
     1  // Copyright 2016 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
     2  //
     3  // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
     4  // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
     5  // You may obtain a copy of the License at
     6  //
     7  //
     8  //
     9  // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    10  // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    11  // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    12  // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    13  // limitations under the License.
    15  package storage
    17  import (
    18  	"bytes"
    19  	"encoding/binary"
    20  	"fmt"
    21  	"math/big"
    22  	"math/bits"
    24  	""
    25  	""
    26  )
    28  // Node represents a single node in a Merkle tree.
    29  type Node struct {
    30  	NodeID       NodeID
    31  	Hash         []byte
    32  	NodeRevision int64
    33  }
    35  // NodeID uniquely identifies a Node within a versioned MerkleTree.
    36  type NodeID struct {
    37  	// path is effectively a BigEndian bit set, with path[0] being the MSB
    38  	// (identifying the root child), and successive bits identifying the lower
    39  	// level children down to the leaf.
    40  	Path []byte
    41  	// PrefixLenBits is the number of MSB in Path which are considered part of
    42  	// this NodeID.
    43  	//
    44  	// e.g. if Path contains two bytes, and PrefixLenBits is 9, then the 8 bits
    45  	// in Path[0] are included, along with the lowest bit of Path[1]
    46  	PrefixLenBits int
    47  }
    49  // PathLenBits returns 8 * len(path).
    50  func (n NodeID) PathLenBits() int {
    51  	return len(n.Path) * 8
    52  }
    54  // bytesForBits returns the number of bytes required to store numBits bits.
    55  func bytesForBits(numBits int) int {
    56  	return (numBits + 7) >> 3
    57  }
    59  // NewNodeIDFromHash creates a new NodeID for the given Hash.
    60  func NewNodeIDFromHash(h []byte) NodeID {
    61  	return NodeID{
    62  		Path:          h,
    63  		PrefixLenBits: len(h) * 8,
    64  	}
    65  }
    67  // NewEmptyNodeID creates a new zero-length NodeID with sufficient underlying
    68  // capacity to store a maximum of maxLenBits.
    69  func NewEmptyNodeID(maxLenBits int) NodeID {
    70  	if got, want := maxLenBits%8, 0; got != want {
    71  		panic(fmt.Sprintf("storeage: NewEmptyNodeID() maxLenBits mod 8: %v, want %v", got, want))
    72  	}
    73  	return NodeID{
    74  		Path:          make([]byte, maxLenBits/8),
    75  		PrefixLenBits: 0,
    76  	}
    77  }
    79  // NewNodeIDFromPrefix returns a nodeID for a particular node within a subtree.
    80  // Prefix is the prefix of the subtree.
    81  // depth is the depth of index from the root of the subtree.
    82  // index is the horizontal location of the subtree leaf.
    83  // subDepth is the total number of levels in the subtree.
    84  // totalDepth is the number of levels in the whole tree.
    85  func NewNodeIDFromPrefix(prefix []byte, depth int, index int64, subDepth, totalDepth int) NodeID {
    86  	if got, want := totalDepth%8, 0; got != want || got < want {
    87  		panic(fmt.Sprintf("storage NewNodeFromPrefix(): totalDepth mod 8: %v, want %v", got, want))
    88  	}
    89  	if got, want := subDepth%8, 0; got != want || got < want {
    90  		panic(fmt.Sprintf("storage NewNodeFromPrefix(): subDepth mod 8: %v, want %v", got, want))
    91  	}
    92  	if got, want := depth, 0; got < want {
    93  		panic(fmt.Sprintf("storage NewNodeFromPrefix(): depth: %v, want >= %v", got, want))
    94  	}
    96  	// Put prefix in the MSB bits of path.
    97  	path := make([]byte, totalDepth/8)
    98  	copy(path, prefix)
   100  	// Convert index into absolute coordinates for subtree.
   101  	height := subDepth - depth
   102  	subIndex := index << uint(height) // index is the horizontal index at the given height.
