
     1  package cli
     3  import (
     4  	"testing"
     5  )
     7  func TestCleanDir(t *testing.T) {
     8  	cases := []struct {
     9  		dir              string
    10  		expectedCleanDir string
    11  	}{
    12  		{dir: "", expectedCleanDir: ""},
    13  		{dir: ".", expectedCleanDir: ""},
    14  		{dir: "/", expectedCleanDir: "/"},
    15  		{dir: "./", expectedCleanDir: ""},
    16  		{dir: ".test", expectedCleanDir: ".test/"},
    17  		{dir: ".test/", expectedCleanDir: ".test/"},
    18  		{dir: "test", expectedCleanDir: "test/"},
    19  		{dir: "test/", expectedCleanDir: "test/"},
    20  		{dir: "./test", expectedCleanDir: "test/"},
    21  		{dir: "./test/", expectedCleanDir: "test/"},
    22  		{dir: "test/test", expectedCleanDir: "test/test/"},
    23  		{dir: "test/test/", expectedCleanDir: "test/test/"},
    24  		{dir: "./test/test", expectedCleanDir: "test/test/"},
    25  		{dir: "./test/test/", expectedCleanDir: "test/test/"},
    26  	}
    28  	for _, c := range cases {
    29  		t.Run(c.dir, func(t *testing.T) {
    30  			cleanedDir := cleanDir(c.dir)
    31  			if cleanedDir != c.expectedCleanDir {
    32  				t.Error("Incorrectly cleaned dir: " + cleanedDir + " != " + c.expectedCleanDir)
    33  			}
    34  		})
    35  	}
    36  }
    38  func TestNextSeq(t *testing.T) {
    39  	cases := []struct {
    40  		name           string
    41  		matches        []string
    42  		dir            string
    43  		seqDigits      int
    44  		expected       string
    45  		expectedErrStr string
    46  	}{
    47  		{"Bad digits", []string{}, "migrationDir/", 0, "", "Digits must be positive"},
    48  		{"Single digit initialize", []string{}, "migrationDir/", 1, "1", ""},
    49  		{"Single digit malformed", []string{"bad"}, "migrationDir/", 1, "", "Malformed migration filename: bad"},
    50  		{"Single digit no int", []string{"bad_bad"}, "migrationDir/", 1, "", "strconv.Atoi: parsing \"bad\": invalid syntax"},
    51  		{"Single digit negative seq", []string{"-5_test"}, "migrationDir/", 1, "", "Next sequence number must be positive"},
    52  		{"Single digit increment", []string{"3_test", "4_test"}, "migrationDir/", 1, "5", ""},
    53  		{"Single digit overflow", []string{"9_test"}, "migrationDir/", 1, "", "Next sequence number 10 too large. At most 1 digits are allowed"},
    54  		{"Zero-pad initialize", []string{}, "migrationDir/", 6, "000001", ""},
    55  		{"Zero-pad malformed", []string{"bad"}, "migrationDir/", 6, "", "Malformed migration filename: bad"},
    56  		{"Zero-pad no int", []string{"bad_bad"}, "migrationDir/", 6, "", "strconv.Atoi: parsing \"bad\": invalid syntax"},
    57  		{"Zero-pad negative seq", []string{"-000005_test"}, "migrationDir/", 6, "", "Next sequence number must be positive"},
    58  		{"Zero-pad increment", []string{"000003_test", "000004_test"}, "migrationDir/", 6, "000005", ""},
    59  		{"Zero-pad overflow", []string{"999999_test"}, "migrationDir/", 6, "", "Next sequence number 1000000 too large. At most 6 digits are allowed"},
    60  		{"dir - no trailing slash", []string{"migrationDir/000001_test"}, "migrationDir", 6, "", `strconv.Atoi: parsing "/000001": invalid syntax`},
    61  		{"dir - with dot prefix success", []string{"migrationDir/000001_test"}, "./migrationDir/", 6, "", `strconv.Atoi: parsing "migrationDir/000001": invalid syntax`},
    62  		{"dir - no dir prefix", []string{"000001_test"}, "migrationDir/", 6, "000002", ""},
    63  		{"dir - strip success", []string{"migrationDir/000001_test"}, "migrationDir/", 6, "000002", ""},
    64  	}
    65  	for _, c := range cases {
    66  		t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
    67  			nextSeq, err := nextSeq(c.matches, c.dir, c.seqDigits)
    68  			if nextSeq != c.expected {
    69  				t.Error("Incorrect nextSeq: " + nextSeq + " != " + c.expected)
    70  			}
    71  			if err != nil {
    72  				if err.Error() != c.expectedErrStr {
    73  					t.Error("Incorrect error: " + err.Error() + " != " + c.expectedErrStr)
    74  				}
    75  			} else if c.expectedErrStr != "" {
    76  				t.Error("Expected error: " + c.expectedErrStr + " but got nil instead")
    77  			}
    78  		})
    79  	}
    80  }
    82  func TestNumDownFromArgs(t *testing.T) {
    83  	cases := []struct {
    84  		name                string
    85  		args                []string
    86  		applyAll            bool
    87  		expectedNeedConfirm bool
    88  		expectedNum         int
    89  		expectedErrStr      string
    90  	}{
    91  		{"no args", []string{}, false, true, -1, ""},
    92  		{"down all", []string{}, true, false, -1, ""},
    93  		{"down 5", []string{"5"}, false, false, 5, ""},
    94  		{"down N", []string{"N"}, false, false, 0, "can't read limit argument N"},
    95  		{"extra arg after -all", []string{"5"}, true, false, 0, "-all cannot be used with other arguments"},
    96  		{"extra arg before -all", []string{"5", "-all"}, false, false, 0, "too many arguments"},
    97  	}
    98  	for _, c := range cases {
    99  		t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
   100  			num, needsConfirm, err := numDownMigrationsFromArgs(c.applyAll, c.args)
   101  			if needsConfirm != c.expectedNeedConfirm {
   102  				t.Errorf("Incorrect needsConfirm was: %v wanted %v", needsConfirm, c.expectedNeedConfirm)
   103  			}
   105  			if num != c.expectedNum {
   106  				t.Errorf("Incorrect num was: %v wanted %v", num, c.expectedNum)
   107  			}
   109  			if err != nil {
   110  				if err.Error() != c.expectedErrStr {
   111  					t.Error("Incorrect error: " + err.Error() + " != " + c.expectedErrStr)
   112  				}
   113  			} else if c.expectedErrStr != "" {
   114  				t.Error("Expected error: " + c.expectedErrStr + " but got nil instead")
   115  			}
   116  		})
   117  	}
   118  }