
     1  package coins
     3  import (
     4  	"blockbook/bchain"
     5  	"blockbook/bchain/coins/bch"
     6  	"blockbook/bchain/coins/bellcoin"
     7  	"blockbook/bchain/coins/bitcore"
     8  	"blockbook/bchain/coins/btc"
     9  	"blockbook/bchain/coins/btg"
    10  	"blockbook/bchain/coins/cpuchain"
    11  	"blockbook/bchain/coins/dash"
    12  	"blockbook/bchain/coins/dcr"
    13  	"blockbook/bchain/coins/deeponion"
    14  	"blockbook/bchain/coins/digibyte"
    15  	"blockbook/bchain/coins/divi"
    16  	"blockbook/bchain/coins/dogecoin"
    17  	"blockbook/bchain/coins/eth"
    18  	"blockbook/bchain/coins/flo"
    19  	"blockbook/bchain/coins/fujicoin"
    20  	"blockbook/bchain/coins/gamecredits"
    21  	"blockbook/bchain/coins/grs"
    22  	"blockbook/bchain/coins/koto"
    23  	"blockbook/bchain/coins/liquid"
    24  	"blockbook/bchain/coins/litecoin"
    25  	"blockbook/bchain/coins/monacoin"
    26  	"blockbook/bchain/coins/monetaryunit"
    27  	"blockbook/bchain/coins/myriad"
    28  	"blockbook/bchain/coins/namecoin"
    29  	"blockbook/bchain/coins/nuls"
    30  	"blockbook/bchain/coins/omotenashicoin"
    31  	"blockbook/bchain/coins/pivx"
    32  	"blockbook/bchain/coins/polis"
    33  	"blockbook/bchain/coins/qtum"
    34  	"blockbook/bchain/coins/ravencoin"
    35  	"blockbook/bchain/coins/ritocoin"
    36  	"blockbook/bchain/coins/unobtanium"
    37  	"blockbook/bchain/coins/vertcoin"
    38  	"blockbook/bchain/coins/viacoin"
    39  	"blockbook/bchain/coins/vipstarcoin"
    40  	"blockbook/bchain/coins/xzc"
    41  	"blockbook/bchain/coins/zec"
    42  	"blockbook/common"
    43  	"context"
    44  	"encoding/json"
    45  	"fmt"
    46  	"io/ioutil"
    47  	"math/big"
    48  	"reflect"
    49  	"time"
    51  	""
    52  )
    54  type blockChainFactory func(config json.RawMessage, pushHandler func(bchain.NotificationType)) (bchain.BlockChain, error)
    56  // BlockChainFactories is a map of constructors of coin RPC interfaces
    57  var BlockChainFactories = make(map[string]blockChainFactory)
    59  func init() {
    60  	BlockChainFactories["Bitcoin"] = btc.NewBitcoinRPC
    61  	BlockChainFactories["Testnet"] = btc.NewBitcoinRPC
    62  	BlockChainFactories["Zcash"] = zec.NewZCashRPC
    63  	BlockChainFactories["Zcash Testnet"] = zec.NewZCashRPC
    64  	BlockChainFactories["Ethereum"] = eth.NewEthereumRPC
    65  	BlockChainFactories["Ethereum Classic"] = eth.NewEthereumRPC
    66  	BlockChainFactories["Ethereum Testnet Ropsten"] = eth.NewEthereumRPC
    67  	BlockChainFactories["Bcash"] = bch.NewBCashRPC
    68  	BlockChainFactories["Bcash Testnet"] = bch.NewBCashRPC
    69  	BlockChainFactories["Bgold"] = btg.NewBGoldRPC
    70  	BlockChainFactories["Dash"] = dash.NewDashRPC
    71  	BlockChainFactories["Dash Testnet"] = dash.NewDashRPC
    72  	BlockChainFactories["Decred"] = dcr.NewDecredRPC
    73  	BlockChainFactories["Decred Testnet"] = dcr.NewDecredRPC
    74  	BlockChainFactories["GameCredits"] = gamecredits.NewGameCreditsRPC
    75  	BlockChainFactories["Koto"] = koto.NewKotoRPC
    76  	BlockChainFactories["Koto Testnet"] = koto.NewKotoRPC
    77  	BlockChainFactories["Litecoin"] = litecoin.NewLitecoinRPC
    78  	BlockChainFactories["Litecoin Testnet"] = litecoin.NewLitecoinRPC
