
     1  package tree
     3  import (
     4  	"cmp"
     5  	"sync/atomic"
     7  	""
     8  )
    10  type rbNode[K infra.OrderedKey, V any] struct {
    11  	parent *rbNode[K, V]
    12  	left   *rbNode[K, V]
    13  	right  *rbNode[K, V]
    14  	key    K
    15  	val    V
    16  	color  RBColor
    17  	hasKV  bool
    18  }
    20  func (node *rbNode[K, V]) Color() RBColor {
    21  	return node.color
    22  }
    24  func (node *rbNode[K, V]) Key() K {
    25  	return node.key
    26  }
    28  func (node *rbNode[K, V]) Val() V {
    29  	return node.val
    30  }
    32  func (node *rbNode[K, V]) HasKeyVal() bool {
    33  	if node == nil {
    34  		return false
    35  	}
    36  	return node.hasKV
    37  }
    39  func (node *rbNode[K, V]) Left() RBNode[K, V] {
    40  	if node == nil || node.left == nil {
    41  		return nil
    42  	}
    43  	return node.left
    44  }
    46  func (node *rbNode[K, V]) Parent() RBNode[K, V] {
    47  	if node == nil || node.parent == nil {
    48  		return nil
    49  	}
    50  	return node.parent
    51  }
    53  func (node *rbNode[K, V]) Right() RBNode[K, V] {
    54  	if node == nil || node.right == nil {
    55  		return nil
    56  	}
    57  	return node.right
    58  }
    60  func (node *rbNode[K, V]) isNilLeaf() bool {
    61  	return isNilLeaf[K, V](node)
    62  }
    64  func (node *rbNode[K, V]) isRed() bool {
    65  	return isRed[K, V](node)
    66  }
    68  func (node *rbNode[K, V]) isBlack() bool {
    69  	return isBlack[K, V](node)
    70  }
    72  func (node *rbNode[K, V]) isRoot() bool {
    73  	return isRoot[K, V](node)
    74  }
    76  func (node *rbNode[K, V]) isLeaf() bool {
    77  	return node != nil && node.parent != nil && node.left.isNilLeaf() && node.right.isNilLeaf()
    78  }
    80  func (node *rbNode[K, V]) Direction() RBDirection {
    81  	if node.isNilLeaf() {
    82  		// impossible run to here
    83  		panic( /* debug assertion */ "[rbtree] nil leaf node without direction")
    84  	}
    86  	if node.isRoot() {
    87  		return Root
    88  	}
    89  	if node == node.parent.left {
    90  		return Left
    91  	}
    92  	return Right
    93  }
    95  func (node *rbNode[K, V]) sibling() *rbNode[K, V] {
    96  	dir := node.Direction()
    97  	switch dir {
    98  	case Left:
    99  		return node.parent.right
   100  	case Right:
   101  		return node.parent.left
   102  	default:
   104  	}
   105  	return nil
   106  }
   108  func (node *rbNode[K, V]) hasSibling() bool {
   109  	return !node.isRoot() && node.sibling() != nil
   110  }
   112  func (node *rbNode[K, V]) uncle() *rbNode[K, V] {
   113  	return node.parent.sibling()
   114  }
   116  func (node *rbNode[K, V]) hasUncle() bool {
   117  	return !node.isRoot() && node.parent.hasSibling()
   118  }
   120  func (node *rbNode[K, V]) grandpa() *rbNode[K, V] {
   121  	return node.parent.parent
   122  }
   124  func (node *rbNode[K, V]) hasGrandpa() bool {
   125  	return !node.isRoot() && node.parent.parent != nil
   126  }
   128  func (node *rbNode[K, V]) fixLink() {
   129  	if node.left != nil {
   130  		node.left.parent = node
   131  	}
   132  	if node.right != nil {
   133  		node.right.parent = node
   134  	}
   135  }
   137  func (node *rbNode[K, V]) minimum() *rbNode[K, V] {
   138  	aux := node
   139  	for ; aux != nil && aux.left != nil; aux = aux.left {
   140  	}
   141  	return aux
   142  }
   144  func (node *rbNode[K, V]) maximum() *rbNode[K, V] {
   145  	aux := node
   146  	for ; aux != nil && aux.right != nil; aux = aux.right {
   147  	}
   148  	return aux
   149  }
   151  // The pred node of the current node is its previous node in sorted order
   152  func (node *rbNode[K, V]) pred() *rbNode[K, V] {
   153  	x := node
   154  	if x == nil {
   155  		return nil
   156  	}
   157  	aux := x
   158  	if aux.left != nil {
   159  		return aux.left.maximum()
   160  	}
   162  	aux = x.parent
   163  	// Backtrack to father node that is the x's pred.
