
     1  #!/bin/bash
     2  #
     3  # Copyright IBM Corp. All Rights Reserved.
     4  #
     5  # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
     6  #
     8  : ${TESTCASE="ident_modify"}
     9  FABRIC_CA="$GOPATH/src/"
    10  SCRIPTDIR="$FABRIC_CA/scripts/fvt"
    11  . $SCRIPTDIR/fabric-ca_utils
    12  TESTDIR=/tmp/$TESTCASE
    13  RC=0
    14  NUMROLES=8
    16  # defaults
    17  declare -A defaultValues
    18  defaultValues=([Maxenrollments]=2147483647 [Affiliation]='.' [Type]="user" [Passwd]="user1pw")
    20  adminTemplate='
    21     {\"secret\": \"$passwd\",
    22     \"type\": \"user\",
    23     \"affiliation\": \"$org\",
    24     \"max_enrollments\": 100,
    25     \"attrs\":
    26     [{\"name\": \"hf.Registrar.Roles\", \"value\": \"client,user,peer,validator,auditor,ca,app,role1,role2,role3,role4,role5,role6,role7,role8,apple,orange\"},
    27      {\"name\": \"hf.Registrar.DelegateRoles\", \"value\": \"client,user,peer,validator,auditor,ca,app,role1,role2,role3,role4,role5,role6,role7,role8,apple,orange\"},
    28      {\"name\": \"hf.Revoker\", \"value\": \"true\"},
    29      {\"name\": \"hf.IntermediateCA\", \"value\": \"true\"},
    30      {\"name\": \"hf.GenCRL\", \"value\": \"true\"},
    31      {\"name\": \"hf.Registrar.Attributes\", \"value\": \"*\"}]}
    32  '
    34  function registerEnroll() {
    35     roles="role$1"
    36     utype="type$1"
    37     eval $FABRIC_CA_CLIENTEXEC identity add userType$i $URI --secret userType${i}pw \
    38        -H $TESTDIR/admin --type $roles --affiliation ${defaultValues[Affiliation]} \
    39        --maxenrollments ${defaultValues[Maxenrollments]} --attrs '"hf.Registrar.Roles=$roles"'
    40     enroll userType$i userType${i}pw
    41  }
    43  function checkDefaults() {
    44     awk -v c=0 -v e=0 \
    45         -v i="Name: $1," \
    46         -v t="Type: ${defaultValues[Type]}," \
    47         -v a="Affiliation: " \
    48         -v n="ECert:true" '
    49        $0~i     {c++}
    50        $0~t     {c++}
    51        $0~a     {c++}
    52        $0~n     {e++}
    53        END      {print "defaults:"c",ecert:"e;if ((c!=3)||(e!=3)) exit 1} '
    54  }
    56  function getAttrs() {
    57     # The complete (current) list
    58     #   hf.Affiliation
    59     #   hf.EnrollmentID
    60     #   hf.GenCRL
    61     #   hf.IntermediateCA
    62     #   hf.Registrar.Attributes
    63     #   hf.Registrar.DelegateRoles
    64     #   hf.Registrar.Roles
    65     #   hf.Revoker
    66     #   hf.Type
    67     local admin="$1"
    68     local user="$2"
    70     $FABRIC_CA_CLIENTEXEC identity list $URI -H $TESTDIR/$admin 2>&1 |
    71       grepPrint "^Name: $user," |
    72       grep -oP "Attributes:.*?]"|
    73       tr '{' "\n" |
    74       grep hf| sort | awk 'BEGIN {print ""}; {print $1" "$2}'
    75  }
    77  function testAuthenticationAuthorization() {
    78     # Objective:
    79     # Only an authorized user can issue the list command:
    80     #   1 -admin will have a certificate from an unknown CA
    81     #   2- testUser does not have the "hf.Registrar.Roles" attribute
    83     rm -rf $TESTDIR/admin/msp/keystore/*
    84     rm -rf $TESTDIR/admin/msp/signcerts/*
    85     /etc/hyperledger/fabric-ca/pki -f newcert -t ec -l 256 \
    86        -n "/CN=admin/" -p admin >/dev/null 2>&1
    87     mv /root/admincert.pem $TESTDIR/admin/msp/signcerts/cert.pem
    88     mv /root/adminkey.pem $TESTDIR/admin/msp/keystore/key.pem
