(about) 1 /* 2 3 Copyright (c) 2024 - Present. Blend Labs, Inc. All rights reserved 4 Use of this source code is governed by a MIT license that can be found in the LICENSE file. 5 6 */ 7 8 package sourceutil 9 10 import ( 11 "context" 12 "fmt" 13 "go/ast" 14 "go/parser" 15 "go/printer" 16 "go/token" 17 "io" 18 "os" 19 "path/filepath" 20 "strings" 21 22 "" 23 ) 24 25 // CopyRewriter copies a source to a destination, and applies rewrite rules to the file(s) it copies. 26 type CopyRewriter struct { 27 Source string 28 Destination string 29 SkipGlobs []string 30 GoImportVisitors []GoImportVisitor 31 GoAstVistiors []GoAstVisitor 32 StringSubstitutions []StringSubstitution 33 DryRun bool 34 RemoveDestination bool 35 KeepTemporary bool 36 37 Quiet *bool 38 Verbose *bool 39 Debug *bool 40 41 Stdout io.Writer 42 Stderr io.Writer 43 } 44 45 // Execute is the command body. 46 func (cr CopyRewriter) Execute(ctx context.Context) error { 47 if _, err := os.Stat(cr.Source); err != nil { 48 return fmt.Errorf("source not found at %s", cr.Source) 49 } 50 tempDir, err := os.MkdirTemp("", "repoctl") 51 if err != nil { 52 return err 53 } 54 if !cr.KeepTemporary { 55 defer func() { 56 if _, err = os.Stat(tempDir); err == nil { 57 cr.Verbosef("cleaning up temp dir %s", tempDir) 58 os.RemoveAll(tempDir) 59 } 60 }() 61 } 62 63 // walk files 64 err = filepath.Walk(cr.Source, func(path string, info os.FileInfo, err error) error { 65 if err != nil { 66 return err 67 } 68 69 base := strings.TrimPrefix(strings.TrimPrefix(path, cr.Source), "/") 70 destination := filepath.Join(tempDir, base) 71 72 for _, skipGlob := range cr.SkipGlobs { 73 if stringutil.Glob(base, skipGlob) { 74 if info.IsDir() { 75 cr.Verbosef("%s: skipping dir", base) 76 return filepath.SkipDir 77 } 78 cr.Verbosef("%s: skipping", base) 79 return nil 80 } 81 } 82 83 if info.IsDir() { 84 if _, err := os.Stat(destination); err != nil { 85 cr.Verbosef("%s", base) 86 if !cr.DryRun { 87 cr.Debugf("%s: creating %s", base, destination) 88 if err = os.MkdirAll(destination, DefaultDirPerms); err != nil { 89 return err 90 } 91 } else { 92 cr.Debugf("%s: dry-run; creating dir %s", base, destination) 93 } 94 } 95 return nil 96 } 97 98 cr.Verbosef("%s", base) 99 if filepath.Ext(path) == ".go" { 100 if err := cr.copyGoSourceFile(ctx, destination, path); err != nil { 101 return err 102 } 103 } else { 104 if !cr.DryRun { 105 if err := Copy(ctx, destination, path); err != nil { 106 return err 107 } 108 } 109 } 110 return nil 111 }) 112 113 if !cr.DryRun { 114 if cr.RemoveDestination { 115 cr.Verbosef("removing destination dir %s", cr.Destination) 116 if err := os.RemoveAll(cr.Destination); err != nil { 117 return err 118 } 119 } 120 cr.Verbosef("recursively copying %s to %s", tempDir, cr.Destination) 121 if err := CopyAll(cr.Destination, tempDir); err != nil { 122 return err 123 } 124 } else { 125 cr.Verbosef("%s", "dry-run; skipping final copy") 126 } 127 return nil 128 } 129 130 // copyGoSourceFile rewrites the imports for a golang file at a given path 131 func (cr CopyRewriter) copyGoSourceFile(ctx context.Context, destinationPath, sourcePath string) error { 132 contents, err := os.ReadFile(sourcePath) 133 if err != nil { 134 return err 135 } 136 var writer io.WriteCloser 137 if cr.DryRun { 138 writer = nopWriteCloser{io.Discard} 139 } else { 140 writer, err = os.Create(destinationPath) 141 if err != nil { 142 return err 143 } 144 