
     1  # The query type, represents all of the entry points into our object graph
     2  type Query {
     3      hero(episode: Episode = NEWHOPE): Character
     4      reviews(episode: Episode!, since: Time): [Review!]!
     5      search(text: String!): [SearchResult!]!
     6      character(id: ID!): Character
     7      droid(id: ID!): Droid
     8      human(id: ID!): Human
     9      starship(id: ID!): Starship
    10  }
    11  # The mutation type, represents all updates we can make to our data
    12  type Mutation {
    13      createReview(episode: Episode!, review: ReviewInput!): Review
    14  }
    15  # The episodes in the Star Wars trilogy
    16  enum Episode {
    17      # Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope, released in 1977.
    18      NEWHOPE
    19      # Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back, released in 1980.
    20      EMPIRE
    21      # Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi, released in 1983.
    22      JEDI
    23  }
    24  # A character from the Star Wars universe
    25  interface Character {
    26      # The ID of the character
    27      id: ID!
    28      # The name of the character
    29      name: String!
    30      # The friends of the character, or an empty list if they have none
    31      friends: [Character!]
    32      # The friends of the character exposed as a connection with edges
    33      friendsConnection(first: Int, after: ID): FriendsConnection!
    34      # The movies this character appears in
    35      appearsIn: [Episode!]!
    36  }
    37  # Units of height
    38  enum LengthUnit {
    39      # The standard unit around the world
    40      METER
    41      # Primarily used in the United States
    42      FOOT
    43  }
    44  # A humanoid creature from the Star Wars universe
    45  type Human implements Character {
    46      # The ID of the human
    47      id: ID!
    48      # What this human calls themselves
    49      name: String!
    50      # Height in the preferred unit, default is meters
    51      height(unit: LengthUnit = METER): Float!
    52      # Mass in kilograms, or null if unknown
    53      mass: Float
    54      # This human's friends, or an empty list if they have none
    55      friends: [Character!]
    56      # The friends of the human exposed as a connection with edges
    57      friendsConnection(first: Int, after: ID): FriendsConnection!
    58      # The movies this human appears in
    59      appearsIn: [Episode!]!
    60      # A list of starships this person has piloted, or an empty list if none
    61      starships: [Starship!]
    62  }
    63  # An autonomous mechanical character in the Star Wars universe
    64  type Droid implements Character {
    65      # The ID of the droid
    66      id: ID!
    67      # What others call this droid
    68      name: String!
    69      # This droid's friends, or an empty list if they have none
    70      friends: [Character!]
    71      # The friends of the droid exposed as a connection with edges
    72      friendsConnection(first: Int, after: ID): FriendsConnection!
    73      # The movies this droid appears in
    74      appearsIn: [Episode!]!
    75      # This droid's primary function
    76      primaryFunction: String
    77  }
    78  # A connection object for a character's friends
    79  type FriendsConnection {
    80      # The total number of friends
    81      totalCount: Int!
    82      # The edges for each of the character's friends.
    83      edges: [FriendsEdge!]
    84      # A list of the friends, as a convenience when edges are not needed.
    85      friends: [Character!]
    86      # Information for paginating this connection
    87      pageInfo: PageInfo!
    88  }
    89  # An edge object for a character's friends
    90  type FriendsEdge {
    91      # A cursor used for pagination
    92      cursor: ID!
    93      # The character represented by this friendship edge
    94      node: Character
    95  }
    96  # Information for paginating this connection
    97  type PageInfo {
    98      startCursor: ID!
    99      endCursor: ID!
   100      hasNextPage: Boolean!
   101  }
   102  # Represents a review for a movie
   103  type Review {
   104      # The number of stars this review gave, 1-5
   105      stars: Int!
   106      # Comment about the movie
   107      commentary: String
   108      # when the review was posted
   109      time: Time
   110  }
   111  # The input object sent when someone is creating a new review
   112  input ReviewInput {
   113      # 0-5 stars
   114      stars: Int!
   115      # Comment about the movie, optional
   116      commentary: String
   117      # when the review was posted
   118      time: Time
   119  }
   120  type Starship {
   121      # The ID of the starship
   122      id: ID!
   123      # The name of the starship
   124      name: String!
   125      # Length of the starship, along the longest axis
   126      length(unit: LengthUnit = METER): Float!
   127      # coordinates tracking this ship
   128      history: [[Int!]!]!
   129  }
   130  union SearchResult = Human | Droid | Starship
   131  scalar Time