    79  	BlockChainFactories["Dogecoin"] = dogecoin.NewDogecoinRPC
    80  	BlockChainFactories["Vertcoin"] = vertcoin.NewVertcoinRPC
    81  	BlockChainFactories["Vertcoin Testnet"] = vertcoin.NewVertcoinRPC
    82  	BlockChainFactories["Namecoin"] = namecoin.NewNamecoinRPC
    83  	BlockChainFactories["Monacoin"] = monacoin.NewMonacoinRPC
    84  	BlockChainFactories["Monacoin Testnet"] = monacoin.NewMonacoinRPC
    85  	BlockChainFactories["MonetaryUnit"] = monetaryunit.NewMonetaryUnitRPC
    86  	BlockChainFactories["DigiByte"] = digibyte.NewDigiByteRPC
    87  	BlockChainFactories["Myriad"] = myriad.NewMyriadRPC
    88  	BlockChainFactories["Liquid"] = liquid.NewLiquidRPC
    89  	BlockChainFactories["Groestlcoin"] = grs.NewGroestlcoinRPC
    90  	BlockChainFactories["Groestlcoin Testnet"] = grs.NewGroestlcoinRPC
    91  	BlockChainFactories["PIVX"] = pivx.NewPivXRPC
    92  	BlockChainFactories["PIVX Testnet"] = pivx.NewPivXRPC
    93  	BlockChainFactories["Polis"] = polis.NewPolisRPC
    94  	BlockChainFactories["Zcoin"] = xzc.NewZcoinRPC
    95  	BlockChainFactories["Fujicoin"] = fujicoin.NewFujicoinRPC
    96  	BlockChainFactories["Flo"] = flo.NewFloRPC
    97  	BlockChainFactories["Bellcoin"] = bellcoin.NewBellcoinRPC
    98  	BlockChainFactories["Qtum"] = qtum.NewQtumRPC
    99  	BlockChainFactories["Viacoin"] = viacoin.NewViacoinRPC
   100  	BlockChainFactories["Qtum Testnet"] = qtum.NewQtumRPC
   101  	BlockChainFactories["NULS"] = nuls.NewNulsRPC
   102  	BlockChainFactories["VIPSTARCOIN"] = vipstarcoin.NewVIPSTARCOINRPC
   103  	BlockChainFactories["ZelCash"] = zec.NewZCashRPC
   104  	BlockChainFactories["Ravencoin"] = ravencoin.NewRavencoinRPC
   105  	BlockChainFactories["Ritocoin"] = ritocoin.NewRitocoinRPC
   106  	BlockChainFactories["Divi"] = divi.NewDiviRPC
   107  	BlockChainFactories["CPUchain"] = cpuchain.NewCPUchainRPC
   108  	BlockChainFactories["Unobtanium"] = unobtanium.NewUnobtaniumRPC
   109  	BlockChainFactories["DeepOnion"] = deeponion.NewDeepOnionRPC
   110  	BlockChainFactories["Bitcore"] = bitcore.NewBitcoreRPC
   111  	BlockChainFactories["Omotenashicoin"] = omotenashicoin.NewOmotenashiCoinRPC
   112  	BlockChainFactories["Omotenashicoin Testnet"] = omotenashicoin.NewOmotenashiCoinRPC
   113  }
   115  // GetCoinNameFromConfig gets coin name and coin shortcut from config file
   116  func GetCoinNameFromConfig(configfile string) (string, string, string, error) {
   117  	data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(configfile)
   118  	if err != nil {
   119  		return "", "", "", errors.Annotatef(err, "Error reading file %v", configfile)
   120  	}
   121  	var cn struct {
   122  		CoinName     string `json:"coin_name"`
   123  		CoinShortcut string `json:"coin_shortcut"`
   124  		CoinLabel    string `json:"coin_label"`
   125  	}
   126  	err = json.Unmarshal(data, &cn)
   127  	if err != nil {
   128  		return "", "", "", errors.Annotatef(err, "Error parsing file %v", configfile)
   129  	}
   130  	return cn.CoinName, cn.CoinShortcut, cn.CoinLabel, nil
   131  }
   133  // NewBlockChain creates bchain.BlockChain and bchain.Mempool for the coin passed by the parameter coin
