
     1  package graph
     3  import (
     4  	"cmp"
     5  	"context"
     6  	"slices"
     7  	"sync"
     9  	""
    10  	""
    12  	""
    13  	""
    14  	""
    15  	""
    16  	v1 ""
    17  	""
    18  )
    20  // possibleResource is a resource that was returned by reachable resources and, after processing,
    21  // may be returned by the lookup resources stream.
    22  type possibleResource struct {
    23  	// reachableResult is the result for this resource from the reachable resources stream.
    24  	reachableResult *v1.DispatchReachableResourcesResponse
    26  	// lookupResult is the result to be published by LookupResources, if the resource is actually
    27  	// permissioned. Will be nil before processing and nil after processing IF the resource needed
    28  	// to be checked and the check showed the resource was inaccessible.
    29  	lookupResult *v1.DispatchLookupResourcesResponse
    31  	// orderingIndex is the index of the resource result as returned by reachable resources. Used to
    32  	// maintain strict publishing order of results.
    33  	orderingIndex uint64
    34  }
    36  // resourceQueue is a queue for managing of possibleResources through the various states of the stream (queueing, processing and publishing).
    37  type resourceQueue struct {
    38  	ctx  context.Context
    39  	lock sync.Mutex
    41  	// toProcess are those resources (keyed by orderingIndex) that have not yet been processed (checked).
    42  	toProcess map[uint64]possibleResource
    44  	// toPublish are those resources (keyed by orderingIndex) that have been processed and
    45  	// are ready for publishing. Note that resources whose Check calls showed NO_PERMISSION
    46  	// will *also* be in this map, just with lookupResult set to nil. This is done to ensure
    47  	// strict ordering of publishing.
    48  	toPublish map[uint64]possibleResource
    50  	// beingProcessed are those resources (keyed by orderingIndex) that are currently being processed.
    51  	beingProcessed map[uint64]possibleResource
    52  }
    54  type processingStatus int
    56  const (
    57  	publishDirectly processingStatus = iota
    58  	awaitingMoreResources
    59  	readyForProcessing
    60  )
    62  // addPossibleResource queues a resource for processing (if a check is required) or for
    63  // immediate publishing (if a check is not required).
    64  func (rq *resourceQueue) addPossibleResource(pr possibleResource) processingStatus {
    65  	rq.lock.Lock()
    66  	defer rq.lock.Unlock()
    68  	if pr.lookupResult != nil {
    69  		rq.toPublish[pr.orderingIndex] = pr
    70  		return publishDirectly
    71  	}
    73  	rq.toProcess[pr.orderingIndex] = pr
    74  	if len(rq.toProcess) < int(datastore.FilterMaximumIDCount) {
    75  		return awaitingMoreResources
    76  	}
    78  	return readyForProcessing
    79  }
    81  // updateToBePublished marks a resource as ready for publishing.
    82  func (rq *resourceQueue) updateToBePublished(pr possibleResource) {
    83  	rq.lock.Lock()
    84  	defer rq.lock.Unlock()
    86  	rq.toPublish[pr.orderingIndex] = pr
    87  	delete(rq.beingProcessed, pr.orderingIndex)
    88  }
    90  // markResourceCompleted marks that all work has been completed on the given resources.
    91  func (rq *resourceQueue) markResourceCompleted(pr possibleResource) {
    92  	rq.lock.Lock()
    93  	defer rq.lock.Unlock()
    95  	delete(rq.toPublish, pr.orderingIndex)
    96  }
    98  // selectResourcesToProcess marks all toProcess resources as being processing and returns those resources
    99  // for processing.
   100  //
   101  // If alwaysReturn is false, then resources will only be returned if they meet the chunk size, to ensure
   102  // checks occur in larger batches.
   103  func (rq *resourceQueue) selectResourcesToProcess(alwaysReturn bool) []possibleResource {
   104  	rq.lock.Lock()
   105  	defer rq.lock.Unlock()
   107  	toProcess := maps.Values(rq.toProcess)
   108  	if !alwaysReturn && len(toProcess) < int(datastore.FilterMaximumIDCount) {
   109  		return nil
   110  	}
   112  	for _, pr := range toProcess {
   113  		rq.beingProcessed[pr.orderingIndex] = pr
   114  	}
   116  	rq.toProcess = map[uint64]possibleResource{}
   117  	return toProcess
   118  }
   120  // resourcesToPossiblyPublish returns all resources in the toPublish state. This does *not* mark the resources
   121  // as published.
