
     1  // Copyright 2023 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
     2  // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
     3  // license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
     5  package traceviewer
     7  import (
     8  	"encoding/json"
     9  	"fmt"
    10  	""
    11  	""
    12  	"io"
    13  	"strconv"
    14  	"time"
    15  )
    17  type TraceConsumer struct {
    18  	ConsumeTimeUnit		func(unit string)
    19  	ConsumeViewerEvent	func(v *format.Event, required bool)
    20  	ConsumeViewerFrame	func(key string, f format.Frame)
    21  	Flush			func()
    22  }
    24  // ViewerDataTraceConsumer returns a TraceConsumer that writes to w. The
    25  // startIdx and endIdx are used for splitting large traces. They refer to
    26  // indexes in the traceEvents output array, not the events in the trace input.
    27  func ViewerDataTraceConsumer(w io.Writer, startIdx, endIdx int64) TraceConsumer {
    28  	allFrames := make(map[string]format.Frame)
    29  	requiredFrames := make(map[string]format.Frame)
    30  	enc := json.NewEncoder(w)
    31  	written := 0
    32  	index := int64(-1)
    34  	io.WriteString(w, "{")
    35  	return TraceConsumer{
    36  		ConsumeTimeUnit: func(unit string) {
    37  			io.WriteString(w, `"displayTimeUnit":`)
    38  			enc.Encode(unit)
    39  			io.WriteString(w, ",")
    40  		},
    41  		ConsumeViewerEvent: func(v *format.Event, required bool) {
    42  			index++
    43  			if !required && (index < startIdx || index > endIdx) {
    44  				// not in the range. Skip!
    45  				return
    46  			}
    47  			WalkStackFrames(allFrames, v.Stack, func(id int) {
    48  				s := strconv.Itoa(id)
    49  				requiredFrames[s] = allFrames[s]
    50  			})
    51  			WalkStackFrames(allFrames, v.EndStack, func(id int) {
    52  				s := strconv.Itoa(id)
    53  				requiredFrames[s] = allFrames[s]
    54  			})
    55  			if written == 0 {
    56  				io.WriteString(w, `"traceEvents": [`)
    57  			}
    58  			if written > 0 {
    59  				io.WriteString(w, ",")
    60  			}
    61  			enc.Encode(v)
    62  			// TODO(mknyszek): get rid of the extra \n inserted by enc.Encode.
    63  			// Same should be applied to splittingTraceConsumer.
    64  			written++
    65  		},
    66  		ConsumeViewerFrame: func(k string, v format.Frame) {
    67  			allFrames[k] = v
    68  		},
    69  		Flush: func() {
    70  			io.WriteString(w, `], "stackFrames":`)
    71  			enc.Encode(requiredFrames)
    72  			io.WriteString(w, `}`)
    73  		},
    74  	}
    75  }
    77  func SplittingTraceConsumer(max int) (*splitter, TraceConsumer) {
    78  	type eventSz struct {
    79  		Time	float64
    80  		Sz	int
    81  		Frames	[]int
    82  	}
    84  	var (
    85  		// data.Frames contains only the frames for required events.
    86  		data	= format.Data{Frames: make(map[string]format.Frame)}
    88  		allFrames	= make(map[string]format.Frame)
    90  		sizes	[]eventSz
    91  		cw	countingWriter
    92  	)
    94  	s := new(splitter)
    96  	return s, TraceConsumer{
    97  		ConsumeTimeUnit: func(unit string) {
    98  			data.TimeUnit = unit
    99  		},
   100  		ConsumeViewerEvent: func(v *format.Event, required bool) {
   101  			if required {
   102  				// Store required events inside data so flush
   103  				// can include them in the required part of the
   104  				// trace.
   105  				data.Events = append(data.Events, v)
   106  				WalkStackFrames(allFrames, v.Stack, func(id int) {
   107  					s := strconv.Itoa(id)
   108  					data.Frames[s] = allFrames[s]
   109  				})
   110  				WalkStackFrames(allFrames, v.EndStack, func(id int) {
   111  					s := strconv.Itoa(id)
   112  					data.Frames[s] = allFrames[s]
   113  				})
   114  				return
   115  			}
   116  			enc := json.NewEncoder(&cw)
   117  			enc.Encode(v)
   118  			size := eventSz{Time: v.Time, Sz: cw.size + 1}	// +1 for ",".
