
     1  /*
     3  Copyright (c) 2024 - Present. Blend Labs, Inc. All rights reserved
     4  Use of this source code is governed by a MIT license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
     6  */
     8  package testutil
    10  import (
    11  	"bytes"
    12  	"flag"
    13  	"fmt"
    14  	"os"
    15  	"path/filepath"
    16  	"sync"
    18  	""
    19  )
    21  const (
    22  	// DefaultFixtureDirectory is the default directory where test fixture
    23  	// files will be retrieved. Since `go test` sets the present working directory
    24  	// to the current directory under test, this is a relative path.
    25  	DefaultFixtureDirectory = "./testdata"
    26  	// DefaultGoldenFilePrefix is the prefix that will be prepended to suffixes
    27  	// for golden filenames.
    28  	DefaultGoldenFilePrefix = "golden."
    29  	// DefaultUpdateGoldenFlag is the flag that this package will use to check
    30  	// if golden files should be updated.
    31  	DefaultUpdateGoldenFlag = "update-golden"
    33  	defaultNewFilePermissions = 0644
    34  )
    36  var (
    37  	goldenFileFlags     = map[string]*bool{}
    38  	goldenFileFlagsLock = sync.Mutex{}
    39  )
    41  // GetTestFixture opens a file in the test fixtures directory. This
    42  // relies on the present working directory being set to the current
    43  // directory under test and will default to `./testdata` when
    44  // reading files.
    45  func GetTestFixture(it *assert.Assertions, filename string, opts ...FixtureOption) []byte {
    46  	fc := NewFixtureConfig(opts...)
    47  	path := filepath.Join(fc.Directory, filename)
    48  	data, err := os.ReadFile(path)
    49  	it.Nil(err, fmt.Sprintf("Failed reading Test Fixture File %q", path))
    50  	return data
    51  }
    53  // AssertGoldenFile checks that a "golden file" matches the expected contents.
    54  // The golden file will use the test fixtures directory and will use the
    55  // filename suffix **after** a prefix of `golden.`, e.g.
    56  // `./testdata/golden.config.yml`.
    57  //
    58  // Managing golden files can be tedious, so test suites can optionally specify
    59  // a boolean flag (e.g. `go test --update-golden`) that can be propagated to
    60  // this function; in which case the golden file will just be overwritten instead
    61  // of compared against `expected`.
    62  func AssertGoldenFile(it *assert.Assertions, expected []byte, filenameSuffix string, opts ...FixtureOption) {
    63  	fc := NewFixtureConfig(opts...)
    64  	update := getUpdateGoldenFlag(it, fc.UpdateGoldenFlag)
    65  	filename := fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", fc.GoldenFilePrefix, filenameSuffix)
    66  	path := filepath.Join(fc.Directory, filename)
    68  	if update {
    69  		// NOTE: `defaultNewFilePermissions` will only be used for **new**
    70  		//       files, otherwise `os.WriteFile()` will preserve permissions.
    71  		err := os.WriteFile(path, expected, defaultNewFilePermissions)
    72  		it.Nil(err, fmt.Sprintf("Error writing Golden File %q", path))
    73  		return
    74  	}
    76  	actual, err := os.ReadFile(path)
    77  	it.Nil(err, fmt.Sprintf("Failed reading Golden File %q", path))
    78  	it.True(bytes.Equal(expected, actual), fmt.Sprintf("Golden File %q does not match expected, consider running with the '--%s' flag to update the Golden File", path, fc.UpdateGoldenFlag))
    79  }
    81  // MarkUpdateGoldenFlag is intended to be used in a `TestMain()` to declare
    82  // a flag **before** `go test` parses flags (if not, unknown flags will
    83  // fail a test).
    84  //
    85  // This is expected to be used in two modes:
    86  // > MarkUpdateGoldenFlag()
    87  // which will mark `--update-golden` (via `DefaultUpdateGoldenFlag`) as a valid
    88  // flag for tests and with a custom flag override:
    89  // > MarkUpdateGoldenFlag(OptUpdateGoldenFlag(customFlag))
    90  func MarkUpdateGoldenFlag(opts ...FixtureOption) {
    91  	goldenFileFlagsLock.Lock()
    92  	defer goldenFileFlagsLock.Unlock()
    94  	fc := NewFixtureConfig(opts...)
    95  	b := flag.Bool(fc.UpdateGoldenFlag, false, "Update Golden Files")
    96  	goldenFileFlags[fc.UpdateGoldenFlag] = b
    97  }
    99  // getUpdateGoldenFlag returns a (parsed) command line flag that indicates if
   100  // golden files should be updated.
   101  //
   102  // NOTE: This function is careful not to re-define a flag that has already
   103  //
   104  //	been set. This can also be checked in `flag.CommandLine.`
   105  //	See:
   106  func getUpdateGoldenFlag(it *assert.Assertions, name string) bool {
   107  	goldenFileFlagsLock.Lock()
   108  	defer goldenFileFlagsLock.Unlock()
   110  	b, ok := goldenFileFlags[name]
   111  	// Careful not to re-define a flag that has already been set.
   112  	if !ok {
   113  		existing := flag.CommandLine.Lookup(name)
   114  		it.Nil(existing, fmt.Sprintf("Update Golden Flag '--%s' is already defined elsewhere", name))
   115  		b = flag.Bool(name, false, "Update Golden Files")
   116  		goldenFileFlags[name] = b
   117  	}
   118  	flag.Parse()
   119  	it.NotNil(b, fmt.Sprintf("Parsed boolean flag '--%s' should not be nil", name))
   120  	return *b
   121  }
   123  // FixtureConfig represents defaults used for working with test fixtures.
   124  type FixtureConfig struct {
   125  	Directory        string
   126  	GoldenFilePrefix string
   127  	UpdateGoldenFlag string
   128  }
   130  // NewFixtureConfig returns a new `FixtureConfig` and applies options.
   131  func NewFixtureConfig(opts ...FixtureOption) FixtureConfig {
   132  	fc := FixtureConfig{
   133  		Directory:        DefaultFixtureDirectory,
   134  		GoldenFilePrefix: DefaultGoldenFilePrefix,
   135  		UpdateGoldenFlag: DefaultUpdateGoldenFlag,
   136  	}
   137  	for _, opt := range opts {
   138  		opt(&fc)
   139  	}
   140  	return fc
   141  }
   143  // FixtureOption is a mutator for a `FixtureConfig`.
   144  type FixtureOption func(*FixtureConfig)
   146  // OptTestFixtureDirectory sets the directory used to look up test fixture
   147  // files. Both relative and absolute paths are supported.
   148  func OptTestFixtureDirectory(name string) FixtureOption {
   149  	return func(fc *FixtureConfig) {
   150  		fc.Directory = name
   151  	}
   152  }
   154  // OptUpdateGoldenFlag sets the default flag used to determine if golden files
   155  // should be updated (e.g. to use `--update-golden`, pass `"update-golden"`
   156  // here).
   157  func OptUpdateGoldenFlag(name string) FixtureOption {
   158  	return func(fc *FixtureConfig) {
   159  		fc.UpdateGoldenFlag = name
   160  	}
   161  }