   122  func (rq *resourceQueue) resourcesToPossiblyPublish() []possibleResource {
   123  	rq.lock.Lock()
   124  	defer rq.lock.Unlock()
   126  	return maps.Values(rq.toPublish)
   127  }
   129  // checkingResourceStream is a Stream[*v1.DispatchLookupResourcesResponse] that consumes reachable resource
   130  // responses which are published to it, checks the resource (if necessary), and then publishes the resource
   131  // if reachable. This stream performs Checks for the possibly-inaccessible resources in a parallel fashion
   132  // but maintains the proper publishing order to the parent stream.
   133  //
   134  // Resources in the stream are processed as follows:
   135  //  1. A reachable resource is published to the stream via a call to the Publish method
   136  //  2. The resource is placed into the resourceQueue with an index indicating its publishing order
   137  //  3. A processing worker (up to concurrency limits) grabs the resources to be processed in the queue, checks
   138  //     those resources that need to have CheckPermission invoked, and places all resources processed in the queue
   139  //     into the "ready for publishing" state.
   140  //  4. The *single* publishing worker grabs resources to be published and publishes them in the correct order,
   141  //     skipping any resources whose CheckPermission calls showed them as being inaccessible.
   142  //  5. The waitForPublishing call waits for the stream to have fully processed and published all queued resources
   143  //     before returning.
   144  type checkingResourceStream struct {
   145  	// ctx is the parent context for the LookupResources.
   146  	// NOTE: This will be disconnected from the reachableContext below.
   147  	ctx    context.Context
   148  	cancel func()
   150  	// reachableContext is the context to be returned by this stream for the ReachableResources call, and is
   151  	// disconnected from the overall context.
   152  	reachableContext context.Context
   154  	// cancelReachable cancels the reachable resources request once the limit has been reached. Should only
   155  	// be called from the publishing goroutine, to indicate that there is absolutely no need for further
   156  	// reachable resources.
   157  	cancelReachable func()
   159  	// concurrencyLimit is the limit on the number on concurrency processing workers.
   160  	concurrencyLimit uint16
   162  	req          ValidatedLookupResourcesRequest
   163  	checker      dispatch.Check
   164  	parentStream dispatch.Stream[*v1.DispatchLookupResourcesResponse]
   166  	// sem is a chan of length `concurrencyLimit` used to ensure the task runner does
   167  	// not exceed the concurrencyLimit with spawned goroutines.
   168  	sem chan struct{}
   170  	// rq is the resourceQueue for managing the state of all resources returned by the reachable resources call.
   171  	rq *resourceQueue
   173  	// reachableResourcesAreAvailableForProcessing is a channel which indicates to the processing worker(s) that work is available
   174  	// for processing.
   175  	reachableResourcesAreAvailableForProcessing chan struct{}
   177  	// reachableResourcesCompleted is a channel used to indicate to each processing worker that reachable resources has
   178  	// been completed, and that all further processing work should be done before shutting down.
   179  	reachableResourcesCompleted chan struct{}
   181  	// availableForPublishing is a channel which indicates to the publishing worker that work is available
   182  	// for publishing. If given a false value, then the publishing worker should be terminated, as it indicates
   183  	// there will be no further processed resources.
   184  	availableForPublishing chan bool
   186  	// limits is the limit tracker for the stream. Should *only* be accessed from the publishing goroutine.
   187  	limits *limitTracker
   189  	// orderingIndexToBePublished is the current index to be published. Should *only* be accessed from the publishing
   190  	// goroutine.
   191  	orderingIndexToBePublished uint64
   193  	// reachableResourcesCount is the count of reachable resources received. Should *only* be accessed from queue()
   194  	// and waitForPublishing() (after reachable resources has completed).
   195  	reachableResourcesCount uint64
   197  	// lastReachableResourceCursor is the cursor from the last received reachable resource result. Should *only* be accessed from
   198  	// Publish() and waitForPublishing() (after reachable resources has completed).
   199  	lastReachableResourceCursor *v1.Cursor
   201  	// dispatchesToBeReported is the number of dispatches that were skipped from being reported due
   202  	// to a resource being filtered, and whose count has to be attached to the next outgoing result.