   119  			// Add referenced stack frames. Their size is computed
   120  			// in flush, where we can dedup across events.
   121  			WalkStackFrames(allFrames, v.Stack, func(id int) {
   122  				size.Frames = append(size.Frames, id)
   123  			})
   124  			WalkStackFrames(allFrames, v.EndStack, func(id int) {
   125  				size.Frames = append(size.Frames, id)	// This may add duplicates. We'll dedup later.
   126  			})
   127  			sizes = append(sizes, size)
   128  			cw.size = 0
   129  		},
   130  		ConsumeViewerFrame: func(k string, v format.Frame) {
   131  			allFrames[k] = v
   132  		},
   133  		Flush: func() {
   134  			// Calculate size of the mandatory part of the trace.
   135  			// This includes thread names and stack frames for
   136  			// required events.
   137  			cw.size = 0
   138  			enc := json.NewEncoder(&cw)
   139  			enc.Encode(data)
   140  			requiredSize := cw.size
   142  			// Then calculate size of each individual event and
   143  			// their stack frames, grouping them into ranges. We
   144  			// only include stack frames relevant to the events in
   145  			// the range to reduce overhead.
   147  			var (
   148  				start	= 0
   150  				eventsSize	= 0
   152  				frames		= make(map[string]format.Frame)
   153  				framesSize	= 0
   154  			)
   155  			for i, ev := range sizes {
   156  				eventsSize += ev.Sz
   158  				// Add required stack frames. Note that they
   159  				// may already be in the map.
   160  				for _, id := range ev.Frames {
   161  					s := strconv.Itoa(id)
   162  					_, ok := frames[s]
   163  					if ok {
   164  						continue
   165  					}
   166  					f := allFrames[s]
   167  					frames[s] = f
   168  					framesSize += stackFrameEncodedSize(uint(id), f)
   169  				}
   171  				total := requiredSize + framesSize + eventsSize
   172  				if total < max {
   173  					continue
   174  				}
   176  				// Reached max size, commit this range and
   177  				// start a new range.
   178  				startTime := time.Duration(sizes[start].Time * 1000)
   179  				endTime := time.Duration(ev.Time * 1000)
   180  				s.Ranges = append(s.Ranges, Range{
   181  					Name:		fmt.Sprintf("%v-%v", startTime, endTime),
   182  					Start:		start,
   183  					End:		i + 1,
   184  					StartTime:	int64(startTime),
   185  					EndTime:	int64(endTime),
   186  				})
   187  				start = i + 1
   188  				frames = make(map[string]format.Frame)
   189  				framesSize = 0
   190  				eventsSize = 0
   191  			}
   192  			if len(s.Ranges) <= 1 {
   193  				s.Ranges = nil
   194  				return
   195  			}
   197  			if end := len(sizes) - 1; start < end {
   198  				s.Ranges = append(s.Ranges, Range{
   199  					Name:		fmt.Sprintf("%v-%v", time.Duration(sizes[start].Time*1000), time.Duration(sizes[end].Time*1000)),
   200  					Start:		start,
   201  					End:		end,
   202  					StartTime:	int64(sizes[start].Time * 1000),
   203  					EndTime:	int64(sizes[end].Time * 1000),
   204  				})
   205  			}
   206  		},
   207  	}
   208  }
   210  type splitter struct {
   211  	Ranges []Range
   212  }
   214  type countingWriter struct {
   215  	size int
   216  }
   218  func (cw *countingWriter) Write(data []byte) (int, error) {
   219  	cw.size += len(data)
   220  	return len(data), nil
   221  }
   223  func stackFrameEncodedSize(id uint, f format.Frame) int {
   224  	// We want to know the marginal size of traceviewer.Data.Frames for
   225  	// each event. Running full JSON encoding of the map for each event is
   226  	// far too slow.
   227  	//
   228  	// Since the format is fixed, we can easily compute the size without
   229  	// encoding.
   230  	//
   231  	// A single entry looks like one of the following:
   232  	//
   233  	//   "1":{"name":"main.main:30"},
   234  	//   "10":{"name":"pkg.NewSession:173","parent":9},
   235  	//
   236  	// The parent is omitted if 0. The trailing comma is omitted from the
   237  	// last entry, but we don't need that much precision.
   238  	const (
   239  		baseSize	= len(`"`) + len(`":{"name":"`) + len(`"},`)
   241  		// Don't count the trailing quote on the name, as that is
   242  		// counted in baseSize.
