
     1  // Copyright (C) 2019-2024, Ava Labs, Inc. All rights reserved.
     2  // See the file LICENSE for licensing terms.
     4  package state
     6  import (
     7  	"context"
     8  	"errors"
     9  	"fmt"
    10  	"math"
    11  	"sync"
    12  	"time"
    14  	""
    15  	""
    16  	""
    18  	""
    19  	""
    20  	""
    21  	""
    22  	""
    23  	""
    24  	""
    25  	""
    26  	""
    27  	""
    28  	""
    29  	""
    30  	""
    31  	""
    32  	""
    33  	""
    34  	""
    35  	""
    36  	""
    37  	""
    38  	""
    39  	""
    40  	""
    41  	""
    42  	""
    43  	""
    44  	""
    45  	""
    46  	""
    48  	safemath ""
    49  )
    51  const (
    52  	defaultTreeDegree             = 2
    53  	indexIterationLimit           = 4096
    54  	indexIterationSleepMultiplier = 5
    55  	indexIterationSleepCap        = 10 * time.Second
    56  	indexLogFrequency             = 30 * time.Second
    57  )
    59  var (
    60  	_ State = (*state)(nil)
    62  	errValidatorSetAlreadyPopulated = errors.New("validator set already populated")
    63  	errIsNotSubnet                  = errors.New("is not a subnet")
    65  	BlockIDPrefix                 = []byte("blockID")
    66  	BlockPrefix                   = []byte("block")
    67  	ValidatorsPrefix              = []byte("validators")
    68  	CurrentPrefix                 = []byte("current")
    69  	PendingPrefix                 = []byte("pending")
    70  	ValidatorPrefix               = []byte("validator")
    71  	DelegatorPrefix               = []byte("delegator")
    72  	SubnetValidatorPrefix         = []byte("subnetValidator")
    73  	SubnetDelegatorPrefix         = []byte("subnetDelegator")
    74  	ValidatorWeightDiffsPrefix    = []byte("flatValidatorDiffs")
    75  	ValidatorPublicKeyDiffsPrefix = []byte("flatPublicKeyDiffs")
    76  	TxPrefix                      = []byte("tx")
    77  	RewardUTXOsPrefix             = []byte("rewardUTXOs")
    78  	UTXOPrefix                    = []byte("utxo")
    79  	SubnetPrefix                  = []byte("subnet")
    80  	SubnetOwnerPrefix             = []byte("subnetOwner")
    81  	SubnetManagerPrefix           = []byte("subnetManager")
    82  	TransformedSubnetPrefix       = []byte("transformedSubnet")
    83  	SupplyPrefix                  = []byte("supply")
    84  	ChainPrefix                   = []byte("chain")
    85  	SingletonPrefix               = []byte("singleton")
    87  	TimestampKey       = []byte("timestamp")
    88  	FeeStateKey        = []byte("fee state")
    89  	CurrentSupplyKey   = []byte("current supply")
    90  	LastAcceptedKey    = []byte("last accepted")
    91  	HeightsIndexedKey  = []byte("heights indexed")
    92  	InitializedKey     = []byte("initialized")
    93  	BlocksReindexedKey = []byte("blocks reindexed")
    94  )
    96  // Chain collects all methods to manage the state of the chain for block
    97  // execution.
    98  type Chain interface {
    99  	Stakers
   100  	avax.UTXOAdder
   101  	avax.UTXOGetter
   102  	avax.UTXODeleter
   104  	GetTimestamp() time.Time
   105  	SetTimestamp(tm time.Time)
   107  	GetFeeState() gas.State
   108  	SetFeeState(f gas.State)
   110  	GetCurrentSupply(subnetID ids.ID) (uint64, error)
   111  	SetCurrentSupply(subnetID ids.ID, cs uint64)
   113  	AddRewardUTXO(txID ids.ID, utxo *avax.UTXO)
   115  	AddSubnet(subnetID ids.ID)
   117  	GetSubnetOwner(subnetID ids.ID) (fx.Owner, error)
   118  	SetSubnetOwner(subnetID ids.ID, owner fx.Owner)
   120  	GetSubnetManager(subnetID ids.ID) (ids.ID, []byte, error)
   121  	SetSubnetManager(subnetID ids.ID, chainID ids.ID, addr []byte)
   123  	GetSubnetTransformation(subnetID ids.ID) (*txs.Tx, error)
   124  	AddSubnetTransformation(transformSubnetTx *txs.Tx)
   126  	AddChain(createChainTx *txs.Tx)
   128  	GetTx(txID ids.ID) (*txs.Tx, status.Status, error)
   129  	AddTx(tx *txs.Tx, status status.Status)
   130  }
   132  type State interface {
   133  	Chain
   134  	uptime.State
   135  	avax.UTXOReader
   137  	GetLastAccepted() ids.ID
   138  	SetLastAccepted(blkID ids.ID)
   140  	GetStatelessBlock(blockID ids.ID) (block.Block, error)
   142  	// Invariant: [block] is an accepted block.
   143  	AddStatelessBlock(block block.Block)
   145  	GetBlockIDAtHeight(height uint64) (ids.ID, error)
   147  	GetRewardUTXOs(txID ids.ID) ([]*avax.UTXO, error)
   148  	GetSubnetIDs() ([]ids.ID, error)
   149  	GetChains(subnetID ids.ID) ([]*txs.Tx, error)
   151  	// ApplyValidatorWeightDiffs iterates from [startHeight] towards the genesis
   152  	// block until it has applied all of the diffs up to and including
   153  	// [endHeight]. Applying the diffs modifies [validators].
   154  	//
   155  	// Invariant: If attempting to generate the validator set for
   156  	// [endHeight - 1], [validators] must initially contain the validator
   157  	// weights for [startHeight].
   158  	//
   159  	// Note: Because this function iterates towards the genesis, [startHeight]
   160  	// will typically be greater than or equal to [endHeight]. If [startHeight]
   161  	// is less than [endHeight], no diffs will be applied.
   162  	ApplyValidatorWeightDiffs(
   163  		ctx context.Context,
   164  		validators map[ids.NodeID]*validators.GetValidatorOutput,
   165  		startHeight uint64,
   166  		endHeight uint64,
   167  		subnetID ids.ID,
   168  	) error
   170  	// ApplyValidatorPublicKeyDiffs iterates from [startHeight] towards the
   171  	// genesis block until it has applied all of the diffs up to and including
   172  	// [endHeight]. Applying the diffs modifies [validators].
   173  	//
   174  	// Invariant: If attempting to generate the validator set for
   175  	// [endHeight - 1], [validators] must initially contain the validator
   176  	// weights for [startHeight].
   177  	//
   178  	// Note: Because this function iterates towards the genesis, [startHeight]
   179  	// will typically be greater than or equal to [endHeight]. If [startHeight]
   180  	// is less than [endHeight], no diffs will be applied.
   181  	ApplyValidatorPublicKeyDiffs(
   182  		ctx context.Context,
   183  		validators map[ids.NodeID]*validators.GetValidatorOutput,
   184  		startHeight uint64,
   185  		endHeight uint64,
   186  	) error
   188  	SetHeight(height uint64)
   190  	// Discard uncommitted changes to the database.
   191  	Abort()
   193  	// ReindexBlocks converts any block indices using the legacy storage format
   194  	// to the new format. If this database has already updated the indices,
   195  	// this function will return immediately, without iterating over the
   196  	// database.
   197  	//
   198  	// TODO: Remove after v1.12.x is activated
   199  	ReindexBlocks(lock sync.Locker, log logging.Logger) error
   201  	// Commit changes to the base database.
   202  	Commit() error
   204  	// Returns a batch of unwritten changes that, when written, will commit all
   205  	// pending changes to the base database.
   206  	CommitBatch() (database.Batch, error)
   208  	Checksum() ids.ID
   210  	Close() error
   211  }
   213  // Prior to, blocks were
   214  // stored as a map from blkID to stateBlk. Nodes synced prior to this PR may
   215  // still have blocks partially stored using this legacy format.
   216  //
   217  // TODO: Remove after v1.12.x is activated
   218  type stateBlk struct {
   219  	Bytes  []byte         `serialize:"true"`
   220  	Status choices.Status `serialize:"true"`
   221  }
   223  /*
   224   * VMDB
   225   * |-. validators
   226   * | |-. current
   227   * | | |-. validator
   228   * | | | '-. list
   229   * | | |   '-- txID -> uptime + potential reward + potential delegatee reward
   230   * | | |-. delegator
   231   * | | | '-. list
   232   * | | |   '-- txID -> potential reward
   233   * | | |-. subnetValidator
   234   * | | | '-. list
   235   * | | |   '-- txID -> uptime + potential reward + potential delegatee reward
   236   * | | '-. subnetDelegator
   237   * | |   '-. list
   238   * | |     '-- txID -> potential reward
   239   * | |-. pending
   240   * | | |-. validator
   241   * | | | '-. list
   242   * | | |   '-- txID -> nil
   243   * | | |-. delegator
   244   * | | | '-. list
   245   * | | |   '-- txID -> nil
   246   * | | |-. subnetValidator
   247   * | | | '-. list
   248   * | | |   '-- txID -> nil
   249   * | | '-. subnetDelegator
   250   * | |   '-. list
   251   * | |     '-- txID -> nil
   252   * | |-. weight diffs
   253   * | | '-- subnet+height+nodeID -> weightChange
   254   * | '-. pub key diffs
   255   * |   '-- subnet+height+nodeID -> uncompressed public key or nil
   256   * |-. blockIDs
   257   * | '-- height -> blockID
   258   * |-. blocks
   259   * | '-- blockID -> block bytes
   260   * |-. txs
   261   * | '-- txID -> tx bytes + tx status
   262   * |- rewardUTXOs
   263   * | '-. txID
   264   * |   '-. list
   265   * |     '-- utxoID -> utxo bytes
   266   * |- utxos
   267   * | '-- utxoDB
   268   * |-. subnets
   269   * | '-. list
   270   * |   '-- txID -> nil
   271   * |-. subnetOwners
   272   * | '-. subnetID -> owner
   273   * |-. chains
   274   * | '-. subnetID
   275   * |   '-. list
   276   * |     '-- txID -> nil
   277   * '-. singletons
   278   *   |-- initializedKey -> nil
   279   *   |-- blocksReindexedKey -> nil
   280   *   |-- timestampKey -> timestamp
   281   *   |-- feeStateKey -> feeState
   282   *   |-- currentSupplyKey -> currentSupply
   283   *   |-- lastAcceptedKey -> lastAccepted
   284   *   '-- heightsIndexKey -> startIndexHeight + endIndexHeight
   285   */
   286  type state struct {
   287  	validatorState
   289  	validators validators.Manager
   290  	ctx        *snow.Context
   291  	upgrades   upgrade.Config
   292  	metrics    metrics.Metrics
   293  	rewards    reward.Calculator
   295  	baseDB *versiondb.Database
   297  	currentStakers *baseStakers
   298  	pendingStakers *baseStakers
   300  	currentHeight uint64
   302  	addedBlockIDs map[uint64]ids.ID            // map of height -> blockID
   303  	blockIDCache  cache.Cacher[uint64, ids.ID] // cache of height -> blockID; if the entry is ids.Empty, it is not in the database
   304  	blockIDDB     database.Database
   306  	addedBlocks map[ids.ID]block.Block            // map of blockID -> Block
   307  	blockCache  cache.Cacher[ids.ID, block.Block] // cache of blockID -> Block; if the entry is nil, it is not in the database
   308  	blockDB     database.Database
   310  	validatorsDB                 database.Database
   311  	currentValidatorsDB          database.Database
   312  	currentValidatorBaseDB       database.Database
   313  	currentValidatorList         linkeddb.LinkedDB
   314  	currentDelegatorBaseDB       database.Database
   315  	currentDelegatorList         linkeddb.LinkedDB
   316  	currentSubnetValidatorBaseDB database.Database
   317  	currentSubnetValidatorList   linkeddb.LinkedDB
   318  	currentSubnetDelegatorBaseDB database.Database
   319  	currentSubnetDelegatorList   linkeddb.LinkedDB
   320  	pendingValidatorsDB          database.Database
   321  	pendingValidatorBaseDB       database.Database
   322  	pendingValidatorList         linkeddb.LinkedDB
   323  	pendingDelegatorBaseDB       database.Database
   324  	pendingDelegatorList         linkeddb.LinkedDB
   325  	pendingSubnetValidatorBaseDB database.Database
   326  	pendingSubnetValidatorList   linkeddb.LinkedDB
   327  	pendingSubnetDelegatorBaseDB database.Database
   328  	pendingSubnetDelegatorList   linkeddb.LinkedDB
   330  	validatorWeightDiffsDB    database.Database
   331  	validatorPublicKeyDiffsDB database.Database
   333  	addedTxs map[ids.ID]*txAndStatus            // map of txID -> {*txs.Tx, Status}
   334  	txCache  cache.Cacher[ids.ID, *txAndStatus] // txID -> {*txs.Tx, Status}; if the entry is nil, it is not in the database
   335  	txDB     database.Database
   337  	addedRewardUTXOs map[ids.ID][]*avax.UTXO            // map of txID -> []*UTXO
   338  	rewardUTXOsCache cache.Cacher[ids.ID, []*avax.UTXO] // txID -> []*UTXO
   339  	rewardUTXODB     database.Database
   341  	modifiedUTXOs map[ids.ID]*avax.UTXO // map of modified UTXOID -> *UTXO; if the UTXO is nil, it has been removed
   342  	utxoDB        database.Database
   343  	utxoState     avax.UTXOState
   345  	cachedSubnetIDs []ids.ID // nil if the subnets haven't been loaded
   346  	addedSubnetIDs  []ids.ID
   347  	subnetBaseDB    database.Database
   348  	subnetDB        linkeddb.LinkedDB
   350  	subnetOwners     map[ids.ID]fx.Owner                  // map of subnetID -> owner
   351  	subnetOwnerCache cache.Cacher[ids.ID, fxOwnerAndSize] // cache of subnetID -> owner; if the entry is nil, it is not in the database
   352  	subnetOwnerDB    database.Database
   354  	subnetManagers     map[ids.ID]chainIDAndAddr            // map of subnetID -> manager of the subnet
   355  	subnetManagerCache cache.Cacher[ids.ID, chainIDAndAddr] // cache of subnetID -> manager
   356  	subnetManagerDB    database.Database
   358  	transformedSubnets     map[ids.ID]*txs.Tx            // map of subnetID -> transformSubnetTx
   359  	transformedSubnetCache cache.Cacher[ids.ID, *txs.Tx] // cache of subnetID -> transformSubnetTx; if the entry is nil, it is not in the database
   360  	transformedSubnetDB    database.Database
   362  	modifiedSupplies map[ids.ID]uint64             // map of subnetID -> current supply
   363  	supplyCache      cache.Cacher[ids.ID, *uint64] // cache of subnetID -> current supply; if the entry is nil, it is not in the database
   364  	supplyDB         database.Database
   366  	addedChains  map[ids.ID][]*txs.Tx                    // maps subnetID -> the newly added chains to the subnet
   367  	chainCache   cache.Cacher[ids.ID, []*txs.Tx]         // cache of subnetID -> the chains after all local modifications []*txs.Tx
   368  	chainDBCache cache.Cacher[ids.ID, linkeddb.LinkedDB] // cache of subnetID -> linkedDB
   369  	chainDB      database.Database
   371  	// The persisted fields represent the current database value
   372  	timestamp, persistedTimestamp         time.Time
   373  	feeState, persistedFeeState           gas.State
   374  	currentSupply, persistedCurrentSupply uint64
   375  	// [lastAccepted] is the most recently accepted block.
