
     1  // Copyright 2015-2016 Canonical Ltd.
     2  // Licensed under the AGPLv3, see LICENCE file for details.
     4  package dependency
     6  import (
     7  	"time"
     9  	""
    10  	""
    11  	""
    12  	""
    14  	""
    15  )
    17  var logger = loggo.GetLogger("juju.worker.dependency")
    19  // EngineConfig defines the parameters needed to create a new engine.
    20  type EngineConfig struct {
    22  	// IsFatal returns true when passed an error that should stop
    23  	// the engine. It must not be nil.
    24  	IsFatal IsFatalFunc
    26  	// WorstError returns the more important of two fatal errors
    27  	// passed to it, and is used to determine which fatal error to
    28  	// report when there's more than one. It must not be nil.
    29  	WorstError WorstErrorFunc
    31  	// Filter, if not nil, will modify any fatal error reported from
    32  	// Wait().
    33  	Filter FilterFunc
    35  	// ErrorDelay controls how long the engine waits before starting
    36  	// a worker that stopped with an unknown error. It must not be
    37  	// negative.
    38  	ErrorDelay time.Duration
    40  	// BounceDelay controls how long the engine waits before starting
    41  	// a worker that was deliberately stopped because its dependencies
    42  	// changed. It must not be negative.
    43  	BounceDelay time.Duration
    44  }
    46  // Validate returns an error if any field is invalid.
    47  func (config *EngineConfig) Validate() error {
    48  	if config.IsFatal == nil {
    49  		return errors.New("IsFatal not specified")
    50  	}
    51  	if config.WorstError == nil {
    52  		return errors.New("WorstError not specified")
    53  	}
    54  	if config.ErrorDelay < 0 {
    55  		return errors.New("ErrorDelay is negative")
    56  	}
    57  	if config.BounceDelay < 0 {
    58  		return errors.New("BounceDelay is negative")
    59  	}
    60  	return nil
    61  }
    63  // NewEngine returns an Engine that will maintain any installed Manifolds until
    64  // either the engine is stopped or one of the manifolds' workers returns an error
    65  // that satisfies isFatal. The caller takes responsibility for the returned Engine:
    66  // it's responsible for Kill()ing the Engine when no longer used, and must handle
    67  // any error from Wait().
    68  func NewEngine(config EngineConfig) (*Engine, error) {
    69  	if err := config.Validate(); err != nil {
    70  		return nil, errors.Annotatef(err, "invalid config")
    71  	}
    72  	engine := &Engine{
    73  		config: config,
    75  		manifolds:  Manifolds{},
    76  		dependents: map[string][]string{},
    77  		current:    map[string]workerInfo{},
    79  		install: make(chan installTicket),
    80  		started: make(chan startedTicket),
    81  		stopped: make(chan stoppedTicket),
    82  		report:  make(chan reportTicket),
    83  	}
    84  	go func() {
    85  		defer engine.tomb.Done()
    86  		engine.tomb.Kill(engine.loop())
    87  	}()
    88  	return engine, nil
    89  }
    91  // Engine maintains workers corresponding to its installed manifolds, and
    92  // restarts them whenever their inputs change.
    93  type Engine struct {
    95  	// config contains values passed in as config when the engine was created.
    96  	config EngineConfig
    98  	// As usual, we use tomb.Tomb to track the lifecycle and error state of the
    99  	// engine worker itself; but we *only* report *internal* errors via the tomb.
   100  	// Fatal errors received from workers are *not* used to kill the tomb; they
   101  	// are tracked separately, and will only be exposed to the client when the
   102  	// engine's tomb has completed its job and encountered no errors.
   103  	tomb tomb.Tomb
   105  	// worstError is used to track the most important fatal error we've received
   106  	// from any manifold. This should be the only place fatal errors are stored;
   107  	// they must *not* be passed into the tomb.
   108  	worstError error
   110  	// manifolds holds the installed manifolds by name.
   111  	manifolds Manifolds
   113  	// dependents holds, for each named manifold, those that depend on it.
   114  	dependents map[string][]string
   116  	// current holds the active worker information for each installed manifold.
   117  	current map[string]workerInfo
   119  	// install, started, report and stopped each communicate requests and changes into
   120  	// the loop goroutine.
   121  	install chan installTicket
   122  	started chan startedTicket
   123  	stopped chan stoppedTicket
   124  	report  chan reportTicket
   125  }
   127  // loop serializes manifold install operations and worker start/stop notifications.