   243  		parentBaseSize	= len(`,"parent":`)
   244  	)
   246  	size := baseSize
   248  	size += len(f.Name)
   250  	// Bytes for id (always positive).
   251  	for id > 0 {
   252  		size += 1
   253  		id /= 10
   254  	}
   256  	if f.Parent > 0 {
   257  		size += parentBaseSize
   258  		// Bytes for parent (always positive).
   259  		for f.Parent > 0 {
   260  			size += 1
   261  			f.Parent /= 10
   262  		}
   263  	}
   265  	return size
   266  }
   268  // WalkStackFrames calls fn for id and all of its parent frames from allFrames.
   269  func WalkStackFrames(allFrames map[string]format.Frame, id int, fn func(id int)) {
   270  	for id != 0 {
   271  		f, ok := allFrames[strconv.Itoa(id)]
   272  		if !ok {
   273  			break
   274  		}
   275  		fn(id)
   276  		id = f.Parent
   277  	}
   278  }
   280  type Mode int
   282  const (
   283  	ModeGoroutineOriented	Mode	= 1 << iota
   284  	ModeTaskOriented
   285  	ModeThreadOriented	// Mutually exclusive with ModeGoroutineOriented.
   286  )
   288  // NewEmitter returns a new Emitter that writes to c. The rangeStart and
   289  // rangeEnd args are used for splitting large traces.
   290  func NewEmitter(c TraceConsumer, rangeStart, rangeEnd time.Duration) *Emitter {
   291  	c.ConsumeTimeUnit("ns")
   293  	return &Emitter{
   294  		c:		c,
   295  		rangeStart:	rangeStart,
   296  		rangeEnd:	rangeEnd,
   297  		frameTree:	frameNode{children: make(map[uint64]frameNode)},
   298  		resources:	make(map[uint64]string),
   299  		tasks:		make(map[uint64]task),
   300  	}
   301  }
   303  type Emitter struct {
   304  	c		TraceConsumer
   305  	rangeStart	time.Duration
   306  	rangeEnd	time.Duration
   308  	heapStats, prevHeapStats	heapStats
   309  	gstates, prevGstates		[gStateCount]int64
   310  	threadStats, prevThreadStats	[threadStateCount]int64
   311  	gomaxprocs			uint64
   312  	frameTree			frameNode
   313  	frameSeq			int
   314  	arrowSeq			uint64
   315  	filter				func(uint64) bool
   316  	resourceType			string
   317  	resources			map[uint64]string
   318  	focusResource			uint64
   319  	tasks				map[uint64]task
   320  	asyncSliceSeq			uint64
   321  }
   323  type task struct {
   324  	name		string
   325  	sortIndex	int
   326  }
   328  func (e *Emitter) Gomaxprocs(v uint64) {
   329  	if v > e.gomaxprocs {
   330  		e.gomaxprocs = v
   331  	}
   332  }
   334  func (e *Emitter) Resource(id uint64, name string) {
   335  	if e.filter != nil && !e.filter(id) {
   336  		return
   337  	}
   338  	e.resources[id] = name
   339  }
   341  func (e *Emitter) SetResourceType(name string) {
   342  	e.resourceType = name
   343  }
   345  func (e *Emitter) SetResourceFilter(filter func(uint64) bool) {
   346  	e.filter = filter
   347  }
   349  func (e *Emitter) Task(id uint64, name string, sortIndex int) {
   350  	e.tasks[id] = task{name, sortIndex}
   351  }
   353  func (e *Emitter) Slice(s SliceEvent) {
   354  	if e.filter != nil && !e.filter(s.Resource) {
   355  		return
   356  	}
   357  	e.slice(s, format.ProcsSection, "")
   358  }
   360  func (e *Emitter) TaskSlice(s SliceEvent) {
   361  	e.slice(s, format.TasksSection, pickTaskColor(s.Resource))
   362  }
   364  func (e *Emitter) slice(s SliceEvent, sectionID uint64, cname string) {
