
     1  // Copyright 2015 Canonical Ltd.
     2  // Licensed under the AGPLv3, see LICENCE file for details.
     4  package azure_test
     6  import (
     7  	"encoding/json"
     8  	"errors"
     9  	"fmt"
    10  	"io/ioutil"
    11  	"net/http"
    12  	"path"
    13  	"reflect"
    14  	"time"
    16  	""
    17  	""
    18  	""
    19  	""
    20  	autorestazure ""
    21  	""
    22  	""
    23  	gitjujutesting ""
    24  	jc ""
    25  	""
    26  	""
    27  	gc ""
    28  	""
    30  	""
    31  	""
    32  	""
    33  	""
    34  	""
    35  	""
    36  	""
    37  	envtesting ""
    38  	envtools ""
    39  	""
    40  	""
    41  	""
    42  	""
    43  	""
    44  	""
    45  	""
    46  	""
    47  )
    49  const storageAccountName = "juju400d80004b1d0d06f00d"
    51  var (
    52  	quantalImageReference = compute.ImageReference{
    53  		Publisher: to.StringPtr("Canonical"),
    54  		Offer:     to.StringPtr("UbuntuServer"),
    55  		Sku:       to.StringPtr("12.10"),
    56  		Version:   to.StringPtr("latest"),
    57  	}
    58  	win2012ImageReference = compute.ImageReference{
    59  		Publisher: to.StringPtr("MicrosoftWindowsServer"),
    60  		Offer:     to.StringPtr("WindowsServer"),
    61  		Sku:       to.StringPtr("2012-Datacenter"),
    62  		Version:   to.StringPtr("latest"),
    63  	}
    64  	centos7ImageReference = compute.ImageReference{
    65  		Publisher: to.StringPtr("OpenLogic"),
    66  		Offer:     to.StringPtr("CentOS"),
    67  		Sku:       to.StringPtr("7.1"),
    68  		Version:   to.StringPtr("latest"),
    69  	}
    71  	sshPublicKeys = []compute.SSHPublicKey{{
    72  		Path:    to.StringPtr("/home/ubuntu/.ssh/authorized_keys"),
    73  		KeyData: to.StringPtr(testing.FakeAuthKeys),
    74  	}}
    75  	linuxOsProfile = compute.OSProfile{
    76  		ComputerName:  to.StringPtr("machine-0"),
    77  		CustomData:    to.StringPtr("<juju-goes-here>"),
    78  		AdminUsername: to.StringPtr("ubuntu"),
    79  		LinuxConfiguration: &compute.LinuxConfiguration{
    80  			DisablePasswordAuthentication: to.BoolPtr(true),
    81  			SSH: &compute.SSHConfiguration{
    82  				PublicKeys: &sshPublicKeys,
    83  			},
    84  		},
    85  	}
    86  	windowsOsProfile = compute.OSProfile{
    87  		ComputerName:  to.StringPtr("machine-0"),
    88  		CustomData:    to.StringPtr("<juju-goes-here>"),
    89  		AdminUsername: to.StringPtr("JujuAdministrator"),
    90  		AdminPassword: to.StringPtr("sorandom"),
    91  		WindowsConfiguration: &compute.WindowsConfiguration{
    92  			ProvisionVMAgent:       to.BoolPtr(true),
    93  			EnableAutomaticUpdates: to.BoolPtr(true),
    94  		},
    95  	}
    96  )
    98  type environSuite struct {
    99  	testing.BaseSuite
   101  	provider      environs.EnvironProvider
   102  	requests      []*http.Request
   103  	storageClient azuretesting.MockStorageClient
   104  	sender        azuretesting.Senders
   105  	retryClock    mockClock
   107  	controllerUUID     string
   108  	envTags            map[string]*string
   109  	vmTags             map[string]*string
   110  	group              *resources.ResourceGroup
   111  	vmSizes            *compute.VirtualMachineSizeListResult
   112  	storageAccounts    []storage.Account
   113  	storageAccount     *storage.Account
   114  	storageAccountKeys *storage.AccountListKeysResult
   115  	ubuntuServerSKUs   []compute.VirtualMachineImageResource
   116  	deployment         *resources.Deployment
   117  }
   119  var _ = gc.Suite(&environSuite{})
   121  func (s *environSuite) SetUpTest(c *gc.C) {
   122  	s.BaseSuite.SetUpTest(c)
   123  	s.storageClient = azuretesting.MockStorageClient{}
   124  	s.sender = nil
   125  	s.requests = nil
   126  	s.retryClock = mockClock{Clock: gitjujutesting.NewClock(time.Time{})}
   128  	s.provider = newProvider(c, azure.ProviderConfig{
   129  		Sender:           azuretesting.NewSerialSender(&s.sender),
   130  		RequestInspector: azuretesting.RequestRecorder(&s.requests),
   131  		NewStorageClient: s.storageClient.NewClient,
   132  		RetryClock: &gitjujutesting.AutoAdvancingClock{
   133  			&s.retryClock, s.retryClock.Advance,
   134  		},
   135  		RandomWindowsAdminPassword:        func() string { return "sorandom" },
   136  		InteractiveCreateServicePrincipal: azureauth.InteractiveCreateServicePrincipal,
   137  	})
   139  	s.controllerUUID = testing.ControllerTag.Id()
   140  	s.envTags = map[string]*string{
   141  		"juju-model-uuid":      to.StringPtr(testing.ModelTag.Id()),
   142  		"juju-controller-uuid": to.StringPtr(s.controllerUUID),
   143  	}
   144  	s.vmTags = map[string]*string{
   145  		"juju-model-uuid":      to.StringPtr(testing.ModelTag.Id()),
   146  		"juju-controller-uuid": to.StringPtr(s.controllerUUID),
   147  		"juju-machine-name":    to.StringPtr("machine-0"),
   148  	}
   150 = &resources.ResourceGroup{
   151  		Location: to.StringPtr("westus"),
   152  		Tags:     &s.envTags,
   153  		Properties: &resources.ResourceGroupProperties{
   154  			ProvisioningState: to.StringPtr("Succeeded"),
   155  		},
   156  	}
   158  	vmSizes := []compute.VirtualMachineSize{{
   159  		Name:                 to.StringPtr("Standard_D1"),
   160  		NumberOfCores:        to.Int32Ptr(1),
   161  		OsDiskSizeInMB:       to.Int32Ptr(1047552),
   162  		ResourceDiskSizeInMB: to.Int32Ptr(51200),
   163  		MemoryInMB:           to.Int32Ptr(3584),
   164  		MaxDataDiskCount:     to.Int32Ptr(2),
   165  	}}
   166  	s.vmSizes = &compute.VirtualMachineSizeListResult{Value: &vmSizes}
   168  	s.storageAccount = &storage.Account{
   169  		Name: to.StringPtr("my-storage-account"),
   170  		Type: to.StringPtr("Standard_LRS"),
   171  		Tags: &s.envTags,
   172  		Properties: &storage.AccountProperties{
   173  			PrimaryEndpoints: &storage.Endpoints{
   174  				Blob: to.StringPtr(fmt.Sprintf("", storageAccountName)),
   175  			},
   176  			ProvisioningState: "Succeeded",
   177  		},
   178  	}
   180  	keys := []storage.AccountKey{{
   181  		KeyName:     to.StringPtr("key-1-name"),
   182  		Value:       to.StringPtr("key-1"),
   183  		Permissions: storage.FULL,
   184  	}}
   185  	s.storageAccountKeys = &storage.AccountListKeysResult{
   186  		Keys: &keys,
   187  	}
   189  	s.ubuntuServerSKUs = []compute.VirtualMachineImageResource{
   190  		{Name: to.StringPtr("12.04-LTS")},
   191  		{Name: to.StringPtr("12.10")},
   192  		{Name: to.StringPtr("14.04-LTS")},
   193  		{Name: to.StringPtr("15.04")},
   194  		{Name: to.StringPtr("15.10")},
   195  		{Name: to.StringPtr("16.04-LTS")},
   196  	}
   198  	s.deployment = nil
   199  }
   201  func (s *environSuite) openEnviron(c *gc.C, attrs ...testing.Attrs) environs.Environ {
   202  	return openEnviron(c, s.provider, &s.sender, attrs...)
