(about) 1 *.log 2 *~ 3 .DS_Store 4 5 awscpu 6 7 # Binaries for programs and plugins 8 *.exe 9 *.exe~ 10 *.dll 11 *.so 12 *.dylib 13 *.profile 14 15 # Test binary, build with `go test -c` 16 *.test 17 tmp/ 18 19 # Output of the go coverage tool, specifically when used with LiteIDE 20 *.out 21 22 # ignore GoLand metafiles directory 23 .idea/ 24 25 *logs/ 26 27 .vscode* 28 29 *.pb* 30 31 db* 32 33 *cpu[0-9]* 34 *mem[0-9]* 35 *lock[0-9]* 36 *.profile 37 *.swp 38 *.aux 39 *.fdb* 40 *.fls 41 *.gz 42 *.pdf 43 44 .coverage 45 46 bin/ 47 build/ 48 49 keys/staker.* 50 51 !*.go 52 !*.proto 53 54 plugins/ 55 56 scripts/ansible/*inventory.yml 57 scripts/.build_image_gopath/ 58 59 tests/e2e/e2e.test 60 tests/upgrade/upgrade.test 61 62 vendor 63 64 **/testdata