   134  func NewBlockChain(coin string, configfile string, pushHandler func(bchain.NotificationType), metrics *common.Metrics) (bchain.BlockChain, bchain.Mempool, error) {
   135  	data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(configfile)
   136  	if err != nil {
   137  		return nil, nil, errors.Annotatef(err, "Error reading file %v", configfile)
   138  	}
   139  	var config json.RawMessage
   140  	err = json.Unmarshal(data, &config)
   141  	if err != nil {
   142  		return nil, nil, errors.Annotatef(err, "Error parsing file %v", configfile)
   143  	}
   144  	bcf, ok := BlockChainFactories[coin]
   145  	if !ok {
   146  		return nil, nil, errors.New(fmt.Sprint("Unsupported coin '", coin, "'. Must be one of ", reflect.ValueOf(BlockChainFactories).MapKeys()))
   147  	}
   148  	bc, err := bcf(config, pushHandler)
   149  	if err != nil {
   150  		return nil, nil, err
   151  	}
   152  	err = bc.Initialize()
   153  	if err != nil {
   154  		return nil, nil, err
   155  	}
   156  	mempool, err := bc.CreateMempool(bc)
   157  	if err != nil {
   158  		return nil, nil, err
   159  	}
   160  	return &blockChainWithMetrics{b: bc, m: metrics}, &mempoolWithMetrics{mempool: mempool, m: metrics}, nil
   161  }
   163  type blockChainWithMetrics struct {
   164  	b bchain.BlockChain
   165  	m *common.Metrics
   166  }
   168  func (c *blockChainWithMetrics) observeRPCLatency(method string, start time.Time, err error) {
   169  	var e string
   170  	if err != nil {
   171  		e = "failure"
   172  	}
   173  	c.m.RPCLatency.With(common.Labels{"method": method, "error": e}).Observe(float64(time.Since(start)) / 1e6) // in milliseconds
   174  }
   176  func (c *blockChainWithMetrics) Initialize() error {
   177  	return c.b.Initialize()
   178  }
   180  func (c *blockChainWithMetrics) CreateMempool(chain bchain.BlockChain) (bchain.Mempool, error) {
   181  	return c.b.CreateMempool(chain)
   182  }
   184  func (c *blockChainWithMetrics) InitializeMempool(addrDescForOutpoint bchain.AddrDescForOutpointFunc, onNewTxAddr bchain.OnNewTxAddrFunc) error {
   185  	return c.b.InitializeMempool(addrDescForOutpoint, onNewTxAddr)
   186  }
   188  func (c *blockChainWithMetrics) Shutdown(ctx context.Context) error {
   189  	return c.b.Shutdown(ctx)
   190  }
   192  func (c *blockChainWithMetrics) IsTestnet() bool {
   193  	return c.b.IsTestnet()
   194  }
   196  func (c *blockChainWithMetrics) GetNetworkName() string {
   197  	return c.b.GetNetworkName()
   198  }
   200  func (c *blockChainWithMetrics) GetCoinName() string {
   201  	return c.b.GetCoinName()
   202  }
   204  func (c *blockChainWithMetrics) GetSubversion() string {
   205  	return c.b.GetSubversion()
   206  }
   208  func (c *blockChainWithMetrics) GetChainInfo() (v *bchain.ChainInfo, err error) {
   209  	defer func(s time.Time) { c.observeRPCLatency("GetChainInfo", s, err) }(time.Now())
   210  	return c.b.GetChainInfo()
   211  }
   213  func (c *blockChainWithMetrics) GetBestBlockHash() (v string, err error) {
   214  	defer func(s time.Time) { c.observeRPCLatency("GetBestBlockHash", s, err) }(time.Now())
   215  	return c.b.GetBestBlockHash()
   216  }
   218  func (c *blockChainWithMetrics) GetBestBlockHeight() (v uint32, err error) {