   203  	dispatchesToBeReported atomic.Uint32
   205  	// cachedDispatchesToBeReported is the number of cached dispatches that were skipped from being reported due
   206  	// to a resource being filtered, and whose count has to be attached to the next outgoing result.
   207  	cachedDispatchesToBeReported atomic.Uint32
   209  	errSetter sync.Once
   210  	err       error
   212  	processingWaitGroup sync.WaitGroup
   213  	publishingWaitGroup sync.WaitGroup
   214  }
   216  func newCheckingResourceStream(
   217  	lookupContext context.Context,
   218  	reachableContext context.Context,
   219  	cancelReachable func(),
   220  	req ValidatedLookupResourcesRequest,
   221  	checker dispatch.Check,
   222  	parentStream dispatch.Stream[*v1.DispatchLookupResourcesResponse],
   223  	limits *limitTracker,
   224  	concurrencyLimit uint16,
   225  ) *checkingResourceStream {
   226  	if concurrencyLimit == 0 {
   227  		concurrencyLimit = 1
   228  	}
   230  	// Since one goroutine is used for publishing, allocate one less processing goroutine.
   231  	processingConcurrencyLimit := concurrencyLimit - 1
   232  	if processingConcurrencyLimit == 0 {
   233  		processingConcurrencyLimit = 1
   234  	}
   236  	cancelCtx, cancel := context.WithCancel(lookupContext)
   238  	crs := &checkingResourceStream{
   239  		ctx:    cancelCtx,
   240  		cancel: cancel,
   242  		reachableContext: reachableContext,
   243  		cancelReachable:  cancelReachable,
   244  		concurrencyLimit: concurrencyLimit,
   246  		req:          req,
   247  		checker:      checker,
   248  		parentStream: parentStream,
   249  		limits:       limits,
   251  		sem: make(chan struct{}, processingConcurrencyLimit),
   253  		rq: &resourceQueue{
   254  			ctx:            lookupContext,
   255  			toProcess:      map[uint64]possibleResource{},
   256  			beingProcessed: map[uint64]possibleResource{},
   257  			toPublish:      map[uint64]possibleResource{},
   258  		},
   259  		reachableResourcesAreAvailableForProcessing: make(chan struct{}, concurrencyLimit),
   260  		reachableResourcesCompleted:                 make(chan struct{}, concurrencyLimit),
   261  		availableForPublishing:                      make(chan bool, concurrencyLimit),
   263  		orderingIndexToBePublished: 0,
   264  		reachableResourcesCount:    0,
   266  		errSetter: sync.Once{},
   267  		err:       nil,
   269  		processingWaitGroup: sync.WaitGroup{},
   270  		publishingWaitGroup: sync.WaitGroup{},
   271  	}
   273  	// Spawn the goroutine that will publish resources to the parent stream in the proper order.
   274  	crs.publishingWaitGroup.Add(1)
   275  	go crs.resourcePublisher()
   276  	return crs
   277  }
   279  // waitForPublishing waits for the publishing goroutine to complete its work, and returns the number
   280  // of published *reachable* resources or the error that occurred during checking or publishing.
   281  func (crs *checkingResourceStream) waitForPublishing() (uint64, *v1.Cursor, error) {
   282  	// Mark that no new items will come in from the reachable resources stream.
   283  	for i := 0; i < int(crs.concurrencyLimit); i++ {
   284  		crs.reachableResourcesCompleted <- struct{}{}
   285  	}
   287  	// Wait for all existing processing to complete.
   288  	crs.processingWaitGroup.Wait()
   290  	// Run a final processing call to ensure there are no remaining items.
   291  	_, err := crs.runProcess(true)
   292  	if err != nil {
   293  		return 0, nil, err
   294  	}
   296  	// Mark publishing as ready for final publishing.
   297  	select {
   298  	case crs.availableForPublishing <- false:
   299  		break
   301  	case <-crs.ctx.Done():
   302  		crs.setError(crs.ctx.Err())
   303  		break
   304  	}
   306  	// Wait for any remaining publishing to complete.
   307  	crs.publishingWaitGroup.Wait()
   309  	return crs.reachableResourcesCount, crs.lastReachableResourceCursor, crs.err
   310  }
   312  // resourcePublisher is the goroutine that publishes resources to the parent stream once they've been
   313  // validated by the processing worker(s).
