
     1  #!/bin/bash
     2  #
     3  # Copyright IBM Corp. All Rights Reserved.
     4  #
     5  # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
     6  #
     9  : ${TESTCASE:="multica-test"}
    10  TDIR=/tmp/$TESTCASE
    11  FABRIC_CA="$GOPATH/src/"
    12  SCRIPTDIR="$FABRIC_CA/scripts/fvt"
    13  TESTDATA="$FABRIC_CA/testdata"
    14  . $SCRIPTDIR/fabric-ca_utils
    16  NUMINTCAS=4
    18  NUMUSERS=2
    19  RC=0
    21  function createRootCA() {
    22     # Start RootCA
    23     mkdir -p "$TDIR/ca0"
    24     $SCRIPTDIR/ -I -x "$TDIR/ca0" -d $driver -m $MAXENROLL
    25     sed -i "/^ca:/,/^[^\t ]/ s@\(\(cert\|key\)file:\).*@\1@" $TDIR/ca0/runFabricCaFvt.yaml
    26     FABRIC_CA_SERVER_HOME="$TDIR/ca0" fabric-ca-server start -d --cacount $NUMINTCAS \
    27                                        --csr.hosts $CA_HOST_ADDRESS --address $CA_HOST_ADDRESS \
    28                                        -c $TDIR/ca0/runFabricCaFvt.yaml 2>&1 |
    29                                        tee $TDIR/ca0/server.log &
    30     pollFabricCa "" "" $CA_DEFAULT_PORT
    31  }
    33  function enrollUser() {
    34     local user=$1
    35     local pswd=$2
    36     local caname=$3
    37     /usr/local/bin/fabric-ca-client enroll -d \
    38                     --caname $caname \
    39                     --mspdir $TDIR/$caname/$user/${user}msp \
    40                     --id.maxenrollments $MAXENROLL \
    41                     -u ${PROTO}$user:$pswd@$CA_HOST_ADDRESS:$CA_DEFAULT_PORT \
    42                     -c $TDIR/$caname/enroll.yaml \
    43                     $TLSOPT \
    44                     --csr.hosts $,${user},127.42.42.$i
    45     return $?
    46  }
    48  function registerAndEnrollUser() {
    49     local user=$1
    50     local caname=$2
    51     local attrs='a=1,b=2,c=3,d=4,e=5,f=6,g=7,h=8,i=9,j=100000'
    52     local rc=0
    53     pswd=$(eval /usr/local/bin/fabric-ca-client register -u ${PROTO}admin:adminpw@$CA_HOST_ADDRESS:$CA_DEFAULT_PORT \
    54                          --id.attrs "$attrs" \
    55                          --caname $caname \
    56                          --mspdir $TDIR/$caname/admin/adminmsp \
    57                 $user \
    58                          --id.type user \
    59                          --id.maxenrollments $MAXENROLL \
    60                          --id.affiliation bank_a \
    61                          $TLSOPT \
    62                          -c $TDIR/$caname/register.yaml|tail -n1 | awk '{print $NF}')
    63     /usr/local/bin/fabric-ca-client enroll \
    64                     --caname $caname \
    65                     --mspdir $TDIR/$caname/$user/${user}msp \
    66                     --id.maxenrollments $MAXENROLL \
    67                     -u ${PROTO}$user:$pswd@$CA_HOST_ADDRESS:$CA_DEFAULT_PORT \
    68                     -c $TDIR/$caname/$user/enroll.yaml \
    69                     $TLSOPT \
    70                     --csr.hosts $,$,127.37.37.$i
    71     return $?
    72  }
    74  function reenrollUser() {
    75     local user=$1
    76     local caname=$2
    77     local rc=0
    78     /usr/local/bin/fabric-ca-client reenroll \
    79                        --caname $caname \
    80                        --mspdir $TDIR/$caname/${user}/${user}msp \
    81                        --id.maxenrollments $MAXENROLL \
    82                        -u ${PROTO}@$CA_HOST_ADDRESS:$CA_DEFAULT_PORT \
    83                        -c $TDIR/$caname/$user/enroll.yaml \
    84                        $TLSOPT \
    85                        --csr.hosts ${user},${user},127.42.42.$i
    86     return $?