   219  	defer func(s time.Time) { c.observeRPCLatency("GetBestBlockHeight", s, err) }(time.Now())
   220  	return c.b.GetBestBlockHeight()
   221  }
   223  func (c *blockChainWithMetrics) GetBlockHash(height uint32) (v string, err error) {
   224  	defer func(s time.Time) { c.observeRPCLatency("GetBlockHash", s, err) }(time.Now())
   225  	return c.b.GetBlockHash(height)
   226  }
   228  func (c *blockChainWithMetrics) GetBlockHeader(hash string) (v *bchain.BlockHeader, err error) {
   229  	defer func(s time.Time) { c.observeRPCLatency("GetBlockHeader", s, err) }(time.Now())
   230  	return c.b.GetBlockHeader(hash)
   231  }
   233  func (c *blockChainWithMetrics) GetBlock(hash string, height uint32) (v *bchain.Block, err error) {
   234  	defer func(s time.Time) { c.observeRPCLatency("GetBlock", s, err) }(time.Now())
   235  	return c.b.GetBlock(hash, height)
   236  }
   238  func (c *blockChainWithMetrics) GetBlockInfo(hash string) (v *bchain.BlockInfo, err error) {
   239  	defer func(s time.Time) { c.observeRPCLatency("GetBlockInfo", s, err) }(time.Now())
   240  	return c.b.GetBlockInfo(hash)
   241  }
   243  func (c *blockChainWithMetrics) GetMempoolTransactions() (v []string, err error) {
   244  	defer func(s time.Time) { c.observeRPCLatency("GetMempoolTransactions", s, err) }(time.Now())
   245  	return c.b.GetMempoolTransactions()
   246  }
   248  func (c *blockChainWithMetrics) GetTransaction(txid string) (v *bchain.Tx, err error) {
   249  	defer func(s time.Time) { c.observeRPCLatency("GetTransaction", s, err) }(time.Now())
   250  	return c.b.GetTransaction(txid)
   251  }
   253  func (c *blockChainWithMetrics) GetTransactionSpecific(tx *bchain.Tx) (v json.RawMessage, err error) {
   254  	defer func(s time.Time) { c.observeRPCLatency("GetTransactionSpecific", s, err) }(time.Now())
   255  	return c.b.GetTransactionSpecific(tx)
   256  }
   258  func (c *blockChainWithMetrics) GetTransactionForMempool(txid string) (v *bchain.Tx, err error) {
   259  	defer func(s time.Time) { c.observeRPCLatency("GetTransactionForMempool", s, err) }(time.Now())
   260  	return c.b.GetTransactionForMempool(txid)
   261  }
   263  func (c *blockChainWithMetrics) EstimateSmartFee(blocks int, conservative bool) (v big.Int, err error) {
   264  	defer func(s time.Time) { c.observeRPCLatency("EstimateSmartFee", s, err) }(time.Now())
   265  	return c.b.EstimateSmartFee(blocks, conservative)
   266  }
   268  func (c *blockChainWithMetrics) EstimateFee(blocks int) (v big.Int, err error) {
   269  	defer func(s time.Time) { c.observeRPCLatency("EstimateFee", s, err) }(time.Now())
   270  	return c.b.EstimateFee(blocks)
   271  }
   273  func (c *blockChainWithMetrics) SendRawTransaction(tx string) (v string, err error) {
   274  	defer func(s time.Time) { c.observeRPCLatency("SendRawTransaction", s, err) }(time.Now())
   275  	return c.b.SendRawTransaction(tx)
   276  }
   278  func (c *blockChainWithMetrics) GetMempoolEntry(txid string) (v *bchain.MempoolEntry, err error) {
   279  	defer func(s time.Time) { c.observeRPCLatency("GetMempoolEntry", s, err) }(time.Now())
   280  	return c.b.GetMempoolEntry(txid)
   281  }
   283  func (c *blockChainWithMetrics) GetChainParser() bchain.BlockChainParser {
   284  	return c.b.GetChainParser()
   285  }
