
     1  <!--[metadata]>
     2  +++
     3  aliases = [
     4    "/engine/installation/amazon/",
     5    "/engine/installation/google/",
     6    "/engine/installation/softlayer/",
     7    "/engine/installation/azure/",
     8    "/engine/installation/rackspace/",
     9    "/engine/installation/joyent/"
    10  ]
    11  title = "On cloud providers"
    12  description = "Cloud Installations"
    13  keywords = ["Docker install "]
    14  [menu.main]
    15  identifier = "install_cloud"
    16  parent="engine_install"
    17  weight="-60"
    18  +++
    19  <![end-metadata]-->
    21  # Install Engine in the cloud
    23  * [Understand cloud install options and choose one](
    24  * [Example: Use Machine to provision cloud hosts](
    25  * [Example: Manual install on a cloud provider](