   128  // It's notable for its oneShotDying var, which is necessary because any number of
   129  // start/stop notification could be in flight at the point the engine needs to stop;
   130  // we need to handle all those, and any subsequent messages, until the main loop is
   131  // confident that every worker has stopped. (The usual pattern -- to defer a cleanup
   132  // method to run before tomb.Done in NewEngine -- is not cleanly applicable, because
   133  // it needs to duplicate that start/stop message handling; better to localise that
   134  // in this method.)
   135  func (engine *Engine) loop() error {
   136  	oneShotDying := engine.tomb.Dying()
   137  	for {
   138  		select {
   139  		case <-oneShotDying:
   140  			oneShotDying = nil
   141  			for name := range engine.current {
   142  				engine.requestStop(name)
   143  			}
   144  		case ticket := <
   145  			// This is safe so long as the Report method reads the result.
   146  			ticket.result <- engine.liveReport()
   147  		case ticket := <-engine.install:
   148  			// This is safe so long as the Install method reads the result.
   149  			ticket.result <- engine.gotInstall(, ticket.manifold)
   150  		case ticket := <-engine.started:
   151  			engine.gotStarted(, ticket.worker, ticket.resourceLog)
   152  		case ticket := <-engine.stopped:
   153  			engine.gotStopped(, ticket.error, ticket.resourceLog)
   154  		}
   155  		if engine.isDying() {
   156  			if engine.allOthersStopped() {
   157  				return tomb.ErrDying
   158  			}
   159  		}
   160  	}
   161  }
   163  // Kill is part of the worker.Worker interface.
   164  func (engine *Engine) Kill() {
   165  	engine.tomb.Kill(nil)
   166  }
   168  // Wait is part of the worker.Worker interface.
   169  func (engine *Engine) Wait() error {
   170  	if tombError := engine.tomb.Wait(); tombError != nil {
   171  		return tombError
   172  	}
   173  	err := engine.worstError
   174  	if engine.config.Filter != nil {
   175  		return engine.config.Filter(err)
   176  	}
   177  	return err
   178  }
   180  // Report is part of the Reporter interface.
   181  func (engine *Engine) Report() map[string]interface{} {
   182  	report := make(chan map[string]interface{})
   183  	select {
   184  	case <- reportTicket{report}:
   185  		// This is safe so long as the loop sends a result.
   186  		return <-report
   187  	case <-engine.tomb.Dead():
   188  		// Note that we don't abort on Dying as we usually would; the
   189  		// oneShotDying approach in loop means that it can continue to
   190  		// process requests until the last possible moment. Only once
   191  		// loop has exited do we fall back to this report.
   192  		report := map[string]interface{}{
   193  			KeyState:     "stopped",
   194  			KeyManifolds: engine.manifoldsReport(),
   195  		}
   196  		if err := engine.Wait(); err != nil {
   197  			report[KeyError] = err.Error()
   198  		}
   199  		return report
   200  	}
   201  }
   203  // liveReport collects and returns information about the engine, its manifolds,
   204  // and their workers. It must only be called from the loop goroutine.
   205  func (engine *Engine) liveReport() map[string]interface{} {
   206  	var reportError error
   207  	state := "started"
   208  	if engine.isDying() {
   209  		state = "stopping"
   210  		if tombError := engine.tomb.Err(); tombError != nil {
   211  			reportError = tombError
   212  		} else {
   213  			reportError = engine.worstError
   214  		}
   215  	}
   216  	report := map[string]interface{}{
   217  		KeyState:     state,
   218  		KeyManifolds: engine.manifoldsReport(),
   219  	}
   220  	if reportError != nil {
   221  		report[KeyError] = reportError.Error()
   222  	}
   223  	return report
   224  }
   226  // manifoldsReport collects and returns information about the engine's manifolds
   227  // and their workers. Until the tomb is Dead, it should only be called from the
   228  // loop goroutine; after that, it's goroutine-safe.
   229  func (engine *Engine) manifoldsReport() map[string]interface{} {
   230  	manifolds := map[string]interface{}{}
   231  	for name, info := range engine.current {
   232  		report := map[string]interface{}{
   233  			KeyState:       info.state(),
   234  			KeyInputs:      engine.manifolds[name].Inputs,
   235  			KeyResourceLog: resourceLogReport(info.resourceLog),
   236  		}
   237  		if info.err != nil {
   238  			report[KeyError] = info.err.Error()
   239  		}
   240  		if reporter, ok := info.worker.(Reporter); ok {
   241  			if reporter != engine {
   242  				report[KeyReport] = reporter.Report()
   243  			}
   244  		}
   245  		manifolds[name] = report
   246  	}
   247  	return manifolds
   248  }
   250  // Install is part of the Engine interface.