    89     enroll testUser user1
    90     for op in list remove add modify; do
    91        # username not required for 'list' operation
    92        test "$op" != list && user=testUser3 || user=""
    94        # Unknown CA
    95        $FABRIC_CA_CLIENTEXEC identity $op $user $URI -d -H $TESTDIR/admin 2>&1 |
    96           # @TODO these messages need to change
    97           # grepPrint "Authorization failure" || ErrorMsg "Test '$op' Authorization"
    98           grepPrint "Authentication failure" || ErrorMsg "Test '$op' Authorization"
    99        # testUser not authorized - user must have the "hf.Registrar.Roles" attribute
   100        $FABRIC_CA_CLIENTEXEC identity $op $user $URI -d -H $TESTDIR/testUser 2>&1 |
   101           # @TODO these messages need to change
   102           # grepPrint "403 Forbidden" || ErrorMsg "Test '$op' Authorization"
   103           grepPrint "Authorization failure" || ErrorMsg "Test '$op' Authorization"
   104     done
   105  }
   107  function testRoleAuthorization() {
   108     # Objective:
   109     # for add/modify:
   110     #   identity type must be in the client user's hf.Registrar.Roles list
   111     # for list:
   112     #   only entries whose type is in the "hf.Registrar.Roles attribute of
   113     #   the issuer will be displayed
   114     # Enroll admin
   115     enroll
   116     # Baseline
   117     $FABRIC_CA_CLIENTEXEC identity list $URI -H $TESTDIR/admin ||
   118       ErrorMsg "admin 'identity list' failed"
   119     # the type of the identity being added must be in the user's hf.Registrar.Roles list
   120     $FABRIC_CA_CLIENTEXEC identity add userType1 $URI -H $TESTDIR/admin \
   121          --type account --affiliation ${defaultValues[Affiliation]} 2>&1 |
   122             grepPrint "Registrar does not have authority to act on type 'account'" ||
   123             ErrorMsg "admin should not be able to add user of type 'account'"
   124     $FABRIC_CA_CLIENTEXEC identity modify admin $URI -H $TESTDIR/admin/ -d \
   125        --attrs '"hf.Registrar.Roles=client,user,peer,validator,auditor,ca,app,role1,role2,role3,role4,role5,role6,role7,role8,apple,orange"'
   126     for i in  $(seq $NUMROLES); do
   127        registerEnroll $i
   128        # only entries whose type is in the "hf.Registrar.Roles"
   129        # attribute of the issuer will be displayed; in this case, himself
   130        test $($FABRIC_CA_CLIENTEXEC identity list $URI -H $TESTDIR/userType$i 2>&1 | wc -l) -eq 1 ||
   131           ErrorMsg "userType$i 'identity list' failed"
   132        $FABRIC_CA_CLIENTEXEC identity list $URI -H $TESTDIR/userType$i 2>&1 |
   133           grepPrint "hf.EnrollmentID Value:userType$i.*Type Value:role$i.*Affiliation Value: " ||
   134              ErrorMsg "ID:userType$i Type:role$i 'identity list' failed"
   135     done
   136  }
   138  function testModifyRegistrarRoles() {
   139     # Objective:
   140     # Use case:
   141     #  a) registrar does not have <type> in hf.Registrar.Roles: fail
   142     #  b) registrar's entry is successfully modified to add <type>
   143     #  c) registrar successfully adds user with <type>
   145     # should fail
   146     $FABRIC_CA_CLIENTEXEC identity modify userType1 $URI -d \
   147       -H $TESTDIR/admin2 --type client 2>&1 |
   148          grepPrint "Authorization failure" ||
   149             ErrorMsg "admin2 should not be able to modify user whose type is 'role1'"
   150     $FABRIC_CA_CLIENTEXEC identity modify admin2 $URI -d -H $TESTDIR/admin \