   203  }
   205  func openEnviron(
   206  	c *gc.C,
   207  	provider environs.EnvironProvider,
   208  	sender *azuretesting.Senders,
   209  	attrs ...testing.Attrs,
   210  ) environs.Environ {
   211  	// Opening the environment should not incur network communication,
   212  	// so we don't set s.sender until after opening.
   213  	cfg := makeTestModelConfig(c, attrs...)
   214  	env, err := provider.Open(environs.OpenParams{
   215  		Cloud:  fakeCloudSpec(),
   216  		Config: cfg,
   217  	})
   218  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
   220  	// Force an explicit refresh of the access token, so it isn't done
   221  	// implicitly during the tests.
   222  	*sender = azuretesting.Senders{
   223  		discoverAuthSender(),
   224  		tokenRefreshSender(),
   225  	}
   226  	err = azure.ForceTokenRefresh(env)
   227  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
   228  	return env
   229  }
   231  func prepareForBootstrap(
   232  	c *gc.C,
   233  	ctx environs.BootstrapContext,
   234  	provider environs.EnvironProvider,
   235  	sender *azuretesting.Senders,
   236  	attrs ...testing.Attrs,
   237  ) environs.Environ {
   238  	// Opening the environment should not incur network communication,
   239  	// so we don't set s.sender until after opening.
   240  	cfg, err := provider.PrepareConfig(environs.PrepareConfigParams{
   241  		Config: makeTestModelConfig(c, attrs...),
   242  		Cloud:  fakeCloudSpec(),
   243  	})
   244  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
   246  	env, err := provider.Open(environs.OpenParams{
   247  		Cloud:  fakeCloudSpec(),
   248  		Config: cfg,
   249  	})
   250  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
   252  	*sender = azuretesting.Senders{
   253  		discoverAuthSender(),
   254  		tokenRefreshSender(),
   255  	}
   256  	err = env.PrepareForBootstrap(ctx)
   257  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
   258  	return env
   259  }
   261  func fakeCloudSpec() environs.CloudSpec {
   262  	return environs.CloudSpec{
   263  		Type:             "azure",
   264  		Name:             "azure",
   265  		Region:           "westus",
   266  		Endpoint:         "https://api.azurestack.local",
   267  		IdentityEndpoint: "",
   268  		StorageEndpoint:  "https://storage.azurestack.local",
   269  		Credential:       fakeServicePrincipalCredential(),
   270  	}
   271  }
   273  func tokenRefreshSender() *azuretesting.MockSender {
   274  	tokenRefreshSender := azuretesting.NewSenderWithValue(&autorestazure.Token{
   275  		AccessToken: "access-token",
   276  		ExpiresOn:   fmt.Sprint(time.Now().Add(time.Hour).Unix()),
   277  		Type:        "Bearer",
   278  	})
   279  	tokenRefreshSender.PathPattern = ".*/oauth2/token"
   280  	return tokenRefreshSender
   281  }
   283  func discoverAuthSender() *azuretesting.MockSender {
   284  	const fakeTenantId = "11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111"
   285  	sender := mocks.NewSender()
   286  	resp := mocks.NewResponseWithStatus("", http.StatusUnauthorized)
   287  	mocks.SetResponseHeaderValues(resp, "WWW-Authenticate", []string{
   288  		fmt.Sprintf(
   289  			`authorization_uri="https://testing.invalid/%s"`,
   290  			fakeTenantId,
   291  		),
   292  	})
   293  	sender.AppendResponse(resp)
   294  	return &azuretesting.MockSender{
   295  		Sender:      sender,
   296  		PathPattern: ".*/subscriptions/" + fakeSubscriptionId,
   297  	}
   298  }
   300  func (s *environSuite) initResourceGroupSenders() azuretesting.Senders {
   301  	resourceGroupName := "juju-testenv-model-deadbeef-0bad-400d-8000-4b1d0d06f00d"
   302  	senders := azuretesting.Senders{s.makeSender(".*/resourcegroups/"+resourceGroupName,}
   303  	return senders
   304  }
   306  func (s *environSuite) startInstanceSenders(controller bool) azuretesting.Senders {
   307  	senders := azuretesting.Senders{s.vmSizesSender()}
   308  	if s.ubuntuServerSKUs != nil {
   309  		senders = append(senders, s.makeSender(".*/Canonical/.*/UbuntuServer/skus", s.ubuntuServerSKUs))
   310  	}
   311  	senders = append(senders, s.makeSender("/deployments/machine-0", s.deployment))
   312  	return senders
   313  }
   315  func (s *environSuite) networkInterfacesSender(nics *azuretesting.MockSender {
   316  	return s.makeSender(".*/networkInterfaces", network.InterfaceListResult{Value: &nics})
   317  }
   319  func (s *environSuite) publicIPAddressesSender(pips *azuretesting.MockSender {
   320  	return s.makeSender(".*/publicIPAddresses", network.PublicIPAddressListResult{Value: &pips})
   321  }
   323  func (s *environSuite) virtualMachinesSender(vms ...compute.VirtualMachine) *azuretesting.MockSender {
   324  	return s.makeSender(".*/virtualMachines", compute.VirtualMachineListResult{Value: &vms})
   325  }
   327  func (s *environSuite) vmSizesSender() *azuretesting.MockSender {
   328  	return s.makeSender(".*/vmSizes", s.vmSizes)
   329  }
   331  func (s *environSuite) storageAccountSender() *azuretesting.MockSender {
   332  	return s.makeSender(".*/storageAccounts/"+storageAccountName, s.storageAccount)
   333  }
   335  func (s *environSuite) storageAccountKeysSender() *azuretesting.MockSender {
   336  	return s.makeSender(".*/storageAccounts/.*/listKeys", s.storageAccountKeys)
   337  }
   339  func (s *environSuite) makeSender(pattern string, v interface{}) *azuretesting.MockSender {
   340  	sender := azuretesting.NewSenderWithValue(v)
   341  	sender.PathPattern = pattern
   342  	return sender
   343  }
   345  func makeStartInstanceParams(c *gc.C, controllerUUID, series string) environs.StartInstanceParams {
   346  	machineTag := names.NewMachineTag("0")
   347  	apiInfo := &api.Info{
   348  		Addrs:    []string{"localhost:17777"},
   349  		CACert:   testing.CACert,
   350  		Password: "admin",
   351  		Tag:      machineTag,
   352  		ModelTag: testing.ModelTag,
   353  	}
   355  	icfg, err := instancecfg.NewInstanceConfig(
