
     1  #!/bin/bash
     2  # Copyright IBM Corp. All Rights Reserved.
     3  #
     4  # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
     5  #
     7  function usage {
     8     echo ""
     9     echo "pki - create self-signed, CA, user and CA-signed certificates"
    10     echo "   -f) <function>, where <function> is one of"
    11     echo "         display  - display certificate contents"
    12     echo "         dispcrl  - display CRL for a given CA"
    13     echo "         gencrl   - generate a new CRL file"
    14     echo "         newca    - add a new root CA Domain"
    15     echo "         newcert  - create a new self-signed certificate"
    16     echo "         newreq   - create a new cert request"
    17     echo "         newsub   - add a new subordinate CA Domain"
    18     echo "         pkcs12   - output a pkcs12 package using a list of filenames"
    19     echo "                    specified with the '-c' option"
    20     echo "         revoke   - revoke a cert issued by a given CA and update CRL"
    21     echo "         sign     - sign a cert request with a specific CA"
    22     echo "         signcert - sign an exisiting cert with a specific CA"
    23     echo "   -n) <X500dn>, where <X500dn> is expressed as a series of RDNs"
    24     echo "         in the form:"
    25     echo "           /type=val1/type=val2/..."
    26     echo "   -d  <digest>"
    27     echo "         Supported values:"
    28     echo "                  md2|md4|md5|sha|sha1|sha224|sha256|sha384|sha512"
    29     echo "   -e) <n-days>    expiration; 'n'=number of days until expire"
    30     echo "   -a) <authority>   name of newCA, or signingCA DOMAIN"
    31     echo "   -b) <subordinate> name of new subordinateCA (to create subCAs)"
    32     echo "   -c) <certfile>  cert to display, sign, or include in pkcs12"
    33     echo "   -k) <keyfile>   key for creating pkcs12 packages"
    34     echo "   -t) <type>      keytype: rsa|dsa|ec"
    35     echo "   -l) <n-bits>    keylength"
    36     echo "         Supported vaules for RSA:  384-4096"
    37     echo "         Supported vaules for DSA:  256,512,1024,2048,4096"
    38     echo "         Supported vaules for ECC:  160,224,256,384,521,570"
    39     echo "   -K) <keyUsage> comma-delmited list for inclusion in KU extension"
    40     echo "         Supported values: digitalSignature, nonRepudiation, "
    41     echo "            keyEncipherment, dataEncipherment, keyAgreement, "
    42     echo "            keyCertSign, cRLSign, encipherOnly, decipherOnly "
    43     echo "   -E) <extendeKeyUsage> comma-delmited list for inclusion in"
    44     echo "        EKU extension"
    45     echo "         Supported values: serverAuth, clientAuth, codeSigning,"
    46     echo "            emailProtection, timeStamping, ipsecIKE, any"
    47     echo "         Supported but deprecated by RFC:"
    48     echo "              ipsecEndSystem, ipsecTunnel, ipsecUser)"
    49     echo "   -p) <prefix> to use for output files (certificates, keys, pkcs12)"
    50     echo "   -m) <reason> for revocation (for revoke function)"
    51     echo "         Supported values: unspecified, keyCompromise, CACompromise,"
    52     echo "            affiliationChanged, superseded, cessationOfOperation,"
    53     echo "            certificateHold, removeFromCRL"
    54     echo "   -r) <reasons> CDP revocation reasons: comma-delmited list for"
    55     echo "            inclusion in certificate CDP extension"
    56     echo "         Supported values: keyCompromise, CACompromise, affiliationChanged,"
    57     echo "            superseded, cessationOfOperation, certificateHold,"
    58     echo "            privilegeWithdrawn, AACompromise"
