
     1  package commands_test
     3  import (
     4  	"bytes"
     5  	"fmt"
     6  	"os"
     7  	"path/filepath"
     8  	"strings"
     9  	"testing"
    11  	""
    12  	""
    13  	""
    14  	""
    16  	""
    17  	""
    18  	""
    19  	""
    20  	h ""
    21  )
    23  func TestConfigRunImageMirrors(t *testing.T) {
    24  	color.Disable(true)
    25  	defer color.Disable(false)
    26  	spec.Run(t, "ConfigRunImageMirrorsCommand", testConfigRunImageMirrorsCommand, spec.Random(), spec.Report(report.Terminal{}))
    27  }
    29  func testConfigRunImageMirrorsCommand(t *testing.T, when spec.G, it spec.S) {
    30  	var (
    31  		cmd          *cobra.Command
    32  		logger       logging.Logger
    33  		outBuf       bytes.Buffer
    34  		tempPackHome string
    35  		configPath   string
    36  		runImage     = "test/image"
    37  		testMirror1  = ""
    38  		testMirror2  = ""
    39  		testCfg      = config.Config{
    40  			Experimental: true,
    41  			RunImages: []config.RunImage{{
    42  				Image:   runImage,
    43  				Mirrors: []string{testMirror1, testMirror2},
    44  			}},
    45  		}
    46  		expandedCfg = config.Config{
    47  			Experimental: true,
    48  			RunImages: append(testCfg.RunImages, config.RunImage{
    49  				Image:   "new-image",
    50  				Mirrors: []string{"some-mirror1", "some-mirror2"},
    51  			}),
    52  		}
    53  	)
    55  	it.Before(func() {
    56  		var err error
    57  		logger = logging.NewLogWithWriters(&outBuf, &outBuf)
    58  		tempPackHome, err = os.MkdirTemp("", "pack-home")
    59  		h.AssertNil(t, err)
    60  		configPath = filepath.Join(tempPackHome, "config.toml")
    62  		cmd = commands.ConfigRunImagesMirrors(logger, testCfg, configPath)
    63  		cmd.SetOut(logging.GetWriterForLevel(logger, logging.InfoLevel))
    64  	})
    66  	it.After(func() {
    67  		h.AssertNil(t, os.RemoveAll(tempPackHome))
    68  	})
    70  	when("-h", func() {
    71  		it("prints available commands", func() {
    72  			cmd.SetArgs([]string{"-h"})
    73  			h.AssertNil(t, cmd.Execute())
    74  			output := outBuf.String()
    75  			h.AssertContains(t, output, "Usage:")
    76  			for _, command := range []string{"add", "remove", "list"} {
    77  				h.AssertContains(t, output, command)
    78  			}
    79  		})
    80  	})
    82  	when("no arguments", func() {
    83  		it("lists run image mirrors", func() {
    84  			cmd.SetArgs([]string{})
    85  			h.AssertNil(t, cmd.Execute())
    86  			output := outBuf.String()
    87  			h.AssertEq(t, strings.TrimSpace(output), `Run Image Mirrors:
    88    'test/image':
    91  		})
    92  	})
    94  	when("add", func() {
    95  		when("no run image is specified", func() {
    96  			it("fails to run", func() {
    97  				cmd.SetArgs([]string{"add"})
    98  				err := cmd.Execute()
    99  				h.AssertError(t, err, "accepts 1 arg")
   100  			})
   101  		})
   103  		when("config path doesn't exist", func() {
   104  			it("fails to run", func() {
   105  				fakePath := filepath.Join(tempPackHome, "not-exist.toml")
   106  				h.AssertNil(t, os.WriteFile(fakePath, []byte("something"), 0001))
   107  				cmd = commands.ConfigRunImagesMirrors(logger, config.Config{}, fakePath)
   108  				cmd.SetArgs([]string{"add", runImage, "-m", testMirror1})
   110  				err := cmd.Execute()
   111  				h.AssertError(t, err, "failed to write to")
   112  			})
   113  		})
   115  		when("mirrors are provided", func() {
   116  			it("adds them as mirrors to the config", func() {
   117  				cmd.SetArgs([]string{"add", runImage, "-m", testMirror1, "-m", testMirror2})
   118  				h.AssertNil(t, cmd.Execute())
   119  				cfg, err := config.Read(configPath)
   120  				h.AssertNil(t, err)
   121  				h.AssertEq(t, cfg, testCfg)
   122  				// This ensures that there are no dups
   123  				h.AssertEq(t, len(cfg.RunImages[0].Mirrors), 2)
   124  			})
   125  		})
   127  		when("no mirrors are provided", func() {
   128  			it("preserves old mirrors, and prints helpful message", func() {
   129  				cmd.SetArgs([]string{"add", runImage})
   130  				h.AssertNil(t, cmd.Execute())
   131  				h.AssertContains(t, outBuf.String(), "No run image mirrors were provided")
   132  			})
   133  		})
   134  	})
   136  	when("remove", func() {
   137  		when("no run image is specified", func() {
   138  			it("fails to run", func() {
   139  				cmd.SetArgs([]string{"remove"})
   140  				err := cmd.Execute()
   141  				h.AssertError(t, err, "accepts 1 arg")
   142  			})
   143  		})
   145  		when("run image provided isn't present", func() {
   146  			it("prints a clear message", func() {
   147  				fakeImage := "not-set-image"
   148  				cmd.SetArgs([]string{"remove", fakeImage})
   149  				h.AssertNil(t, cmd.Execute())