   151        --attrs '"hf.Registrar.Roles=client,user,peer,validator,auditor,ca,app,role1,role2,role3,role4,role5,role6,role7,role8,apple,orange"' ||
   152        ErrorMsg "modify of admin2 by admin failed"
   154     # should succeed
   155     $FABRIC_CA_CLIENTEXEC identity modify userType1 $URI -d \
   156        -H $TESTDIR/admin2 --type client ||
   157          ErrorMsg "admin2 modify of userType1 failed"
   159     # put it back like it was
   160     $FABRIC_CA_CLIENTEXEC identity modify userType1 $URI -d \
   161        -H $TESTDIR/admin2 --type role1 ||
   162           ErrorMsg "admin2 modify of userType1 failed"
   163  }
   165  function testAffiliation() {
   166     # Objective:
   167     # - a client may not view records outside of his own affiliation
   169     $FABRIC_CA_CLIENTEXEC identity modify admin $URI -d \
   170        -H $TESTDIR/admin --affiliation 'org2.department2'
   171     # User can only see himself
   172     test $($FABRIC_CA_CLIENTEXEC identity list $URI -H $TESTDIR/admin 2>&1 | wc -l) -eq 1 ||
   173        ErrorMsg "admin 'identity list' failed"
   174     $FABRIC_CA_CLIENTEXEC identity list $URI -H $TESTDIR/admin 2>&1 |
   175        grep  "Name: admin, Type: client, Affiliation: org2.department2" ||
   176           ErrorMsg "admin 'identity list' failed"
   177     # add a subset of roles - user can only see that explicit list
   178     $FABRIC_CA_CLIENTEXEC identity modify admin $URI -d -H $TESTDIR/admin2 \
   179        --affiliation ${defaultValues[Affiliation]} \
   180        --attrs '"hf.Registrar.Roles=role1,role2,role3,role4,role5,role6,role7,role8"'
   181     test "$($FABRIC_CA_CLIENTEXEC identity list $URI -H $TESTDIR/admin | wc -l)" -eq $NUMROLES ||
   182        ErrorMsg "admin 'identity list' contained wrong number of users"
   183     # put it back like it was
   184     $FABRIC_CA_CLIENTEXEC identity modify admin $URI -d -H $TESTDIR/admin2 \
   185        --affiliation ${defaultValues[Affiliation]} \
   186        --attrs '"hf.Registrar.Roles=client,user,peer,validator,auditor,ca,app,role1,role2,role3,role4,role5,role6,role7,role8,apple,orange,ca"'
   187  }
   189  function testDelegation () {
   190     # Objective:
   191     # an admin may not delegate roles not in his hf.Registrar.Roles,
   192     # even if he has a wildcarded hf.Registrar.Attributes '*'
   194     enroll
   195     # @TODO change return code to 403
   196     # $FABRIC_CA_CLIENTEXEC identity add userType10 $URI -d -H $TESTDIR/admin --type role1 --affiliation ${defaultValues[Affiliation]} --attrs '"hf.Registrar.DelegateRoles=type10"' | grepPrint "403 Forbidden" || ErrorMsg "admin should not be able to add user with type 'type10', or wrong error code"
   197     $FABRIC_CA_CLIENTEXEC identity add userType10 $URI -d -H $TESTDIR/admin \
   198        --type role1 --affiliation ${defaultValues[Affiliation]} \
   199        --attrs '"hf.Registrar.DelegateRoles=type10"' 2>&1 |
   200           grepPrint "not authorized to register" ||
   201              ErrorMsg "admin should not be able to add user with type 'type10', or wrong error code"
   202  restrictedAdminAttrsAttrs='
   203     {
   204        "secret": "superUserpw",
   205        "type": "user",
   206        "affiliation": ".",
   207        "attrs": [
   208           {"name": "hf.Registrar.Roles", "value": "client,user,validator,auditor"},
   209           {"name": "hf.Registrar.Attributes", "value": "*"}
   210         ]
   211     }'