   356  		names.NewControllerTag(controllerUUID),
   357  		machineTag.Id(), "yanonce", imagemetadata.ReleasedStream,
   358  		series, apiInfo,
   359  	)
   360  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
   361  	icfg.Tags = map[string]string{
   362  		tags.JujuModel:      testing.ModelTag.Id(),
   363  		tags.JujuController: controllerUUID,
   364  	}
   366  	return environs.StartInstanceParams{
   367  		ControllerUUID: controllerUUID,
   368  		Tools:          makeToolsList(series),
   369  		InstanceConfig: icfg,
   370  	}
   371  }
   373  func makeToolsList(series string) tools.List {
   374  	var toolsVersion version.Binary
   375  	toolsVersion.Number = version.MustParse("1.26.0")
   376  	toolsVersion.Arch = arch.AMD64
   377  	toolsVersion.Series = series
   378  	return tools.List{{
   379  		Version: toolsVersion,
   380  		URL:     fmt.Sprintf("", toolsVersion),
   381  		SHA256:  "1234567890abcdef",
   382  		Size:    1024,
   383  	}}
   384  }
   386  func unmarshalRequestBody(c *gc.C, req *http.Request, out interface{}) {
   387  	bytes, err := ioutil.ReadAll(req.Body)
   388  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
   389  	err = json.Unmarshal(bytes, out)
   390  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
   391  }
   393  func assertRequestBody(c *gc.C, req *http.Request, expect interface{}) {
   394  	unmarshalled := reflect.New(reflect.TypeOf(expect).Elem()).Interface()
   395  	unmarshalRequestBody(c, req, unmarshalled)
   396  	c.Assert(unmarshalled, jc.DeepEquals, expect)
   397  }
   399  type mockClock struct {
   400  	gitjujutesting.Stub
   401  	*gitjujutesting.Clock
   402  }
   404  func (c *mockClock) After(d time.Duration) <-chan time.Time {
   405  	c.MethodCall(c, "After", d)
   406  	c.PopNoErr()
   407  	return c.Clock.After(d)
   408  }
   410  func (s *environSuite) TestOpen(c *gc.C) {
   411  	env := s.openEnviron(c)
   412  	c.Assert(env, gc.NotNil)
   413  }
   415  func (s *environSuite) TestCloudEndpointManagementURI(c *gc.C) {
   416  	env := s.openEnviron(c)
   418  	sender := mocks.NewSender()
   419  	sender.AppendResponse(mocks.NewResponseWithContent("{}"))
   420  	s.sender = azuretesting.Senders{sender}
   421  	s.requests = nil
   422  	env.AllInstances() // trigger a query
   424  	c.Assert(s.requests, gc.HasLen, 1)
   425  	c.Assert(s.requests[0].URL.Host, gc.Equals, "api.azurestack.local")
   426  }
   428  func (s *environSuite) TestStartInstance(c *gc.C) {
   429  	env := s.openEnviron(c)
   430  	s.sender = s.startInstanceSenders(false)
   431  	s.requests = nil
   432  	result, err := env.StartInstance(makeStartInstanceParams(c, s.controllerUUID, "quantal"))
   433  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
   434  	c.Assert(result, gc.NotNil)
   435  	c.Assert(result.Instance, gc.NotNil)
   436  	c.Assert(result.NetworkInfo, gc.HasLen, 0)
   437  	c.Assert(result.Volumes, gc.HasLen, 0)
   438  	c.Assert(result.VolumeAttachments, gc.HasLen, 0)
   440  	arch := "amd64"
   441  	mem := uint64(3584)
   442  	rootDisk := uint64(30 * 1024) // 30 GiB
   443  	cpuCores := uint64(1)
   444  	c.Assert(result.Hardware, jc.DeepEquals, &instance.HardwareCharacteristics{
   445  		Arch:     &arch,
   446  		Mem:      &mem,
   447  		RootDisk: &rootDisk,
   448  		CpuCores: &cpuCores,
   449  	})
   450  	s.assertStartInstanceRequests(c, s.requests, assertStartInstanceRequestsParams{
   451  		imageReference: &quantalImageReference,
   452  		diskSizeGB:     32,
   453  		osProfile:      &linuxOsProfile,
   454  	})
   455  }
   457  func (s *environSuite) TestStartInstanceWindowsMinRootDisk(c *gc.C) {
   458  	// The minimum OS disk size for Windows machines is 127GiB.
   459  	cons := constraints.MustParse("root-disk=44G")
   460  	s.testStartInstanceWindows(c, cons, 127*1024, 136)
   461  }
   463  func (s *environSuite) TestStartInstanceWindowsGrowableRootDisk(c *gc.C) {
   464  	// The OS disk size may be grown larger than 127GiB.
   465  	cons := constraints.MustParse("root-disk=200G")
   466  	s.testStartInstanceWindows(c, cons, 200*1024, 214)
   467  }
   469  func (s *environSuite) testStartInstanceWindows(
   470  	c *gc.C, cons constraints.Value,
   471  	expect uint64, requestValue int,
   472  ) {
   473  	// Starting a Windows VM, we should not expect an image query.
   474  	s.PatchValue(&s.ubuntuServerSKUs, nil)
   476  	env := s.openEnviron(c)
   477  	s.sender = s.startInstanceSenders(false)
   478  	s.requests = nil
   479  	args := makeStartInstanceParams(c, s.controllerUUID, "win2012")
   480  	args.Constraints = cons
   481  	result, err := env.StartInstance(args)
   482  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
   483  	c.Assert(result, gc.NotNil)
   484  	c.Assert(result.Hardware.RootDisk, jc.DeepEquals, &expect)
   486  	vmExtensionSettings := map[string]interface{}{
   487  		"commandToExecute": `` +
   488  			`move C:\AzureData\CustomData.bin C:\AzureData\CustomData.ps1 && ` +
   489  			`powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -File C:\AzureData\CustomData.ps1 && ` +
   490  			`del /q C:\AzureData\CustomData.ps1`,
   491  	}
   492  	s.assertStartInstanceRequests(c, s.requests, assertStartInstanceRequestsParams{
   493  		imageReference: &win2012ImageReference,
   494  		diskSizeGB:     requestValue,
   495  		vmExtension: &compute.VirtualMachineExtensionProperties{
   496  			Publisher:               to.StringPtr("Microsoft.Compute"),
   497  			Type:                    to.StringPtr("CustomScriptExtension"),
   498  			TypeHandlerVersion:      to.StringPtr("1.4"),
   499  			AutoUpgradeMinorVersion: to.BoolPtr(true),
   500  			Settings:                &vmExtensionSettings,
   501  		},
   502  		osProfile: &windowsOsProfile,
   503  	})
   504  }
   506  func (s *environSuite) TestStartInstanceCentOS(c *gc.C) {
   507  	// Starting a CentOS VM, we should not expect an image query.