   287  func (c *blockChainWithMetrics) EthereumTypeGetBalance(addrDesc bchain.AddressDescriptor) (v *big.Int, err error) {
   288  	defer func(s time.Time) { c.observeRPCLatency("EthereumTypeGetBalance", s, err) }(time.Now())
   289  	return c.b.EthereumTypeGetBalance(addrDesc)
   290  }
   292  func (c *blockChainWithMetrics) EthereumTypeGetNonce(addrDesc bchain.AddressDescriptor) (v uint64, err error) {
   293  	defer func(s time.Time) { c.observeRPCLatency("EthereumTypeGetNonce", s, err) }(time.Now())
   294  	return c.b.EthereumTypeGetNonce(addrDesc)
   295  }
   297  func (c *blockChainWithMetrics) EthereumTypeEstimateGas(params map[string]interface{}) (v uint64, err error) {
   298  	defer func(s time.Time) { c.observeRPCLatency("EthereumTypeEstimateGas", s, err) }(time.Now())
   299  	return c.b.EthereumTypeEstimateGas(params)
   300  }
   302  func (c *blockChainWithMetrics) EthereumTypeGetErc20ContractInfo(contractDesc bchain.AddressDescriptor) (v *bchain.Erc20Contract, err error) {
   303  	defer func(s time.Time) { c.observeRPCLatency("EthereumTypeGetErc20ContractInfo", s, err) }(time.Now())
   304  	return c.b.EthereumTypeGetErc20ContractInfo(contractDesc)
   305  }
   307  func (c *blockChainWithMetrics) EthereumTypeGetErc20ContractBalance(addrDesc, contractDesc bchain.AddressDescriptor) (v *big.Int, err error) {
   308  	defer func(s time.Time) { c.observeRPCLatency("EthereumTypeGetErc20ContractInfo", s, err) }(time.Now())
   309  	return c.b.EthereumTypeGetErc20ContractBalance(addrDesc, contractDesc)
   310  }
   312  type mempoolWithMetrics struct {
   313  	mempool bchain.Mempool
   314  	m       *common.Metrics
   315  }
   317  func (c *mempoolWithMetrics) observeRPCLatency(method string, start time.Time, err error) {
   318  	var e string
   319  	if err != nil {
   320  		e = "failure"
   321  	}
   322  	c.m.RPCLatency.With(common.Labels{"method": method, "error": e}).Observe(float64(time.Since(start)) / 1e6) // in milliseconds
   323  }
   325  func (c *mempoolWithMetrics) Resync() (count int, err error) {
   326  	defer func(s time.Time) { c.observeRPCLatency("ResyncMempool", s, err) }(time.Now())
   327  	count, err = c.mempool.Resync()
   328  	if err == nil {
   329  		c.m.MempoolSize.Set(float64(count))
   330  	}
   331  	return count, err
   332  }
   334  func (c *mempoolWithMetrics) GetTransactions(address string) (v []bchain.Outpoint, err error) {
   335  	defer func(s time.Time) { c.observeRPCLatency("GetMempoolTransactions", s, err) }(time.Now())
   336  	return c.mempool.GetTransactions(address)
   337  }
   339  func (c *mempoolWithMetrics) GetAddrDescTransactions(addrDesc bchain.AddressDescriptor) (v []bchain.Outpoint, err error) {
   340  	defer func(s time.Time) { c.observeRPCLatency("GetMempoolTransactionsForAddrDesc", s, err) }(time.Now())
   341  	return c.mempool.GetAddrDescTransactions(addrDesc)
   342  }
   344  func (c *mempoolWithMetrics) GetAllEntries() (v bchain.MempoolTxidEntries) {
   345  	defer func(s time.Time) { c.observeRPCLatency("GetAllEntries", s, nil) }(time.Now())
   346  	return c.mempool.GetAllEntries()
   347  }
   349  func (c *mempoolWithMetrics) GetTransactionTime(txid string) uint32 {
   350  	return c.mempool.GetTransactionTime(txid)
   351  }