   314  func (crs *checkingResourceStream) resourcePublisher() {
   315  	defer crs.publishingWaitGroup.Done()
   317  	for {
   318  		select {
   319  		case <-crs.ctx.Done():
   320  			crs.setError(crs.ctx.Err())
   321  			return
   323  		case isStillRunning := <-crs.availableForPublishing:
   324  			err := crs.publishResourcesIfPossible()
   325  			if err != nil {
   326  				crs.setError(err)
   327  				return
   328  			}
   330  			if isStillRunning {
   331  				continue
   332  			}
   333  			return
   334  		}
   335  	}
   336  }
   338  // publishResourcesIfPossible publishes the resources that have been processed, in the correct order, if any.
   339  func (crs *checkingResourceStream) publishResourcesIfPossible() error {
   340  	for {
   341  		toPublish := crs.rq.resourcesToPossiblyPublish()
   342  		if len(toPublish) == 0 {
   343  			return nil
   344  		}
   346  		for {
   347  			if len(toPublish) == 0 {
   348  				break
   349  			}
   351  			// Sort to ensure they are in the publishable order.
   352  			slices.SortFunc(toPublish, func(a, b possibleResource) int {
   353  				return cmp.Compare(a.orderingIndex, b.orderingIndex)
   354  			})
   356  			// Ensure that the next resource to be published is the next in the order. If not,
   357  			// we're still waiting on a resource to be checked.
   358  			current := toPublish[0]
   359  			if current.orderingIndex != crs.orderingIndexToBePublished {
   360  				return nil
   361  			}
   363  			toPublish = toPublish[1:]
   364  			crs.orderingIndexToBePublished++
   366  			// NOTE: lookupResult will be `nil` if the Check for the resource found that the resource is
   367  			// not actually accessible. The entry is kept in `toPublish` to ensure proper ordering is maintained
   368  			// on the parent stream.
   369  			if current.lookupResult != nil {
   370  				if !crs.limits.prepareForPublishing() {
   371  					crs.cancelReachable()
   372  					return nil
   373  				}
   375  				err := crs.parentStream.Publish(current.lookupResult)
   376  				if err != nil {
   377  					crs.setError(err)
   378  					return err
   379  				}
   380  			}
   382  			crs.rq.markResourceCompleted(current)
   383  		}
   384  	}
   385  }
   387  // setError sets an error that occurred.
   388  func (crs *checkingResourceStream) setError(err error) {
   389  	crs.errSetter.Do(func() {
   390  		crs.err = err
   391  		crs.cancel()
   392  		crs.cancelReachable()
   393  	})
   394  }
   396  // process is a processing worker for a reachable resources result, performing checks if necessary.
   397  func (crs *checkingResourceStream) process() {
   398  	defer crs.processingWaitGroup.Done()
   400  	for {
   401  		select {
   402  		case <-crs.ctx.Done():
   403  			crs.setError(crs.ctx.Err())
   404  			return
   406  		case <-crs.reachableResourcesCompleted:
   407  			for {
   408  				ok, err := crs.runProcess(true)
   409  				if err != nil {
   410  					crs.setError(err)
   411  					return
   412  				}
   413  				if !ok {
   414  					break
   415  				}
   416  			}
   417  			return
   419  		case <-crs.reachableResourcesAreAvailableForProcessing:
   420  			for {
   421  				ok, err := crs.runProcess(false)
   422  				if err != nil {
   423  					crs.setError(err)
   424  					return
   425  				}
   426  				if !ok {
   427  					break
   428  				}
   429  			}
   430  			continue
   431  		}
   432  	}
   433  }
   435  func (crs *checkingResourceStream) runProcess(alwaysProcess bool) (bool, error) {
   436  	// Collect any resources that need to be checked, up to the configured limit, and issue a check.
   437  	// If a resource does not require a check, simply place on the toPublish queue.
   438  	toCheck := mapz.NewMultiMap[string, possibleResource]()
   440  	toProcess := crs.rq.selectResourcesToProcess(alwaysProcess)
   441  	if len(toProcess) == 0 {
   442  		return false, nil
   443  	}
   445  	for _, current := range toProcess {
   446  		if current.reachableResult.Resource.ResultStatus == v1.ReachableResource_HAS_PERMISSION {
   447  			return false, spiceerrors.MustBugf("process received a resolved resource")
   448  		}
   450  		toCheck.Add(current.reachableResult.Resource.ResourceId, current)
   451  	}
   453  	// Issue the bulk check over all the resources.