   508  	s.PatchValue(&s.ubuntuServerSKUs, nil)
   510  	env := s.openEnviron(c)
   511  	s.sender = s.startInstanceSenders(false)
   512  	s.requests = nil
   513  	args := makeStartInstanceParams(c, s.controllerUUID, "centos7")
   514  	_, err := env.StartInstance(args)
   515  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
   517  	vmExtensionSettings := map[string]interface{}{
   518  		"commandToExecute": `bash -c 'base64 -d /var/lib/waagent/CustomData | bash'`,
   519  	}
   520  	s.assertStartInstanceRequests(c, s.requests, assertStartInstanceRequestsParams{
   521  		imageReference: &centos7ImageReference,
   522  		diskSizeGB:     32,
   523  		vmExtension: &compute.VirtualMachineExtensionProperties{
   524  			Publisher:               to.StringPtr("Microsoft.OSTCExtensions"),
   525  			Type:                    to.StringPtr("CustomScriptForLinux"),
   526  			TypeHandlerVersion:      to.StringPtr("1.4"),
   527  			AutoUpgradeMinorVersion: to.BoolPtr(true),
   528  			Settings:                &vmExtensionSettings,
   529  		},
   530  		osProfile: &linuxOsProfile,
   531  	})
   532  }
   534  func (s *environSuite) TestStartInstanceTooManyRequests(c *gc.C) {
   535  	env := s.openEnviron(c)
   536  	senders := s.startInstanceSenders(false)
   537  	s.requests = nil
   539  	// 6 failures to get to 1 minute, and show that we cap it there.
   540  	const failures = 6
   542  	// Make the VirtualMachines.CreateOrUpdate call respond with
   543  	// 429 (StatusTooManyRequests) failures, and then with success.
   544  	rateLimitedSender := mocks.NewSender()
   545  	rateLimitedSender.AppendAndRepeatResponse(mocks.NewResponseWithBodyAndStatus(
   546  		mocks.NewBody("{}"), // empty JSON response to appease go-autorest
   547  		http.StatusTooManyRequests,
   548  		"(」゜ロ゜)」",
   549  	), failures)
   550  	successSender := senders[len(senders)-1]
   551  	senders = senders[:len(senders)-1]
   552  	for i := 0; i < failures; i++ {
   553  		senders = append(senders, rateLimitedSender)
   554  	}
   555  	senders = append(senders, successSender)
   556  	s.sender = senders
   558  	_, err := env.StartInstance(makeStartInstanceParams(c, s.controllerUUID, "quantal"))
   559  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
   561  	c.Assert(s.requests, gc.HasLen, numExpectedStartInstanceRequests+failures)
   562  	s.assertStartInstanceRequests(c, s.requests[:numExpectedStartInstanceRequests], assertStartInstanceRequestsParams{
   563  		imageReference: &quantalImageReference,
   564  		diskSizeGB:     32,
   565  		osProfile:      &linuxOsProfile,
   566  	})
   568  	// The final requests should all be identical.
   569  	for i := numExpectedStartInstanceRequests; i < numExpectedStartInstanceRequests+failures; i++ {
   570  		c.Assert(s.requests[i].Method, gc.Equals, "PUT")
   571  		c.Assert(s.requests[i].URL.Path, gc.Equals, s.requests[numExpectedStartInstanceRequests-1].URL.Path)
   572  	}
   574  	s.retryClock.CheckCalls(c, []gitjujutesting.StubCall{
   575  		{"After", []interface{}{5 * time.Second}},
   576  		{"After", []interface{}{10 * time.Second}},
   577  		{"After", []interface{}{20 * time.Second}},
   578  		{"After", []interface{}{40 * time.Second}},
   579  		{"After", []interface{}{1 * time.Minute}},
   580  		{"After", []interface{}{1 * time.Minute}},
   581  	})
   582  }
   584  func (s *environSuite) TestStartInstanceTooManyRequestsTimeout(c *gc.C) {
   585  	env := s.openEnviron(c)
   586  	senders := s.startInstanceSenders(false)
   587  	s.requests = nil
   589  	// 8 failures to get to 5 minutes, which is as long as we'll keep
   590  	// retrying before giving up.
   591  	const failures = 8
   593  	// Make the VirtualMachines.Get call respond with enough 429
   594  	// (StatusTooManyRequests) failures to cause the method to give
   595  	// up retrying.
   596  	rateLimitedSender := mocks.NewSender()
   597  	rateLimitedSender.AppendAndRepeatResponse(mocks.NewResponseWithBodyAndStatus(
   598  		mocks.NewBody("{}"), // empty JSON response to appease go-autorest
   599  		http.StatusTooManyRequests,
   600  		"(」゜ロ゜)」",
   601  	), failures)
   602  	senders = senders[:len(senders)-1]
   603  	for i := 0; i < failures; i++ {
   604  		senders = append(senders, rateLimitedSender)
   605  	}
   606  	s.sender = senders
   608  	_, err := env.StartInstance(makeStartInstanceParams(c, s.controllerUUID, "quantal"))
   609  	c.Assert(err, gc.ErrorMatches, `creating virtual machine "machine-0": creating deployment "machine-0": max duration exceeded: .*`)
   611  	s.retryClock.CheckCalls(c, []gitjujutesting.StubCall{
   612  		{"After", []interface{}{5 * time.Second}},  // t0 + 5s
   613  		{"After", []interface{}{10 * time.Second}}, // t0 + 15s
   614  		{"After", []interface{}{20 * time.Second}}, // t0 + 35s
   615  		{"After", []interface{}{40 * time.Second}}, // t0 + 1m15s
   616  		{"After", []interface{}{1 * time.Minute}},  // t0 + 2m15s
   617  		{"After", []interface{}{1 * time.Minute}},  // t0 + 3m15s
   618  		{"After", []interface{}{1 * time.Minute}},  // t0 + 4m15s
   619  		// There would be another call here, but since the time
   620  		// exceeds the give minute limit, retrying is aborted.
