
     1  #!/bin/bash
     2  #
     3  # Copyright IBM Corp. All Rights Reserved.
     4  #
     5  # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
     6  #
     8  TESTCASE="db_migration"
     9  FABRIC_CA="$GOPATH/src/"
    10  SCRIPTDIR="$FABRIC_CA/scripts/fvt"
    11  . $SCRIPTDIR/fabric-ca_utils
    12  RC=0
    13  DBNAME="fabric_ca"
    15  TESTDIR="/tmp/$TESTCASE"
    16  export FABRIC_CA_CLIENT_HOME="/tmp/db_migration/admin"
    18  export CA_CFG_PATH="$TESTDIR"
    20  ###### SQLITE #####
    22  mkdir -p $FABRIC_CA_SERVER_HOME
    23  sqlite3 $FABRIC_CA_SERVER_HOME/$DBNAME 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS users (id VARCHAR(64), token bytea, type VARCHAR(64), affiliation VARCHAR(64), attributes TEXT, state INTEGER,  max_enrollments INTEGER);'
    25  sqlite3 $FABRIC_CA_SERVER_HOME/$DBNAME 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS certificates (id VARCHAR(64), serial_number blob NOT NULL, authority_key_identifier blob NOT NULL, ca_label blob, status blob NOT NULL, reason int, expiry timestamp, revoked_at timestamp, pem blob NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(serial_number, authority_key_identifier));'
    26  sqlite3 $FABRIC_CA_SERVER_HOME/$DBNAME "INSERT INTO affiliations (name) VALUES ('org1');"
    27  sqlite3 $FABRIC_CA_SERVER_HOME/$DBNAME "INSERT INTO affiliations (name) VALUES ('org1.dep1');"
    28  sqlite3 $FABRIC_CA_SERVER_HOME/$DBNAME "INSERT INTO certificates (id, serial_number, authority_key_identifier) VALUES ('registrar', '1234', '12345');"
    30  # Start up the server and the schema should get updated
    31  $SCRIPTDIR/ -I -S -X -D -d sqlite3
    33  enroll
    34  if test $? -ne 0; then
    35      ErrorMsg "Failed to enroll $REGISTRAR"
    36  fi
    38  $SCRIPTDIR/ -K # Kill the server
    40  # Check that the new schema took affect
    41  sqlite3 $FABRIC_CA_SERVER_HOME/$DBNAME 'pragma table_info(users)' > $TESTDIR/output.txt
    42  grep 'id|VARCHAR(255)' $TESTDIR/output.txt
    43  if [ $? != 0 ]; then
    44      ErrorMsg "Database column 'id' should have character limit of 255"
    45  fi
    46  grep 'type|VARCHAR(256)' $TESTDIR/output.txt
    47  if [ $? != 0 ]; then
    48      ErrorMsg "Database column 'type' should have character limit of 256"
    49  fi
    50  grep 'affiliation|VARCHAR(1024)' $TESTDIR/output.txt
    51  if [ $? != 0 ]; then
    52      ErrorMsg "Database column 'affiliation' should have character limit of 1024"
    53  fi
    54  grep 'attributes|TEXT' $TESTDIR/output.txt
    55  if [ $? != 0 ]; then
    56      ErrorMsg "Database column 'attributes' should be a TEXT field"
    57  fi
    58  grep 'level|INTEGER' $TESTDIR/output.txt
    59  if [ $? != 0 ]; then
    60      ErrorMsg "Database column 'level' should be a INTEGER field"
    61  fi
    62  sqlite3 $FABRIC_CA_SERVER_HOME/$DBNAME 'SELECT value FROM properties WHERE (property = "identity.level")' | grep '2'
    63  if [ $? != 0 ]; then
    64      ErrorMsg "Incorrect level found for 'identity.level' in properties table"
    65  fi
    66  grep 'incorrect_password_attempts|INTEGER' $TESTDIR/output.txt
    67  if [ $? != 0 ]; then
    68      ErrorMsg "Database column 'incorrect_password_attempts' should be a INTEGER field"
    69  fi
    71  sqlite3 $FABRIC_CA_SERVER_HOME/$DBNAME 'pragma table_info(affiliations)' > $TESTDIR/output.txt
    72  grep 'name|VARCHAR(1024)' $TESTDIR/output.txt
    73  if [ $? != 0 ]; then
    74      ErrorMsg "Database column 'name' should have character limit of 1024"
    75  fi
    76  grep 'prekey|VARCHAR(1024)' $TESTDIR/output.txt
    77  if [ $? != 0 ]; then
    78      ErrorMsg "Database column 'prekey' should have character limit of 1024"