   454  	results, checkResultMetadata, err := computed.ComputeBulkCheck(
   455  		crs.ctx,
   456  		crs.checker,
   457  		computed.CheckParameters{
   458  			ResourceType:  crs.req.ObjectRelation,
   459  			Subject:       crs.req.Subject,
   460  			CaveatContext: crs.req.Context.AsMap(),
   461  			AtRevision:    crs.req.Revision,
   462  			MaximumDepth:  crs.req.Metadata.DepthRemaining,
   463  			DebugOption:   computed.NoDebugging,
   464  		},
   465  		toCheck.Keys(),
   466  	)
   467  	if err != nil {
   468  		return true, err
   469  	}
   471  	crs.dispatchesToBeReported.Add(checkResultMetadata.DispatchCount)
   472  	crs.cachedDispatchesToBeReported.Add(checkResultMetadata.CachedDispatchCount)
   474  	for _, rai := range toCheck.Values() {
   475  		checkResult := results[rai.reachableResult.Resource.ResourceId]
   477  		var permissionship v1.ResolvedResource_Permissionship
   478  		var missingFields []string
   480  		switch {
   481  		case checkResult == nil || checkResult.Membership == v1.ResourceCheckResult_NOT_MEMBER:
   482  			// NOTE: we use `UNKNOWN` here to indicate that the resource was found to be inaccessible,
   483  			// because ResolvedResource does not have such a state.
   484  			permissionship = v1.ResolvedResource_UNKNOWN
   486  		case checkResult != nil && checkResult.Membership == v1.ResourceCheckResult_MEMBER:
   487  			permissionship = v1.ResolvedResource_HAS_PERMISSION
   489  		case checkResult != nil && checkResult.Membership == v1.ResourceCheckResult_CAVEATED_MEMBER:
   490  			permissionship = v1.ResolvedResource_CONDITIONALLY_HAS_PERMISSION
   491  			missingFields = checkResult.MissingExprFields
   493  		default:
   494  			return true, spiceerrors.MustBugf("unknown check result status for reachable resources")
   495  		}
   497  		// Set the lookupResult iff the permissionship was a valid permission.
   498  		var lookupResult *v1.DispatchLookupResourcesResponse
   499  		if permissionship != v1.ResolvedResource_UNKNOWN {
   500  			metadata := rai.reachableResult.Metadata
   501  			metadata = crs.addSkippedDispatchCountToBePublished(metadata)
   502  			metadata.DepthRequired = max(metadata.DepthRequired, checkResultMetadata.DepthRequired)
   504  			lookupResult = &v1.DispatchLookupResourcesResponse{
   505  				ResolvedResource: &v1.ResolvedResource{
   506  					ResourceId:             rai.reachableResult.Resource.ResourceId,
   507  					Permissionship:         permissionship,
   508  					MissingRequiredContext: missingFields,
   509  				},
   510  				Metadata:            metadata,
   511  				AfterResponseCursor: rai.reachableResult.AfterResponseCursor,
   512  			}
   513  		} else {
   514  			if rai.reachableResult.Metadata.DispatchCount > 0 {
   515  				crs.dispatchesToBeReported.Add(rai.reachableResult.Metadata.DispatchCount)
   516  			}
   518  			if rai.reachableResult.Metadata.CachedDispatchCount > 0 {
   519  				crs.cachedDispatchesToBeReported.Add(rai.reachableResult.Metadata.CachedDispatchCount)
   520  			}
   521  		}
   523  		rai.lookupResult = lookupResult
   524  		crs.rq.updateToBePublished(rai)
   525  	}
   527  	select {
   528  	case crs.availableForPublishing <- true:
   529  		return true, nil
   531  	case <-crs.reachableContext.Done():
   532  		return false, nil
   534  	case <-crs.ctx.Done():
   535  		crs.setError(crs.ctx.Err())
   536  		return false, nil
   537  	}
   538  }
   540  // addSkippedDispatchCountToBePublished adds any dispatch counts that were skipped due to a resource being filtered,
   541  // to the metadata to be published.