   164  	for aux != nil && x == aux.left {
   165  		x = aux
   166  		aux = aux.parent
   167  	}
   168  	return aux
   169  }
   171  // The succ node of the current node is its next node in sorted order.
   172  func (node *rbNode[K, V]) succ() *rbNode[K, V] {
   173  	x := node
   174  	if x == nil {
   175  		return nil
   176  	}
   178  	aux := x
   179  	if aux.right != nil {
   180  		return aux.right.minimum()
   181  	}
   183  	aux = x.parent
   184  	// Backtrack to father node that is the x's succ.
   185  	for aux != nil && x == aux.right {
   186  		x = aux
   187  		aux = aux.parent
   188  	}
   189  	return aux
   190  }
   192  type rbTree[K infra.OrderedKey, V any] struct {
   193  	root           *rbNode[K, V]
   194  	count          int64
   195  	isDesc         bool
   196  	isRmBorrowSucc bool
   197  }
   199  func (tree *rbTree[K, V]) keyCompare(k1, k2 K) int64 {
   200  	if res := cmp.Compare[K](k1, k2); res < 0 {
   201  		if !tree.isDesc {
   202  			return -1
   203  		}
   204  		return +1
   205  	} else if res > 0 {
   206  		if !tree.isDesc {
   207  			return +1
   208  		}
   209  		return -1
   210  	}
   211  	return 0
   212  }
   214  func (tree *rbTree[K, V]) Len() int64 {
   215  	return atomic.LoadInt64(&tree.count)
   216  }
   218  func (tree *rbTree[K, V]) Root() RBNode[K, V] {
   219  	return tree.root
   220  }
   222  // References:
   223  //
   224  // rbtree properties:
   225  //
   226  // p1. Every node is either red or black.
   227  // p2. All NIL nodes are considered black.
   228  // p3. A red node does not have a red child. (red-violation)
   229  // p4. Every path from a given node to any of its descendant
   230  //   NIL nodes goes through the same number of black nodes. (black-violation)
   231  // p5. (Optional) The root is black.
   232  // (Conclusion) If a node X has exactly one child, it must be a red child,
   233  //   because if it were black, its NIL descendants would sit at a different
   234  //   black depth than X's NIL child, violating p4.
   235  // So the shortest path nodes are black nodes. Otherwise,
   236  // the path must contain red node.
   237  // The longest path nodes' number is 2 * shortest path nodes' number.
   239  /*
   240  		 |                         |
   241  		 X                         S
   242  		/ \     leftRotate(X)     / \
   243  	   L   S    ============>    X   Sd
   244  		  / \                   / \
   245  		Sc   Sd                L   Sc
   246  */
   247  func (tree *rbTree[K, V]) leftRotate(x *rbNode[K, V]) {
   248  	if x == nil || x.right.isNilLeaf() {
   249  		// impossible run to here
   250  		panic( /* debug assertion */ "[rbtree] left rotate node x is nil or x.right is nil")
   251  	}
   253  	p, y := x.parent, x.right
   254  	dir := x.Direction()
   255  	x.right, y.left = y.left, x
   257  	x.fixLink()
   258  	y.fixLink()
   260  	switch dir {
   261  	case Root:
   262  		tree.root = y
   263  	case Left:
   264  		p.left = y
   265  	case Right:
   266  		p.right = y
   267  	default:
   268  		// impossible run to here
   269  		panic( /* debug assertion */ "[rbtree] unknown node direction to left-rotate")
   270  	}
   271  	y.parent = p
   272  }
   274  /*
   275  			 |                         |
   276  			 X                         S
   277  			/ \     rightRotate(S)    / \
   278  	       L   S    <============    X   R
   279  			  / \                   / \
   280  			Sc   Sd               Sc   Sd
   281  */
   282  func (tree *rbTree[K, V]) rightRotate(x *rbNode[K, V]) {
   283  	if x == nil || x.left.isNilLeaf() {
   284  		// impossible run to here
   285  		panic( /* debug assertion */ "[rbtree] right rotate node x is nil or x.right is nil")
   286  	}
   288  	p, y := x.parent, x.left
   289  	dir := x.Direction()
   290  	x.left, y.right = y.right, x
   292  	x.fixLink()
   293  	y.fixLink()
   295  	switch dir {
   296  	case Root:
   297  		tree.root = y
   298  	case Left:
   299  		p.left = y
   300  	case Right:
   301  		p.right = y
   302  	default:
   303  		// impossible run to here
   304  		panic( /* debug assertion */ "[rbtree] unknown node direction to right-rotate")
   305  	}
   306  	y.parent = p
   307  }
   309  // i1: Empty rbtree, insert directly, but root node is painted to black.
