
     1  #!/bin/bash
     2  #
     3  # Copyright IBM Corp. All Rights Reserved.
     4  #
     5  # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
     6  #
     8  dbDriver=postgres
    10  : ${TESTCASE="aff_modify"}
    11  FABRIC_CA="$GOPATH/src/"
    12  SCRIPTDIR="$FABRIC_CA/scripts/fvt"
    13  . $SCRIPTDIR/fabric-ca_utils
    14  TESTDIR=/tmp/$TESTCASE
    15  RC=0
    16  NUMROLES=8
    18  # defaults
    19  declare -A defaultValues
    20  defaultValues=([Maxenrollments]=2147483647 [Affiliation]='.' [Type]="user" [Passwd]="user1pw")
    22  function tableCount() {
    23     driver="$1"
    24     tableType="$2"
    25     shift 2
    26     $SCRIPTDIR/ -L -d $driver -D | sed -n "/$tableType:/,/^.*: *$/p" | sed '1,3d;$d' |
    27        awk -v s="$*" '
    28           BEGIN { n=split(s, terms) }
    29           {
    30              for (i in terms)
    31                 if (match(tolower($0), tolower(terms[i]))) val[terms[i]]++
    32           }
    33           END { for (i in terms) {
    34                    printf terms[i]":"
    35                    print val[terms[i]] ? val[terms[i]] : "0"
    36                 }
    37           }'
    38  }
    40  function displayRunningTotal() {
    41     tableCount $dbDriver Affiliations "planet0 planet1 planet2 planetx"
    42  }
    44  function verifyTotals() {
    45     totals="$(displayRunningTotal | sort | awk -F':' '{printf $2" "}')"
    46     expected="$(echo $@ | sed 's/ \+/ /')"
    47     test "${totals%% }" = "${expected:-"0"}" || return 1
    48  }
    50  function genAffYaml() {
    51     export FABRIC_CA_CLIENT_HOME=$TESTDIR/admin
    52     local Planet=(0 1 2)
    53     local Landmass=(0 1)
    54     local Country=(0 1)
    55     local Province=(0 1 2)
    56     local Locale=(0 1)
    57     local City=(0 1 2)
    58     local Hood=(0 1 2 3)
    59     echo "affiliations:"
    60     indent="${indent}  "
    61     echo "${indent}org1:"
    62     echo "${indent}  - department1"
    63     echo "${indent}  - department2"
    64     for P in ${Planet[@]}; do
    65       echo "${indent}Planet$P:"
    66       indent="${indent}  "
    67       for L in ${Landmass[@]}; do
    68         echo "${indent}Landmass$L:"
    69         indent="${indent}  "
    70          for C in ${Country[@]}; do
    71           echo "${indent}Country$C:"
    72           indent="${indent}  "
    73           for R in ${Province[@]}; do
    74              echo "${indent}Province$R:"
    75              indent="${indent}  "
    76             for O in ${Locale[@]}; do
    77               echo "${indent}Locale$O:"
    78               indent="${indent}  "
    79               for I in ${City[@]}; do
    80                 echo "${indent}City$I:"
    81                 indent="${indent}  "
    82                 for H in ${Hood[@]}; do
    83                   echo "${indent}- Hood$H"
    84                 done
    85                 indent="${indent#  }"
    86               done
    87               indent="${indent#  }"
    88             done
    89             indent="${indent#  }"
    90           done
    91           indent="${indent#  }"
    92         done
    93         indent="${indent#  }"
    94       done
    95       indent="${indent#  }"
    96     done
    97     echo "${indent}org2:"
    98     echo "${indent}  - department1"
    99     echo "${indent}  - department2"
   100  }
   102  function setupServerEnv() {
   103     $SCRIPTDIR/ -d $dbDriver -I -S -X -n1 -D -x $TESTDIR > $TESTDIR/server.log 2>&1
   104     enroll
   105     # Ensure affiliations cannot be deleted if --cfg.affiliations.allowremove not configured