    87  }
    89  function revokeUser() {
    90     local revoker=$1
    91     local user=$2
    92     local caname=$3
    93     local sn=$4
    94     local aki=$5
    95     local rc=0
    96     test -n "$sn" && local serial="--revoke.serial $sn"
    97     test -n "$aki" && local index="--revoke.aki $aki"
    98     export FABRIC_CA_CLIENT_HOME="$TDIR/$caname/$revoker"
    99     /usr/local/bin/fabric-ca-client revoke --caname $caname \
   100                 --mspdir $TDIR/$caname/$revoker/${revoker}msp \
   101                 -u ${PROTO}$CA_HOST_ADDRESS:$CA_DEFAULT_PORT \
   102        $user $serial $index $TLSOPT
   103     return $?
   104  }
   106  function resetDB() {
   107    local driver=$1
   108    if [ $driver = "mysql" ]; then
   109      i=0;while test $((i++)) -lt $NUMINTCAS; do
   110        mysql --host=localhost --user=root --password=mysql -e "drop database fabric_ca_ca$i;"
   111      done
   112    fi
   114    if [ $driver = "postgres" ]; then
   115      i=0;while test $((i++)) -lt $NUMINTCAS; do
   116        psql -c "drop database fabric_ca_ca$i"
   117      done
   118    fi
   120    if [ $driver = "sqlite3" ]; then
   121      rm -rf $TDIR
   122    fi
   123  }
   125  ### Start Test ###
   126  for driver in postgres mysql; do
   128    # Expected codes
   129     # Result after enroll/reenroll -
   130     #    user status: 1, certs status: all 'good'
   131     enrolledGood=$(printf "1 %s\n%s\n%s" good good good)
   132     # Result after revoking the current enrollment cert -
   133     #    user status: 1, certs status: one revoked
   134     enrolledRevoked=$(printf "1 %s\n%s\n%s" good good revoked)
   135     # Result after revoking userid -
   136     #    user status: -1, certs status: all 'revoked'
   137     revokedRevoked=$(printf -- "-1 %s\n%s\n%s" revoked revoked revoked)
   139     $SCRIPTDIR/ -R -x $TDIR/ca0 -D -d $driver
   140     rm -rf $TDIR
   142     resetDB $driver
   144     createRootCA || ErrorExit "Failed to create root CA"
   146     USERS=("admin" "admin2" "notadmin" "testUser" "testUser2" "testUser3" )
   147     PSWDS=("adminpw" "adminpw2" "pass" "user1" "user2" "user3" )
   148     # roundrobin through all servers in pool and enroll users
   149     u=-1; while test $((u++)) -lt ${#USERS[u]}; do
   150        i=0;while test $((i++)) -lt $NUMINTCAS; do
   151           for iter in $(seq 1 $MAXENROLL); do
   152              # Issue duplicate enroll to ensure proper processing of multiple requests
   153              enrollUser ${USERS[u]} ${PSWDS[u]} ca$i || ErrorExit "Failed to enroll ${USERS[u]} to ca$i"
   154           done
   155        done
   156     done
   158     # enrolling beyond the configured MAXENROLL should fail
   159     u=-1; while test $((u++)) -lt ${#USERS[u]}; do
   160        i=0;while test $((i++)) -lt $NUMINTCAS; do
   161           enrollUser ${USERS[u]} ${PSWDS[u]} ca$i && ErrorExit "Should have failed to enroll ${USERS[u]} to ca$i"
   162        done
   163     done
   165     i=0;while test $((i++)) -lt $NUMINTCAS;  do
   166        j=0;while test $((j++)) -lt $NUMUSERS; do
   167           registerAndEnrollUser user$i$j ca$i || ErrorExit "Enroll user$i$j to CA ca$i failed"
   168        done
   169     done
   171     # roundrobin through all servers in pool and renroll users
   172     for iter in {0..1}; do
   173        # Issue duplicate reenroll to ensure proper processing of multiple requests
   174        i=0;while test $((i++)) -lt $NUMINTCAS;  do
   175           j=0;while test $((j++)) -lt $NUMUSERS; do