   251  func (engine *Engine) Install(name string, manifold Manifold) error {
   252  	result := make(chan error)
   253  	select {
   254  	case <-engine.tomb.Dying():
   255  		return errors.New("engine is shutting down")
   256  	case engine.install <- installTicket{name, manifold, result}:
   257  		// This is safe so long as the loop sends a result.
   258  		return <-result
   259  	}
   260  }
   262  // gotInstall handles the params originally supplied to Install. It must only be
   263  // called from the loop goroutine.
   264  func (engine *Engine) gotInstall(name string, manifold Manifold) error {
   265  	logger.Tracef("installing %q manifold...", name)
   266  	if _, found := engine.manifolds[name]; found {
   267  		return errors.Errorf("%q manifold already installed", name)
   268  	}
   269  	if err := engine.checkAcyclic(name, manifold); err != nil {
   270  		return errors.Annotatef(err, "cannot install %q manifold", name)
   271  	}
   272  	engine.manifolds[name] = manifold
   273  	for _, input := range manifold.Inputs {
   274  		engine.dependents[input] = append(engine.dependents[input], name)
   275  	}
   276  	engine.current[name] = workerInfo{}
   277  	engine.requestStart(name, 0)
   278  	return nil
   279  }
   281  // uninstall removes the named manifold from the engine's records.
   282  func (engine *Engine) uninstall(name string) {
   283  	// Note that we *don't* want to remove dependents[name] -- all those other
   284  	// manifolds do still depend on this, and another manifold with the same
   285  	// name might be installed in the future -- but we do want to remove the
   286  	// named manifold from all *values* in the dependents map.
   287  	for dName, dependents := range engine.dependents {
   288  		depSet := set.NewStrings(dependents...)
   289  		depSet.Remove(name)
   290  		engine.dependents[dName] = depSet.Values()
   291  	}
   292  	delete(engine.current, name)
   293  	delete(engine.manifolds, name)
   294  }
   296  // checkAcyclic returns an error if the introduction of the supplied manifold
   297  // would cause the dependency graph to contain cycles.
   298  func (engine *Engine) checkAcyclic(name string, manifold Manifold) error {
   299  	manifolds := Manifolds{name: manifold}
   300  	for name, manifold := range engine.manifolds {
   301  		manifolds[name] = manifold
   302  	}
   303  	return Validate(manifolds)
   304  }
   306  // requestStart invokes a runWorker goroutine for the manifold with the supplied
   307  // name. It must only be called from the loop goroutine.
   308  func (engine *Engine) requestStart(name string, delay time.Duration) {
   310  	// Check preconditions.
   311  	manifold, found := engine.manifolds[name]
   312  	if !found {
   313  		engine.tomb.Kill(errors.Errorf("fatal: unknown manifold %q", name))
   314  	}
   316  	// Copy current info and check more preconditions.
   317  	info := engine.current[name]
   318  	if !info.stopped() {
   319  		engine.tomb.Kill(errors.Errorf("fatal: trying to start a second %q manifold worker", name))
   320  	}
   322  	// Final check that we're not shutting down yet...
   323  	if engine.isDying() {
   324  		logger.Tracef("not starting %q manifold worker (shutting down)", name)
   325  		return
   326  	}
   328  	// ...then update the info, copy it back to the engine, and start a worker
   329  	// goroutine based on current known state.
   330  	info.starting = true
   331  	info.abort = make(chan struct{})
   332  	engine.current[name] = info
   333  	context := engine.context(name, manifold.Inputs, info.abort)
   334  	go engine.runWorker(name, delay, manifold.Start, context)
   335  }
   337  // context returns a context backed by a snapshot of current
   338  // worker state, restricted to those workers declared in inputs. It must only
   339  // be called from the loop goroutine; see inside for a detailed dicsussion of
   340  // why we took this appproach.