   106     $FABRIC_CA_CLIENTEXEC affiliation remove org1 $URI -H $TESTDIR/admin/ 2>&1|
   107        grep 'Authorization failure' ||
   108           ErrorMsg "should not be able to delete 'org1', or wrong error msg"
   109     $SCRIPTDIR/ -K
   111     # Generate a large affinity tree for testing;
   112     # this is way faster than adding with the cmd-line client
   113     genAffYaml >> $CA_CFG_PATH/runFabricCaFvt.yaml
   114     $SCRIPTDIR/ -d $dbDriver -S -X -n1 -D -x $TESTDIR -- \
   115                      --cfg.affiliations.allowremove > $TESTDIR/server.log 2>&1
   116     # Sanity check the number of affilitations
   117     dbEntries=$(tableCount $dbDriver Affiliations ".*"| awk -F':' '{print $2}')
   118     # discount the summary line displayed in the above command
   119     let dbEntries--
   120     serverEntries="$(( $($FABRIC_CA_CLIENTEXEC affiliation list $URI -H $TESTDIR/admin/ | wc -l)  -1))"
   121     test "$dbEntries" -eq "$serverEntries" || ErrorMsg "Wrong number of affiliations: expected $dbEntries, got $serverEntries"
   122     displayRunningTotal
   123     verifyTotals "403 403 403 0" || ErrorMsg "Wrong number of affiliations"
   124  }
   126  function testAffiliationRefs() {
   127     # @TODO all of these should be 400 bad request FAB-7466
   128     # Ensure affiliations w/ sub-affiliations cannot be deleted w/o --force
   129     $FABRIC_CA_CLIENTEXEC affiliation remove org1 $URI -H $TESTDIR/admin/ -d 2>&1 |
   130        grep "Authorization failure" ||
   131           ErrorMsg "should not be able to delete 'org1' w/o force (has sub-affiliations)"
   132     # Ensure affiliations can be deleted if no ID's are referencing them
   133     $FABRIC_CA_CLIENTEXEC affiliation remove org1.department1 $URI -H $TESTDIR/admin/ -d 2>&1 ||
   134           ErrorMsg "should be able to delete org1.department1"
   135     $FABRIC_CA_CLIENTEXEC affiliation remove org1 --force $URI -H $TESTDIR/admin/ -d 2>&1 ||
   136           ErrorMsg "should be able to delete org1"
   137     # Ensure affiliations can be deleted, even if ID's are referencing them, but only w/ --force
   138     $FABRIC_CA_CLIENTEXEC affiliation remove bank_b $URI -H $TESTDIR/admin/ -d 2>&1 &&
   139        ErrorMsg "should not be able to delete 'bank_b' with references"
   140     # Ensure affiliations cannot be deleted if ID's are referencing them,
   141     # and --cfg.identities.allowremove is not configed, even w/ --force
   142     $FABRIC_CA_CLIENTEXEC affiliation remove bank_b $URI -H $TESTDIR/admin/ --force -d 2>&1 &&
   143        ErrorMsg "should be able to delete 'bank_b' without --cfg.identities.allowremove"
   144  }
   146  function testAllowremove() {
   147     # ensure cfg.identities.allowremove flag is required
   148     $FABRIC_CA_CLIENTEXEC affiliation remove bank_b --force $URI -H $TESTDIR/admin/ 2>&1 |
   149        grep 'Authorization failure' ||
   150           ErrorMsg "should not be able to delete 'bank_b', or wrong error msg"
   151     # add cfg.identities.allowremove flag
   152     $SCRIPTDIR/ -K
   153     $SCRIPTDIR/ -d $dbDriver -S -X -n1 -D -x $TESTDIR -- \
   154                      --cfg.affiliations.allowremove --cfg.identities.allowremove > $TESTDIR/server.log 2>&1
   155     # try again
   156     $FABRIC_CA_CLIENTEXEC affiliation remove bank_b --force $URI -H $TESTDIR/admin/ 2>&1  || ErrorMsg "should be able to delete 'bank_b'"
   157     # make sure entries are deleted
   158     $SCRIPTDIR/ -L -d $dbDriver -D | grep bank_b && ErrorMsg "'bank_b' not deleted"
   159     expected=$((dbEntries - 2))