   310  func (tree *rbTree[K, V]) Insert(key K, val V, ifNotPresent ...bool) (err error) {
   311  	if /* i1 */ tree.root.isNilLeaf() {
   312  		tree.root = &rbNode[K, V]{
   313  			key:   key,
   314  			val:   val,
   315  			hasKV: true,
   316  		}
   317  		atomic.AddInt64(&tree.count, 1)
   318  		return nil
   319  	}
   321  	var x, y *rbNode[K, V] = tree.root, nil
   322  	for !x.isNilLeaf() {
   323  		y = x
   324  		res := tree.keyCompare(key, x.key)
   325  		if /* equal */ res == 0 {
   326  			break
   327  		} else /* less */ if res < 0 {
   328  			x = x.left
   329  		} else /* greater */ {
   330  			x = x.right
   331  		}
   332  	}
   334  	if y.isNilLeaf() {
   335  		// impossible run to here
   336  		panic( /* debug assertion */ "[rbtree] insert a new value into nil node")
   337  	}
   339  	var z *rbNode[K, V]
   340  	res := tree.keyCompare(key, y.key)
   341  	if /* equal */ res == 0 {
   342  		if /* disabled */ ifNotPresent[0] {
   343  			return infra.NewErrorStack("[rbtree] replace disabled")
   344  		}
   345  		y.val = val
   346  		return nil
   347  	} else /* less */ if res < 0 {
   348  		z = &rbNode[K, V]{
   349  			key:    key,
   350  			val:    val,
   351  			color:  Red,
   352  			parent: y,
   353  			hasKV:  true,
   354  		}
   355  		y.left = z
   356  	} else /* greater */ {
   357  		z = &rbNode[K, V]{
   358  			key:    key,
   359  			val:    val,
   360  			color:  Red,
   361  			parent: y,
   362  			hasKV:  true,
   363  		}
   364  		y.right = z
   365  	}
   367  	atomic.AddInt64(&tree.count, 1)
   368  	tree.insertRebalance(z)
   369  	return nil
   370  }
   372  /*
   373  New node X is red by default.
   375  <X> is a RED node.
   376  [X] is a BLACK node (or NIL).
   377  {X} is either a RED node or a BLACK node.
   379  im1: Current node X's parent P is black and P is root, so hold r3 and r4.
   381  im2: Current node X's parent P is red and P is root, repaint P into black.
   383  im3: If both the parent P and the uncle U are red, grandpa G is black.
   384  (red-violation)
   385  After repainted G into red may be still red-violation.
   386  Recursive to fix grandpa.
   388  	    [G]             <G>
   389  	    / \             / \
   390  	  <P> <U>  ====>  [P] [U]
   391  	  /               /
   392  	<X>             <X>
   394  im4: The parent P is red but the uncle U is black. (red-violation)
   395  X is opposite direction to P. Rotate P to opposite direction.
   396  After rotation may be still red-violation. Here must enter im5 to fix.
   398  	  [G]                 [G]
   399  	  / \    rotate(P)    / \
   400  	<P> [U]  ========>  <X> [U]
   401  	  \                 /
   402  	  <X>             <P>
   404  im5: Handle im4 scenario, current node is the same direction as parent.
