
     1  syntax = "proto3";
     3  package vm;
     5  import "google/protobuf/empty.proto";
     6  import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto";
     7  import "io/prometheus/client/metrics.proto";
     9  option go_package = "";
    11  // ref.
    12  // ref.
    13  service VM {
    14    // ChainVM
    15    //
    16    // Initialize this VM.
    17    rpc Initialize(InitializeRequest) returns (InitializeResponse);
    18    // SetState communicates to VM its next state it starts
    19    rpc SetState(SetStateRequest) returns (SetStateResponse);
    20    // Shutdown is called when the node is shutting down.
    21    rpc Shutdown(google.protobuf.Empty) returns (google.protobuf.Empty);
    22    // Creates the HTTP handlers for custom chain network calls.
    23    rpc CreateHandlers(google.protobuf.Empty) returns (CreateHandlersResponse);
    24    rpc Connected(ConnectedRequest) returns (google.protobuf.Empty);
    25    rpc Disconnected(DisconnectedRequest) returns (google.protobuf.Empty);
    26    // Attempt to create a new block from data contained in the VM.
    27    rpc BuildBlock(BuildBlockRequest) returns (BuildBlockResponse);
    28    // Attempt to create a block from a stream of bytes.
    29    rpc ParseBlock(ParseBlockRequest) returns (ParseBlockResponse);
    30    // Attempt to load a block.
    31    rpc GetBlock(GetBlockRequest) returns (GetBlockResponse);
    32    // Notify the VM of the currently preferred block.
    33    rpc SetPreference(SetPreferenceRequest) returns (google.protobuf.Empty);
    34    // Attempt to verify the health of the VM.
    35    rpc Health(google.protobuf.Empty) returns (HealthResponse);
    36    // Version returns the version of the VM.
    37    rpc Version(google.protobuf.Empty) returns (VersionResponse);
    38    // Notify this engine of a request for data from [nodeID].
    39    rpc AppRequest(AppRequestMsg) returns (google.protobuf.Empty);
    40    // Notify this engine that an AppRequest message it sent to [nodeID] with
    41    // request ID [requestID] failed.
    42    rpc AppRequestFailed(AppRequestFailedMsg) returns (google.protobuf.Empty);
    43    // Notify this engine of a response to the AppRequest message it sent to
    44    // [nodeID] with request ID [requestID].
    45    rpc AppResponse(AppResponseMsg) returns (google.protobuf.Empty);
    46    // Notify this engine of a gossip message from [nodeID].
    47    rpc AppGossip(AppGossipMsg) returns (google.protobuf.Empty);
    48    // Attempts to gather metrics from a VM.
    49    rpc Gather(google.protobuf.Empty) returns (GatherResponse);
    50    // BatchedChainVM
    51    rpc GetAncestors(GetAncestorsRequest) returns (GetAncestorsResponse);
    52    rpc BatchedParseBlock(BatchedParseBlockRequest) returns (BatchedParseBlockResponse);
    54    // HeightIndexedChainVM
    55    rpc GetBlockIDAtHeight(GetBlockIDAtHeightRequest) returns (GetBlockIDAtHeightResponse);
    57    // StateSyncableVM
    58    //
    59    // StateSyncEnabled indicates whether the state sync is enabled for this VM.
    60    rpc StateSyncEnabled(google.protobuf.Empty) returns (StateSyncEnabledResponse);
    61    // GetOngoingSyncStateSummary returns an in-progress state summary if it exists.
    62    rpc GetOngoingSyncStateSummary(google.protobuf.Empty) returns (GetOngoingSyncStateSummaryResponse);
    63    // GetLastStateSummary returns the latest state summary.
    64    rpc GetLastStateSummary(google.protobuf.Empty) returns (GetLastStateSummaryResponse);
    65    // ParseStateSummary parses a state summary out of [summaryBytes].
    66    rpc ParseStateSummary(ParseStateSummaryRequest) returns (ParseStateSummaryResponse);
    67    // GetStateSummary retrieves the state summary that was generated at height
    68    // [summaryHeight].
    69    rpc GetStateSummary(GetStateSummaryRequest) returns (GetStateSummaryResponse);
    71    // Block
    72    rpc BlockVerify(BlockVerifyRequest) returns (BlockVerifyResponse);
    73    rpc BlockAccept(BlockAcceptRequest) returns (google.protobuf.Empty);
    74    rpc BlockReject(BlockRejectRequest) returns (google.protobuf.Empty);
    76    // StateSummary
    77    rpc StateSummaryAccept(StateSummaryAcceptRequest) returns (StateSummaryAcceptResponse);
    78  }
    80  enum State {
    81    STATE_UNSPECIFIED = 0;
    82    STATE_STATE_SYNCING = 1;
    84    STATE_NORMAL_OP = 3;
    85  }
    87  enum Error {
    88    // ERROR_UNSPECIFIED is used to indicate that no error occurred.