   621  	})
   622  }
   624  func (s *environSuite) TestStartInstanceDistributionGroup(c *gc.C) {
   625  	c.Skip("TODO: test StartInstance's DistributionGroup behaviour")
   626  }
   628  func (s *environSuite) TestStartInstanceServiceAvailabilitySet(c *gc.C) {
   629  	env := s.openEnviron(c)
   630  	unitsDeployed := "mysql/0 wordpress/0"
   631  	s.vmTags[tags.JujuUnitsDeployed] = &unitsDeployed
   632  	s.sender = s.startInstanceSenders(false)
   633  	s.requests = nil
   634  	params := makeStartInstanceParams(c, s.controllerUUID, "quantal")
   635  	params.InstanceConfig.Tags[tags.JujuUnitsDeployed] = unitsDeployed
   637  	_, err := env.StartInstance(params)
   638  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
   639  	s.assertStartInstanceRequests(c, s.requests, assertStartInstanceRequestsParams{
   640  		availabilitySetName: "mysql",
   641  		imageReference:      &quantalImageReference,
   642  		diskSizeGB:          32,
   643  		osProfile:           &linuxOsProfile,
   644  	})
   645  }
   647  const numExpectedStartInstanceRequests = 3
   649  type assertStartInstanceRequestsParams struct {
   650  	availabilitySetName string
   651  	imageReference      *compute.ImageReference
   652  	vmExtension         *compute.VirtualMachineExtensionProperties
   653  	diskSizeGB          int
   654  	osProfile           *compute.OSProfile
   655  }
   657  func (s *environSuite) assertStartInstanceRequests(
   658  	c *gc.C,
   659  	requests []*http.Request,
   660  	args assertStartInstanceRequestsParams,
   661  ) startInstanceRequests {
   662  	nsgId := `[resourceId('Microsoft.Network/networkSecurityGroups', 'juju-internal-nsg')]`
   663  	securityRules := []network.SecurityRule{{
   664  		Name: to.StringPtr("SSHInbound"),
   665  		Properties: &network.SecurityRulePropertiesFormat{
   666  			Description:              to.StringPtr("Allow SSH access to all machines"),
   667  			Protocol:                 network.TCP,
   668  			SourceAddressPrefix:      to.StringPtr("*"),
   669  			SourcePortRange:          to.StringPtr("*"),
   670  			DestinationAddressPrefix: to.StringPtr("*"),
   671  			DestinationPortRange:     to.StringPtr("22"),
   672  			Access:                   network.Allow,
   673  			Priority:                 to.Int32Ptr(100),
   674  			Direction:                network.Inbound,
   675  		},
   676  	}, {
   677  		Name: to.StringPtr("JujuAPIInbound"),
   678  		Properties: &network.SecurityRulePropertiesFormat{
   679  			Description:              to.StringPtr("Allow API connections to controller machines"),
   680  			Protocol:                 network.TCP,
   681  			SourceAddressPrefix:      to.StringPtr("*"),
   682  			SourcePortRange:          to.StringPtr("*"),
   683  			DestinationAddressPrefix: to.StringPtr(""),
   684  			DestinationPortRange:     to.StringPtr("17777"),
   685  			Access:                   network.Allow,
   686  			Priority:                 to.Int32Ptr(101),
   687  			Direction:                network.Inbound,
   688  		},
   689  	}}
   690  	subnets := []network.Subnet{{
   691  		Name: to.StringPtr("juju-internal-subnet"),
   692  		Properties: &network.SubnetPropertiesFormat{
   693  			AddressPrefix: to.StringPtr(""),
   694  			NetworkSecurityGroup: &network.SecurityGroup{
   695  				ID: to.StringPtr(nsgId),
   696  			},
   697  		},
   698  	}, {
   699  		Name: to.StringPtr("juju-controller-subnet"),
   700  		Properties: &network.SubnetPropertiesFormat{
   701  			AddressPrefix: to.StringPtr(""),
   702  			NetworkSecurityGroup: &network.SecurityGroup{
   703  				ID: to.StringPtr(nsgId),
   704  			},
   705  		},
   706  	}}
   708  	subnetName := "juju-internal-subnet"
   709  	privateIPAddress := ""
   710  	if args.availabilitySetName == "juju-controller" {
   711  		subnetName = "juju-controller-subnet"
   712  		privateIPAddress = ""
   713  	}
   714  	subnetId := fmt.Sprintf(
   715  		`[concat(resourceId('Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks', 'juju-internal-network'), '/subnets/%s')]`,
   716  		subnetName,
   717  	)
   719  	publicIPAddressId := `[resourceId('Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses', 'machine-0-public-ip')]`
   721  	ipConfigurations := []network.InterfaceIPConfiguration{{
   722  		Name: to.StringPtr("primary"),
   723  		Properties: &network.InterfaceIPConfigurationPropertiesFormat{
   724  			Primary:                   to.BoolPtr(true),
   725  			PrivateIPAddress:          to.StringPtr(privateIPAddress),
   726  			PrivateIPAllocationMethod: network.Static,
   727  			Subnet: &network.Subnet{ID: to.StringPtr(subnetId)},
   728  			PublicIPAddress: &network.PublicIPAddress{
   729  				ID: to.StringPtr(publicIPAddressId),
   730  			},
   731  		},
   732  	}}
   734  	nicId := `[resourceId('Microsoft.Network/networkInterfaces', 'machine-0-primary')]`
   735  	nics := []compute.NetworkInterfaceReference{{
   736  		ID: to.StringPtr(nicId),
   737  		Properties: &compute.NetworkInterfaceReferenceProperties{
   738  			Primary: to.BoolPtr(true),
   739  		},
   740  	}}
   741  	vmDependsOn := []string{
   742  		nicId,
   743  		`[resourceId('Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts', '` + storageAccountName + `')]`,
   744  	}
   746  	addressPrefixes := []string{"", ""}
   747  	templateResources := []armtemplates.Resource{{
   748  		APIVersion: network.APIVersion,
   749  		Type:       "Microsoft.Network/networkSecurityGroups",
   750  		Name:       "juju-internal-nsg",
   751  		Location:   "westus",
   752  		Tags:       to.StringMap(s.envTags),
   753  		Properties: &network.SecurityGroupPropertiesFormat{
   754  			SecurityRules: &securityRules,
   755  		},
   756  	}, {
   757  		APIVersion: network.APIVersion,
   758  		Type:       "Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks",
   759  		Name:       "juju-internal-network",
   760  		Location:   "westus",
   761  		Tags:       to.StringMap(s.envTags),
   762  		Properties: &network.VirtualNetworkPropertiesFormat{
   763  			AddressSpace: &network.AddressSpace{&addressPrefixes},
   764  			Subnets:      &subnets,
   765  		},
   766  		DependsOn: []string{nsgId},
   767  	}, {
   768  		APIVersion: storage.APIVersion,
   769  		Type:       "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts",
   770  		Name:       storageAccountName,
   771  		Location:   "westus",
   772  		Tags:       to.StringMap(s.envTags),
   773  		StorageSku: &storage.Sku{
   774  			Name: storage.SkuName("Standard_LRS"),
   775  		},
   776  	}}
   778  	var availabilitySetSubResource *compute.SubResource
   779  	if args.availabilitySetName != "" {
   780  		availabilitySetId := fmt.Sprintf(
   781  			`[resourceId('Microsoft.Compute/availabilitySets','%s')]`,
   782  			args.availabilitySetName,
   783  		)
   784  		templateResources = append(templateResources, armtemplates.Resource{
   785  			APIVersion: compute.APIVersion,
   786  			Type:       "Microsoft.Compute/availabilitySets",
   787  			Name:       args.availabilitySetName,
   788  			Location:   "westus",
   789  			Tags:       to.StringMap(s.envTags),
   790  		})
   791  		availabilitySetSubResource = &compute.SubResource{
   792  			ID: to.StringPtr(availabilitySetId),
   793  		}
   794  		vmDependsOn = append([]string{availabilitySetId}, vmDependsOn...)
