
     1  <%! func Page(w io.Writer, r *http.Request, tx *memcache.Tx, indexes []int, directID int, showUsage bool) error %>
     3  <%% import "net/http" %%>
     4  <%% import "strings" %%>
     5  <%% import "unsafe" %%>
     6  <%% import memcache "" %%>
     8  <%
     9  p, ids, err := find(tx, directID, indexes)
    10  if err != nil {
    11    return err
    12  }
    14  // Generate page stats.
    15  pageSize := tx.DB().Info().PageSize
    16  stats := p.stats(pageSize)
    18  // Generate histogram of all nested page usage.
    19  var histogram map[int]int
    20  if showUsage {
    21    histogram = usage(tx,
    22  }
    23  %>
    25  <!DOCTYPE html>
    26  <html lang="en">
    27    <% head(w, tx) %>
    29    <body>
    30      <% nav(w, tx) %>
    32      <h2>
    33        <% for i, id := range ids { %>
    34          <% if i > 0 { %>&raquo;<% } %>
    35          <a href="<%= pagelink(indexes[:i+1]) %>">#<%= id %></a>
    36        <% } %>
    37      </h2>
    39      <h3>Page Information</h3>
    40      <p>
    41        <strong>ID:</strong> <%= comma(int( %><br/>
    42        <strong>Type:</strong> <%= fmt.Sprintf("%s (%x)", p.typ(), p.flags) %><br/>
    43        <strong>Overflow:</strong> <%= p.overflow %><br/><br/>
    45        <strong>Alloc:</strong> <%= comma(stats.alloc) %><br/>
    46        <strong>In Use:</strong> <%= comma(stats.inuse) %><br/>
    47        <strong>Utilization:</strong> <%= fmt.Sprintf("%.2f%%", stats.utilization*100) %><br/>
    48      </p>
    50      <% if (p.flags & branchPageFlag) != 0 { %>
    51        <h3>Branch Elements (<%= p.count %>)</h3>
    52        <table>
    53          <thead>
    54            <tr>
    55              <th align="left">Key</th>
    56              <th align="left">Page ID</th>
    57              <th align="left">Size (k)</th>
    58              <th align="center">%%Util</th>
    59            </tr>
    60          </thead>
    61          <tbody>
    62            <% for i := uint16(0); i < p.count; i++ { %>
    63              <% e := p.branchPageElement(i) %>
    64              <% subpage := pageAt(tx, e.pgid) %>
    65              <% substats := subpage.stats(pageSize) %>
    66              <tr>
    67                <td><%= trunc(tostr(e.key()), 40) %></td>
    68                <td><a href="<%= subpagelink(indexes, int(i)) %>"><%= e.pgid %></a></td>
    69                <td><%= len(e.key()) %></td>
    70                <td align="right"><%= fmt.Sprintf("%.2f%%", substats.utilization*100) %></td>
    71              </tr>
    72            <% } %>
    73          </tbody>
    74        </table>
    76      <% } else if (p.flags & leafPageFlag) != 0 { %>
    77        <h3>Leaf Elements (<%= p.count %>)</h3>
    78        <table>
    79          <thead>
    80            <tr>
    81              <th align="left">Key</th>
    82              <th align="left">Value</th>
    83              <th align="left">Size (k/v)</th>
    84              <th align="center">%%Util</th>
    85            </tr>
    86          </thead>
    87          <tbody>
    88            <% for i := uint16(0); i < p.count; i++ { %>
    89              <% e := p.leafPageElement(i) %>
    90              <% if (e.flags & bucketLeafFlag) != 0 { %>
    91                <% b := ((*bucket)(unsafe.Pointer(&e.value()[0]))) %>
    92                <%
    93                  util := "-"
    94                  if b.root != 0 {
    95                    substats := pageAt(tx, b.root).stats(pageSize)
    96                    util = fmt.Sprintf("%.2f%%", substats.utilization*100)
    97                  }
    98                %>
    99                <tr>
   100                  <td><strong><%= trunc(tostr(e.key()), 40) %></strong></td>
   101                  <td>
   102                    &lt;bucket(root=<% if b.root != 0 { %><a href="<%= subpagelink(indexes, int(i)) %>"><% } %><%= b.root %><% if b.root != 0 { %></a><% } %>; seq=<%= b.sequence %>)&gt;
   103                  </td>
   104                  <td><%= len(e.key()) %> / <%= len(e.value()) %></td>
   105                  <td align="right"><%= util %></td>
   106                </tr>
   107              <% } else { %>
   108                <tr>
   109                  <td><%= trunc(tostr(e.key()), 40) %></td>
   110                  <td><%= trunc(tostr(e.value()), 40) %></td>
   111                  <td><%= len(e.key()) %> / <%= len(e.value()) %></td>
   112                  <td>&nbsp;</td>
   113                </tr>
   114              <% } %>
   115            <% } %>
   116          </tbody>
   117        </table>
   118      <% } %>
   120      <% if showUsage { %>
   121        <%
   122          mins, maxs, values := bucketize(histogram)
   123          vmax, maxlen := 0, 20
   124          for _, v := range values {
   125            if v > vmax {
   126              vmax = v
   127            }
   128          }
   129        %>
   131        <h3>Page Usage Histogram</h3>
   132        <table>
   133          <thead>
   134            <tr>
   135              <th align="left">Usage (bytes)</th>
   136              <th align="left">Count</th>
   137              <th>&nbsp;</th>
   138            </tr>
   139          </thead>
   140          <tbody>
   141            <% for i := 0; i < len(values); i++ { %>
   142              <tr>
   143                <td><%= mins[i] %> - <%= maxs[i] %></th>
   144                <td><%= values[i] %></th>
   145                <td><%= strings.Repeat("█", int((float64(values[i])/float64(vmax))*float64(maxlen))) %></td>
   146              </tr>
   147            <% } %>
   148          </tbody>
   149        </table>
   150      <% } else { %>
   151        <%
   152        u, q := r.URL, r.URL.Query()
   153        q.Set("usage", "true")
   154        u.RawQuery = q.Encode()
   155        %>
   157        <p><a href="<%= u.String() %>">Show Page Usage</a></p>
   158      <% } %>
   160      <br/><br/>
   161      <form action="page" method="GET">
   162        Go to page: <input type="text" name="id"/>
   163        <button type="submit">Go</button>
   164      </form>
   165      <hr size="1px">
   166      <center>Copyright &copy; 2018 by <a href="">Bhojpur Consulting Private Limited</a>, India. All rights reserved.</center>
   167    </body>
   168  </html>