   376  	lastAccepted, persistedLastAccepted ids.ID
   377  	// TODO: Remove indexedHeights once v1.11.3 has been released.
   378  	indexedHeights *heightRange
   379  	singletonDB    database.Database
   380  }
   382  // heightRange is used to track which heights are safe to use the native DB
   383  // iterator for querying validator diffs.
   384  //
   385  // TODO: Remove once we are guaranteed nodes can not rollback to not support the
   386  // new indexing mechanism.
   387  type heightRange struct {
   388  	LowerBound uint64 `serialize:"true"`
   389  	UpperBound uint64 `serialize:"true"`
   390  }
   392  type ValidatorWeightDiff struct {
   393  	Decrease bool   `serialize:"true"`
   394  	Amount   uint64 `serialize:"true"`
   395  }
   397  func (v *ValidatorWeightDiff) Add(negative bool, amount uint64) error {
   398  	if v.Decrease == negative {
   399  		var err error
   400  		v.Amount, err = safemath.Add(v.Amount, amount)
   401  		return err
   402  	}
   404  	if v.Amount > amount {
   405  		v.Amount -= amount
   406  	} else {
   407  		v.Amount = safemath.AbsDiff(v.Amount, amount)
   408  		v.Decrease = negative
   409  	}
   410  	return nil
   411  }
   413  type txBytesAndStatus struct {
   414  	Tx     []byte        `serialize:"true"`
   415  	Status status.Status `serialize:"true"`
   416  }
   418  type txAndStatus struct {
   419  	tx     *txs.Tx
   420  	status status.Status
   421  }
   423  type fxOwnerAndSize struct {
   424  	owner fx.Owner
   425  	size  int
   426  }
   428  type chainIDAndAddr struct {
   429  	ChainID ids.ID `serialize:"true"`
   430  	Addr    []byte `serialize:"true"`
   431  }
   433  func txSize(_ ids.ID, tx *txs.Tx) int {
   434  	if tx == nil {
   435  		return ids.IDLen + constants.PointerOverhead
   436  	}
   437  	return ids.IDLen + len(tx.Bytes()) + constants.PointerOverhead
   438  }
   440  func txAndStatusSize(_ ids.ID, t *txAndStatus) int {
   441  	if t == nil {
   442  		return ids.IDLen + constants.PointerOverhead
   443  	}
   444  	return ids.IDLen + len(t.tx.Bytes()) + wrappers.IntLen + 2*constants.PointerOverhead
   445  }
   447  func blockSize(_ ids.ID, blk block.Block) int {
   448  	if blk == nil {
   449  		return ids.IDLen + constants.PointerOverhead
   450  	}
   451  	return ids.IDLen + len(blk.Bytes()) + constants.PointerOverhead
   452  }
   454  func New(
   455  	db database.Database,
   456  	genesisBytes []byte,
   457  	metricsReg prometheus.Registerer,
   458  	validators validators.Manager,
   459  	upgrades upgrade.Config,
   460  	execCfg *config.ExecutionConfig,
   461  	ctx *snow.Context,
   462  	metrics metrics.Metrics,
   463  	rewards reward.Calculator,
   464  ) (State, error) {
   465  	blockIDCache, err := metercacher.New[uint64, ids.ID](
   466  		"block_id_cache",
   467  		metricsReg,
   468  		&cache.LRU[uint64, ids.ID]{Size: execCfg.BlockIDCacheSize},
   469  	)
   470  	if err != nil {
   471  		return nil, err
   472  	}
   474  	blockCache, err := metercacher.New[ids.ID, block.Block](
   475  		"block_cache",
   476  		metricsReg,
   477  		cache.NewSizedLRU[ids.ID, block.Block](execCfg.BlockCacheSize, blockSize),
   478  	)
   479  	if err != nil {
   480  		return nil, err
   481  	}
   483  	baseDB := versiondb.New(db)
   485  	validatorsDB := prefixdb.New(ValidatorsPrefix, baseDB)
   487  	currentValidatorsDB := prefixdb.New(CurrentPrefix, validatorsDB)
   488  	currentValidatorBaseDB := prefixdb.New(ValidatorPrefix, currentValidatorsDB)
   489  	currentDelegatorBaseDB := prefixdb.New(DelegatorPrefix, currentValidatorsDB)
   490  	currentSubnetValidatorBaseDB := prefixdb.New(SubnetValidatorPrefix, currentValidatorsDB)
   491  	currentSubnetDelegatorBaseDB := prefixdb.New(SubnetDelegatorPrefix, currentValidatorsDB)
   493  	pendingValidatorsDB := prefixdb.New(PendingPrefix, validatorsDB)
   494  	pendingValidatorBaseDB := prefixdb.New(ValidatorPrefix, pendingValidatorsDB)
   495  	pendingDelegatorBaseDB := prefixdb.New(DelegatorPrefix, pendingValidatorsDB)
   496  	pendingSubnetValidatorBaseDB := prefixdb.New(SubnetValidatorPrefix, pendingValidatorsDB)
   497  	pendingSubnetDelegatorBaseDB := prefixdb.New(SubnetDelegatorPrefix, pendingValidatorsDB)
   499  	validatorWeightDiffsDB := prefixdb.New(ValidatorWeightDiffsPrefix, validatorsDB)
   500  	validatorPublicKeyDiffsDB := prefixdb.New(ValidatorPublicKeyDiffsPrefix, validatorsDB)
   502  	txCache, err := metercacher.New(
   503  		"tx_cache",
   504  		metricsReg,
   505  		cache.NewSizedLRU[ids.ID, *txAndStatus](execCfg.TxCacheSize, txAndStatusSize),
   506  	)
   507  	if err != nil {
   508  		return nil, err
   509  	}
   511  	rewardUTXODB := prefixdb.New(RewardUTXOsPrefix, baseDB)
   512  	rewardUTXOsCache, err := metercacher.New[ids.ID, []*avax.UTXO](
   513  		"reward_utxos_cache",
   514  		metricsReg,
   515  		&cache.LRU[ids.ID, []*avax.UTXO]{Size: execCfg.RewardUTXOsCacheSize},
   516  	)
   517  	if err != nil {
   518  		return nil, err
   519  	}
   521  	utxoDB := prefixdb.New(UTXOPrefix, baseDB)
   522  	utxoState, err := avax.NewMeteredUTXOState(utxoDB, txs.GenesisCodec, metricsReg, execCfg.ChecksumsEnabled)
   523  	if err != nil {
   524  		return nil, err
   525  	}
   527  	subnetBaseDB := prefixdb.New(SubnetPrefix, baseDB)
   529  	subnetOwnerDB := prefixdb.New(SubnetOwnerPrefix, baseDB)
   530  	subnetOwnerCache, err := metercacher.New[ids.ID, fxOwnerAndSize](
   531  		"subnet_owner_cache",
   532  		metricsReg,
   533  		cache.NewSizedLRU[ids.ID, fxOwnerAndSize](execCfg.FxOwnerCacheSize, func(_ ids.ID, f fxOwnerAndSize) int {
   534  			return ids.IDLen + f.size
   535  		}),
   536  	)
   537  	if err != nil {
   538  		return nil, err
   539  	}
   541  	subnetManagerDB := prefixdb.New(SubnetManagerPrefix, baseDB)
   542  	subnetManagerCache, err := metercacher.New[ids.ID, chainIDAndAddr](
   543  		"subnet_manager_cache",
   544  		metricsReg,
   545  		cache.NewSizedLRU[ids.ID, chainIDAndAddr](execCfg.SubnetManagerCacheSize, func(_ ids.ID, f chainIDAndAddr) int {
   546  			return 2*ids.IDLen + len(f.Addr)
   547  		}),
   548  	)
   549  	if err != nil {
   550  		return nil, err
   551  	}
   553  	transformedSubnetCache, err := metercacher.New(
   554  		"transformed_subnet_cache",
   555  		metricsReg,
   556  		cache.NewSizedLRU[ids.ID, *txs.Tx](execCfg.TransformedSubnetTxCacheSize, txSize),
   557  	)
   558  	if err != nil {
   559  		return nil, err
   560  	}
   562  	supplyCache, err := metercacher.New[ids.ID, *uint64](
   563  		"supply_cache",
   564  		metricsReg,
   565  		&cache.LRU[ids.ID, *uint64]{Size: execCfg.ChainCacheSize},
   566  	)
   567  	if err != nil {
   568  		return nil, err
   569  	}
   571  	chainCache, err := metercacher.New[ids.ID, []*txs.Tx](
   572  		"chain_cache",
   573  		metricsReg,
   574  		&cache.LRU[ids.ID, []*txs.Tx]{Size: execCfg.ChainCacheSize},
   575  	)
   576  	if err != nil {
   577  		return nil, err
   578  	}
   580  	chainDBCache, err := metercacher.New[ids.ID, linkeddb.LinkedDB](
   581  		"chain_db_cache",
   582  		metricsReg,
   583  		&cache.LRU[ids.ID, linkeddb.LinkedDB]{Size: execCfg.ChainDBCacheSize},
   584  	)
   585  	if err != nil {
   586  		return nil, err
   587  	}
   589  	s := &state{
   590  		validatorState: newValidatorState(),
   592  		validators: validators,
   593  		ctx:        ctx,
   594  		upgrades:   upgrades,
   595  		metrics:    metrics,
   596  		rewards:    rewards,
   597  		baseDB:     baseDB,
   599  		addedBlockIDs: make(map[uint64]ids.ID),
   600  		blockIDCache:  blockIDCache,
   601  		blockIDDB:     prefixdb.New(BlockIDPrefix, baseDB),
   603  		addedBlocks: make(map[ids.ID]block.Block),
   604  		blockCache:  blockCache,
   605  		blockDB:     prefixdb.New(BlockPrefix, baseDB),
   607  		currentStakers: newBaseStakers(),
   608  		pendingStakers: newBaseStakers(),
   610  		validatorsDB:                 validatorsDB,
   611  		currentValidatorsDB:          currentValidatorsDB,
   612  		currentValidatorBaseDB:       currentValidatorBaseDB,
   613  		currentValidatorList:         linkeddb.NewDefault(currentValidatorBaseDB),
   614  		currentDelegatorBaseDB:       currentDelegatorBaseDB,
   615  		currentDelegatorList:         linkeddb.NewDefault(currentDelegatorBaseDB),
   616  		currentSubnetValidatorBaseDB: currentSubnetValidatorBaseDB,
   617  		currentSubnetValidatorList:   linkeddb.NewDefault(currentSubnetValidatorBaseDB),
   618  		currentSubnetDelegatorBaseDB: currentSubnetDelegatorBaseDB,
   619  		currentSubnetDelegatorList:   linkeddb.NewDefault(currentSubnetDelegatorBaseDB),
   620  		pendingValidatorsDB:          pendingValidatorsDB,
   621  		pendingValidatorBaseDB:       pendingValidatorBaseDB,
   622  		pendingValidatorList:         linkeddb.NewDefault(pendingValidatorBaseDB),
   623  		pendingDelegatorBaseDB:       pendingDelegatorBaseDB,
   624  		pendingDelegatorList:         linkeddb.NewDefault(pendingDelegatorBaseDB),
   625  		pendingSubnetValidatorBaseDB: pendingSubnetValidatorBaseDB,
   626  		pendingSubnetValidatorList:   linkeddb.NewDefault(pendingSubnetValidatorBaseDB),
   627  		pendingSubnetDelegatorBaseDB: pendingSubnetDelegatorBaseDB,
   628  		pendingSubnetDelegatorList:   linkeddb.NewDefault(pendingSubnetDelegatorBaseDB),
   629  		validatorWeightDiffsDB:       validatorWeightDiffsDB,
