
     1  -------- desc_test_comments.proto (*desc.FileDescriptor) --------
     2  syntax = "proto2";
     3  package;
     4  import "desc_test_options.proto";
     5  import public "google/protobuf/empty.proto";
     6  option go_package = "";
     7  message AnEmptyMessage {
     8  }
     9  // We need a request for our RPC service below.
    10  message Request {
    11    option deprecated = true;
    12    option (.testprotos.mfubar) = true;
    13    // A field comment
    14    repeated int32 ids = 1 [json_name = "|foo|", packed = true, (.testprotos.ffubar) = "abc", (.testprotos.ffubarb) = "xyz"];
    15    // label comment
    16    optional string name = 2 [default = "fubar"];
    17    // Group comment
    18    optional group Extras = 3 {
    19      option no_standard_descriptor_accessor = false;
    20      option (.testprotos.mfubar) = false;
    21      optional double dbl = 1;
    22      optional float flt = 2;
    23      // Leading comment...
    24      optional string str = 3;
    25    }
    26    // can be this or that
    27    oneof abc {
    28      string this = 4;
    29      int32 that = 5;
    30    }
    31    // can be these or those
    32    oneof xyz {
    33      string these = 6;
    34      int32 those = 7;
    35    }
    36    // map field
    37    map<string, string> things = 8;
    38    enum MarioCharacters {
    39      option allow_alias = true;
    40      option (.testprotos.efubar) = 123;
    41      option (.testprotos.efubars) = -321;
    42      SNIFIT = -101;
    43      MARIO = 1 [(.testprotos.evfubar) = 278, (.testprotos.evfubars) = -314];
    44      LUIGI = 2 [(.testprotos.evfubaru) = 200, (.testprotos.evfubaruf) = 100];
    45      PEACH = 3;
    46      BOWSER = 4;
    47      WARIO = 5;
    48      WALUIGI = 6;
    49      HEY_HO = 7;
    50      SHY_GUY = 7 [(.testprotos.evfubarsf) = 10101];
    51      KAMEK = 8;
    52      MAGIKOOPA = 8;
    53    }
    54    extensions 100 to 200;
    55    extensions 201 to 250 [(.testprotos.exfubar) = "splat!", (.testprotos.exfubarb) = "\000\001\002\003\004\005\006\007"];
    56    reserved 10 to 20, 30 to 50;
    57    reserved "bar", "baz", "foo";
    58  }
    59  // Service comment
    60  service RpcService {
    61    option deprecated = false;
    62    option (.testprotos.sfubar) = { id:100 name:"bob"  };
    63    option (.testprotos.sfubare) = VALUE;
    64    // Method comment
    65    rpc StreamingRpc ( stream ) returns ( );
    66    rpc UnaryRpc ( ) returns ( .google.protobuf.Empty ) {
    67      option deprecated = true;
    68      option (.testprotos.mtfubar) = 12.340000;
    69      option (.testprotos.mtfubard) = 123.456000;
    70    }
    71  }
    72  extend {
    73    // comment for guid1
    74    optional uint64 guid1 = 123;
    75    // ... and a comment for guid2
    76    optional uint64 guid2 = 124;
    77  }
    78  -------- (*desc.MessageDescriptor) --------
    79  // We need a request for our RPC service below.
    80  message Request {
    81    option deprecated = true;
    82    option (.testprotos.mfubar) = true;
    83    // A field comment
    84    repeated int32 ids = 1 [json_name = "|foo|", packed = true, (.testprotos.ffubar) = "abc", (.testprotos.ffubarb) = "xyz"];
    85    // label comment
    86    optional string name = 2 [default = "fubar"];
    87    // Group comment
    88    optional group Extras = 3 {
    89      option no_standard_descriptor_accessor = false;
    90      option (.testprotos.mfubar) = false;
    91      optional double dbl = 1;
    92      optional float flt = 2;
    93      // Leading comment...
    94      optional string str = 3;
    95    }
    96    // can be this or that
    97    oneof abc {
    98      string this = 4;
    99      int32 that = 5;
   100    }
   101    // can be these or those
   102    oneof xyz {
   103      string these = 6;
   104      int32 those = 7;
   105    }
   106    // map field
   107    map<string, string> things = 8;
   108    enum MarioCharacters {
   109      option allow_alias = true;
   110      option (.testprotos.efubar) = 123;
   111      option (.testprotos.efubars) = -321;
   112      SNIFIT = -101;
   113      MARIO = 1 [(.testprotos.evfubar) = 278, (.testprotos.evfubars) = -314];
   114      LUIGI = 2 [(.testprotos.evfubaru) = 200, (.testprotos.evfubaruf) = 100];
   115      PEACH = 3;
   116      BOWSER = 4;
   117      WARIO = 5;
   118      WALUIGI = 6;
   119      HEY_HO = 7;
   120      SHY_GUY = 7 [(.testprotos.evfubarsf) = 10101];
   121      KAMEK = 8;
   122      MAGIKOOPA = 8;
   123    }
   124    extensions 100 to 200;
   125    extensions 201 to 250 [(.testprotos.exfubar) = "splat!", (.testprotos.exfubarb) = "\000\001\002\003\004\005\006\007"];
   126    reserved 10 to 20, 30 to 50;
   127    reserved "bar", "baz", "foo";
   128  }
   129  -------- (*desc.FieldDescriptor) --------
   130  // A field comment
   131  repeated int32 ids = 1 [json_name = "|foo|", packed = true, (.testprotos.ffubar) = "abc", (.testprotos.ffubarb) = "xyz"];
   132  -------- (*desc.FieldDescriptor) --------
   133  // label comment
   134  optional string name = 2 [default = "fubar"];
   135  -------- (*desc.FieldDescriptor) --------
   136  // Group comment
   137  optional group Extras = 3 {
   138    option no_standard_descriptor_accessor = false;
   139    option (.testprotos.mfubar) = false;
   140    optional double dbl = 1;
   141    optional float flt = 2;
   142    // Leading comment...