    59     echo "   -R) <reasons> IDP revocation reasons: comma-delmited list for"
    60     echo "            inclusion in CRL IDP extension"
    61     echo "         Supported values: same as for CDP above"
    62     echo "   -x) used to interactively prompt for subjectAltNames"
    63     echo "   -C) exclude CRL distribution point extention"
    64     echo "   -o) crl output file (defalut: crl = crl.pem/crl.der)"
    65     echo "   -?) usage"
    66  }
    68  function config_opts {
    69        configin="$1"
    71        cp $configin $configin.this
    72        config="$configin.this"
    73        chmod 664 $config
    75        if test "$KUstring" = "none"; then
    76           sed 's/keyUsage = $KEYUSE/#keyUsage =$KEYUSE/' \
    77                  $config > $config.tmp
    78           mv $config.tmp $config
    79        elif test ! -z "$KUstring"; then
    80           sed "s/\(KEYUSE[[:blank:]].*=[[:blank:]]\).*/\1\"$KUstring\"/" \
    81                  $config > $config.tmp
    82           mv $config.tmp $config
    83        fi
    85        if test -z "$EKUstring"; then
    86           :
    87        else
    88           if test "$EKUstring" = "ike"; then
    89              sed "s/#\(EXTKEYUSE[[:blank:]].*=[[:blank:]]\).*/\1"${id_kp_ipsecIKE}"/" \
    90                 $config > $config.tmp
    91              mv $config.tmp $config
    92           elif test "$EKUstring" = "any"; then
    93              sed "s/#\(EXTKEYUSE[[:blank:]].*=[[:blank:]]\).*/\1"${anyExtendedKeyUsage}"/" \
    94                 $config > $config.tmp
    95              mv $config.tmp $config
    96           else
    97              sed "s/#\(EXTKEYUSE[[:blank:]].*=[[:blank:]]\).*/\1\"${EKUstring}\"/" \
    98                 $config > $config.tmp
    99              mv $config.tmp $config
   100           fi
   102           sed 's/#extendedKeyUsage = /extendedKeyUsage =/' \
   103                        $config > $config.tmp
   104           mv $config.tmp $config
   105        fi
   106  }
   108  function   newcert {
   109        config_opts "$baseconf"
   111        if test -z "$certauth"; then # create a new self-signed certificate
   112           if test "$extensions" = "Y"; then
   113              test -z "$subjectAltString" && subjalt
   114              sed "s/\(SUBALT[[:blank:]].*=[[:blank:]]\).*/\1$subjectAltString/" \
   115                     $config > $config.tmp
   116              mv $config.tmp $config
   117           fi
   119           $REQ -config $config -new -newkey $keytype \
   120                -nodes -$digest -x509 -subj "$subjectname" -keyout "$keyout.pem" -out "$certout.pem" \
   121                -extensions usr_cert
   122           if test "$?" -ne 0; then
   123              echo "Create newcert failed."
   124              exit 1
   125           else
   126              $DISPLAY "$certout.pem"
   127              echo "Certificate is in $certout.pem, private key is in $keyout.pem"
   128           fi
   129           test -f "${baseconf}.this" && rm "${baseconf}.this"
   130        else # generate a new request and sign it with the requested CA
   131           if test ! -d ${casign}; then
   132              echo ""
   133              echo "${casign} does not exist. Create a new CA domain by running:"
   134           echo "      \"pki -f newca -a ${casign##/*/} -n <subjname>\""
   135              exit 1
   136           fi
   137           newreq
   138           signreq
   139        fi
   140  }
   142  function  newca {
   143         typeset ANS
   145         if test -z "$certauth"; then
   146            echo "Need name for new CADOMAIN. Use '-a <name>' option."
   147            exit 1
   148         fi
   150         if test -f ${caroot}/serial; then
   151            echo "CA Domain ( '${caroot}' ) already exists."
