
     1  /*
     3  Copyright (c) 2022 - Present. Blend Labs, Inc. All rights reserved
     4  Use of this source code is governed by a MIT license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
     6  */
     8  package vault
    10  import "time"
    12  // Values is a bag of values.
    13  type Values = map[string]interface{}
    15  // SecretV1 is the structure returned for every secret within Vault.
    16  type SecretV1 struct {
    17  	// The request ID that generated this response
    18  	RequestID     string `json:"request_id"`
    19  	LeaseID       string `json:"lease_id"`
    20  	LeaseDuration int    `json:"lease_duration"`
    21  	Renewable     bool   `json:"renewable"`
    22  	// Data is the actual contents of the secret. The format of the data
    23  	// is arbitrary and up to the secret backend.
    24  	Data Values `json:"data"`
    25  	// Warnings contains any warnings related to the operation. These
    26  	// are not issues that caused the command to fail, but that the
    27  	// client should be aware of.
    28  	Warnings []string `json:"warnings"`
    29  	// Auth, if non-nil, means that there was authentication information
    30  	// attached to this response.
    31  	Auth *SecretAuth `json:"auth,omitempty"`
    32  	// WrapInfo, if non-nil, means that the initial response was wrapped in the
    33  	// cubbyhole of the given token (which has a TTL of the given number of
    34  	// seconds)
    35  	WrapInfo *SecretWrapInfo `json:"wrap_info,omitempty"`
    36  }
    38  // SecretListV1 is the structure returned for a list of secret keys in vault
    39  type SecretListV1 struct {
    40  	// The request ID that generated this response
    41  	RequestID     string `json:"request_id"`
    42  	LeaseID       string `json:"lease_id"`
    43  	LeaseDuration int    `json:"lease_duration"`
    44  	Renewable     bool   `json:"renewable"`
    45  	// Data is the list of keys and subfolders at this path. Subfolders end with a slash, keys do not
    46  	Data KeyData `json:"data"`
    47  	// Warnings contains any warnings related to the operation. These
    48  	// are not issues that caused the command to fail, but that the
    49  	// client should be aware of.
    50  	Warnings []string `json:"warnings"`
    51  	// Auth, if non-nil, means that there was authentication information
    52  	// attached to this response.
    53  	Auth *SecretAuth `json:"auth,omitempty"`
    54  	// WrapInfo, if non-nil, means that the initial response was wrapped in the
    55  	// cubbyhole of the given token (which has a TTL of the given number of
    56  	// seconds)
    57  	WrapInfo *SecretWrapInfo `json:"wrap_info,omitempty"`
    58  }
    60  // SecretV2 is the structure returned for every secret within Vault.
    61  type SecretV2 struct {
    62  	// The request ID that generated this response
    63  	RequestID     string `json:"request_id"`
    64  	LeaseID       string `json:"lease_id"`
    65  	LeaseDuration int    `json:"lease_duration"`
    66  	Renewable     bool   `json:"renewable"`
    67  	// Data is the actual contents of the secret. The format of the data
    68  	// is arbitrary and up to the secret backend.
    69  	Data SecretData `json:"data"`
    70  	// Warnings contains any warnings related to the operation. These
    71  	// are not issues that caused the command to fail, but that the
    72  	// client should be aware of.
    73  	Warnings []string `json:"warnings"`
    74  	// Auth, if non-nil, means that there was authentication information
    75  	// attached to this response.
    76  	Auth *SecretAuth `json:"auth,omitempty"`
    77  	// WrapInfo, if non-nil, means that the initial response was wrapped in the
    78  	// cubbyhole of the given token (which has a TTL of the given number of
    79  	// seconds)
    80  	WrapInfo *SecretWrapInfo `json:"wrap_info,omitempty"`
    81  }
    83  // SecretListV2 is the structure returned for every secret within Vault.
    84  type SecretListV2 struct {
    85  	// The request ID that generated this response
    86  	RequestID     string `json:"request_id"`
    87  	LeaseID       string `json:"lease_id"`
    88  	LeaseDuration int    `json:"lease_duration"`
    89  	Renewable     bool   `json:"renewable"`
    90  	// Data is the list of keys and subfolders at this path. Subfolders end with a slash, keys do not
    91  	Data KeyData `json:"data"`
    92  	// Warnings contains any warnings related to the operation. These
    93  	// are not issues that caused the command to fail, but that the
    94  	// client should be aware of.
    95  	Warnings []string `json:"warnings"`
    96  	// Auth, if non-nil, means that there was authentication information
    97  	// attached to this response.