   795  	}
   797  	templateResources = append(templateResources, []armtemplates.Resource{{
   798  		APIVersion: network.APIVersion,
   799  		Type:       "Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses",
   800  		Name:       "machine-0-public-ip",
   801  		Location:   "westus",
   802  		Tags:       to.StringMap(s.vmTags),
   803  		Properties: &network.PublicIPAddressPropertiesFormat{
   804  			PublicIPAllocationMethod: network.Dynamic,
   805  		},
   806  	}, {
   807  		APIVersion: network.APIVersion,
   808  		Type:       "Microsoft.Network/networkInterfaces",
   809  		Name:       "machine-0-primary",
   810  		Location:   "westus",
   811  		Tags:       to.StringMap(s.vmTags),
   812  		Properties: &network.InterfacePropertiesFormat{
   813  			IPConfigurations: &ipConfigurations,
   814  		},
   815  		DependsOn: []string{
   816  			publicIPAddressId,
   817  			`[resourceId('Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks', 'juju-internal-network')]`,
   818  		},
   819  	}, {
   820  		APIVersion: compute.APIVersion,
   821  		Type:       "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines",
   822  		Name:       "machine-0",
   823  		Location:   "westus",
   824  		Tags:       to.StringMap(s.vmTags),
   825  		Properties: &compute.VirtualMachineProperties{
   826  			HardwareProfile: &compute.HardwareProfile{
   827  				VMSize: "Standard_D1",
   828  			},
   829  			StorageProfile: &compute.StorageProfile{
   830  				ImageReference: args.imageReference,
   831  				OsDisk: &compute.OSDisk{
   832  					Name:         to.StringPtr("machine-0"),
   833  					CreateOption: compute.FromImage,
   834  					Caching:      compute.ReadWrite,
   835  					Vhd: &compute.VirtualHardDisk{
   836  						URI: to.StringPtr(fmt.Sprintf(
   837  							`[concat(reference(resourceId('Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts', '%s'), '%s').primaryEndpoints.blob, 'osvhds/machine-0.vhd')]`,
   838  							storageAccountName, storage.APIVersion,
   839  						)),
   840  					},
   841  					DiskSizeGB: to.Int32Ptr(int32(args.diskSizeGB)),
   842  				},
   843  			},
   844  			OsProfile:       args.osProfile,
   845  			NetworkProfile:  &compute.NetworkProfile{&nics},
   846  			AvailabilitySet: availabilitySetSubResource,
   847  		},
   848  		DependsOn: vmDependsOn,
   849  	}}...)
   850  	if args.vmExtension != nil {
   851  		templateResources = append(templateResources, armtemplates.Resource{
   852  			APIVersion: compute.APIVersion,
   853  			Type:       "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/extensions",
   854  			Name:       "machine-0/JujuCustomScriptExtension",
   855  			Location:   "westus",
   856  			Tags:       to.StringMap(s.vmTags),
   857  			Properties: args.vmExtension,
   858  			DependsOn:  []string{"Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/machine-0"},
   859  		})
   860  	}
   861  	templateMap := map[string]interface{}{
   862  		"$schema":        "",
   863  		"contentVersion": "",
   864  		"resources":      templateResources,
   865  	}
   866  	deployment := &resources.Deployment{
   867  		&resources.DeploymentProperties{
   868  			Template: &templateMap,
   869  			Mode:     resources.Incremental,
   870  		},
   871  	}
   873  	// Validate HTTP request bodies.
   874  	var startInstanceRequests startInstanceRequests
   875  	if args.vmExtension != nil {
   876  		// It must be Windows or CentOS, so
   877  		// there should be no image query.
   878  		c.Assert(requests, gc.HasLen, numExpectedStartInstanceRequests-1)
   879  		c.Assert(requests[0].Method, gc.Equals, "GET") // vmSizes
   880  		c.Assert(requests[1].Method, gc.Equals, "PUT") // create deployment
   881  		startInstanceRequests.vmSizes = requests[0]
   882  		startInstanceRequests.deployment = requests[1]
   883  	} else {
   884  		c.Assert(requests, gc.HasLen, numExpectedStartInstanceRequests)
   885  		c.Assert(requests[0].Method, gc.Equals, "GET") // vmSizes
   886  		c.Assert(requests[1].Method, gc.Equals, "GET") // skus
   887  		c.Assert(requests[2].Method, gc.Equals, "PUT") // create deployment
   888  		startInstanceRequests.vmSizes = requests[0]
   889  		startInstanceRequests.skus = requests[1]
   890  		startInstanceRequests.deployment = requests[2]
   891  	}
   893  	// Marshal/unmarshal the deployment we expect, so it's in map form.
   894  	var expected resources.Deployment
   895  	data, err := json.Marshal(&deployment)
   896  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
   897  	err = json.Unmarshal(data, &expected)
   898  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
   900  	// Check that we send what we expect. CustomData is non-deterministic,
   901  	// so don't compare it.
   902  	// TODO(axw) shouldn't CustomData be deterministic? Look into this.
   903  	var actual resources.Deployment
   904  	unmarshalRequestBody(c, startInstanceRequests.deployment, &actual)
   905  	c.Assert(actual.Properties, gc.NotNil)
   906  	c.Assert(actual.Properties.Template, gc.NotNil)
   907  	resources := (*actual.Properties.Template)["resources"].([]interface{})
   908  	c.Assert(resources, gc.HasLen, len(templateResources))
   910  	vmResourceIndex := len(resources) - 1
   911  	if args.vmExtension != nil {
   912  		vmResourceIndex--
   913  	}
   914  	vmResource := resources[vmResourceIndex].(map[string]interface{})
   915  	vmResourceProperties := vmResource["properties"].(map[string]interface{})
   916  	osProfile := vmResourceProperties["osProfile"].(map[string]interface{})
   917  	osProfile["customData"] = "<juju-goes-here>"
   918  	c.Assert(actual, jc.DeepEquals, expected)
   920  	return startInstanceRequests
   921  }
   923  type startInstanceRequests struct {
   924  	vmSizes    *http.Request
   925  	skus       *http.Request
   926  	deployment *http.Request
   927  }
   929  func (s *environSuite) TestBootstrap(c *gc.C) {
   930  	defer envtesting.DisableFinishBootstrap()()
   932  	ctx := envtesting.BootstrapContext(c)
   933  	env := prepareForBootstrap(c, ctx, s.provider, &s.sender)
   935  	s.sender = s.initResourceGroupSenders()
   936  	s.sender = append(s.sender, s.startInstanceSenders(true)...)
   937  	s.requests = nil
   938  	result, err := env.Bootstrap(
   939  		ctx, environs.BootstrapParams{
   940  			ControllerConfig: testing.FakeControllerConfig(),
   941  			AvailableTools:   makeToolsList("quantal"),
   942  			BootstrapSeries:  "quantal",
   943  		},
   944  	)
   945  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
   946  	c.Assert(result.Arch, gc.Equals, "amd64")
   947  	c.Assert(result.Series, gc.Equals, "quantal")
   949  	c.Assert(len(s.requests), gc.Equals, numExpectedStartInstanceRequests+1)
   950  	s.vmTags[tags.JujuIsController] = to.StringPtr("true")
   951  	s.assertStartInstanceRequests(c, s.requests[1:], assertStartInstanceRequestsParams{
   952  		availabilitySetName: "juju-controller",
   953  		imageReference:      &quantalImageReference,
   954  		diskSizeGB:          32,
   955  		osProfile:           &linuxOsProfile,
   956  	})
   957  }
   959  func (s *environSuite) TestAllInstancesResourceGroupNotFound(c *gc.C) {
   960  	env := s.openEnviron(c)
   961  	sender := mocks.NewSender()
   962  	sender.AppendResponse(mocks.NewResponseWithStatus(
   963  		"resource group not found", http.StatusNotFound,
   964  	))
   965  	s.sender = azuretesting.Senders{sender}
   966  	_, err := env.AllInstances()
   967  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
   968  }
   970  func (s *environSuite) TestStopInstancesNotFound(c *gc.C) {
   971  	env := s.openEnviron(c)
   972  	sender0 := mocks.NewSender()
   973  	sender0.AppendResponse(mocks.NewResponseWithStatus(
   974  		"vm not found", http.StatusNotFound,
   975  	))
   976  	sender1 := mocks.NewSender()
   977  	sender1.AppendResponse(mocks.NewResponseWithStatus(
   978  		"vm not found", http.StatusNotFound,
   979  	))
   980  	s.sender = azuretesting.Senders{sender0, sender1}
   981  	err := env.StopInstances("a", "b")
   982  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
   983  }
   985  func (s *environSuite) TestStopInstances(c *gc.C) {
   986  	env := s.openEnviron(c)
   988  	// Security group has rules for machine-0, as well as a rule that doesn't match.