   152            read -p "Overwrite existing directory?! [Y/N]: " ANS
   153            ANS="$(echo $ANS | tr '[[:lower:]]' '[[:upper:]]')"
   154            if test  "$ANS" != "Y" ; then
   155               exit 1
   156            else
   157               rm -rf "${caroot}"
   158            fi
   159         fi
   161         # create the directory hierarchy
   162         mkcatree
   164         config="$caroot/$caconf"
   166         if test "$extensions" = "Y"; then
   167            test -z "$subjectAltString" && subjalt
   168            sed "s/\(SUBALT[[:blank:]].*=[[:blank:]]\).*/\1$subjectAltString/" \
   169               "$config" > "${config}.this"
   170            mv "${config}.this" "$config"
   171         fi
   173         if test "$CDP" = "no"; then
   174           sed 's/crlDistr/#crlDistr/' "$config" > "${config}.this"
   175            mv "${config}.this" "$config"
   176           sed  's/^issuing/#issuing/' "$config" > "${config}.this"
   177            mv "${config}.this" "$config"
   178         fi
   180         if ! test -z "$CDPreason"; then
   181           sed "s/^#reasons=\$CDPREASON/reasons=${CDPreason}/" "$config" > "${config}.this"
   182            mv "${config}.this" "$config"
   183         fi
   185         if ! test -z "$IDPreason"; then
   186           sed "s/^#onlysomereasons=\$IDPREASON/onlysomereasons=${IDPreason}/" "$config" > "${config}.this"
   187            mv "${config}.this" "$config"
   188         fi
   190         echo "Making CA certificate ..."
   191         $REQ -config "$config" \
   192              -new -newkey "$keytype" \
   193              -nodes \
   194              -new -"$digest"\
   195              -keyout "${caroot}/private/$cakey" \
   196              -subj "$subjectname" \
   197              -out "${caroot}/$careq"
   198         if test "$?" -ne 0; then
   199            echo "Create newca request failed."
   200            exit 1
   201         else
   202  #         $CA  -create_serial \
   203            $CA  -md "$digest" \
   204                 -out "${caroot}/$cacert.pem" \
   205                 -config "$config" -batch \
   206                 -policy policy_anything\
   207                 -subj "$subjectname" \
   208                 -extensions v3_ca_has_san \
   209                 -keyfile "${caroot}/private/$cakey" \
   210                 -startdate "$startDate" -enddate "$endDate" \
   211                 -selfsign -infiles "${caroot}/$careq"
   212         fi
   214         $GENCRL \
   215             -keyfile "${caroot}/private/$cakey" \
   216             -cert "${caroot}/$cacert.pem" \
   217             -md $digest \
   218             -crldays $crlexpiration \
   219             -out "${caroot}/crl/${CRLoutput}.pem" \
   220             -config "$config"
   222         convert CRL pem der "${caroot}/crl/${CRLoutput}.pem"
   223         convert X509 pem der "${caroot}/$cacert.pem"
   224         convert $ktype pem der "${caroot}/private/cakey.pem"
   225         cp "${caroot}/$cacert.pem" "$HOME/${certauth}-cert.pem"
   226         cp "${caroot}/$cacert.der" "$HOME/${certauth}-cert.der"
   227         cp "${caroot}/private/cakey.pem" "$HOME/${certauth}-key.pem"
   228         cp "${caroot}/private/cakey.der" "$HOME/${certauth}-key.der"
   229         echo "CERTFILEs:"
   230         ls -l "$HOME/${certauth}-cert.pem" "$HOME/${certauth}-cert.der" | sed 's/^/   /'
   231         echo "KEYFILEs:"
   232         ls -l "$HOME/${certauth}-key.pem" "$HOME/${certauth}-key.der"  | sed 's/^/   /'
   233  }
   235  function newsub {
   236         if test -z "$certauth"; then
   237            echo "Need name for new CADOMAIN. Use '-a <name>' option."
   238            exit 1
   239         fi
   241         if test -f ${caroot}/serial; then
   242            echo "Sub CA Domain ( '${caroot}' ) already exists."