defer writer.Close() 145 } 146 if err = cr.rewriteGoAst(ctx, sourcePath, contents, writer); err != nil { 147 return err 148 } 149 return cr.rewriteContents(ctx, destinationPath) 150 } 151 152 func (cr CopyRewriter) rewriteGoAst(ctx context.Context, sourcePath string, contents []byte, writer io.Writer) error { 153 fset := token.NewFileSet() 154 fileAst, err := parser.ParseFile(fset, sourcePath, contents, parser.AllErrors|parser.ParseComments) 155 if err != nil { 156 return err 157 } 158 159 for importIndex := range fileAst.Imports { // foreach file import 160 cr.Debugf("processing import %s", fileAst.Imports[importIndex].Path.Value) 161 for _, rewriteRule := range cr.GoImportVisitors { // foreach import rule 162 if err := rewriteRule(ctx, fileAst.Imports[importIndex]); err != nil { 163 return err 164 } 165 } 166 } 167 for _, rewrite := range cr.GoAstVistiors { 168 ast.Inspect(fileAst, func(n ast.Node) bool { 169 if n == nil { 170 return false 171 } 172 return rewrite(ctx, n) 173 }) 174 } 175 return printer.Fprint(writer, fset, fileAst) 176 } 177 178 func (cr CopyRewriter) rewriteContents(ctx context.Context, sourcePath string) error { 179 if len(cr.StringSubstitutions) == 0 { 180 return nil 181 } 182 183 stat, err := os.Stat(sourcePath) 184 if err != nil { 185 return err 186 } 187 188 contents, err := os.ReadFile(sourcePath) 189 if err != nil { 190 return err 191 } 192 193 var output string 194 var ok bool 195 for _, rule := range cr.StringSubstitutions { 196 output, ok = rule(ctx, string(contents)) 197 if ok { 198 contents = []byte(output) 199 } 200 } 201 if cr.DryRun { 202 cr.Debugf("dry-run; skipping rewriting file %s", sourcePath) 203 return nil 204 } 205 cr.Debugf("rewriting file %s", sourcePath) 206 return os.WriteFile(sourcePath, contents, stat.Mode()) 207 } 208 209 // QuietOrDefault returns a value or a default. 210 func (cr CopyRewriter) QuietOrDefault() bool { 211 if cr.Quiet != nil { 212 return *cr.Quiet 213 } 214 return false 215 } 216 217 // VerboseOrDefault returns a value or a default. 218 func (cr CopyRewriter) VerboseOrDefault() bool { 219 if cr.Verbose != nil { 220 return *cr.Verbose 221 } 222 return false 223 } 224 225 // DebugOrDefault returns a value or a default. 226 func (cr CopyRewriter) DebugOrDefault() bool { 227 if cr.Debug != nil { 228 return *cr.Debug 229 } 230 return false 231 } 232 233 // GetStdout returns standard out. 234 func (cr CopyRewriter) GetStdout() io.Writer { 235 if cr.QuietOrDefault() { 236 return io.Discard 237 } 238 if cr.Stdout != nil { 239 return cr.Stdout 240 } 241 return os.Stdout 242 } 243 244 // GetStderr returns standard error. 245 func (cr CopyRewriter) GetStderr() io.Writer { 246 if cr.QuietOrDefault() { 247 return io.Discard 248 } 249 if cr.Stderr != nil { 250 return cr.Stderr 251 } 252 return os.Stderr 253 } 254 255 // Verbosef writes to stdout if the `Verbose` flag is true. 256 func (cr CopyRewriter) Verbosef(format string, args ...interface{}) { 257 if !cr.VerboseOrDefault() { 258 return 259 } 260 fmt.Fprintf(cr.GetStdout(), format+"\n", args...) 261 } 262 263 // Debugf writes to stdout if the `Debug` flag is true. 264 func (cr CopyRewriter) Debugf(format string, args ...interface{}) { 265 if !cr.DebugOrDefault() { 266 return 267 } 268 fmt.Fprintf(cr.GetStdout(), format+"\n", args...) 269 } 270 271 type nopWriteCloser struct { 272 io.Writer 273 } 274 275 func (nopWriteCloser) Close() error { return nil }