    79  fi
    80  grep 'level|INTEGER' $TESTDIR/output.txt
    81  if [ $? != 0 ]; then
    82      ErrorMsg "Database column 'level' should be a INTEGER field"
    83  fi
    84  sqlite3 $FABRIC_CA_SERVER_HOME/$DBNAME 'SELECT value FROM properties WHERE (property = "affiliation.level")' | grep '1'
    85  if [ $? != 0 ]; then
    86      ErrorMsg "Incorrect level found for 'affiliation.level' in properties table"
    87  fi
    90  sqlite3 $FABRIC_CA_SERVER_HOME/$DBNAME 'pragma table_info(certificates)' > $TESTDIR/output.txt
    91  grep 'id|VARCHAR(255)' $TESTDIR/output.txt
    92  if [ $? != 0 ]; then
    93      ErrorMsg "Database column 'id' should have character limit of 255"
    94  fi
    95  grep 'level|INTEGER' $TESTDIR/output.txt
    96  if [ $? != 0 ]; then
    97      ErrorMsg "Database column 'level' should be a INTEGER field"
    98  fi
    99  sqlite3 $FABRIC_CA_SERVER_HOME/$DBNAME 'SELECT value FROM properties WHERE (property = "certificate.level")' | grep '1'
   100  if [ $? != 0 ]; then
   101      ErrorMsg "Incorrect level found for 'certificate.level' in properties table"
   102  fi
   106  ###### MYSQL ######
   108  $SCRIPTDIR/ -I -S -X -D -d mysql # Start up the server and the new schema should get created
   109  $SCRIPTDIR/ -K # Kill the server
   110  $SCRIPTDIR/ -S -X -D -d mysql # Start up the server again and it should try to update the schema again, should result in no errors
   111  if test $? -ne 0; then
   112      ErrorMsg "Failed to start up server that is using the latest database schema"
   113  fi
   114  $SCRIPTDIR/ -K # Kill the server
   116  # Create the database tables using the old schema
   117  echo "Creating '$DBNAME' MySQL database and tables before starting up server"
   118  mysql --host=localhost --user=root --password=mysql -e "drop database $DBNAME;"
   119  mysql --host=localhost --user=root --password=mysql -e "create database $DBNAME;"
   120  mysql --host=localhost --user=root --password=mysql --database=$DBNAME -e "CREATE TABLE users (id VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL, token blob, type VARCHAR(64), affiliation VARCHAR(64), attributes VARCHAR(256), state INTEGER, max_enrollments INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY (id)) DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin;"
   121  mysql --host=localhost --user=root --password=mysql --database=$DBNAME -e "CREATE TABLE affiliations (name VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL UNIQUE, prekey VARCHAR(64));"
   122  mysql --host=localhost --user=root --password=mysql --database=$DBNAME -e "CREATE TABLE certificates (id VARCHAR(64), serial_number varbinary(128) NOT NULL, authority_key_identifier varbinary(128) NOT NULL, ca_label varbinary(128), status varbinary(128) NOT NULL, reason int, expiry timestamp DEFAULT 0, revoked_at timestamp DEFAULT 0, pem varbinary(4096) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(serial_number, authority_key_identifier)) DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin;"
   123  mysql --host=localhost --user=root --password=mysql --database=$DBNAME -e "SELECT character_maximum_length FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS WHERE TABLE_NAME = 'users' AND COLUMN_NAME = 'id';" | grep "64"
   124  if [ $? != 0 ]; then
   125      ErrorMsg "Database column 'id' should have character limit of 64"
   126  fi
   128  # Start up the server and the schema should get updated
   129  $SCRIPTDIR/ -I -S -X -D -d mysql
   131  enroll
   132  if test $? -ne 0; then
   133      ErrorMsg "Failed to enroll $REGISTRAR"
   134  fi
   136  # Register a user with a username of 128 character. This should pass with the updated schema