   989  	nsg := makeSecurityGroup(
   990  		makeSecurityRule("machine-0-80", "", "80"),
   991  		makeSecurityRule("machine-0-1000-2000", "", "1000-2000"),
   992  		makeSecurityRule("machine-42", "", "*"),
   993  	)
   995  	// Create an IP configuration with a public IP reference. This will
   996  	// cause an update to the NIC to detach public IPs.
   997  	nic0IPConfiguration := makeIPConfiguration("")
   998  	nic0IPConfiguration.Properties.PublicIPAddress = &network.PublicIPAddress{}
   999  	nic0 := makeNetworkInterface("nic-0", "machine-0", nic0IPConfiguration)
  1001  	s.sender = azuretesting.Senders{
  1002  		s.makeSender(".*/deployments/machine-0/cancel", nil), // POST
  1003  		s.storageAccountSender(),
  1004  		s.storageAccountKeysSender(),
  1005  		s.networkInterfacesSender(nic0),
  1006  		s.publicIPAddressesSender(makePublicIPAddress("pip-0", "machine-0", "")),
  1007  		s.makeSender(".*/virtualMachines/machine-0", nil),                                                 // DELETE
  1008  		s.makeSender(".*/networkSecurityGroups/juju-internal-nsg", nsg),                                   // GET
  1009  		s.makeSender(".*/networkSecurityGroups/juju-internal-nsg/securityRules/machine-0-80", nil),        // DELETE
  1010  		s.makeSender(".*/networkSecurityGroups/juju-internal-nsg/securityRules/machine-0-1000-2000", nil), // DELETE
  1011  		s.makeSender(".*/networkInterfaces/nic-0", nil),                                                   // DELETE
  1012  		s.makeSender(".*/publicIPAddresses/pip-0", nil),                                                   // DELETE
  1013  		s.makeSender(".*/deployments/machine-0", nil),                                                     // DELETE
  1014  	}
  1015  	err := env.StopInstances("machine-0")
  1016  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
  1018  	s.storageClient.CheckCallNames(c,
  1019  		"NewClient", "DeleteBlobIfExists",
  1020  	)
  1021  	s.storageClient.CheckCall(c, 1, "DeleteBlobIfExists", "osvhds", "machine-0")
  1022  }
  1024  func (s *environSuite) TestStopInstancesMultiple(c *gc.C) {
  1025  	env := s.openEnviron(c)
  1027  	vmDeleteSender0 := s.makeSender(".*/virtualMachines/machine-[01]", nil)
  1028  	vmDeleteSender1 := s.makeSender(".*/virtualMachines/machine-[01]", nil)
  1029  	vmDeleteSender0.SetError(errors.New("blargh"))
  1030  	vmDeleteSender1.SetError(errors.New("blargh"))
  1032  	s.sender = azuretesting.Senders{
  1033  		s.makeSender(".*/deployments/machine-[01]/cancel", nil), // POST
  1034  		s.makeSender(".*/deployments/machine-[01]/cancel", nil), // POST
  1036  		// We should only query the NICs, public IPs, and storage
  1037  		// account/keys, regardless of how many instances are deleted.
  1038  		s.storageAccountSender(),
  1039  		s.storageAccountKeysSender(),
  1040  		s.networkInterfacesSender(),
  1041  		s.publicIPAddressesSender(),
  1043  		vmDeleteSender0,
  1044  		vmDeleteSender1,
  1045  	}
  1046  	err := env.StopInstances("machine-0", "machine-1")
  1047  	c.Assert(err, gc.ErrorMatches, `deleting instance "machine-[01]":.*blargh`)
  1048  }
  1050  func (s *environSuite) TestStopInstancesDeploymentNotFound(c *gc.C) {
  1051  	env := s.openEnviron(c)
  1053  	cancelSender := mocks.NewSender()
  1054  	cancelSender.AppendResponse(mocks.NewResponseWithStatus(
  1055  		"deployment not found", http.StatusNotFound,
  1056  	))
  1057  	s.sender = azuretesting.Senders{cancelSender}
  1058  	err := env.StopInstances("machine-0")
  1059  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
  1060  }
  1062  func (s *environSuite) TestStopInstancesStorageAccountNoKeys(c *gc.C) {
  1063  	s.PatchValue(&s.storageAccountKeys.Keys, nil)
  1064  	s.testStopInstancesStorageAccountNotFound(c)
  1065  }
  1067  func (s *environSuite) TestStopInstancesStorageAccountNoFullKey(c *gc.C) {
  1068  	keys := *s.storageAccountKeys.Keys
  1069  	s.PatchValue(&keys[0].Permissions, storage.READ)
  1070  	s.testStopInstancesStorageAccountNotFound(c)
  1071  }
  1073  func (s *environSuite) testStopInstancesStorageAccountNotFound(c *gc.C) {
  1074  	env := s.openEnviron(c)
  1075  	s.sender = azuretesting.Senders{
  1076  		s.makeSender("/deployments/machine-0", s.deployment), // Cancel
  1077  		s.storageAccountSender(),
  1078  		s.storageAccountKeysSender(),
  1079  		s.networkInterfacesSender(),                                                     // GET: no NICs
  1080  		s.publicIPAddressesSender(),                                                     // GET: no public IPs
  1081  		s.makeSender(".*/virtualMachines/machine-0", nil),                               // DELETE
  1082  		s.makeSender(".*/networkSecurityGroups/juju-internal-nsg", makeSecurityGroup()), // GET: no rules
  1083  		s.makeSender(".*/deployments/machine-0", nil),                                   // DELETE
  1084  	}
  1085  	err := env.StopInstances("machine-0")
  1086  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
  1087  }
  1089  func (s *environSuite) TestStopInstancesStorageAccountError(c *gc.C) {
  1090  	env := s.openEnviron(c)
  1091  	errorSender := s.storageAccountSender()
  1092  	errorSender.SetError(errors.New("blargh"))
  1093  	s.sender = azuretesting.Senders{
  1094  		s.makeSender("/deployments/machine-0", s.deployment), // Cancel
  1095  		errorSender,
  1096  	}
  1097  	err := env.StopInstances("machine-0")
  1098  	c.Assert(err, gc.ErrorMatches, "getting storage account:.*blargh")
  1099  }
  1101  func (s *environSuite) TestStopInstancesStorageAccountKeysError(c *gc.C) {
  1102  	env := s.openEnviron(c)
  1103  	errorSender := s.storageAccountKeysSender()
  1104  	errorSender.SetError(errors.New("blargh"))
  1105  	s.sender = azuretesting.Senders{
  1106  		s.makeSender("/deployments/machine-0", s.deployment), // Cancel
  1107  		s.storageAccountSender(),
  1108  		errorSender,
  1109  	}
  1110  	err := env.StopInstances("machine-0")
  1111  	c.Assert(err, gc.ErrorMatches, "getting storage account key:.*blargh")
