
     1  // Copyright 2016 Canonical Ltd.
     2  // Licensed under the AGPLv3, see LICENCE file for details.
     4  package params
     6  // DestroyControllerArgs holds the arguments for destroying a controller.
     7  type DestroyControllerArgs struct {
     8  	// DestroyModels specifies whether or not the hosted models
     9  	// should be destroyed as well. If this is not specified, and there are
    10  	// other hosted models, the destruction of the controller will fail.
    11  	DestroyModels bool `json:"destroy-models"`
    12  }
    14  // ModelBlockInfo holds information about an model and its
    15  // current blocks.
    16  type ModelBlockInfo struct {
    17  	Name     string   `json:"name"`
    18  	UUID     string   `json:"model-uuid"`
    19  	OwnerTag string   `json:"owner-tag"`
    20  	Blocks   []string `json:"blocks"`
    21  }
    23  // ModelBlockInfoList holds information about the blocked models
    24  // for a controller.
    25  type ModelBlockInfoList struct {
    26  	Models []ModelBlockInfo `json:"models,omitempty"`
    27  }
    29  // RemoveBlocksArgs holds the arguments for the RemoveBlocks command. It is a
    30  // struct to facilitate the easy addition of being able to remove blocks for
    31  // individual models at a later date.
    32  type RemoveBlocksArgs struct {
    33  	All bool `json:"all"`
    34  }
    36  // ModelStatus holds information about the status of a juju model.
    37  type ModelStatus struct {
    38  	ModelTag           string             `json:"model-tag"`
    39  	Life               Life               `json:"life"`
    40  	HostedMachineCount int                `json:"hosted-machine-count"`
    41  	ApplicationCount   int                `json:"application-count"`
    42  	OwnerTag           string             `json:"owner-tag"`
    43  	Machines           []ModelMachineInfo `json:"machines,omitempty"`
    44  }
    46  // ModelStatusResults holds status information about a group of models.
    47  type ModelStatusResults struct {
    48  	Results []ModelStatus `json:"models"`
    49  }
    51  // ModifyControllerAccessRequest holds the parameters for making grant and revoke controller calls.
    52  type ModifyControllerAccessRequest struct {
    53  	Changes []ModifyControllerAccess `json:"changes"`
    54  }
    56  type ModifyControllerAccess struct {
    57  	UserTag string           `json:"user-tag"`
    58  	Action  ControllerAction `json:"action"`
    59  	Access  string           `json:"access"`
    60  }
    62  // UserAccess holds the level of access a user
    63  // has on a controller or model.
    64  type UserAccess struct {
    65  	UserTag string `json:"user-tag"`
    66  	Access  string `json:"access"`
    67  }
    69  // UserAccessResult holds an access level for
    70  // a user, or an error.
    71  type UserAccessResult struct {
    72  	Result *UserAccess `json:"result,omitempty"`
    73  	Error  *Error      `json:"error,omitempty"`
    74  }
    76  // UserAccessResults holds the results of an api
    77  // call to look up access for users.
    78  type UserAccessResults struct {
    79  	Results []UserAccessResult `json:"results,omitempty"`
    80  }
    82  // ControllerAction is an action that can be performed on a model.
    83  type ControllerAction string
    85  // Actions that can be preformed on a model.
    86  const (
    87  	GrantControllerAccess  ControllerAction = "grant"
    88  	RevokeControllerAccess ControllerAction = "revoke"
    89  )