
     1  name: 'Run the provided command in an environment configured to monitor tmpnet networks'
     2  description: 'Run the provided command in an environment configured to monitor tmpnet networks'
     4  inputs:
     5    run:
     6      description: "the bash command to run"
     7      required: true
     8    filter_by_owner:
     9      default: ''
    10    prometheus_id:
    11      required: true
    12    prometheus_password:
    13      required: true
    14    loki_id:
    15      required: true
    16    loki_password:
    17      required: true
    18    # The following inputs need never be provided by the caller. They
    19    # default to context values that the action's steps are unable to
    20    # acccess directly.
    21    repository_owner:
    22      default: ${{ github.repository_owner }}
    23    repository_name:
    24      default: ${{ }}
    25    workflow:
    26      default: ${{ github.workflow }}
    27    run_id:
    28      default: ${{ github.run_id }}
    29    run_number:
    30      default: ${{ github.run_number }}
    31    run_attempt:
    32      default: ${{ github.run_attempt }}
    33    job:
    34      default: ${{ github.job }}
    36  runs:
    37    using: composite
    38    steps:
    39      - name: Start prometheus
    40        # Only run for the original repo; a forked repo won't have access to the monitoring credentials
    41        if: (inputs.prometheus_id != '')
    42        shell: bash
    43        run: bash -x ./scripts/
    44        env:
    45          PROMETHEUS_ID: ${{ inputs.prometheus_id }}
    46          PROMETHEUS_PASSWORD: ${{ inputs.prometheus_password }}
    47      - name: Start promtail
    48        if: (inputs.prometheus_id != '')
    49        shell: bash
    50        run: bash -x ./scripts/
    51        env:
    52          LOKI_ID: ${{ inputs.loki_id }}
    53          LOKI_PASSWORD: ${{ inputs.loki_password }}
    54      - name: Notify of metrics availability
    55        if: (inputs.prometheus_id != '')
    56        shell: bash
    57        run: ${{ github.action_path }}/
    58        env:
    59          GRAFANA_URL:${{ inputs.repository_owner }}%2F${{ inputs.repository_name }}&var-filter=gh_run_id%7C%3D%7C${{ inputs.run_id }}&var-filter=gh_run_attempt%7C%3D%7C${{ inputs.run_attempt }}
    60          GH_JOB_ID: ${{ inputs.job }}
    61          FILTER_BY_OWNER: ${{ inputs.filter_by_owner }}
    62      - name: Run command
    63        shell: bash
    64        run: ${{ }}
    65        env:
    66          GH_REPO: ${{ inputs.repository_owner }}/${{ inputs.repository_name }}
    67          GH_WORKFLOW: ${{ inputs.workflow }}
    68          GH_RUN_ID: ${{ inputs.run_id }}
    69          GH_RUN_NUMBER: ${{ inputs.run_number }}
    70          GH_RUN_ATTEMPT: ${{ inputs.run_attempt }}
    71          GH_JOB_ID: ${{ inputs.job }}