   104  	// Copy subDepth/8 bytes of subIndex into path.
   105  	subPath := new(bytes.Buffer)
   106  	binary.Write(subPath, binary.BigEndian, uint64(subIndex))
   107  	unusedHighBytes := 64/8 - subDepth/8
   108  	copy(path[len(prefix):], subPath.Bytes()[unusedHighBytes:])
   110  	return NodeID{
   111  		Path:          path,
   112  		PrefixLenBits: len(prefix)*8 + depth,
   113  	}
   114  }
   116  // NewNodeIDFromBigInt returns a NodeID of a big.Int with no prefix.
   117  // index contains the path's least significant bits.
   118  // depth indicates the number of bits from the most significant bit to treat as part of the path.
   119  func NewNodeIDFromBigInt(depth int, index *big.Int, totalDepth int) NodeID {
   120  	if got, want := totalDepth%8, 0; got != want || got < want {
   121  		panic(fmt.Sprintf("storage NewNodeFromBitInt(): totalDepth mod 8: %v, want %v", got, want))
   122  	}
   124  	// Put index in the LSB bits of path.
   125  	path := make([]byte, totalDepth/8)
   126  	unusedHighBytes := len(path) - len(index.Bytes())
   127  	copy(path[unusedHighBytes:], index.Bytes())
   129  	// TODO(gdbelvin): consider masking off insignificant bits past depth.
   130  	glog.V(5).Infof("NewNodeIDFromBigInt(%v, %x, %v): %v, %x",
   131  		depth, index.Bytes(), totalDepth, depth, path)
   133  	return NodeID{
   134  		Path:          path,
   135  		PrefixLenBits: depth,
   136  	}
   137  }
   139  // BigInt returns the big.Int for this node.
   140  func (n NodeID) BigInt() *big.Int {
   141  	return new(big.Int).SetBytes(n.Path)
   142  }
   144  // NewNodeIDWithPrefix creates a new NodeID of nodeIDLen bits with the prefixLen MSBs set to prefix.
   145  // NewNodeIDWithPrefix places the lower prefixLenBits of prefix in the most significant bits of path.
   146  // Path will have enough bytes to hold maxLenBits
   147  //
   148  func NewNodeIDWithPrefix(prefix uint64, prefixLenBits, nodeIDLenBits, maxLenBits int) NodeID {
   149  	if got, want := nodeIDLenBits%8, 0; got != want {
   150  		panic(fmt.Sprintf("nodeIDLenBits mod 8: %v, want %v", got, want))
   151  	}
   152  	maxLenBytes := bytesForBits(maxLenBits)
   153  	p := NodeID{
   154  		Path:          make([]byte, maxLenBytes),
   155  		PrefixLenBits: nodeIDLenBits,
   156  	}
   158  	bit := maxLenBits - prefixLenBits
   159  	for i := 0; i < prefixLenBits; i++ {
   160  		if prefix&1 != 0 {
   161  			p.SetBit(bit, 1)
   162  		}
   163  		bit++
   164  		prefix >>= 1
   165  	}
   166  	return p
   167  }
   169  // NewNodeIDForTreeCoords creates a new NodeID for a Tree node with a specified depth and
   170  // index.
   171  // This method is used exclusively by the Log, and, since the Log model grows upwards from the
   172  // leaves, we modify the provided coords accordingly.
   173  //
   174  // depth is the Merkle tree level: 0 = leaves, and increases upwards towards the root.
   175  //
   176  // index is the horizontal index into the tree at level depth, so the returned
   177  // NodeID will be zero padded on the right by depth places.
   178  func NewNodeIDForTreeCoords(depth int64, index int64, maxPathBits int) (NodeID, error) {
   179  	bl := bits.Len64(uint64(index))
   180  	if index < 0 || depth < 0 ||
   181  		bl > int(maxPathBits-int(depth)) ||
   182  		maxPathBits%8 != 0 {
   183  		return NodeID{}, fmt.Errorf("depth/index combination out of range: depth=%d index=%d maxPathBits=%v", depth, index, maxPathBits)
   184  	}
   185  	// This node is effectively a prefix of the subtree underneath (for non-leaf
   186  	// depths), so we shift the index accordingly.
