
     1  /*
     3  Copyright (c) 2024 - Present. Blend Labs, Inc. All rights reserved
     4  Use of this source code is governed by a MIT license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
     6  */
     8  package pagerduty
    10  import (
    11  	"context"
    12  	"encoding/json"
    13  	"fmt"
    14  	"net/http"
    16  	""
    17  	""
    18  )
    20  // ListIncidents lists incidents.
    21  //
    22  // Use the variadic options to set constraining query parameters to filter or sort the incidents.
    23  func (hc HTTPClient) ListIncidents(ctx context.Context, opts ...ListIncidentOption) (output ListIncidentsOutput, err error) {
    24  	var options ListIncidentsOptions
    25  	for _, opt := range opts {
    26  		opt(&options)
    27  	}
    28  	var res *http.Response
    29  	res, err = hc.Request(ctx,
    30  		append([]r2.Option{
    31  			r2.OptGet(),
    32  			r2.OptPath("/incidents"),
    33  		}, options.Options()...)...,
    34  	).Do()
    35  	if err != nil {
    36  		return
    37  	}
    38  	if statusCode := res.StatusCode; statusCode < 200 || statusCode > 299 {
    39  		err = ex.New(ErrNon200Status, ex.OptMessagef("method: post, path: /incidents, status: %d", statusCode))
    40  		return
    41  	}
    42  	defer res.Body.Close()
    43  	if err = json.NewDecoder(res.Body).Decode(&output); err != nil {
    44  		err = ex.New(err)
    45  		return
    46  	}
    47  	return
    48  }
    50  // OptListIncidentsDateRange sets a field on the options.
    51  func OptListIncidentsDateRange(dateRange string) ListIncidentOption {
    52  	return func(lio *ListIncidentsOptions) { lio.DateRange = dateRange }
    53  }
    55  // OptListIncidentsIncidentKey sets a field on the options.
    56  func OptListIncidentsIncidentKey(incidentKey string) ListIncidentOption {
    57  	return func(lio *ListIncidentsOptions) { lio.IncidentKey = incidentKey }
    58  }
    60  // OptListIncidentsInclude sets the "include" query string value.
    61  //
    62  // Include sets if we should add additional data to the response for
    63  // corresponding fields on the output object.
    64  func OptListIncidentsInclude(include ...Include) ListIncidentOption {
    65  	return func(lio *ListIncidentsOptions) { lio.Include = include }
    66  }
    68  // OptListIncidentsLimit sets a field on the options.
    69  func OptListIncidentsLimit(limit int) ListIncidentOption {
    70  	return func(lio *ListIncidentsOptions) { lio.Limit = limit }
    71  }
    73  // OptListIncidentsOffset sets a field on the options.
    74  func OptListIncidentsOffset(offset int) ListIncidentOption {
    75  	return func(lio *ListIncidentsOptions) { lio.Offset = offset }
    76  }
    78  // OptListIncidentsServiceIDs sets a field on the options.
    79  func OptListIncidentsServiceIDs(serviceIDs ...string) ListIncidentOption {
    80  	return func(lio *ListIncidentsOptions) { lio.ServiceIDs = serviceIDs }
    81  }
    83  // OptListIncidentsSince sets a field on the options.
    84  func OptListIncidentsSince(since string) ListIncidentOption {
    85  	return func(lio *ListIncidentsOptions) { lio.Since = since }
    86  }
    88  // OptListIncidentsSortBy sets a field on the options.
    89  func OptListIncidentsSortBy(sortBy string) ListIncidentOption {
    90  	return func(lio *ListIncidentsOptions) { lio.SortBy = sortBy }
    91  }
    93  // OptListIncidentsStatuses sets a field on the options.
    94  func OptListIncidentsStatuses(statuses ...IncidentStatus) ListIncidentOption {
    95  	return func(lio *ListIncidentsOptions) { lio.Statuses = statuses }
    96  }
    98  // OptListIncidentsTeamIDs sets a field on the options.
    99  func OptListIncidentsTeamIDs(teamIDs ...string) ListIncidentOption {
   100  	return func(lio *ListIncidentsOptions) { lio.TeamIDs = teamIDs }
   101  }
   103  // OptListIncidentsTimeZone sets a field on the options.
   104  func OptListIncidentsTimeZone(timeZone string) ListIncidentOption {
   105  	return func(lio *ListIncidentsOptions) { lio.TimeZone = timeZone }
   106  }
   108  // OptListIncidentsTotal sets a field on the options.
   109  func OptListIncidentsTotal(total bool) ListIncidentOption {
   110  	return func(lio *ListIncidentsOptions) { lio.Total = &total }
   111  }
   113  // OptListIncidentsUntil sets a field on the options.