   176              reenrollUser user$i$j ca$i || ErrorExit "reenrollUser user$i$j ca$i failed"
   177           done
   178        done
   179     done
   181     # notadmin cannot revoke
   182     revokeUser notadmin user11 ca1 2>&1 | egrep "Authorization failure"
   183     test "$?" -ne 0 && ErrorMsg "Non-revoker successfully revoked cert or failed for incorrect reason"
   185     # Check the DB contents
   186     i=0;while test $((i++)) -lt $NUMINTCAS;  do
   187        j=0;while test $((j++)) -lt $NUMUSERS; do
   188           test "$(testStatus user$i$j $driver $TDIR/ca0/ca/ca$i fabric_ca_ca$i )" = "$enrolledGood" ||
   189              ErrorMsg "Incorrect user/certificate status for $user$i$j" RC
   190        done
   191     done
   193     i=0;while test $((i++)) -lt $NUMINTCAS;  do
   194        j=0;while test $((j++)) -lt $NUMUSERS; do
   195           c="$TDIR/ca$i/user$i$j/user$i${j}msp/signcerts/cert.pem"
   196           # Grab the serial number of user$i$j cert
   197           SN_UC="$(openssl x509 -noout -serial -in $c | awk -F'=' '{print toupper($2)}')"
   198           # and the auth keyid of notadmin cert - translate upper to lower case
   199           AKI_UC=$(openssl x509 -noout -text -in $c |awk '/keyid/ {gsub(/ *keyid:|:/,"",$1);print toupper($0)}')
   200           # Revoke the certs
   201           echo "SN  ---> $SN_UC"
   202           echo "AKI ---> $AKI_UC"
   203           revokeUser admin user$i$j ca$i "$SN_UC" "$AKI_UC"
   204           #### Ensure that revoking an already revoked cert doesn't blow up
   205           echo "=========================> Issuing duplicate revoke by -s -a"
   206           revokeUser admin user$i$j ca$i "$SN_UC" "$AKI_UC"
   207           test "$(testStatus user$i$j $driver $TDIR/ca0/ca/ca$i fabric_ca_ca$i )" = "$enrolledRevoked" ||
   208              ErrorMsg "Incorrect user/certificate status for user$i$j" RC
   209        done
   210     done
   212     i=0;while test $((i++)) -lt $NUMINTCAS;  do
   213        j=0;while test $((j++)) -lt $NUMUSERS; do
   214           echo "=========================> REVOKING by --eid"
   215           revokeUser admin user$i$j ca$i
   216           #### Ensure that revoking an already revoked cert doesn't blow up
   217           echo "=========================> Issuing duplicate revoke by -s -a"
   218           revokeUser admin user$i$j ca$i
   219           test "$(testStatus user$i$j $driver $TDIR/ca0/ca/ca$i fabric_ca_ca$i )" = "$revokedRevoked" ||
   220              ErrorMsg "Incorrect user/certificate status for user$i$j" RC
   221        done
   222     done
   224     #### Revoke admin cert
   225     i=0;while test $((i++)) -lt $NUMINTCAS;  do
   226        j=0;while test $((j++)) -lt $NUMUSERS; do
   227           echo "=========================> REVOKING self"
   228           revokeUser admin admin ca$i
   229           # Verify that the cert is no longer usable
   230           revokeUser admin user$i$j ca$i 2>&1 | egrep "Authentication failure"
   231           test $? -ne 0 && ErrorMsg "Improper revocation using revoked certificate" RC
   232        done
   233     done
   235     $SCRIPTDIR/ -L -x $TDIR/ca0 -D -d $driver
   236     kill $(ps -x -o pid,comm | awk '$2~/fabric-ca-serve/ {print $1}')
   237  done
   239  # If the test failed, leave the results for debugging
   240  test "$RC" -eq 0 && $SCRIPTDIR/ -R -x $CA_CFG_PATH -d $driver
   242  ### Clean up ###
   243  rm -f $TESTDATA/openssl.cnf.base.req
   244  CleanUp "$RC"
   245  exit $RC