `build`. Commands are invoked as `packer <COMMAND>`. Custom commands allow you to add new commands to Packer to perhaps perform new functionality.
     6  ---
     8  # Custom Command Development
    10  Packer Commands are the components of Packer that add functionality to the
    11  `packer` application. Packer comes with a set of commands out of the
    12  box, such as `build`. Commands are invoked as `packer <COMMAND>`.
    13  Custom commands allow you to add new commands to Packer to perhaps
    14  perform new functionality.
    16  Prior to reading this page, it is assumed you have read the page on
    17  [plugin development basics](/docs/extend/developing-plugins.html).
    19  Command plugins implement the `packer.Command` interface and are served
    20  using the `plugin.ServeCommand` function. Commands actually have no control
    21  over what keyword invokes the command with the `packer` binary. The keyword
    22  to invoke the command depends on how the plugin is installed and configured
    23  in the core Packer configuration.
    25  ~> **Warning!** This is an advanced topic. If you're new to Packer, we
    26  recommend getting a bit more comfortable before you dive into writing plugins.
    28  ## The Interface
    30  The interface that must be implemented for a command is the `packer.Command`
    31  interface. It is reproduced below for easy reference. The actual interface
    32  in the source code contains some basic documentation as well explaining
    33  what each method should do.
    35  ```go
    36  type Command interface {
    37  	Help() string
    38  	Run(env Environment, args []string) int
    39  	Synopsis() string
    40  }
    41  ```
    43  ### The "Help" Method
    45  The `Help` method returns long-form help. This help is most commonly
    46  shown when a command is invoked with the `--help` or `-h` option.
    47  The help should document all the available command line flags, purpose
    48  of the command, etc.
    50  Packer commands generally follow the following format for help, but
    51  it is not required. You're allowed to make the help look like anything
    52  you please.
    54  ```text
    55  Usage: packer COMMAND [options] ARGS...
    57    Brief one or two sentence about the function of the command.
    59  Options:
    61    -foo=bar                  A description of the flag.
    62    -another                  Another description.
    63  ```
    65  ### The "Run" Method
    67  `Run` is what is called when the command is actually invoked. It is given
    68  the `packer.Environment`, which has access to almost all components of
    69  the current Packer run, such as UI, builders, other plugins, etc. In addition
    70  to the environment, the remaining command line args are given. These command
    71  line args have already been stripped of the command name, so they can be
    72  passed directly into something like the standard Go `flag` package for
    73  command-line flag parsing.
    75  The return value of `Run` is the exit status for the command. If everything
    76  ran successfully, this should be 0. If any errors occurred, it should be any
    77  positive integer.
    79  ### The "Synopsis" Method
    81  The `Synopsis` method should return a short single-line description
    82  of what the command does. This is used when `packer` is invoked on its own
    83  in order to show a brief summary of the commands that Packer supports.
    85  The synopsis should be no longer than around 50 characters, since it is
    86  already appearing on a line with other text.