   243            read -p "Overwrite existing directory?! [Y/N]: " ANS
   244            ANS="$(echo $ANS | tr '[[:lower:]]' '[[:upper:]]')"
   245            if test  "$ANS" != "Y" ; then
   246               exit 1
   247            else
   248               rm -rf "${caroot}"
   249            fi
   250         fi
   252         mkcatree
   254         config="$caroot/$caconf"
   256         if test "$extensions" = "Y"; then
   257            test -z "$subjectAltString" && subjalt
   258            sed "s/\(SUBALT[[:blank:]].*=[[:blank:]]\).*/\1$subjectAltString/" \
   259               "$config" > "${config}.this"
   260            mv "${config}.this" "$config"
   261         fi
   263         if test "$CDP" = "no"; then
   264           sed 's/crlDistr/#crlDistr/' "$config" > "${config}.this"
   265            mv "${config}.this" "$config"
   266           sed  's/^issuing/#issuing/' "$config" > "${config}.this"
   267            mv "${config}.this" "$config"
   268         fi
   270         echo "Making CA certificate ..."
   271         $REQ -config "$config" -new -nodes -keyout "${caroot}/private/$cakey" \
   272              -new -newkey "$keytype" -nodes \
   273              -subj "$subjectname" -out "${caroot}/$careq"
   274         if test "$?" -ne 0; then
   275            echo "Create newca request failed."
   276            exit 1
   277         else
   278         echo "Siging CA certificate ..."
   279            config="${casign}/$caconf"
   280            $CA  -md "$digest" \
   281                 -config "$config" \
   282                 -batch \
   283                 -out "${caroot}/$cacert.pem" \
   284                 -startdate "$startDate" -enddate "$endDate" \
   285                 -policy policy_anything \
   286                 -subj "$subjectname" \
   287                 -keyfile "${casign}/private/$cakey" \
   288                 -extensions v3_ca_has_san \
   289                 -infiles "${caroot}/$careq"
   290                # -create_serial \
   291            RET=$?
   292         fi
   294         config="${caroot}/$caconf"
   295         $GENCRL \
   296             -keyfile "${caroot}/private/$cakey" \
   297             -md $digest \
   298             -crldays $crlexpiration \
   299             -cert "${caroot}/$cacert.pem" \
   300             -out "${caroot}/crl/${CRLoutput}.pem" \
   301             -config "$config"
   303         convert CRL pem der "${caroot}/crl/${CRLoutput}.pem"
   304         convert X509 pem der "${caroot}/$cacert.pem"
   305         convert $ktype pem der "${caroot}/private/cakey.pem"
   306         cp "${caroot}/$cacert.pem" "$HOME/${subca}-cert.pem"
   307         cp "${caroot}/$cacert.der" "$HOME/${subca}-cert.der"
   308         cp "${caroot}/private/cakey.pem" "$HOME/${subca}-key.pem"
   309         cp "${caroot}/private/cakey.der" "$HOME/${subca}-key.der"
   310         echo "CERTFILEs:"
   311         ls -l "$HOME/${subca}-cert.pem" "$HOME/${subca}-cert.der" | sed 's/^/   /'
   312         echo "KEYFILEs:"
   313         ls -l "$HOME/${subca}-key.pem" "$HOME/${subca}-key.der"  | sed 's/^/   /'
   314  }
   316  function  newreq {
   317        config="$baseconf"
   318        # create a certificate request
   320        if test "$extensions" = "Y"; then
   321           test -z "$subjectAltString" && subjalt
   322           sed "s/\(SUBALT[[:blank:]].*=[[:blank:]]\).*/\1$subjectAltString/" \
   323                  $config > ${config}.req
   324           config=${config}.req
   325        fi
   327        $REQ -config "$config" -nodes -new -"$digest"\
   328             -newkey "$keytype" -subj "$subjectname" \
   329             -keyout "$keyout.pem" -out "$reqout"
   330        if test "$?" -eq 0; then
   331           echo "Request is in $reqout, private key is in $keyout.pem"
   332        fi
   333  }
   335  function  dispcrl {
   336        # display CRL for a given CA
   337         if test -z "$certauth"; then
   338            echo "Need name of an existing CA. Use '-a <name>' option."