   187  	uidx := uint64(index) << uint(depth)
   188  	r := NewEmptyNodeID(maxPathBits)
   189  	for i := len(r.Path) - 1; uidx > 0 && i >= 0; i-- {
   190  		r.Path[i] = byte(uidx & 0xff)
   191  		uidx >>= 8
   192  	}
   193  	// In the storage model nodes closer to the leaves have longer nodeIDs, so
   194  	// we "reverse" depth here:
   195  	r.PrefixLenBits = int(maxPathBits - int(depth))
   196  	return r, nil
   197  }
   199  // SetBit sets the ith bit to true if b is non-zero, and false otherwise.
   200  func (n *NodeID) SetBit(i int, b uint) {
   201  	// TODO(al): investigate whether having lookup tables for these might be
   202  	// faster.
   203  	bIndex := (n.PathLenBits() - i - 1) / 8
   204  	if b == 0 {
   205  		n.Path[bIndex] &= ^(1 << uint(i%8))
   206  	} else {
   207  		n.Path[bIndex] |= (1 << uint(i%8))
   208  	}
   209  }
   211  // Bit returns 1 if the ith bit from the right is true, and false otherwise.
   212  func (n *NodeID) Bit(i int) uint {
   213  	if got, want := i, n.PathLenBits()-1; got > want {
   214  		panic(fmt.Sprintf("storage: Bit(%v) > (PathLenBits() -1): %v", got, want))
   215  	}
   216  	bIndex := (n.PathLenBits() - i - 1) / 8
   217  	return uint((n.Path[bIndex] >> uint(i%8)) & 0x01)
   218  }
   220  // String returns a string representation of the binary value of the NodeID.
   221  // The left-most bit is the MSB (i.e. nearer the root of the tree).
   222  func (n *NodeID) String() string {
   223  	var r bytes.Buffer
   224  	limit := n.PathLenBits() - n.PrefixLenBits
   225  	for i := n.PathLenBits() - 1; i >= limit; i-- {
   226  		r.WriteRune(rune('0' + n.Bit(i)))
   227  	}
   228  	return r.String()
   229  }
   231  // CoordString returns a string representation assuming that the NodeID represents a
   232  // tree coordinate. Using this on a NodeID for a sparse Merkle tree will give incorrect
   233  // results. Intended for debugging purposes, the format could change.
   234  func (n *NodeID) CoordString() string {
   235  	d := uint64(n.PathLenBits() - n.PrefixLenBits)
   236  	i := uint64(0)
   237  	for _, p := range n.Path {
   238  		i = (i << uint64(8)) + uint64(p)
   239  	}
   241  	return fmt.Sprintf("[d:%d, i:%d]", d, i>>d)
   242  }
   244  // Copy returns a duplicate of NodeID
   245  func (n *NodeID) Copy() *NodeID {
   246  	p := make([]byte, len(n.Path))
   247  	copy(p, n.Path)
   248  	return &NodeID{
   249  		Path:          p,
   250  		PrefixLenBits: n.PrefixLenBits,
   251  	}
   252  }
   254  // FlipRightBit flips the ith bit from LSB
   255  func (n *NodeID) FlipRightBit(i int) *NodeID {
   256  	n.SetBit(i, n.Bit(i)^1)
   257  	return n
   258  }
   260  // leftmask contains bitmasks indexed such that the left x bits are set. It is
   261  // indexed by byte position from 0-7 0 is special cased to 0xFF since 8 mod 8
   262  // is 0. leftmask is only used to mask the last byte.
   263  var leftmask = [8]byte{0xFF, 0x80, 0xC0, 0xE0, 0xF0, 0xF8, 0xFC, 0xFE}
   265  // MaskLeft returns NodeID with only the left n bits set
   266  func (n *NodeID) MaskLeft(depth int) *NodeID {
   267  	r := make([]byte, len(n.Path))
   268  	if depth > 0 {
   269  		// Copy the first depthBytes.