   137  USERNAME=$(cat /dev/urandom | tr -dc 'a-zA-Z0-9' | fold -w 128 | head -n 1)
   138  register "" $USERNAME
   139  if test $? -ne 0; then
   140      ErrorMsg "Failed to register $USERNAME"
   141  fi
   143  # Register a user with a username of 300 character. This should result in an error
   144  USERNAME=$(cat /dev/urandom | tr -dc 'a-zA-Z0-9' | fold -w 300 | head -n 1)
   145  register "" $USERNAME
   146  if test $? -ne 1; then
   147      ErrorMsg "Should have failed to register $USERNAME"
   148  fi
   150  $SCRIPTDIR/ -K
   152  # Check that the new schema took affect
   153  mysql --host=localhost --user=root --password=mysql --database=$DBNAME -e "SELECT column_name, character_maximum_length FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS WHERE TABLE_NAME = 'users';" > $TESTDIR/text.txt
   154  grep 'id'$'\t''255' $TESTDIR/text.txt
   155  if [ $? != 0 ]; then
   156      ErrorMsg "Database column 'id' should have character limit of 255"
   157  fi
   158  grep 'type'$'\t''256' $TESTDIR/text.txt
   159  if [ $? != 0 ]; then
   160      ErrorMsg "Database column 'affiliation' should have character limit of 256"
   161  fi
   162  grep 'affiliation'$'\t''1024' $TESTDIR/text.txt
   163  if [ $? != 0 ]; then
   164      ErrorMsg "Database column 'affiliation' should have character limit of 1024"
   165  fi
   166  grep 'attributes'$'\t''65535' $TESTDIR/text.txt
   167  if [ $? != 0 ]; then
   168      ErrorMsg "Database column 'attributes' should have character limit of 65535"
   169  fi
   170  grep 'incorrect_password_attempts' $TESTDIR/text.txt
   171  if [ $? != 0 ]; then
   172      ErrorMsg "Failed to create column 'incorrect_password_attempts' in MySQL"
   173  fi
   175  mysql --host=localhost --user=root --password=mysql --database=$DBNAME -e "SELECT column_name, character_maximum_length, data_type, extra FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS WHERE TABLE_NAME = 'affiliations';" > $TESTDIR/text.txt
   176  grep 'id'$'\t''NULL'$'\t''int'$'\t''auto_increment' $TESTDIR/text.txt
   177  if [ $? != 0 ]; then
   178      ErrorMsg "Integer auto_increment column 'id' should be present in the affiliations table"
   179  fi
   180  grep 'name'$'\t''1024' $TESTDIR/text.txt
   181  if [ $? != 0 ]; then
   182      ErrorMsg "Database column 'name' should have character limit of 1024"
   183  fi
   184  grep 'prekey'$'\t''1024' $TESTDIR/text.txt
   185  if [ $? != 0 ]; then
   186      ErrorMsg "Database column 'prekey' should have character limit of 1024"
   187  fi
   188  mysql --host=localhost --user=root --password=mysql --database=$DBNAME -e "SELECT column_name, character_maximum_length FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS WHERE TABLE_NAME = 'certificates' AND COLUMN_NAME = 'id';" | grep "255"
   189  if [ $? != 0 ]; then
   190      ErrorMsg "Database column 'id' should have character limit of 255"
   191  fi
   193  ###### POSTGRES ######
   194  $SCRIPTDIR/ -I -S -X -D -d postgres # Start up the server and the new schema should get created
   195  $SCRIPTDIR/ -K # Kill the server
   196  $SCRIPTDIR/ -S -X -D -d postgres # Start up the server again and it should try to update the schema again, should result in no errors
   197  if test $? -ne 0; then
   198      ErrorMsg "Failed to start up server that is using the latest database schema"
   199  fi
   200  $SCRIPTDIR/ -K # Kill the server
   203  # Create the database tables using the old schema
   204  echo "Creating '$DBNAME' Postgres database and tables before starting up server"
   205  psql -c "drop database $DBNAME"
   206  psql -c "create database $DBNAME"
   207  psql -d $DBNAME -c "CREATE TABLE users (id VARCHAR(64), token bytea, type VARCHAR(64), affiliation VARCHAR(64), attributes VARCHAR(256), state INTEGER,  max_enrollments INTEGER)"