   212     # Create restrictedAdmin, but with hf.Registrar.Attributes: "*"
   213     $FABRIC_CA_CLIENTEXEC identity add restrictedAdmin $URI -d \
   214        --json "$restrictedAdminAttrsAttrs" -H $TESTDIR/admin 2>&1
   215     pw=superUserpw
   216     enroll restrictedAdmin $pw
   217     $FABRIC_CA_CLIENTEXEC identity list $URI -d --id restrictedAdmin -H $TESTDIR/restrictedAdmin
   218     if test "$?" -ne 0; then
   219        ErrorMsg "Failed to enroll restrictedAdmin"
   220        return
   221     fi
   223     # Attempting to create user with greater authority than restrictedAdmin should fail
   224  SuperAttrs='
   225     {"secret": "superUserpw",
   226     "type": "user",
   227     "affiliation": ".",
   228     "max_enrollments": -1,
   229     "attrs":
   230     [{"name": "hf.Registrar.Roles", "value": "pianist,SuperUser,client,user,peer,validator,auditor,ca,app,role1,role2,role3,role4,role5,role6,role7,role8,apple,orange"},
   231      {"name": "hf.Registrar.DelegateRoles", "value": "SuperUser,client,user,peer,validator,auditor,ca,app,role1,role2,role3,role4,role5,role6,role7,role8,apple,orange"},
   232      {"name": "hf.Revoker", "value": "true"},
   233      {"name": "hf.IntermediateCA", "value": "true"},
   234      {"name": "hf.GenCRL", "value": "true"},
   235      {"name": "hf.Registrar.Attributes", "value": "*"}]}'
   236     $FABRIC_CA_CLIENTEXEC identity add SuperUser $URI -d \
   237        --json "$SuperAttrs" -H $TESTDIR/restrictedAdmin 2>&1 |
   238           grepPrint "attribute value:.*is not a member" ||
   239              ErrorMsg "restrictedAdmin should not be able to add SuperUser, or wrong error code"
   240  }
   242  function testDefaults() {
   243     # Objective:
   244     # ensure the correct defaults for 'add'
   245     $FABRIC_CA_CLIENTEXEC identity add vanillaUser $URI -H $TESTDIR/admin 2>&1 |
   246       tr '{' "\n" |
   247          checkDefaults vanillaUser ||
   248             ErrorMsg "Incorrect default values for new user"
   249  }
   251  function testHfAttrs() {
   252     # Objective:
   253     # add a user with every available configurable
   254     #  parameter an enure all values are set correctly
   256     local admin="admin"
   257     local user="everythingBagel"
   259     org=org1
   260     passwd=${defaultValues[Passwd]}
   261     eval "userDef=\"$adminTemplate\""
   262     $FABRIC_CA_CLIENTEXEC identity add $user $URI --json "$userDef" -H $TESTDIR/$admin 2>&1
   263     enroll $user $passwd
   264     expectedAttrs="
   265  Name:hf.Affiliation Value:$org
   266  Name:hf.EnrollmentID Value:$user
   267  Name:hf.GenCRL Value:true
   268  Name:hf.IntermediateCA Value:true
   269  Name:hf.Registrar.Attributes Value:*
   270  Name:hf.Registrar.DelegateRoles Value:client,user,peer,validator,auditor,ca,app,role1,role2,role3,role4,role5,role6,role7,role8,apple,orange
   271  Name:hf.Registrar.Roles Value:client,user,peer,validator,auditor,ca,app,role1,role2,role3,role4,role5,role6,role7,role8,apple,orange
   272  Name:hf.Revoker Value:true
   273  Name:hf.Type Value:user"
   274     getAttrs $admin $user
   275     currentAttrs="$(getAttrs $admin $user)"
   276     if test "$currentAttrs" != "$expectedAttrs"; then
   277        ErrorMsg "Incorrect value for registered attributes"
   278        echo "currentAttrs: $currentAttrs"
   279        echo "expectedAttrs: $expectedAttrs"
   280        return
   281     fi
   282  }
   284  function testLateralAffiliation() {
   285     # Objective:
   286     # Ensure that an admin may only add/modify a user
   287     #  in his own affiliation tree, e.g. not disjunct (lateral)
   288     #  and not higher in the tree
   290     # now that we have an admin within an org, attempt to register new user in same org
   291     local admin="everythingBagel"
   292     local user="NewUserOrg1"
   293     org=org1
   294     eval "userDef=\"$adminTemplate\""
   295     $FABRIC_CA_CLIENTEXEC identity add $user $URI -d \
   296        --json "$userDef" -H $TESTDIR/$admin 2>&1 ||
   297           ErrorMsg "Failed to add user '$user'"
   298     enroll $user $passwd || ErrorMsg "Failed to enroll user '$user'"
   299     # attempt to modify user in same org
   300     $FABRIC_CA_CLIENTEXEC identity modify $user $URI -d \
   301        -H $TESTDIR/$admin --affiliation ${defaultValues[Affiliation]} \
   302        --attrs '"hf.Registrar.Roles=client,user,peer,validator,auditor,ca,app,role1,role2,role3,role4,role5,role6,role7,role8,apple,orange,ca"' 2>&1 |
   303           grepPrint "Authorization failure" || ErrorMsg "$admin should not be able to operate on higher level affiliation ${defaultValues[Affiliation]}"
   305     # register new user in child org
   306     admin="NewUserOrg1"
   307     user="NewUserOrg1Dep1"
   308     org=org1.department1
   309     eval "userDef=\"$adminTemplate\""
   310     $FABRIC_CA_CLIENTEXEC identity add $user $URI -d \
   311        --json "$userDef" -H $TESTDIR/$admin 2>&1 ||
   312           ErrorMsg "Failed to add user '$user'"
   313     enroll $user $passwd || ErrorMsg "Failed to enroll user '$user'"
   315     # register new user in same org
   316     admin="NewUserOrg1Dep1"
   317     user="NewUser2Org1Dep1"
   318     org=org1.department1
   319     eval "userDef=\"$adminTemplate\""
   320     $FABRIC_CA_CLIENTEXEC identity add $user $URI -d\
   321        --json "$userDef" -H $TESTDIR/$admin 2>&1 ||
   322           ErrorMsg "Failed to add user '$user'"
   323     enroll $user $passwd || ErrorMsg "Failed to enroll user '$user'"
   324     # modify user in same org
   325     $FABRIC_CA_CLIENTEXEC identity modify $user $URI -d -H $TESTDIR/$admin \
   326        --attrs "hf.IntermediateCA=false" 2>&1 ||
   327           ErrorMsg "Failed to modify user '$user'"
   328     # restrict hf.Registrar.Attributes for admin
   329     $FABRIC_CA_CLIENTEXEC identity modify $admin $URI -d -H $TESTDIR/$admin \
   330        --attrs "hf.Registrar.Attributes=hf*" 2>&1 ||
   331        ErrorMsg "Failed to modify user '$admin'"
   332     # attempt to modify w/ wildarded hf.Registrar.Attributes
   333     $FABRIC_CA_CLIENTEXEC identity modify $user $URI -d -H $TESTDIR/$admin \
   334        --attrs "hf.IntermediateCA=true" 2>&1 ||
   335           ErrorMsg "Failed to modify user '$user'"
   336     # take away entirely hf.Registrar.Attributes from admin
   337     $FABRIC_CA_CLIENTEXEC identity modify $admin $URI -d -H $TESTDIR/admin \
   338        --attrs "hf.Registrar.Attributes=''" 2>&1 ||
   339           ErrorMsg "Failed to modify user '$admin'"
   340     # attempt to modify w/o hf.Registrar.Attributes set
   341     # this returns 'Authorization failure' should return '403 Forbidden'
   342     $FABRIC_CA_CLIENTEXEC identity modify $user $URI -d -H $TESTDIR/$admin \
   343        --attrs "hf.IntermediateCA=false" 2>&1 |
   344           grepPrint "Authorization failure" ||
   345              ErrorMsg "admin '$admin' w/o hf.Registrar.Attributes should not be able to modify user '$user', or wrong error code"