   365  	if !e.tsWithinRange(s.Ts) && !e.tsWithinRange(s.Ts+s.Dur) {
   366  		return
   367  	}
   368  	e.OptionalEvent(&format.Event{
   369  		Name:		s.Name,
   370  		Phase:		"X",
   371  		Time:		viewerTime(s.Ts),
   372  		Dur:		viewerTime(s.Dur),
   373  		PID:		sectionID,
   374  		TID:		s.Resource,
   375  		Stack:		s.Stack,
   376  		EndStack:	s.EndStack,
   377  		Arg:		s.Arg,
   378  		Cname:		cname,
   379  	})
   380  }
   382  type SliceEvent struct {
   383  	Name		string
   384  	Ts		time.Duration
   385  	Dur		time.Duration
   386  	Resource	uint64
   387  	Stack		int
   388  	EndStack	int
   389  	Arg		any
   390  }
   392  func (e *Emitter) AsyncSlice(s AsyncSliceEvent) {
   393  	if !e.tsWithinRange(s.Ts) && !e.tsWithinRange(s.Ts+s.Dur) {
   394  		return
   395  	}
   396  	if e.filter != nil && !e.filter(s.Resource) {
   397  		return
   398  	}
   399  	cname := ""
   400  	if s.TaskColorIndex != 0 {
   401  		cname = pickTaskColor(s.TaskColorIndex)
   402  	}
   403  	e.asyncSliceSeq++
   404  	e.OptionalEvent(&format.Event{
   405  		Category:	s.Category,
   406  		Name:		s.Name,
   407  		Phase:		"b",
   408  		Time:		viewerTime(s.Ts),
   409  		TID:		s.Resource,
   410  		ID:		e.asyncSliceSeq,
   411  		Scope:		s.Scope,
   412  		Stack:		s.Stack,
   413  		Cname:		cname,
   414  	})
   415  	e.OptionalEvent(&format.Event{
   416  		Category:	s.Category,
   417  		Name:		s.Name,
   418  		Phase:		"e",
   419  		Time:		viewerTime(s.Ts + s.Dur),
   420  		TID:		s.Resource,
   421  		ID:		e.asyncSliceSeq,
   422  		Scope:		s.Scope,
   423  		Stack:		s.EndStack,
   424  		Arg:		s.Arg,
   425  		Cname:		cname,
   426  	})
   427  }
   429  type AsyncSliceEvent struct {
   430  	SliceEvent
   431  	Category	string
   432  	Scope		string
   433  	TaskColorIndex	uint64	// Take on the same color as the task with this ID.
   434  }
   436  func (e *Emitter) Instant(i InstantEvent) {
   437  	if !e.tsWithinRange(i.Ts) {
   438  		return
   439  	}
   440  	if e.filter != nil && !e.filter(i.Resource) {
   441  		return
   442  	}
   443  	cname := ""
   444  	e.OptionalEvent(&format.Event{
   445  		Name:		i.Name,
   446  		Category:	i.Category,
   447  		Phase:		"I",
   448  		Scope:		"t",
   449  		Time:		viewerTime(i.Ts),
   450  		PID:		format.ProcsSection,
   451  		TID:		i.Resource,
   452  		Stack:		i.Stack,
   453  		Cname:		cname,
   454  		Arg:		i.Arg,
   455  	})
   456  }
   458  type InstantEvent struct {
   459  	Ts		time.Duration
   460  	Name		string
   461  	Category	string
   462  	Resource	uint64
   463  	Stack		int
   464  	Arg		any
   465  }
   467  func (e *Emitter) Arrow(a ArrowEvent) {
   468  	if e.filter != nil && (!e.filter(a.FromResource) || !e.filter(a.ToResource)) {
   469  		return
   470  	}
   471  	e.arrow(a, format.ProcsSection)
   472  }
   474  func (e *Emitter) TaskArrow(a ArrowEvent) {
   475  	e.arrow(a, format.TasksSection)
   476  }
   478  func (e *Emitter) arrow(a ArrowEvent, sectionID uint64) {
   479  	if !e.tsWithinRange(a.Start) || !e.tsWithinRange(a.End) {
   480  		return
   481  	}
   482  	e.arrowSeq++
   483  	e.OptionalEvent(&format.Event{
   484  		Name:	a.Name,
   485  		Phase:	"s",
   486  		TID:	a.FromResource,
   487  		PID:	sectionID,
   488  		ID:	e.arrowSeq,