   160     dbEntries=$(tableCount $dbDriver Affiliations ".*"| awk -F':' '{print $2}')
   161     let dbEntries--
   162     serverEntries="$(( $($FABRIC_CA_CLIENTEXEC affiliation list $URI -H $TESTDIR/admin/ | wc -l)  -1))"
   163     test "$expected" -eq "$serverEntries" || ErrorMsg "Wrong number of affiliations: expected $expected, got $serverEntries"
   164     displayRunningTotal
   165     verifyTotals "403 403 403 0" || ErrorMsg "Wrong number of affiliations"
   167     # Ensure all children are deleted
   168     $FABRIC_CA_CLIENTEXEC affiliation remove planet2.landmass1 --force $URI -H $TESTDIR/admin/ 2>&1 ||
   169        ErrorMsg "should be able to delete 'planet2.landmass1'"
   170     # make sure entries are deleted
   171     $SCRIPTDIR/ -L -d $dbDriver -D | grep "planet2.landmass1" && ErrorMsg "'planet2.landmass1' not deleted"
   172     expected=$((dbEntries - 201))
   173     dbEntries=$(tableCount $dbDriver Affiliations ".*"| awk -F':' '{print $2}')
   174     let dbEntries--
   175     serverEntries="$(( $($FABRIC_CA_CLIENTEXEC affiliation list $URI -H $TESTDIR/admin/ | wc -l)  -1))"
   176     test "$expected" -eq "$serverEntries" || ErrorMsg "Wrong number of affiliations: expected $expected, got $serverEntries"
   177     displayRunningTotal
   178     verifyTotals "403 403 202 0" || ErrorMsg "Wrong number of affiliations"
   179  }
   181  function testAffiliationMgr() {
   182     # Ensure affiliations can only be updated by authorized users
   183     enroll admin2 adminpw2
   184     $FABRIC_CA_CLIENTEXEC affiliation remove org2 $URI -H $TESTDIR/admin2 2>&1 |
   185        grep "Authorization failure" ||
   186           ErrorMsg  "Should not be able to delete attributes, or wrong error msg"
   188     # Ensure admin cannot add affiliations higher in it's affiliation tree
   189     $FABRIC_CA_CLIENTEXEC identity add affman $URI -H $TESTDIR/admin --secret passwd \
   190            --attrs '"hf.Registrar.Roles=client,user,peer,validator,auditor,ca"' \
   191            --affiliation "planet2.landmass0.country1.province0"
   192     $FABRIC_CA_CLIENTEXEC identity modify affman --attrs "hf.AffiliationMgr=1" $URI -H $TESTDIR/admin
   193     enroll affman passwd
   194  }
   196  function testTreePruningFailCases() {
   197     # higher
   198     $FABRIC_CA_CLIENTEXEC affiliation remove planet2.landmass0.country1 $URI -H $TESTDIR/affman/ -d 2>&1 |
   199        grep 'Authorization failure' || ErrorMsg "Should not be able to delete 'planet2.landmass0.country1"
   200     $FABRIC_CA_CLIENTEXEC affiliation add planet2.landmass0.country10 $URI -H $TESTDIR/affman/ -d 2>&1 |
   201        grep 'Authorization failure' || ErrorMsg "Should not be able to add 'planet2.landmass0.country10"
   202     # lateral
   203     $FABRIC_CA_CLIENTEXEC affiliation remove planet2.landmass0.country1.province1 $URI -H $TESTDIR/affman/ -d 2>&1 |
   204        grep 'Authorization failure' || ErrorMsg "Should not be able to delete 'planet2.landmass0.country1.province1"
   205     $FABRIC_CA_CLIENTEXEC affiliation add planet2.landmass0.country1.province10 $URI -H $TESTDIR/affman/ -d 2>&1 |
   206        grep 'Authorization failure' || ErrorMsg "Should not be able to delete 'planet2.landmass0.country1.province10"
   207     # cannot delete own affiliation
   208     $FABRIC_CA_CLIENTEXEC affiliation remove planet2.landmass0.country1.province0 $URI -H $TESTDIR/affman/ -d 2>&1 |
   209        grep 'Authorization failure' || ErrorMsg "Should not be able to delete own affiliation"
   210     for l in 0 1; do for c in 0 1 2; do for h in 0 1 2 3; do
