(about) 1 syntax = "proto3"; 2 3 package validatorstate; 4 5 import "google/protobuf/empty.proto"; 6 7 option go_package = ""; 8 9 service ValidatorState { 10 // GetMinimumHeight returns the minimum height of the blocks in the optimal 11 // proposal window. 12 rpc GetMinimumHeight(google.protobuf.Empty) returns (GetMinimumHeightResponse); 13 // GetCurrentHeight returns the current height of the P-chain. 14 rpc GetCurrentHeight(google.protobuf.Empty) returns (GetCurrentHeightResponse); 15 // GetSubnetID returns the subnetID of the provided chain. 16 rpc GetSubnetID(GetSubnetIDRequest) returns (GetSubnetIDResponse); 17 // GetValidatorSet returns the weights of the nodeIDs for the provided 18 // subnet at the requested P-chain height. 19 rpc GetValidatorSet(GetValidatorSetRequest) returns (GetValidatorSetResponse); 20 } 21 22 message GetMinimumHeightResponse { 23 uint64 height = 1; 24 } 25 26 message GetCurrentHeightResponse { 27 uint64 height = 1; 28 } 29 30 message GetSubnetIDRequest { 31 bytes chain_id = 1; 32 } 33 34 message GetSubnetIDResponse { 35 bytes subnet_id = 1; 36 } 37 38 message GetValidatorSetRequest { 39 uint64 height = 1; 40 bytes subnet_id = 2; 41 } 42 43 message Validator { 44 bytes node_id = 1; 45 uint64 weight = 2; 46 bytes public_key = 3; 47 } 48 49 message GetValidatorSetResponse { 50 repeated Validator validators = 1; 51 }