   339            exit 1
   340         fi
   342        crlfile="$caroot/crl/${CRLoutput}.der"
   344        $CRL -in "$crlfile" -inform der -noout -text
   345  }
   347  function pkcs12 {
   348        config=${caroot}/$caconf.tmp
   349        test -f "$tmpcertlist" || touch "$tmpcertlist"
   350        for i in $cert; do
   351          cat "$i" >> "$tmpcertlist"
   352        done
   354        $PKCS12 -export -des3 \
   355                -out "$pkcs12out" \
   356                -in "$tmpcertlist" \
   357                -passout pass:tcpsup \
   358                -inkey "$keyfile"
   359        echo ""
   360        echo "New pkcs12 package is in $pkcs12out"
   361        rm "$tmpcertlist"
   362        #$PKCS12 -in "$pkcs12out" -info
   363  }
   365  function signreq {
   366        if test ! -d ${casign}; then
   367           echo ""
   368           echo "${casign} does not exist. Create a new CA domain by running:"
   369           echo "      \"pki -f newca -a ${casign##/*/} -n <subjname>\""
   370           exit 1
   371        fi
   373        config=${casign}/$caconf
   375        config_opts $config
   377        $CA -config $config \
   378            -startdate "$startDate" -enddate "$endDate" \
   379            -policy policy_anything \
   380            -md $digest \
   381            -passin pass:tcpsup \
   382            -extensions usr_cert_has_san \
   383            -out "$certout.pem" \
   384            -infiles "$reqout"
   385            #$keytype \
   386        if test $? -eq 0; then
   387         $GENCRL \
   388             -keyfile "${caroot}/private/$cakey" \
   389             -md $digest \
   390             -crldays $crlexpiration \
   391             -cert "${caroot}/$cacert.pem" \
   392             -passin pass:tcpsup \
   393             -out "${caroot}/crl/${CRLoutput}.pem" \
   394             -config "$config"
   395           cat "$certout.pem"
   396           serial_num=$($X509 -in "$certout.pem" -noout -serial|sed 's/.*=\(.*\)/\1/')
   397           convert X509 pem der "${casign}/certsdb/$serial_num.pem"
   398           convert X509 pem der "$certout.pem"
   399           convert CRL pem der "${casign}/crl/${CRLoutput}.pem"
   400           echo "PEM-encoded signed certificate is in $certout.pem"
   401           echo "PEM-encoded signed key         is in $keyout.pem"
   402           echo "DER-encoded signed certificate is in $certout.der"
   403           echo "DER-encoded signed key         is in $keyout.der"
   404           echo "Copy of signed certificate with serial number $serial_num in ${casign}/certsdb/$serial_num.pem"
   405        fi
   406  }
   408  function gencrl {
   409        if test ! -d ${casign}; then
   410           echo ""
   411           echo "${casign} does not exist. Create a new CA domain by running:"
   412           echo "      \"pki -f newca -a <CAname> -n <subjname>\""
   413           exit 1
   414        fi
   416        config=${casign}/$caconf
   418         $GENCRL \
   419             -keyfile "${caroot}/private/$cakey" \
   420             -md $digest \
   421             -crldays $crlexpiration \
   422             -cert "${caroot}/$cacert.pem" \
   423             -out "${caroot}/crl/${CRLoutput}.pem" \
   424             -passin pass:tcpsup \
   425             -config "$config"
   426        if test $? -eq 0; then
   427           convert CRL pem der "${caroot}/crl/${CRLoutput}.pem"
   428           $CRL -in "${caroot}/crl/${CRLoutput}.pem" -noout -text
   429           echo "Updated CRL file is in ${caroot}/crl/${CRLoutput}.pem"
   430        else
   431           echo "CRL update failed."
