
     1  syntax = "proto3";
     2  package cluster;
     3  option go_package = "/";
     4  import "actor.proto";
     6  //request response call from Identity actor sent to each member
     7  //asking what activations they hold that belong to the requester
     8  message IdentityHandoverRequest {
     9    Topology current_topology = 1;
    10    string address = 2;
    11    // If the requester passes a delta topology, only return activations which would not be assigned to the member
    12    // in the previous topology.
    13    Topology delta_topology = 3;
    14    message Topology{
    15      uint64 topology_hash = 1;
    16      repeated Member members = 3;
    17    }
    18  }
    20  message IdentityHandover {
    21    repeated Activation actors = 1;
    22    int32 chunk_id = 2;
    23    bool final = 3;
    24    uint64 topology_hash = 4;
    25    int32 skipped = 5; // Total number of activations skipped
    26    int32 sent = 6;    // Total number of activations sent
    27  }
    29  message RemoteIdentityHandover {
    30    PackedActivations actors = 1;
    31    int32 chunk_id = 2;
    32    bool final = 3;
    33    uint64 topology_hash = 4;
    34    int32 skipped = 5;
    35    int32 sent = 6;
    36  }
    38  message PackedActivations{
    39    string address = 1;
    40    repeated Kind actors = 2;
    41    message Kind{
    42      string name = 1;
    43      repeated Activation activations = 2;
    44    }
    45    message Activation{
    46      string identity = 1;
    47      string activation_id = 2;
    48    }
    49  }
    51  message IdentityHandoverAck {
    52    int32 chunk_id = 1;
    53    uint64 topology_hash = 2;
    54    State processing_state = 3;
    55    enum State {
    56      processed = 0;
    57      incorrect_topology = 1;
    58    }
    59  }
    61  message ClusterIdentity{
    62    string identity = 1;
    63    string kind = 2;
    64  }
    66  message Activation {
    67    actor.PID pid = 1;
    68    ClusterIdentity cluster_identity = 2;
    69  }
    71  // Started terminating, not yet removed from IIdentityLookup
    72  message ActivationTerminating {
    73    actor.PID pid = 1;
    74    ClusterIdentity cluster_identity = 2;
    75  }
    77  // Terminated, removed from lookup
    78  message ActivationTerminated {
    79    actor.PID pid = 1;
    80    ClusterIdentity cluster_identity = 2;
    81  }
    83  message ActivationRequest {
    84    ClusterIdentity cluster_identity = 1;
    85    string request_id = 2;
    86    uint64 topology_hash = 3;
    87  }
    89  message ProxyActivationRequest {
    90    ClusterIdentity cluster_identity = 1;
    91    actor.PID replaced_activation = 2;
    92  }
    94  message ActivationResponse {
    95    actor.PID pid = 1;
    96    bool failed = 2;
    97    uint64 topology_hash = 3;
    98  }
   100  message ReadyForRebalance {
   101    uint64 topology_hash = 1;
   102  }
   103  message RebalanceCompleted {
   104    uint64 topology_hash = 1;
   105  }
   107  message Member {
   108    string host = 1;
   109    int32 port = 2;
   110    string id = 3;
   111    repeated string kinds = 4;
   112  }
   114  message ClusterTopology {
   115    uint64 topology_hash = 1;
   116    repeated Member members = 2;
   117    repeated Member joined = 3;
   118    repeated Member left = 4;
   119    repeated string blocked = 5;
   120  }
   122  message ClusterTopologyNotification {
   123    string member_id = 1;
   124    uint32 topology_hash = 2;
   125    string leader_id = 3;
   126  }
   128  message MemberHeartbeat {
   129    ActorStatistics actor_statistics = 1;
   130  }
   132  message ActorStatistics {
   133    map<string, int64> actor_count = 1;
   134  }
   139  //keys to implement initially
   140  //topology - value is repeated members, this can replace ClusterTopologyNotification, as it would be the same, but better
   141  //heartbeat - value is unit, or sender timestamp?
   142  //leader - value is leader member id