
     1  syntax = "proto3";
     3  package http;
     5  import "google/protobuf/empty.proto";
     7  option go_package = "";
     9  service HTTP {
    10    // Handle wraps http1 over http2 and provides support for websockets by implementing
    11    // net conn and responsewriter in http2.
    12    rpc Handle(HTTPRequest) returns (google.protobuf.Empty);
    13    // HandleSimple wraps http1 requests over http2 similar to Handle but only passes headers
    14    // and body bytes. Because the request and response are single protos with no inline
    15    // gRPC servers the CPU cost as well as file descriptor overhead is less
    16    // (no additional goroutines).
    17    rpc HandleSimple(HandleSimpleHTTPRequest) returns (HandleSimpleHTTPResponse);
    18  }
    20  // URL is a net.URL see:
    21  message URL {
    22    // scheme is the url scheme name
    23    string scheme = 1;
    24    // opaque is encoded opaque data
    25    string opaque = 2;
    26    // user is username and password information
    27    Userinfo user = 3;
    28    // host can be in the format host or host:port
    29    string host = 4;
    30    // path (relative paths may omit leading slash)
    31    string path = 5;
    32    // raw_path is encoded path hint (see EscapedPath method)
    33    string raw_path = 6;
    34    // force is append a query ('?') even if RawQuery is empty
    35    bool force_query = 7;
    36    // raw_query is encoded query values, without '?'
    37    string raw_query = 8;
    38    // fragment is fragment for references, without '#'
    39    string fragment = 9;
    40  }
    42  // UserInfo is net.Userinfo see:
    43  message Userinfo {
    44    // username is the username for the user
    45    string username = 1;
    46    // password is the password for the user
    47    string password = 2;
    48    // password_set is a boolean which is true if the password is set
    49    bool password_set = 3;
    50  }
    52  message Element {
    53    // key is a element key in a key value pair
    54    string key = 1;
    55    // values are a list of strings corresponding to the key
    56    repeated string values = 2;
    57  }
    59  message Certificates {
    60    // cert is the certificate body
    61    repeated bytes cert = 1;
    62  }
    64  // ConnectionState is tls.ConnectionState see:
    65  message ConnectionState {
    66    // version is the TLS version used by the connection (e.g. VersionTLS12)
    67    uint32 version = 1;
    68    // handshake_complete is true if the handshake has concluded
    69    bool handshake_complete = 2;
    70    // did_resume is true if this connection was successfully resumed from a
    71    // previous session with a session ticket or similar mechanism
    72    bool did_resume = 3;
    73    // cipher_suite is the cipher suite negotiated for the connection
    74    uint32 cipher_suite = 4;
    75    // negotiated_protocol is the application protocol negotiated with ALPN
    76    string negotiated_protocol = 5;
    77    // server_name is the value of the Server Name Indication extension sent by
    78    // the client
    79    string server_name = 6;
    80    // peer_certificates are the parsed certificates sent by the peer, in the
    81    // order in which they were sent
    82    Certificates peer_certificates = 7;
    83    // verified_chains is a list of one or more chains where the first element is
    84    // PeerCertificates[0] and the last element is from Config.RootCAs (on the
    85    // client side) or Config.ClientCAs (on the server side).
    86    repeated Certificates verified_chains = 8;
    87    // signed_certificate_timestamps is a list of SCTs provided by the peer
    88    // through the TLS handshake for the leaf certificate, if any
    89    repeated bytes signed_certificate_timestamps = 9;
    90    // ocsp_response is a stapled Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP)
    91    // response provided by the peer for the leaf certificate, if any.
    92    bytes ocsp_response = 10;
    93  }
    95  // Request is an http.Request see:
    96  message Request {
    97    // method specifies the HTTP method (GET, POST, PUT, etc.)
    98    string method = 1;
    99    // url specifies either the URI being requested (for server requests)
   100    // or the URL to access (for client requests)
   101    URL url = 2;
   102    // proto is the protocol version for incoming server requests
   103    string proto = 3;
   104    // proto_major is the major version
   105    int32 proto_major = 4;
   106    // proto_minor is the minor version
   107    int32 proto_minor = 5;
   108    // header contains the request header fields either received
   109    // by the server or to be sent by the client
   110    repeated Element header = 6;
   111    // body is the request payload in bytes
   112    bytes body = 7;
   113    // content_length records the length of the associated content
   114    int64 content_length = 8;
   115    // transfer_encoding lists the transfer encodings from outermost to
   116    // innermost
   117    repeated string transfer_encoding = 9;
   118    // host specifies the host on which the URL is sought
   119    string host = 10;
   120    // form contains the parsed form data, including both the URL
   121    // field's query parameters and the PATCH, POST, or PUT form data
   122    repeated Element form = 11;
   123    // post_form contains the parsed form data from PATCH, POST
   124    // or PUT body parameters
   125    repeated Element post_form = 12;
   126    // trailer_keys specifies additional headers that are sent after the request
   127    repeated string trailer_keys = 13;
   128    // remote_addr allows HTTP servers and other software to record
   129    // the network address that sent the request
   130    string remote_addr = 14;
   131    // request_uri is the unmodified request-target
   132    string request_uri = 15;
   133    // tls connection state
   134    ConnectionState tls = 16;
   135  }
   137  message ResponseWriter {
   138    // header returns the header map that will be sent by
   139    // WriteHeader.
   140    repeated Element header = 1;
   141    // server_addr is the address of the gRPC server hosting the Writer service
   142    string server_addr = 2;
   143  }
   145  message HTTPRequest {
   146    // response_writer is used by an HTTP handler to construct an HTTP response
   147    ResponseWriter response_writer = 1;
   148    // request is an http request
   149    Request request = 2;
   150  }
   152  message HandleSimpleHTTPRequest {
   153    // method specifies the HTTP method (GET, POST, PUT, etc.)
   154    string method = 1;
   155    // url specifies either the URI being requested
   156    string url = 2;
   157    // headers contains the request header fields either received
   158    // by the server or to be sent by the client
   159    repeated Element headers = 3;
   160    // body is the request payload in bytes
   161    bytes body = 4;
   162  }
   164  message HandleSimpleHTTPResponse {
   165    // code is the response code
   166    int32 code = 1;
   167    // headers contains the request header fields either received
   168    // by the server or to be sent by the client
   169    repeated Element headers = 2;
   170    // body is the response payload in bytes
   171    bytes body = 3;
   172  }