   406  	    [G]                 <P>               [P]
   407  	    / \    rotate(G)    / \    repaint    / \
   408  	  <P> [U]  ========>  <X> [G]  ======>  <X> <G>
   409  	  /                         \                 \
   410  	<X>                         [U]               [U]
   411  */
   412  func (tree *rbTree[K, V]) insertRebalance(x *rbNode[K, V]) {
   413  	for !x.isNilLeaf() {
   414  		if x.isRoot() {
   415  			if x.isRed() {
   416  				x.color = Black
   417  			}
   418  			return
   419  		}
   421  		if x.parent.isBlack() {
   422  			return
   423  		}
   425  		if x.parent.isRoot() {
   426  			if /* im1 */ x.parent.isBlack() {
   427  				return
   428  			} else /* im2 */ {
   429  				x.parent.color = Black
   430  			}
   431  		}
   433  		if /* im3 */ x.hasUncle() && x.uncle().isRed() {
   434  			x.parent.color = Black
   435  			x.uncle().color = Black
   436  			gp := x.grandpa()
   437  			gp.color = Red
   438  			x = gp
   439  			continue
   440  		} else {
   441  			if !x.hasUncle() || x.uncle().isBlack() {
   442  				dir := x.Direction()
   443  				if /* im4 */ dir != x.parent.Direction() {
   444  					p := x.parent
   445  					switch dir {
   446  					case Left:
   447  						tree.rightRotate(p)
   448  					case Right:
   449  						tree.leftRotate(p)
   450  					default:
   451  						// impossible run to here
   452  						panic( /* debug assertion */ "[x-conc-skl] rbtree insert violate (im4)")
   453  					}
   454  					x = p // enter im5 to fix
   455  				}
   457  				switch /* im5 */ dir = x.parent.Direction(); dir {
   458  				case Left:
   459  					tree.rightRotate(x.grandpa())
   460  				case Right:
   461  					tree.leftRotate(x.grandpa())
   462  				default:
   463  					// impossible run to here
   464  					panic( /* debug assertion */ "[x-conc-skl] rbtree insert violate (im5)")
   465  				}
   467  				x.parent.color = Black
   468  				x.sibling().color = Red
   469  				return
   470  			}
   471  		}
   472  	}
   473  }
   475  /*
   476  r1: Only a root node, remove directly.
   478  r2: Current node X has left and right node.
   479  Find node X's pred or succ to replace it to be removed.
   480  Swap the value only.
   481  Both of pred and succ are nil left and right node.
   483  Find pred:
   485  	  |                    |
   486  	  X                    L
   487  	 / \                  / \
   488  	L  ..   swap(X, L)   X  ..
   489  		|   =========>       |
   490  		P                    P
   491  	   / \                  / \
   492  	  S  ..                S  ..
   494  Find succ:
   496  	  |                    |
   497  	  X                    S
   498  	 / \                  / \
   499  	L  ..   swap(X, S)   L  ..
   500  		|   =========>       |
   501  		P                    P
   502  	   / \                  / \
   503  	  S  ..                X  ..
   505  r3: (1) Current node X is a red leaf node, remove directly.
   507  r3: (2) Current node X is a black leaf node, we have to rebalance after remove.
   508  (black-violation)
   510  r4: Current node X is not a leaf node but contains a not nil child node.
   511  The child node must be a red node. (See conclusion. Otherwise, black-violation)
   512  */
   513  func (tree *rbTree[K, V]) removeNode(z *rbNode[K, V]) (res *rbNode[K, V], err error) {
   514  	if /* r1 */ atomic.LoadInt64(&tree.count) == 1 && z.isRoot() {
   515  		tree.root = nil
   516  		z.left = nil
   517  		z.right = nil
   518  		return z, nil
   519  	}
   521  	res = &rbNode[K, V]{
   522  		val: z.val,
   523  		key: z.key,
   524  	}
   526  	y := z
   527  	if /* r2 */ !y.left.isNilLeaf() && !y.right.isNilLeaf() {
   528  		if tree.isRmBorrowSucc {
   529  			y = z.succ() // enter r3-r4
   530  		} else {
   531  			y = z.pred() // enter r3-r4
   532  		}
   533  		// Swap key & value.