    98  	Auth *SecretAuth `json:"auth,omitempty"`
    99  	// WrapInfo, if non-nil, means that the initial response was wrapped in the
   100  	// cubbyhole of the given token (which has a TTL of the given number of
   101  	// seconds)
   102  	WrapInfo *SecretWrapInfo `json:"wrap_info,omitempty"`
   103  }
   105  // TransitKey is the structure returned for every transit key within Vault.
   106  type TransitKey struct {
   107  	// The request ID that generated this response
   108  	RequestID     string `json:"request_id"`
   109  	LeaseID       string `json:"lease_id"`
   110  	LeaseDuration int    `json:"lease_duration"`
   111  	Renewable     bool   `json:"renewable"`
   112  	// Data is the data associated with a transit key
   113  	Data map[string]interface{} `json:"data"`
   114  	// Warnings contains any warnings related to the operation. These
   115  	// are not issues that caused the command to fail, but that the
   116  	// client should be aware of.
   117  	Warnings []string `json:"warnings"`
   118  	// Auth, if non-nil, means that there was authentication information
   119  	// attached to this response.
   120  	Auth *SecretAuth `json:"auth,omitempty"`
   121  	// WrapInfo, if non-nil, means that the initial response was wrapped in the
   122  	// cubbyhole of the given token (which has a TTL of the given number of
   123  	// seconds)
   124  	WrapInfo *SecretWrapInfo `json:"wrap_info,omitempty"`
   125  }
   127  // SecretData is used for puts.
   128  type SecretData struct {
   129  	Data Values `json:"data"`
   130  }
   132  // KeyData is used for lists.
   133  type KeyData struct {
   134  	Keys []string `json:"keys"`
   135  }
   137  // SecretAuth is the structure containing auth information if we have it.
   138  type SecretAuth struct {
   139  	ClientToken   string            `json:"client_token"`
   140  	Accessor      string            `json:"accessor"`
   141  	Policies      []string          `json:"policies"`
   142  	Metadata      map[string]string `json:"metadata"`
   143  	LeaseDuration int               `json:"lease_duration"`
   144  	Renewable     bool              `json:"renewable"`
   145  }
   147  // SecretWrapInfo contains wrapping information if we have it. If what is
   148  // contained is an authentication token, the accessor for the token will be
   149  // available in WrappedAccessor.
   150  type SecretWrapInfo struct {
   151  	Token           string    `json:"token"`
   152  	Accessor        string    `json:"accessor"`
   153  	TTL             int       `json:"ttl"`
   154  	CreationTime    time.Time `json:"creation_time"`
   155  	CreationPath    string    `json:"creation_path"`
   156  	WrappedAccessor string    `json:"wrapped_accessor"`
   157  }
   159  // MountResponse is the result of a call to a mount.
   160  type MountResponse struct {
   161  	RequestID string `json:"request_id"`
   162  	Data      Mount  `json:"data"`
   163  }
   165  // Mount is a vault mount.
   166  type Mount struct {
   167  	Type        string            `json:"type"`
   168  	Description string            `json:"description"`
   169  	Accessor    string            `json:"accessor"`
   170  	Config      MountConfig       `json:"config"`
   171  	Options     map[string]string `json:"options"`
   172  	Local       bool              `json:"local"`
   173  	SealWrap    bool              `json:"seal_wrap" mapstructure:"seal_wrap"`
   174  }
   176  // MountConfig is a vault mount config.
   177  type MountConfig struct {
   178  	DefaultLeaseTTL           int      `json:"default_lease_ttl" mapstructure:"default_lease_ttl"`
   179  	MaxLeaseTTL               int      `json:"max_lease_ttl" mapstructure:"max_lease_ttl"`
   180  	ForceNoCache              bool     `json:"force_no_cache" mapstructure:"force_no_cache"`
   181  	PluginName                string   `json:"plugin_name,omitempty" mapstructure:"plugin_name"`
   182  	AuditNonHMACRequestKeys   []string `json:"audit_non_hmac_request_keys,omitempty" mapstructure:"audit_non_hmac_request_keys"`
   183  	AuditNonHMACResponseKeys  []string `json:"audit_non_hmac_response_keys,omitempty" mapstructure:"audit_non_hmac_response_keys"`
   184  	ListingVisibility         string   `json:"listing_visibility,omitempty" mapstructure:"listing_visibility"`
   185  	PassthroughRequestHeaders []string `json:"passthrough_request_headers,omitempty" mapstructure:"passthrough_request_headers"`
   186  }
   188  // MountInput is a vault mount input.