   208  psql -d $DBNAME -c "CREATE TABLE affiliations (name VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL UNIQUE, prekey VARCHAR(64))"
   209  psql -d $DBNAME -c "CREATE TABLE certificates (id VARCHAR(64), serial_number bytea NOT NULL, authority_key_identifier bytea NOT NULL, ca_label bytea, status bytea NOT NULL, reason int, expiry timestamp, revoked_at timestamp, pem bytea NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(serial_number, authority_key_identifier))"
   210  psql -d $DBNAME -c "SELECT character_maximum_length FROM information_schema.columns where table_name = 'users' AND column_name = 'id';" | grep "64"
   211  if [ $? != 0 ]; then
   212      ErrorMsg "Database column 'id' should have character limit of 64"
   213  fi
   215  # Start up the server and the schema should get updated
   216  $SCRIPTDIR/ -I -S -X -D -d postgres
   218  enroll
   219  if test $? -ne 0; then
   220      ErrorMsg "Failed to enroll $REGISTRAR"
   221  fi
   223  # Register a user with a username of 128 character. This should pass with the updated schema
   224  USERNAME=$(cat /dev/urandom | tr -dc 'a-zA-Z0-9' | fold -w 128 | head -n 1)
   225  register "" $USERNAME
   226  if test $? -ne 0; then
   227      ErrorMsg "Failed to register $USERNAME"
   228  fi
   230  # Register a user with a username of 300 character. This should result in an error
   231  USERNAME=$(cat /dev/urandom | tr -dc 'a-zA-Z0-9' | fold -w 300 | head -n 1)
   232  register "" $USERNAME
   233  if test $? -ne 1; then
   234      ErrorMsg "Should have failed to register $USERNAME"
   235  fi
   237  $SCRIPTDIR/ -K
   239  # Check that the new schema took affect
   240  psql -d $DBNAME -c "SELECT column_name, character_maximum_length FROM information_schema.columns where table_name = 'users';" > $TESTDIR/text.txt
   241  grep -E 'id|255' $TESTDIR/text.txt
   242  if [ $? != 0 ]; then
   243      ErrorMsg "Database column 'id' should have character limit of 255"
   244  fi
   245  grep -E 'type|256' $TESTDIR/text.txt
   246  if [ $? != 0 ]; then
   247      ErrorMsg "Database column 'affiliation' should have character limit of 256"
   248  fi
   249  grep -E 'affiliation|1024' $TESTDIR/text.txt
   250  if [ $? != 0 ]; then
   251      ErrorMsg "Database column 'affiliation' should have character limit of 1024"
   252  fi
   253  psql -d $DBNAME -c "SELECT data_type FROM information_schema.columns where table_name = 'users' AND column_name = 'attributes';" | grep "text"
   254  if [ $? != 0 ]; then
   255      ErrorMsg "Database column 'affiliation' should be type 'text'"
   256  fi
   257  grep 'incorrect_password_attempts' $TESTDIR/text.txt
   258  if [ $? != 0 ]; then
   259      ErrorMsg "Database column 'incorrect_passwords_attempts' failed to be created"
   260  fi
   262  psql -d $DBNAME -c "SELECT column_name, character_maximum_length FROM information_schema.columns where table_name = 'affiliations';" > $TESTDIR/text.txt
   263  grep -E 'name|1024' $TESTDIR/text.txt
   264  if [ $? != 0 ]; then
   265      ErrorMsg "Database column 'name' should have character limit of 1024"
   266  fi
   267  grep -E 'prekey|1024' $TESTDIR/text.txt
   268  if [ $? != 0 ]; then
   269      ErrorMsg "Database column 'prekey' should have character limit of 1024"
   270  fi
   272  psql -d $DBNAME -c "SELECT column_name, character_maximum_length FROM information_schema.columns where table_name = 'certificates' AND column_name = 'id';" | grep "255"
   273  if [ $? != 0 ]; then
   274      ErrorMsg "Database column 'id' should have character limit of 255"
   275  fi
   277  CleanUp $RC
   278  exit $RC