   143    optional string str = 3;
   144  }
   145  -------- (*desc.FieldDescriptor) --------
   146  string this = 4;
   147  -------- (*desc.FieldDescriptor) --------
   148  int32 that = 5;
   149  -------- (*desc.FieldDescriptor) --------
   150  string these = 6;
   151  -------- (*desc.FieldDescriptor) --------
   152  int32 those = 7;
   153  -------- (*desc.FieldDescriptor) --------
   154  // map field
   155  map<string, string> things = 8;
   156  -------- (*desc.OneOfDescriptor) --------
   157  oneof abc {
   158    string this = 4;
   159    int32 that = 5;
   160  }
   161  -------- (*desc.OneOfDescriptor) --------
   162  oneof xyz {
   163    string these = 6;
   164    int32 those = 7;
   165  }
   166  -------- (*desc.MessageDescriptor) --------
   167  // Group comment
   168  message Extras {
   169    option no_standard_descriptor_accessor = false;
   170    option (.testprotos.mfubar) = false;
   171    optional double dbl = 1;
   172    optional float flt = 2;
   173    // Leading comment...
   174    optional string str = 3;
   175  }
   176  -------- (*desc.FieldDescriptor) --------
   177  optional double dbl = 1;
   178  -------- (*desc.FieldDescriptor) --------
   179  optional float flt = 2;
   180  -------- (*desc.FieldDescriptor) --------
   181  // Leading comment...
   182  optional string str = 3;
   183  -------- (*desc.MessageDescriptor) --------
   184  message ThingsEntry {
   185    option map_entry = true;
   186    optional string key = 1;
   187    optional string value = 2;
   188  }
   189  -------- (*desc.FieldDescriptor) --------
   190  optional string key = 1;
   191  -------- (*desc.FieldDescriptor) --------
   192  optional string value = 2;
   193  -------- (*desc.EnumDescriptor) --------
   194  enum MarioCharacters {
   195    option allow_alias = true;
   196    option (.testprotos.efubar) = 123;
   197    option (.testprotos.efubars) = -321;
   198    SNIFIT = -101;
   199    MARIO = 1 [(.testprotos.evfubar) = 278, (.testprotos.evfubars) = -314];
   200    LUIGI = 2 [(.testprotos.evfubaru) = 200, (.testprotos.evfubaruf) = 100];
   201    PEACH = 3;
   202    BOWSER = 4;
   203    WARIO = 5;
   204    WALUIGI = 6;
   205    HEY_HO = 7;
   206    SHY_GUY = 7 [(.testprotos.evfubarsf) = 10101];
   207    KAMEK = 8;
   208    MAGIKOOPA = 8;
   209  }
   210  -------- (*desc.EnumValueDescriptor) --------
   211  MARIO = 1 [(.testprotos.evfubar) = 278, (.testprotos.evfubars) = -314];
   212  -------- (*desc.EnumValueDescriptor) --------
   213  LUIGI = 2 [(.testprotos.evfubaru) = 200, (.testprotos.evfubaruf) = 100];
   214  -------- (*desc.EnumValueDescriptor) --------
   215  PEACH = 3;
   216  -------- (*desc.EnumValueDescriptor) --------
   217  BOWSER = 4;
   218  -------- (*desc.EnumValueDescriptor) --------
   219  WARIO = 5;
   220  -------- (*desc.EnumValueDescriptor) --------
   221  WALUIGI = 6;
   222  -------- (*desc.EnumValueDescriptor) --------
   223  SHY_GUY = 7 [(.testprotos.evfubarsf) = 10101];
   224  -------- (*desc.EnumValueDescriptor) --------
   225  HEY_HO = 7;
   226  -------- (*desc.EnumValueDescriptor) --------
   227  MAGIKOOPA = 8;
   228  -------- (*desc.EnumValueDescriptor) --------
   229  KAMEK = 8;
   230  -------- (*desc.EnumValueDescriptor) --------
   231  SNIFIT = -101;
   232  -------- (*desc.MessageDescriptor) --------
   233  message AnEmptyMessage {
   234  }
   235  -------- (*desc.FieldDescriptor) --------
   236  extend {
   237    // comment for guid1
   238    optional uint64 guid1 = 123;
   239  }
   240  -------- (*desc.FieldDescriptor) --------
   241  extend {
   242    // ... and a comment for guid2
   243    optional uint64 guid2 = 124;
   244  }
   245  -------- (*desc.ServiceDescriptor) --------
   246  // Service comment
   247  service RpcService {
   248    option deprecated = false;
   249    option (.testprotos.sfubar) = { id:100 name:"bob"  };
   250    option (.testprotos.sfubare) = VALUE;
   251    // Method comment
   252    rpc StreamingRpc ( stream ) returns ( );
   253    rpc UnaryRpc ( ) returns ( .google.protobuf.Empty ) {
   254      option deprecated = true;
   255      option (.testprotos.mtfubar) = 12.340000;
   256      option (.testprotos.mtfubard) = 123.456000;
   257    }
   258  }
   259  -------- (*desc.MethodDescriptor) --------
   260  // Method comment
   261  rpc StreamingRpc ( stream ) returns ( );
   262  -------- (*desc.MethodDescriptor) --------
   263  rpc UnaryRpc ( ) returns ( .google.protobuf.Empty ) {
   264    option deprecated = true;
   265    option (.testprotos.mtfubar) = 12.340000;
   266    option (.testprotos.mtfubard) = 123.456000;
   267  }