   630  		validatorPublicKeyDiffsDB:    validatorPublicKeyDiffsDB,
   632  		addedTxs: make(map[ids.ID]*txAndStatus),
   633  		txDB:     prefixdb.New(TxPrefix, baseDB),
   634  		txCache:  txCache,
   636  		addedRewardUTXOs: make(map[ids.ID][]*avax.UTXO),
   637  		rewardUTXODB:     rewardUTXODB,
   638  		rewardUTXOsCache: rewardUTXOsCache,
   640  		modifiedUTXOs: make(map[ids.ID]*avax.UTXO),
   641  		utxoDB:        utxoDB,
   642  		utxoState:     utxoState,
   644  		subnetBaseDB: subnetBaseDB,
   645  		subnetDB:     linkeddb.NewDefault(subnetBaseDB),
   647  		subnetOwners:     make(map[ids.ID]fx.Owner),
   648  		subnetOwnerDB:    subnetOwnerDB,
   649  		subnetOwnerCache: subnetOwnerCache,
   651  		subnetManagers:     make(map[ids.ID]chainIDAndAddr),
   652  		subnetManagerDB:    subnetManagerDB,
   653  		subnetManagerCache: subnetManagerCache,
   655  		transformedSubnets:     make(map[ids.ID]*txs.Tx),
   656  		transformedSubnetCache: transformedSubnetCache,
   657  		transformedSubnetDB:    prefixdb.New(TransformedSubnetPrefix, baseDB),
   659  		modifiedSupplies: make(map[ids.ID]uint64),
   660  		supplyCache:      supplyCache,
   661  		supplyDB:         prefixdb.New(SupplyPrefix, baseDB),
   663  		addedChains:  make(map[ids.ID][]*txs.Tx),
   664  		chainDB:      prefixdb.New(ChainPrefix, baseDB),
   665  		chainCache:   chainCache,
   666  		chainDBCache: chainDBCache,
   668  		singletonDB: prefixdb.New(SingletonPrefix, baseDB),
   669  	}
   671  	if err := s.sync(genesisBytes); err != nil {
   672  		return nil, errors.Join(
   673  			err,
   674  			s.Close(),
   675  		)
   676  	}
   678  	return s, nil
   679  }
   681  func (s *state) GetCurrentValidator(subnetID ids.ID, nodeID ids.NodeID) (*Staker, error) {
   682  	return s.currentStakers.GetValidator(subnetID, nodeID)
   683  }
   685  func (s *state) PutCurrentValidator(staker *Staker) error {
   686  	s.currentStakers.PutValidator(staker)
   687  	return nil
   688  }
   690  func (s *state) DeleteCurrentValidator(staker *Staker) {
   691  	s.currentStakers.DeleteValidator(staker)
   692  }
   694  func (s *state) GetCurrentDelegatorIterator(subnetID ids.ID, nodeID ids.NodeID) (iterator.Iterator[*Staker], error) {
   695  	return s.currentStakers.GetDelegatorIterator(subnetID, nodeID), nil
   696  }
   698  func (s *state) PutCurrentDelegator(staker *Staker) {
   699  	s.currentStakers.PutDelegator(staker)
   700  }
   702  func (s *state) DeleteCurrentDelegator(staker *Staker) {
   703  	s.currentStakers.DeleteDelegator(staker)
   704  }
   706  func (s *state) GetCurrentStakerIterator() (iterator.Iterator[*Staker], error) {
   707  	return s.currentStakers.GetStakerIterator(), nil
   708  }
   710  func (s *state) GetPendingValidator(subnetID ids.ID, nodeID ids.NodeID) (*Staker, error) {
   711  	return s.pendingStakers.GetValidator(subnetID, nodeID)
   712  }
   714  func (s *state) PutPendingValidator(staker *Staker) error {
   715  	s.pendingStakers.PutValidator(staker)
   716  	return nil
   717  }
   719  func (s *state) DeletePendingValidator(staker *Staker) {
   720  	s.pendingStakers.DeleteValidator(staker)
   721  }
   723  func (s *state) GetPendingDelegatorIterator(subnetID ids.ID, nodeID ids.NodeID) (iterator.Iterator[*Staker], error) {
   724  	return s.pendingStakers.GetDelegatorIterator(subnetID, nodeID), nil
   725  }
   727  func (s *state) PutPendingDelegator(staker *Staker) {
   728  	s.pendingStakers.PutDelegator(staker)
   729  }
   731  func (s *state) DeletePendingDelegator(staker *Staker) {
   732  	s.pendingStakers.DeleteDelegator(staker)
   733  }
   735  func (s *state) GetPendingStakerIterator() (iterator.Iterator[*Staker], error) {
   736  	return s.pendingStakers.GetStakerIterator(), nil
   737  }
   739  func (s *state) GetSubnetIDs() ([]ids.ID, error) {
   740  	if s.cachedSubnetIDs != nil {
   741  		return s.cachedSubnetIDs, nil
   742  	}
   744  	subnetDBIt := s.subnetDB.NewIterator()
   745  	defer subnetDBIt.Release()
   747  	subnetIDs := []ids.ID{}
   748  	for subnetDBIt.Next() {
   749  		subnetIDBytes := subnetDBIt.Key()
   750  		subnetID, err := ids.ToID(subnetIDBytes)
   751  		if err != nil {
   752  			return nil, err
   753  		}
   754  		subnetIDs = append(subnetIDs, subnetID)
   755  	}
   756  	if err := subnetDBIt.Error(); err != nil {
   757  		return nil, err
   758  	}
   759  	subnetIDs = append(subnetIDs, s.addedSubnetIDs...)
   760  	s.cachedSubnetIDs = subnetIDs
   761  	return subnetIDs, nil
   762  }
   764  func (s *state) AddSubnet(subnetID ids.ID) {
   765  	s.addedSubnetIDs = append(s.addedSubnetIDs, subnetID)
   766  	if s.cachedSubnetIDs != nil {
   767  		s.cachedSubnetIDs = append(s.cachedSubnetIDs, subnetID)
   768  	}
   769  }
   771  func (s *state) GetSubnetOwner(subnetID ids.ID) (fx.Owner, error) {
   772  	if owner, exists := s.subnetOwners[subnetID]; exists {
   773  		return owner, nil
   774  	}
   776  	if ownerAndSize, cached := s.subnetOwnerCache.Get(subnetID); cached {
   777  		if ownerAndSize.owner == nil {
   778  			return nil, database.ErrNotFound
   779  		}
   780  		return ownerAndSize.owner, nil
   781  	}
   783  	ownerBytes, err := s.subnetOwnerDB.Get(subnetID[:])
   784  	if err == nil {
   785  		var owner fx.Owner
   786  		if _, err := block.GenesisCodec.Unmarshal(ownerBytes, &owner); err != nil {
   787  			return nil, err
   788  		}
   789  		s.subnetOwnerCache.Put(subnetID, fxOwnerAndSize{
   790  			owner: owner,
   791  			size:  len(ownerBytes),
   792  		})
   793  		return owner, nil
   794  	}
   795  	if err != database.ErrNotFound {
   796  		return nil, err
   797  	}
   799  	subnetIntf, _, err := s.GetTx(subnetID)
   800  	if err != nil {
   801  		if err == database.ErrNotFound {
   802  			s.subnetOwnerCache.Put(subnetID, fxOwnerAndSize{})
   803  		}
   804  		return nil, err
   805  	}
   807  	subnet, ok := subnetIntf.Unsigned.(*txs.CreateSubnetTx)
   808  	if !ok {
   809  		return nil, fmt.Errorf("%q %w", subnetID, errIsNotSubnet)
   810  	}
   812  	s.SetSubnetOwner(subnetID, subnet.Owner)
   813  	return subnet.Owner, nil
   814  }
   816  func (s *state) SetSubnetOwner(subnetID ids.ID, owner fx.Owner) {
   817  	s.subnetOwners[subnetID] = owner
   818  }
   820  func (s *state) GetSubnetManager(subnetID ids.ID) (ids.ID, []byte, error) {
   821  	if chainIDAndAddr, exists := s.subnetManagers[subnetID]; exists {
   822  		return chainIDAndAddr.ChainID, chainIDAndAddr.Addr, nil
   823  	}
   825  	if chainIDAndAddr, cached := s.subnetManagerCache.Get(subnetID); cached {
   826  		return chainIDAndAddr.ChainID, chainIDAndAddr.Addr, nil
   827  	}
   829  	chainIDAndAddrBytes, err := s.subnetManagerDB.Get(subnetID[:])
   830  	if err != nil {
   831  		return ids.Empty, nil, err
   832  	}
   834  	var manager chainIDAndAddr
   835  	if _, err := block.GenesisCodec.Unmarshal(chainIDAndAddrBytes, &manager); err != nil {
   836  		return ids.Empty, nil, err
   837  	}
   838  	s.subnetManagerCache.Put(subnetID, manager)
   839  	return manager.ChainID, manager.Addr, nil
   840  }
   842  func (s *state) SetSubnetManager(subnetID ids.ID, chainID ids.ID, addr []byte) {
   843  	s.subnetManagers[subnetID] = chainIDAndAddr{
   844  		ChainID: chainID,
   845  		Addr:    addr,
   846  	}
   847  }
   849  func (s *state) GetSubnetTransformation(subnetID ids.ID) (*txs.Tx, error) {
   850  	if tx, exists := s.transformedSubnets[subnetID]; exists {
   851  		return tx, nil
   852  	}
   854  	if tx, cached := s.transformedSubnetCache.Get(subnetID); cached {
   855  		if tx == nil {
   856  			return nil, database.ErrNotFound
   857  		}
   858  		return tx, nil
   859  	}
   861  	transformSubnetTxID, err := database.GetID(s.transformedSubnetDB, subnetID[:])
   862  	if err == database.ErrNotFound {
   863  		s.transformedSubnetCache.Put(subnetID, nil)
   864  		return nil, database.ErrNotFound
   865  	}
   866  	if err != nil {
   867  		return nil, err
   868  	}
   870  	transformSubnetTx, _, err := s.GetTx(transformSubnetTxID)
   871  	if err != nil {
   872  		return nil, err
   873  	}
   874  	s.transformedSubnetCache.Put(subnetID, transformSubnetTx)
   875  	return transformSubnetTx, nil
   876  }
   878  func (s *state) AddSubnetTransformation(transformSubnetTxIntf *txs.Tx) {
   879  	transformSubnetTx := transformSubnetTxIntf.Unsigned.(*txs.TransformSubnetTx)
   880  	s.transformedSubnets[transformSubnetTx.Subnet] = transformSubnetTxIntf
   881  }
   883  func (s *state) GetChains(subnetID ids.ID) ([]*txs.Tx, error) {
   884  	if chains, cached := s.chainCache.Get(subnetID); cached {
   885  		return chains, nil
   886  	}
   887  	chainDB := s.getChainDB(subnetID)
   888  	chainDBIt := chainDB.NewIterator()
   889  	defer chainDBIt.Release()
   891  	txs := []*txs.Tx(nil)
   892  	for chainDBIt.Next() {
   893  		chainIDBytes := chainDBIt.Key()
   894  		chainID, err := ids.ToID(chainIDBytes)
   895  		if err != nil {
   896  			return nil, err
   897  		}
   898  		chainTx, _, err := s.GetTx(chainID)
   899  		if err != nil {
   900  			return nil, err
   901  		}
   902  		txs = append(txs, chainTx)
   903  	}
   904  	if err := chainDBIt.Error(); err != nil {
   905  		return nil, err
   906  	}
   907  	txs = append(txs, s.addedChains[subnetID]...)
