
     1  /*
     3  Copyright (c) 2024 - Present. Blend Labs, Inc. All rights reserved
     4  Use of this source code is governed by a MIT license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
     6  */
     8  package vault
    10  import "time"
    12  const (
    13  	// DefaultAddr is the default addr.
    14  	DefaultAddr = ""
    15  	// DefaultTimeout is the default timeout.
    16  	DefaultTimeout = time.Second
    17  	// DefaultMount is the default kv mount.
    18  	DefaultMount = "/secret"
    19  )
    21  const (
    22  	// EnvVarVaultAddr is the environment variable for the vault address.
    23  	EnvVarVaultAddr = "VAULT_ADDR"
    24  	// EnvVarVaultMount is the environment variable for the vault mount.
    25  	EnvVarVaultMount = "VAULT_MOUNT"
    26  	// EnvVarVaultToken is the environment variable for the vault token.
    27  	EnvVarVaultToken = "VAULT_TOKEN"
    28  	// EnvVarVaultCertAuthorityPath is the environment variable for the vault certificate authority.
    29  	EnvVarVaultCertAuthorityPath = "VAULT_CACERT"
    30  	// EnvVarVaultTimeout is the environment variable for how long to wait for vault to timeout. The values here
    31  	// are parsed by time.ParseDuration. Examples (5s = five seconds, 100ms = 100 milliseconds, etc.)
    32  	EnvVarVaultTimeout = "VAULT_TIMEOUT"
    33  )
    35  const (
    36  	// MethodGet is a request method.
    37  	MethodGet = "GET"
    38  	// MethodPost is a request method.
    39  	MethodPost = "POST"
    40  	// MethodPut is a request method.
    41  	MethodPut = "PUT"
    42  	// MethodDelete is a request method.
    43  	MethodDelete = "DELETE"
    44  	// MethodList is a request method.
    45  	MethodList = "LIST"
    47  	// HeaderVaultToken is the vault token header.
    48  	HeaderVaultToken = "X-Vault-Token"
    49  	// HeaderContentType is the content type header.
    50  	HeaderContentType = "Content-Type"
    51  	// ContentTypeApplicationJSON is a content type.
    52  	ContentTypeApplicationJSON = "application/json"
    54  	// DefaultBufferPoolSize is the default buffer pool size.
    55  	DefaultBufferPoolSize = 1024
    57  	// ReflectTagName is a reflect tag name.
    58  	ReflectTagName = "secret"
    60  	// Version1 is a constant.
    61  	Version1 = "1"
    62  	// Version2 is a constant.
    63  	Version2 = "2"
    64  )
    66  // These types are encryption algorithms that can be used when creating a transit key
    67  const (
    68  	TypeAES256GCM96      = "aes256-gcm96"
    69  	TypeCHACHA20POLY1305 = "chacha20-poly1305"
    70  	TypeED25519          = "ed25519"
    71  	TypeECDSAP256        = "ecdsa-p256"
    72  	TypeRSA2048          = "rsa-2048"
    73  	TypeRSA4096          = "rsa-4096"
    74  )
    76  // These constants are used to sign the get identity request
    77  const (
    78  	// STSURL is the url of the sts call
    79  	STSURL = ""
    80  	// STSGetIdentityBody is the body of the post request
    81  	STSGetIdentityBody = "Action=GetCallerIdentity&Version=2011-06-15"
    82  )
    84  // constants required for login /v1/auth/aws/login
    85  const (
    86  	// AWSAuthLoginPath is the login path for aws iam auth
    87  	AWSAuthLoginPath = "/v1/auth/aws/login"
    88  )