   432        fi
   433  }
   435  function signcert {
   436        config=${casign}/$caconf
   438        if test ! -d ${casign}; then
   439           echo ""
   440           echo "${casign} does not exist. Create a new CA domain by running:"
   441           echo "      \"pki -f newca -a <CAname> -n <subjname>\""
   442           exit 1
   443        fi
   445        $X509 -x509toreq -in "$cert" -signkey newkey.pem -out tmp.pem
   446        $CA -config $config \
   447            -policy policy_anything \
   448            -md $digest \
   449            -passin pass:tcpsup \
   450            -extensions usr_cert_has_san \
   451            -out newcert.pem \
   452            -infiles tmp.pem
   453        $DISPLAY newcert.pem
   454        echo "Signed certificate is in newcert.pem"
   455  }
   457  function revoke {
   458        if test ! -d ${casign}; then
   459           echo ""
   460           echo "${casign} does not exist. Create a new CA domain by running:"
   461           echo "      \"pki -f newca -a <CAname> -n <subjname>\""
   462           exit 1
   463        fi
   465        config="${casign}/$caconf"
   467        $CA -revoke "$cert" \
   468            -keyfile "${casign}/private/cakey.pem" \
   469            -cert "${casign}/cacert.pem" \
   470            -crldays $crlexpiration \
   471            -passin pass:tcpsup \
   472            -config "$config" \
   473            ${CRLREASON}
   474        if test $? -eq 0; then
   475           echo "$cert revoked."
   476           gencrl
   477           convert CRL pem der "${casign}/crl/${CRLoutput}.pem"
   478        else
   479           echo "Revoke failed."
   480        fi
   481  }
   483  function subjalt {
   484     typeset ANS
   486     while [ "$ANS" != "Y" ]; do
   487       echo -n "IPv4 Identity (blank for none): "
   488       read IPV4ID
   489       echo -n "IPv6 Identity (blank for none): "
   490       read IPV6ID
   491       echo -n "FQDN Identity (blank for none): "
   492       read FQDNID
   493       echo -n "UserAtFQDN Identity (blank for none): "
   494       read EMAILID
   495       echo ""
   496       echo "IPv4 Identity: $IPV4ID"
   497       echo "IPv6 Identity: $IPV6ID"
   498       echo "FQDN Identity: $FQDNID"
   499       echo "UserAtFQDN Identity: $EMAILID"
   500       echo ""
   501       echo -n "Are the above correct? [Y/N]"
   502       read ANS
   503       ANS=$(echo "$ANS" | tr '[[:lower:]]' '[[:upper:]]')
   504     done
   506     if [ ! -z $IPV4ID ]; then
   507        IPV4ID="IP:$IPV4ID,"
   508     fi
   510     if [ ! -z $IPV6ID ]; then
   511        IPV6ID="IP:$IPV6ID,"
   512     fi
   514     if [ ! -z $FQDNID ]; then
   515        FQDNID="DNS:$FQDNID,"
   516     fi
   518     if [ ! -z $EMAILID ]; then
   519        EMAILID="email:$EMAILID,"
   520     fi
   522     subjectAltString=$(echo "$IPV4ID$IPV6ID$FQDNID$EMAILID" | sed 's/,$//')
   523     # example of setting subjectAltString using OIDs