   908  	s.chainCache.Put(subnetID, txs)
   909  	return txs, nil
   910  }
   912  func (s *state) AddChain(createChainTxIntf *txs.Tx) {
   913  	createChainTx := createChainTxIntf.Unsigned.(*txs.CreateChainTx)
   914  	subnetID := createChainTx.SubnetID
   915  	s.addedChains[subnetID] = append(s.addedChains[subnetID], createChainTxIntf)
   916  	if chains, cached := s.chainCache.Get(subnetID); cached {
   917  		chains = append(chains, createChainTxIntf)
   918  		s.chainCache.Put(subnetID, chains)
   919  	}
   920  }
   922  func (s *state) getChainDB(subnetID ids.ID) linkeddb.LinkedDB {
   923  	if chainDB, cached := s.chainDBCache.Get(subnetID); cached {
   924  		return chainDB
   925  	}
   926  	rawChainDB := prefixdb.New(subnetID[:], s.chainDB)
   927  	chainDB := linkeddb.NewDefault(rawChainDB)
   928  	s.chainDBCache.Put(subnetID, chainDB)
   929  	return chainDB
   930  }
   932  func (s *state) GetTx(txID ids.ID) (*txs.Tx, status.Status, error) {
   933  	if tx, exists := s.addedTxs[txID]; exists {
   934  		return tx.tx, tx.status, nil
   935  	}
   936  	if tx, cached := s.txCache.Get(txID); cached {
   937  		if tx == nil {
   938  			return nil, status.Unknown, database.ErrNotFound
   939  		}
   940  		return tx.tx, tx.status, nil
   941  	}
   942  	txBytes, err := s.txDB.Get(txID[:])
   943  	if err == database.ErrNotFound {
   944  		s.txCache.Put(txID, nil)
   945  		return nil, status.Unknown, database.ErrNotFound
   946  	} else if err != nil {
   947  		return nil, status.Unknown, err
   948  	}
   950  	stx := txBytesAndStatus{}
   951  	if _, err := txs.GenesisCodec.Unmarshal(txBytes, &stx); err != nil {
   952  		return nil, status.Unknown, err
   953  	}
   955  	tx, err := txs.Parse(txs.GenesisCodec, stx.Tx)
   956  	if err != nil {
   957  		return nil, status.Unknown, err
   958  	}
   960  	ptx := &txAndStatus{
   961  		tx:     tx,
   962  		status: stx.Status,
   963  	}
   965  	s.txCache.Put(txID, ptx)
   966  	return ptx.tx, ptx.status, nil
   967  }
   969  func (s *state) AddTx(tx *txs.Tx, status status.Status) {
   970  	s.addedTxs[tx.ID()] = &txAndStatus{
   971  		tx:     tx,
   972  		status: status,
   973  	}
   974  }
   976  func (s *state) GetRewardUTXOs(txID ids.ID) ([]*avax.UTXO, error) {
   977  	if utxos, exists := s.addedRewardUTXOs[txID]; exists {
   978  		return utxos, nil
   979  	}
   980  	if utxos, exists := s.rewardUTXOsCache.Get(txID); exists {
   981  		return utxos, nil
   982  	}
   984  	rawTxDB := prefixdb.New(txID[:], s.rewardUTXODB)
   985  	txDB := linkeddb.NewDefault(rawTxDB)
   986  	it := txDB.NewIterator()
   987  	defer it.Release()
   989  	utxos := []*avax.UTXO(nil)
   990  	for it.Next() {
   991  		utxo := &avax.UTXO{}
   992  		if _, err := txs.Codec.Unmarshal(it.Value(), utxo); err != nil {
   993  			return nil, err
   994  		}
   995  		utxos = append(utxos, utxo)
   996  	}
   997  	if err := it.Error(); err != nil {
   998  		return nil, err
   999  	}
  1001  	s.rewardUTXOsCache.Put(txID, utxos)
  1002  	return utxos, nil
  1003  }
  1005  func (s *state) AddRewardUTXO(txID ids.ID, utxo *avax.UTXO) {
  1006  	s.addedRewardUTXOs[txID] = append(s.addedRewardUTXOs[txID], utxo)
  1007  }
  1009  func (s *state) GetUTXO(utxoID ids.ID) (*avax.UTXO, error) {
  1010  	if utxo, exists := s.modifiedUTXOs[utxoID]; exists {
  1011  		if utxo == nil {
  1012  			return nil, database.ErrNotFound
  1013  		}
  1014  		return utxo, nil
  1015  	}
  1016  	return s.utxoState.GetUTXO(utxoID)
  1017  }
  1019  func (s *state) UTXOIDs(addr []byte, start ids.ID, limit int) ([]ids.ID, error) {
  1020  	return s.utxoState.UTXOIDs(addr, start, limit)
  1021  }
  1023  func (s *state) AddUTXO(utxo *avax.UTXO) {
  1024  	s.modifiedUTXOs[utxo.InputID()] = utxo
  1025  }
  1027  func (s *state) DeleteUTXO(utxoID ids.ID) {
  1028  	s.modifiedUTXOs[utxoID] = nil
  1029  }
  1031  func (s *state) GetStartTime(nodeID ids.NodeID, subnetID ids.ID) (time.Time, error) {
  1032  	staker, err := s.currentStakers.GetValidator(subnetID, nodeID)
  1033  	if err != nil {
  1034  		return time.Time{}, err
  1035  	}
  1036  	return staker.StartTime, nil
  1037  }
  1039  func (s *state) GetTimestamp() time.Time {
  1040  	return s.timestamp
  1041  }
  1043  func (s *state) SetTimestamp(tm time.Time) {
  1044  	s.timestamp = tm
  1045  }
  1047  func (s *state) GetFeeState() gas.State {
  1048  	return s.feeState
  1049  }
  1051  func (s *state) SetFeeState(feeState gas.State) {
  1052  	s.feeState = feeState
  1053  }
  1055  func (s *state) GetLastAccepted() ids.ID {
  1056  	return s.lastAccepted
  1057  }
  1059  func (s *state) SetLastAccepted(lastAccepted ids.ID) {
  1060  	s.lastAccepted = lastAccepted
  1061  }
  1063  func (s *state) GetCurrentSupply(subnetID ids.ID) (uint64, error) {
  1064  	if subnetID == constants.PrimaryNetworkID {
  1065  		return s.currentSupply, nil
  1066  	}
  1068  	supply, ok := s.modifiedSupplies[subnetID]
  1069  	if ok {
  1070  		return supply, nil
  1071  	}
  1073  	cachedSupply, ok := s.supplyCache.Get(subnetID)
  1074  	if ok {
  1075  		if cachedSupply == nil {
  1076  			return 0, database.ErrNotFound
  1077  		}
  1078  		return *cachedSupply, nil
  1079  	}
  1081  	supply, err := database.GetUInt64(s.supplyDB, subnetID[:])
  1082  	if err == database.ErrNotFound {
  1083  		s.supplyCache.Put(subnetID, nil)
  1084  		return 0, database.ErrNotFound
  1085  	}
  1086  	if err != nil {
  1087  		return 0, err
  1088  	}
  1090  	s.supplyCache.Put(subnetID, &supply)
  1091  	return supply, nil
  1092  }
  1094  func (s *state) SetCurrentSupply(subnetID ids.ID, cs uint64) {
  1095  	if subnetID == constants.PrimaryNetworkID {
  1096  		s.currentSupply = cs
  1097  	} else {
  1098  		s.modifiedSupplies[subnetID] = cs
  1099  	}
  1100  }
  1102  func (s *state) ApplyValidatorWeightDiffs(
  1103  	ctx context.Context,
  1104  	validators map[ids.NodeID]*validators.GetValidatorOutput,
  1105  	startHeight uint64,
  1106  	endHeight uint64,
  1107  	subnetID ids.ID,
  1108  ) error {
  1109  	diffIter := s.validatorWeightDiffsDB.NewIteratorWithStartAndPrefix(
  1110  		marshalStartDiffKey(subnetID, startHeight),
  1111  		subnetID[:],
  1112  	)
  1113  	defer diffIter.Release()
  1115  	prevHeight := startHeight + 1
  1116  	for diffIter.Next() {
  1117  		if err := ctx.Err(); err != nil {
  1118  			return err
  1119  		}
  1121  		_, parsedHeight, nodeID, err := unmarshalDiffKey(diffIter.Key())
  1122  		if err != nil {
  1123  			return err
  1124  		}
  1126  		if parsedHeight > prevHeight {
  1127  			s.ctx.Log.Error("unexpected parsed height",
  1128  				zap.Stringer("subnetID", subnetID),
  1129  				zap.Uint64("parsedHeight", parsedHeight),
  1130  				zap.Stringer("nodeID", nodeID),
  1131  				zap.Uint64("prevHeight", prevHeight),
  1132  				zap.Uint64("startHeight", startHeight),
  1133  				zap.Uint64("endHeight", endHeight),
  1134  			)
  1135  		}
  1137  		// If the parsedHeight is less than our target endHeight, then we have
  1138  		// fully processed the diffs from startHeight through endHeight.
  1139  		if parsedHeight < endHeight {
  1140  			return diffIter.Error()
  1141  		}
  1143  		prevHeight = parsedHeight
  1145  		weightDiff, err := unmarshalWeightDiff(diffIter.Value())
  1146  		if err != nil {
  1147  			return err
  1148  		}
  1150  		if err := applyWeightDiff(validators, nodeID, weightDiff); err != nil {
  1151  			return err
  1152  		}
  1153  	}
  1154  	return diffIter.Error()
  1155  }
  1157  func applyWeightDiff(
  1158  	vdrs map[ids.NodeID]*validators.GetValidatorOutput,
  1159  	nodeID ids.NodeID,
  1160  	weightDiff *ValidatorWeightDiff,
  1161  ) error {
  1162  	vdr, ok := vdrs[nodeID]
  1163  	if !ok {
  1164  		// This node isn't in the current validator set.
  1165  		vdr = &validators.GetValidatorOutput{
  1166  			NodeID: nodeID,
  1167  		}
  1168  		vdrs[nodeID] = vdr
  1169  	}
  1171  	// The weight of this node changed at this block.
  1172  	var err error
  1173  	if weightDiff.Decrease {
  1174  		// The validator's weight was decreased at this block, so in the
  1175  		// prior block it was higher.
  1176  		vdr.Weight, err = safemath.Add(vdr.Weight, weightDiff.Amount)
  1177  	} else {
  1178  		// The validator's weight was increased at this block, so in the
  1179  		// prior block it was lower.
  1180  		vdr.Weight, err = safemath.Sub(vdr.Weight, weightDiff.Amount)
  1181  	}
  1182  	if err != nil {
  1183  		return err
  1184  	}
  1186  	if vdr.Weight == 0 {
  1187  		// The validator's weight was 0 before this block so they weren't in the
  1188  		// validator set.
  1189  		delete(vdrs, nodeID)
  1190  	}
  1191  	return nil
  1192  }
  1194  func (s *state) ApplyValidatorPublicKeyDiffs(
  1195  	ctx context.Context,
  1196  	validators map[ids.NodeID]*validators.GetValidatorOutput,
  1197  	startHeight uint64,
  1198  	endHeight uint64,
  1199  ) error {
  1200  	diffIter := s.validatorPublicKeyDiffsDB.NewIteratorWithStartAndPrefix(
  1201  		marshalStartDiffKey(constants.PrimaryNetworkID, startHeight),
  1202  		constants.PrimaryNetworkID[:],
  1203  	)
  1204  	defer diffIter.Release()
  1206  	for diffIter.Next() {
  1207  		if err := ctx.Err(); err != nil {
  1208  			return err
  1209  		}
  1211  		_, parsedHeight, nodeID, err := unmarshalDiffKey(diffIter.Key())
  1212  		if err != nil {
  1213  			return err
  1214  		}
  1215  		// If the parsedHeight is less than our target endHeight, then we have
  1216  		// fully processed the diffs from startHeight through endHeight.
  1217  		if parsedHeight < endHeight {
  1218  			break
  1219  		}
  1221  		vdr, ok := validators[nodeID]
  1222  		if !ok {
  1223  			continue
  1224  		}
  1226  		pkBytes := diffIter.Value()
  1227  		if len(pkBytes) == 0 {
  1228  			vdr.PublicKey = nil
  1229  			continue
  1230  		}
  1232  		vdr.PublicKey = bls.PublicKeyFromValidUncompressedBytes(pkBytes)
  1233  	}
  1235  	// Note: this does not fallback to the linkeddb index because the linkeddb
  1236  	// index does not contain entries for when to remove the public key.
  1237  	//
  1238  	// Nodes may see inconsistent public keys for heights before the new public
  1239  	// key index was populated.
  1240  	return diffIter.Error()
  1241  }
  1243  func (s *state) syncGenesis(genesisBlk block.Block, genesis *genesis.Genesis) error {
  1244  	genesisBlkID := genesisBlk.ID()
  1245  	s.SetLastAccepted(genesisBlkID)
  1246  	s.SetTimestamp(time.Unix(int64(genesis.Timestamp), 0))
  1247  	s.SetCurrentSupply(constants.PrimaryNetworkID, genesis.InitialSupply)
  1248  	s.AddStatelessBlock(genesisBlk)
  1250  	// Persist UTXOs that exist at genesis
  1251  	for _, utxo := range genesis.UTXOs {
  1252  		avaxUTXO := utxo.UTXO
  1253  		s.AddUTXO(&avaxUTXO)
  1254  	}
  1256  	// Persist primary network validator set at genesis
  1257  	for _, vdrTx := range genesis.Validators {
  1258  		// We expect genesis validator txs to be either AddValidatorTx or
  1259  		// AddPermissionlessValidatorTx.
