(about) 1 packer { 2 required_plugins { 3 amazon = { 4 source = "" 5 version = "~> 1" 6 } 7 ansible = { 8 source = "" 9 version = "~> 1" 10 } 11 } 12 } 13 14 variable "skip_create_ami" { 15 type = string 16 default = "${env("SKIP_CREATE_AMI")}" 17 } 18 19 variable "tag" { 20 type = string 21 default = "${env("TAG")}" 22 } 23 24 variable "version" { 25 type = string 26 default = "jammy-22.04" 27 } 28 29 data "amazon-ami" "autogenerated_1" { 30 filters = { 31 architecture = "x86_64" 32 name = "ubuntu/images/*ubuntu-${var.version}-*-server-*" 33 root-device-type = "ebs" 34 virtualization-type = "hvm" 35 } 36 most_recent = true 37 owners = ["099720109477"] 38 region = "us-east-1" 39 } 40 41 locals { 42 skip_create_ami = var.skip_create_ami == "True" 43 timestamp = regex_replace(timestamp(), "[- TZ:]", "") 44 clean_name = regex_replace(timestamp(), "[^a-zA-Z0-9-]", "-") 45 } 46 47 source "amazon-ebs" "autogenerated_1" { 48 ami_groups = ["all"] 49 ami_name = "public-avalanche-ubuntu-${var.version}-${var.tag}-${local.timestamp}" 50 instance_type = "c5.large" 51 region = "us-east-1" 52 skip_create_ami = local.skip_create_ami 53 source_ami = "${}" 54 ssh_username = "ubuntu" 55 tags = { 56 Base_AMI_Name = "{{ .SourceAMIName }}" 57 Name = "public-avalanche-ubuntu-${var.version}-${var.tag}-${local.clean_name}" 58 Release = "${var.version}" 59 } 60 } 61 62 build { 63 sources = [""] 64 65 provisioner "shell" { 66 inline = ["while [ ! -f /var/lib/cloud/instance/boot-finished ]; do echo 'Waiting for cloud-init...'; sleep 1; done", "wait_apt=$(ps aux | grep apt | wc -l)", "while [ \"$wait_apt\" -gt \"1\" ]; do echo \"waiting for apt to be ready....\"; wait_apt=$(ps aux | grep apt | wc -l); sleep 5; done", "sudo apt-get -y update", "sudo apt-get install -y python3-boto3 golang"] 67 } 68 69 provisioner "ansible" { 70 extra_arguments = ["-e", "component=public-ami build=packer os_release=jammy tag=${var.tag}"] 71 playbook_file = ".github/packer/create_public_ami.yml" 72 roles_path = ".github/packer/roles/" 73 use_proxy = false 74 } 75 76 provisioner "shell" { 77 execute_command = "sudo bash -x {{ .Path }}" 78 script = ".github/packer/" 79 } 80 81 }