   114  func OptListIncidentsUntil(until string) ListIncidentOption {
   115  	return func(lio *ListIncidentsOptions) { lio.Until = until }
   116  }
   118  // OptListIncidentsUrgencies sets a field on the options.
   119  func OptListIncidentsUrgencies(urgencies ...string) ListIncidentOption {
   120  	return func(lio *ListIncidentsOptions) { lio.Urgencies = urgencies }
   121  }
   123  // OptListIncidentsUserIDs sets a field on the options.
   124  func OptListIncidentsUserIDs(userIDs ...string) ListIncidentOption {
   125  	return func(lio *ListIncidentsOptions) { lio.UserIDs = userIDs }
   126  }
   128  // ListIncidentOption mutates the list incidents options.
   129  type ListIncidentOption func(*ListIncidentsOptions)
   131  // ListIncidentsOptions are all the options for a list incidents call.
   132  type ListIncidentsOptions struct {
   133  	DateRange   string
   134  	IncidentKey string
   135  	Include     []Include
   136  	Limit       int
   137  	Offset      int
   138  	ServiceIDs  []string
   139  	Since       string
   140  	SortBy      string
   141  	Statuses    []IncidentStatus
   142  	TeamIDs     []string
   143  	TimeZone    string
   144  	Total       *bool
   145  	Until       string
   146  	Urgencies   []string
   147  	UserIDs     []string
   148  }
   150  // Options yields the r2 options for the options.
   151  //
   152  // _Allow myself to introduce ... myself_
   153  func (lio ListIncidentsOptions) Options() (output []r2.Option) {
   154  	if lio.DateRange != "" {
   155  		output = append(output, r2.OptQueryValue("date_range", lio.DateRange))
   156  	}
   157  	if lio.IncidentKey != "" {
   158  		output = append(output, r2.OptQueryValue("incident_key", lio.IncidentKey))
   159  	}
   160  	if len(lio.Include) > 0 {
   161  		for _, include := range lio.Include {
   162  			output = append(output, r2.OptQueryValueAdd("include[]", string(include)))
   163  		}
   164  	}
   165  	if lio.Limit > 0 {
   166  		output = append(output, r2.OptQueryValue("limit ", fmt.Sprint(lio.Limit)))
   167  	}
   168  	if lio.Offset > 0 {
   169  		output = append(output, r2.OptQueryValue("offset", fmt.Sprint(lio.Offset)))
   170  	}
   171  	if len(lio.ServiceIDs) > 0 {
   172  		for _, serviceID := range lio.ServiceIDs {
   173  			output = append(output, r2.OptQueryValueAdd("service_ids[]", serviceID))
   174  		}
   175  	}
   176  	if lio.Since != "" {
   177  		output = append(output, r2.OptQueryValue("since", lio.Since))
   178  	}
   179  	if lio.SortBy != "" {
   180  		output = append(output, r2.OptQueryValue("sort_by", lio.SortBy))
   181  	}
   182  	if len(lio.Statuses) > 0 {
   183  		for _, status := range lio.Statuses {
   184  			output = append(output, r2.OptQueryValueAdd("statuses[]", string(status)))
   185  		}
   186  	}
   187  	if len(lio.TeamIDs) > 0 {
   188  		for _, teamID := range lio.TeamIDs {
   189  			output = append(output, r2.OptQueryValueAdd("team_ids[]", teamID))
   190  		}
   191  	}
   192  	if lio.TimeZone != "" {
   193  		output = append(output, r2.OptQueryValue("time_zone", lio.TimeZone))
   194  	}
   195  	if lio.Total != nil {
   196  		output = append(output, r2.OptQueryValue("total", fmt.Sprint(*lio.Total)))
   197  	}
   198  	if lio.Until != "" {
   199  		output = append(output, r2.OptQueryValue("until", lio.Until))
   200  	}
   201  	if len(lio.Urgencies) > 0 {
   202  		for _, urgency := range lio.Urgencies {
   203  			output = append(output, r2.OptQueryValueAdd("urgencies[]", urgency))
   204  		}
   205  	}
   206  	if len(lio.UserIDs) > 0 {
   207  		for _, userID := range lio.UserIDs {
   208  			output = append(output, r2.OptQueryValueAdd("user_ids[]", userID))
   209  		}
   210  	}
   211  	return
   212  }
   214  // ListIncidentsOutput is the output of a list incidents call.
   215  type ListIncidentsOutput struct {
   216  	Offset    int        `json:"offset"`
   217  	Limit     int        `json:"limit"`
   218  	More      bool       `json:"more"`
   219  	Total     *int       `json:"total"`
   220  	Incidents []Incident `json:"incidents"`
   221  }