  1260  		//
  1261  		// TODO: Enforce stricter type check
  1262  		validatorTx, ok := vdrTx.Unsigned.(txs.ScheduledStaker)
  1263  		if !ok {
  1264  			return fmt.Errorf("expected a scheduled staker but got %T", vdrTx.Unsigned)
  1265  		}
  1267  		stakeAmount := validatorTx.Weight()
  1268  		// Note: We use [StartTime()] here because genesis transactions are
  1269  		// guaranteed to be pre-Durango activation.
  1270  		startTime := validatorTx.StartTime()
  1271  		stakeDuration := validatorTx.EndTime().Sub(startTime)
  1272  		currentSupply, err := s.GetCurrentSupply(constants.PrimaryNetworkID)
  1273  		if err != nil {
  1274  			return err
  1275  		}
  1277  		potentialReward := s.rewards.Calculate(
  1278  			stakeDuration,
  1279  			stakeAmount,
  1280  			currentSupply,
  1281  		)
  1282  		newCurrentSupply, err := safemath.Add(currentSupply, potentialReward)
  1283  		if err != nil {
  1284  			return err
  1285  		}
  1287  		staker, err := NewCurrentStaker(vdrTx.ID(), validatorTx, startTime, potentialReward)
  1288  		if err != nil {
  1289  			return err
  1290  		}
  1292  		if err := s.PutCurrentValidator(staker); err != nil {
  1293  			return err
  1294  		}
  1295  		s.AddTx(vdrTx, status.Committed)
  1296  		s.SetCurrentSupply(constants.PrimaryNetworkID, newCurrentSupply)
  1297  	}
  1299  	for _, chain := range genesis.Chains {
  1300  		unsignedChain, ok := chain.Unsigned.(*txs.CreateChainTx)
  1301  		if !ok {
  1302  			return fmt.Errorf("expected tx type *txs.CreateChainTx but got %T", chain.Unsigned)
  1303  		}
  1305  		// Ensure all chains that the genesis bytes say to create have the right
  1306  		// network ID
  1307  		if unsignedChain.NetworkID != s.ctx.NetworkID {
  1308  			return avax.ErrWrongNetworkID
  1309  		}
  1311  		s.AddChain(chain)
  1312  		s.AddTx(chain, status.Committed)
  1313  	}
  1315  	// updateValidators is set to false here to maintain the invariant that the
  1316  	// primary network's validator set is empty before the validator sets are
  1317  	// initialized.
  1318  	return s.write(false /*=updateValidators*/, 0)
  1319  }
  1321  // Load pulls data previously stored on disk that is expected to be in memory.
  1322  func (s *state) load() error {
  1323  	return errors.Join(
  1324  		s.loadMetadata(),
  1325  		s.loadCurrentValidators(),
  1326  		s.loadPendingValidators(),
  1327  		s.initValidatorSets(),
  1328  	)
  1329  }
  1331  func (s *state) loadMetadata() error {
  1332  	timestamp, err := database.GetTimestamp(s.singletonDB, TimestampKey)
  1333  	if err != nil {
  1334  		return err
  1335  	}
  1336  	s.persistedTimestamp = timestamp
  1337  	s.SetTimestamp(timestamp)
  1339  	feeState, err := getFeeState(s.singletonDB)
  1340  	if err != nil {
  1341  		return err
  1342  	}
  1343  	s.persistedFeeState = feeState
  1344  	s.SetFeeState(feeState)
  1346  	currentSupply, err := database.GetUInt64(s.singletonDB, CurrentSupplyKey)
  1347  	if err != nil {
  1348  		return err
  1349  	}
  1350  	s.persistedCurrentSupply = currentSupply
  1351  	s.SetCurrentSupply(constants.PrimaryNetworkID, currentSupply)
  1353  	lastAccepted, err := database.GetID(s.singletonDB, LastAcceptedKey)
  1354  	if err != nil {
  1355  		return err
  1356  	}
  1357  	s.persistedLastAccepted = lastAccepted
  1358  	s.lastAccepted = lastAccepted
  1360  	// Lookup the most recently indexed range on disk. If we haven't started
  1361  	// indexing the weights, then we keep the indexed heights as nil.
  1362  	indexedHeightsBytes, err := s.singletonDB.Get(HeightsIndexedKey)
  1363  	if err == database.ErrNotFound {
  1364  		return nil
  1365  	}
  1366  	if err != nil {
  1367  		return err
  1368  	}
  1370  	indexedHeights := &heightRange{}
  1371  	_, err = block.GenesisCodec.Unmarshal(indexedHeightsBytes, indexedHeights)
  1372  	if err != nil {
  1373  		return err
  1374  	}
  1376  	// If the indexed range is not up to date, then we will act as if the range
  1377  	// doesn't exist.
  1378  	lastAcceptedBlock, err := s.GetStatelessBlock(lastAccepted)
  1379  	if err != nil {
  1380  		return err
  1381  	}
  1382  	if indexedHeights.UpperBound != lastAcceptedBlock.Height() {
  1383  		return nil
  1384  	}
  1385  	s.indexedHeights = indexedHeights
  1386  	return nil
  1387  }
  1389  func (s *state) loadCurrentValidators() error {
  1390  	s.currentStakers = newBaseStakers()
  1392  	validatorIt := s.currentValidatorList.NewIterator()
  1393  	defer validatorIt.Release()
  1394  	for validatorIt.Next() {
  1395  		txIDBytes := validatorIt.Key()
  1396  		txID, err := ids.ToID(txIDBytes)
  1397  		if err != nil {
  1398  			return err
  1399  		}
  1400  		tx, _, err := s.GetTx(txID)
  1401  		if err != nil {
  1402  			return fmt.Errorf("failed loading validator transaction txID %s, %w", txID, err)
  1403  		}
  1405  		stakerTx, ok := tx.Unsigned.(txs.Staker)
  1406  		if !ok {
  1407  			return fmt.Errorf("expected tx type txs.Staker but got %T", tx.Unsigned)
  1408  		}
  1410  		metadataBytes := validatorIt.Value()
  1411  		metadata := &validatorMetadata{
  1412  			txID: txID,
  1413  		}
  1414  		if scheduledStakerTx, ok := tx.Unsigned.(txs.ScheduledStaker); ok {
  1415  			// Populate [StakerStartTime] using the tx as a default in the event
  1416  			// it was added pre-durango and is not stored in the database.
  1417  			//
  1418  			// Note: We do not populate [LastUpdated] since it is expected to
  1419  			// always be present on disk.
  1420  			metadata.StakerStartTime = uint64(scheduledStakerTx.StartTime().Unix())
  1421  		}
  1422  		if err := parseValidatorMetadata(metadataBytes, metadata); err != nil {
  1423  			return err
  1424  		}
  1426  		staker, err := NewCurrentStaker(
  1427  			txID,
  1428  			stakerTx,
  1429  			time.Unix(int64(metadata.StakerStartTime), 0),
  1430  			metadata.PotentialReward)
  1431  		if err != nil {
  1432  			return err
  1433  		}
  1435  		validator := s.currentStakers.getOrCreateValidator(staker.SubnetID, staker.NodeID)
  1436  		validator.validator = staker
  1438  		s.currentStakers.stakers.ReplaceOrInsert(staker)
  1440  		s.validatorState.LoadValidatorMetadata(staker.NodeID, staker.SubnetID, metadata)
  1441  	}
  1443  	subnetValidatorIt := s.currentSubnetValidatorList.NewIterator()
  1444  	defer subnetValidatorIt.Release()
  1445  	for subnetValidatorIt.Next() {
  1446  		txIDBytes := subnetValidatorIt.Key()
  1447  		txID, err := ids.ToID(txIDBytes)
  1448  		if err != nil {
  1449  			return err
  1450  		}
  1451  		tx, _, err := s.GetTx(txID)
  1452  		if err != nil {
  1453  			return err
  1454  		}
  1456  		stakerTx, ok := tx.Unsigned.(txs.Staker)
  1457  		if !ok {
  1458  			return fmt.Errorf("expected tx type txs.Staker but got %T", tx.Unsigned)
  1459  		}
  1461  		metadataBytes := subnetValidatorIt.Value()
  1462  		metadata := &validatorMetadata{
  1463  			txID: txID,
  1464  		}
  1465  		if scheduledStakerTx, ok := tx.Unsigned.(txs.ScheduledStaker); ok {
  1466  			// Populate [StakerStartTime] and [LastUpdated] using the tx as a
  1467  			// default in the event they are not stored in the database.
  1468  			startTime := uint64(scheduledStakerTx.StartTime().Unix())
  1469  			metadata.StakerStartTime = startTime
  1470  			metadata.LastUpdated = startTime
  1471  		}
  1472  		if err := parseValidatorMetadata(metadataBytes, metadata); err != nil {
  1473  			return err
  1474  		}
  1476  		staker, err := NewCurrentStaker(
  1477  			txID,
  1478  			stakerTx,
  1479  			time.Unix(int64(metadata.StakerStartTime), 0),
  1480  			metadata.PotentialReward,
  1481  		)
  1482  		if err != nil {
  1483  			return err
  1484  		}
  1485  		validator := s.currentStakers.getOrCreateValidator(staker.SubnetID, staker.NodeID)
  1486  		validator.validator = staker
  1488  		s.currentStakers.stakers.ReplaceOrInsert(staker)
  1490  		s.validatorState.LoadValidatorMetadata(staker.NodeID, staker.SubnetID, metadata)
  1491  	}
  1493  	delegatorIt := s.currentDelegatorList.NewIterator()
  1494  	defer delegatorIt.Release()
  1496  	subnetDelegatorIt := s.currentSubnetDelegatorList.NewIterator()
  1497  	defer subnetDelegatorIt.Release()
  1499  	for _, delegatorIt := range []database.Iterator{delegatorIt, subnetDelegatorIt} {
  1500  		for delegatorIt.Next() {
  1501  			txIDBytes := delegatorIt.Key()
  1502  			txID, err := ids.ToID(txIDBytes)
  1503  			if err != nil {
  1504  				return err
  1505  			}
  1506  			tx, _, err := s.GetTx(txID)
  1507  			if err != nil {
  1508  				return err
  1509  			}
  1511  			stakerTx, ok := tx.Unsigned.(txs.Staker)
  1512  			if !ok {
  1513  				return fmt.Errorf("expected tx type txs.Staker but got %T", tx.Unsigned)
  1514  			}
  1516  			metadataBytes := delegatorIt.Value()
  1517  			metadata := &delegatorMetadata{
  1518  				txID: txID,
  1519  			}
  1520  			if scheduledStakerTx, ok := tx.Unsigned.(txs.ScheduledStaker); ok {
  1521  				// Populate [StakerStartTime] using the tx as a default in the
  1522  				// event it was added pre-durango and is not stored in the
  1523  				// database.