   189  type MountInput struct {
   190  	Type        string            `json:"type"`
   191  	Description string            `json:"description"`
   192  	Config      MountConfigInput  `json:"config"`
   193  	Options     map[string]string `json:"options"`
   194  	Local       bool              `json:"local"`
   195  	PluginName  string            `json:"plugin_name,omitempty"`
   196  	SealWrap    bool              `json:"seal_wrap" mapstructure:"seal_wrap"`
   197  }
   199  // MountConfigInput is a vault mount config input.
   200  type MountConfigInput struct {
   201  	Options                   map[string]string `json:"options" mapstructure:"options"`
   202  	DefaultLeaseTTL           string            `json:"default_lease_ttl" mapstructure:"default_lease_ttl"`
   203  	MaxLeaseTTL               string            `json:"max_lease_ttl" mapstructure:"max_lease_ttl"`
   204  	ForceNoCache              bool              `json:"force_no_cache" mapstructure:"force_no_cache"`
   205  	PluginName                string            `json:"plugin_name,omitempty" mapstructure:"plugin_name"`
   206  	AuditNonHMACRequestKeys   []string          `json:"audit_non_hmac_request_keys,omitempty" mapstructure:"audit_non_hmac_request_keys"`
   207  	AuditNonHMACResponseKeys  []string          `json:"audit_non_hmac_response_keys,omitempty" mapstructure:"audit_non_hmac_response_keys"`
   208  	ListingVisibility         string            `json:"listing_visibility,omitempty" mapstructure:"listing_visibility"`
   209  	PassthroughRequestHeaders []string          `json:"passthrough_request_headers,omitempty" mapstructure:"passthrough_request_headers"`
   210  }
   212  // BatchTransitInput is the structure of batch encrypt / decrypt requests
   213  type BatchTransitInput struct {
   214  	BatchTransitInputItems []BatchTransitInputItem `json:"batch_input"`
   215  }
   217  // BatchTransitInputItem is a single item in a batch encrypt / decrypt request
   218  type BatchTransitInputItem struct {
   219  	Context    []byte `json:"context,omitempty"`
   220  	Ciphertext string `json:"ciphertext,omitempty"`
   221  	Plaintext  []byte `json:"plaintext,omitempty"`
   222  }
   224  // BatchTransitResult is the structure returned by vault for batch transit requests
   225  type BatchTransitResult struct {
   226  	Data struct {
   227  		BatchTransitResult []struct {
   228  			// Error, if set represents a failure encountered while encrypting/decrypting a
   229  			// corresponding batch request item
   230  			Error      string `json:"error"`
   231  			Ciphertext string `json:"ciphertext"`
   232  			Plaintext  string `json:"plaintext"`
   233  		} `json:"batch_results"`
   234  	} `json:"data"`
   235  }
   237  // TransitResult is the structure returned by vault for transit requests
   238  type TransitResult struct {
   239  	Data struct {
   240  		Ciphertext string `json:"ciphertext"`
   241  		Plaintext  string `json:"plaintext"`
   242  	} `json:"data"`
   243  }
   245  // TransitHmacResult is the structure returned by vault for transit hmac requests
   246  type TransitHmacResult struct {
   247  	Data struct {
   248  		Hmac string `json:"hmac"`
   249  	} `json:"data"`
   250  }
   252  // CreateTransitKeyConfig is the configuration data for creating a TransitKey
   253  type CreateTransitKeyConfig struct {
   254  	// Convergent - If enabled, the key will support convergent encryption, where the same plaintext creates the same
   255  	// ciphertext. This requires derived to be set to true. When enabled, each encryption(/decryption/rewrap/datakey)
   256  	// operation will derive a nonce value rather than randomly generate it.
   257  	Convergent bool `json:"convergent_encryption,omitempty"`
   258  	// Derived - Specifies if key derivation is to be used. If enabled, all encrypt/decrypt requests to this named key
   259  	// must provide a context which is used for key derivation.
   260  	Derived bool `json:"derived,omitempty"`
   261  	// Exportable - Enables keys to be exportable. This allows for all the valid keys in the key ring to be exported.
   262  	// Once set, this cannot be disabled.
   263  	Exportable bool `json:"exportable,omitempty"`
   264  	// AllowPlaintextBackup - If set, enables taking backup of named key in the plaintext format. Once set, this cannot
   265  	// be disabled.
