
     1  // Code generated by metricsgen. DO NOT EDIT.
     3  package consensus
     5  import (
     6  	""
     7  	prometheus ""
     8  	stdprometheus ""
     9  )
    11  func PrometheusMetrics(namespace string, labelsAndValues ...string) *Metrics {
    12  	labels := []string{}
    13  	for i := 0; i < len(labelsAndValues); i += 2 {
    14  		labels = append(labels, labelsAndValues[i])
    15  	}
    16  	return &Metrics{
    17  		Height: prometheus.NewGaugeFrom(stdprometheus.GaugeOpts{
    18  			Namespace: namespace,
    19  			Subsystem: MetricsSubsystem,
    20  			Name:      "height",
    21  			Help:      "Height of the chain.",
    22  		}, labels).With(labelsAndValues...),
    23  		ValidatorLastSignedHeight: prometheus.NewGaugeFrom(stdprometheus.GaugeOpts{
    24  			Namespace: namespace,
    25  			Subsystem: MetricsSubsystem,
    26  			Name:      "validator_last_signed_height",
    27  			Help:      "Last height signed by this validator if the node is a validator.",
    28  		}, append(labels, "validator_address")).With(labelsAndValues...),
    29  		Rounds: prometheus.NewGaugeFrom(stdprometheus.GaugeOpts{
    30  			Namespace: namespace,
    31  			Subsystem: MetricsSubsystem,
    32  			Name:      "rounds",
    33  			Help:      "Number of rounds.",
    34  		}, labels).With(labelsAndValues...),
    35  		RoundDurationSeconds: prometheus.NewHistogramFrom(stdprometheus.HistogramOpts{
    36  			Namespace: namespace,
    37  			Subsystem: MetricsSubsystem,
    38  			Name:      "round_duration_seconds",
    39  			Help:      "Histogram of round duration.",
    41  			Buckets: stdprometheus.ExponentialBucketsRange(0.1, 100, 8),
    42  		}, labels).With(labelsAndValues...),
    43  		Validators: prometheus.NewGaugeFrom(stdprometheus.GaugeOpts{
    44  			Namespace: namespace,
    45  			Subsystem: MetricsSubsystem,
    46  			Name:      "validators",
    47  			Help:      "Number of validators.",
    48  		}, labels).With(labelsAndValues...),
    49  		ValidatorsPower: prometheus.NewGaugeFrom(stdprometheus.GaugeOpts{
    50  			Namespace: namespace,
    51  			Subsystem: MetricsSubsystem,
    52  			Name:      "validators_power",
    53  			Help:      "Total power of all validators.",
    54  		}, labels).With(labelsAndValues...),
    55  		ValidatorPower: prometheus.NewGaugeFrom(stdprometheus.GaugeOpts{
    56  			Namespace: namespace,
    57  			Subsystem: MetricsSubsystem,
    58  			Name:      "validator_power",
    59  			Help:      "Power of a validator.",
    60  		}, append(labels, "validator_address")).With(labelsAndValues...),
    61  		ValidatorMissedBlocks: prometheus.NewGaugeFrom(stdprometheus.GaugeOpts{
    62  			Namespace: namespace,
    63  			Subsystem: MetricsSubsystem,
    64  			Name:      "validator_missed_blocks",
    65  			Help:      "Amount of blocks missed per validator.",
    66  		}, append(labels, "validator_address")).With(labelsAndValues...),
    67  		MissingValidators: prometheus.NewGaugeFrom(stdprometheus.GaugeOpts{
    68  			Namespace: namespace,
    69  			Subsystem: MetricsSubsystem,
    70  			Name:      "missing_validators",
    71  			Help:      "Number of validators who did not sign.",
    72  		}, labels).With(labelsAndValues...),
    73  		MissingValidatorsPower: prometheus.NewGaugeFrom(stdprometheus.GaugeOpts{
    74  			Namespace: namespace,
    75  			Subsystem: MetricsSubsystem,
    76  			Name:      "missing_validators_power",
    77  			Help:      "Total power of the missing validators.",
    78  		}, labels).With(labelsAndValues...),
    79  		ByzantineValidators: prometheus.NewGaugeFrom(stdprometheus.GaugeOpts{
    80  			Namespace: namespace,
    81  			Subsystem: MetricsSubsystem,
    82  			Name:      "byzantine_validators",
    83  			Help:      "Number of validators who tried to double sign.",
    84  		}, labels).With(labelsAndValues...),
    85  		ByzantineValidatorsPower: prometheus.NewGaugeFrom(stdprometheus.GaugeOpts{