   489  		Time:	viewerTime(a.Start),
   490  		Stack:	a.FromStack,
   491  	})
   492  	e.OptionalEvent(&format.Event{
   493  		Name:	a.Name,
   494  		Phase:	"t",
   495  		TID:	a.ToResource,
   496  		PID:	sectionID,
   497  		ID:	e.arrowSeq,
   498  		Time:	viewerTime(a.End),
   499  	})
   500  }
   502  type ArrowEvent struct {
   503  	Name		string
   504  	Start		time.Duration
   505  	End		time.Duration
   506  	FromResource	uint64
   507  	FromStack	int
   508  	ToResource	uint64
   509  }
   511  func (e *Emitter) Event(ev *format.Event) {
   512  	e.c.ConsumeViewerEvent(ev, true)
   513  }
   515  func (e *Emitter) HeapAlloc(ts time.Duration, v uint64) {
   516  	e.heapStats.heapAlloc = v
   517  	e.emitHeapCounters(ts)
   518  }
   520  func (e *Emitter) Focus(id uint64) {
   521  	e.focusResource = id
   522  }
   524  func (e *Emitter) GoroutineTransition(ts time.Duration, from, to GState) {
   525  	e.gstates[from]--
   526  	e.gstates[to]++
   527  	if e.prevGstates == e.gstates {
   528  		return
   529  	}
   530  	if e.tsWithinRange(ts) {
   531  		e.OptionalEvent(&format.Event{
   532  			Name:	"Goroutines",
   533  			Phase:	"C",
   534  			Time:	viewerTime(ts),
   535  			PID:	1,
   536  			Arg: &format.GoroutineCountersArg{
   537  				Running:	uint64(e.gstates[GRunning]),
   538  				Runnable:	uint64(e.gstates[GRunnable]),
   539  				GCWaiting:	uint64(e.gstates[GWaitingGC]),
   540  			},
   541  		})
   542  	}
   543  	e.prevGstates = e.gstates
   544  }
   546  func (e *Emitter) IncThreadStateCount(ts time.Duration, state ThreadState, delta int64) {
   547  	e.threadStats[state] += delta
   548  	if e.prevThreadStats == e.threadStats {
   549  		return
   550  	}
   551  	if e.tsWithinRange(ts) {
   552  		e.OptionalEvent(&format.Event{
   553  			Name:	"Threads",
   554  			Phase:	"C",
   555  			Time:	viewerTime(ts),
   556  			PID:	1,
   557  			Arg: &format.ThreadCountersArg{
   558  				Running:	int64(e.threadStats[ThreadStateRunning]),
   559  				InSyscall:	int64(e.threadStats[ThreadStateInSyscall]),
   560  				// TODO(mknyszek): Why is InSyscallRuntime not included here?
   561  			},
   562  		})
   563  	}
   564  	e.prevThreadStats = e.threadStats
   565  }
   567  func (e *Emitter) HeapGoal(ts time.Duration, v uint64) {
   568  	// This cutoff at 1 PiB is a Workaround for
   569  	//
   570  	// TODO(mknyszek): Remove this once the problem has been fixed.
   571  	const PB = 1 << 50
   572  	if v > PB {
   573  		v = 0
   574  	}
   575  	e.heapStats.nextGC = v
   576  	e.emitHeapCounters(ts)
   577  }
   579  func (e *Emitter) emitHeapCounters(ts time.Duration) {
   580  	if e.prevHeapStats == e.heapStats {
   581  		return
   582  	}
   583  	diff := uint64(0)
   584  	if e.heapStats.nextGC > e.heapStats.heapAlloc {
   585  		diff = e.heapStats.nextGC - e.heapStats.heapAlloc
   586  	}
   587  	if e.tsWithinRange(ts) {
   588  		e.OptionalEvent(&format.Event{
   589  			Name:	"Heap",
   590  			Phase:	"C",
   591  			Time:	viewerTime(ts),
   592  			PID:	1,
   593  			Arg:	&format.HeapCountersArg{Allocated: e.heapStats.heapAlloc, NextGC: diff},
   594  		})
   595  	}
   596  	e.prevHeapStats = e.heapStats
   597  }
   599  // Err returns an error if the emitter is in an invalid state.