   341  func (engine *Engine) context(name string, inputs []string, abort <-chan struct{}) *context {
   342  	// We snapshot the resources available at invocation time, rather than adding an
   343  	// additional communicate-resource-request channel. The latter approach is not
   344  	// unreasonable... but is prone to inelegant scrambles when starting several
   345  	// dependent workers at once. For example:
   346  	//
   347  	//  * Install manifold A; loop starts worker A
   348  	//  * Install manifold B; loop starts worker B
   349  	//  * A communicates its worker back to loop; main thread bounces B
   350  	//  * B asks for A, gets A, doesn't react to bounce (*)
   351  	//  * B communicates its worker back to loop; loop kills it immediately in
   352  	//    response to earlier bounce
   353  	//  * loop starts worker B again, now everything's fine; but, still, yuck.
   354  	//    This is not a happy path to take by default.
   355  	//
   356  	// The problem, of course, is in the (*); the main thread *does* know that B
   357  	// needs to bounce soon anyway, and it *could* communicate that fact back via
   358  	// an error over a channel back into context.Get; the StartFunc could then
   359  	// just return (say) that ErrResourceChanged and avoid the hassle of creating
   360  	// a worker. But that adds a whole layer of complexity (and unpredictability
   361  	// in tests, which is not much fun) for very little benefit.
   362  	//
   363  	// In the analogous scenario with snapshotted dependencies, we see a happier
   364  	// picture at startup time:
   365  	//
   366  	//  * Install manifold A; loop starts worker A
   367  	//  * Install manifold B; loop starts worker B with empty resource snapshot
   368  	//  * A communicates its worker back to loop; main thread bounces B
   369  	//  * B's StartFunc asks for A, gets nothing, returns ErrMissing
   370  	//  * loop restarts worker B with an up-to-date snapshot, B works fine
   371  	//
   372  	// We assume that, in the common case, most workers run without error most
   373  	// of the time; and, thus, that the vast majority of worker startups will
   374  	// happen as an agent starts. Furthermore, most of them will have simple
   375  	// hard dependencies, and their Start funcs will be easy to write; the only
   376  	// components that may be impacted by such a strategy will be those workers
   377  	// which still want to run (with reduced functionality) with some dependency
   378  	// unmet.
   379  	//
   380  	// Those may indeed suffer the occasional extra bounce as the system comes
   381  	// to stability as it starts, or after a change; but workers *must* be
   382  	// written for resilience in the face of arbitrary bounces *anyway*, so it
   383  	// shouldn't be harmful.
   384  	outputs := map[string]OutputFunc{}
   385  	workers := map[string]worker.Worker{}
   386  	for _, resourceName := range inputs {
   387  		outputs[resourceName] = engine.manifolds[resourceName].Output
   388  		workers[resourceName] = engine.current[resourceName].worker
   389  	}
   390  	return &context{
   391  		clientName: name,
   392  		abort:      abort,
   393  		expired:    make(chan struct{}),
   394  		workers:    workers,
   395  		outputs:    outputs,
   396  	}
   397  }
   399  // runWorker starts the supplied manifold's worker and communicates it back to the
   400  // loop goroutine; waits for worker completion; and communicates any error encountered
   401  // back to the loop goroutine. It must not be run on the loop goroutine.
   402  func (engine *Engine) runWorker(name string, delay time.Duration, start StartFunc, context *context) {
   404  	errAborted := errors.New("aborted before delay elapsed")
   406  	startAfterDelay := func() (worker.Worker, error) {
   407  		// NOTE: the context will expire *after* the worker is started.
   408  		// This is tolerable because
   409  		//  1) we'll still correctly block access attempts most of the time
   410  		//  2) failing to block them won't cause data races anyway
   411  		//  3) it's not worth complicating the interface for every client just
   412  		//     to eliminate the possibility of one harmlessly dumb interaction.
   413  		defer context.expire()
   414  		logger.Tracef("starting %q manifold worker in %s...", name, delay)
   415  		select {
   416  		case <-engine.tomb.Dying():
   417  			return nil, errAborted
   418  		case <-context.Abort():
   419  			return nil, errAborted
   420  		// TODO(fwereade): 2016-03-17 lp:1558657
   421  		case <-time.After(delay):
   422  		}
   423  		logger.Tracef("starting %q manifold worker", name)
   424  		return start(context)
   425  	}
   427  	startWorkerAndWait := func() error {
   428  		worker, err := startAfterDelay()
   429  		switch errors.Cause(err) {
   430  		case errAborted:
   431  			return nil
   432  		case nil:
   433  			logger.Tracef("running %q manifold worker", name)
   434  		default:
   435  			logger.Tracef("failed to start %q manifold worker: %v", name, err)
   436  			return err
   437  		}
   438  		select {
   439  		case <-engine.tomb.Dying():
   440  			logger.Tracef("stopping %q manifold worker (shutting down)", name)
   441  			// Doesn't matter whether worker == engine: if we're already Dying
   442  			// then cleanly Kill()ing ourselves again won't hurt anything.