   347     # attempt to register new user in lateral org
   348     admin="NewUser2Org1Dep1"
   349     user="NewUserOrg1Dep2"
   350     org=org1.department2
   351     eval "userDef=\"$adminTemplate\""
   352     $FABRIC_CA_CLIENTEXEC identity add $user $URI -d --json "$userDef" -H $TESTDIR/$admin 2>&1 |
   353        grepPrint "Caller does not have authority to act on affiliation '$org'" ||
   354           ErrorMsg "Incorrectly added '$user', or improper error message"
   356     # attempt to register higher affiliation
   357     admin="NewUser2Org1Dep1"
   358     user="NewUser1Org1"
   359     org=org1
   360     eval "userDef=\"$adminTemplate\""
   361     $FABRIC_CA_CLIENTEXEC identity add $user $URI -d --json "$userDef" -H $TESTDIR/$admin 2>&1 |
   362        grepPrint "Caller does not have authority to act on affiliation '$org'" ||
   363           ErrorMsg "Incorrectly added '$user', or improper error message"
   364  }
   366  function testConflictingHfAttrs() {
   367     # Objective:
   368     #   Ensure that we cannot set 'static' internal attributes:
   369     #     hf.Type
   370     #     hf.EnrollmentID
   371     local admin="$1"
   372     local user="$2"
   373     userdef='
   374     {"secret": "user1pw",
   375     "type": "orange",
   376     "affiliation": "org1",
   377     "max_enrollments": 1,
   378     "attrs":
   379     [ {"name": "hf.Type", "value": "apple"}]}
   380     '
   381     for flag in  '--type peer' '--affiliation .' '--attrs a=1' '--maxenrollments 1' '--secret p' '--type app'; do
   382        $FABRIC_CA_CLIENTEXEC identity add $user $URI -d $flag --json "$userdef" \
   383           -H $TESTDIR/$admin 2>&1 | grep -o "Can't use 'json' flag" ||
   384           ErrorMsg "Failed invalid flag combination"
   385     done
   387     $FABRIC_CA_CLIENTEXEC identity add ${user}1 $URI -d --json "$userdef" -H $TESTDIR/$admin 2>&1 |
   388           grepPrint "Cannot register fixed value attribute 'hf.Type'" ||
   389              ErrorMsg "Should not be able to set hf.Type against '--type'"
   391     userdef='
   392     {"name": "admin",
   393     "type": "user",
   394     "affiliation": "org1",
   395     "max_enrollments": 1,
   396     "attrs":
   397     [ {"name": "hf.EnrollmentID", "value": "admin"}]}
   398     '
   399     $FABRIC_CA_CLIENTEXEC identity add ${user}2 $URI -d --json "$userdef" -H $TESTDIR/admin2 2>&1 |
   400        grepPrint "Cannot register fixed value attribute 'hf.EnrollmentID'" ||
   401           ErrorMsg "Should not be able to configure 'hf.EnrollmentID'"
   402  }
   404  function removeAllUsers() {
   405     # Objective:
   406     # Ensure that a valid authorized admin may delete users
   407     # Ensure that a deleted users' certiifcates ae revoked
   408     # Ensure correct error when deletiing non-existent user
   409     # Ensure we may not delete self with the --force flag
   410     # At each step, verify the expected number of user entries in DB
   412     # delete everyone except for admin
   413     for u in $( $FABRIC_CA_CLIENTEXEC identity list $URI -H $TESTDIR/admin/ |
   414                  awk '{for (i=1;i<=NR;i++) {gsub(/,/,"");if ($i=="Name:" && $(i+1)!="admin") print $(i+1) }}'); do
   415        $FABRIC_CA_CLIENTEXEC identity remove $u $URI -d -H $TESTDIR/admin/ || ErrorMsg "Failed to delete user $u"
   416     done
   417     $FABRIC_CA_CLIENTEXEC identity list $u $URI -H $TESTDIR/admin/
   418     numUsers=$($FABRIC_CA_CLIENTEXEC identity list $u $URI -H $TESTDIR/admin/ | wc -l)