   211        $FABRIC_CA_CLIENTEXEC identity add newuser$l$c$h $URI -H $TESTDIR/admin --secret passwd \
   212            --affiliation "planet2.landmass0.country1.province0.locale$$c.Hood$h"
   213        enroll newuser$l$c$h passwd > /dev/null
   214     done; done; done
   216     # --force needed when users are impacted
   217     $FABRIC_CA_CLIENTEXEC affiliation modify planet2 --name planetX $URI -H $TESTDIR/admin 2>&1 |
   218        grep "Need to use 'force'" || ErrorMsg "Should not be able to modify affiliation w/o --force"
   219     $FABRIC_CA_CLIENTEXEC affiliation modify planet2 --name planetX --force $URI -H $TESTDIR/admin ||
   220           ErrorMsg "Should be able to modify affiliation w/ --force"
   221     displayRunningTotal
   222     verifyTotals "403 403 0 202" || ErrorMsg "Wrong number of affiliations"
   223     test $($SCRIPTDIR/ -L -d $dbDriver | grep planetX | wc -l) -eq 25 ||
   224        ErrorMsg "Wrong number of users"
   225  }
   227  function testTreePruningSuccessCases() {
   228     # lower, succeeds -- all children deleted
   229     $FABRIC_CA_CLIENTEXEC affiliation remove --force planetX.landmass0.country1.province0.locale0 $URI -H $TESTDIR/affman ||
   230        ErrorMsg "Should be able to delete lower affiliation"
   231     displayRunningTotal
   232     verifyTotals "403 403 0 186" || ErrorMsg "Wrong number of affiliations"
   233     test $($SCRIPTDIR/ -L -d $dbDriver | grep planetX | wc -l) -eq 13 ||
   234        ErrorMsg "Wrong number of users"
   235     $FABRIC_CA_CLIENTEXEC affiliation add planetX.landmass0.country1.province0.locale10 $URI -H $TESTDIR/affman ||
   236        ErrorMsg "Should be able to add lower affiliation"
   237     displayRunningTotal
   238     verifyTotals "403 403 0 187" || ErrorMsg "Wrong number of affiliations"
   239     test $($SCRIPTDIR/ -L -d $dbDriver | grep planetX | wc -l) -eq 13 ||
   240        ErrorMsg "Wrong number of users"
   241     test $($SCRIPTDIR/ -L -d $dbDriver | grep planetX | wc -l) -eq 13 ||
   242        ErrorMsg "Wrong number of users"
   243     $FABRIC_CA_CLIENTEXEC affiliation modify planetX.landmass0.country1.province0.locale10 \
   244        --name planetX.landmass0.country1.province0.locale11 $URI -H $TESTDIR/affman ||
   245           ErrorMsg "Should be able to modify lower affiliation"
   246     displayRunningTotal
   247     verifyTotals "403 403 0 187" || ErrorMsg "Wrong number of affiliations"
   248     test $($SCRIPTDIR/ -L -d $dbDriver | grep planetX | wc -l) -eq 13 ||
   249        ErrorMsg "Wrong number of users"
   250     # Ensure we accept alternate values
   251     $FABRIC_CA_CLIENTEXEC identity modify affman --attrs "hf.AffiliationMgr=T" $URI -H $TESTDIR/admin || ErrorMsg "Failed to update affman"
   252     $FABRIC_CA_CLIENTEXEC affiliation remove --force planetX.landmass0.country1.province0.locale1 $URI -H $TESTDIR/affman/ ||
   253        ErrorMsg "Should be able to delete lower affiliation"
   254     displayRunningTotal
   255     verifyTotals "403 403 0 171" || ErrorMsg "Wrong number of affiliations"
   256     test $($SCRIPTDIR/ -L -d $dbDriver | grep planetX | wc -l) -eq 1 ||
   257        ErrorMsg "Wrong number of users"
   258     # ensure all children are gone
   259     expected=$((dbEntries - 31))
   260     dbEntries=$(tableCount $dbDriver Affiliations ".*"| awk -F':' '{print $2}')
   261     let dbEntries--
   262     serverEntries="$(( $($FABRIC_CA_CLIENTEXEC affiliation list $URI -H $TESTDIR/admin/ | wc -l)  -1))"
   263     test "$expected" -eq "$serverEntries" || ErrorMsg "Wrong number of affiliations: expected $expected, got $serverEntries"
   264     displayRunningTotal
