
     1  ## Commands
     2  ```
     3  The Cloud Engineer CLI
     5  Usage:
     6    clencli [command]
     8  Available Commands:
     9    configure   Configures CLENCLI global settings
    10    gitignore   Download .gitignore based on the given input
    11    help        Help about any command
    12    init        Initialize a project
    13    render      Render a template
    14    unsplash    Downloads random photos from
    15    version     Displays the version of CLENCLI and all installed plugins
    17  Flags:
    18    -h, --help                   help for clencli
    19        --log                    Enable or disable logs (can be found at ./clencli/log.json). Log outputs will be redirected default output if disabled. (default true)
    20        --log-file-path string   Log file path. Requires log=true, ignored otherwise. (default "clencli/log.json")
    21    -p, --profile string         Use a specific profile from your credentials and configurations file. (default "default")
    22    -v, --verbosity string       Valid log level:panic,fatal,error,warn,info,debug,trace). (default "error")
    24  Use "clencli [command] --help" for more information about a command.
    25  ```