
     1  <!--{
     2  	"Title": "Go 1 and the Future of Go Programs",
     3  	"Path":  "/doc/go1compat"
     4  }-->
     6  <h2 id="introduction">Introduction</h2>
     7  <p>
     8  The release of Go version 1, Go 1 for short, is a major milestone
     9  in the development of the language. Go 1 is a stable platform for
    10  the growth of programs and projects written in Go.
    11  </p>
    13  <p>
    14  Go 1 defines two things: first, the specification of the language;
    15  and second, the specification of a set of core APIs, the "standard
    16  packages" of the Go library. The Go 1 release includes their
    17  implementation in the form of two compiler suites (gc and gccgo),
    18  and the core libraries themselves.
    19  </p>
    21  <p>
    22  It is intended that programs written to the Go 1 specification will
    23  continue to compile and run correctly, unchanged, over the lifetime
    24  of that specification. At some indefinite point, a Go 2 specification
    25  may arise, but until that time, Go programs that work today should
    26  continue to work even as future "point" releases of Go 1 arise (Go
    27  1.1, Go 1.2, etc.).
    28  </p>
    30  <p>
    31  Compatibility is at the source level. Binary compatibility for
    32  compiled packages is not guaranteed between releases. After a point
    33  release, Go source will need to be recompiled to link against the
    34  new release.
    35  </p>
    37  <p>
    38  The APIs may grow, acquiring new packages and features, but not in
    39  a way that breaks existing Go 1 code.
    40  </p>
    42  <h2 id="expectations">Expectations</h2>
    44  <p>
    45  Although we expect that the vast majority of programs will maintain
    46  this compatibility over time, it is impossible to guarantee that
    47  no future change will break any program. This document is an attempt
    48  to set expectations for the compatibility of Go 1 software in the
    49  future. There are a number of ways in which a program that compiles
    50  and runs today may fail to do so after a future point release. They
    51  are all unlikely but worth recording.
    52  </p>
    54  <ul>
    55  <li>
    56  Security. A security issue in the specification or implementation
    57  may come to light whose resolution requires breaking compatibility.
    58  We reserve the right to address such security issues.
    59  </li>
    61  <li>
    62  Unspecified behavior. The Go specification tries to be explicit
    63  about most properties of the language, but there are some aspects
    64  that are undefined. Programs that depend on such unspecified behavior
    65  may break in future releases.
    66  </li>
    68  <li>
    69  Specification errors. If it becomes necessary to address an
    70  inconsistency or incompleteness in the specification, resolving the
    71  issue could affect the meaning or legality of existing programs.
    72  We reserve the right to address such issues, including updating the
    73  implementations. Except for security issues, no incompatible changes
    74  to the specification would be made.
    75  </li>
    77  <li>
    78  Bugs. If a compiler or library has a bug that violates the
    79  specification, a program that depends on the buggy behavior may
    80  break if the bug is fixed. We reserve the right to fix such bugs.
    81  </li>
    83  <li>
    84  Struct literals. For the addition of features in later point
    85  releases, it may be necessary to add fields to exported structs in
    86  the API. Code that uses unkeyed struct literals (such as pkg.T{3,
    87  "x"}) to create values of these types would fail to compile after
    88  such a change. However, code that uses keyed literals (pkg.T{A:
    89  3, B: "x"}) will continue to compile after such a change. We will
    90  update such data structures in a way that allows keyed struct
    91  literals to remain compatible, although unkeyed literals may fail
    92  to compile. (There are also more intricate cases involving nested
    93  data structures or interfaces, but they have the same resolution.)
    94  We therefore recommend that composite literals whose type is defined
    95  in a separate package should use the keyed notation.
    96  </li>
    98  <li>
    99  Dot imports. If a program imports a standard package
   100  using <code>import . "path"</code>, additional names defined in the
   101  imported package in future releases may conflict with other names
   102  defined in the program.  We do not recommend the use of <code>import .</code>
   103  outside of tests, and using it may cause a program to fail
   104  to compile in future releases.
   105  </li>
   107  <li>
   108  Use of package <code>unsafe</code>. Packages that import
   109  <a href="/pkg/unsafe/"><code>unsafe</code></a>
   110  may depend on internal properties of the Go implementation.
   111  We reserve the right to make changes to the implementation
   112  that may break such programs.
   113  </li>
   115  </ul>
   117  <p>
   118  Of course, for all of these possibilities, should they arise, we
   119  would endeavor whenever feasible to update the specification,
   120  compilers, or libraries without affecting existing code.
   121  </p>
   123  <p>
   124  These same considerations apply to successive point releases. For
   125  instance, code that runs under Go 1.2 should be compatible with Go
   126  1.2.1, Go 1.3, Go 1.4, etc., although not necessarily with Go 1.1
   127  since it may use features added only in Go 1.2
   128  </p>
   130  <p>
   131  Features added between releases, available in the source repository
   132  but not part of the numbered binary releases, are under active
   133  development. No promise of compatibility is made for software using
   134  such features until they have been released.
   135  </p>
   137  <p>
   138  Finally, although it is not a correctness issue, it is possible
   139  that the performance of a program may be affected by
   140  changes in the implementation of the compilers or libraries upon
   141  which it depends.
   142  No guarantee can be made about the performance of a
   143  given program between releases.
   144  </p>
   146  <p>
   147  Although these expectations apply to Go 1 itself, we hope similar
   148  considerations would be made for the development of externally
   149  developed software based on Go 1.
   150  </p>
   152  <h2 id="subrepos">Sub-repositories</h2>
   154  <p>
   155  Code in sub-repositories of the main go tree, such as
   156  <a href="//"></a>,
   157  may be developed under
   158  looser compatibility requirements. However, the sub-repositories
   159  will be tagged as appropriate to identify versions that are compatible
   160  with the Go 1 point releases.
   161  </p>
   163  <h2 id="operating_systems">Operating systems</h2>
   165  <p>
   166  It is impossible to guarantee long-term compatibility with operating
   167  system interfaces, which are changed by outside parties.
   168  The <a href="/pkg/syscall/"><code>syscall</code></a> package
   169  is therefore outside the purview of the guarantees made here.
   170  As of Go version 1.4, the <code>syscall</code> package is frozen.
   171  Any evolution of the system call interface must be supported elsewhere,
   172  such as in the
   173  <a href="//">go.sys</a> subrepository.
   174  For details and background, see
   175  <a href="//">this document</a>.
   176  </p>
   178  <h2 id="tools">Tools</h2>
   180  <p>
   181  Finally, the Go tool chain (compilers, linkers, build tools, and so
   182  on) are under active development and may change behavior. This
   183  means, for instance, that scripts that depend on the location and
   184  properties of the tools may be broken by a point release.
   185  </p>
   187  <p>
   188  These caveats aside, we believe that Go 1 will be a firm foundation
   189  for the development of Go and its ecosystem.
   190  </p>