
     1  // This is the first detached comment for the syntax.
     2  // This is a second detached comment.
     3  // This is a third.
     4  // Syntax comment...
     5  syntax = "proto2"; // Syntax trailer.
     6  // And now the package declaration
     7  package;
     8  // option comments FTW!!!
     9  option go_package = "";
    10  import public "google/protobuf/empty.proto";
    11  import "desc_test_options.proto";
    12  // Multiple white space lines (like above) cannot
    13  // be preserved...
    14  // We need a request for our RPC service below.
    15  message Request {
    16    option deprecated = true; // deprecated!
    17    // A field comment
    18    repeated int32 ids = 1 [packed = true, json_name = "|foo|", (testprotos.ffubar) = "abc", (testprotos.ffubarb) = "xyz"]; // field trailer #1...
    19    // lead mfubar
    20    option (testprotos.mfubar) = true; // trailing mfubar
    21    // some detached comments
    22    // some detached comments
    23    // Another field comment
    24    // label comment
    25    optional string name = 2 [default = "fubar"];
    26    extensions 100 to 200;
    27    extensions 201 to 250 [(testprotos.exfubarb) = "\000\001\002\003\004\005\006\007", (testprotos.exfubar) = "splat!"];
    28    reserved 10 to 20, 30 to 50;
    29    reserved "foo", "bar", "baz";
    30    // Group comment
    31    optional group Extras = 3 {
    32      // this is a custom option
    33      option (testprotos.mfubar) = false;
    34      optional double dbl = 1;
    35      optional float flt = 2;
    36      option no_standard_descriptor_accessor = false;
    37      // Leading comment...
    38      optional string str = 3; // Trailing comment...
    39    }
    40    enum MarioCharacters {
    41      // allow_alias comments!
    42      option allow_alias = true;
    43      MARIO = 1 [(testprotos.evfubars) = -314, (testprotos.evfubar) = 278];
    44      LUIGI = 2 [(testprotos.evfubaruf) = 100, (testprotos.evfubaru) = 200];
    45      PEACH = 3;
    46      BOWSER = 4;
    47      option (testprotos.efubars) = -321;
    48      WARIO = 5;
    49      WALUIGI = 6;
    50      SHY_GUY = 7 [(testprotos.evfubarsf) = 10101];
    51      HEY_HO = 7;
    52      MAGIKOOPA = 8;
    53      KAMEK = 8;
    54      SNIFIT = -101;
    55      option (testprotos.efubar) = 123;
    56    }
    57    // can be this or that
    58    oneof abc {
    59      string this = 4;
    60      int32 that = 5;
    61    }
    62    // can be these or those
    63    oneof xyz {
    64      string these = 6;
    65      int32 those = 7;
    66    }
    67    // map field
    68    map<string, string> things = 8;
    69  }
    70  extend Request {
    71    // comment for guid1
    72    optional uint64 guid1 = 123;
    73    // ... and a comment for guid2
    74    optional uint64 guid2 = 124;
    75  }
    76  message AnEmptyMessage {
    77  }
    78  // Service comment
    79  service RpcService {
    80    // option that sets field
    81    option (testprotos.sfubar) = { id:100 name:"bob"  };
    82    option deprecated = false; // DEPRECATED!
    83    option (testprotos.sfubare) = VALUE;
    84    // Method comment
    85    rpc StreamingRpc ( stream Request ) returns ( Request );
    86    rpc UnaryRpc ( Request ) returns ( google.protobuf.Empty ) {
    87      option deprecated = true;
    88      option (testprotos.mtfubar) = 12.340000;
    89      option (testprotos.mtfubard) = 123.456000;
    90    }
    91  }