   600  func (e *Emitter) Err() error {
   601  	if e.gstates[GRunnable] < 0 || e.gstates[GRunning] < 0 || e.threadStats[ThreadStateInSyscall] < 0 || e.threadStats[ThreadStateInSyscallRuntime] < 0 {
   602  		return fmt.Errorf(
   603  			"runnable=%d running=%d insyscall=%d insyscallRuntime=%d",
   604  			e.gstates[GRunnable],
   605  			e.gstates[GRunning],
   606  			e.threadStats[ThreadStateInSyscall],
   607  			e.threadStats[ThreadStateInSyscallRuntime],
   608  		)
   609  	}
   610  	return nil
   611  }
   613  func (e *Emitter) tsWithinRange(ts time.Duration) bool {
   614  	return e.rangeStart <= ts && ts <= e.rangeEnd
   615  }
   617  // OptionalEvent emits ev if it's within the time range of of the consumer, i.e.
   618  // the selected trace split range.
   619  func (e *Emitter) OptionalEvent(ev *format.Event) {
   620  	e.c.ConsumeViewerEvent(ev, false)
   621  }
   623  func (e *Emitter) Flush() {
   624  	e.processMeta(format.StatsSection, "STATS", 0)
   626  	if len(e.tasks) != 0 {
   627  		e.processMeta(format.TasksSection, "TASKS", 1)
   628  	}
   629  	for id, task := range e.tasks {
   630  		e.threadMeta(format.TasksSection, id,, task.sortIndex)
   631  	}
   633  	e.processMeta(format.ProcsSection, e.resourceType, 2)
   635  	e.threadMeta(format.ProcsSection, trace.GCP, "GC", -6)
   636  	e.threadMeta(format.ProcsSection, trace.NetpollP, "Network", -5)
   637  	e.threadMeta(format.ProcsSection, trace.TimerP, "Timers", -4)
   638  	e.threadMeta(format.ProcsSection, trace.SyscallP, "Syscalls", -3)
   640  	for id, name := range e.resources {
   641  		priority := int(id)
   642  		if e.focusResource != 0 && id == e.focusResource {
   643  			// Put the focus goroutine on top.
   644  			priority = -2
   645  		}
   646  		e.threadMeta(format.ProcsSection, id, name, priority)
   647  	}
   649  	e.c.Flush()
   650  }
   652  func (e *Emitter) threadMeta(sectionID, tid uint64, name string, priority int) {
   653  	e.Event(&format.Event{
   654  		Name:	"thread_name",
   655  		Phase:	"M",
   656  		PID:	sectionID,
   657  		TID:	tid,
   658  		Arg:	&format.NameArg{Name: name},
   659  	})
   660  	e.Event(&format.Event{
   661  		Name:	"thread_sort_index",
   662  		Phase:	"M",
   663  		PID:	sectionID,
   664  		TID:	tid,
   665  		Arg:	&format.SortIndexArg{Index: priority},
   666  	})
   667  }
   669  func (e *Emitter) processMeta(sectionID uint64, name string, priority int) {
   670  	e.Event(&format.Event{
   671  		Name:	"process_name",
   672  		Phase:	"M",
   673  		PID:	sectionID,
   674  		Arg:	&format.NameArg{Name: name},
   675  	})
   676  	e.Event(&format.Event{
   677  		Name:	"process_sort_index",
   678  		Phase:	"M",
   679  		PID:	sectionID,
   680  		Arg:	&format.SortIndexArg{Index: priority},
   681  	})
   682  }
   684  // Stack emits the given frames and returns a unique id for the stack. No
   685  // pointers to the given data are being retained beyond the call to Stack.
   686  func (e *Emitter) Stack(stk []*trace.Frame) int {
   687  	return e.buildBranch(e.frameTree, stk)
   688  }
   690  // buildBranch builds one branch in the prefix tree rooted at ctx.frameTree.
   691  func (e *Emitter) buildBranch(parent frameNode, stk []*trace.Frame) int {
   692  	if len(stk) == 0 {
   693  		return
   694  	}
   695  	last := len(stk) - 1
   696  	frame := stk[last]
   697  	stk = stk[:last]
   699  	node, ok := parent.children[frame.PC]
   700  	if !ok {
   701  		e.frameSeq++
   702 = e.frameSeq
   703  		node.children = make(map[uint64]frameNode)
   704  		parent.children[frame.PC] = node
   705  		e.c.ConsumeViewerFrame(strconv.Itoa(, format.Frame{Name: fmt.Sprintf("%v:%v", frame.Fn, frame.Line), Parent:})
   706  	}
   707  	return e.buildBranch(node, stk)
   708  }
   710  type heapStats struct {
   711  	heapAlloc	uint64
   712  	nextGC		uint64
   713  }
   715  func viewerTime(t time.Duration) float64 {
   716  	return float64(t) / float64(time.Microsecond)
   717  }
   719  type GState int
   721  const (
   722  	GDead	GState	= iota
   723  	GRunnable
   724  	GRunning
   725  	GWaiting
   726  	GWaitingGC
   728  	gStateCount
   729  )
   731  type ThreadState int
   733  const (
   734  	ThreadStateInSyscall	ThreadState	= iota
   735  	ThreadStateInSyscallRuntime
   736  	ThreadStateRunning
   738  	threadStateCount
   739  )
   741  type frameNode struct {
   742  	id		int
   743  	children	map[uint64]frameNode
   744  }
   746  // Mapping from more reasonable color names to the reserved color names in
   747  //
   748  // The chrome trace viewer allows only those as cname values.