   270  		depthBytes := bytesForBits(depth)
   271  		copy(r, n.Path[:depthBytes])
   272  		// Mask off unwanted bits in the last byte.
   273  		r[depthBytes-1] = r[depthBytes-1] & leftmask[depth%8]
   274  	}
   275  	if depth < n.PrefixLenBits {
   276  		n.PrefixLenBits = depth
   277  	}
   278  	n.Path = r
   279  	return n
   280  }
   282  // Neighbor returns the same node with the bit at PrefixLenBits flipped.
   283  func (n *NodeID) Neighbor() *NodeID {
   284  	height := n.PathLenBits() - n.PrefixLenBits
   285  	n.FlipRightBit(height)
   286  	return n
   287  }
   289  // Siblings returns the siblings of the given node.
   290  func (n *NodeID) Siblings() []NodeID {
   291  	sibs := make([]NodeID, n.PrefixLenBits)
   292  	for height := range sibs {
   293  		depth := n.PrefixLenBits - height
   294  		sibs[height] = *(n.Copy().MaskLeft(depth).Neighbor())
   295  	}
   296  	return sibs
   297  }
   299  // NewNodeIDFromPrefixSuffix undoes Split() and returns the NodeID.
   300  func NewNodeIDFromPrefixSuffix(prefix []byte, suffix Suffix, maxPathBits int) NodeID {
   301  	path := make([]byte, maxPathBits/8)
   302  	copy(path, prefix)
   303  	copy(path[len(prefix):], suffix.Path)
   305  	return NodeID{
   306  		Path:          path,
   307  		PrefixLenBits: len(prefix)*8 + int(suffix.Bits),
   308  	}
   309  }
   311  // Split splits a NodeID into a prefix and a suffix at prefixSplit
   312  func (n *NodeID) Split(prefixBytes, suffixBits int) ([]byte, Suffix) {
   313  	if n.PrefixLenBits == 0 {
   314  		return []byte{}, Suffix{Bits: 0, Path: []byte{0}}
   315  	}
   316  	a := make([]byte, len(n.Path))
   317  	copy(a, n.Path)
   319  	bits := n.PrefixLenBits - prefixBytes*8
   320  	if bits > suffixBits {
   321  		panic(fmt.Sprintf("storage Split: %x(n.PrefixLenBits: %v - prefixBytes: %v *8) > %v", n.Path, n.PrefixLenBits, prefixBytes, suffixBits))
   322  	}
   323  	if bits == 0 {
   324  		panic(fmt.Sprintf("storage Split: %x(n.PrefixLenBits: %v - prefixBytes: %v *8) == 0", n.Path, n.PrefixLenBits, prefixBytes))
   325  	}
   326  	suffixBytes := bytesForBits(bits)
   327  	sfx := Suffix{
   328  		Bits: byte(bits),
   329  		Path: a[prefixBytes : prefixBytes+suffixBytes],
   330  	}
   331  	maskIndex := (bits - 1) / 8
   332  	maskLowBits := (sfx.Bits-1)%8 + 1
   333  	sfx.Path[maskIndex] &= ((0x01 << maskLowBits) - 1) << uint(8-maskLowBits)
   335  	return a[:prefixBytes], sfx
   336  }
   338  // Equivalent return true iff the other represents the same path prefix as this NodeID.
   339  func (n *NodeID) Equivalent(other NodeID) bool {
   340  	return n.String() == other.String()
   341  }
   343  // PopulateSubtreeFunc is a function which knows how to re-populate a subtree
   344  // from just its leaf nodes.
   345  type PopulateSubtreeFunc func(*storagepb.SubtreeProto) error
   347  // PrepareSubtreeWriteFunc is a function that carries out any required tree type specific
   348  // manipulation of a subtree before it's written to storage
   349  type PrepareSubtreeWriteFunc func(*storagepb.SubtreeProto) error