   419     test "$numUsers" -ne 1 && ErrorMsg "Wrong number of users"
   421     # ensure all user certs revoked
   422     $SCRIPTDIR/ -L -d mysql -D 2>/dev/null|
   423        sed -n '/Certificates:/,/Affiliations:/p' | sed '1,2d;$d' |
   424           awk -v rc=0 '$1!="admin" {if ($4!="revoked") rc++}; END {exit rc}' ||
   425              ErrorMsg "Not all certs have been revoked"
   427     # delete non-existent user (should return '404')
   428     $FABRIC_CA_CLIENTEXEC identity remove id $URI -H $TESTDIR/admin/ 2>&1 |
   429        grepPrint 'Failed to get User' ||
   430           ErrorMsg "Should have failed, or wrong error code"
   431     # attempt delete self w/o force
   432     $FABRIC_CA_CLIENTEXEC identity remove admin $URI -H $TESTDIR/admin/ 2>&1 |
   433         grepPrint "Need to use 'force'" ||
   434            ErrorMsg "Should have failed, or wrong error code"
   435     # delete self
   436     $FABRIC_CA_CLIENTEXEC identity remove admin $URI --force -H $TESTDIR/admin/ ||
   437         ErrorMsg "Failed to delete self"
   438     numUsers=$(./scripts/fvt/ -L -d mysql 2>/dev/null|
   439                 sed -n '/Users/,$p' | sed '1d' | wc -l)
   440     test "$numUsers" -ne 0 && ErrorMsg "Wrong number of users"
   441  }
   443  export -f register
   445  ### Start Test ###
   446  export CA_CFG_PATH=$TESTDIR
   447  $SCRIPTDIR/ -D -R -x $TESTDIR
   448  mkdir -p $TESTDIR
   449  $SCRIPTDIR/ -d mysql -I -X -n1 -D -x $TESTDIR
   450  cp $TESTDIR/runFabricCaFvt.yaml /tmp
   451  $SCRIPTDIR/ -D -R -x $TESTDIR
   452  mkdir -p $TESTDIR
   453  cp /tmp/runFabricCaFvt.yaml  $TESTDIR/runFabricCaFvt.yaml
   454  sed -i '/name: admin$/,/hf.Registrar.DelegateRoles:/s/hf.Registrar.Roles:.*/hf.Registrar.Roles: "client,user,peer,validator,auditor,ca,app,role1,role2,role3,role4,role5,role6,role7,role8,apple,orange,ca\"/;
   455          s/hf.Registrar.DelegateRoles:.*/hf.Registrar.DelegateRoles: "client,user,peer,validator,auditor,ca,app,role1,role2,role3,role4,role5,role6,role7,role8,apple,orange,ca\"/'  $TESTDIR/runFabricCaFvt.yaml
   456  $SCRIPTDIR/ -d mysql -S -X -n1 -D -x $TESTDIR -- \
   457                   --cfg.identities.allowremove > $TESTDIR/server.log 2>&1
   461  enroll
   462  printf "\n\n"
   463  echo "===============> testHfAttrs..."
   464  testHfAttrs
   466  printf "\n\n"
   467  echo "===============> testLateralAffiliation..."
   468  testLateralAffiliation
   470  printf "\n\n"
   471  echo "===============> testDelegation..."
   472  testDelegation
   474  printf "\n\n"
   475  echo "===============> testDefaults..."
   476  testDefaults
   478  printf "\n\n"
   479  echo "===============> testAuthenticationAuthorization..."
   480  testAuthenticationAuthorization
   482  printf "\n\n"
   483  echo "===============> testRoleAuthorization..."
   484  testRoleAuthorization
   485  enroll revoker revokerpw
   486  enroll admin2 adminpw2
   488  printf "\n\n"
   489  echo "===============> testModifyRegistrarRoles..."
   490  testModifyRegistrarRoles
   492  printf "\n\n"
   493  echo "===============> testAffiliation..."
   494  testAffiliation
   496  printf "\n\n"
   497  echo "===============> testHfAttrs..."
   498  testHfAttrs
   500  printf "\n\n"
   501  echo "===============> testConflictingHfAttrs..."
   502  testConflictingHfAttrs admin2 conflictedUser
   504  printf "\n\n"
   505  echo "===============> removeAllUsers..."
   506  removeAllUsers
   509  CleanUp $RC
   510  exit $RC