   266  	AllowPlaintextBackup bool `json:"allow_plaintext_backup,omitempty"`
   267  	// Type specifies the type of key to create. The default type is "aes256-gcm96":
   268  	//   aes256-gcm96 – AES-256 wrapped with GCM using a 96-bit nonce size AEAD (symmetric, supports derivation and
   269  	//      convergent encryption)
   270  	//   chacha20-poly1305 – ChaCha20-Poly1305 AEAD (symmetric, supports derivation and convergent encryption)
   271  	//   ed25519 – ED25519 (asymmetric, supports derivation). When using derivation, a sign operation with the same
   272  	//      context will derive the same key and signature; this is a signing analog to convergent_encryption.
   273  	//   ecdsa-p256 – ECDSA using the P-256 elliptic curve (asymmetric)
   274  	//   rsa-2048 - RSA with bit size of 2048 (asymmetric)
   275  	//   rsa-4096 - RSA with bit size of 4096 (asymmetric)
   276  	Type string `json:"type,omitempty"`
   277  }
   279  // UpdateTransitKeyConfig is the configuration data for modifying a TransitKey
   280  type UpdateTransitKeyConfig struct {
   281  	// MinDecryptionVersion -  Specifies the minimum version of ciphertext allowed to be decrypted. Adjusting this as
   282  	// part of a key rotation policy can prevent old copies of ciphertext from being decrypted, should they fall into
   283  	// the wrong hands. For signatures, this value controls the minimum version of signature that can be verified
   284  	// against. For HMACs, this controls the minimum version of a key allowed to be used as the key for verification.
   285  	MinDecryptionVersion int `json:"min_decryption_version,omitempty"`
   286  	// MinEncryptionVersion - Specifies the minimum version of the key that can be used to encrypt plaintext, sign
   287  	// payloads, or generate HMACs. Must be 0 (which will use the latest version) or a value greater or equal to
   288  	// min_decryption_version.
   289  	MinEncryptionVersion int `json:"min_encryption_version,omitempty"`
   290  	// DeletionAllowed - Specifies if the key is allowed to be deleted.
   291  	DeletionAllowed *bool `json:"deletion_allowed,omitempty"`
   292  	// Exportable - Enables keys to be exportable. This allows for all the valid keys in the key ring to be exported.
   293  	// Once set, this cannot be disabled.
   294  	Exportable bool `json:"exportable,omitempty"`
   295  	// AllowPlaintextBackup - If set, enables taking backup of named key in the plaintext format. Once set, this cannot
   296  	// be disabled.
   297  	AllowPlaintextBackup bool `json:"allow_plaintext_backup,omitempty"`
   298  }
   300  // GitHubAuthResponse is a response for github auth.
   301  type GitHubAuthResponse struct {
   302  	LeaseID       string                 `json:"lease_id,omitempty"`
   303  	Renewable     bool                   `json:"renewable,omitempty"`
   304  	LeaseDuration int64                  `json:"lease_duration,omitempty"`
   305  	Data          map[string]interface{} `json:"data,omitempty"`
   306  	Warnings      map[string]interface{} `json:"warnings,omitempty"`
   307  	Auth          struct {
   308  		ClientToken string   `json:"client_token,omitempty"`
   309  		Accessor    string   `json:"accessor,omitempty"`
   310  		Policies    []string `json:"policies,omitempty"`
   311  		Metadata    struct {
   312  			Username string `json:"username,omitempty"`
   313  			Org      string `json:"org,omitempty"`
   314  		} `json:"metadata"`
   315  	} `json:"auth"`
   316  }
   318  // AWSAuthResponse is a response for github auth.
   319  type AWSAuthResponse struct {
   320  	LeaseID       string                 `json:"lease_id,omitempty"`
   321  	Renewable     bool                   `json:"renewable,omitempty"`
   322  	LeaseDuration int64                  `json:"lease_duration,omitempty"`
   323  	Data          map[string]interface{} `json:"data,omitempty"`
   324  	Warnings      map[string]interface{} `json:"warnings,omitempty"`
   325  	Auth          struct {
   326  		ClientToken string   `json:"client_token,omitempty"`
   327  		Accessor    string   `json:"accessor,omitempty"`
   328  		Policies    []string `json:"policies,omitempty"`
   329  		Metadata    struct {
   330  			RoleTagMaxTTL string `json:"role_tag_max_ttl,omitempty"`
   331  			InstanceID    string `json:"instance_id,omitempty"`
   332  			AMIID         string `json:"ami_id,omitempty"`
   333  			Role          string `json:"role,omitempty"`
   334  			AuthType      string `json:"auth_type,omitempty"`
   335  		} `json:"metadata"`
   336  	} `json:"auth"`
   337  	Errors []string `json:"errors,omitempty"`
   338  }