    86  			Namespace: namespace,
    87  			Subsystem: MetricsSubsystem,
    88  			Name:      "byzantine_validators_power",
    89  			Help:      "Total power of the byzantine validators.",
    90  		}, labels).With(labelsAndValues...),
    91  		BlockIntervalSeconds: prometheus.NewHistogramFrom(stdprometheus.HistogramOpts{
    92  			Namespace: namespace,
    93  			Subsystem: MetricsSubsystem,
    94  			Name:      "block_interval_seconds",
    95  			Help:      "Time between this and the last block.",
    96  		}, labels).With(labelsAndValues...),
    97  		NumTxs: prometheus.NewGaugeFrom(stdprometheus.GaugeOpts{
    98  			Namespace: namespace,
    99  			Subsystem: MetricsSubsystem,
   100  			Name:      "num_txs",
   101  			Help:      "Number of transactions.",
   102  		}, labels).With(labelsAndValues...),
   103  		BlockSizeBytes: prometheus.NewGaugeFrom(stdprometheus.GaugeOpts{
   104  			Namespace: namespace,
   105  			Subsystem: MetricsSubsystem,
   106  			Name:      "block_size_bytes",
   107  			Help:      "Size of the block.",
   108  		}, labels).With(labelsAndValues...),
   109  		TotalTxs: prometheus.NewGaugeFrom(stdprometheus.GaugeOpts{
   110  			Namespace: namespace,
   111  			Subsystem: MetricsSubsystem,
   112  			Name:      "total_txs",
   113  			Help:      "Total number of transactions.",
   114  		}, labels).With(labelsAndValues...),
   115  		CommittedHeight: prometheus.NewGaugeFrom(stdprometheus.GaugeOpts{
   116  			Namespace: namespace,
   117  			Subsystem: MetricsSubsystem,
   118  			Name:      "latest_block_height",
   119  			Help:      "The latest block height.",
   120  		}, labels).With(labelsAndValues...),
   121  		BlockSyncing: prometheus.NewGaugeFrom(stdprometheus.GaugeOpts{
   122  			Namespace: namespace,
   123  			Subsystem: MetricsSubsystem,
   124  			Name:      "block_syncing",
   125  			Help:      "Whether or not a node is block syncing. 1 if yes, 0 if no.",
   126  		}, labels).With(labelsAndValues...),
   127  		StateSyncing: prometheus.NewGaugeFrom(stdprometheus.GaugeOpts{
   128  			Namespace: namespace,
   129  			Subsystem: MetricsSubsystem,
   130  			Name:      "state_syncing",
   131  			Help:      "Whether or not a node is state syncing. 1 if yes, 0 if no.",
   132  		}, labels).With(labelsAndValues...),
   133  		BlockParts: prometheus.NewCounterFrom(stdprometheus.CounterOpts{
   134  			Namespace: namespace,
   135  			Subsystem: MetricsSubsystem,
   136  			Name:      "block_parts",
   137  			Help:      "Number of block parts transmitted by each peer.",
   138  		}, append(labels, "peer_id")).With(labelsAndValues...),
   139  		StepDurationSeconds: prometheus.NewHistogramFrom(stdprometheus.HistogramOpts{
   140  			Namespace: namespace,
   141  			Subsystem: MetricsSubsystem,
   142  			Name:      "step_duration_seconds",
   143  			Help:      "Histogram of durations for each step in the consensus protocol.",
   145  			Buckets: stdprometheus.ExponentialBucketsRange(0.1, 100, 8),
   146  		}, append(labels, "step")).With(labelsAndValues...),
   147  		BlockGossipPartsReceived: prometheus.NewCounterFrom(stdprometheus.CounterOpts{
   148  			Namespace: namespace,
   149  			Subsystem: MetricsSubsystem,
   150  			Name:      "block_gossip_parts_received",
   151  			Help:      "Number of block parts received by the node, separated by whether the part was relevant to the block the node is trying to gather or not.",
   152  		}, append(labels, "matches_current")).With(labelsAndValues...),
   153  		QuorumPrevoteDelay: prometheus.NewGaugeFrom(stdprometheus.GaugeOpts{
   154  			Namespace: namespace,
   155  			Subsystem: MetricsSubsystem,
   156  			Name:      "quorum_prevote_delay",
   157  			Help:      "Interval in seconds between the proposal timestamp and the timestamp of the earliest prevote that achieved a quorum.",
   158  		}, append(labels, "proposer_address")).With(labelsAndValues...),