   534  		z.key, z.val = y.key, y.val
   535  		z.hasKV = true
   536  	}
   538  	if /* r3 */ y.isLeaf() {
   539  		if /* r3 (1) */ y.isRed() {
   540  			switch dir := y.Direction(); dir {
   541  			case Left:
   542  				y.parent.left = nil
   543  			case Right:
   544  				y.parent.right = nil
   545  			default:
   546  				// impossible run to here
   547  				panic( /* debug assertion */ "[rbtree] y should be a leaf node, violate (r3-1)")
   548  			}
   549  			return res, nil
   550  		} else /* r3 (2) */ {
   551  			tree.removeRebalance(y)
   552  		}
   553  	} else /* r4 */ {
   554  		var replace *rbNode[K, V]
   555  		if !y.right.isNilLeaf() {
   556  			replace = y.right
   557  		} else if !y.left.isNilLeaf() {
   558  			replace = y.left
   559  		}
   561  		if replace == nil {
   562  			// impossible run to here
   563  			panic( /* debug assertion */ "[rbtree] remove a leaf node without child, violate (r4)")
   564  		}
   566  		switch dir := y.Direction(); dir {
   567  		case Root:
   568  			tree.root = replace
   569  			tree.root.parent = nil
   570  		case Left:
   571  			y.parent.left = replace
   572  			replace.parent = y.parent
   573  		case Right:
   574  			y.parent.right = replace
   575  			replace.parent = y.parent
   576  		default:
   577  			// impossible run to here
   578  			panic( /* debug assertion */ "[x-conc-skl] rbtree impossible run to here")
   579  		}
   581  		if y.isBlack() {
   582  			if replace.isRed() {
   583  				replace.color = Black
   584  			} else {
   585  				tree.removeRebalance(replace)
   586  			}
   587  		}
   588  	}
   590  	// Unlink node
   591  	if !y.isRoot() && y == y.parent.left {
   592  		y.parent.left = nil
   593  	} else if !y.isRoot() && y == y.parent.right {
   594  		y.parent.right = nil
   595  	}
   596  	y.parent = nil
   597  	y.left = nil
   598  	y.right = nil
   599  	y.hasKV = false
   601  	return res, nil
   602  }
   604  func (tree *rbTree[K, V]) Remove(key K) (RBNode[K, V], error) {
   605  	if atomic.LoadInt64(&tree.count) <= 0 {
   606  		return nil, infra.NewErrorStack("[rbtree] empty element to remove")
   607  	}
   608  	z := tree.Search(tree.root, func(node RBNode[K, V]) int64 {
   609  		return tree.keyCompare(key, node.Key())
   610  	})
   611  	if z == nil {
   612  		return nil, infra.NewErrorStack("[rbtree] key not found")
   613  	}
   614  	defer func() {
   615  		atomic.AddInt64(&tree.count, -1)
   616  	}()
   618  	return tree.removeNode(z.(*rbNode[K, V]))
   619  }
   621  func (tree *rbTree[K, V]) RemoveMin() (RBNode[K, V], error) {
   622  	if atomic.LoadInt64(&tree.count) <= 0 {
   623  		return nil, infra.NewErrorStack("[rbtree] key not found")
   624  	}
   625  	_min := tree.root.minimum()
   626  	if _min.isNilLeaf() {
   627  		return nil, infra.NewErrorStack("[rbtree] key not found")
   628  	}
   629  	defer func() {
   630  		atomic.AddInt64(&tree.count, -1)
   631  	}()
   632  	return tree.removeNode(_min)
   633  }
   635  /*
   636  <X> is a RED node.
   637  [X] is a BLACK node (or NIL).
   638  {X} is either a RED node or a BLACK node.
   640  Sc is the same direction to X and it X's sibling's child node.
   641  Sd is the opposite direction to X and it X's sibling's child node.
   643  rm1: Current node X's sibling S is red, so the parent P, nephew node Sc and Sd
   644  must be black. (Otherwise, red-violation)
   645  (1) X is left node of P, left rotate P
   646  (2) X is right node of P, right rotate P.
   647  (3) repaint S into black, P into red.
   649  	  [P]                   <S>               [S]
   650  	  / \    l-rotate(P)    / \    repaint    / \
   651  	[X] <S>  ==========>  [P] [D]  ======>  <P> [Sd]
   652  	    / \               / \               / \
   653  	 [Sc] [Sd]          [X] [Sc]          [X] [Sc]
   655  rm2: Current node X's parent P is red, the sibling S, nephew node Sc and Sd
   656  is black.
   657  Repaint S into red and P into black.
   659  	  <P>             [P]
   660  	  / \             / \
   661  	[X] [S]  ====>  [X] <S>
   662  	    / \             / \
   663  	 [Sc] [Sd]       [Sc] [Sd]
   665  rm3: All of current node X's parent P, the sibling S, nephew node Sc and Sd
   666  are black.
