
     1  name: Benchdiff
     3  on:
     4    issue_comment:
     5      types: [created]
     6    pull_request:
     7      types: [opened]
     8      paths-ignore:
     9        - '**.md'
    11  jobs:
    12    #
    13    trigger:
    14      name: Pull request comment trigger
    15      outputs:
    16        triggered: ${{ steps.output.outputs.triggered }}
    17        pr_number: ${{ steps.output.outputs.pr_number }}
    18      runs-on: self-hosted
    19      steps:
    20        - name: Check pull request comment
    21          if: ${{ github.event_name == 'issue_comment' }}
    22          uses: khan/pull-request-comment-trigger@master
    23          id: check-comment
    24          with:
    25            trigger: '/benchdiff'
    26          env:
    27            GITHUB_TOKEN: '${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}'
    28        - name: Set output
    29          id: output
    30          run: |
    31            echo '::set-output name=triggered::${{ github.event_name == 'pull_request' || steps.check-comment.outputs.triggered }}'
    32            echo '::set-output name=pr_number::${{ github.event.pull_request.number || github.event.issue.number }}'
    34    benchdiff:
    35      name: Performance regression check
    36      needs: [trigger]
    37      if: needs.trigger.outputs.triggered == 'true'
    38      runs-on: self-hosted
    39      timeout-minutes: 30
    40      env:
    41        # In markdown URL syntax
    42        RUNS_URL: '[${{ github.workflow }} #${{ github.run_number }}](${{ github.repository }}/actions/runs/${{ github.run_id }})'
    43      steps:
    44        - name: Report job start
    45          uses: peter-evans/create-or-update-comment@v1
    46          with:
    47            issue-number: '${{ needs.trigger.outputs.pr_number }}'
    48            body: |
    49              ## Benchdiff
    51              Runs: ${{ env.RUNS_URL }}
    53              Job is started.
    54        - name: Checkout
    55          uses: actions/checkout@v2
    56        - name: Checkout pull request HEAD
    57          id: head
    58          run: |
    59            # Fetch github default branch as baseline
    60            git fetch origin ${{ github.event.repository.default_branch }}:BENCHDIFF_BASE
    61            git checkout BENCHDIFF_BASE
    62            echo "::set-output name=base::$(git rev-parse HEAD)"
    64            # Checkout HEAD of pull request and set its sha to step output
    65            git fetch origin pull/${{ needs.trigger.outputs.pr_number }}/head:BENCHDIFF_HEAD
    66            git checkout BENCHDIFF_HEAD
    67            echo "::set-output name=head::$(git rev-parse HEAD)"
    69            set -x
    70            # Set modified packages to step output
    71            # git diff: get difference between HEAD and baseline
    72            # grep: filter non-go files
    73            # xargs -r: --no-run-if-empty, ignore empty line
    74            # xargs dirname: keep only the directory name (go packages)
    75            # xargs ls: filter non-exist files
    76            # sort | uniq: dedup
    77            pkgs=$(git diff --name-only BENCHDIFF_BASE | grep '.go$' | xargs -r dirname | xargs -r ls -d 2>/dev/null | sort | uniq)
    78            if [ ! -z "${pkgs}" ]; then
    79              # awk: Add "./" prefix to let `go test` known they are relative paths
    80              # tr: join paths to one line, otherwise benchdiff cannot recognize it
    81              pkgs=$(echo "${pkgs}" | awk '{print "./" $0}' | tr '\n' ' ')
    82            fi
    83            echo "::set-output name=pkgs::${pkgs}"
    84        - name: Setup go
    85          uses: actions/setup-go@v2
    86          with:
    87            go-version: 1.15
    88        - name: Benchdiff
    89          uses: WillAbides/benchdiff-action@v0.3.3
    90          id: diff
    91          if: steps.head.outputs.pkgs != ''
    92          with:
    93            benchdiff_version: 0.7.1
    94            status_sha: ${{ steps.head.outputs.head }}
    95            status_name: Benchdiff result
    96            status_on_degraded: neutral
    97            benchdiff_args: |
    98              --cpu=4
    99              --packages="${{ steps.head.outputs.pkgs }}"
   100              --count=10
   101              --warmup-count=1
   102              --benchtime=1s
   103              --benchmem
   104              --tolerance=50
   105              --base-ref=${{ steps.head.outputs.base }}
   106              --debug
   107        - name: Report benchdiff result via comment
   108          uses: peter-evans/create-or-update-comment@v1
   109          if: steps.head.outputs.pkgs != ''
   110          with:
   111            issue-number: '${{ needs.trigger.outputs.pr_number }}'
   112            body: |
   113              ## Benchdiff
   115              Command: `${{ steps.diff.outputs.bench_command }}`
   116              HEAD: ${{ steps.diff.outputs.head_sha }}
   117              Base: ${{ steps.diff.outputs.base_sha }}
   118              Runs: ${{ env.RUNS_URL }}
   119              Degraded: ${{ steps.diff.outputs.degraded_result }}
   121              <details>
   122              <summary>Results</summary>
   124              ${{ steps.diff.outputs.benchstat_output }}
   126              </details>
   127        - name: On skipped
   128          uses: peter-evans/create-or-update-comment@v1
   129          if: steps.head.outputs.pkgs == ''
   130          with:
   131            issue-number: '${{ needs.trigger.outputs.pr_number }}'
   132            body: |
   133              ## Benchdiff
   135              Runs: ${{ env.RUNS_URL }}
   137              There is no package to bench.
   138        - name: On failure
   139          uses: peter-evans/create-or-update-comment@v1
   140          if: ${{ failure() }}
   141          with:
   142            issue-number: '${{ needs.trigger.outputs.pr_number }}'
   143            body: |
   144              ## Benchdiff
   146              Runs: ${{ env.RUNS_URL }}
   148              Job is failed.