   443  			worker.Kill()
   444  		case engine.started <- startedTicket{name, worker, context.accessLog}:
   445  			logger.Tracef("registered %q manifold worker", name)
   446  		}
   447  		if worker == engine {
   448  			// We mustn't Wait() for ourselves to complete here, or we'll
   449  			// deadlock. But we should wait until we're Dying, because we
   450  			// need this func to keep running to keep the self manifold
   451  			// accessible as a resource.
   452  			<-engine.tomb.Dying()
   453  			return tomb.ErrDying
   454  		}
   456  		return worker.Wait()
   457  	}
   459  	// We may or may not send on started, but we *must* send on stopped.
   460  	engine.stopped <- stoppedTicket{name, startWorkerAndWait(), context.accessLog}
   461  }
   463  // gotStarted updates the engine to reflect the creation of a worker. It must
   464  // only be called from the loop goroutine.
   465  func (engine *Engine) gotStarted(name string, worker worker.Worker, resourceLog []resourceAccess) {
   466  	// Copy current info; check preconditions and abort the workers if we've
   467  	// already been asked to stop it.
   468  	info := engine.current[name]
   469  	switch {
   470  	case info.worker != nil:
   471  		engine.tomb.Kill(errors.Errorf("fatal: unexpected %q manifold worker start", name))
   472  		fallthrough
   473  	case info.stopping, engine.isDying():
   474  		logger.Tracef("%q manifold worker no longer required", name)
   475  		worker.Kill()
   476  	default:
   477  		// It's fine to use this worker; update info and copy back.
   478  		logger.Debugf("%q manifold worker started", name)
   479  		engine.current[name] = workerInfo{
   480  			worker:      worker,
   481  			resourceLog: resourceLog,
   482  		}
   484  		// Any manifold that declares this one as an input needs to be restarted.
   485  		engine.bounceDependents(name)
   486  	}
   487  }
   489  // gotStopped updates the engine to reflect the demise of (or failure to create)
   490  // a worker. It must only be called from the loop goroutine.
   491  func (engine *Engine) gotStopped(name string, err error, resourceLog []resourceAccess) {
   492  	logger.Debugf("%q manifold worker stopped: %v", name, err)
   493  	if filter := engine.manifolds[name].Filter; filter != nil {
   494  		err = filter(err)
   495  	}
   497  	// Copy current info and check for reasons to stop the engine.
   498  	info := engine.current[name]
   499  	if info.stopped() {
   500  		engine.tomb.Kill(errors.Errorf("fatal: unexpected %q manifold worker stop", name))
   501  	} else if engine.config.IsFatal(err) {
   502  		engine.worstError = engine.config.WorstError(err, engine.worstError)
   503  		engine.tomb.Kill(nil)
   504  	}
   506  	// Reset engine info; and bail out if we can be sure there's no need to bounce.
   507  	engine.current[name] = workerInfo{
   508  		err:         err,
   509  		resourceLog: resourceLog,
   510  	}
   511  	if engine.isDying() {
   512  		logger.Tracef("permanently stopped %q manifold worker (shutting down)", name)
   513  		return
   514  	}
   516  	// If we told the worker to stop, we should start it again immediately,
   517  	// whatever else happened.
   518  	if info.stopping {
   519  		engine.requestStart(name, engine.config.BounceDelay)
   520  	} else {
   521  		// If we didn't stop it ourselves, we need to interpret the error.
   522  		switch errors.Cause(err) {
   523  		case nil:
   524  			// Nothing went wrong; the task completed successfully. Nothing
   525  			// needs to be done (unless the inputs change, in which case it
   526  			// gets to check again).
   527  		case ErrMissing:
   528  			// The task can't even start with the current state. Nothing more
   529  			// can be done (until the inputs change, in which case we retry
   530  			// anyway).
   531  		case ErrBounce:
   532  			// The task exited but wanted to restart immediately.
   533  			engine.requestStart(name, engine.config.BounceDelay)
   534  		case ErrUninstall:
   535  			// The task should never run again, and can be removed completely.
