
     1  /*
     3  Copyright (c) 2024 - Present. Blend Labs, Inc. All rights reserved
     4  Use of this source code is governed by a MIT license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
     6  */
     8  package profanity
    10  import (
    11  	"testing"
    13  	""
    14  )
    16  func TestNoGenericDecls(t *testing.T) {
    17  	for _, tc := range []struct {
    18  		Name     string
    19  		Enabled  bool
    20  		Filename string
    21  		Contents string
    22  		ErrLine  int
    23  	}{
    24  		{
    25  			Name:     "no generics",
    26  			Enabled:  true,
    27  			Filename: "main.go",
    28  			Contents: `package main
    30  func SumInts(m map[string]int) int {
    31  	var s int
    32  	for _, v := range m {
    33  	    s += v
    34  	}
    35  	return s
    36  }
    37  `,
    38  			ErrLine: 0,
    39  		},
    40  		{
    41  			Name:     "generic function",
    42  			Enabled:  true,
    43  			Filename: "main.go",
    44  			Contents: `package main
    46  func SumIntsOrFloats[K comparable, V int64 | float64](m map[K]V) V {
    47  	var s V
    48  	for _, v := range m {
    49  	    s += v
    50  	}
    51  	return s
    52  }
    53  `,
    54  			ErrLine: 3,
    55  		},
    56  		{
    57  			Name:     "generic function when disabled",
    58  			Enabled:  false,
    59  			Filename: "main.go",
    60  			Contents: `package main
    62  func SumIntsOrFloats[K comparable, V int64 | float64](m map[K]V) V {
    63  	var s V
    64  	for _, v := range m {
    65  	    s += v
    66  	}
    67  	return s
    68  }
    69  `,
    70  			ErrLine: 0,
    71  		},
    72  		{
    73  			Name:     "generic type",
    74  			Enabled:  true,
    75  			Filename: "main.go",
    76  			Contents: `package main
    78  type (
    79  	Foo[T any] struct {
    80  		Bar T
    81  	}
    82  )
    83  `,
    84  			ErrLine: 4,
    85  		},
    86  		{
    87  			Name:     "generic type when disabled",
    88  			Enabled:  false,
    89  			Filename: "main.go",
    90  			Contents: `package main
    92  type (
    93  	Foo[T any] struct {
    94  		Bar T
    95  	}
    96  )
    97  `,
    98  			ErrLine: 0,
    99  		},
   100  		{
   101  			Name:     "interface union",
   102  			Enabled:  true,
   103  			Filename: "main.go",
   104  			Contents: `package main
   106  type (
   107  	Num interface {
   108  		int | float64
   109  	}
   110  )
   111  `,
   112  			ErrLine: 5,
   113  		},
   114  		{
   115  			Name:     "underlying type in interface",
   116  			Enabled:  true,
   117  			Filename: "main.go",
   118  			Contents: `package main
   120  type (
   121  	Int interface {
   122  		~int
   123  	}
   124  )
   125  `,
   126  			ErrLine: 5,
   127  		},
   128  		{
   129  			Name:     "bitwise ops ok outside of interface",
   130  			Enabled:  true,
   131  			Filename: "main.go",
   132  			Contents: `package main
   134  func Foo() {
   135  	_ = 0 | 1
   136  }
   137  `,
   138  			ErrLine: 0,
   139  		},
   140  		{
   141  			Name:     "not go source file",
   142  			Enabled:  true,
   143  			Filename: "README.txt",
   144  			Contents: `README`,
   145  			ErrLine:  0,
   146  		},
   147  	} {
   148  		t.Run(tc.Name, func(t *testing.T) {
   149  			assert := assert.New(t)
   151  			rule := NoGenericDecls{
   152  				Enabled: tc.Enabled,
   153  			}
   155  			res := rule.Check(tc.Filename, []byte(tc.Contents))
   156  			if tc.ErrLine > 0 {
   157  				assert.Nil(res.Err)
   158  				assert.False(res.OK)
   159  				assert.Equal(tc.Filename, res.File)
   160  				assert.Equal(tc.ErrLine, res.Line)
   161  			} else {
   162  				assert.Nil(res.Err)
   163  				assert.True(res.OK)
   164  			}
   165  		})
   166  	}
   167  }