   524     # subjectAltString="otherName:1.3.187;UTF8:04 17 43 41 49 58 41 20 45 43 4f 4e 4f 4d 49 43 41 20 46 45 44 45 52 41 4c,otherName:1.3.187;UTF8:04 35 31 39 30 38 31 39 37 37 32 35 30 39 35 32 39 37 38 31 37 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 31 39 35 34 30 33 32 36 38 36 44 45 54 52 41 4e 53 50,otherName:1.3.187;UTF8:04 0e 30 30 33 36 30 33 30 35 30 30 30 31 30 34,otherName:1.3.187;UTF8:04 19 44 41 56 49 53 4f 4e 20 4d 41 52 43 45 4c 20 50 41 53 51 55 41 4c 49 4e 49;$subjectAltString"
   525  }
   527  function mkcatree {
   528     mkdir -p ${caroot}/
   529     mkdir -p ${caroot}/certsdb
   530     mkdir -p ${caroot}/crl
   531     mkdir -p ${caroot}/private
   532     chmod -R 775 "${caroot}"
   533     chmod -R g+s "${caroot}"
   534     seed=$( od -x -N8 -An /dev/urandom | sed 's/[[:blank:]]//g' | tr '[[:lower:]]' '[[:upper:]]')
   535     echo "$seed" > "${caroot}/serial"
   536     echo "$seed" > "${caroot}/crlnumber"
   537     touch ${caroot}/index.txt
   539     if test -z "$subca"; then
   540       domain="$certauth"
   541     else
   542       domain="$subca"
   543     fi
   544     sed "s/\(DOMAIN[[:blank:]].*=[[:blank:]]\).*/\1$domain/" $baseconf  > ${caroot}/$caconf
   545  }
   547  function convert {
   548    cmd=$(echo $1| tr a-z A-z)
   549    old=$2
   550    new=$3
   551    src=$4
   552    name=${src%%.$old}
   553    eval \$${cmd} -in $src -inform $old -outform $new > $name.$new
   554  }
   556  while getopts "?hxf:n:d:l:s:e:a:c:k:t:p:b:K:E:C:m:r:R:o:S:X:" option
   557     do case "$option" in
   558           f)   function="$OPTARG"      ;;
   559           n)   subjectname="$OPTARG"   ;;
   560           d)   digest="$OPTARG"        ;;
   561           l)   keylength="$OPTARG"     ;;
   562           s)   startDate="$OPTARG"     ;;
   563           e)   endDate="$OPTARG"       ;;
   564           X)   crlexpiration="$OPTARG" ;;
   565           a)   certauth="$OPTARG"      ;;
   566           c)   cert="$OPTARG"          ;;
   567           x)   extensions="Y"          ;;
   568           t)   ktype="$OPTARG"         ;;
   569           k)   keyfile="$OPTARG"       ;;
   570           p)   prefix="$OPTARG"       ;;
   571           b)   subca="$OPTARG"         ;;
   572           K)   KUstring="$OPTARG"      ;;
   573           E)   EKUstring="$OPTARG"     ;;
   574           C)   CDP="$OPTARG"           ;;
   575           m)   revreason="$OPTARG"     ;;
   576           r)   CDPreason="$OPTARG"     ;;
   577           R)   IDPreason="$OPTARG"     ;;
   578           o)   CRLoutput="$OPTARG"     ;;
   579           S)   subjectAltString="$OPTARG";extensions="Y" ;;
   580       ?|h|*)   usage
   581                exit 1
   582                ;;
   583        esac
   584     done
   585  shift $(($OPTIND-1))
   587  : ${function:="newcert"}
   588  : ${subjectname:="/C=US/ST=NC/L=NC/O=IBM/O=FVT/CN=MVS TEST CERT"}
   589  : ${digest:="sha1"}
   590  : ${crlexpiration:="7300"}
   591  : ${expiration:="7300"}
   592  : ${keyfile:="newkey.pem"}
   593  : ${extensions:="N"}
   594  : ${ktype:="rsa"}
   595  : ${cert:="$HOME/newcert.pem"}
   596  : ${prefix:="new."}
   597  : ${KUstring:=""}
   598  : ${CDP:="yes"}
   599  : ${CDPreason:=""}
   600  : ${IDPreason:=""}