    89    ERROR_UNSPECIFIED = 0;
    90    ERROR_CLOSED = 1;
    91    ERROR_NOT_FOUND = 2;
    93  }
    95  message InitializeRequest {
    96    uint32 network_id = 1;
    97    bytes subnet_id = 2;
    98    bytes chain_id = 3;
    99    bytes node_id = 4;
   100    // public_key is the BLS public key that would correspond with any signatures
   101    // produced by the warp messaging signer
   102    bytes public_key = 5;
   103    bytes x_chain_id = 6;
   104    bytes c_chain_id = 7;
   105    bytes avax_asset_id = 8;
   106    string chain_data_dir = 9;
   107    bytes genesis_bytes = 10;
   108    bytes upgrade_bytes = 11;
   109    bytes config_bytes = 12;
   110    string db_server_addr = 13;
   111    // server_addr is the address of the gRPC server which serves
   112    // the messenger, keystore, shared memory, blockchain alias,
   113    // subnet alias, and appSender services
   114    string server_addr = 14;
   115    // network_upgrades_bytes is the json encoded network upgrades
   116    NetworkUpgrades network_upgrades = 15;
   117  }
   119  message NetworkUpgrades {
   120    google.protobuf.Timestamp apricot_phase_1_time = 1;
   121    google.protobuf.Timestamp apricot_phase_2_time = 2;
   122    google.protobuf.Timestamp apricot_phase_3_time = 3;
   123    google.protobuf.Timestamp apricot_phase_4_time = 4;
   124    uint64 apricot_phase_4_min_p_chain_height = 5;
   125    google.protobuf.Timestamp apricot_phase_5_time = 6;
   126    google.protobuf.Timestamp apricot_phase_pre_6_time = 7;
   127    google.protobuf.Timestamp apricot_phase_6_time = 8;
   128    google.protobuf.Timestamp apricot_phase_post_6_time = 9;
   129    google.protobuf.Timestamp banff_time = 10;
   130    google.protobuf.Timestamp cortina_time = 11;
   131    bytes cortina_x_chain_stop_vertex_id = 12;
   132    google.protobuf.Timestamp durango_time = 13;
   133    google.protobuf.Timestamp etna_time = 14;
   134  }
   136  message InitializeResponse {
   137    bytes last_accepted_id = 1;
   138    bytes last_accepted_parent_id = 2;
   139    uint64 height = 3;
   140    bytes bytes = 4;
   141    google.protobuf.Timestamp timestamp = 5;
   142  }
   144  message SetStateRequest {
   145    State state = 1;
   146  }
   148  message SetStateResponse {
   149    bytes last_accepted_id = 1;
   150    bytes last_accepted_parent_id = 2;
   151    uint64 height = 3;
   152    bytes bytes = 4;
   153    google.protobuf.Timestamp timestamp = 5;
   154  }
   156  message CreateHandlersResponse {
   157    repeated Handler handlers = 1;
   158  }
   160  message Handler {
   161    string prefix = 1;
   162    // server_addr is the address of the gRPC server which serves the
   163    // HTTP service
   164    string server_addr = 2;
   165  }
   167  message BuildBlockRequest {
   168    optional uint64 p_chain_height = 1;
   169  }
   171  // Note: The status of a freshly built block is assumed to be Processing.
   172  message BuildBlockResponse {
   173    bytes id = 1;
   174    bytes parent_id = 2;
   175    bytes bytes = 3;
   176    uint64 height = 4;
   177    google.protobuf.Timestamp timestamp = 5;
   178    bool verify_with_context = 6;
   179  }
   181  message ParseBlockRequest {
   182    bytes bytes = 1;
   183  }
   185  message ParseBlockResponse {
   186    bytes id = 1;
   187    bytes parent_id = 2;
   188    uint64 height = 4;
   189    google.protobuf.Timestamp timestamp = 5;
   190    bool verify_with_context = 6;
   191  }
   193  message GetBlockRequest {
   194    bytes id = 1;
   195  }
   197  message GetBlockResponse {
   198    bytes parent_id = 1;
   199    bytes bytes = 2;
   200    uint64 height = 4;
   201    google.protobuf.Timestamp timestamp = 5;
   202    // used to propagate database.ErrNotFound through RPC
   203    Error err = 6;
   204    bool verify_with_context = 7;
   205  }
   207  message SetPreferenceRequest {
   208    bytes id = 1;
   209  }
   211  message BlockVerifyRequest {
   212    bytes bytes = 1;
   214    // If set, the VM server casts the block to a [block.WithVerifyContext] and
   215    // calls [VerifyWithContext] instead of [Verify].