   667  Unable to satisfy p3 and p4. We have to paint the S into red to satisfy
   668  p4 locally. Then recursive to handle P.
   670  	  [P]             [P]
   671  	  / \             / \
   672  	[X] [S]  ====>  [X] <S>
   673  	    / \             / \
   674  	 [Sc] [Sd]       [Sc] [Sd]
   676  rm4: Current node X's sibling S is black, nephew node Sc is red and Sd
   677  is black. Ignore X's parent P's color (red or black is okay)
   678  Unable to satisfy p3 and p4.
   679  (1) If X is left node of P, right rotate P.
   680  (2) If X is right node of P, left rotate P.
   681  (3) Repaint S into red, Sc into black
   682  Enter into rm5 to fix.
   684  	                        {P}                {P}
   685  	  {P}                   / \                / \
   686  	  / \    r-rotate(S)  [X] <Sc>   repaint  [X] [Sc]
   687  	[X] [S]  ==========>        \    ======>       \
   688  	    / \                     [S]                <S>
   689  	  <Sc> [Sd]                   \                  \
   690  	                              [Sd]               [Sd]
   692  rm5: Current node X's sibling S is black, nephew node Sc is black and Sd
   693  is red. Ignore X's parent P's color (red or black is okay)
   694  Unable to satisfy p4 (black-violation)
   695  (1) If X is left node of P, left rotate P.
   696  (2) If X is right node of P, right rotate P.
   697  (3) Swap P and S's color (red-violation)
   698  (4) Repaint Sd into black.
   700  	  {P}                   [S]                {S}
   701  	  / \    l-rotate(P)    / \     repaint    / \
   702  	[X] [S]  ==========>  {P} <Sd>  ======>  [P] [Sd]
   703  	    / \               / \                / \
   704  	 [Sc] <Sd>          [X] [Sc]           [X] [Sc]
   705  */
   706  func (tree *rbTree[K, V]) removeRebalance(x *rbNode[K, V]) {
   707  	for {
   708  		if x.isRoot() {
   709  			return
   710  		}
   712  		sibling := x.sibling()
   713  		dir := x.Direction()
   714  		if /* rm1 */ sibling.isRed() {
   715  			switch dir {
   716  			case Left:
   717  				tree.leftRotate(x.parent)
   718  			case Right:
   719  				tree.rightRotate(x.parent)
   720  			default:
   721  				// impossible run to here
   722  				panic( /* debug assertion */ "[rbtree] remove violate (rm1)")
   723  			}
   724  			sibling.color = Black
   725  			x.parent.color = Red // ready to enter rm2
   726  			sibling = x.sibling()
   727  		}
   729  		var sc, sd *rbNode[K, V]
   730  		switch /* rm2 */ dir {
   731  		case Left:
   732  			sc, sd = sibling.left, sibling.right
   733  		case Right:
   734  			sc, sd = sibling.right, sibling.left
   735  		default:
   736  			// impossible run to here
   737  			panic( /* debug assertion */ "[x-conc-skl] rbtree remove violate (rm2)")
   738  		}
   740  		if sc.isBlack() && sd.isBlack() {
   741  			if /* rm2 */ x.parent.isRed() {
   742  				sibling.color = Red
   743  				x.parent.color = Black
   744  				break
   745  			} else /* rm3 */ {
   746  				sibling.color = Red
   747  				x = x.parent
   748  				continue
   749  			}
   750  		} else {
   751  			if /* rm 4 */ !sc.isNilLeaf() && sc.isRed() {
   752  				switch dir {
   753  				case Left:
   754  					tree.rightRotate(sibling)
   755  				case Right:
   756  					tree.leftRotate(sibling)
   757  				default:
   758  					// impossible run to here
   759  					panic( /* debug assertion */ "[x-conc-skl] rbtree remove violate (rm4)")
   760  				}
   761  				sc.color = Black
   762  				sibling.color = Red
   763  				sibling = x.sibling()
   764  				switch dir {
   765  				case Left:
   766  					sd = sibling.right
   767  				case Right:
   768  					sd = sibling.left
   769  				default:
   770  					// impossible run to here
   771  					panic( /* debug assertion */ "[x-conc-skl] rbtree remove violate (rm4)")
   772  				}
   773  			}
   775  			switch /* rm5 */ dir {
   776  			case Left:
   777  				tree.leftRotate(x.parent)
   778  			case Right:
   779  				tree.rightRotate(x.parent)
   780  			default:
   781  				// impossible run to here
   782  				panic( /* debug assertion */ "[x-conc-skl] rbtree remove violate (rm5)")
   783  			}
   784  			sibling.color = x.parent.color
   785  			x.parent.color = Black
   786  			if !sd.isNilLeaf() {
   787  				sd.color = Black
   788  			}
   789  			break
   790  		}
   791  	}
   792  }
   794  func (tree *rbTree[K, V]) Search(x RBNode[K, V], fn func(RBNode[K, V]) int64) RBNode[K, V] {
   795  	if x == nil {
   796  		return nil
   797  	}
   799  	for aux := x; aux != nil; {
   800  		res := fn(aux)
   801  		if res == 0 {
   802  			return aux
   803  		} else if res > 0 {
   804  			aux = aux.Right()
   805  		} else {
   806  			aux = aux.Left()
   807  		}
   808  	}
   809  	return nil
   810  }
   812  // Inorder traversal to implement the DFS.