   601  : ${CRLoutput:="crl"}
   602  : ${inform:="pem"}
   603  : ${outform:="der"}
   605  next_year=$(($(date +"%g")+1))
   606  one_year=$(date +"$next_year%m%d%H%M%SZ")
   607  now=$(date +"%g%m%d%H%M%SZ")
   608  test -z "$startDate" && startDate=$now
   609  test -z "$endDate" && endDate=$one_year
   611  if test ${cert##*.} = 'der'; then
   612     inform=der
   613     outform=pem
   614  fi
   616  if ! test -z "$revreason"; then
   617     CRLREASON="-crl_reason $revreason"
   618  fi
   620  id_kp_ipsecIKE=""
   621  anyExtendedKeyUsage=""
   622  certout="$HOME/${prefix}cert"
   623  keyout="$HOME/${prefix}key"
   624  reqout="$HOME/${prefix}req.pem"
   625  pkcs12out="$HOME/${prefix}pkcs12.p12"
   626  tmpcertlist="$HOME/${prefix}"
   628  if [ -z "$OPENSSL" ]; then OPENSSL=/usr/bin/openssl; fi
   630  if test "$subca" = "$certauth" -a "$function" = newsub; then
   631     echo "New intermediate CA ( '$subca' ) == Signing CA ( '$certauth' )"
   632     echo "Not allowed."
   633     exit 1
   634  fi
   636  FABRIC_CA="${GOPATH}/src/"
   637  TESTDATA="$FABRIC_CA/testdata"
   638  certdir="/tmp"
   639  baseconf="$TESTDATA/openssl.cnf.base"
   640  keyparmdir="$TESTDATA/keyparms"
   641  caconf="${baseconf##*/}"
   642  caexpire="7300"   # 20 years
   643  if test -z "$subca"; then
   644     caroot=$certdir/CAs/$certauth
   645  else
   646     caroot=$certdir/CAs/$subca
   647  fi
   648  casign=$certdir/CAs/$certauth
   649  cakey=cakey.pem
   650  careq=careq.pem
   651  cacert=cacert
   652  REQ="$OPENSSL req"
   653  CA="$OPENSSL ca"
   654  VERIFY="$OPENSSL verify"
   655  X509="$OPENSSL x509"
   656  RSA="$OPENSSL rsa"
   657  DSA="$OPENSSL dsa"
   658  EC="$OPENSSL ec"
   659  CRL="$OPENSSL crl"
   660  GENCRL="$CA -gencrl"
   661  PKCS12="$OPENSSL pkcs12"
   662  DISPLAY="$X509 -noout -text -certopt no_header -nameopt RFC2253 -in "
   666  if test "$ktype" = rsa; then
   667     if test -z "$keylength"; then keylength=1024; fi
   668     keytype="rsa:$keylength"
   669  elif test "$ktype" = dsa -o "$ktype" = ec; then
   670     if test -z "$keylength"; then keylength=256; fi
   671     if test -f "$keyparmdir/$ktype$keylength" ; then
   672        keytype="$ktype:$keyparmdir/$ktype$keylength"
   673     else echo "Unsupported keytype:  $ktype,$keylength"
   674          exit 1;
   675     fi
   676  else echo "Unsupported keytype:  $ktype,$keylength"
   677        exit 1;
   678  fi
   681  case $function in
   682     display) if test -f "$cert"; then
   683                 $DISPLAY "$cert"
   684              else
   685                 echo "$cert not found"
   686                 exit 1
   687              fi
   688              ;;
   689     dispcrl)  dispcrl  ;;
   690     newcert)  newcert  ;;
   691     newreq)   newreq   ;;
   692     newca)    newca    ;;
   693     newsub)   newsub   ;;
   694     gencrl)   gencrl   ;;
   695     revoke)   revoke   ;;
   696     signreq)  signreq  ;;
   697     signcert) signcert ;;
   698     pkcs12)   pkcs12   ;;
   699     convert)  convert X509 $inform $outform $cert ;;
   700     *) exit 0
   701  esac