  1524  				metadata.StakerStartTime = uint64(scheduledStakerTx.StartTime().Unix())
  1525  			}
  1526  			err = parseDelegatorMetadata(metadataBytes, metadata)
  1527  			if err != nil {
  1528  				return err
  1529  			}
  1531  			staker, err := NewCurrentStaker(
  1532  				txID,
  1533  				stakerTx,
  1534  				time.Unix(int64(metadata.StakerStartTime), 0),
  1535  				metadata.PotentialReward,
  1536  			)
  1537  			if err != nil {
  1538  				return err
  1539  			}
  1541  			validator := s.currentStakers.getOrCreateValidator(staker.SubnetID, staker.NodeID)
  1542  			if validator.delegators == nil {
  1543  				validator.delegators = btree.NewG(defaultTreeDegree, (*Staker).Less)
  1544  			}
  1545  			validator.delegators.ReplaceOrInsert(staker)
  1547  			s.currentStakers.stakers.ReplaceOrInsert(staker)
  1548  		}
  1549  	}
  1551  	return errors.Join(
  1552  		validatorIt.Error(),
  1553  		subnetValidatorIt.Error(),
  1554  		delegatorIt.Error(),
  1555  		subnetDelegatorIt.Error(),
  1556  	)
  1557  }
  1559  func (s *state) loadPendingValidators() error {
  1560  	s.pendingStakers = newBaseStakers()
  1562  	validatorIt := s.pendingValidatorList.NewIterator()
  1563  	defer validatorIt.Release()
  1565  	subnetValidatorIt := s.pendingSubnetValidatorList.NewIterator()
  1566  	defer subnetValidatorIt.Release()
  1568  	for _, validatorIt := range []database.Iterator{validatorIt, subnetValidatorIt} {
  1569  		for validatorIt.Next() {
  1570  			txIDBytes := validatorIt.Key()
  1571  			txID, err := ids.ToID(txIDBytes)
  1572  			if err != nil {
  1573  				return err
  1574  			}
  1575  			tx, _, err := s.GetTx(txID)
  1576  			if err != nil {
  1577  				return err
  1578  			}
  1580  			stakerTx, ok := tx.Unsigned.(txs.ScheduledStaker)
  1581  			if !ok {
  1582  				return fmt.Errorf("expected tx type txs.Staker but got %T", tx.Unsigned)
  1583  			}
  1585  			staker, err := NewPendingStaker(txID, stakerTx)
  1586  			if err != nil {
  1587  				return err
  1588  			}
  1590  			validator := s.pendingStakers.getOrCreateValidator(staker.SubnetID, staker.NodeID)
  1591  			validator.validator = staker
  1593  			s.pendingStakers.stakers.ReplaceOrInsert(staker)
  1594  		}
  1595  	}
  1597  	delegatorIt := s.pendingDelegatorList.NewIterator()
  1598  	defer delegatorIt.Release()
  1600  	subnetDelegatorIt := s.pendingSubnetDelegatorList.NewIterator()
  1601  	defer subnetDelegatorIt.Release()
  1603  	for _, delegatorIt := range []database.Iterator{delegatorIt, subnetDelegatorIt} {
  1604  		for delegatorIt.Next() {
  1605  			txIDBytes := delegatorIt.Key()
  1606  			txID, err := ids.ToID(txIDBytes)
  1607  			if err != nil {
  1608  				return err
  1609  			}
  1610  			tx, _, err := s.GetTx(txID)
  1611  			if err != nil {
  1612  				return err
  1613  			}
  1615  			stakerTx, ok := tx.Unsigned.(txs.ScheduledStaker)
  1616  			if !ok {
  1617  				return fmt.Errorf("expected tx type txs.Staker but got %T", tx.Unsigned)
  1618  			}
  1620  			staker, err := NewPendingStaker(txID, stakerTx)
  1621  			if err != nil {
  1622  				return err
  1623  			}
  1625  			validator := s.pendingStakers.getOrCreateValidator(staker.SubnetID, staker.NodeID)
  1626  			if validator.delegators == nil {
  1627  				validator.delegators = btree.NewG(defaultTreeDegree, (*Staker).Less)
  1628  			}
  1629  			validator.delegators.ReplaceOrInsert(staker)
  1631  			s.pendingStakers.stakers.ReplaceOrInsert(staker)
  1632  		}
  1633  	}
  1635  	return errors.Join(
  1636  		validatorIt.Error(),
  1637  		subnetValidatorIt.Error(),
  1638  		delegatorIt.Error(),
  1639  		subnetDelegatorIt.Error(),
  1640  	)
  1641  }
  1643  // Invariant: initValidatorSets requires loadCurrentValidators to have already
  1644  // been called.
  1645  func (s *state) initValidatorSets() error {
  1646  	for subnetID, validators := range s.currentStakers.validators {
  1647  		if s.validators.Count(subnetID) != 0 {
  1648  			// Enforce the invariant that the validator set is empty here.
  1649  			return fmt.Errorf("%w: %s", errValidatorSetAlreadyPopulated, subnetID)
  1650  		}
  1652  		for nodeID, validator := range validators {
  1653  			validatorStaker := validator.validator
  1654  			if err := s.validators.AddStaker(subnetID, nodeID, validatorStaker.PublicKey, validatorStaker.TxID, validatorStaker.Weight); err != nil {
  1655  				return err
  1656  			}
  1658  			delegatorIterator := iterator.FromTree(validator.delegators)
  1659  			for delegatorIterator.Next() {
  1660  				delegatorStaker := delegatorIterator.Value()
  1661  				if err := s.validators.AddWeight(subnetID, nodeID, delegatorStaker.Weight); err != nil {
  1662  					delegatorIterator.Release()
  1663  					return err
  1664  				}
  1665  			}
  1666  			delegatorIterator.Release()
  1667  		}
  1668  	}
  1670  	s.metrics.SetLocalStake(s.validators.GetWeight(constants.PrimaryNetworkID, s.ctx.NodeID))
  1671  	totalWeight, err := s.validators.TotalWeight(constants.PrimaryNetworkID)
  1672  	if err != nil {
  1673  		return fmt.Errorf("failed to get total weight of primary network validators: %w", err)
  1674  	}
  1675  	s.metrics.SetTotalStake(totalWeight)
  1676  	return nil
  1677  }
  1679  func (s *state) write(updateValidators bool, height uint64) error {
  1680  	codecVersion := CodecVersion1
  1681  	if !s.upgrades.IsDurangoActivated(s.GetTimestamp()) {
  1682  		codecVersion = CodecVersion0
  1683  	}
  1685  	return errors.Join(
  1686  		s.writeBlocks(),
  1687  		s.writeCurrentStakers(updateValidators, height, codecVersion),
  1688  		s.writePendingStakers(),
  1689  		s.WriteValidatorMetadata(s.currentValidatorList, s.currentSubnetValidatorList, codecVersion), // Must be called after writeCurrentStakers
  1690  		s.writeTXs(),
  1691  		s.writeRewardUTXOs(),
  1692  		s.writeUTXOs(),
  1693  		s.writeSubnets(),
  1694  		s.writeSubnetOwners(),
  1695  		s.writeSubnetManagers(),
  1696  		s.writeTransformedSubnets(),
  1697  		s.writeSubnetSupplies(),
  1698  		s.writeChains(),
  1699  		s.writeMetadata(),
  1700  	)
  1701  }
  1703  func (s *state) Close() error {
  1704  	return errors.Join(
  1705  		s.pendingSubnetValidatorBaseDB.Close(),
  1706  		s.pendingSubnetDelegatorBaseDB.Close(),
  1707  		s.pendingDelegatorBaseDB.Close(),
  1708  		s.pendingValidatorBaseDB.Close(),
  1709  		s.pendingValidatorsDB.Close(),
  1710  		s.currentSubnetValidatorBaseDB.Close(),
  1711  		s.currentSubnetDelegatorBaseDB.Close(),
  1712  		s.currentDelegatorBaseDB.Close(),
  1713  		s.currentValidatorBaseDB.Close(),
  1714  		s.currentValidatorsDB.Close(),
  1715  		s.validatorsDB.Close(),
  1716  		s.txDB.Close(),
  1717  		s.rewardUTXODB.Close(),
  1718  		s.utxoDB.Close(),
  1719  		s.subnetBaseDB.Close(),
  1720  		s.transformedSubnetDB.Close(),
  1721  		s.supplyDB.Close(),
  1722  		s.chainDB.Close(),
  1723  		s.singletonDB.Close(),
  1724  		s.blockDB.Close(),
  1725  		s.blockIDDB.Close(),
  1726  	)
  1727  }
  1729  func (s *state) sync(genesis []byte) error {
  1730  	wasInitialized, err := isInitialized(s.singletonDB)
  1731  	if err != nil {
  1732  		return fmt.Errorf(
  1733  			"failed to check if the database is initialized: %w",
  1734  			err,
  1735  		)
  1736  	}
  1738  	// If the database wasn't previously initialized, create the platform chain
  1739  	// anew using the provided genesis state.
  1740  	if !wasInitialized {
  1741  		if err := s.init(genesis); err != nil {
  1742  			return fmt.Errorf(
  1743  				"failed to initialize the database: %w",
  1744  				err,
  1745  			)
  1746  		}
  1747  	}
  1749  	if err := s.load(); err != nil {
  1750  		return fmt.Errorf(
  1751  			"failed to load the database state: %w",
  1752  			err,
  1753  		)
  1754  	}
  1755  	return nil
  1756  }
  1758  func (s *state) init(genesisBytes []byte) error {
  1759  	// Create the genesis block and save it as being accepted (We don't do
  1760  	// genesisBlock.Accept() because then it'd look for genesisBlock's
  1761  	// non-existent parent)
  1762  	genesisID := hashing.ComputeHash256Array(genesisBytes)
  1763  	genesisBlock, err := block.NewApricotCommitBlock(genesisID, 0 /*height*/)
  1764  	if err != nil {
  1765  		return err
  1766  	}
  1768  	genesis, err := genesis.Parse(genesisBytes)
  1769  	if err != nil {
  1770  		return err
  1771  	}
  1772  	if err := s.syncGenesis(genesisBlock, genesis); err != nil {
  1773  		return err
  1774  	}
  1776  	if err := markInitialized(s.singletonDB); err != nil {
  1777  		return err
  1778  	}
  1780  	return s.Commit()
  1781  }
  1783  func (s *state) AddStatelessBlock(block block.Block) {
  1784  	blkID := block.ID()
  1785  	s.addedBlockIDs[block.Height()] = blkID
  1786  	s.addedBlocks[blkID] = block
  1787  }
  1789  func (s *state) SetHeight(height uint64) {
  1790  	if s.indexedHeights == nil {
  1791  		// If indexedHeights hasn't been created yet, then we are newly tracking
  1792  		// the range. This means we should initialize the LowerBound to the
  1793  		// current height.
  1794  		s.indexedHeights = &heightRange{
  1795  			LowerBound: height,
  1796  		}
  1797  	}
  1799  	s.indexedHeights.UpperBound = height
  1800  	s.currentHeight = height
  1801  }
  1803  func (s *state) Commit() error {
  1804  	defer s.Abort()
  1805  	batch, err := s.CommitBatch()
  1806  	if err != nil {
  1807  		return err
  1808  	}
  1809  	return batch.Write()
  1810  }
  1812  func (s *state) Abort() {
  1813  	s.baseDB.Abort()
  1814  }
  1816  func (s *state) Checksum() ids.ID {
  1817  	return s.utxoState.Checksum()
  1818  }
  1820  func (s *state) CommitBatch() (database.Batch, error) {
  1821  	// updateValidators is set to true here so that the validator manager is
  1822  	// kept up to date with the last accepted state.
  1823  	if err := s.write(true /*=updateValidators*/, s.currentHeight); err != nil {
  1824  		return nil, err
  1825  	}
  1826  	return s.baseDB.CommitBatch()
  1827  }
  1829  func (s *state) writeBlocks() error {
  1830  	for blkID, blk := range s.addedBlocks {
  1831  		blkID := blkID
  1832  		blkBytes := blk.Bytes()
  1833  		blkHeight := blk.Height()
  1834  		heightKey := database.PackUInt64(blkHeight)
  1836  		delete(s.addedBlockIDs, blkHeight)
  1837  		s.blockIDCache.Put(blkHeight, blkID)
  1838  		if err := database.PutID(s.blockIDDB, heightKey, blkID); err != nil {
  1839  			return fmt.Errorf("failed to add blockID: %w", err)
  1840  		}
  1842  		delete(s.addedBlocks, blkID)
  1843  		// Note: Evict is used rather than Put here because blk may end up
  1844  		// referencing additional data (because of shared byte slices) that
  1845  		// would not be properly accounted for in the cache sizing.
  1846  		s.blockCache.Evict(blkID)
  1847  		if err := s.blockDB.Put(blkID[:], blkBytes); err != nil {
  1848  			return fmt.Errorf("failed to write block %s: %w", blkID, err)
  1849  		}
  1850  	}
  1851  	return nil
  1852  }
  1854  func (s *state) GetStatelessBlock(blockID ids.ID) (block.Block, error) {
  1855  	if blk, exists := s.addedBlocks[blockID]; exists {
  1856  		return blk, nil
  1857  	}
  1858  	if blk, cached := s.blockCache.Get(blockID); cached {
  1859  		if blk == nil {
  1860  			return nil, database.ErrNotFound
  1861  		}
  1863  		return blk, nil
  1864  	}
  1866  	blkBytes, err := s.blockDB.Get(blockID[:])
  1867  	if err == database.ErrNotFound {
  1868  		s.blockCache.Put(blockID, nil)
  1869  		return nil, database.ErrNotFound
  1870  	}
  1871  	if err != nil {
  1872  		return nil, err
  1873  	}
  1875  	blk, _, err := parseStoredBlock(blkBytes)
  1876  	if err != nil {
  1877  		return nil, err
  1878  	}
  1880  	s.blockCache.Put(blockID, blk)
  1881  	return blk, nil
  1882  }
  1884  func (s *state) GetBlockIDAtHeight(height uint64) (ids.ID, error) {
  1885  	if blkID, exists := s.addedBlockIDs[height]; exists {
  1886  		return blkID, nil
  1887  	}
  1888  	if blkID, cached := s.blockIDCache.Get(height); cached {
  1889  		if blkID == ids.Empty {
  1890  			return ids.Empty, database.ErrNotFound
  1891  		}
  1893  		return blkID, nil
  1894  	}
  1896  	heightKey := database.PackUInt64(height)
  1898  	blkID, err := database.GetID(s.blockIDDB, heightKey)
  1899  	if err == database.ErrNotFound {
  1900  		s.blockIDCache.Put(height, ids.Empty)
  1901  		return ids.Empty, database.ErrNotFound
  1902  	}
  1903  	if err != nil {
  1904  		return ids.Empty, err
  1905  	}
  1907  	s.blockIDCache.Put(height, blkID)
  1908  	return blkID, nil
  1909  }
  1911  func (s *state) writeCurrentStakers(updateValidators bool, height uint64, codecVersion uint16) error {
  1912  	for subnetID, validatorDiffs := range s.currentStakers.validatorDiffs {
  1913  		delete(s.currentStakers.validatorDiffs, subnetID)
  1915  		// Select db to write to
  1916  		validatorDB := s.currentSubnetValidatorList
  1917  		delegatorDB := s.currentSubnetDelegatorList
  1918  		if subnetID == constants.PrimaryNetworkID {
  1919  			validatorDB = s.currentValidatorList
  1920  			delegatorDB = s.currentDelegatorList
  1921  		}
  1923  		// Record the change in weight and/or public key for each validator.
