
     1  title: Update GitOps repository
     2  summary: |
     3    Updates files of a GitOps repository either by pushing changes directly to a
     4    given folder of a given branch or by opening a pull request to it.
     5  description: |
     6    Updates files of a GitOps repository either by pushing changes directly to a
     7    given folder of a given branch or by opening a pull request to it.
     8    URL of the pull request is exposed as an output in the latter case.
     9    Updated files are go templates rendered by substituting given values.
    10    A Github username and Personal Access Token must be provided with access to the repository.
    11  website:
    12  source_code_url:
    13  support_url:
    14  host_os_tags:
    15  - osx-10.10
    16  - ubuntu-16.04
    17  type_tags:
    18  - deploy
    20  is_requires_admin_user: false
    21  is_always_run: false
    22  is_skippable: false
    23  run_if: ""
    25  deps:
    26    brew:
    27    - name: git
    28    apt_get:
    29    - name: git
    31  toolkit:
    32    go:
    33      package_name:
    35  inputs:
    36  - deploy_repository_url: ""
    37    opts:
    38      title: Github HTTPS URL of the repository to deploy to
    39      is_required: true
    40  - deploy_path: ""
    41    opts:
    42      title: Path to place rendered templates inside the repository
    43      is_required: true
    44  - deploy_token: $DEPLOY_TOKEN
    45    opts:
    46      title: Personal Access Token to interact with Github API
    47      is_sensitive: true
    48      is_required: true
    49  - deploy_user: ""
    50    opts:
    51      title: Github username associated with the Personal Access Token
    52      is_required: true
    53  - deploy_branch: "master"
    54    opts:
    55      title: Branch of the repository to deploy to
    56  - commit_message: bitrise ci integration
    57    opts:
    58      title: Commit message of pushed changes
    59  - templates_folder_path: deployments/helm
    60    opts:
    61      title: Path to Go templates folder
    62      category: Templates
    63  - values: null
    64    opts:
    65      title: Input values for the Go template files in YAML format
    66      description: |-
    67        Input values for the Go template files as key-value pairs in YAML format.
    69        For example:
    71        ```
    72        my-key1: my value 1
    73        my-key2: my value 2
    74        ```
    75      category: Templates
    76  - pull_request: false
    77    opts:
    78      title: Open a pull request
    79      category: Pull Request
    80      description: |
    81        Open a pull request instead of pushing
    82        changes directly to the given branch.
    83      value_options:
    84      - "true"
    85      - "false"
    86  - pull_request_title: ""
    87    opts:
    88      title: Title of the opened pull request
    89      category: Pull Request
    91    opts:
    92      title: Body of the opened pull request
    93      category: Pull Request
    95  outputs:
    96  - PR_URL:
    97    opts:
    98      title: URL of opened pull request
    99      description: |
   100        URL of opened pull request. Will be emitted in pull request mode.