   150  				output := outBuf.String()
   151  				h.AssertContains(t, output, fmt.Sprintf("No run image mirrors have been set for %s", style.Symbol(fakeImage)))
   152  			})
   153  		})
   155  		when("config path doesn't exist", func() {
   156  			it("fails to run", func() {
   157  				fakePath := filepath.Join(tempPackHome, "not-exist.toml")
   158  				h.AssertNil(t, os.WriteFile(fakePath, []byte("something"), 0001))
   159  				cmd = commands.ConfigRunImagesMirrors(logger, testCfg, fakePath)
   160  				cmd.SetArgs([]string{"remove", runImage, "-m", testMirror1})
   162  				err := cmd.Execute()
   163  				h.AssertError(t, err, "failed to write to")
   164  			})
   165  		})
   167  		when("mirrors are provided", func() {
   168  			it("removes them for the given run image", func() {
   169  				cmd.SetArgs([]string{"remove", runImage, "-m", testMirror2})
   170  				h.AssertNil(t, cmd.Execute())
   171  				cfg, err := config.Read(configPath)
   172  				h.AssertNil(t, err)
   173  				h.AssertEq(t, cfg.RunImages, []config.RunImage{{
   174  					Image:   runImage,
   175  					Mirrors: []string{testMirror1},
   176  				}})
   177  			})
   179  			it("removes the image if all mirrors are removed", func() {
   180  				cmd.SetArgs([]string{"remove", runImage, "-m", testMirror1, "-m", testMirror2})
   181  				h.AssertNil(t, cmd.Execute())
   182  				cfg, err := config.Read(configPath)
   183  				h.AssertNil(t, err)
   184  				h.AssertEq(t, cfg.RunImages, []config.RunImage{})
   185  			})
   186  		})
   188  		when("no mirrors are provided", func() {
   189  			it("removes all mirrors for the given run image", func() {
   190  				cmd.SetArgs([]string{"remove", runImage})
   191  				h.AssertNil(t, cmd.Execute())
   193  				cfg, err := config.Read(configPath)
   194  				h.AssertNil(t, err)
   195  				h.AssertEq(t, cfg.Experimental, testCfg.Experimental)
   196  				h.AssertEq(t, cfg.RunImages, []config.RunImage{})
   197  			})
   199  			it("preserves all mirrors aside from the given run image", func() {
   200  				cmd = commands.ConfigRunImagesMirrors(logger, expandedCfg, configPath)
   201  				cmd.SetArgs([]string{"remove", runImage})
   202  				h.AssertNil(t, cmd.Execute())
   204  				cfg, err := config.Read(configPath)
   205  				h.AssertNil(t, err)
   206  				h.AssertEq(t, cfg.Experimental, testCfg.Experimental)
   207  				h.AssertNotEq(t, cfg.RunImages, []config.RunImage{})
   208  				h.AssertEq(t, cfg.RunImages, []config.RunImage{expandedCfg.RunImages[1]})
   209  			})
   210  		})
   211  	})
   213  	when("list", func() {
   214  		when("mirrors were previously set", func() {
   215  			it("lists run image mirrors", func() {
   216  				cmd.SetArgs([]string{"list"})
   217  				h.AssertNil(t, cmd.Execute())
   218  				output := outBuf.String()
   219  				h.AssertContains(t, output, runImage)
   220  				h.AssertContains(t, output, testMirror1)
   221  				h.AssertContains(t, output, testMirror2)
   222  			})
   223  		})
   225  		when("no run image mirrors were set", func() {
   226  			it("prints a clear message", func() {
   227  				cmd = commands.ConfigRunImagesMirrors(logger, config.Config{}, configPath)
   228  				cmd.SetArgs([]string{"list"})
   229  				h.AssertNil(t, cmd.Execute())
   230  				output := outBuf.String()
   231  				h.AssertNotContains(t, output, runImage)
   232  				h.AssertNotContains(t, output, testMirror1)
   234  				h.AssertContains(t, output, "No run image mirrors have been set")
   235  			})
   236  		})
   238  		when("run image provided", func() {
   239  			when("mirrors are set", func() {
   240  				it("returns image mirrors", func() {
   241  					cmd = commands.ConfigRunImagesMirrors(logger, expandedCfg, configPath)
   242  					cmd.SetArgs([]string{"list", "new-image"})
   243  					h.AssertNil(t, cmd.Execute())
   244  					output := outBuf.String()
   245  					h.AssertNotContains(t, output, runImage)
   246  					h.AssertNotContains(t, output, testMirror1)
   247  					h.AssertContains(t, output, "new-image")
   248  					h.AssertContains(t, output, "some-mirror1")
   249  					h.AssertContains(t, output, "some-mirror2")
   250  				})
   251  			})
   253  			when("mirrors aren't set", func() {
   254  				it("prints a clear message", func() {
   255  					fakeImage := "not-set-image"
   256  					cmd.SetArgs([]string{"list", fakeImage})
   257  					h.AssertNil(t, cmd.Execute())
   258  					output := outBuf.String()
   259  					h.AssertNotContains(t, output, runImage)
   260  					h.AssertNotContains(t, output, testMirror1)
   261  					h.AssertContains(t, output, fmt.Sprintf("No run image mirrors have been set for %s", style.Symbol(fakeImage)))
   262  				})
   263  			})
   264  		})
   265  	})
   266  }