
     1  // This file originates from the SatoshiLabs Trezor `common` repository at:
     2  //
     3  // dated 28.05.2019, commit 893fd219d4a01bcffa0cd9cfa631856371ec5aa9.
     5  syntax = "proto2";
     6  package hw.trezor.messages.ethereum;
     8  // Sugar for easier handling in Java
     9  option java_package = "com.satoshilabs.trezor.lib.protobuf";
    10  option java_outer_classname = "TrezorMessageEthereum";
    12  import "messages-common.proto";
    15  /**
    16   * Request: Ask device for public key corresponding to address_n path
    17   * @start
    18   * @next EthereumPublicKey
    19   * @next Failure
    20   */
    21  message EthereumGetPublicKey {
    22      repeated uint32 address_n = 1;                                      // BIP-32 path to derive the key from master node
    23      optional bool show_display = 2;                                     // optionally show on display before sending the result
    24  }
    26  /**
    27   * Response: Contains public key derived from device private seed
    28   * @end
    29   */
    30  message EthereumPublicKey {
    31      optional hw.trezor.messages.common.HDNodeType node = 1;        // BIP32 public node
    32      optional string xpub = 2;        // serialized form of public node
    33  }
    35  /**
    36   * Request: Ask device for Ethereum address corresponding to address_n path
    37   * @start
    38   * @next EthereumAddress
    39   * @next Failure
    40   */
    41  message EthereumGetAddress {
    42      repeated uint32 address_n = 1;  // BIP-32 path to derive the key from master node
    43      optional bool show_display = 2; // optionally show on display before sending the result
    44  }
    46  /**
    47   * Response: Contains an Ethereum address derived from device private seed
    48   * @end
    49   */
    50  message EthereumAddress {
    51      optional bytes  addressBin = 1;    // Ethereum address as 20 bytes (legacy firmwares)
    52      optional string addressHex = 2;    // Ethereum address as hex string (newer firmwares)
    53  }
    55  /**
    56   * Request: Ask device to sign transaction
    57   * All fields are optional from the protocol's point of view. Each field defaults to value `0` if missing.
    58   * Note: the first at most 1024 bytes of data MUST be transmitted as part of this message.
    59   * @start
    60   * @next EthereumTxRequest
    61   * @next Failure
    62   */
    63  message EthereumSignTx {
    64      repeated uint32 address_n = 1;          // BIP-32 path to derive the key from master node
    65      optional bytes nonce = 2;               // <=256 bit unsigned big endian
    66      optional bytes gas_price = 3;           // <=256 bit unsigned big endian (in wei)
    67      optional bytes gas_limit = 4;           // <=256 bit unsigned big endian
    68      optional bytes toBin = 5;               // recipient address (20 bytes, legacy firmware)
    69      optional string toHex = 11;             // recipient address (hex string, newer firmware)
    70      optional bytes value = 6;               // <=256 bit unsigned big endian (in wei)
    71      optional bytes data_initial_chunk = 7;  // The initial data chunk (<= 1024 bytes)
    72      optional uint32 data_length = 8;        // Length of transaction payload
    73      optional uint32 chain_id = 9;           // Chain Id for EIP 155
    74      optional uint32 tx_type = 10;           // (only for Wanchain)
    75  }
    77  /**
    78   * Response: Device asks for more data from transaction payload, or returns the signature.
    79   * If data_length is set, device awaits that many more bytes of payload.
    80   * Otherwise, the signature_* fields contain the computed transaction signature. All three fields will be present.
    81   * @end
    82   * @next EthereumTxAck
    83   */
    84  message EthereumTxRequest {
    85      optional uint32 data_length = 1;    // Number of bytes being requested (<= 1024)
    86      optional uint32 signature_v = 2;    // Computed signature (recovery parameter, limited to 27 or 28)
    87      optional bytes signature_r = 3;     // Computed signature R component (256 bit)
    88      optional bytes signature_s = 4;     // Computed signature S component (256 bit)
    89  }
    91  /**
    92   * Request: Transaction payload data.
    93   * @next EthereumTxRequest
    94   */
    95  message EthereumTxAck {
    96      optional bytes data_chunk = 1;  // Bytes from transaction payload (<= 1024 bytes)
    97  }
    99  /**
   100   * Request: Ask device to sign message
   101   * @start
   102   * @next EthereumMessageSignature
   103   * @next Failure
   104   */
   105  message EthereumSignMessage {
   106      repeated uint32 address_n = 1;  // BIP-32 path to derive the key from master node
   107      optional bytes message = 2;     // message to be signed
   108  }
   110  /**
   111   * Response: Signed message
   112   * @end
   113   */
   114  message EthereumMessageSignature {
   115      optional bytes addressBin = 1;     // address used to sign the message (20 bytes, legacy firmware)
   116      optional bytes signature = 2;      // signature of the message
   117      optional string addressHex = 3;    // address used to sign the message (hex string, newer firmware)
   118  }
   120  /**
   121   * Request: Ask device to verify message
   122   * @start
   123   * @next Success
   124   * @next Failure
   125   */
   126  message EthereumVerifyMessage {
   127      optional bytes addressBin = 1;  // address to verify (20 bytes, legacy firmware)
   128      optional bytes signature = 2;   // signature to verify
   129      optional bytes message = 3;     // message to verify
   130      optional string addressHex = 4; // address to verify (hex string, newer firmware)
   131  }