(about) 1 /*** Colors ***/ 2 $primary-color: color("materialize-red", "lighten-2") !default; 3 $primary-color-light: lighten($primary-color, 15%) !default; 4 $primary-color-dark: darken($primary-color, 15%) !default; 5 6 $secondary-color: color("teal", "lighten-1") !default; 7 $success-color: color("green", "base") !default; 8 $error-color: color("red", "base") !default; 9 $link-color: color("light-blue", "darken-1") !default; 10 11 /*** Badges ***/ 12 $badge-bg-color: $secondary-color !default; 13 14 /*** Buttons ***/ 15 $button-bg-color-disabled: #DFDFDF !default; 16 $button-color: $secondary-color !default; 17 $button-color-disabled: #9F9F9F !default; 18 $button-color-flat: #343434 !default; 19 $button-color-raised: #fff !default; 20 $button-floating-size: 37px !default; 21 $button-height: 36px !default; 22 $button-font-size-shared: 1.3rem !default; 23 $button-large-icon-font-size: 1.6rem !default; 24 $button-line-height: 36px !default; 25 26 /*** Cards ***/ 27 $card-padding: 20px !default; 28 $card-bg-color: #fff !default; 29 $card-link-color: color("orange", "accent-2") !default; 30 $card-link-color-light: lighten($card-link-color, 20%) !default; 31 32 /*** Collapsible ***/ 33 $collapsible-height: 3rem !default; 34 $collapsible-header-color: #fff !default; 35 $collapsible-border-color: #ddd !default; 36 37 /*** Dropdown ***/ 38 $dropdown-bg-color: #fff !default; 39 $dropdown-hover-bg-color: #eee !default; 40 $dropdown-color: $secondary-color !default; 41 42 /*** Fonts ***/ 43 $roboto-font-path: "../font/roboto/" !default; 44 $icons-font-path: "../font/material-design-icons/" !default; 45 46 /*** Forms ***/ 47 // Text Inputs + Textarea 48 $input-border-color: color("grey", "base") !default; 49 $input-bg-color: #fff !default; 50 $input-error-color: $error-color !default; 51 $input-success-color: $success-color !default; 52 $input-focus-color: $secondary-color !default; 53 $label-font-size: .8rem !default; 54 $input-disabled-color: rgba(0,0,0, .26) !default; 55 $input-disabled-solid-color: #BDBDBD !default; 56 57 // Radio Buttons 58 $radio-fill-color: $secondary-color !default; 59 $radio-empty-color: #5a5a5a !default; 60 61 // Switches 62 $switch-bg-color: $secondary-color !default; 63 $switch-checked-lever-bg: desaturate(lighten($secondary-color, 25%), 25%) !default; 64 $switch-unchecked-bg: #F1F1F1 !default; 65 $switch-unchecked-lever-bg: #818181 !default; 66 67 // Date Picker 68 $datepicker-weekday-bg: darken($secondary_color, 7%) !default; 69 $datepicker-date-bg: $secondary_color !default; 70 $datepicker-year: rgba(255, 255, 255, .4) !default; 71 $datepicker-focus: rgba(0,0,0, .05) !default; 72 $datepicker-selected: $secondary-color !default; 73 $datepicker-selected-outfocus: desaturate(lighten($secondary-color, 35%), 15%) !default; 74 75 76 /*** Global ***/ 77 // Media Query Ranges 78 $small-screen-up: 601px !default; 79 $medium-screen-up: 993px !default; 80 $large-screen-up: 1201px !default; 81 $small-screen: 600px !default; 82 $medium-screen: 992px !default; 83 $large-screen: 1200px !default; 84 85 $medium-and-up: "only screen and (min-width : #{$small-screen-up})" !default; 86 $large-and-up: "only screen and (min-width : #{$medium-screen-up})" !default; 87 $small-and-down: "only screen and (max-width : #{$small-screen})" !default; 88 $medium-and-down: "only screen and (max-width : #{$medium-screen})" !default; 89 $medium-only: "only screen and (min-width : #{$small-screen-up}) and (max-width : #{$medium-screen})" !default; 90 91 // Grid Variables 92 $num-cols: 12 !default; 93 $gutter-width: 1.5rem !default; 94 $element-top-margin: $gutter-width/3 !default; 95 $element-bottom-margin: ($gutter-width*2)/3 !default; 96 97 /*** Navbar ***/ 98 $navbar-height: 64px !default; 99 $navbar-height-mobile: 56px !default; 100 $navbar-font-color: #fff !default; 101 $navbar-brand-font-size: 2.1rem !default; 102 103 /*** SideNav ***/ 104 $sidenav-bg-color: #fff !default; 105 $sidenav-padding-right: 15px !default; 106 107 /*** Photo Slider ***/ 108 $slider-bg-color: color('grey', 'base') !default; 109 $slider-bg-color-light: color('grey', 'lighten-2') !default; 110 $slider-indicator-color: color('green', 'base') !default; 111 112 /*** Tabs ***/ 113 $tabs-underline-color: $primary-color-light !default; 114 $tabs-text-color: $primary-color !default; 115 $tabs-bg-color: #fff !default; 116 117 /*** Tables ***/ 118 $table-border-color: #d0d0d0 !default; 119 $table-striped-color: #f2f2f2 !default; 120 121 /*** Toasts ***/ 122 $toast-height: 48px !default; 123 $toast-color: #323232 !default; 124 $toast-text-color: #fff !default; 125 126 /*** Typography ***/ 127 $off-black: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.87) !default; 128 // Header Styles 129 $h1-fontsize: 4.2rem !default; 130 $h2-fontsize: 3.56rem !default; 131 $h3-fontsize: 2.92rem !default; 132 $h4-fontsize: 2.28rem !default; 133 $h5-fontsize: 1.64rem !default; 134 $h6-fontsize: 1rem !default; 135 136 // Footer 137 $footer-bg-color: $primary-color !default; 138 139 // Flowtext 140 $range : $large-screen - $small-screen !default; 141 $intervals: 20 !default; 142 $interval-size: $range / $intervals !default; 143 144 /*** Collections ***/ 145 $collection-border-color: #e0e0e0 !default; 146 $collection-bg-color: #fff !default; 147 $collection-active-bg-color: $secondary-color !default; 148 $collection-active-color: lighten($secondary-color, 55%) !default; 149 $collection-hover-bg-color: #ddd !default; 150 151 /* Progress Bar */ 152 $progress-bar-color: $secondary-color !default;