   536  			engine.uninstall(name)
   537  		default:
   538  			// Something went wrong but we don't know what. Try again soon.
   539  			logger.Errorf("%q manifold worker returned unexpected error: %v", name, err)
   540  			engine.requestStart(name, engine.config.ErrorDelay)
   541  		}
   542  	}
   544  	// Manifolds that declared a dependency on this one only need to be notified
   545  	// if the worker has changed; if it was already nil, nobody needs to know.
   546  	if info.worker != nil {
   547  		engine.bounceDependents(name)
   548  	}
   549  }
   551  // requestStop ensures that any running or starting worker will be stopped in the
   552  // near future. It must only be called from the loop goroutine.
   553  func (engine *Engine) requestStop(name string) {
   555  	// If already stopping or stopped, just don't do anything.
   556  	info := engine.current[name]
   557  	if info.stopping || info.stopped() {
   558  		return
   559  	}
   561  	// Update info, kill worker if present, and copy info back to engine.
   562  	info.stopping = true
   563  	if info.abort != nil {
   564  		close(info.abort)
   565  		info.abort = nil
   566  	}
   567  	if info.worker != nil {
   568  		info.worker.Kill()
   569  	}
   570  	engine.current[name] = info
   571  }
   573  // isDying returns true if the engine is shutting down. It's safe to call it
   574  // from any goroutine.
   575  func (engine *Engine) isDying() bool {
   576  	select {
   577  	case <-engine.tomb.Dying():
   578  		return true
   579  	default:
   580  		return false
   581  	}
   582  }
   584  // allOthersStopped returns true if no workers (other than the engine itself,
   585  // if it happens to have been injected) are running or starting. It must only
   586  // be called from the loop goroutine.
   587  func (engine *Engine) allOthersStopped() bool {
   588  	for _, info := range engine.current {
   589  		if !info.stopped() && info.worker != engine {
   590  			return false
   591  		}
   592  	}
   593  	return true
   594  }
   596  // bounceDependents starts every stopped dependent of the named manifold, and
   597  // stops every started one (and trusts the rest of the engine to restart them).
   598  // It must only be called from the loop goroutine.
   599  func (engine *Engine) bounceDependents(name string) {
   600  	logger.Tracef("restarting dependents of %q manifold", name)
   601  	for _, dependentName := range engine.dependents[name] {
   602  		if engine.current[dependentName].stopped() {
   603  			engine.requestStart(dependentName, engine.config.BounceDelay)
   604  		} else {
   605  			engine.requestStop(dependentName)
   606  		}
   607  	}
   608  }
   610  // workerInfo stores what an engine's loop goroutine needs to know about the
   611  // worker for a given Manifold.
   612  type workerInfo struct {
   613  	starting    bool
   614  	stopping    bool
   615  	abort       chan struct{}
   616  	worker      worker.Worker
   617  	err         error
   618  	resourceLog []resourceAccess
   619  }
   621  // stopped returns true unless the worker is either assigned or starting.
   622  func (info workerInfo) stopped() bool {
   623  	switch {
   624  	case info.worker != nil:
   625  		return false
   626  	case info.starting:
   627  		return false
   628  	}
   629  	return true
   630  }
   632  // state returns the latest known state of the worker, for use in reports.
   633  func (info workerInfo) state() string {
   634  	switch {
   635  	case info.starting:
   636  		return "starting"
   637  	case info.stopping:
   638  		return "stopping"
   639  	case info.worker != nil:
   640  		return "started"
   641  	}
   642  	return "stopped"
   643  }
   645  // installTicket is used by engine to induce installation of a named manifold
   646  // and pass on any errors encountered in the process.
   647  type installTicket struct {
   648  	name     string
   649  	manifold Manifold
   650  	result   chan<- error
   651  }
   653  // startedTicket is used by engine to notify the loop of the creation of the
   654  // worker for a particular manifold.
   655  type startedTicket struct {
   656  	name        string
   657  	worker      worker.Worker
   658  	resourceLog []resourceAccess
   659  }
   661  // stoppedTicket is used by engine to notify the loop of the demise of (or
   662  // failure to create) the worker for a particular manifold.
   663  type stoppedTicket struct {
   664  	name        string
   665  	error       error
   666  	resourceLog []resourceAccess
   667  }
   669  // reportTicket is used by the engine to notify the loop that a status report
   670  // should be generated.
   671  type reportTicket struct {
   672  	result chan map[string]interface{}
   673  }