
     1  // Copyright (C) 2019-2024, Ava Labs, Inc. All rights reserved.
     2  // See the file LICENSE for licensing terms.
     4  package network
     6  import (
     7  	"time"
     9  	""
    10  )
    12  var DefaultConfig = Config{
    13  	MaxValidatorSetStaleness:                    time.Minute,
    14  	TargetGossipSize:                            20 * units.KiB,
    15  	PushGossipPercentStake:                      .9,
    16  	PushGossipNumValidators:                     100,
    17  	PushGossipNumPeers:                          0,
    18  	PushRegossipNumValidators:                   10,
    19  	PushRegossipNumPeers:                        0,
    20  	PushGossipDiscardedCacheSize:                16384,
    21  	PushGossipMaxRegossipFrequency:              30 * time.Second,
    22  	PushGossipFrequency:                         500 * time.Millisecond,
    23  	PullGossipPollSize:                          1,
    24  	PullGossipFrequency:                         1500 * time.Millisecond,
    25  	PullGossipThrottlingPeriod:                  10 * time.Second,
    26  	PullGossipThrottlingLimit:                   2,
    27  	ExpectedBloomFilterElements:                 8 * 1024,
    28  	ExpectedBloomFilterFalsePositiveProbability: .01,
    29  	MaxBloomFilterFalsePositiveProbability:      .05,
    30  }
    32  type Config struct {
    33  	// MaxValidatorSetStaleness limits how old of a validator set the network
    34  	// will use for peer sampling and rate limiting.
    35  	MaxValidatorSetStaleness time.Duration `json:"max-validator-set-staleness"`
    36  	// TargetGossipSize is the number of bytes that will be attempted to be
    37  	// sent when pushing transactions and when responded to transaction pull
    38  	// requests.
    39  	TargetGossipSize int `json:"target-gossip-size"`
    40  	// PushGossipPercentStake is the percentage of total stake to push
    41  	// transactions to in the first round of gossip. Nodes with higher stake are
    42  	// preferred over nodes with less stake to minimize the number of messages
    43  	// sent over the p2p network.
    44  	PushGossipPercentStake float64 `json:"push-gossip-percent-stake"`
    45  	// PushGossipNumValidators is the number of validators to push transactions
    46  	// to in the first round of gossip.
    47  	PushGossipNumValidators int `json:"push-gossip-num-validators"`
    48  	// PushGossipNumPeers is the number of peers to push transactions to in the
    49  	// first round of gossip.
    50  	PushGossipNumPeers int `json:"push-gossip-num-peers"`
    51  	// PushRegossipNumValidators is the number of validators to push
    52  	// transactions to after the first round of gossip.
    53  	PushRegossipNumValidators int `json:"push-regossip-num-validators"`
    54  	// PushRegossipNumPeers is the number of peers to push transactions to after
    55  	// the first round of gossip.
    56  	PushRegossipNumPeers int `json:"push-regossip-num-peers"`
    57  	// PushGossipDiscardedCacheSize is the number of txIDs to cache to avoid
    58  	// pushing transactions that were recently dropped from the mempool.
    59  	PushGossipDiscardedCacheSize int `json:"push-gossip-discarded-cache-size"`
    60  	// PushGossipMaxRegossipFrequency is the limit for how frequently a
    61  	// transaction will be push gossiped.
    62  	PushGossipMaxRegossipFrequency time.Duration `json:"push-gossip-max-regossip-frequency"`
    63  	// PushGossipFrequency is how frequently rounds of push gossip are
    64  	// performed.
    65  	PushGossipFrequency time.Duration `json:"push-gossip-frequency"`
    66  	// PullGossipPollSize is the number of validators to sample when performing
    67  	// a round of pull gossip.
    68  	PullGossipPollSize int `json:"pull-gossip-poll-size"`
    69  	// PullGossipFrequency is how frequently rounds of pull gossip are
    70  	// performed.
    71  	PullGossipFrequency time.Duration `json:"pull-gossip-frequency"`
    72  	// PullGossipThrottlingPeriod is how large of a window the throttler should
    73  	// use.
    74  	PullGossipThrottlingPeriod time.Duration `json:"pull-gossip-throttling-period"`
    75  	// PullGossipThrottlingLimit is the number of pull querys that are allowed
    76  	// by a validator in every throttling window.
    77  	PullGossipThrottlingLimit int `json:"pull-gossip-throttling-limit"`
    78  	// ExpectedBloomFilterElements is the number of elements to expect when
    79  	// creating a new bloom filter. The larger this number is, the larger the
    80  	// bloom filter will be.
    81  	ExpectedBloomFilterElements int `json:"expected-bloom-filter-elements"`
    82  	// ExpectedBloomFilterFalsePositiveProbability is the expected probability
    83  	// of a false positive after having inserted ExpectedBloomFilterElements
    84  	// into a bloom filter. The smaller this number is, the larger the bloom
    85  	// filter will be.
    86  	ExpectedBloomFilterFalsePositiveProbability float64 `json:"expected-bloom-filter-false-positive-probability"`
    87  	// MaxBloomFilterFalsePositiveProbability is used to determine when the
    88  	// bloom filter should be refreshed. Once the expected probability of a
    89  	// false positive exceeds this value, the bloom filter will be regenerated.
    90  	// The smaller this number is, the more frequently that the bloom filter
    91  	// will be regenerated.
    92  	MaxBloomFilterFalsePositiveProbability float64 `json:"max-bloom-filter-false-positive-probability"`
    93  }