   749  const (
   750  	colorLightMauve		= "thread_state_uninterruptible"	// 182, 125, 143
   751  	colorOrange		= "thread_state_iowait"			// 255, 140, 0
   752  	colorSeafoamGreen	= "thread_state_running"		// 126, 200, 148
   753  	colorVistaBlue		= "thread_state_runnable"		// 133, 160, 210
   754  	colorTan		= "thread_state_unknown"		// 199, 155, 125
   755  	colorIrisBlue		= "background_memory_dump"		// 0, 180, 180
   756  	colorMidnightBlue	= "light_memory_dump"			// 0, 0, 180
   757  	colorDeepMagenta	= "detailed_memory_dump"		// 180, 0, 180
   758  	colorBlue		= "vsync_highlight_color"		// 0, 0, 255
   759  	colorGrey		= "generic_work"			// 125, 125, 125
   760  	colorGreen		= "good"				// 0, 125, 0
   761  	colorDarkGoldenrod	= "bad"					// 180, 125, 0
   762  	colorPeach		= "terrible"				// 180, 0, 0
   763  	colorBlack		= "black"				// 0, 0, 0
   764  	colorLightGrey		= "grey"				// 221, 221, 221
   765  	colorWhite		= "white"				// 255, 255, 255
   766  	colorYellow		= "yellow"				// 255, 255, 0
   767  	colorOlive		= "olive"				// 100, 100, 0
   768  	colorCornflowerBlue	= "rail_response"			// 67, 135, 253
   769  	colorSunsetOrange	= "rail_animation"			// 244, 74, 63
   770  	colorTangerine		= "rail_idle"				// 238, 142, 0
   771  	colorShamrockGreen	= "rail_load"				// 13, 168, 97
   772  	colorGreenishYellow	= "startup"				// 230, 230, 0
   773  	colorDarkGrey		= "heap_dump_stack_frame"		// 128, 128, 128
   774  	colorTawny		= "heap_dump_child_node_arrow"		// 204, 102, 0
   775  	colorLemon		= "cq_build_running"			// 255, 255, 119
   776  	colorLime		= "cq_build_passed"			// 153, 238, 102
   777  	colorPink		= "cq_build_failed"			// 238, 136, 136
   778  	colorSilver		= "cq_build_abandoned"			// 187, 187, 187
   779  	colorManzGreen		= "cq_build_attempt_runnig"		// 222, 222, 75
   780  	colorKellyGreen		= "cq_build_attempt_passed"		// 108, 218, 35
   781  	colorAnotherGrey	= "cq_build_attempt_failed"		// 187, 187, 187
   782  )
   784  var colorForTask = []string{
   785  	colorLightMauve,
   786  	colorOrange,
   787  	colorSeafoamGreen,
   788  	colorVistaBlue,
   789  	colorTan,
   790  	colorMidnightBlue,
   791  	colorIrisBlue,
   792  	colorDeepMagenta,
   793  	colorGreen,
   794  	colorDarkGoldenrod,
   795  	colorPeach,
   796  	colorOlive,
   797  	colorCornflowerBlue,
   798  	colorSunsetOrange,
   799  	colorTangerine,
   800  	colorShamrockGreen,
   801  	colorTawny,
   802  	colorLemon,
   803  	colorLime,
   804  	colorPink,
   805  	colorSilver,
   806  	colorManzGreen,
   807  	colorKellyGreen,
   808  }
   810  func pickTaskColor(id uint64) string {
   811  	idx := id % uint64(len(colorForTask))
   812  	return colorForTask[idx]
   813  }