   813  func (tree *rbTree[K, V]) Foreach(action func(idx int64, color RBColor, key K, val V) bool) {
   814  	size := atomic.LoadInt64(&tree.count)
   815  	aux := tree.root
   816  	if size < 0 || aux == nil {
   817  		return
   818  	}
   820  	stack := make([]*rbNode[K, V], 0, size>>1)
   821  	defer func() {
   822  		clear(stack)
   823  	}()
   825  	for ; !aux.isNilLeaf(); aux = aux.left {
   826  		stack = append(stack, aux)
   827  	}
   829  	idx := int64(0)
   830  	for size = int64(len(stack)); size > 0; size = int64(len(stack)) {
   831  		if aux = stack[size-1]; !action(idx, aux.color, aux.key, aux.val) {
   832  			return
   833  		}
   834  		idx++
   835  		stack = stack[:size-1]
   836  		if aux.right != nil {
   837  			for aux = aux.right; aux != nil; aux = aux.left {
   838  				stack = append(stack, aux)
   839  			}
   840  		}
   841  	}
   842  }
   844  func (tree *rbTree[K, V]) Release() {
   845  	size := atomic.LoadInt64(&tree.count)
   846  	aux := tree.root
   847  	tree.root = nil
   848  	if size < 0 || aux == nil {
   849  		return
   850  	}
   852  	stack := make([]*rbNode[K, V], 0, size>>1)
   853  	defer func() {
   854  		clear(stack)
   855  	}()
   857  	for ; !aux.isNilLeaf(); aux = aux.left {
   858  		stack = append(stack, aux)
   859  	}
   861  	for size = int64(len(stack)); size > 0; size = int64(len(stack)) {
   862  		aux = stack[size-1]
   863  		r := aux.right
   864  		aux.right, aux.parent = nil, nil
   865  		atomic.AddInt64(&tree.count, -1)
   866  		stack = stack[:size-1]
   867  		if r != nil {
   868  			for aux = r; aux != nil; aux = aux.left {
   869  				stack = append(stack, aux)
   870  			}
   871  		}
   872  	}
   873  }
   875  type RBTreeOpt[K infra.OrderedKey, V any] func(*rbTree[K, V])
   877  func WithRBTreeDesc[K infra.OrderedKey, V any]() RBTreeOpt[K, V] {
   878  	return func(tree *rbTree[K, V]) {
   879  		tree.isDesc = true
   880  	}
   881  }
   883  func WithRBTreeRemoveBorrowSucc[K infra.OrderedKey, V any]() RBTreeOpt[K, V] {
   884  	return func(tree *rbTree[K, V]) {
   885  		tree.isRmBorrowSucc = true
   886  	}
   887  }
   889  func NewRBTree[K infra.OrderedKey, V any](opts ...RBTreeOpt[K, V]) RBTree[K, V] {
   890  	tree := &rbTree[K, V]{
   891  		count:          0,
   892  		isDesc:         false,
   893  		isRmBorrowSucc: false,
   894  	}
   896  	for _, o := range opts {
   897  		o(tree)
   898  	}
   899  	return tree
   900  }