  1112  }
  1114  func (s *environSuite) TestConstraintsValidatorUnsupported(c *gc.C) {
  1115  	validator := s.constraintsValidator(c)
  1116  	unsupported, err := validator.Validate(constraints.MustParse(
  1117  		"arch=amd64 tags=foo cpu-power=100 virt-type=kvm",
  1118  	))
  1119  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
  1120  	c.Assert(unsupported, jc.SameContents, []string{"tags", "cpu-power", "virt-type"})
  1121  }
  1123  func (s *environSuite) TestConstraintsValidatorVocabulary(c *gc.C) {
  1124  	validator := s.constraintsValidator(c)
  1125  	_, err := validator.Validate(constraints.MustParse("arch=armhf"))
  1126  	c.Assert(err, gc.ErrorMatches,
  1127  		"invalid constraint value: arch=armhf\nvalid values are: \\[amd64\\]",
  1128  	)
  1129  	_, err = validator.Validate(constraints.MustParse("instance-type=t1.micro"))
  1130  	c.Assert(err, gc.ErrorMatches,
  1131  		"invalid constraint value: instance-type=t1.micro\nvalid values are: \\[D1 Standard_D1\\]",
  1132  	)
  1133  }
  1135  func (s *environSuite) TestConstraintsValidatorMerge(c *gc.C) {
  1136  	validator := s.constraintsValidator(c)
  1137  	cons, err := validator.Merge(
  1138  		constraints.MustParse("mem=3G arch=amd64"),
  1139  		constraints.MustParse("instance-type=D1"),
  1140  	)
  1141  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
  1142  	c.Assert(cons.String(), gc.Equals, "instance-type=D1")
  1143  }
  1145  func (s *environSuite) constraintsValidator(c *gc.C) constraints.Validator {
  1146  	env := s.openEnviron(c)
  1147  	s.sender = azuretesting.Senders{s.vmSizesSender()}
  1148  	validator, err := env.ConstraintsValidator()
  1149  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
  1150  	return validator
  1151  }
  1153  func (s *environSuite) TestAgentMirror(c *gc.C) {
  1154  	env := s.openEnviron(c)
  1155  	c.Assert(env, gc.Implements, new(envtools.HasAgentMirror))
  1156  	cloudSpec, err := env.(envtools.HasAgentMirror).AgentMirror()
  1157  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
  1158  	c.Assert(cloudSpec, gc.Equals, simplestreams.CloudSpec{
  1159  		Region:   "westus",
  1160  		Endpoint: "https://storage.azurestack.local/",
  1161  	})
  1162  }
  1164  func (s *environSuite) TestDestroyHostedModel(c *gc.C) {
  1165  	env := s.openEnviron(c, testing.Attrs{"controller-uuid": utils.MustNewUUID().String()})
  1166  	s.sender = azuretesting.Senders{
  1167  		s.makeSender(".*/resourcegroups/juju-testenv-model-"+testing.ModelTag.Id(), nil), // DELETE
  1168  	}
  1169  	err := env.Destroy()
  1170  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
  1171  	c.Assert(s.requests, gc.HasLen, 1)
  1172  	c.Assert(s.requests[0].Method, gc.Equals, "DELETE")
  1173  }
  1175  func (s *environSuite) TestDestroyController(c *gc.C) {
  1176  	groups := []resources.ResourceGroup{{
  1177  		Name: to.StringPtr("group1"),
  1178  	}, {
  1179  		Name: to.StringPtr("group2"),
  1180  	}}
  1181  	result := resources.ResourceGroupListResult{Value: &groups}
  1183  	env := s.openEnviron(c)
  1184  	s.sender = azuretesting.Senders{
  1185  		s.makeSender(".*/resourcegroups", result),        // GET
  1186  		s.makeSender(".*/resourcegroups/group[12]", nil), // DELETE
  1187  		s.makeSender(".*/resourcegroups/group[12]", nil), // DELETE
  1188  	}
  1189  	err := env.DestroyController(s.controllerUUID)
  1190  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
  1192  	c.Assert(s.requests, gc.HasLen, 3)
  1193  	c.Assert(s.requests[0].Method, gc.Equals, "GET")
  1194  	c.Assert(s.requests[0].URL.Query().Get("$filter"), gc.Equals, fmt.Sprintf(
  1195  		"tagname eq 'juju-controller-uuid' and tagvalue eq '%s'",
  1196  		testing.ControllerTag.Id(),
  1197  	))
  1198  	c.Assert(s.requests[1].Method, gc.Equals, "DELETE")
  1199  	c.Assert(s.requests[2].Method, gc.Equals, "DELETE")
  1201  	// Groups are deleted concurrently, so there's no known order.
  1202  	groupsDeleted := []string{
  1203  		path.Base(s.requests[1].URL.Path),
  1204  		path.Base(s.requests[2].URL.Path),
  1205  	}
  1206  	c.Assert(groupsDeleted, jc.SameContents, []string{"group1", "group2"})
  1207  }
  1209  func (s *environSuite) TestDestroyControllerErrors(c *gc.C) {
  1210  	groups := []resources.ResourceGroup{
  1211  		{Name: to.StringPtr("group1")},
  1212  		{Name: to.StringPtr("group2")},
  1213  	}
  1214  	result := resources.ResourceGroupListResult{Value: &groups}
  1216  	makeErrorSender := func(err string) *azuretesting.MockSender {
  1217  		errorSender := &azuretesting.MockSender{
  1218  			Sender:      mocks.NewSender(),
  1219  			PathPattern: ".*/resourcegroups/group[12].*",
  1220  		}
  1221  		errorSender.SetError(errors.New(err))
  1222  		return errorSender
  1223  	}
  1225  	env := s.openEnviron(c)
  1226  	s.requests = nil
  1227  	s.sender = azuretesting.Senders{
  1228  		s.makeSender(".*/resourcegroups", result), // GET
  1229  		makeErrorSender("foo"),                    // DELETE
  1230  		makeErrorSender("bar"),                    // DELETE
  1231  	}
  1232  	destroyErr := env.DestroyController(s.controllerUUID)
  1233  	// checked below, once we know the order of deletions.
  1235  	c.Assert(s.requests, gc.HasLen, 3)
  1236  	c.Assert(s.requests[0].Method, gc.Equals, "GET")
  1237  	c.Assert(s.requests[1].Method, gc.Equals, "DELETE")
  1238  	c.Assert(s.requests[2].Method, gc.Equals, "DELETE")
  1240  	// Groups are deleted concurrently, so there's no known order.
  1241  	groupsDeleted := []string{
  1242  		path.Base(s.requests[1].URL.Path),
  1243  		path.Base(s.requests[2].URL.Path),
  1244  	}
  1245  	c.Assert(groupsDeleted, jc.SameContents, []string{"group1", "group2"})
  1247  	c.Check(destroyErr, gc.ErrorMatches,
  1248  		`deleting resource group "group1":.*; `+
  1249  			`deleting resource group "group2":.*`)
  1250  	c.Check(destroyErr, gc.ErrorMatches, ".*foo.*")
  1251  	c.Check(destroyErr, gc.ErrorMatches, ".*bar.*")
  1252  }