   542  func (crs *checkingResourceStream) addSkippedDispatchCountToBePublished(metadata *v1.ResponseMeta) *v1.ResponseMeta {
   543  	dispatchCount := crs.dispatchesToBeReported.Swap(0)
   544  	cachedDispatchCount := crs.cachedDispatchesToBeReported.Swap(0)
   545  	cloned := metadata.CloneVT()
   546  	cloned.DispatchCount += dispatchCount
   547  	cloned.CachedDispatchCount += cachedDispatchCount
   548  	return cloned
   549  }
   551  // spawnIfAvailable spawns a processing working, if the concurrency limit has not been reached.
   552  func (crs *checkingResourceStream) spawnIfAvailable() {
   553  	// To spawn a processor, write a struct{} to the sem channel. If the checker
   554  	// is already at the concurrency limit, then this chan write will fail,
   555  	// and nothing will be spawned. This also checks if the context has already
   556  	// been canceled, in which case nothing needs to be done.
   557  	select {
   558  	case crs.sem <- struct{}{}:
   559  		crs.processingWaitGroup.Add(1)
   560  		go crs.process()
   562  	case <-crs.reachableContext.Done():
   563  		return
   565  	case <-crs.ctx.Done():
   566  		crs.setError(crs.ctx.Err())
   567  		return
   569  	default:
   570  		return
   571  	}
   572  }
   574  // Publish implements the Stream interface and is invoked by the ReachableResources call.
   575  func (crs *checkingResourceStream) Publish(result *v1.DispatchReachableResourcesResponse) error {
   576  	currentResource := possibleResource{
   577  		reachableResult: result,
   578  		lookupResult:    nil,
   579  		orderingIndex:   crs.reachableResourcesCount,
   580  	}
   582  	// If the resource found already has permission (i.e. a check is not required), simply set
   583  	// the lookup result on the resource now.
   584  	if result.Resource.ResultStatus == v1.ReachableResource_HAS_PERMISSION {
   585  		metadata := crs.addSkippedDispatchCountToBePublished(result.Metadata)
   586  		currentResource.lookupResult = &v1.DispatchLookupResourcesResponse{
   587  			ResolvedResource: &v1.ResolvedResource{
   588  				ResourceId:     result.Resource.ResourceId,
   589  				Permissionship: v1.ResolvedResource_HAS_PERMISSION,
   590  			},
   591  			Metadata:            metadata,
   592  			AfterResponseCursor: result.AfterResponseCursor,
   593  		}
   594  	}
   596  	crs.reachableResourcesCount++
   597  	crs.lastReachableResourceCursor = result.AfterResponseCursor
   599  	status := crs.rq.addPossibleResource(currentResource)
   601  	switch status {
   602  	case publishDirectly:
   603  		// If the resource found already has permission (i.e. a check is not required), immediately
   604  		// publish it, rather than going through a processing worker. This saves a step for better
   605  		// performance.
   606  		if result.Resource.ResultStatus != v1.ReachableResource_HAS_PERMISSION {
   607  			return spiceerrors.MustBugf("got invalid resource for publish directly")
   608  		}
   610  		select {
   611  		case crs.availableForPublishing <- true:
   612  			return nil
   614  		case <-crs.reachableContext.Done():
   615  			return nil
   617  		case <-crs.ctx.Done():
   618  			crs.setError(crs.ctx.Err())
   619  			return nil
   620  		}
   622  	case awaitingMoreResources:
   623  		// If an insufficient amount of resources have been collected for Checking, we're done.
   624  		return nil
   626  	case readyForProcessing:
   627  		// Otherwise, kick off a worker to process the resources.
   628  		select {
   629  		case crs.reachableResourcesAreAvailableForProcessing <- struct{}{}:
   630  			crs.spawnIfAvailable()
   631  			return nil
   633  		case <-crs.reachableContext.Done():
   634  			return nil
   636  		case <-crs.ctx.Done():
   637  			crs.setError(crs.ctx.Err())
   638  			return nil
   639  		}
   641  	default:
   642  		return spiceerrors.MustBugf("unknown resource add state")
   643  	}
   644  }
   646  // Context implements the Stream interface.
   647  func (crs *checkingResourceStream) Context() context.Context {
   648  	// NOTE: we return the reachable context here, because this is the stream to which the reachable resources
   649  	// call is publishing.
   650  	return crs.reachableContext
   651  }