  1924  		for nodeID, validatorDiff := range validatorDiffs {
  1925  			// Copy [nodeID] so it doesn't get overwritten next iteration.
  1926  			nodeID := nodeID
  1928  			weightDiff := &ValidatorWeightDiff{
  1929  				Decrease: validatorDiff.validatorStatus == deleted,
  1930  			}
  1931  			switch validatorDiff.validatorStatus {
  1932  			case added:
  1933  				staker := validatorDiff.validator
  1934  				weightDiff.Amount = staker.Weight
  1936  				// Invariant: Only the Primary Network contains non-nil public
  1937  				// keys.
  1938  				if staker.PublicKey != nil {
  1939  					// Record that the public key for the validator is being
  1940  					// added. This means the prior value for the public key was
  1941  					// nil.
  1942  					err := s.validatorPublicKeyDiffsDB.Put(
  1943  						marshalDiffKey(constants.PrimaryNetworkID, height, nodeID),
  1944  						nil,
  1945  					)
  1946  					if err != nil {
  1947  						return err
  1948  					}
  1949  				}
  1951  				// The validator is being added.
  1952  				//
  1953  				// Invariant: It's impossible for a delegator to have been
  1954  				// rewarded in the same block that the validator was added.
  1955  				startTime := uint64(staker.StartTime.Unix())
  1956  				metadata := &validatorMetadata{
  1957  					txID:        staker.TxID,
  1958  					lastUpdated: staker.StartTime,
  1960  					UpDuration:               0,
  1961  					LastUpdated:              startTime,
  1962  					StakerStartTime:          startTime,
  1963  					PotentialReward:          staker.PotentialReward,
  1964  					PotentialDelegateeReward: 0,
  1965  				}
  1967  				metadataBytes, err := MetadataCodec.Marshal(codecVersion, metadata)
  1968  				if err != nil {
  1969  					return fmt.Errorf("failed to serialize current validator: %w", err)
  1970  				}
  1972  				if err = validatorDB.Put(staker.TxID[:], metadataBytes); err != nil {
  1973  					return fmt.Errorf("failed to write current validator to list: %w", err)
  1974  				}
  1976  				s.validatorState.LoadValidatorMetadata(nodeID, subnetID, metadata)
  1977  			case deleted:
  1978  				staker := validatorDiff.validator
  1979  				weightDiff.Amount = staker.Weight
  1981  				// Invariant: Only the Primary Network contains non-nil public
  1982  				// keys.
  1983  				if staker.PublicKey != nil {
  1984  					// Record that the public key for the validator is being
  1985  					// removed. This means we must record the prior value of the
  1986  					// public key.
  1987  					//
  1988  					// Note: We store the uncompressed public key here as it is
  1989  					// significantly more efficient to parse when applying
  1990  					// diffs.
  1991  					err := s.validatorPublicKeyDiffsDB.Put(
  1992  						marshalDiffKey(constants.PrimaryNetworkID, height, nodeID),
  1993  						bls.PublicKeyToUncompressedBytes(staker.PublicKey),
  1994  					)
  1995  					if err != nil {
  1996  						return err
  1997  					}
  1998  				}
  2000  				if err := validatorDB.Delete(staker.TxID[:]); err != nil {
  2001  					return fmt.Errorf("failed to delete current staker: %w", err)
  2002  				}
  2004  				s.validatorState.DeleteValidatorMetadata(nodeID, subnetID)
  2005  			}
  2007  			err := writeCurrentDelegatorDiff(
  2008  				delegatorDB,
  2009  				weightDiff,
  2010  				validatorDiff,
  2011  				codecVersion,
  2012  			)
  2013  			if err != nil {
  2014  				return err
  2015  			}
  2017  			if weightDiff.Amount == 0 {
  2018  				// No weight change to record; go to next validator.
  2019  				continue
  2020  			}
  2022  			err = s.validatorWeightDiffsDB.Put(
  2023  				marshalDiffKey(subnetID, height, nodeID),
  2024  				marshalWeightDiff(weightDiff),
  2025  			)
  2026  			if err != nil {
  2027  				return err
  2028  			}
  2030  			// TODO: Move the validator set management out of the state package
  2031  			if !updateValidators {
  2032  				continue
  2033  			}
  2035  			if weightDiff.Decrease {
  2036  				err = s.validators.RemoveWeight(subnetID, nodeID, weightDiff.Amount)
  2037  			} else {
  2038  				if validatorDiff.validatorStatus == added {
  2039  					staker := validatorDiff.validator
  2040  					err = s.validators.AddStaker(
  2041  						subnetID,
  2042  						nodeID,
  2043  						staker.PublicKey,
  2044  						staker.TxID,
  2045  						weightDiff.Amount,
  2046  					)
  2047  				} else {
  2048  					err = s.validators.AddWeight(subnetID, nodeID, weightDiff.Amount)
  2049  				}
  2050  			}
  2051  			if err != nil {
  2052  				return fmt.Errorf("failed to update validator weight: %w", err)
  2053  			}
  2054  		}
  2055  	}
  2057  	// TODO: Move validator set management out of the state package
  2058  	//
  2059  	// Attempt to update the stake metrics
  2060  	if !updateValidators {
  2061  		return nil
  2062  	}
  2064  	totalWeight, err := s.validators.TotalWeight(constants.PrimaryNetworkID)
  2065  	if err != nil {
  2066  		return fmt.Errorf("failed to get total weight of primary network: %w", err)
  2067  	}
  2069  	s.metrics.SetLocalStake(s.validators.GetWeight(constants.PrimaryNetworkID, s.ctx.NodeID))
  2070  	s.metrics.SetTotalStake(totalWeight)
  2071  	return nil
  2072  }
  2074  func writeCurrentDelegatorDiff(
  2075  	currentDelegatorList linkeddb.LinkedDB,
  2076  	weightDiff *ValidatorWeightDiff,
  2077  	validatorDiff *diffValidator,
  2078  	codecVersion uint16,
  2079  ) error {
  2080  	addedDelegatorIterator := iterator.FromTree(validatorDiff.addedDelegators)
  2081  	defer addedDelegatorIterator.Release()
  2082  	for addedDelegatorIterator.Next() {
  2083  		staker := addedDelegatorIterator.Value()
  2085  		if err := weightDiff.Add(false, staker.Weight); err != nil {
  2086  			return fmt.Errorf("failed to increase node weight diff: %w", err)
  2087  		}
  2089  		metadata := &delegatorMetadata{
  2090  			txID:            staker.TxID,
  2091  			PotentialReward: staker.PotentialReward,
  2092  			StakerStartTime: uint64(staker.StartTime.Unix()),
  2093  		}
  2094  		if err := writeDelegatorMetadata(currentDelegatorList, metadata, codecVersion); err != nil {
  2095  			return fmt.Errorf("failed to write current delegator to list: %w", err)
  2096  		}
  2097  	}
  2099  	for _, staker := range validatorDiff.deletedDelegators {
  2100  		if err := weightDiff.Add(true, staker.Weight); err != nil {
  2101  			return fmt.Errorf("failed to decrease node weight diff: %w", err)
  2102  		}
  2104  		if err := currentDelegatorList.Delete(staker.TxID[:]); err != nil {
  2105  			return fmt.Errorf("failed to delete current staker: %w", err)
  2106  		}
  2107  	}
  2108  	return nil
  2109  }
  2111  func (s *state) writePendingStakers() error {
  2112  	for subnetID, subnetValidatorDiffs := range s.pendingStakers.validatorDiffs {
  2113  		delete(s.pendingStakers.validatorDiffs, subnetID)
  2115  		validatorDB := s.pendingSubnetValidatorList
  2116  		delegatorDB := s.pendingSubnetDelegatorList
  2117  		if subnetID == constants.PrimaryNetworkID {
  2118  			validatorDB = s.pendingValidatorList
  2119  			delegatorDB = s.pendingDelegatorList
  2120  		}
  2122  		for _, validatorDiff := range subnetValidatorDiffs {
  2123  			err := writePendingDiff(
  2124  				validatorDB,
  2125  				delegatorDB,
  2126  				validatorDiff,
  2127  			)
  2128  			if err != nil {
  2129  				return err
  2130  			}
  2131  		}
  2132  	}
  2133  	return nil
  2134  }
  2136  func writePendingDiff(
  2137  	pendingValidatorList linkeddb.LinkedDB,
  2138  	pendingDelegatorList linkeddb.LinkedDB,
  2139  	validatorDiff *diffValidator,
  2140  ) error {
  2141  	switch validatorDiff.validatorStatus {
  2142  	case added:
  2143  		err := pendingValidatorList.Put(validatorDiff.validator.TxID[:], nil)
  2144  		if err != nil {
  2145  			return fmt.Errorf("failed to add pending validator: %w", err)
  2146  		}
  2147  	case deleted:
  2148  		err := pendingValidatorList.Delete(validatorDiff.validator.TxID[:])
  2149  		if err != nil {
  2150  			return fmt.Errorf("failed to delete pending validator: %w", err)
  2151  		}
  2152  	}
  2154  	addedDelegatorIterator := iterator.FromTree(validatorDiff.addedDelegators)
  2155  	defer addedDelegatorIterator.Release()
  2156  	for addedDelegatorIterator.Next() {
  2157  		staker := addedDelegatorIterator.Value()
  2159  		if err := pendingDelegatorList.Put(staker.TxID[:], nil); err != nil {
  2160  			return fmt.Errorf("failed to write pending delegator to list: %w", err)
  2161  		}
  2162  	}
  2164  	for _, staker := range validatorDiff.deletedDelegators {
  2165  		if err := pendingDelegatorList.Delete(staker.TxID[:]); err != nil {
  2166  			return fmt.Errorf("failed to delete pending delegator: %w", err)
  2167  		}
  2168  	}
  2169  	return nil
  2170  }
  2172  func (s *state) writeTXs() error {
  2173  	for txID, txStatus := range s.addedTxs {
  2174  		txID := txID
  2176  		stx := txBytesAndStatus{
  2177  			Tx:     txStatus.tx.Bytes(),
  2178  			Status: txStatus.status,
  2179  		}
  2181  		// Note that we're serializing a [txBytesAndStatus] here, not a
  2182  		// *txs.Tx, so we don't use [txs.Codec].
  2183  		txBytes, err := txs.GenesisCodec.Marshal(txs.CodecVersion, &stx)
  2184  		if err != nil {
  2185  			return fmt.Errorf("failed to serialize tx: %w", err)
  2186  		}
  2188  		delete(s.addedTxs, txID)
  2189  		// Note: Evict is used rather than Put here because stx may end up
  2190  		// referencing additional data (because of shared byte slices) that
  2191  		// would not be properly accounted for in the cache sizing.
