(about) 1 # This action sets GO_VERSION from the project's go.mod. 2 # 3 # Must be run after actions/checkout to ensure go.mod is available to 4 # source the project's go version from. 5 6 name: 'Set GO_VERSION env var from go.mod' 7 description: 'Read the go version from go.mod and add it as env var GO_VERSION in the github env' 8 9 runs: 10 using: composite 11 steps: 12 - name: Set the project Go version in the environment 13 # A script works across different platforms but attempting to replicate the script directly in 14 # the run statement runs into platform-specific path handling issues. 15 run: .github/actions/set-go-version-in-env/ >> $GITHUB_ENV 16 shell: bash