   159  		FullPrevoteDelay: prometheus.NewGaugeFrom(stdprometheus.GaugeOpts{
   160  			Namespace: namespace,
   161  			Subsystem: MetricsSubsystem,
   162  			Name:      "full_prevote_delay",
   163  			Help:      "Interval in seconds between the proposal timestamp and the timestamp of the latest prevote in a round where all validators voted.",
   164  		}, append(labels, "proposer_address")).With(labelsAndValues...),
   165  		ProposalReceiveCount: prometheus.NewCounterFrom(stdprometheus.CounterOpts{
   166  			Namespace: namespace,
   167  			Subsystem: MetricsSubsystem,
   168  			Name:      "proposal_receive_count",
   169  			Help:      "ProposalReceiveCount is the total number of proposals received by this node since process start. The metric is annotated by the status of the proposal from the application, either 'accepted' or 'rejected'.",
   170  		}, append(labels, "status")).With(labelsAndValues...),
   171  		ProposalCreateCount: prometheus.NewCounterFrom(stdprometheus.CounterOpts{
   172  			Namespace: namespace,
   173  			Subsystem: MetricsSubsystem,
   174  			Name:      "proposal_create_count",
   175  			Help:      "ProposalCreationCount is the total number of proposals created by this node since process start.",
   176  		}, labels).With(labelsAndValues...),
   177  		RoundVotingPowerPercent: prometheus.NewGaugeFrom(stdprometheus.GaugeOpts{
   178  			Namespace: namespace,
   179  			Subsystem: MetricsSubsystem,
   180  			Name:      "round_voting_power_percent",
   181  			Help:      "RoundVotingPowerPercent is the percentage of the total voting power received with a round. The value begins at 0 for each round and approaches 1.0 as additional voting power is observed. The metric is labeled by vote type.",
   182  		}, append(labels, "vote_type")).With(labelsAndValues...),
   183  		LateVotes: prometheus.NewCounterFrom(stdprometheus.CounterOpts{
   184  			Namespace: namespace,
   185  			Subsystem: MetricsSubsystem,
   186  			Name:      "late_votes",
   187  			Help:      "LateVotes stores the number of votes that were received by this node that correspond to earlier heights and rounds than this node is currently in.",
   188  		}, append(labels, "vote_type")).With(labelsAndValues...),
   189  	}
   190  }
   192  func NopMetrics() *Metrics {
   193  	return &Metrics{
   194  		Height:                    discard.NewGauge(),
   195  		ValidatorLastSignedHeight: discard.NewGauge(),
   196  		Rounds:                    discard.NewGauge(),
   197  		RoundDurationSeconds:      discard.NewHistogram(),
   198  		Validators:                discard.NewGauge(),
   199  		ValidatorsPower:           discard.NewGauge(),
   200  		ValidatorPower:            discard.NewGauge(),
   201  		ValidatorMissedBlocks:     discard.NewGauge(),
   202  		MissingValidators:         discard.NewGauge(),
   203  		MissingValidatorsPower:    discard.NewGauge(),
   204  		ByzantineValidators:       discard.NewGauge(),
   205  		ByzantineValidatorsPower:  discard.NewGauge(),
   206  		BlockIntervalSeconds:      discard.NewHistogram(),
   207  		NumTxs:                    discard.NewGauge(),
   208  		BlockSizeBytes:            discard.NewGauge(),
   209  		TotalTxs:                  discard.NewGauge(),
   210  		CommittedHeight:           discard.NewGauge(),
   211  		BlockSyncing:              discard.NewGauge(),
   212  		StateSyncing:              discard.NewGauge(),
   213  		BlockParts:                discard.NewCounter(),
   214  		StepDurationSeconds:       discard.NewHistogram(),
   215  		BlockGossipPartsReceived:  discard.NewCounter(),
   216  		QuorumPrevoteDelay:        discard.NewGauge(),
   217  		FullPrevoteDelay:          discard.NewGauge(),
   218  		ProposalReceiveCount:      discard.NewCounter(),
   219  		ProposalCreateCount:       discard.NewCounter(),
   220  		RoundVotingPowerPercent:   discard.NewGauge(),
   221  		LateVotes:                 discard.NewCounter(),
   222  	}
   223  }