  2192  		s.txCache.Evict(txID)
  2193  		if err := s.txDB.Put(txID[:], txBytes); err != nil {
  2194  			return fmt.Errorf("failed to add tx: %w", err)
  2195  		}
  2196  	}
  2197  	return nil
  2198  }
  2200  func (s *state) writeRewardUTXOs() error {
  2201  	for txID, utxos := range s.addedRewardUTXOs {
  2202  		delete(s.addedRewardUTXOs, txID)
  2203  		s.rewardUTXOsCache.Put(txID, utxos)
  2204  		rawTxDB := prefixdb.New(txID[:], s.rewardUTXODB)
  2205  		txDB := linkeddb.NewDefault(rawTxDB)
  2207  		for _, utxo := range utxos {
  2208  			utxoBytes, err := txs.GenesisCodec.Marshal(txs.CodecVersion, utxo)
  2209  			if err != nil {
  2210  				return fmt.Errorf("failed to serialize reward UTXO: %w", err)
  2211  			}
  2212  			utxoID := utxo.InputID()
  2213  			if err := txDB.Put(utxoID[:], utxoBytes); err != nil {
  2214  				return fmt.Errorf("failed to add reward UTXO: %w", err)
  2215  			}
  2216  		}
  2217  	}
  2218  	return nil
  2219  }
  2221  func (s *state) writeUTXOs() error {
  2222  	for utxoID, utxo := range s.modifiedUTXOs {
  2223  		delete(s.modifiedUTXOs, utxoID)
  2225  		if utxo == nil {
  2226  			if err := s.utxoState.DeleteUTXO(utxoID); err != nil {
  2227  				return fmt.Errorf("failed to delete UTXO: %w", err)
  2228  			}
  2229  			continue
  2230  		}
  2231  		if err := s.utxoState.PutUTXO(utxo); err != nil {
  2232  			return fmt.Errorf("failed to add UTXO: %w", err)
  2233  		}
  2234  	}
  2235  	return nil
  2236  }
  2238  func (s *state) writeSubnets() error {
  2239  	for _, subnetID := range s.addedSubnetIDs {
  2240  		if err := s.subnetDB.Put(subnetID[:], nil); err != nil {
  2241  			return fmt.Errorf("failed to write subnet: %w", err)
  2242  		}
  2243  	}
  2244  	s.addedSubnetIDs = nil
  2245  	return nil
  2246  }
  2248  func (s *state) writeSubnetOwners() error {
  2249  	for subnetID, owner := range s.subnetOwners {
  2250  		subnetID := subnetID
  2251  		owner := owner
  2252  		delete(s.subnetOwners, subnetID)
  2254  		ownerBytes, err := block.GenesisCodec.Marshal(block.CodecVersion, &owner)
  2255  		if err != nil {
  2256  			return fmt.Errorf("failed to marshal subnet owner: %w", err)
  2257  		}
  2259  		s.subnetOwnerCache.Put(subnetID, fxOwnerAndSize{
  2260  			owner: owner,
  2261  			size:  len(ownerBytes),
  2262  		})
  2264  		if err := s.subnetOwnerDB.Put(subnetID[:], ownerBytes); err != nil {
  2265  			return fmt.Errorf("failed to write subnet owner: %w", err)
  2266  		}
  2267  	}
  2268  	return nil
  2269  }
  2271  func (s *state) writeSubnetManagers() error {
  2272  	for subnetID, manager := range s.subnetManagers {
  2273  		subnetID := subnetID
  2274  		manager := manager
  2275  		delete(s.subnetManagers, subnetID)
  2277  		managerBytes, err := block.GenesisCodec.Marshal(block.CodecVersion, &manager)
  2278  		if err != nil {
  2279  			return fmt.Errorf("failed to marshal subnet manager: %w", err)
  2280  		}
  2282  		s.subnetManagerCache.Put(subnetID, manager)
  2284  		if err := s.subnetManagerDB.Put(subnetID[:], managerBytes); err != nil {
  2285  			return fmt.Errorf("failed to write subnet manager: %w", err)
  2286  		}
  2287  	}
  2288  	return nil
  2289  }
  2291  func (s *state) writeTransformedSubnets() error {
  2292  	for subnetID, tx := range s.transformedSubnets {
  2293  		txID := tx.ID()
  2295  		delete(s.transformedSubnets, subnetID)
  2296  		// Note: Evict is used rather than Put here because tx may end up
  2297  		// referencing additional data (because of shared byte slices) that
  2298  		// would not be properly accounted for in the cache sizing.
  2299  		s.transformedSubnetCache.Evict(subnetID)
  2300  		if err := database.PutID(s.transformedSubnetDB, subnetID[:], txID); err != nil {
  2301  			return fmt.Errorf("failed to write transformed subnet: %w", err)
  2302  		}
  2303  	}
  2304  	return nil
  2305  }
  2307  func (s *state) writeSubnetSupplies() error {
  2308  	for subnetID, supply := range s.modifiedSupplies {
  2309  		supply := supply
  2310  		delete(s.modifiedSupplies, subnetID)
  2311  		s.supplyCache.Put(subnetID, &supply)
  2312  		if err := database.PutUInt64(s.supplyDB, subnetID[:], supply); err != nil {
  2313  			return fmt.Errorf("failed to write subnet supply: %w", err)
  2314  		}
  2315  	}
  2316  	return nil
  2317  }
  2319  func (s *state) writeChains() error {
  2320  	for subnetID, chains := range s.addedChains {
  2321  		for _, chain := range chains {
  2322  			chainDB := s.getChainDB(subnetID)
  2324  			chainID := chain.ID()
  2325  			if err := chainDB.Put(chainID[:], nil); err != nil {
  2326  				return fmt.Errorf("failed to write chain: %w", err)
  2327  			}
  2328  		}
  2329  		delete(s.addedChains, subnetID)
  2330  	}
  2331  	return nil
  2332  }
  2334  func (s *state) writeMetadata() error {
  2335  	if !s.persistedTimestamp.Equal(s.timestamp) {
  2336  		if err := database.PutTimestamp(s.singletonDB, TimestampKey, s.timestamp); err != nil {
  2337  			return fmt.Errorf("failed to write timestamp: %w", err)
  2338  		}
  2339  		s.persistedTimestamp = s.timestamp
  2340  	}
  2341  	if s.feeState != s.persistedFeeState {
  2342  		if err := putFeeState(s.singletonDB, s.feeState); err != nil {
  2343  			return fmt.Errorf("failed to write fee state: %w", err)
  2344  		}
  2345  		s.persistedFeeState = s.feeState
  2346  	}
  2347  	if s.persistedCurrentSupply != s.currentSupply {
  2348  		if err := database.PutUInt64(s.singletonDB, CurrentSupplyKey, s.currentSupply); err != nil {
  2349  			return fmt.Errorf("failed to write current supply: %w", err)
  2350  		}
  2351  		s.persistedCurrentSupply = s.currentSupply
  2352  	}
  2353  	if s.persistedLastAccepted != s.lastAccepted {
  2354  		if err := database.PutID(s.singletonDB, LastAcceptedKey, s.lastAccepted); err != nil {
  2355  			return fmt.Errorf("failed to write last accepted: %w", err)
  2356  		}
  2357  		s.persistedLastAccepted = s.lastAccepted
  2358  	}
  2359  	if s.indexedHeights != nil {
  2360  		indexedHeightsBytes, err := block.GenesisCodec.Marshal(block.CodecVersion, s.indexedHeights)
  2361  		if err != nil {
  2362  			return err
  2363  		}
  2364  		if err := s.singletonDB.Put(HeightsIndexedKey, indexedHeightsBytes); err != nil {
  2365  			return fmt.Errorf("failed to write indexed range: %w", err)
  2366  		}
  2367  	}
  2368  	return nil
  2369  }
  2371  // Returns the block and whether it is a [stateBlk].
  2372  // Invariant: blkBytes is safe to parse with blocks.GenesisCodec
  2373  //
  2374  // TODO: Remove after v1.12.x is activated
  2375  func parseStoredBlock(blkBytes []byte) (block.Block, bool, error) {
  2376  	// Attempt to parse as blocks.Block
  2377  	blk, err := block.Parse(block.GenesisCodec, blkBytes)
  2378  	if err == nil {
  2379  		return blk, false, nil
  2380  	}
  2382  	// Fallback to [stateBlk]
  2383  	blkState := stateBlk{}
  2384  	if _, err := block.GenesisCodec.Unmarshal(blkBytes, &blkState); err != nil {
  2385  		return nil, false, err
  2386  	}
  2388  	blk, err = block.Parse(block.GenesisCodec, blkState.Bytes)
  2389  	return blk, true, err
  2390  }
  2392  func (s *state) ReindexBlocks(lock sync.Locker, log logging.Logger) error {
  2393  	has, err := s.singletonDB.Has(BlocksReindexedKey)
  2394  	if err != nil {
  2395  		return err
  2396  	}
  2397  	if has {
  2398  		log.Info("blocks already reindexed")
  2399  		return nil
  2400  	}
  2402  	// It is possible that new blocks are added after grabbing this iterator.
  2403  	// New blocks are guaranteed to be persisted in the new format, so we don't
  2404  	// need to check them.
  2405  	blockIterator := s.blockDB.NewIterator()
  2406  	// Releasing is done using a closure to ensure that updating blockIterator
  2407  	// will result in having the most recent iterator released when executing
  2408  	// the deferred function.
  2409  	defer func() {
  2410  		blockIterator.Release()
  2411  	}()
  2413  	log.Info("starting block reindexing")
  2415  	var (
  2416  		startTime         = time.Now()
  2417  		lastCommit        = startTime
  2418  		nextUpdate        = startTime.Add(indexLogFrequency)
  2419  		numIndicesChecked = 0
  2420  		numIndicesUpdated = 0
  2421  	)
  2423  	for blockIterator.Next() {
  2424  		valueBytes := blockIterator.Value()
  2425  		blk, isStateBlk, err := parseStoredBlock(valueBytes)
  2426  		if err != nil {
  2427  			return fmt.Errorf("failed to parse block: %w", err)
  2428  		}
  2430  		blkID := blk.ID()
  2432  		// This block was previously stored using the legacy format, update the
  2433  		// index to remove the usage of stateBlk.
  2434  		if isStateBlk {
  2435  			blkBytes := blk.Bytes()
  2436  			if err := s.blockDB.Put(blkID[:], blkBytes); err != nil {
  2437  				return fmt.Errorf("failed to write block: %w", err)
  2438  			}
  2440  			numIndicesUpdated++
  2441  		}
  2443  		numIndicesChecked++
  2445  		now := time.Now()
  2446  		if now.After(nextUpdate) {
  2447  			nextUpdate = now.Add(indexLogFrequency)
  2449  			progress := timer.ProgressFromHash(blkID[:])
  2450  			eta := timer.EstimateETA(
  2451  				startTime,
  2452  				progress,
  2453  				math.MaxUint64,
  2454  			)
  2456  			log.Info("reindexing blocks",
  2457  				zap.Int("numIndicesUpdated", numIndicesUpdated),
  2458  				zap.Int("numIndicesChecked", numIndicesChecked),
  2459  				zap.Duration("eta", eta),
  2460  			)
  2461  		}
  2463  		if numIndicesChecked%indexIterationLimit == 0 {
  2464  			// We must hold the lock during committing to make sure we don't
  2465  			// attempt to commit to disk while a block is concurrently being
  2466  			// accepted.
  2467  			lock.Lock()
  2468  			err := errors.Join(
  2469  				s.Commit(),
  2470  				blockIterator.Error(),
  2471  			)
  2472  			lock.Unlock()
  2473  			if err != nil {
  2474  				return err
  2475  			}
  2477  			// We release the iterator here to allow the underlying database to
  2478  			// clean up deleted state.
  2479  			blockIterator.Release()
  2481  			// We take the minimum here because it's possible that the node is
  2482  			// currently bootstrapping. This would mean that grabbing the lock
  2483  			// could take an extremely long period of time; which we should not
  2484  			// delay processing for.
  2485  			indexDuration := now.Sub(lastCommit)
  2486  			sleepDuration := min(
  2487  				indexIterationSleepMultiplier*indexDuration,
  2488  				indexIterationSleepCap,
  2489  			)
  2490  			time.Sleep(sleepDuration)
  2492  			// Make sure not to include the sleep duration into the next index
  2493  			// duration.
  2494  			lastCommit = time.Now()
  2496  			blockIterator = s.blockDB.NewIteratorWithStart(blkID[:])
  2497  		}
  2498  	}
  2500  	// Ensure we fully iterated over all blocks before writing that indexing has
  2501  	// finished.
  2502  	//
  2503  	// Note: This is needed because a transient read error could cause the
  2504  	// iterator to stop early.
  2505  	if err := blockIterator.Error(); err != nil {
  2506  		return fmt.Errorf("failed to iterate over historical blocks: %w", err)
  2507  	}
  2509  	if err := s.singletonDB.Put(BlocksReindexedKey, nil); err != nil {
  2510  		return fmt.Errorf("failed to put marked blocks as reindexed: %w", err)
  2511  	}
  2513  	// We must hold the lock during committing to make sure we don't attempt to
  2514  	// commit to disk while a block is concurrently being accepted.
  2515  	lock.Lock()
  2516  	defer lock.Unlock()
  2518  	log.Info("finished block reindexing",
  2519  		zap.Int("numIndicesUpdated", numIndicesUpdated),
  2520  		zap.Int("numIndicesChecked", numIndicesChecked),
  2521  		zap.Duration("duration", time.Since(startTime)),
  2522  	)
  2524  	return s.Commit()
  2525  }
  2527  func markInitialized(db database.KeyValueWriter) error {
  2528  	return db.Put(InitializedKey, nil)
  2529  }
  2531  func isInitialized(db database.KeyValueReader) (bool, error) {
  2532  	return db.Has(InitializedKey)
  2533  }
  2535  func putFeeState(db database.KeyValueWriter, feeState gas.State) error {
  2536  	feeStateBytes, err := block.GenesisCodec.Marshal(block.CodecVersion, feeState)
  2537  	if err != nil {
  2538  		return err
  2539  	}
  2540  	return db.Put(FeeStateKey, feeStateBytes)
  2541  }
  2543  func getFeeState(db database.KeyValueReader) (gas.State, error) {
  2544  	feeStateBytes, err := db.Get(FeeStateKey)
  2545  	if err == database.ErrNotFound {
  2546  		return gas.State{}, nil
  2547  	}
  2548  	if err != nil {
  2549  		return gas.State{}, err
  2550  	}
  2552  	var feeState gas.State
  2553  	if _, err := block.GenesisCodec.Unmarshal(feeStateBytes, &feeState); err != nil {
  2554  		return gas.State{}, err
  2555  	}
  2556  	return feeState, nil
  2557  }