   216    optional uint64 p_chain_height = 2;
   217  }
   219  message BlockVerifyResponse {
   220    google.protobuf.Timestamp timestamp = 1;
   221  }
   223  message BlockAcceptRequest {
   224    bytes id = 1;
   225  }
   227  message BlockRejectRequest {
   228    bytes id = 1;
   229  }
   231  message HealthResponse {
   232    bytes details = 1;
   233  }
   235  message VersionResponse {
   236    string version = 1;
   237  }
   239  message AppRequestMsg {
   240    // The node that sent us this request
   241    bytes node_id = 1;
   242    // The ID of this request
   243    uint32 request_id = 2;
   244    // deadline for this request
   245    google.protobuf.Timestamp deadline = 3;
   246    // The request body
   247    bytes request = 4;
   248  }
   250  message AppRequestFailedMsg {
   251    // The node that we failed to get a response from
   252    bytes node_id = 1;
   253    // The ID of the request we sent and didn't get a response to
   254    uint32 request_id = 2;
   255    // Application-defined error code
   256    sint32 error_code = 3;
   257    // Application-defined error message
   258    string error_message = 4;
   259  }
   261  message AppResponseMsg {
   262    // The node that we got a response from
   263    bytes node_id = 1;
   264    // Request ID of request that this is in response to
   265    uint32 request_id = 2;
   266    // The response body
   267    bytes response = 3;
   268  }
   270  message AppGossipMsg {
   271    // The node that sent us a gossip message
   272    bytes node_id = 1;
   273    // The message body
   274    bytes msg = 2;
   275  }
   277  message ConnectedRequest {
   278    bytes node_id = 1;
   279    // Client name (e.g avalanchego)
   280    string name = 2;
   281    // Client semantic version
   282    uint32 major = 3;
   283    uint32 minor = 4;
   284    uint32 patch = 5;
   285  }
   287  message DisconnectedRequest {
   288    bytes node_id = 1;
   289  }
   291  message GetAncestorsRequest {
   292    bytes blk_id = 1;
   293    int32 max_blocks_num = 2;
   294    int32 max_blocks_size = 3;
   295    int64 max_blocks_retrival_time = 4;
   296  }
   298  message GetAncestorsResponse {
   299    repeated bytes blks_bytes = 1;
   300  }
   302  message BatchedParseBlockRequest {
   303    repeated bytes request = 1;
   304  }
   306  message BatchedParseBlockResponse {
   307    repeated ParseBlockResponse response = 1;
   308  }
   310  message GetBlockIDAtHeightRequest {
   311    uint64 height = 1;
   312  }
   314  message GetBlockIDAtHeightResponse {
   315    bytes blk_id = 1;
   316    Error err = 2;
   317  }
   319  message GatherResponse {
   320    repeated io.prometheus.client.MetricFamily metric_families = 1;
   321  }
   323  message StateSyncEnabledResponse {
   324    bool enabled = 1;
   325    Error err = 2;
   326  }
   328  message GetOngoingSyncStateSummaryResponse {
   329    bytes id = 1;
   330    uint64 height = 2;
   331    bytes bytes = 3;
   332    Error err = 4;
   333  }
   335  message GetLastStateSummaryResponse {
   336    bytes id = 1;
   337    uint64 height = 2;
   338    bytes bytes = 3;
   339    Error err = 4;
   340  }
   342  message ParseStateSummaryRequest {
   343    bytes bytes = 1;
   344  }
   346  message ParseStateSummaryResponse {
   347    bytes id = 1;
   348    uint64 height = 2;
   349    Error err = 3;
   350  }
   352  message GetStateSummaryRequest {
   353    uint64 height = 1;
   354  }
   356  message GetStateSummaryResponse {
   357    bytes id = 1;
   358    bytes bytes = 2;
   359    Error err = 3;
   360  }
   362  message StateSummaryAcceptRequest {
   363    bytes bytes = 1;
   364  }
   366  message StateSummaryAcceptResponse {
   367    enum Mode {
   368      MODE_UNSPECIFIED = 0;
   369      MODE_SKIPPED = 1;
   370      MODE_STATIC = 2;
   371      MODE_DYNAMIC = 3;
   372    }
   373    Mode mode = 1;
   374    Error err = 2;
   375  }