   265     verifyTotals "403 403 0 171" || ErrorMsg "Wrong number of affiliations"
   266  }
   268  function testCertRevocation() {
   269     # Ensure any users who are deleted as part of an
   270     # affiliation deletion have certs revoked;
   271     # NOTE: $dbDriver stores the status as a binary asci blob,
   272     # hence the check for '7265766f6b6564' (revoked)
   273     $SCRIPTDIR/ -L -d $dbDriver -D |
   274        awk -F'|' -v revoked=0 '
   275           /Certificates:/,/Affiliations:/ {
   276              if ($1~/newuser/) {
   277                 found+=1
   278                 if ($5!~/7265766f6b6564/) revoked++}}
   279           END {if (!(found) || revoked>0 ) exit 1}'
   280     test $? -ne 0 && ErrorMsg "user certs should be revoked"
   281  }
   283  function testAlternateTruthValues() {
   284     for v in 0 F false; do
   285        $FABRIC_CA_CLIENTEXEC identity modify affman --attrs "hf.AffiliationMgr=$v" $URI -H $TESTDIR/admin
   286        $FABRIC_CA_CLIENTEXEC affiliation add planetX.landmass0.country1.province0.locale1.village $URI -H $TESTDIR/affman 2>&1 |
   287           grep "Authorization failure" || ErrorMsg "Should have failed Authorization"
   288        $FABRIC_CA_CLIENTEXEC affiliation remove --force planetX.landmass0.country1.province0.locale1 $URI -H $TESTDIR/affman 2>&1 |
   289           grep "Authorization failure" || ErrorMsg "Should have failed Authorization"
   290        $FABRIC_CA_CLIENTEXEC affiliation modify planetX.landmass0.country1.province0.locale1 \
   291           --name planet3 --force $URI -H $TESTDIR/affman 2>&1 |
   292           grep "Authorization failure" || ErrorMsg "Should have failed Authorization"
   293     done
   294  }
   296  function testNonExistant() {
   297     # Attempt to add an affiliation that already exists
   298     $FABRIC_CA_CLIENTEXEC affiliation add org1 $URI -H $TESTDIR/admin/ -d 2>&1 |
   299        grep 'Affiliation already exists' ||
   300           ErrorMsg "should not be able to add 'org1'"
   301     # Attempt to modify an affiliation that doesn't exist
   302     $FABRIC_CA_CLIENTEXEC affiliation modify plan9 --name castleBravo $URI -H $TESTDIR/admin/ -d 2>&1 |
   303        grep '404 Not Found' ||
   304           ErrorMsg "should not be able to add 'plan9'"
   305     # Attempt to list an affiliation that doesn't exist
   306     $FABRIC_CA_CLIENTEXEC affiliation list --affiliation plan9 $URI -H $TESTDIR/admin/ -d 2>&1 |
   307        grep 'Failed to get affiliation' ||
   308           ErrorMsg "should not be able to add 'plan9'"
   309  }
   311  export -f register
   313  ### Start Test ###
   314  export CA_CFG_PATH=$TESTDIR
   315  $SCRIPTDIR/ -D -R -x $TESTDIR
   316  mkdir -p $TESTDIR
   317  setTLS
   320  echo -e "\n\n\n =============> Setting up Server"
   321  setupServerEnv
   322  echo -e "\n\n\n =============> testAffiliationRefs"
   323  testAffiliationRefs
   324  echo -e "\n\n\n =============> testAllowremove"
   325  testAllowremove
   326  echo -e "\n\n\n =============> testAffiliationMgr"
   327  testAffiliationMgr
   328  echo -e "\n\n\n =============> testTreePruningFailCases"
   329  testTreePruningFailCases
   330  echo -e "\n\n\n =============> testTreePruningSuccessCases"
   331  testTreePruningSuccessCases
   332  echo -e "\n\n\n =============> testCertRevocation"
   333  testCertRevocation
   334  echo -e "\n\n\n =============> testAlternateTruthValues"
   335  testAlternateTruthValues
   336  echo -e "\n\n\n =============> testNonExistant"
   337  testNonExistant
   339  $SCRIPTDIR/ -D -R -x $TESTDIR
   340  CleanUp $RC
   341  exit $RC